The Painted Bird
The Painted Bird
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The Painted Bird

The Painted Bird

Drama, War
2h 49m
A young Jewish boy somewhere in Eastern Europe seeks refuge during World War II where he encounters many different characters. (imdb)

The Painted Bird

Drama, War
2h 49m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 67.37% from 195 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 08 Oct 2019
I'm not sure if every scene, particularly near the end, was absolutely necessary, but within each scene, no shot was off: all meticulously and freshly composed, all apt. What a huge production this must have been - felt like witnessing something big.
Rated 12 Sep 2019
(TIFF '19 REVIEW) A truly, deeply unpleasant three-hour carousel of Holocaust horror. As unpalatable as it may be, it is unequivocally, undeniably, a brilliant piece of filmmaking, the spirit of Tarkovsky alive within each frame as the imagery of a desolate, ravaged, scorched earth beguiles as much as it repulses. Transgressing beyond the confines of mere "shock cinema," Marhoul seems to want to numb the viewer into consciousness. Rarely has such dehumanization looked so beautiful.
Rated 11 Jul 2020
Gruelling endurance test is never less than thoroughly absorbing, but a cold, antiseptic approach to the ghoulish horrors on display keeps the viewer at a remove from the drama - surely a deliberate choice to provoke the viewer into their own subjective reaction, but it still makes this a difficult experience to embrace. Game appearances by some "international" stars are fine, though when the likes of Keitel and Sands appear dubbed, it is debatable why they are here at all!
Rated 22 May 2020
Horrific when it wants to be but not as bad as I thought. Started a tone and didn't relent from it. Direction is wonderful with every scene being well crafted, no cracks in how it looks at all. But it does lack memorable scenes to some degree: they are there, certainly, but in a 3 hour movie I would have liked more to shake me. Dragged a little at times. I suppose being desensitized after a certain point is one of the messages but it didn't always make for a compelling watch. Got respect though.
Rated 29 Sep 2019
Ass numbingly long and mind numbingly dull Eastern European miserablism. Any comparisons to Tarkovsky or the like are a joke. Looks okay I guess.
Rated 09 Jan 2022
Literal and unserious.
Rated 17 Jun 2021
It's stunningly photographed and directed, but narratively weak. We're simply on a gruesome journey with a young protagonist that we never get to know much about as he's exposed to brutal and violent characters one at a time, each more contemptible than the last. There are some effective set pieces, but it starts to feel more manipulative and thus less shocking as events unfold, and as there seems to be no particular reason behind them the whole thing seems a bit pointless in the end.
Rated 15 Sep 2020
This movie tries to be more or less a faithful adaptation. But the novel's anti-religious, anti-racist, anti-ethnocentrist themes are all lost (because you cannot turn the narrator's stream of consciousness into the screen). Anyway, some parts are mixed, some are omitted; especially lots of horrible details (most of them are rapes and other sexual ones.) In my imagination, I'd add much more gruesome touches into the film.
Rated 09 Nov 2019
People like seeing Jewish people get tortured and this is a "master work" in the genre. Boring
Rated 21 Apr 2022
deeply painful!!! Defferent story of war effects!! it remindes ; the crulity and ignorance of humanity!!!
Rated 09 Jan 2022
Torture porn disguised as a scrapbook of the horrors of WWII, which boggles the mind. Because if there's one thing that doesn't need embellishment to be horrifying, it's the fucking Holocaust. Makes me wonder if Kosinski himself might have been a self-loathing anti-semitic, talk about a backfire. It's a shame because the only other adaptation of a book he wrote turns out to be "Being There".
Rated 14 Jun 2021
Şok edici sahnesiyle açılan film, izlenmesi zor ırkçılık filmi. 2.dünya savaşı içinde geçen, yahudi çocuğun yaşadığı trajediler. Ölüm ile dans eden çocuğun kurtuluş yollarında, 1 kuş gibi çırpınıyor. Metaforları, göndermeleri, cahilliği ile sert 1 tekme atıyor. Schindler'in Listesi'nden sonraki en korkunç 2.dünya savaşı. Filmin sonunda, oğlanımız özgürlüğe kavuşuyor. Bülbülü altın kafese koymuşlar. Kaç git oğlum kurtar kendini demiş.
Rated 15 May 2021
Wow! The violence! But it's not in your face. Visually gorgeous and so striking… A-
Rated 01 Nov 2020
A story to be the panted bird of the flock. The different road movie through World War II from the eyes of a young Jewish boy. For to be a three hours movie there was some dragging moments. I did not buy all the Hollywood actors though.
Rated 31 Jul 2020
Beautifully shot depression. The film looks so good that I often forgot that I was watching something in black and white. Also, for a nearly three hour film, I was actually never bored, which is impressive for such a film. I would recommend it, but only to lovers of cinema that can withstand such a brutal film.
Rated 01 Jul 2020
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Rated 16 Feb 2020
?zlemesi çok çok zor bir film.
Rated 23 Oct 2019
Rated 08 Oct 2019
Tekrar değerlendirmeye ve üzerine konuşmaya açığım.


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