The Northman
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The Northman

2h 17m
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Avg Percentile 58.38% from 1547 total ratings

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Rated 23 Apr 2022
Let’s just appreciate how Eggers probably read of Amlodhi’s lost, whispered account in the Skjoldunga, and got the vision to have it told by Dafoe’s mummified, decapitated head. Eggers is doing the Lord’s work by adding urgency to elemental narratives. The brutality is complemented by visions of crows and of dogs, seas of fire and blades forged in moonlight - it’s smart and literate if you want it to be. Heavy Metal Shamanism on film. A fable brought to excruciating life.
Rated 21 Apr 2022
Eggers has an uncanny ability to tell stories that fully utilize the idiosyncrasies of the periode these take place in, and as such this reimagination of Amleth is a bloody smorgasbord of all things Norse, which is a joy to behold. On the flipside the script feels a bit underwritten from time to time and the film's straight faced honestly borders on silly occasionally. But all the same: to Valhal!
Rated 26 Apr 2022
Some truly incredible filmmaking. Eggers made the most effective use of a $90M budget on a Viking revenge tale as anyone ever could have. It feels every bit as epic and as stoic as one could possibly anticipate. The production is all amazing and the cinematography, music and acting are some of the very best I’ve seen all year. Skarsgård is damn good and, in my opinion, a very brutal yet likable protagonist, up against an antagonist with some surprising depth as well. I. Loved. Every. Second.
Rated 25 Apr 2022
There is so much to admire about this movie and Eggers approach. A lovely miracle that something so uncompromising was financed; magnificent onetakes, unrelenting savagery and fart jokes all included. This hypermasculinity is both horrifying and exhillirating. It is of a piece with his now famous obsession with historical accuracy. The alien worldview of the movie itself is historically accurate. A marvel for sure, but so undiluted that I was left with no questions, only godsmacked awe.
Rated 04 May 2022
eggers has great eyes as a director but i just couldn't connect with this story or the characters. looks great and all (though the digital sections were a bit weird to look at and not in a good way) but I couldn't wait for it to end.
Rated 17 Apr 2022
It felt like I was in a fever dream all throughout, it felt as awesome as 300, also it had the most realistic vikings ever shown especially with the slavery and berserker brutality. The soundtrack is completely fitting. The beginning acting and dialogue is a bit strange but it settles into a nice rhythm so don’t dwell on it too much
Rated 20 May 2022
The IMDb trivia section for this is one of the most obnoxious I am using my worthless Norse mythology degree dick swinging imaginable. All this lore and they still walking around with a poopy butt. Speaking of swinging, I hate how aware we all are of Willem Dafoe's massive schlong - yet again. Amleth is ... ... Hamlet Shakespeare you bitch ass lazy naming ballsucka
Rated 01 May 2022
I wanted it to end but it just kept going
Rated 04 May 2022
Revenge as a testosterone-infused fever dream. If you have trouble getting into it, it holds potential to be unintentionally funny, though. Best prepare by gutting a sheep with your bare hands, stick its liver up your butt, wear the entrails for a headdress and scream at random people on the subway. More than usual, i mean.
Rated 21 Apr 2022
Bleak, bloody, brilliant. A top effort all round, Kidman's accent does settle down.
Rated 21 Apr 2022
A tale of bloody revenge that combines Icelandic sagas, elements of Robert E. Howard’s Conan adventures, and more than a little bit of Hamlet, the latest from director Robert Eggers frequently plays less like an attempt to recreate a past era than a product of that era itself. It’s a violent, lusty story filled with entwined bloodlines and touches of the supernatural, all presented without irony — or at least no irony accessible without an oil derrick-like plunge into the subtext.
Rated 27 Apr 2022
No ideas can be found here. It's like the Wacken festival had a wet dream and ascended straight into the ER afterwards because of alcohol poisoning over too much met. Nothing against a reduced plot in general, but please, let something else come to the forefront then. The clinging to pseudo-authentic rituals and all was embarrassing and empty because Eggers just used them as decoration. He never took a step back from his boner he had from the start of the production. Some nice kills though.
Rated 30 Apr 2022
Clearly, Robert Eggers flunked the 'George Lucas's findings in the field of high ground' class.
Rated 22 Apr 2022
It has basically everything I've always wanted in a movie: Gorgeous cinematography, badass fight sequences, striking imagery, well placed romance, haunting soundtrack and a handful of famous actors gloriously hamming it up.
Rated 25 Apr 2022
Story-wise, most straight-forward movie of Robert Eggers, but his vision, directing style, symbolism and other unique elements keep on to prevail in this one too.. I think it is so much better in this way for at least i can get it now.. (didn't understand most parts of his previous movies..) (:
Rated 01 May 2022
Eggers is clearly a master at getting us to see the blood and guts of man's most primal and base motivations. This is a movie about the overwhelming power of ritual, religion, lust, hatred and also how metal it is to kill your enemies with a magic sword while you howl like a wolf.
Rated 09 May 2022
Uncompromising, yes. But also very exhausting. It felt a bit like Lars von Trier making love to Zach Snyder (on top of a slaughtered ram). In the end, I just couldn't get into the very stilted acting style and the hyperstylised supernatural interludes. Bonus points for bucking the megawoke Zeitgeist, but that's about it.
Rated 13 May 2022
You know what you get with Eggers, so all I have to say is Ethan Hawk and Willem Dafoe are into pup play.
Rated 20 Nov 2022
Mainstream Hollywood aesthetics revenge porn with mediocre writing and average storytelling. What's added here to Shakespearean tragedies? None. Northman's mediocrity compared to "The Witch" and "The Lighthouse" is another sign that more money doesn't automatically mean better cinema.
Rated 30 Jun 2022
It's the weakest of Eggers' movies in my opinion. There's a lot to like here but something about the movie just didn't resonate with me and I can't quite put my finger on it.
Rated 22 Apr 2022
Impressive, memorable, awe-inspiring, but tedious. Dude wants to kill his uncle, but for some reason he has to kill everyone else first. The authentic dialect and elongated run-time really embellish this tedium, but then suddenly there are moments of a sort of wild, possessed, and other-worldly inspiration coming from such a beautifully designed film (outstanding cinematography and score).
Rated 22 Apr 2022
I think I'm finally a true fan of Robert Eggers. The unreliable narrative structuring of his last two films is essentially gone here - leaving him working with a tried and true revenge formula and just having him go berserk with the aesthetic, atmosphere and design of the film. A beautiful modern blockbuster with a heart of Metal.
Rated 23 Apr 2022
A worthy installment in Egger's filmography. The story here is a bit more conventional than his previous works, and a little too derivative of Hamlet, but my god, talk about immersive! It's so easy to be drawn in and feel like you're actually in the first century AD; the cinematography, as you'd expect, is gorgeous, and the costumes definitely deserve an award. The acting is good, the pacing works, and the final act is very cathartic. A solid revenge tragedy.
Rated 23 Apr 2022
Well worth seeing, but because it exists in a somewhat unsatisfying limbo between Hollywood and arthouse cinema, it's neither as uncompromising nor as essential as Mr. Eggers' two previous works.
Rated 26 Apr 2022
Casting Jane Birkin as young Alexander Skarsgård was a choice.
Rated 30 Apr 2022
The Northman had such epic scenes with its incredible visuals and mystical nature that it is impossible not to exist in the film and not to breathe in the atmosphere it creates. An enigmatic Viking revenge tale woven with anger, vengeance, cruelty, shamanism, prophecy and witchcraft. (04/30/2022 - Capitol Spectrum Cineplex)
Rated 02 May 2022
Although the sound & visuals are always striking (these Sturm & Drang speakers go to 11), parts of this start to suffer from occasionally bad battle choreography ("I'm going to raise my axe way up here so you can just stab my torso"); as well as an occasional lack of clarity - some intentional (is a God behind the murders?) & some not (Dafoe's accent needs subtitles). But a surprise in the 2nd half elevates the straightforward story. It becomes a Viking campfire tale brought to life w/ a twist.
Rated 14 May 2022
A fairly generic story told in the most intense and visually stunning trappings. Eggers is great but it doesn't feel like there's enough meat on the bone for the whole time. I'm sure you can shave it down past 2 hours and excise some fat.
Rated 20 Apr 2022
three features into Eggers' career and this is the one with the biggest heart so far. just so happens that it was ripped out of someone's chest.
Rated 25 Apr 2022
Viking art by Eggers.
Rated 26 Apr 2022
Mostly on the level of 2016's The VVitch for me, falling just short of The Lighthouse. Tonal and atmospheric for days, at times visually stunning, buoyed by a constant cacophony of sound. Eggers has massive talent, even if his movies won't always stick with me for the long-term. This brutal tale of Viking vengeance is gory and remarkable in the fact that virtually no-one in the movie is a good person. Don't hope for staunch historical accuracy, because that isn't Eggers. Instead, opt for style.
Rated 28 Apr 2022
Pretty badass film, very accurate, less weirder than Eggers' other films yet still has that hallucinatory tone that penetrates all of his work. I've seen all of his movies on the big screen so I guess I'm a fan of him as a director.
Rated 30 Apr 2022
Weirder than I was expecting but still a disappointing regression from the maniacal ambiguity of the Lighthouse. Looks and feels amazing, and has a great setup, but the pacing of the plot, as with the Witch, is not great, and it eventually wears out its welcome. The Night Sword feeding was absolutely sick. But after that he needed to get to the point
Rated 30 Apr 2022
Great-looking spectacle. Pleasing left-turn from the standard sword slashing popcorn flick.
Rated 01 May 2022
Maybe I've just been listening to black metal too long to not associate the very mention of Vikings with cringey muh European heritage neopagan LARPers, but I sort of knew this would be a self-indulgent mess as soon as it was announced. Egg man is going to need to do some serious getting over himself if his next movie isn't going to be a turd.
Rated 02 May 2022
Brutal, visceral, and literally guttural. The Northman is a fantastic theater experience even if it may be a bit simple plot wise. One of the most engaging films I've seen in a while.
Rated 04 May 2022
Welp, the film school kids finally got around to appreciating CONAN THE BARBARIAN. And not a moment too soon. Loving this mini-trend of arty folklore adaptations that fully embrace the mythic weirdness of the source material. The rare film that earns the overused label "badass."
Rated 05 May 2022
In terms of filmmaking and visuals this is pretty damn cool. The story is simple, but that's ok. I had my problems with some of the more extreme scenes, which come dangerously close to beeing ridiculous.
Rated 15 May 2022
"The Northman" stands out for its authenticity in bringing Norse mythology and history to life and, thanks to the production and sound design, results in some captivating moments, which would've however been even better if the - occasionally kitsch - dialogues were in Old Norse rather than English. Story-wise, it's a standard, predictable, familiar revenge tale, save for perhaps the twist, which brings up some interesting, enduring points, although sadly the film moves past it pretty quickly.
Rated 15 May 2022
Too overdetermined in its rough mysticism and unflinching dedication to brutal guts and glory. Would a metal song play on the soundtrack instead of doom-laden folklore symphonies, its camp value would be perfect. As it is, the effect of the direction haunts to the extent a clean clockwork aesthetic can - the shocks and movements are controlled, the story progressions come like levels in a game. Truly wild that Eggers could produce this obsessive and simple-minded a work.
Rated 15 May 2022
The Northman bounces between looking stunning and feeling off-puttingly pretentious. The plot is a good, if occasionally gruesome & violent, tale of vengeance that is essentially part parable and part adrenaline-fuelled delusion. By the film's end, I hadn't formed a connection with a single character, all of whom are varying degrees of despicable. Eggers seemed mostly concerned with getting a technically impressive shot, but like Synder fails to be engaging. Visceral but empty.
Rated 16 May 2022
Subtlety is certainly not this film's suit, its lineage staked in fatespun myth and Shakespearean dramaturgy. We all know by now that vengeance is all-consuming, but a classic arc told well is appealing enough, especially when rendered with this level of die hard dedication to the material. It is visceral and riveting, elevated by this director's customary attention to detail, a range of zealous performances, and hallucinatory passages that bend the otherwise blunt and merciless violence.
Rated 20 Feb 2024
I really like Eggers’ films that I’ve see so far. I’m certainly looking forward to his Nosferatu. This is pretty brutal and rather satisfying, with a great sense of style and a smattering of mysticism that serves it very well. I liked the cast. There are maybe just a couple of moments and passages that didn’t quite work for me, but this is superior cinema.
Rated 17 May 2022
Eggers does a hypermasculine black comedy and "Predator" themed user likes it, big surprise. YEAHHH!!! Men are animals
Rated 19 May 2022
Amazing production design and soundtrack. Good cinematography. That's it...that's all I got.
Rated 21 Jun 2022
A brutal & gorgeous dissection of the performativity, rituals and myth-making in masculinity. The game sequence is a stand out in how it's shot to have rich meanings. Eggers amply shows the futility and utter emptiness in vengeance and 'badassery'. Standout moment: a bloodied man who just massacred a village saying: 'these savages will make fine chattel'. It's skewering patriarchy, colonialism, class and all of the invented hierarchies a lot of people still buy into.
Rated 23 May 2022
Vikings are dumb but I like revenge stories. The issue here is the protagonist: all he does is speak in prophecies and/or scream, and has very bad posture, he's little more than a caveman on steroids and I couldn't care less about his quest.
Rated 22 Apr 2022
The ferocity is rare in modern cinema and something to praise. The rest is constantly fine, though somewhat underwhelming (for a viking movie directed by Robert Eggers).
Rated 23 Apr 2022
Very good looking and sounding and shit
Rated 26 Apr 2022
What a Shakespearean epic! Amazing visuals with incredible performances. The Vikings finally got their due. Lived up to the hype and then some… A+
Rated 26 Apr 2022
Rated 08 Mar 2023
Entertaining viking revenge film. Not as distateful as i thought it would be. There's quite a few strange creative choices though. The film doesn't seem focused enough, and the mysticism while good in parts, feel overdone. Still, it's an enjoyable and interesting film.
Rated 01 May 2022
To Eggers credit, it seems like he has taken many steps in creating less convoluted stories. The Northman is still very much in the wheel house of Eggers’s work, as it contains more of the other-worldly elements scattered across his other films, it’s cinematography adds to it’s early centuries flair, and the action sets are done well (for the few there is) however, due to Eggers’s weird pacing decisions, this doesn’t really pick up till the final act. Still, quite interesting.
Rated 03 May 2022
Brutal, unflinching, amoral, upsetting. Just a few ways to describe The Northman, but it’s also an auteurist achievement—a fully realized tale with a clever dash of dark fantasy. Like fine dining, I fully enjoyed it, but it won’t be for everyone, and I wouldn’t want it all the time. Also, I highly recommend looking into the historical rigor that went into every facet of the film, that alone makes it worth a watch.
Rated 04 May 2022
This adaptation of the Scandinavian folktale that's best known as the inspiration for "Hamlet" is another rigorous recreation of the world it's set in, and as such, it strips the story down to it's barest elements. It's all violence, rage, blood and nudity, and it's immensely entertaining if this is your thing (and it's my thing).
Rated 04 May 2022
Pales in comparison to his other work
Rated 05 May 2022
If you watch just one revenge epic based on a 1,200 year-old poem this year, make it this one! It felt a lot like a Lord of the Rings meets biblical account, focusing heavily on the violent bits. It felt very dense and authentic, like something you'd watch in a college world literature course, if you had a really cool prof.
Rated 17 Jun 2022
Cheer up, Hamlet!
Rated 13 May 2022
A refreshing film with an accurate portrayal of Vikings.
Rated 13 May 2022
Yup, Robert Eggers knows how to make quality movies.
Rated 04 Aug 2022
An exiled Viking prince becomes willingly enslaved in order to gain access to the household of his enemy in this epic revenge yarn. Essentially a retelling of Conan through the lens of copious amounts of psilocybe mushrooms, this gets pretty trippy in places. It also has a dude getting bitchslapped with a handful of menstrual blood. Gritty and violent as fuck, with a couple of nasty surprises along the way, this about as much fun as you can have splattered from head to toe in mud and gore.
Rated 10 Jul 2022
About what I expected from Eggers, who is now 3 for 3. The Northman is weird and unique just like his other films, but it’s also his most cinematic, with some great one take shots and interesting visuals. More action than I expected as well. Possibly one of his more accessible films, as it has a more straightforward story.
Rated 15 May 2022
Based scando caveman kino.
Rated 15 May 2022
Great visuals, but a far cry from the Lighthouse.
Rated 15 May 2022
You either like these type films or you don't. I love the revenge viking aspects. Both make me giddy. Its beautifully filmed, with lots of interesting shots and a twist. I wish the "bad guy" had been shows a little more in the beginning , but all in all I was entertained.
Rated 16 May 2022
Its plodding pace is the only thing that keeps it from being cloyingly predictable and the raw Irish landscape is the only thing keeping its otherwise desaturated high contrast visuals compelling. Vikings + bloody revenge is a simple equation, disappointed here by pulled blows (the sports match was almost comical) and underwhelming execution (until a blast of heat during the nude volcano duel). Vibe alone does not a film make, even if it’s an “historically accurate” viking vibe.
Rated 17 May 2022
It's one of those straight man films but more artistic; still a straight man film though. It's technically well made but it just really didn't do anything for me.
Rated 18 May 2022
+music +mood +scenery +cinematics -story
Rated 18 May 2022
Really dug this one. I'm always a sucker for Eggers' love of language and gorgeous cinematography.
Rated 03 Sep 2022
Un univers médiéval de froid, de sang et de boue, où la survie et la tension se manifestent sans artifice... avant de se transformer en produit sensoriel spectaculaire, et fascinant. Le grand beau et fort Alexander Skarsgard est animal, Nicole Kidman est impériale.
Rated 08 Aug 2022
A stylish bit of moviemaking bolstered by poetic dialogue, and impressive period ambiance, The Northman is a viking epic on film. The problem is that we're not vikings, and can only view the bloody, narrow minded brutality from the outside with modern eyes, like gawking tourists. The fulfillment of the oath feels empty and pointless, contaminated by Hamlet's subversion of the revenge drama. Despite all his craft, Egger's primitivism is ultimately as inauthentic as a Halloween costume.
Rated 22 May 2022
Skarsgård delivers an effective, raw, and memorable performance in what's undoubtedly the best representation of viking culture ever put to screen. Eggers has a flair for authentic, arresting visuals that truly transport you to another time and place, and that's just as true here as with his other films. Drags a bit in parts, but pays off nicely with an epic final battle and satisfying ending.
Rated 20 Jun 2022
I hadn't realized that Hamlet was inspired by this earlier legend, but clearly the story has staying power. This is just a great all out vengeance flick. I definitely appreciated this more straightforward version of an Eggers film.
Rated 25 May 2022
This standard revenge story is visually impressive and as a whole Epic in so many ways yet the realism so important to Eggers is both a strength and a weakness here. A strength in terms of the authenticity and believability that brings an extra level of immersion, but a weakness in that such realism prevents the truly epic scale I wanted here. Eggers tries to get around that by including some visually striking fantasy sequences but those are clearly inferred to be in the head of the characters.
Rated 05 Jun 2022
It's no The Witch, but I enjoyed it more than The Lighthouse even though I'm rating it lower. It's a very well-made fantasy revenge tale constructed like an ancient epic, and probably best viewed on the big screen. Quite gruesome at times. All the great craftsmanship doesn't quite make up for the pervasive, unshakable cheesiness; then again, I would probably have hated this if it had any pretence of wisdom or sophistication. Might make an interesting companion piece to Valhalla Rising.
Rated 07 Jun 2022
Shakespeare plagiarized Amleth and then had the gall to make it seem like "revenge bad actually"?? Hamlet was just too beta to like, spread his seed before getting everyone killed, clearly, unlike chad Amleth who got what he wanted
Rated 05 Jun 2022
If there's one thing Robert Eggers's filmography makes abundantly clear, it's that he's a huge fan of farting. And grungy period pieces I guess, but mostly farting. I bet this would have done better at the box office if it was called "Naked Volcano Fight"
Rated 04 Jun 2022
Do you think Game of Thrones extras were thrilled they were able to work again? Also, I am being deadass, this film is not bussin. No cap this film is mid. Why yes, I am a man in his mid-30s, why do you ask?
Rated 22 Apr 2022
Mitolojik kahraman filmi. Kuzey'de 1 krallıkta yaşayan genç prens, amcası tarafından babası öldürülünce intikam almaya yemin eder. Küçük prens, Beowulf olmuştur. Alexander Skarsgard Oscar adaylığı alabilir. Nicole Kidman'da iyi. Sanat yönetimi harika. Kurgu 1 şiir gibi ilerliyor. Karanlık sinematografi tedirgin ettiriyor. Mitolojik sırlar, tanrılar ve kehanetler yepyeni 1 masal anlatıyor. Shekaspeare'da selam gönderilmiş. Filmin sonunda, son düello. Kılıcın çok uzunmuş.
Rated 12 Jun 2024
It's visually great, a fairly standard revenge fantasy. However, once you get the feeling it looks like Wes Anderson had a break down and expect Jason Schwarzman to turn up, start cracking wise and then get his head chopped off, you can't unsee it unfortunately.
Rated 01 May 2022
It didn’t need all the super natural stuff. It made it too weird for my taste.
Rated 12 May 2022
A steaming pile of shite this film. Wasted my precious time on this idiocy.
Rated 12 May 2022
After the somber and dispiriting treatise on faith and the brutal realities of the spiritual world around us seen in The Witch - one of the few great horror films of the last decade if not of all time - expectations for The Northman were sky high. It delivered in style, primal force and raw manliness, music. Paganism was a tad too overbearing and it felt somewhat outside of the realm of believability. Grotesqueness for the sake of grotesqueness. /c Cinema City Paradise Centre Sofia.
Rated 14 May 2022
The first half of the movie is heavily focused on the scenery and cinematography. The second half picks up and becomes quite engaging. Amlet's ark and progression are well told, I can see how he's evolving as a human. The cast is great. However, it's not something spectacular, more like a regular viking movie.
Rated 15 May 2022
A cada filme que é lançado gosto menos do Eggers, A Bruxa é uma obra-prima, O Farol é ótimo, esse aqui é apenas interessante. Quanto mais dinheiro dão pra ele, pior fica.
Rated 08 Aug 2023
This movie really has some raw energy + those dark, dark Eggers vibes that I love. It's absolutely feral, bloody, and unhinged and really infects you with that whole raw power of it. Beautiful imagery, an epic soundtrack, and a solid cast. The only thing I had issues with was that the accent did not sit well with all the actors. It just seemed too different at times between characters. I'm always for seeing Willem Dafoe going totally unhinged for a while.
Rated 18 May 2022
A decent movie overall. While I haven't the knowledge to say if it's historically accurate, it certainly gave that impression. The interplay of reality and myth in a historical context was beautiful, much like in Eggers' Witch (2016). The only downsides were the story, which hadn't enough depth, and the fight choreography which looked too unnatural. Still, few movies are as honest in their portrayal of vikings, showing us the good and the bad with no judgement.
Rated 18 May 2022
Feels in no way other than atmosphere up to par with Eggers creations.The 1st part suffers from trying to convey that it is the fairytale extracted from the a boy's memory, rendering exaggerated acting and cringeworthy moments.Overall, story and dialogue don't seem to have gotten the attention compared to his other movies and the whole seems to be wildly overproduced.The way in which the lore is embedded into reality is really the only thing that stands out,but visually it's a genuine treat.
Rated 05 Jun 2022
Competently made but difficult to embrace. The story is very abbreviated and some of the characters' motivations / actions don't make sense and / or aren't likeable. It's the kind of movie whose construction you can appreciate but which doesn't emotionally draw you in.
Rated 22 May 2022
Beautifully shot. But the search for style doesn't mean you should forget about building an actual story with characters meaningfully interacting with each other. I think actual northmen from the era would be insulted by the depiction ...
Rated 12 Mar 2023
Pretty good visually, but it's also too linear and doesn't really go anywhere.
Rated 23 Oct 2022
One could dwell on the transgressive parts of this film, but Mr. Eggers revels in being transgressive. (Who else would reference Come and See with the background components of mise-en-scène?) No, Mr. Eggers fancies himself a man of verisimilitude, and so we should instead dwell on a Viking Age period piece that has Vikings in backwater polities wearing lamellar armor and using Constantinople instead of Miklagard. Bobby, you're the best.
Rated 26 May 2022
Somehow, Eggers keeps making me love flicks I'd otherwise surely be left cold by, evoking Shakespeare no less, and Eggers himself seems duty bound to a sort of dialectic and poetic authenticity that could lend to difficult barrier to entry, yet his worlds are so tactile that it resonates. Eggers with a scope beyond one claustrophobic setting is new, but he manages to evade his epic becoming a dull, monotonic roar by crafting a surprisingly quiet film, and a world that dictates its own tragedies.
Rated 26 May 2022
Visually, the Northman has some powerful visuals and some grave action in this tale of revenge and bloodshed that inspired Hamlet. Eggers is a talented director who creates some incredibly memorable setpieces that standout. The film does suffer from a lack of pacing and especially the final act feels very rushed, compared to the brooding first half of the film. Could be better, but still worth a watch.
Rated 16 Jan 2023
Beautifully shot, a little slow, but worth the down time.
Rated 15 Jan 2024
Wannabe cinema nerds must think it's cool to fall all over Eggers' dick with unwarranted praise because they saw someone else do it. This movie was a great big wet fart flop. Go look up gorgeous pictures of Iceland for a better time waster.
Rated 19 Jul 2022
Bloody revenge epic based on Nordic saga. Different to other Eggers' flicks but still worth a watch.
Rated 20 Jun 2022
Vikings are cool
Rated 29 May 2022
I really wanted to like this more than I did. There was just a whole lot of surreal nonsense added that subtracted from it greatly. Alexander Skarsgård is one of my favorites, and he did a stellar job in this. The fault is likely with the director, possibly the writer and editor as well. I could have been a very enjoyable movie, instead at least half of it is quite tedious and boring.
Rated 30 May 2022


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