The Neon Demon
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The Neon Demon

1h 57m
When aspiring model Jesse moves to Los Angeles, her youth and vitality are devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will take any means necessary to get what she has. (imdb)
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The Neon Demon

1h 57m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 47.95% from 1718 total ratings

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Rated 23 Jun 2016
Aside from one short-lived moment of pure cinematic ecstasy, TND offers absolutely nothing in return for the two hours it will swipe from your life. Contrary to what the film would have us believe, there's just no tension, no suspense, and no drama to be found. Just an endless series of gratingly vapid, needlessly drawn out vignettes featuring doe-eyed airheads gaping aimlessly into thin air. Fuck this film, so much.
Rated 26 Jun 2016
After an hour or so you start to wonder where the hell the film is going, but don't worry, you'll get an answer. Its target is the easiest target of all time - LA's insufferable modeling industry - but anything that shits on LA is ok in my book. The modeling industry is compared to: a mountain lion breaking into your house at night, women sucking other women's blood, necrophilia, rape, cannibalism, Keanu Reeves appearing in your nightmares, and a bunch of other reasonable metaphors.
Rated 28 Jun 2016
I went from wanting to walk out, to rushing the screen, to weeping, to wanting to walk out again then finally acceptance and adoration while I was dry heaving heavily into a bag of Sour Patch Kids.
Rated 12 Jun 2016
A beautifully crafted pile of shit.
Rated 26 Jun 2016
Nicolas Winding Refn's Mulholland Drive, a modern-day giallo about models and the modeling industry as vampirish ghouls. You could probably fit the script of this movie on a cocktail napkin, which is fine, because it delivers in spades on style and suggestive imagery. Its synthesis of sex and violence is bold, unsettling, and occasionally hilarious. I'm glad there's a director making mainstream movies this wild.
Rated 19 Dec 2016
I caught flavours of different influences from this - lingering, colour-drenched shots and gore (Dario Argento), a surreal vision of Los Angeles (David Lynch), and vacuous, empty caricatures which reminded me of Glamorama (Bret Easton Ellis). And emptiness was the thing that stuck with me. Aside from an undercurrent of mild dread, I was pretty unaffected by most of it. Curious, beautiful in parts, but a bit unsatisfying. Might give it another chance.
Rated 29 Jun 2016
Absolutely beautiful, as would be expected, but as I was making mental references to Blood and Black Lace, Suspiria, and Black Swan; and as my friend was admitting his desire to see it paired with Eyes of Laura Mars, I realized something we're probably not supposed to say about art house fare: It's essentially a remake of Showgirls. Whoops.
Rated 11 Jan 2017
The first half sets up several cool seeming directions for things to go in, but then the 'oh it's gonna be like this then, allright' feeling set in. Still, the music and visuals were aces and being superficially enraptured by purrty things at least kinda fits this specific title. A few tense or gross moments and a strong sense of isolation and vulnerability carried it home for me. The beauty standard for these photoshoots apparently is 'looks like a space escort'.
Rated 24 Dec 2016
the absurdity of TND's attempts to paint elle fanning as Beauty personified is an extension of refn's endless straining toward being perceived as hollywood's black sheep provocateur. not unlike certain aronofsky movies i might mention, the few strong responses he elicits here are mainly due to his echoing various superior reference points, and a lot of the time this has barely more subversive or sensory kick than those perfectly composed arty HD videos on pornhub.
Rated 03 Jan 2017
I actually really liked this movie. Martinez's music is as gritty and deft as usual, the performances are all great, and Nicolas Winding Refn's directing is phenomenal. This film once again proves how nuts his storytelling and characters can be, which may or may not sit well with some. The execution was one hell of a twist. Not for everybody, but there's no denying it's well made. I loved it, as Refn is one of my favorite filmmakers.
Rated 24 Jun 2016
As a movie, 'The Neon Demon' is a lot like its protagonist, Jesse: totally self-enamored and tantalizing to a fault. Nonetheless, I can't deny that even if the climax wasn't all I'd wanted, it delivers on what you'd expect from a Refn picture: a strong collage of imagery both beautiful and shocking, and a score that compliments the atmosphere that's present throughout the movie even when "substance" isn't.
Rated 30 Jun 2016
This movie gets 1 point for Keanu Reeves putting in one of his best performances with real emotion. EVERYTHING else about this movie leads to being one of the worst films I have ever seen. The movie is overly stylized but with no purpose. Symbolic but lacks any sense of subtlety. Poor acting all around but especially by Elle Fanning, who delivers the most emotionless performance I've ever seen. The movie has twist and turns that make no sense for the story and seem to have been added, just cause
Rated 30 Jun 2016
I don't want to be sexist, but necrophilia seems more like a dude centric thing.
Rated 27 Dec 2016
Seeks to add new analysis on rotten aspects of LA-culture, but, ironically, on top of not doing any such thing, precisely is the type of tonally confused emptiness apt for such analysis. What remains is a near insult to Verhoeven, director of Showgirls, to Malick (Knight of Cups), and Lynch (Inland Empire), all films which somehow inspired him.
Rated 30 Jun 2016
Mulholland Grimes.
Rated 26 Jun 2016
I think it's a bit ironic for a filmmaker so reliant on stylistic visuals to criticize the shallowness (and cruelty) of beauty. He may be right, but he's (and the other two screenwriters) not saying anything new. Performances were good though!
Rated 19 Mar 2017
Imagine how good this movie would be if it had absolutely anything interesting to say. Instead it's just beautifully shot sequences of nothingness. Maybe Refn should just shoot music videos from now on.
Rated 26 Dec 2016
Utterly pretentious, but beautifully filmed slow-burn horror-thriller. Watching this over Xmas with TV full of over-stylized ads for designer labels and perfumes made me appreciate what Refn was going for with the look of this film. He has taken the aesthetics of the fashion industry and turned them against it to make a very blackly humorous tale.
Rated 07 Sep 2016
A beautiful looking film (Refn's use of colour and lighting is spectacular), however, I never found myself enjoying this. Uh oh, I used the 'enjoy' word in a piece of movie criticism. Hang me! But no, it's not only slow-paced, but it has the vaguest sense of a plot, which centers around the shallowness and emptiness of models. Is there some larger point? Probably. Unfortunately, I was too busy writing out my grocery list to make sense of it all.
Rated 04 Jan 2017
Can't help but think that this script needed a little more time in the oven, but like Refn's other works, you come for the ambiance, and does this ever deliver that. There's passion & intensity in this, and few directors capture intensity and do so with as much flair and style as Refn. It's far from a searing critique of the industry it portrays, but I don't need it to be that. I need it to be over-the-top, stylish and impactful; it's all three. Though I don't know what to feel about the ending.
Rated 20 Nov 2016
Try as I might, I am wowed by shiny things. I don't want to be impressed simply by sight and sound, but NWF continue to deliver just that. The Neon Demon is hardly a movie; rather, it is a series of Vogue or Glamour magazine pages splashed with blood. It wears its themes proudly on its sleeves, and the superficial characters are mostly a bore. Barely passable Lynchian mood and dialogue ooze out from the seedy L.A. scenery. Still, it is a marvel to see and to hear. I kind of hate loving it.
Rated 17 Oct 2018
Filled with beautiful women. Extra points for the gorgeous Elle Fanning. Decent dialog. The rotten editing and directing ruins it. The camera frequently lingers excessively on pointless boring scenes. The miserable creepy music doesn't help. It has several strange and stupid subplots. Keanu Reeves was entirely wasted. Overall, it was an exercise in patience to watch all the way to its ridiculous lousy unfulfilling end.
Rated 22 Oct 2016
No denying that it looks and sounds good. But it's hard to satirise shallowness and fetishism without becoming a shallow fetishist, and Refn never really looks up from his perfect surfaces (and his own mirror-mirror fascination with them) enough to let the story grow roots. Basically, it's a less inept "Sucker Punch".
Rated 29 Jun 2016
accept it, this doesn't work on one viewing. an optimal result of the first is laying out a framework to warrant more. i'm gonna put it out there: this movie is fantastic and a perfect fit for refn's heightened visual narration. he can portray the interactions of "hell.a."-society in all its vapid, shallow superfluousness and yet charge every frame with meaning, often to a point where it's simply too much. hence: watch again. let the imagery talk. watch again. commit!...kidding, it sucks, dude!
Rated 09 Dec 2016
Modelling: it's a tough racket. Borrows from numerous, better films but this just draws attention to the fact that every "daring" thing the filmmakers try has been done long before. The desperation of the attempt to be "cool" is overwhelming, but still gives the impression that those responsible haven't got a clue what they're doing or why. Totally fails to justify its existence. Refn's worst movie.
Rated 18 Sep 2016
The Neon Demon is the most peculiar piece of filmmaking yet from the unusually talented NWR. I dont think there is another filmmaker out there who's future projects I am more curious to see. With each NWR release I have evolved from a fan to a supporter of his work and my expectations are prepared for anything. But this really is a deeply unsettling yet beautiful and visceral experience. And most notably the immaculate cinematography and lighting marry with the Cliff Martinez score beautifully.
Rated 30 Aug 2016
It seems pretentious at first, but it tells the story of LA's meat industry so style fits in with the context. When you get into the movie, it starts to disturb you because you know reality is as ugly as you see in this movie, despite of its surrealistic narration. A beautiful, stunning vision for an ugly industry.
Rated 16 Oct 2016
Doesn't make any particularly deep or interestingly fresh comments on beauty and fashion and all that jazz. This is unfortunately less elusive than Refn's previous two films, but he should stick to surface level as this works as a wickedly stylish horror movie that had my balls getting progressively sweatier until things start getting hilarious towards the end (with the right amount of self-awareness). If this shined a more refreshing light on the fashion industry, it would've been a masterpiece
Rated 27 Nov 2016
It's like the producers said "Black Swan was good, but what if we make it artsier, bloodier, and more like a goth-rock music video? Oh yeah, let's turn the pretension knob up to 11." To be fair, there are some compelling moments of tension in the beginning, but then it's like a clumsy copy-cat of Terence Malick and von Trier. Pretty cinematography and unbridled self-indulgence tying up an eye-rollingly banal metaphor. Just rewatch Black Swan instead.
Rated 03 Jun 2016
Feels like Refn's most personal movie in many ways, despite the distance from his usual themes. The cinematography and score are incredible, while Elle Fanning announces herself as a potential major player in the arthouse scene. Still suffers from the usual Refn issue of being somewhat on-the-nose and enamoured with itself, but at its best it's spellbinding and a huge return to form after the turgid, empty Only God Forgives.
Rated 24 Jul 2017
A movie about as shallow as its subject matter (that's the point, right? RIGHT?), Neon Demon is essentially Nicolas Winding Refn doing his best Lars von Trier impression, proving once again only filmmakers with three names can ever create something truly worthy of the enigmatic one-handed Zen clap.
Rated 24 Jun 2016
"The Neon Demon" is an ugly film about beauty. Refn comes off as so self-absorbed that its near impossible to decipher his manipulations from his falsehoods. He frames this film as a hyperbolic meditation on natural vs artificial beauty and while his method is effective, the progression is so entirely distasteful that it removes me from truly engaging with his subtext. Still though, visually his films operate on a level that many contemporary arthouse films can't reach.
Rated 07 Jun 2017
Rated 03 Sep 2016
"that was interesting, Nicola-- oh wait, it's still going..."
Rated 26 Jun 2016
Super creepy, surrealistic film that keeps you off balance--and it works, up until the vacuous end. Stunning visuals, especially the Demon Dance. No matter how stylistic and artistically formidable it is, it still needs to justify itself to the audience with some meat on those bones. Otherwise it's irrelevant. But hey, if RFN can manipulate others into financing his self-gratifying material, more power to him, in his realm. Jena Malone continues to impress.
Rated 14 Sep 2016
Now that's one shitty, sexist, Gaspar Noé-ish pseudo-subversive and self-conscious advertising about human beauty as an incarnation of hell on earth.
Rated 06 Sep 2016
Rated 23 Jun 2016
A really special sensory experience. Masterful cinematography. Multiple visual, auditive, and mental trips throughout the movie that you can't help but get along with. However, there's the plot... or lack thereof. Fuck was that? Let's say the last thing I was expecting coming into this movie was necrophiliac lesbian cannibals in graphic detail. That should sum it up.
Rated 27 Dec 2016
Refn's biggest problem as a film maker is that he stands on the shoulders of giants and fails to measure up. He also tries too hard to shock, but unlike expert provocateurs like Von Trier, his provocations tend to lack depth and purpose. What's left is surface, but it's a surface that is frequently inert and unable to reflect meaningfully on itself. T.N.D just might be his worst yet, an inferior distillation of obvious influences (especially Kubrick and Lynch) predictably deployed.
Rated 10 Jul 2016
Refn has a strong sense of style and a superb ability to craft images and sounds. But it's a very slow film with a story that is too underdeveloped and some really immature flourishes. The ending is particularly lame.
Rated 22 Jul 2016
All style and no substance, no problems so far. My personal annoyance with the movie came from the beating-you-over-the-head message coming from Refn, who seems more masturbatory than ever and apparently thinks that his movie is incredibly smart. The movie looks good – although not as good as Only God Forgives – and the soundtrack steals the show, but a loosely connected series of vaguely satirical, visually indulgent segments is not enough to make for an entertaining movie.
Rated 25 Sep 2016
Ugliness of beauty
Rated 16 Oct 2016
The modeling industry as a demon? OK. Neat depiction of voracious gealousy and adoration.The predatory women are neatly drawn, each with her own motives and drives. The male characters are almost as brainless weaklings. All the gory scenes taken apart may seem too much, but, assembled in the plot line, they're perfect embodiments of the intended animalic desires. Martinez's score kicks ass. Aesthetically on point, but SO MUCH NWR I WANNA PUKE.
Rated 06 Jul 2016
Great soundtrack and visuals obviously. Message is half smart/the stupidest shit ever but still enough to keep up the interest.
Rated 13 Oct 2016
It should have been a 14 minute music video/photoshoot.
Rated 09 Dec 2016
Room 214, gotta be seen. ND has an 'Under the Skin' tone mixed w/ the career white dwarfism found in 'Black Swan' complete with a shattered glass reflection metaphor. Touches on the bleak tail spin of a Hollywood career, perfected by 'Maps to the Stars'. To note, is the use of lens obstruction, sometimes in repetitious form within the frame, but unique all the same. Aside from the cinematography, the lighting, usually under-emphasised, gets a noticeable amount of screen-time in this outing.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Like most of his Winding Refn's films its visually stunning at times, holds a strange 80's Lynchian vibe and everyone is weird as hell. It's not amazing and at times it seems to list ,but its also unnerving, off-putting and visceral. I think it bears a re-watch.
Rated 16 Jul 2016
Right. Well. I've no idea how to review this. Watch the trailer, if you are interested, watch this. If you hate it, sorry, it was worth a go. The soundtrack is good though.
Rated 18 Jul 2018
I finally got around to watching this because I had a dream the night before that I was watching The Neon Demon, except it didn't star any of these actors and it was set in a modeling school, and it was at a film festival and there was a giant car crash that went on for 35 minutes
Rated 26 Jun 2016
Visually the best that Refn has produced so far, which is saying something. I also found the characters to be well-rounded and quite interesting. Littered with thought-provoking moments. Held together more by themes than by plot, but that's fine with me.
Rated 03 Jul 2016
Strip it down and it's essentially a very blunt, literal rebuke of female beauty standards. In fact the film is ironically similar to the fashion world it skewers in its emphasis on superficial glamour. It is fiendishly glamorous, though. Refn's audiovisual panache is ever-present. The dialogue, design, photography, lighting and sound are stunning all around. Bold yet tasteful, even when he throws in these shlock horror elements. There is a tinge of "Spring Breakers", but it's not quite Korine.
Rated 09 Jul 2016
Neon Demon is simultaneously a subtle & heavy handed cautionary tale on how women are viewed by the media. Yet, if a lesser director--say Zack Snyder--had made this film (or if it was a dystopian YA story), we'd never hear the end of the criticism. Still, NWR found some interesting visuals, mood, and a groovy Cliff Martinez score to paint an abstract painting about something he cares about. I just wish the opening had more thoughts in its head. Marginal recommendation, but worth checking out.
Rated 04 Sep 2016
It didn't entertain me as much as Refn's other recent movies but I'm upping it 5 points for style to consider it "great." It's beautiful, but it lacks the one memorable scene for me that movies like Drive does, but it slowly unravels a really grotesque plot that is both surreal and pretty honest. There's an odd uneasiness that permeates throughout, until it goes disgusting at the end, proving that Refn does have a talent for both style and violence/gore. Awesome title, as well.
Rated 25 Jun 2016
Turns out I DO have Refn limits. Even Only God Forgives felt like it went from point A to point B in the vaguest terms, but even that is gone here. This film is horribly paced, and the pretty colors and dope soundtrack can't hold it together by themselves.
Rated 02 Sep 2016
I gave up at 43 minutes 30 seconds, this is just a placeholder, maybe a decade from now when I can face this I'll come back and rewatch
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Challenging, potent, weird, scary, and often impenetrable, The Neon Demon is a fascinating movie almost regardless of where you ultimately come down on it. Whether it's a bleak black comedy, a critical horror movie, or artsy for the sake of it, you're going to have a strong opinion on this one. That is rare. It's something to be treasured. Nicolas Winding Refn has made one of the most interesting movies of 2016. Personally, I loved it and can't wait to dissect it further when it hits home video.
Rated 24 Oct 2019
Pretty chill.
Rated 14 Mar 2017
Stylish like a fashion catalogue, but void of feeling or authenticity. Yes, that is the point, but then how should I care about anything that's happening in the film? - Also, fails miserably at being clever.
Rated 17 Oct 2016
Say what you will about the film's ambitious audio-visual stylings, I don't think you can, based primarily on reference to the subject matter at hand, defend the similarly hollow script, narrative and message, all of which are as cheap as glitter. Deep down, I think my main difficulty is that this film takes the easy way out by being far too literal. It's like an abridged and annotated version of Mulholland Drive.
Rated 13 Sep 2016
Such a polarizing perplexing situation you are left in when it comes to reflecting on 'The Neon Demon'. I hated it, I thought it was masterful, I was disgusted, I looked in awe. Will come back but my brain needs time.. Please..
Rated 04 Sep 2016
A vapid fairytale about cannibalism. An (over)stylized meditation on the superficiality of beauty, an alternative to Showgirls. Luckily not as piss poor as Refn his former film. Refn is basically the king of douches, the guy wants to be so damn edgy (necrophilia scene for example) all the time it translates as artificial. Refn evokes through style, not through story. Therefore his films are like shells, vessels, with little to no deeper layers. Such a shame, really.
Rated 09 Sep 2016
NWR you did it again you insane bastard
Rated 31 Aug 2016
A complete waste of time featuring dreamy nonsense sequences and completely fake characters and dialogue, topped off with some necrophilia. Bad enough to ruin your day.
Rated 13 Dec 2016
Yeah, I guess it's fine.
Rated 07 Oct 2016
The best film I never want to watch again.
Rated 30 Jun 2016
The cinephile directors obsessed with form end up creating endless bubbles; and this is one of them: I appreciate that Refn creates a minor cinema by emptying out the semantics of "culture of exhibition" through his mimicry of the latter's form, but the story is way too shallow, misogynistic and it can't avoid pornography and voyeurism: isn't this film also a copy of the world it criticizes, with Fanning as a sexy celebrity and in its grandiose and vivid form of aesthetic pleasure?
Rated 23 Aug 2016
A naive young model (Elle Fanning) comes to L.A. and soon finds herself the focus of lust and envy. The story and characters are hardly there, mainly being excuses for Refn to go wild. That his indulgences make for decently compelling viewing at least elevates this over Only God Forgives, and Jena Malone's lively performance as a lovelorn makeup artist gives it more of an emotional core than that film, but it goes on rather too long and adds up to not much. Cliff Martinez' score is delightful.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
How the fuck do I give this disturbing thing points?! My little angel me says this is pagan crap from the highest level. On the other hand, little devil me says it's top shelf filmmaking. Okay, why not...
Rated 20 Sep 2016
Amazing cinematography, But something is wrong about the movie
Rated 23 Jul 2016
Viewed July 21, 2016. All of its finer qualities are also its most troubling, making it one difficult film to process. It is ruthlessly uncompromising. It possesses a high level of intelligence and a cutting sense of humor, and I can barely fathom that it was made by an adult. It absolutely lives up to Refn's impeccable sense of style, using its glittering colors and virile music to spruce up what is, on paper, just another movie about a small-town girl trying to make it in show business.
Rated 18 Feb 2017
#17#, exp3, rw3, story, creator NWR, Elle.F/8B5
Rated 02 Sep 2016
fuck this movie
Rated 16 Dec 2016
Refn delivers his usual style-over-substance shtick with a film that runs for two hours, but has barely anything to say. The narrative is puerile, the characters are vapid, and if the film is aiming for evocative it misses the mark dearly, delivering only pretence. All this is somewhat impressive given the death, nudity, and necrophilia within do absolutely nothing to counter the film's banality.
Rated 07 Dec 2016
The Neon Demon may be thinly scripted, but then again it seems only appropriate for a film about beauty standards to revel in aesthetic expression. It is an experience to be felt, pulsing and hypnotic, using the full leverage of audiovisual spectrums to portray abstractions which border on absurdities.
Rated 04 Jan 2017
eng; [the neon demon]; ein junges mädchen geht zum modeln in die grossstadt und steigt schnell auf - dabei trifft sie auf eine gruppe frauen, welche die schönheit der neuen besitzen wollen.; (krass);
Rated 24 Jun 2016
In many ways worse than Only God Forgives, in many ways better. Visuals are like if electronica-obsessed Edward Hopper adapted Bret Easton Ellis. It's rather shallow on thematic content but puts its focus on exploring theme anyway. In this respect it further separates itself from Drive (my favorite of three films of his Ive seen so far), which focused on the moments and emotions, which suggested themes upon later examination. I wonder what David Lynch would think of this.
Rated 05 Oct 2016
I think I liked it... ? I'm not sure. I know that two hours went by and I was surprised that two hours had already gone by. This feels like Suspiria or Black Swan if the creator had no respect for the subject matter. The characters and dialog are empty. The visuals are full.
Rated 05 Jan 2017
The Neon Demon, is a special kind of awful. It's not that I can't buy the premise that the Los Angeles fashion world is producing a world of jealous models who suck the life out of each other by becoming vampires. That sounds reasonable. What I can't buy is that Refn has made a movie this lifeless and devoid of human interest.
Rated 01 Aug 2016
WTF Refn!!?? That's the dumbest thing I've seen in quite a while.
Rated 06 Apr 2017
Meh - too explicit. Nothing new here except visuals.
Rated 19 Jul 2016
Refns talents for both the visual and auditive sides of filmmaking is second to none. Great film, very special indeed.
Rated 02 Dec 2016
So fucking dumb. I'm pissed.
Rated 16 Jul 2016
A brazen film full of vibrant colours, thumping music, and extremely gruesome scenes. Light on plot but delightful on style.
Rated 30 Nov 2016
Give NWR a break. He doesn't listen to your advice anyway.
Rated 10 Sep 2016
One of the most pretentious film ever but shamefully I admit it appealed to me. Great cinematographie and set design, fully packed with symbolism (death in the pool - Narcissus from the Greek mythology/color red and blue/the moon/the eye/the house where nobody lives as sort of a house of judgement etc). The usual Refn movie, annoyingly self aware and is in love with it's own bravery of being different. It can be a real treat though, you just have to get on board. If you can not, you'll hate it.
Rated 03 Jul 2017
An odd stake in the junction of style vs. substance; Refn's brilliant handling of this very strange material keeps you hoping that it will elevate itself into something more satisfying. As it is, this mish-mash of Kubrick and Lynchian sensibilities is never boring, but is occasionally quite repellent (for no discernible reason other than shock value.) Full marks to the cast for their commitment to this sordid material, especially Malone and a mesmerising Fanning.
Rated 10 May 2018
All the people calling this a critique of the shallow fashion industry or whatever are way off. It's about the level of importance we assign to womens' looks and how that turns them against each other instead of the ones responsible. Essentially Mean Girls as a horror film. It's glacially paced and has some hokey dialogue but it nails its central theme and that counts for a lot with me.
Rated 09 Mar 2017
*RE-REVIEW (1st review: June 26, Score: 64)* Ohhh fuck. Ohhhh fuckkk fuckfuck how wrong I was. I love it. I love this. I love you, Nicolas Winding Refn. I love pretty surface images. I love formalists. I love form. I love good form. This is incredible form. And an incredible cinematic experience. It's not stupid; it's flamboyant. It's not obvious; it's self-referential and metacinematic. It's 'The Neon Demon.'
Rated 21 Jan 2017
That's one way of showing how fucked up the modeling industry is....
Rated 03 Nov 2016
At times pretentious, an abundance of slow motion shots, but gorgeous visuals. I enjoyed Keanu Reeves creepy motel dude perhaps more than I should have.
Rated 06 Sep 2016
A painfully silent movie with lots of shots which seemed drawn out for no real benefit. Some shots look great but what's the point of starting at a shot for an entire minute in silence. So much of the movie has scenes/characters which end up being completely irrelevant to the plot like the 'three neon triangles' or the minor love interest. The movie took 50ish minutes to actually have something interesting happen, way to long to be considered a 'slow burn'. Don't bother with this one.
Rated 26 Jul 2016
Do you understand the insanity of beauty?
Rated 06 Nov 2016
Audiovisually beautiful, but not even NWR's best at that. Beauty is the only thing indeed, as the script offers nothing.
Rated 17 Dec 2016
A wide reaching horror comedy, that deserves all the cult status it has achieved. Worth seeing for fans of horror comedy and the 90s alike
Rated 04 Oct 2016
Rated 01 Nov 2016
The Neon Demon successfully surpassed the positive hype I brought into my initial viewing. The soundtrack and colors are hypnotizing. I could watch the shot of glitter snowing down for hours. When looking at almost any still frame one will see much artistic expression. The cinematography is so well done it alone makes the movie fantastic, but it also complements the story. The story may seem scarce at first, but if you find yourself thinking about it days later, its richness is proved. Not muc
Rated 17 Dec 2016
More overtly Lynch-like than his other films. The 'LA engendering narcissism/devouring purity' symbolism is paper-thin, but hypnotic at times. You get sucked into her transformation, and her innocence is really exposed against that dark, dissolute atmosphere. The Cliff Martinez score is perfect again, but there's just no need for Sia. Ever.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
A truly worthwhile and memorable experience. What Black Swan should have been. A marked improvement over his last film.
Rated 21 Aug 2017
good movie
Rated 30 Dec 2016
The winner of the Audience Award at the Bohemian Grove Film Festival.


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