The Square
The Square
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The Square

The Square

Comedy, Drama
2h 31m
Christian is the successful curator of a modern art museum - he lives in the epicenter of the art community and takes his work very seriously. A few days before the opening of the prestigious exhibition The Square he is mugged, which he can neither shake off or let pass unnoticed. Christian embarks on a hunt for the perpetrator and ends up in situations that turn steadily more amusing, and make him question his own moral compass. (imdb)

The Square

Comedy, Drama
2h 31m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 60.83% from 1538 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 02 Feb 2018
How this movie critiques and has empathy for its characters decisions simultaneously is just marvelous. The window to do the right thing is always closing in this well-constructed piece of wisdom. Actions are always too much or not enough. Communication is a bitch. Expectations are its enemy. Art is useless. Art is the only hope. The Square gives these blunt statements the complex and critical context they need and deserve to be destroyed - and therefore to be turned into something meaningful.
Rated 03 Mar 2018
Still not sure if Östlund's satire is that of a cold-hearted cynic or someone outraged at society, though this makes me lean slightly more toward the former. Then again, part of the beauty of The Square is that it asks the audience to fill in its own moral - ironically, much like the art it satirizes. In the meantime, it's funny and cringey as hell, as you'd expect.
Rated 02 Dec 2017
Favorite movie of the year thus far. It's like Holy Motors done by Haneke. If I could put it into one word, it's - scathing. A satire on all fronts, depicting its protagonist with a thousand shades of hypocrisy - contradictions he's aware of, and others he never will be. This has at least four scenes that would make a top ten of the year. A fascinating experience that winds its way from hilarity, painful awkwardness, through stretches of social terror, and back to explosive hilarity. Great film.
Rated 30 Nov 2017
Much to my unbridled delight, Östlund raises some thoughtful ideas on human behavior and modern society through a series of sharp and amusing vignettes, though I can't help but feel his eyes were bigger than his stomach. In keeping with its apparent ambition, the film would've fared better with a more interesting story/plot, not to mention, a less bloated and self-indulgent running time. It's still quite funny at times and Terry Notary's one-and-only scene is a killer.
Rated 05 Nov 2017
Ostlund is a great director from a formal standpoint. The Square has a lot of highly aesthetic, interesting, and memorable scenes touching on various themes, but none of these themes are fully explored, which squanders their polemical/satirical potential. It's possible some of it is meant to be funny, but it isn't. Worse yet, as a story it doesn't really cohere and tie together into the persuasive whole that Ostlund seems to envision. I was curious at first and agitated in the last hour.
Rated 12 Jul 2023
Mal mısınız bu puanları verenler hadi cannes siktir et onlar bu filmdeki entellerden farkları yok da saf halk size noluyor. Güldür güldüre de 80 verin aq salakları sizi beyinsiz sürüsü
Rated 20 May 2018
States the too obvious pretentiousness and nonsense of contemporary art world and its progressive neoliberal people. Ostlund does constantly criticize and ridicule the absurdity of this "sense-less", measured yet hollow world which justifies itself with an equally hollow jargon of political correctness. Yet, what is his suggestion against this? Should our curator be less pc and more authentic? What does this offer other than a cliche Ideologiekritik with a copy-paste cinematic style?
Rated 28 Apr 2018
the titular motif is served well by ostlund's boxed in compositions and use of invasive off-screen sound, while his staging does justice to andersson and bunuel comparisons (THAT set-piece), but it's very obviously a first draft (a re-edit was rumored pre-cannes). without haneke-level discipline, a snarky satire on the hypocrisy of privileged, 'civilised' liberal/patriarchal institutions really needs more of its jokes to land (tourettes, ruben?...). i'll stick with my lanthimos on that score.
Rated 06 Apr 2019
It was OK, but I don't see where Östlund is getting. Should we be less politically-correct? Is that the message? Feels like a confused film.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
I can forgive Östlund for the ending that drags a bit because everything else is just amazing. Funny, controversial and thought-provocing.
Rated 17 Nov 2017
I think the director moves from state-telling, where he was so successful in Force Majeure, to story-telling where he becomes winding at times. Still a nice watch.
Rated 31 Oct 2017
Viewed October 29, 2017. If The Square wasn't funny, it'd come across as rather annoying and didactic. Luckily, it's really funny. A pessimistic take on trust and the increasing lack of it in the 21st century. I'm still picking it apart, but there's at least 3 sequences in there that strike me as perfect.
Rated 22 Sep 2024
Östlund simultaneously mocks and acknowledges the critical importance of modern/contemporary art when it comes to insights into the human condition. Most obviously this is the restatement of Oleg Kulik's critique of risk-averse 'gallery goers', manifested here through Terry Notary's quite remarkable primeval performance. Less obvious, but more important, is Östlund's argument that human's are unique in creating noetically transformative symbols as art, which is beyond even our primate cousins.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Dallama filmbroların övmezse karizmasının çizileceği film. 3.izleyişte de aynı sıkıcılıta.
Rated 21 Feb 2021
More of a series of arthouse shorts in a loosely connected anthology than a full movie. A few of the set pieces are visionary, but many are overlong and indulgent of obscure artistic sentiments that never really come through for the viewer. Why do these "great artist" types of filmmakers never have real editors to cut the fat??
Rated 28 Oct 2020
A more bombastic version of Haneke that is at times incomprehensibly genius. I don't know if all the pieces ended up fitting, the end certainly lacks sting, but damn the critique here is just relentless.
Rated 26 May 2019
Utterly fascinating contemplation of the human condition, whose reach occasionally exceeds its grasp, but never stops being thought provoking, and entertaining, in its dissection of social mores and artistic pretension, coming to a head in the staggering (and unsettling) dinner party scene. Bang is perfect as the bimbo-ish 'hero' of the piece, though the entire cast is terrific, starting with Moss' intense news reporter.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
~~we need to skewer patrician swedish society—uncovering the scared, frothing maelstrom beneath its hypocrisy. get me McNulty from The Wire, Bobby McFerrin, and a motion capture guy from those monkey films~~
Rated 06 Apr 2018
This film has singlehandedly ruined exhibitions for me
Rated 01 Apr 2018
kinda lopsided in its portrayal of social adversity, but then again 2 hours only let you point out so much. and it points out a lot. like...a lot. it's in parts a tourguide to the human condition. very impressive, but being from sweden, östlund has to have a pretty good idea of the ailments in the so called "progressive" postmodern societies.
Rated 27 Mar 2018
Felt to me like a modern-day Pierrot le Fou. There is so much to dissect and analyze within the Square. Full of excellent performances and memorable scenes.
Rated 21 Mar 2018
From laugh out loud funny to deeply disturbing. Though provoking and brilliantly observant but it wont be to everyone's taste and has a slightly over long run time.
Rated 16 Feb 2018
While far less controlled than Force Majeure, its mosaic of interpersonal dynamics and sociopolitical observations warrants such an ambitious, web-like narrative. It's as wickedly comical as it is undeniably, potently sad. Östlund is a keen observer of human behaviour and its myriad contradictions, hypocrisies, and absurdities. Yes, we might laugh, but we laugh while being confronted with our own shortcomings and failures as a society. This one will be sitting with me for a while.
Rated 26 Jan 2018
The farther I go from the movie theater, the less I know what I think of it. To me it's a good sign, as long as there's enough meat to think and rethink and question and wonder about. It's far from being a film for everyone, but it knows it's place and doing it's own thing gracefuly, which is a rare achivement. For an artsy art and philosophy lover like myself, it is a treat.
Rated 21 Jan 2018
The humor does indeed come from the discrepancy between what the antiseptic theorists wanted to launch and what primate chaos they get instead. This concept does sustain quite a few brilliant satiric skits, but the cumulative havoc it wreaks is similar to when we don't give money to the beggar in the streets.
Rated 18 Jan 2018
I can ignore the irrelevant vignettes or headless subplots that plague the film - even the absurd main plot device - because it's actually quite an interesting satire with a very good lead in Claes Bang, neat production design and appealing themes. What I can't ignore is the prolonged, nonsensical final act that beats the viewer on the head with basic ideas that have already been expressed more eloquently in the first part. It's nowhere near focused enough and thus a great deal less powerful.
Rated 25 Dec 2017
Amusing. Claes Bang carries the film really well.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
A nice way of displaying nordic culture and the behaviour of the people from that region. We have lost sympathy and empathy. Every time we need to help one another we are lost in confusion and unwilling to react.
Rated 12 Nov 2017
Weird and smart and funny and weird again.
Rated 17 Oct 2017
Funny, intelligent and good looking. The story is made up out of little things which form the big picture. The Square deals with the lines between privacy and public life and the rules we follow, as absurd they may be. Never makes fun of the art, because art is life, but of the circus that comes with it. Loved it!
Rated 25 Jun 2017
The best scenes are formidable and plays like a cold, Scandinavian version of The Great Beauty. The rest is in need of shorter cut.
Rated 21 Sep 2024
Rated 19 Feb 2024
It's very possible that a much better movie is in here somewhere, waiting to be properly edited. As it stands there is so much to like, and so much promise, but often fails to deliver on those promises. It's a bit frustrating to witness such an incredible visual presence, but they keep dropping the ball. In an odd way, appropriate companion piece to Trust ('90) which I just watched, although more evident is an apparent fixation on turn of the century Haneke.
Rated 09 May 2023
Sanat, galeri, hırsızlık, modern sanat, İkiye bölüp izledim. Aslında fena değildi ama ikiye bölünce pek keyif vermedi.
Rated 27 Jan 2023
A little too contrived at times (just call the cops) but it’s really fucking funny
Rated 17 Dec 2022
Not Östlund's best or most cohesive imo, yet there's still treasure in his acerbic send-up of the art world. Approach it like going to a museum: you're not going to "get" every piece, but you'll surely find something provocative. Claes Bang plays a wonderful scoundrel.
Rated 20 Nov 2022
Once Ostlund figures out how to tie everything together or when to end the film, he'll become an exceptional director.
Rated 17 Aug 2022
The premise is interesting- the tension between inclusive liberalism (for many exemplified by Swedes) and "classical" liberalism (for many exemplified by Danes) is very noticeable in cosmopolitan Scandinavia. Bang makes it work, mostly, but the film is too long and it's been done better - it feels like an "inclusive" Swedish director isn't going to have the balls to land a killshot satire like this deserves. Also did I miss something or was that ghetto apartment complex meant to be in Södermalm?
Rated 31 May 2022
The film criticize the contemporary art hypocrisy of talking about how a good and just society should look like, while being a product made for high class circles with the main real purpose of being a divertissement. When the 1% is in front of the real society, it is scared and clumsy. But the movie is guilty of the same hypocrisy: Building edgy images for the sake of it, satirizing with inner-circle meta symbolism, talking down on people.
Rated 29 May 2022
150 minute pretentious loser movie making fun of pretentious losers. Cannes at its finest
Rated 06 Aug 2021
"You Have Nothing"/???????????????????/??????/"???????-????"/???????????????/????????/???????????????????????????????????????????????????"??????????"/7-11?????????????????/??????????????
Rated 22 Jul 2021
Really liked this one. Some funny observations of human behavior are included in the scenes.
Rated 18 Feb 2021
Long, boring liberal propaganda. Pure crap.
Rated 30 Jan 2021
Rated 23 Aug 2020
There are no conclusions to be drawn from the fact that I recently purchased a pair of red-framed glasses (albeit quite a dark red, not so much in the Sally Jessy Raphael direction) and also that the only keyboard music I can play is Bach’s Praeludium #1, right?
Rated 25 Jul 2020
a few dud moments, and instances of forced acting but overall it's a pretty good teardown of the irredeemable symptoms of neoliberal bourgeois (scandinavian) society
Rated 25 Jun 2020
Pretty enjoyable watch but the hardest I laughed was at the run time. I did love the recurring theme and Bang is a great lead. Mcnulty was a very welcome surprise
Rated 05 May 2020
Alt yapi guzel ancak ust yapi ona ayak uyduramiyor. Bu sebeple de bir sinema filminden çok boluk porcuk bir anlatima sahip skecler butunu ortaya cikiyor.
Rated 06 Jan 2020
Violence without blood
Rated 14 Jun 2019
Rated 02 Dec 2018
Very nice sound world.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
it is quite a shame that the square the art piece was actually quite thought provoking
Rated 24 Nov 2018
Couple of hilarious scenes (notably the one on the poster) and beautiful psychological details again - Östlund is one to watch!
Rated 01 Oct 2018
The more I think about this film, the more I like it. Each scene is beautifully funny and awkward and in some way explores the big themes of the seemingly ridiculous artwork, The Square: Can any object placed in a frame become art? Is equality always utopian? Should popularity influence significance? Some scenes did feel like they were drifting away on their own a little though.
Rated 09 Aug 2018
Östlund circles, for 2.5 hours, the idea of art that speaks, but does nothing (by way of the same) and a notion of masculinity from which the world has long since moved on, apparently leaving Östlund behind. Both art-on-art and the stressed alpha male straddle the line between vapidity and provocation, demanding careful, socioculturally sensitive positioning to take flight. Either, alone, is a challenge. Ruben “What Bechdel test?” Östlund chose to kill both birds with the same movie.
Rated 28 Jun 2018
This is what happens when a screenwriter just starts typing away with no outline and no editing. This film is both intentionally and unintentionally absurd. The commentary and comedy style is very specific to Swedish culture, which an outsider might find dull and pretentious.
Rated 24 Jun 2018
The ape scene was spectacular!
Rated 05 Jun 2018
crticism raised against especially high class with satirical texture
Rated 05 Apr 2018
Very good, the acting is incredible and I really like the abstract and surreal details, they give a dream like effect and a connection to the subject which is quite unique.
Rated 12 Mar 2018
This one definitely needs a second watch. Powerful at times, really funny at times, thought provoking at times, and a really good film overall. But it does have some extra bits that I couldn't place. The message is good, character development is good but some scenes did not add anything to the film, was just there for the message, which is something I don't like that much.
Rated 09 Mar 2018
An impressive if slightly too long follow-up to Force Majeure.
Rated 03 Mar 2018
Bölük börçük parçık pincik.
Rated 03 Mar 2018
Amusing and strange and weird all at the same time. Some unsettling moments followed by things that make you wonder what the heck is going on.
Rated 02 Mar 2018
felt kind of scattered, didn't grab me as much as I thought it would
Rated 22 Feb 2018
A film that holds up the mirror to its presumably well-educated audience: The irony of exhibiting an artistic safe space while ignoring people in need on a daily base is delicious. Östlund makes his audience feel self-conscious and uncomfortable on an ethical, but also physical level. A challenging movie for all artsy people out there.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
Haneke and Bunuel meets with Roy Andersson.. Very good film.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
I couldn't understand what the director exactly did but the movie made me forget that I was sitting in a room with people watching the movie, which is an extremely rare occassion considering the simple attempts of others to break the so-called fourth wall. What Östlung did was to break the screen and allowed us inside his movie.
Rated 14 Feb 2018
Rated 12 Feb 2018
it doesnt say anything new.
Rated 09 Feb 2018
Its confused nature and plotlessness are more of a bug than a feature. Maybe it was trying to say something about the bystander syndrome but, ironically, the one time it actually was about to say something, it kept itself at bay.
Rated 08 Feb 2018
Quite funny at its best, but ultimately disappointing. Toni Erdmann it is not.
Rated 01 Feb 2018
ilgi çekici fikirleri olmasına rağmen yapabileceklerinden fazlasına yeltenmesi ve bunları hayli dağınık biçimde ortaya atması anlatı açısından fazla sorun çıkartıyor. gayet iyi başlıyor olsa da uzun süresi bir noktadan sonra anlatının dağılmasıyla boğuyor. yergiyi övülemeyecek kadar rahatsız edici biçimde kuruşu özel bir başarı ama film ve anlatı olarak hırsının işaret ettiğiyle olduğu arasında ciddi fark var.
Rated 29 Jan 2018
o vídeo é maravilhoso
Rated 21 Jan 2018
This has flashes of brilliance; some of the most memorable and compelling scenes I've seen in any film this year (Terry Notary's scene in particular is something else), some terrific performances and the same ruthless satirical edge Östlund showed in Force Majeure, taking on the world of high art and upper class indifference. It also works really well as a character study despite it's sprawling episodic structure. It's also way too long, and uneven by design, but a compelling film nonetheless.
Rated 01 Jan 2018
Masterfully directed and boasts some of the most curiously nail-bitingly intense sequences of the year, plus it's edited to perfection. It's far less linear and a lot more mosaic than Force Majeure, with some very dramatic story-strands ending suddenly with no follow-up, yet it's not a stretch to piece all this together and get a clear idea of what seems to a reasonably upsetting portrayal of modern day responsibility gone awry.
Rated 20 Dec 2017
Bizarre and wonderful, the scene which features on the poster was one of the greatest I've seen in a long time. This is the kind of absurd film that gives you a lot to think about, and talk about afterwards.
Rated 05 Dec 2017
I laughed a lot while watching this. Basically this is a long nightmare of a 30-something art curator. But, some scenes are too much sketch comedy, and all characters except the main character are one sided. Criticism of the art world most of the conservatives would relate to.
Rated 26 Nov 2017
Cok fazla konuya temas etmek istiyor ve bunu da cok iyi beceriyor fakat ister istemez bazi yerlerde filmin ana akisindan kopuk skec vari sahneler de var. Cok etkileyici ve rahatsiz edici. Finalde orta yolcu davranmamasi da ekstra puan.
Rated 22 Nov 2017
A bunch of 1st world problems which are effects, suburban people life. Dark humor, prejudgment etc. Got potential but screenwriter keeps it lite.
Rated 08 Nov 2017
It starts interesting but ties to ordinary cinema. p.s. movie is only about %10 in english.
Rated 12 Oct 2017
SineBu'ya gelince kesin bir daha izlerimm.
Rated 01 Oct 2017
Filmekimi - Rexx.
Rated 24 Sep 2017
The Square is a weird movie, but I dug it. If you're open to off-kilter projects, it is worth your time.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
Maybe it's the fact that I've missed the first 25 minutes, but I was never fully engaged with the movie. It was never boring, but nothing more than just some funny and clever scenes
Rated 13 Sep 2017
Intriguing and uncomfortable
Rated 28 Aug 2017
Just like that, Ruben Östlund went from one to watch to one of my favorites. The Square is fantastic, solid all the way down. Beautifully shot.
Rated 26 Aug 2017
fantastisk, eller vad man säger


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