The Next Three Days
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The Next Three Days

2h 13m
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Avg Percentile 51.66% from 1827 total ratings

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Rated 31 Oct 2011
Should be applauded for Crowe's realistic turn as unwilling amateur heist-planner, but as a whole the movie struggles to be truely suspenseful. Also: the cops hot on his trail have the most extraordinary sixth police sense I've ever seen!
Rated 24 Nov 2010
Going a bit higher than my PSI here. An engaging story that caught me by surprise a few times. I liked it as a Drama about on the same level as I liked "Date Night" as a Comedy. As in, it was good for the kind of movie that it was trying to be, but not on a stand-out level. Very good performances throughout, despite obvious lack of TUGGA. It's always easy to say "Well, I would have done it this way", so I will - if it was MY movie, I would have cut the revelation scene entirely. Unnecessary IMO.
Rated 26 Aug 2011
Watch the original instead. And there's absolutely no need to watch both, unless you want to marvel at how awfully Haggis wraps up his version.
Rated 29 Dec 2010
Not sure if there has been a less interesting flick about escaping prison. Nothing about it makes it stick out as a unique thriller. Banks was excruciatingly underdeveloped. Tame.
Rated 19 Nov 2010
If you want some real adult action & suspense, The Next 3 Days is the best of its kind this year at least, including Unstoppable. The plot is airtight, inventive, and kept me wondering what was gonna happen next (I did catch the misdirection but I think that was intended). The performances were excellent, with special mention for Lennie James as the intense single-minded lieutenant in their pursuit. This could have been called The Love Story. Banks is hot but Wilde is steaming temptation.
Rated 03 Dec 2022
Oddly flat, mechanical thriller follows Crowe’s detailed forensic planning almost to a fault, but because the plotting skirts disbelief and credulity, the focus becomes too glaring, making it difficult to become invested. Further undermined by an unwillingness to really examine the morality at play within Crowe’s hero (and Dennehy in support is a reminder of PRESUMED INNOCENT, which handled ethically fraught material with a greater complexity). Good performances at least keep it watchable.
Rated 06 Nov 2011
The film takes pains to show the protagonist struggle to plan the prison break--as if a real life person had to plan it. He makes mistakes. The plan, while somewhat far-fetched, was surprisingly satisfying. But all of that negated when the police officers come on the scene to track down the fugitives. The effort they put in to finding the killer of a drug dealer; making the link between that crime and a prison escape; and other connection was ridiculously implausible.
Rated 04 Sep 2011
I really liked this movie. The set up was smart, quick, and efficient. Russell Crowe's character was a great average guy to start off with, loved the sarcasm. Then it takes a more serious turn, Neeson makes a decent cameo. It let you on just enough so you could actually figure out what was going on without hitting you in the face with it. That said the director was trying to be too artistic with the shots which was kinda distracting. There were some other problems, but still worth the time.
Rated 26 Feb 2011
Not bad, but it thinks it's more clever than it is and despite the very obvious attempts at building suspense isn't very successful. Also the ending is pretty dumb. That said it's reasonably entertaining and good enough to pass two hours.
Rated 25 Feb 2011
Shot for shot remake of the french movie "Pour elle", only with poorer acting. What's the fucking point, Hollywood? Zero creativity, zero imagination, zero talent, Crowe doesn't save the day either. 0.1 for the pathetic copying effort.
Rated 03 Feb 2011
It had a lot of potencial, which was waisted.
Rated 16 Jan 2011
I can't believe how bad Crowe became at picking his projects. What was this nonsense?
Rated 15 Dec 2010
Pacing off the wall, ambiguity down the toilet, the film forgets the point it tries to make: that it doesn't matter whether or not she did it. Predictably, we're told whether or not she did it. Snore. Not horrible, but Haggis underwhelms again, showing once and for all that his capacity for evoking the emotion that is clearly latent in the script is virtually nonexistent.
Rated 27 Nov 2010
It's a bit clunky and hamfisted but still has a fun prison break tale to tell. But although I was pretty positive on it (thinking 70 or so Criticker score) until the very end, there was a final plot revelation I didn't care for. I'll type it backwards to no one is spoiled by accident: lla retfa ytliug neeb dah ehs hsiw I. I found it more interesting that way, more grey and gutsy.
Rated 10 Jan 2011
Doesn't fair against the original in any way.
Rated 23 Nov 2010
Crowe was able to carry the tone of this film excellently throughout. There comes a point in the movie where Crowe's character switches from redeeming his wife desperately through the legal system to just redeeming his wife desperately. This could've easily turned into Russell Crowe the superhero gladiator or what have you, but the transition was handled nicely, only accepting violence and such when necessary. Overall, it was a very smart film, unrealistic sure, but smart. I enjoyed it.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
Rated 21 Mar 2013
A pretty great thriller about a prison break set up from the outside of a prison. Elizabeth Banks is sent to jail for murder and Russell Crowe has to bust his wife out because he knows she's innocent. I would have loved this movie even more with a different ending. I think they played it a little safe and could have had a really shocking twist. Oh well, this movie is almost as tense as Argo. I wish Liam Neeson would have been in this longer than 2 minutes but he still helped the film.
Rated 02 Dec 2012
Actually pretty entertaining for being slightly silly and leaving a little too much up to chance. Disappointing ending.
Rated 19 Oct 2012
I have to admit, I enjoyed the original more. At 30 minutes shorter, it ramped up the tension more - this dragged in places for me.
Rated 08 Oct 2012
I kinda liked it. Not the best action thrill-ride, but Crowe and Banks are pretty good, so The Next Three Days is an average mystery/suspense drama.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
It's a good film, I enjoyed it. :)
Rated 28 Sep 2012
Underrated Drama/Thriller. In the last part of the movie, when all the plans are finally acted out, your bloodpressure rises to a maximum and it's impossible to look away :D. Very well done! And this movie has some good emotion in it which keeps you rooting for the main characters till the very end! Ps. Olivia Wilde = HOT :D
Rated 12 Sep 2012
The movie starts out a bit slow, but gradually builds as the husband's life spirals into dark places. By the end it becomes an exhilarating, edge of your seat adventure. Russell Crowe is great, as is Elizabeth Banks. Awesome cast giving believable performances. Excellent music. A love story at heart, Crowes character never gives up on his wife. A highly charged ride as he rescues her from prison and they all make for an escape. Great story telling, script, music and filming.
Rated 22 Jul 2012
Rated 30 Dec 2011
A jailbreak thriller riding on the coat tails of "Prison Break, only doing so in a less interesting manner. If this movie had less drama and more planning of/acting out the prison break I would have been much more satisfied. "Law Abiding Citizen" was of a similar note and it was way better, plus Butler is much more bad ass than Crowe.
Rated 30 May 2012
Low expectations can do wonders for a film! Not only was this nowhere near as mundane as expected, it was actually very entertaining. If it has a problem it's a lack of depth in several areas, an issue in a film 2 hours long. Even so, I found the last half genuinely exciting, Crowe's performance is solid, & there are a couple of moments of real class behind the camera from Haggis. A special mention also has to go the excellent original score, even if some of Haggis' song choices are questionable
Rated 22 Nov 2011
Mostly a fun suspense flick which rollicked along. But then, there were some weird down times, when all the adrenaline was lost, and allowed you to think about the morality of the lead players. And the good will was lost. No, it's not okay to violently break your wife out of prison, even if you're really, really, mostly sure she's innocent.
Rated 11 Jun 2024
There was plenty of implausibility, but the mystery and tension were well executed. It surprised the heck out of me, and I had never heard of it before.
Rated 19 May 2012
The Next Three Days is mostly fun, but is too slow at times to keep the audience paying attention. It's not a complex film, nor does it need to be, but it does contain a lot of elements that should have been excluded, as they only hindered the story. It lasts 133 minutes, but should have been shorter. Regardless, I enjoyed it, and the two leads turn in really good performances. It certainly didn't feel like a waste of time, and I might even watch it again someday. I wanted more Liam Neeson.
Rated 15 May 2012
Rated 29 Mar 2012
It's great when a crime thriller actually works the way it's supposed to. I was really engaged in this film. I thought the ending resolution should have been left a bit more ambiguous, but the desperation of a man trying to save the love of his life... yeah, good stuff. I even liked the failures, the planning, the red herrings and false trails. Solid movie. Nothing groundbreaking, but a solid film. Paul Haggis writes (adapts) another good one, folks.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
Russell Crowe mopes around for 120 minutes while breaking his thankless wife out of prison. Mildly suspenseful and totally unbelievable. Haggis, once again, serves to entertain but doesn't make anything to write home about.
Rated 30 Sep 2015
Has its fair share of problems, but up to a certain point the plot is very well constructed without relying on contrivances that break one's suspension of disbelief. The escape works because of believably careful planning, not because the cops couldn't find their own assholes (in fact they're almost /too/ smart); as a result the whole escape sequence is unbearably tense, like holy shit Lennie James is right on Russell Crowe's ass, is he actually gonna catch him?! That's some good storytelling.
Rated 25 Jan 2011
Very good.
Rated 17 Jan 2024
I’m pretty okay with implausibility, even a heaping spoonful like why would thin-ish russell crowe risk it at for Elizabeth Banks or how did Russell not just say forget the plan and plow that thirsty park mom? What I’m not okay with is tensionless implausibility where not for a moment did I feel like the stakes or lack there of would result in our “hero’s” capture/death, Oh they got to the zoo and picked up their boy without an issue! I’ve never made it through an airport as fast as they did.
Rated 13 Nov 2010
"The Next Three Days refuses to puff up its action with message-movie sermonizing." - Nick Schager
Rated 28 Jan 2021
It took me until the final scene to remember that I had already seen this. Yeah, pretty forgettable. While it's typical and formulaic in pretty much every way imaginable, the suspense factor is the best reason to watch this. Not exceptional by any means, but it passes the time, and the great Kevin Corrigan makes an appearance.
Rated 17 Mar 2019
ode to nuclear family? - ders anlatırken bilgisayarında eşini hapishaneden kaçırma planı yapan hoca figürü kadar işliyor tüm film, ama kendi gerçekliği içerisinde sürükleyici bir şey sunmasına sunuyor. e bir noktada vasat zanaatkarlık da önemli.
Rated 13 Jan 2018
At times the plot can be a bit farfetched regarding the escape. The Next Three Days still manages to be a gripping thriller. There's some great performances spread out and it keeps you intrigued. I felt satisfied after seeing it and I would definitely recommend giving it a viewing. 4 STARS
Rated 04 Nov 2017
eng; [72 Stunden - the next three days]; eine frau kommt wegen mord ins gefängnis, doch ihr mann glaubt an die unschuld und bereitet einen ausbruch vor.; (ein mann der weiß was er will, viel staatlicher aufwand für ein unschuldiges paar magnete);
Rated 30 Oct 2017
It's at least forty minutes too long. The "did she do it or didn't she" mechanic doesn't work, because you don't get to know any of the characters, so you don't care. The second half is more suspenseful than the first, but still not very good. Unbelievable from start to finish. Like Law Abiding Citizen's slightly retarded little brother.
Rated 24 May 2016
very good, emotional, probably it was non adultish
Rated 03 Jun 2013
Another great, hooray the bad guy film, although the ending was a let down again.
Rated 28 Feb 2015
Slow paced but interesting throughout, gripping toward the end, and topped off with a satisfying resolution. Loved the cameo from Neeson.
Rated 23 Oct 2014
Haggis serves up scrapple.
Rated 18 Sep 2014
This is a good drama and thriller movie. The cast work well together and they all do a good job. The script is good on the whole. There were a couple scenes to many of Russell Crowe's character planning things. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 23 Aug 2014
Mediocre, but nice to see Dennehy again.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
Despite a fair attempt to create tension, and a fairly impressive cast, this tale of a faithful, law-abiding husband embracing crime and even murder to rescue his imprisoned wife is ultimately just too silly and implausible. Minor characters are used in a sometimes odd and clunky way that goes nowhere. The filmmakers attempt to blur a few generic lines and to introduce a bit of thematic complexity via Cervantes, but ultimately these strategies are discarded in the name of narrative resolution.
Rated 16 Jun 2014
Elizabeth Banks uses a tennis ball to break her husband out of jail or something? I don't remember
Rated 25 Feb 2014
Not bad(ass)
Rated 19 Oct 2013
Rated 01 Jan 2011
Odd pacing, plot-holes a mile long and unlikable characters let down a otherwise predictable but good film.
Rated 24 Mar 2011
A highly underrated film. Sadly it seems only three of four good films come out every year. This is certainly one of 2010's. Russell Crowe and Elizabeth Banks have a powerful and gripping dynamic in a film that manages to pull off the trio of espionage, suspense, and drama. Slightly slow start, but this film continues to build until it delivers a strong ending.
Rated 15 Mar 2011
Ordinary and predictable, but the strong performances as well as the subtle details makes this an engaging little film.
Rated 13 Mar 2011
A slow start but a decent finish. Worth a look.
Rated 12 Mar 2011
Very disappointed I thought it would have been a lot better then the previews showed.
Rated 10 Mar 2011
A solid, well-constructed post-FUGITIVE thriller washed out by a logic-straining, head-shaking, laughter-inducing third act.
Rated 08 Mar 2011
Rated 02 Mar 2011
i like it, simple is that.
Rated 01 Mar 2011
A decent remake of the better french version. It could easily have been halv an hour shorter without ruining anything and once you finally reach to the well build climax (the getting her out of prison) it could have used a notch up on the action factor.
Rated 25 Mar 2011
I havent seen the original movie, but this movie doesnt make the cut. I think the movie could have been better than what it turned out to be.
Rated 26 Feb 2011
thats the great example how a film can be ruined. Terrible ending...
Rated 25 Feb 2011
I wanted to like it, but I just couldn't. It was as if it was constantly trying to get me to not believe and not suspend my disbelief.
Rated 25 Feb 2011
Not your average 'on the run' thriller. It has a dramatic feel to it, accompanied by moments of suspense and strong action sequences. Sure, the film has its flaws, but overall it kept me involved, from beginning to end. I genuinely cared for the characters and would (spoiler) have ranked it a zero (not really) if they (ch) didn't make it. When the credits rolled I noticed that I was smiling from ear to ear, feeling glad. I could nitpick, but why would I, it's a solid flick. A '70', well deserved
Rated 25 Feb 2011
way too many plotholes, first half *yawn* and second a rollercoaster. entertaining it is indeed, but too many unimportant scenes. saved by the soundtrack and some powerful scenes.
Rated 24 Feb 2011
#11#, story, reviews, casting
Rated 22 Feb 2011
Movies like this and the earlier "Let me in" really make you wonder whether imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or is it just Hollywood's head stuck deep up its ass? Watch the French original 'Pour elle', you won't be disappointed. As for this, avoid.
Rated 21 Feb 2011
I thought the commentary on Don Quixote tied the whole thing together. Was definitely rooting for the characters during the last part of the film.
Rated 07 Feb 2011
Implausible as hell but entertaining especially if you enjoy watching Russell Crowe drive (i.e. here he is from the backseat, here's from the front seat, here's through the windshield, etc, etc).
Rated 11 Jul 2011
Rated 03 Nov 2011
Quite an easy, enjoyable watch, although it's nothing new (obviously) and you'll forget all about it immediately.
Rated 24 Nov 2010
Thought it was good the whole way through but there are definitely some things I'd change. I feel like the movie tried so hard to make them the "good guys," and they should have cut that shit out. The flashback explaining that she's innocent was unnecessary... the movie became more about his desperation and the murder was like the money in No Country, it didn't really matter at the end of it. The family was definitely wronged, no doubt, but let's call a spade a spade. But it's very thrilling.
Rated 30 Oct 2011
It has some flaws, but entertains.
Rated 25 Sep 2011
Slightly lengthy, but very interesting story and actors are predictable good.
Rated 18 Sep 2011
nice one mr. Crowe
Rated 21 Aug 2011
Really quite stupid, and slow moving in places.
Rated 07 Aug 2011
wasn't aware of french original so came to this unprepared. I loved the pace and unfolding story. I loved the way it kept me riveted without the usual mechanisms of escalating 'peril'. A slow burning passion can outweigh a flash in the pan
Rated 29 Jul 2011
It's ok but totally unremarkable.
Rated 18 Nov 2011
This one starts off slow. Russell Crowe plays a community college teacher whose wife goes to prison for a murder she allegedly didn't commit. There's too much talking at the beginning of the film about the difficulties this creates, followed by a much-too-long act where Crowe develops the skills necessary to break her out of prison. Things pick up when the breakout attempt occurs, but I found Crowe's transformation from pudgy prof to a Bournelike figure to strain my suspension-of-disbelief.
Rated 11 Jul 2011
Very bland, boring build-up to a fairly suspenseful but ridiculous climax. Pretty huge WTF-are-you-a-retarded-person @Banks deciding to kill herself mid-escape. I mean, honestly, WAT.
Rated 04 Jul 2011
A competent thriller. I wasn't exactly on the edge of my seat for the whole thing, particularly due to the slow pace of the first act. A couple of minor issues detract, such as Crowe's unrealistically impressive handling of firearms under stress, and the kid looking way older than 6 (more like 9). In terms of the writing, I think the film could have been more gripping if the innocence or guilt was left more open-ended. Overall solid performances from Crowe and Banks. Could not guess the ending.
Rated 03 Jun 2011
"Audiences may roll an eye here or there, but they're unlikely to lost interest in John's efforts."
Rated 24 Apr 2011
Solid and entertaining but the talents involved can and should aim higher.
Rated 09 Apr 2011
Not bad, but a faster pacing would have made this film much better.
Rated 27 Mar 2011
When an ordinary man is pushed to extraordinary measures during desperate hours... yes, yes. We've been down this road many times. And yes, we still love to get caught up in the suspense no matter the improbabilities. "Next 3 Days" treads the line of impossible and improbable like a dance made up on the spot, and that's okay with me. Russell Crowe has always been a commanding actor in the right material, and Paul Haggis ditches the emotional body-slam for some straight-up thrills. I liked it.
Rated 26 Mar 2011
Few films I have seen have gotten me as involved and excited as this has. It had a great plot and message. The characters were strong an the actions were believable, and to top it all off the ending had an incredible twist.


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