The Runaways
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The Runaways

1h 46m
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Avg Percentile 43.48% from 774 total ratings

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Rated 21 Sep 2010
Sigismondi seems to think that she is directing another music video. Script of this film is thin and pointless; it is all about bright colorful lights, loud music and girls in little clothing 'promoting their crotches'. People who have weird sexual fantasies about Dakota Fanning will love this film. If glam rock really felt like this film, people should have invented hardcore punk even sooner.
Rated 13 Jun 2010
Who knew dull little Bella from those vampire movies had it in her to play one of cinema's hottest baby dykes in recent memory? She oozes pure sex here, the chemistry between her and Fanning really drives the film. Unfortunately I really wanted this to be a lesbian Velvet Goldmine and it ain't. The script is thin and uneven, padded with bland audience friendly comedy and family drama. Its the beautifully glossy 70s drug-fueled rock montages where Sigismondi finally lets loose.
Rated 22 Mar 2010
As soon as I left the theatre I wanted to turn around, walk back in, and watch it again, so that must be saying something. The film is by no means perfect - it's not terribly deep and focuses way too much attention on the asshole producer, but I really enjoyed it all the same. Stewart and Fanning were surprisingly good in this - I suppose all they needed was some competent direction. The music is great too.
Rated 24 Jul 2012
The Runaways were a below average band, making uninteresting music. Turns out their story isn't all that fascinating either.
Rated 06 Oct 2010
I can't honestly say I give a shit about Joan Jett nor would I have ever thought I'd watch a movie based on her. Very typical "rise of a rock star" story... fame, drugs and drama. Who cares. Can't say the acting was terrible for Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewert, but they should probably stick to boning vampires or whatever it is they do.
Rated 24 Apr 2010
The thin script--based by first-time director Sigismondi on Cherie Currie's autobiography--is centered on Currie but really wants to be about Joan Jett. And that's a problem. Kristen Stewart as Jett is guarded, suggesting hidden depths and motivations, but Dakota Fanning as Currie is flashy and bland, nothing but jailbait eye candy. In other words . . . just like the members of the original band.
Rated 10 Jun 2010
Outstanding performances by this girls, beyond my limited expectations. Fantastic story telling about a fascinating group of women during my favorite decade. Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll. And then some.
Rated 03 Apr 2010
Really quite disappointing. Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart were both good in their roles, but nothing two special. Michael Shannon was highly entertaining, but way too unrestrained by the director. The music sequences were great. Yet the story suffered from having way too many dangling loose subplots. The film relies on shock and in-your-face style rather than really clue you in on what these girls are going through. It did not explain enough, and yet still felt 20 minutes too long.
Rated 16 Sep 2010
The Runaways takes the same old, clichéed rock star rise to fame story and...does nothing new with it. Can I really complain though? The primary sources say these things happened and are apparently the events that happen to every damned rock star that ever rises to fame! Fanning and Stewart are good and Michael Shannon is great, if a little over the top. Instead of "this is your brain on drugs" egg frying commercials, we should just show kids these movies, drugs do not look attractive here.
Rated 15 Dec 2010
Joan Jett was supposedly a rebel, but there's nothing revolutionary to see in this ordinary tale of a semi-manufactured girl band who have a couple of hits before being torn apart by drugs. Kristen Stewart is ok but it's Dakota Fanning who impresses more and is given the juicier material. The story is textbook and fizzles out damply when it should have exploded. Floria Sigismondi missed a trick by directing so conventionally; the film could have used some youth, rough edged flair or trippiness.
Rated 28 Aug 2010
Stewart looks good and has Jett's slouch down cold, I'll give her that. As for Fanning: she doesn't have the chops to pull off the central role of Cherie Curie here, unless the real life Curie was also a mumbling cipher off-stage. I never understood what she was really about, so when she decides to quit the band it doesn't resonate in the slightest. I'm really not sure why this non-story needed to be made, really, since we've seen it all before. Shannon's manager character was the highlight.
Rated 14 Apr 2010
I think the "musician movie" is becoming my least favorite genre. They're usually competently made, as is The Runaways, but they all follow the exact same story arc down to the tiniest details. Yeah, I get it, a harrowing descent into fame and drugs! I don't need to see that plot again! The only twist this movie puts on it is centering it around teen girls rather than grown men, but that doesn't change the "been there, done that" of the thing.
Rated 27 Nov 2012
A little history lesson about all girl rock n roll band The Runaways. The story is familiar, the wild qualities that made them successful are the same things that split them up. Fast living, drugs and fame takes its toll. I really liked Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning in this, they were both off the hook as Joan Jett and Cherie Currie. And Michael Shannon was good as the way over the top scumbag manager.
Rated 01 Dec 2010
Sigismondi's script captures the mixed-motives of songs like the ingenious "Cherry Bomb," flirting with delinquency and culture shock.
Rated 11 Feb 2011
A few too many music video-like, substance-less interludes featuring sex, drugs and rock n' roll. The performances come off as uneven as well, sometimes decent, other times way overacted.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
The wispy insubstantiality of The Runaways can't be blamed on its cast--Fanning, Stewart, and Shannon are all good in their roles, even if their range is never tested. Ultimately, maybe it's OK that there's not much below the surface of this great-looking but shallow movie.
Rated 09 Feb 2011
Hey Kristen Stewart can kinda act, who knew. While the performances are fine, I really can't buy anyone here as their real life counterparts (they do look better though) and the whole thing just kinda feels flat with no real defining moments.
Rated 28 Feb 2013
OK if you are interested in that style of music/era but doesn't grab the attention as much as it could do.
Rated 01 Aug 2010
Dakota fanning and Kristen Stewart definitely made the movie. But I was expecting something deeper.
Rated 28 Mar 2012
Stewart is iconic and the whole thing is a hot mess
Rated 03 Jun 2013
Rated 22 Nov 2010
Good Movie
Rated 23 Jul 2010
Dakota Fanning is disturbingly hot in this movie. Kristen Stewart (whom I also find to be attractive- though not in this film - and for the most part not as unbearable as many others do) is absolutely horrible, though. Film is not awful, just all over pretty bland apart from Fanning and Shannon.
Rated 22 Mar 2010
Given how rockers love 2 imitate their heroes, most biopics r usually more-of-the-same. Fortunately since these r all teen girls, this one takes enough twists away from formula 2 entertain. There's the relationship btwn Currie& her sister, which makes 4 some awkwardly bittersweet moments, as well as Shannon playing perhaps the most memorably obnoxious Svengali ever.& in this age of stripper-as-pop-star, there's a real thrill watching angry girls, who can actually play, rage against the machine.
Rated 20 Aug 2010
Kristen Stewart was great, Dakota Fanning was OK. It started off strong, but towards the end it started to get pretty boring. Of course, the tunes are great.
Rated 15 Oct 2010
Would've been better without KStew mumbling her way through the lines.
Rated 14 Nov 2010
Just, bad
Rated 16 Apr 2015
The first two acts are good, but it sort of just meanders off once Cherie quits, and then ends with a shrug. Similarly, the acting from the two leads is strong when they're in the excitement and enthusiasm stage, but once the heavier stuff comes around it gets a little cringey, especially Fanning's performance. I loved the matter-of-fact depiction of Jett's homosexuality (and female sexuality in general), and I wish Stella Maeve's character had been more prominent because she was awesome.
Rated 05 Aug 2010
It's predictably shallow (and just plain predictable for that matter) but it's nonetheless entertaining and vivid, and very well-made, for whatever its faults. It doesn't do anything in particular to separate itself from the typical rock-star-rise-and-fall biopic, but I enjoy that sort of movie anyway, and The Runaways are certainly an interesting enough group to warrant the treatment. It's supported by some good performances from Stewart/Fanning/Shannon.
Rated 31 Dec 2010
Rated 06 Mar 2012
I actually really liked this quite a bit. Nothing in it is really amazing, but it's just really enjoyable. I think Michael Shannon was the best thing in this, he was fantastic. I also really liked Dakota Fanning. Unfortunately, even though I'm usually a fan, I think Kirsten Stewart was the weak link here. I didn't really know anything about The Runaways (or Joan Jett And The Blackhearts) going into it, and I really enjoyed the music.
Rated 13 Jul 2015
The other band members are so absent in this - no stories, no personalities, no interactions, no contributions, barely any lines - that showing ghost instruments playing by themselves would have been less awkward.
Rated 12 Aug 2019
The look of the film seems to capture the insouciant, queer, fuck-you feeling of Joan Jett's music. Stewart steps into Jett's boots effortlessly.
Rated 17 Jan 2011
- recommended
Rated 19 Sep 2011
#11#, hype, story, (reviews), (Kristen S, Dakota F).
Rated 09 Apr 2010
Sorry. This was just not good... Most of the problem resting on an absolutely awful (can it even be called a) script; which, unfortunately, was based on Currie's book... It's all just completely disjointed and "on the surface"...
Rated 10 Aug 2013
Perhaps it's a cliched story, but that's because artists like Joan Jett invented those cliches. Well cast, rocks when it's supposed to, good performances. Not the best rock biopic you'll ever see, but certainly not bad either.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
Rated 30 Dec 2010
Okay film. It hits a lot of the musical biopic beats. Musicians come from hard times, show talent, get discovered, experiences fame, discovers drugs and experiences a downfall. Still, I thought parts were interesting. The one truly notable thing about the film is Michael Shannon's wild performance as Kim Fowley. He is such a talented actor and delivers some of the best lines of dialogue in the movie.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
Great performance by Kristen Stewart, but the direction fucking sucked. All you see is a bunch of chicks, thrown together by casting, who try to be cool by behaving like what they think rockstars behave like. And then they fight about stuff you can't even relate to, because it just didn't happen on screen. :(
Rated 19 Mar 2017
The characters and their relationships are great, the film-making is trite.
Rated 30 Apr 2010
The most entertaining thing about The Runaways, a highly watchable if mostly run-of-the-mill group biopic, is that its writer-director, Floria Sigismondi, has a sixth sense for how the Runaways were bad-angel icons first and a rock & roll band second.
Rated 09 Apr 2010
Worthwhile film about Joan Jett's first band. Highlights for me were the music and the charismatic Michael Shannon as their eccentric producer. OK, they were a rock band so be prepared for an excessive review of excess.
Rated 21 Apr 2011
Was distracted; rating may be somewhat off
Rated 30 Jul 2012
A good film with a good (yet rather typical and bland) story and good acting. Good, good, goodness that never amounts to anything more except when Michael Shannon is on screen and allows the movie a grab at greatness that it just can't reach. A worthy biopic nonetheless.
Rated 08 Jul 2010
movies about rockstars are always catchy somehow
Rated 18 Aug 2010
I've recently seen Kristen Stewart in Into the Wild, Adventureland, and now this, and she's actually really good in all three. Dakota Fanning I found significantly less strong, but alright. My one major complaint about the movie is regarding the direction. The concert scenes are kind of filmed like a music video, which feels cheap and over-glamorized. Things that the rest of the movie are not. Kind of went over board there. The rest of the movie is not great, but alright.
Rated 28 Jul 2011
Typical music movie. They meet, they jam, they do drugs, they have a falling out, blah blah blah blah blah. Joan Jett's story seems more interesting than Currie's, but since this is based on Currie's autobiography, that's not the story we're getting. Still, the movie has a nice visual style and Dakota Fanning gives a strong performance in the lead. It's Michael Shannon's wild intensity as the band manager that makes the movie worth watching, however. That guy's great in everything.
Rated 05 Jan 2011
As a film, The Runaways doesn't do anything special, except featuring excellent acting by two young actresses in particular. Their performances lift it to an above average film, biopic or not. The vocal performances are great, and the characters are interesting, despite us not getting enough of them. The film felt more like an overview than an in-depth look into the band, and the characters get less development as a result. Still, The Runaways is still a film I can appreciate.
Rated 16 Dec 2011
This is a very enjoyable film about a all girl rock band. I did not know much about the Runways before I watched this film. It is your typical rock star story but it is still entertaining to watch.
Rated 24 Feb 2013
Everyone still alive biopic that's drained of interest enough to keep the lawyers happy. The band were 'big in Japan' -whatever the film equivalent is pretty much applies here.
Rated 20 Oct 2010
"Before VH1-style unmaking-of-the-band clichés undo it, this rockpic boasts a pair of live-wire performances and some pioneering same-sex passion." - Bill Weber
Rated 14 May 2010
Viewers expecting an in-depth biopic will be disappointed, but The Runaways is as electric as the band's music, largely thanks to strong performances from Michael Shannon, Dakota Fanning, and Kristen Stewart.
Rated 04 Jul 2010
i love this only complaint it was not long enough and should have covered more about Lita and the other was all about Joan and Cheri and thier manager,,this movie is a great movie..great acting, and it was almost like watching the original band
Rated 22 Jul 2010
Follows the exact same story arc as every other musician film. Could have been fascinating if they explored the dichotomy of a manufactured band becoming a revolutionary group (for women rockers). However, this film provides (virtually) no musical or cultural context for the band, leaving people like my friend to ask "why do people care about this mediocre band?".
Rated 05 Nov 2010
When I saw the previews I thought it would be nice but when watching, I thought just false, uninteresting and cliche.
Rated 06 Dec 2012
Very enjoyable evocation of the 80s rock scene is marked by strong, charismatic performances from Shannon and (especially) Fanning; Stewart is fine, but typically sullen and distant. Doesn't really dig in to any of its characters, but the musical performances are generally terrific, and its gaudy colour schemes are well realised. One strange recurring image: telephones placed very prominently in a number of scenes, the symbolism of which escapes me.
Rated 23 Oct 2010
The best part is when Cherie Curry and Joan Jett do drugs with Johnny Cash, Jim Morrison and Ray Charles all while having copious amounts of sex before their careers stumble.


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