The Thin Man
The Thin Man
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The Thin Man

The Thin Man

Romance, Comedy
1h 31m
Comedy-mystery featuring Nick and Nora Charles: a former detective and his rich, playful wife. They solve a murder case mostly for the fun of it. (imdb)

The Thin Man

Romance, Comedy
1h 31m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 69.03% from 1082 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 16 Aug 2008
There is nothing like this being made in current Hollywood. Powell and Loy are so great together that is just wonderful to watch them play off each other.
Rated 27 Sep 2007
William and Myrna are tops. And it's 1934--right after Prohibition. And they're practically gloating about it! Definitely one to watch right after the keg arrives.
Rated 24 Dec 2011
A routine programmer . . . but then the magic happened. A fine Hackett-Goodrich screenplay, the great chemistry between Powell and Loy (two of the most charming, ironic actors ever to appear on screen) plus One Shot Woody's breezy no-nonsense direction and a memorable supporting cast helped create a whole much greater than the sum of its parts
Rated 09 Sep 2020
The film is like most current tv sitcoms--and not due to the vaudevillian sense of humor. But because appreciation of it will depend on your affinity for the characters. While their drinking is ridiculous (and probably calls for an intervention), the back and forth bickering & relationship is cool. I wish a more time had been put into the actual mystery and the detective work of solving it; as even for classic Hollywood cinema the ending is rushed. Still, it has its charms.
Rated 25 Apr 2017
I've watched this movie 5 times and still can't remember its twists and turns, nor even who done it, off the top of my head. But that doesn't matter. It's Nick and Nora (Powell and Loy) that make this movie, not a minor thing like the plot. They stand out in all of Hollywood for their chemistry, dialogue, comportment and drinking. The rest of the cast and script ain't too shabby either. May be the most downright enjoyable film I've seen.
Rated 16 Sep 2012
"I read you were shot 5 times in the tabloids." "It's not true. He didn't come anywhere near my tabloids."
Rated 24 Dec 2008
Great film, great story and the greatest pairing in film history. William Powell and Myrna Loy are perfect (they starred in a record 16 films together!) as Nick and Norah in a great adaption of a great book. The only downside is some poor acting by some of the supporting cast.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
So-so detective story gets a boost from its comic touches. I'm not at all a fan of alcohol humor (or drunk acting, which is done badly 95% of the time), still I thought some of the one-liners were pretty good. The movie takes a bit too long to get going, it's 10 minutes before you even meet Nick & Nora, but after that the pace is solid. I'd watch another one of these, but I'm not really dying to. I liked Asta.
Rated 08 Dec 2015
The murder mystery itself gets a little convoluted and hard-to-follow at times, but it doesn't really matter much since the entire appeal of this film comes from Loy and Powell's insanely infectious on-screen chemistry. Their relationship feels authentic and genuine and fun and the two of them are so charismatic and charming and witty that you just want to spend every minute watching them. That muddled mystery stuff? That's secondary, and the movie is better for it.
Rated 29 Oct 2015
Carried primarily by the humor and chemistry of powell and loy. The mystery is ok; it gets a bit too madcap by the end and the resolution is abrupt. Very funny film though.
Rated 21 Nov 2013
I'm afraid I didn't see the big deal about this movie. I get that the chemistry between the two leads is meant to be the primary highlight, and it was nice, but hardly enough to sustain the entire film for me. They almost focused more on the dog, which was apparently quite famous in the '30s. I didn't find the mystery particularly intriguing, nor the resolution very shocking or satisfying. It has a couple of witty moments, but otherwise, I didn't think it was anything special.
Rated 21 Jan 2013
Hammett's novel is quite different, with more focus on the mother and daughter as suspects and femme fatales. But amping up the comedy works splendidly, with Powell and Loy sharing terrific chemestry and performing hilariously. It's great!
Rated 04 Dec 2011
"Is there anything else you can tell me about this case?" "Yes, it's put me way behind on my drinking." A very convoluted whodunit I'm going to have to watch twice to figure it all out. I love the bantering between the two main characters. I had plenty of laugh-out-loud moments.
Rated 25 Mar 2011
Funny, entertaining, witty with fantastic duet Powell Loy.
Rated 21 Mar 2011
The best part about this movie is just how fantastic the two lead actors play off one another. You get a sense that their relationship is very real and that they are totally in love with each other. This leads to a mystery being solved with a playful air that really feels satisfying. You come to really like this couple and want to see them continue their escapades well after the curtain call.
Rated 16 Jan 2011
William Powell and Myrna Loy are probably the greatest on-screen couple of all time and they are absolutely brilliant in The Thin Man. You can't care too much about the mystery, because it's all about them. Oh yeah, I can't forget Asta, cinema's most charming dog.
Rated 11 Mar 2009
Very straightforward adaptation of Hammett, with one difference: the chemistry between Powell and Loy that lit up the screen and launched a thousand ships. Figuratively speaking.
Rated 08 Oct 2007
Great writing, great acting. Myrna Loy is hot.
Rated 17 Sep 2007
One of the greatest couples in movie history. Watch out or they drink you under the table.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Ah, Nick Charles, the original alcoholic detective.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
Rated 12 Dec 2006
Powell and Loy make a great team and the mystery aspect combines perfectly with the comedy.
Rated 28 Apr 2021
Nick and Nora have such a lovely chemistry that it retroactively makes me wonder why most detective stories from the last 90 years do not star a bickering crime-solving couple of drunk vacationers.
Rated 03 Apr 2021
This adaptation of Dashiell Hammett's novel is a good mystery, but that's really beside the point. The mystery is a device for delivering a delightful screwball comedy where Powell and Loy are superhumanly charming and lob tipsy banter at each other. I'd watch the film if there was no mystery and I'd still love it. That said, when Powell does become fully engaged and solves the mystery in an almost off-hand way, it's equally delightful.
Rated 18 Mar 2021
The mystery isn't all that exciting, at least until a brilliant suspects-gathered finale, nor is it aesthetically very pleasing. It succeeds almost entirely by charm. The pre-code sauciness and eccentric chemistry between Loy and Powell have been this film's claim to fame, and rightfully so.
Rated 05 Apr 2020
The amount of alcohol consumed in "The Thin Man" is cringe-worthy. However, the movie is lighthearted and enjoyable to watch.
Rated 31 Jan 2020
All of the Powell/Loy banter is absolutely fantastic, their onscreen chemistry is astounding, they sparkle. The mystery around them... is really quite badly constructed? Despite long stretches of exposition (without the couple we came for), relevant details slip right by the viewer, and despite many cutaways to implicit perfidy, the true identity of the murderer is impossible to figure out before it's revealed. Nick and Nora are worth pushing thru for, but they deserve better support.
Rated 25 Dec 2018
God I'd love a version of this with, like, 75% less plot and with John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands as Nick and Nora...
Rated 02 Jul 2018
Rated 29 Jun 2018
Alcoholism: the movie.
Rated 11 Mar 2017
Tales of a drunken detective and their cute dog.
Rated 31 Dec 2015
Não é um mistério muito intrincado, mas eu havia esquecido o quanto as personagens da Hollywood dos anos 30 são as mais charmosas da história do cinema, tanto em termos de carisma dos atores, quando de diálogos afiadíssimos.
Rated 17 Apr 2015
This is the world as seen by a drunk. The fact that there was a murder seems an afterthought to a series of comic dialogues showing how witty and humorous alcoholics think they are.
Rated 02 Feb 2015
It's a FUN movie for sure, but a lot of jokes feel outdated which is to be expected after 80 years. It's more amusing than really laugh-out-loud funny. Best things about it are the chemistry between Powell and Loy, constant sipping of cocktails (which feels very un-PC nowadays) and the sarcastic dialogue which is delivered at a rapid pace. There's a lot here that current Hollywood could learn from.
Rated 14 Jul 2014
Wasn't as funny as advertised but it wasn't bad. Feels average it mostly every way.
Rated 27 Mar 2013
May not be the best movie of the 1930's, but its combination of a wonderfully convoluted murder plot with two utterly charismatic leads, dropping almost Lubitsch-like innuendos may make it the perfect 1930's movie.
Rated 15 Mar 2013
A well made screwball whodunit that is carried by great chemistry between the two leads. Enjoyable light movie that didn't particularly move me in anyway, but I respect the writing and sense of comedic timing.
Rated 01 Mar 2013
Superb! One of the great drunken couples! William Powell & Myrna Loy teaming for the second time and the first time for real as this is where they find their chemistry. And what a complex and fast paced murder mystery filled with all kinds of characters and witty remarks. This is one of those movies that just gives you a great big smile! W.S. Van Dyke shot this film in just 12 days and it turned out to be great making a big profit and becoming one of the most entertaining movies of 1934!
Rated 27 Oct 2012
Powell and Loy are just so much fun together, that they more than make up for the clumsy directing.
Rated 05 Mar 2012
A little slow to begin with, but once Nick and Norah are on the case, the time just flies. What a great couple.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
Overrated. The first half was very boring. The playful banter between man and wife is nice and all but it doesnt make up a movie alone, most of other attempts at comedy were weak and unreal. Luckily it takes up some pace in the second half. Okish on overall.
Rated 28 Dec 2011
This film is so poor technically that it takes away from its few charming aspects. Pretty pedestrian private dick flick.
Rated 07 Aug 2011
A supreme entertainment, a grand screenplay, a grand leading pair, grand flair for mixing comedy and crime mystery. And the perfectly timed and amusing bits with the dog. Do you want more? I certainly do.
Rated 23 Nov 2010
Myrna Loy and William Powell are simply fantastic. Also, dear Asta I am a fan.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
This thin man will give you your fill of witty dialogue, great acting chemistry......and Asta too!! highly recommended.
Rated 27 Jun 2009
A strange perversion of a Hammett novel--anyone who has ever read Hammett would never think that the weird who-dunnit part would fit or especially the humor, but it makes up for it's failings by being original and has an impressive last twenty minutes that I quite enjoyed.
Rated 17 Jan 2009
Too much murder plot, not enough drinking and being nonchalant. Yet respect has to be paid to Powell's and Loy's style and chemistry - all 15 min. worth of it.
Rated 16 Nov 2007
love it.
Rated 23 Oct 2007
Truly a delight. The dialogue is what's best here, the chemistry between Powell and Loy is palpable. In terms of tone and atmosphere, this strikes me as something of a forerunner of Soderbergh's Oceans movies.
Rated 31 Mar 2007
Martinis and murder.
Rated 03 Jul 2024
Playing with guns while intoxicated. That's the spirit.
Rated 08 Sep 2022
One of Hollywood's early jewels. It is entertaining, pacey, and funny at times. Not a great/smart detective movie by today's standards (or rather by 40's and 50's standards, today's standards are unfortunately awful), but one must remember that this was one of the earliest examples of sound era.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
Cute doggo, charismatic straight couple (I still can’t believe it!), fantastic comedy, cool mystery, good dialogue and wonderful introductions. An absolute blast :D, as Nick said: “For tomorrow may bring sorrow, so tonight let us be gay”
Rated 01 Mar 2021
I don't think you can ask much more from a film: genuinely funny dialogue, fedoras, quick pace, a dog and a shit load of alcohol.
Rated 07 Dec 2020
A bit of a weird narrative structure, but watch it for the unique scenes and witty repartee.
Rated 16 Feb 2020
Powell and Loy showcase their dazzling chemistry as cinema's most lovable alcoholics, with witty, drunken banter taking centre stage over the thin detective mystery. It's barely to the film's detriment that it focuses so little on story though, because it's so charming and breezy that it's nigh impossible not to have a blast watching it.
Rated 18 Dec 2013
I am already a huge fan of Noir detective novels, it is really no wonder why I love the movie with a twist of comedy in it. I wouldn't consider this a romance by any means, but the casting was impeccable. I do wish there was a little bit more in the filming--not just an occasional nod to noir films, but a full blown, noir lighting extravaganza. Just not enough shadows for me.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
dedektiflik, polisiye, kayip, cinayet, bilim adami
Rated 07 Oct 2011
Dyke isn't much as a stylist, but he doesn't interfere with the film's comic touches either, so credit for that much. And while the film is rarely laugh-out-loud funny, it's usually amusing, and the whodunit is nice and convoluted, with a particularly great climax. What stands out most is Nick and Nora's relationship: their playful banter and genuinely good-natured romance is surprisingly warm given their raging alcoholism and all that.
Rated 02 Mar 2008
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