The Menu
The Menu
The Menu

The Menu

1h 47m
A young couple travel to a remote island to eat at an exclusive restaurant where the chef has prepared a lavish menu, with some shocking surprises. (imdb)
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The Menu

1h 47m
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Avg Percentile 51.89% from 1879 total ratings

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Rated 03 Jan 2023
He knew they were all going to die and still taking pictures of the fucking food! Fucking peasant!
Rated 06 Jan 2023
What delightful surprise! Satire cinema seems to be one of those things just works for you or just doesn’t. This worked like a charm for me. I was throughly entertained. I laughed out loud often, felt a bit unnerved at times, and was just very satisfied with The Menu’s dark sense of humor and execution. It’s also legitimate well acted. Fiennes was damn good and Joy gives one of her best to date. Everyone was great though. I will definitely be revisiting and analyzing this one again! Brilliant.
Rated 20 Nov 2022
Up until a certain point, this movie is great. When the mystery of what is going on is first unfolding, it is compelling. Then at some point it's mostly revealed what's going on and it starts going through the motions. The commentary is fine for what it is, but I can't put it up there with the best satire by any means. Fiennes and Joy are great, with Fiennes being the highlight. It's always "good" but definitely loses steam. I ate less than I desire, but more than I deserve.
Rated 17 Oct 2022
A good comedy but a groan-worthy satire. Average script elevated by great direction and a cast that were seriously way too good for this movie like wow!!!!
Rated 06 Jan 2023
If it made a lick of sense, I might be able to consider this well-made. But aside from the impossible logistics of this event (the whole crew, really?), what is the point of view here? Class warfare at all costs? Everybody is an empty vessel, functioning like an ingredient in an exploitation pic that tries its hardest to be socially relevant when all it has is fancy nihilism.
Rated 11 Jan 2023
A mad surreal satirical horror that chimed quite well me on a few levels. I couldn't quite get over the preposterousness of it all, but when I was able to park that I really enjoyed it. I'll probably need to watch it again to see if I get more out of it (or I might end up hating it). There might be a few chefs that we see on telly finding some of this a bit close to the bone...
Rated 05 Apr 2023
I love any director who hates a topic enough to commit his grievances to film, but I was let down by the desert.
Rated 09 Feb 2023
Neat little black comedy clearly written by someone who's had it up to *here* with fine dining and all archetypes of horrible patrons, you might find in a Michelin starred restaurant. The finale didn't quite land, with the joke/twist feeling somewhat banal compared to the rest, but as a whole quite enjoyable.
Rated 23 Jan 2023
I noticed that this and Burnt feature an odd and almost out of place nod to the common man that doesn't necessarily fit the narrative but in both instances worked to affect me. Does this mean I'm nothing more than common? It absolutely does; whether that makes me any less pretentious is the real question and one not easily answered. I've both searched out my city's best escargot and had my wife do a blind taste test on fast food burgers. I also write movie reviews, sometimes seemingly à la carte
Rated 17 Nov 2022
Part class satire, part escalating multi-course horror, The Menu cleverly mimics the form of an Agatha Christie chamber piece, with Hercule Poirot holding the immaculately sharpened butcher knife. The comic beats of The Menu are a little ragged at times, volleyed among a ensemble that needed to be more defined to be an effective chorus for the script. The film fares better as a tightly constructed exercise in horror, like a cross between a Saw movie and The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover.
Rated 17 Nov 2022
Ralph Fiennes is phenomenal in an otherwise rather mediocre satire.
Rated 27 Nov 2022
Amusing and worth a watch.
Rated 01 Apr 2023
Nice tempo; pulls you right in. It's absurd and surreal. What works is that it's different and interesting. What doesn't hit are the satirical and social commentary vibes, which are flat, and the jokes, which aren't funny. Tell ya what though. That burger looked fucking delicious.
Rated 26 Jan 2023
Calling Doctor Sunshine is clearly The Pest. Guy Fieri doing this.
Rated 10 Oct 2022
Rated 20 Nov 2022
My predisposition to liking this due to the cast aside, I was genuinely impressed. I gave myself to this goofy concept fully, and I guess the sheer magnetism of the combination of Fiennes, ATJ and Hoult kept it afloat even as the exposition ramped up and the dust settled on the narrative. Mylod is known mostly for television - indeed this felt like it could have been formatted as a miniseries - but he nails the atmosphere and the comedy, even if the social commentary is a tad undercooked.
Rated 20 Dec 2022
I chuckled a lot while watching it, it's a funny/ tense film, not subtle at all, but enjoyable. The performances were great! It's another of those explorations of art and commerce that can be applied to food, filmmaking (wink wink) and any type of spot where money and passion and ideas clash. I quite loved Margot and Anya Taylor Joy's performance, but the film is loaded with great performances (Fiennes! Hoult! Chau!)
Rated 22 Feb 2023
Manipulative, populistic, nihilistic...and close to psychotic as in the psychotic smirk of self-content that our protagonist flashes (a "victim" of capitalism and "patriarchy") when everybody else dies in an explosion at the end. It is also very dumb, populated by clichés and non-sensical character motivations.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
What, no mayo?? Fucking kill her!
Rated 08 Jan 2023
This is why I exclusively eat out at McDonald's. They are too busy to give me laser-printed images of myself on my hamburger buns. This is a lot of fun. It never had me asking, "cheque, please!"
Rated 07 Feb 2023
Taylor-Joy is a great actress who consistently plays characters I dislike. The Menu is a fun ride, though the satire doesn't quite translate into poignancy. The film pits those who serve against those who consume in such a way that equates petty grievances (Carrero not having any student debt) with fraud & workplace harassment. Overall the film looks great, has plenty of witty dialogue & manages to deliver a convincing sense of foreboding before flying off the rails. Entertaining, but flawed.
Rated 02 Feb 2023
A great surprise. I was expecting a horror film but this isn't really that. It's truly odd, a satire on the pricey "foodie" world & Fiennes deserves an Oscar for his portrayal. He's a lunatic murderer you feel sympathy for almost exclusively because of how Fiennes plays him. Only Anthony Hopkins can convey this amount of inner sadness w/ just his eyes. The film isn't always plausible but as a satire, that's not the goal. The humor is pitch black, so your mileage may vary but I LOL several times.
Rated 05 Feb 2023
Hard for me to rate because I have family in the Michelin world, so this barely meets my definition of satire (I once dry-iced emulsified corn purée to resemble fungus on an edible chicken log with duck foam) and I know the level of mental strain and illness that’s also part of the game, and that stung a bit. But that’s also why it kind of works. It’s keenly aware of the insane power imablances in celebrity kitchens; the final girl is the only one who restores the equilibriuYES CHEF.
Rated 18 Sep 2022
If Gordon Ramsey Was a Hamfisted Critique of Society and Social Class: The Movie.
Rated 17 Nov 2022
A movie relishing itself. The good news is that you can’t blame it, despite a few redundant characters (especially John Leguizamo and partner).
Rated 19 Nov 2022
With The Menu, Bodies Bodies Bodies, and Triangle of Sadness, 2022 reminds me a lot of '99-'00 when a bunch of satirical social commentary flicks hit mainstream cinema -- American Beauty, American Psycho, Fight Club, The Matrix, Office Space. Well paced and quite competently acted, I was somewhat surprised to find myself enjoying the simpler black comedy in The Menu more than the more refined takedown of class and privilege in Triangle of Sadness.
Rated 20 Nov 2022
Director Mark Mylod and writers Seth Reiss and Will Tracy are careful not to be too arch with their easily-mockable subject matter; although the characters and dishes are broadly satirical, they're also generally believable. I do think this might have benefitted from being a little more unhinged, particularly in the last third which feels like it's simmering when it should be sizzling. But on the whole, I had a great time watching this.
Rated 20 Nov 2022
I appreciate the levels of meta on regards how much of a pretentious Oscar grab this film is while simultaneously pissing on pretentiousness. One of the biggest downsides of the film was that it left me craving for a proper Hoult and Taylor-Joy collaboration. These kids are absolutely magnetic.
Rated 23 Nov 2022
The first courses are a sumptuous treat of unsettling anticipation, but the main course’s social commentary is clumsily mixed. Luckily, this broken emulsion is just one of the many dips served by the film’s chef, and there are fine flavours of humour, performance, and thrill to taste instead. Smooth, mostly clever, and funny.
Rated 23 Nov 2022
Enjoyable, funny and well acted-the social commentary is a bit unsubtle but the narrative surprises.
Rated 02 Dec 2022
Good enough dark comedy that could've been better and more biting in every department. The script seems very involved with the culinary pretentiousness and the set is equally marvelous, but this is not exactly like one of the chef’s own elaborate, carefully designed, and fairly pretentious meals; it’s more of a light meal, like a well made cheeseburger. It will leave you feeling satisfied, perhaps with less than you desire, but more than you deserve.
Rated 04 Dec 2022
Because the structure (as dictated by its concept) is more episodic by nature, it leads to a weirdly mechanical feel. Throughout, the satirical elements are displayed rather than explored. Hard to not compare this to Triangle of Sadness, which (despite its absurdity) has a logical progression to its linear narrative and shows criticism of class through character decisions and reactions. Along with me never finding this overtly funny like many, at best this achieves a cartoonish tension. Mediocre
Rated 15 Nov 2023
Tyler's Bullshit- undercooked lamb, inedible shallot-leek butter sauce, utter lack of cohesion.
Rated 30 Dec 2022
What a fun movie. I was smiling the entire time. Just my kind of dark comedy!
Rated 04 Jan 2023
The Bear bites back!
Rated 04 Jan 2023
Pretty fun but didn't coalesce satisfyingly detracting a bit from the whole thing. Hoult put too much mustard on it for me but Fiennes is great, Taylor Joy character doesn't have that much going on but is fine.
Rated 04 Jan 2023
Film review 🎬 "The Menu" I've seen a lot of "eat the rich" subject matter lately and while normally I find them dull and unstimulating as the portrayals are comically transparent, I found this one to be FANTASTIC!! It's equal parts a suspense thriller and surprisingly funny. Found myself laughing a few times while also being on pins and needles with tension. It does a great job of holding a mirror to ourselves on both sides of giving and taking as people. What a way to start the year!
Rated 04 Jan 2023
For all the prestige TV and high-brow art world messaging of the movie, one of the major themes it enforces is the Rob Schneider tweet where he claims you can't critique Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo without winning a Pulitzer first. I record music, feel free to dislike them even if you don't play guitar. PS: The movie's funnier than I expected.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
The central premise is a leap, it lacks subtlety, and it's a bit too silly at times, but The Menu hits the spot. The dark humor tickles just right, the tension grips, the shocking moments are jaw droppers, and no one is safe or innocent. Fiennes and Taylor-Joy jump to a whole new level in my book, but everyone is good. This original, playful, dark satire shouldn't be missed.
Rated 07 Jan 2023
Funny, poignant and interestingly written, but with flaws: it has some girlboss-feminism, inconsistencies, a lack of a thorough understanding of class; but overall an enjoyable experience
Rated 09 Jan 2023
Kinda fun, stupid satire. It's just too bad everything feels so arrogant that I just couldn't care about anything.
Rated 09 Jan 2023
Did anyone catch the recipe for 'Man's Folly'? I'm thinking about making that tomorrow night
Rated 19 Feb 2023
Falls to a common problem with allegorical movies as well as satires where the meta story overshadows the actual story.The tonal balance between horror and comedy just makes the comedy feel unnecessarily cruel and fiendish. The “Eat the Rich” movement in society is already a little sinister and I am unsure if this movie builds up or satirizes that, which leaves me with the kind of unease you feel reading a Reddit comment section on a r/JusticeServed post. If that was the point, bravo I suppose.
Rated 13 Jan 2023
The Manure. Yet another derivative satire that thinks its much smarter than it really is. A ripoff of White Lotus and the Bear...
Rated 13 Jan 2023
Always get the cheeseburger
Rated 20 Mar 2023
Really entertaining and nails a lot of its satire. The first two acts were great, but it does struggle with its ending and some very questionable character choices that made no sense but were apparently needed to drive things forward. One of my favorite Fiennes performances, but Taylor-Joy and Hoult were right there with him.
Rated 14 Jan 2023
Not a fan of these stuffy black comedies so I'm honestly a little miffed that some of this managed to amuse me. The movie is a lot like the pretentious dishes portrayed, mostly hot air, but it passes the time. Ralph Fiennes is too good for it.
Rated 15 Jan 2023
Very entertaining and I laughed throughout. it seems it tries to be both goofy and profound. It would have worked better if it focused on being funny satire. Had some issues with character motivations in the latter half
Rated 15 Jan 2023
A bit over-hyped. Good performances by everyone, fairly interesting plot, beautifully shot & well edited.
Rated 17 Jan 2023
Ever wonder if celebrity chefs are like us? Just disgusting monsters that put down an entire Hot n' Ready pizza from Little Ceasars alone in your car? Ordering from the local pizza place so often they recognize your voice over the phone? Yeah, me neither. Thats definitely not and has never been me.
Rated 17 Jan 2023
It kept me engaged the entire runtime. I really have nothing to complain about.
Rated 21 Jan 2023
Highly original, with great performances, and significantly funnier than I was expecting. I’ve already got an appetite for the next projects from writers Reiss and Tracy.
Rated 23 Jan 2023
In its broad-stroked satire, this movie also tried to troll people like us, who review movies and care about well made art and get really invested into things we enjoy. Good atmosphere, dumb movie.
Rated 26 Apr 2023
Kind of insufferable.
Rated 05 Mar 2023
i had a problem with how limited the political imagination was here when i thought of this as a satire of the society as a whole, but now looking at the movie as it is; a an exploration of this fine dining niche and the problems there, a world that i'm not that familiar with, i think it kinda works(?)
Rated 29 Jan 2023
broke: paying top dollar for front row seats to the apocalypse. woke: paying a couple bucks to watch them. bespoke: deciding who wore it best, marshmallow edition
Rated 15 Oct 2022
2022'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 269. The Menu (2022) Mümkünse hiçbir şey bilmeden ve tok karnına :) izleyin filmi, çok daha seveceksiniz. İlk saniyeden son ana kadar sürükleyici. Tekrar izleyeceğim.
Rated 19 Nov 2022
There's lots of other assertions being made: 1. It's bad to spend a lot of money on experiences you don't remember. 2. Critics do nothing but destroy careers. 3. Don't make bad movies. 4. You should only enjoy gourmet food if you also know how to make it. The more I think about this movie, the more I dislike it.
Rated 09 Feb 2024
Tries a bit too hard. A potentially interesting idea that is only moderately well executed. Needed someone like Yorgos Lanthimos (he knows how to properly satire class warfare) to make it really work. Or even better, just watch Buñuel's films (in particular 'The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie' and 'The Exterminating Angel'). But, as always, John Leguizamo is well worth watching (the rest of the cast, including Fiennes, is meh).
Rated 17 Apr 2023
I don't know if the satire completely worked for me, but I was on board for the most part.
Rated 24 Nov 2022
Charlie and the chocolate factory except we accept from the start that Charlie's a spoiled little asshole. Suspenseful and well directed, good criticism of social contempt in the service industry, and a gratuitous but deserved dunk on the pretentiousness of haute cuisine. I however thought the ending diluted the overall tone and message, the movie should have embraced its pretentiousness until the end.
Rated 26 Nov 2022
audiovisual 70 acting 64 overall feeling 67 avg 67
Rated 27 Nov 2022
No spoilers! Enjoyable, superbly acted,funny and incredibly tense. Cons- the story didnt match the plot so i hated the ending.
Rated 20 Feb 2024
Intense, creepy and delicious
Rated 15 Apr 2023
I guess it was entertaining and the performances were pretty good but it completely lacked depth and felt superficial in concept
Rated 28 Feb 2023
I enjoyed this dining experience.
Rated 01 Dec 2022
Outlandish and devilishly appealing satire that is often hilarious and always unsubtle. The grand finale had me grinning in vulgar delight.
Rated 01 Dec 2022
It's terrific. Maybe not that deep, but it's three great performances well backed by the cast. I feel every server should get to see the "can I get some bread" bit, that quiet but firm "no" might have medicinal properties.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
the movie was well built till 1/3 of the duration, the middle and the end were weak, and rather pretentious.
Rated 26 Feb 2023
The Menu was a bit of a surprise; funny, critical and dark with a collection of stellar performances
Rated 16 Feb 2023
good movie
Rated 11 Dec 2022
Halfway through, it commits the fatal mistake of getting rid of its two most interesting characters (one customer, one staff) by far; I'm sure to make some asinine points the director and writers thought clever. After that happens, it takes a nosedive... Off a freaking cliff.
Rated 12 Dec 2022
It’s a decent amount of fun and I really enjoyed the fake out about half way in. Fiennes is obvs very good but the deeper messaging being isn’t it better in life to not actually want anything of substance(and I don’t mean the want of a good cheeseburger vs whatever foodies eat) in art. It’s better to be a simpleton
Rated 19 Dec 2022
Very enjoyable thrillride. I though the ending worked well, though understand that some felt it was too neat. The satire is very over the top but it worked for me because the head chef was over the top, and these were the type of people he hated most during his life/career. Also some well done dark humor.
Rated 15 Nov 2023
Thank you for dining with us tonight.
Rated 23 Feb 2023
You know what to expect within the first 5 minutes of this film, with it's nod-and-wink commentary on the extreme pretentiousness of everyone involved in the world of high class cuisine - just about the lowest hanging fruit there is. Fiennes is effortlessly great, and it looks good but it's all wasted on a silly premise that never manages to lift itself to a sufficient level of believability to make you care about any of the under-developed characters.
Rated 02 Jan 2023
Best way to experience this is to go in cold. It's a delight to see such an intensive film where you are not sure how it will play out. As it usual goes, the ending is not as satisfying as you'd hope, and I doubt this will work that well on a re-watch, but it was still one of my favorite experiences at cinema this year. I didn't know that it was directed by Mylod until the end credits came up, but parts of it definitely made me think of Succession. Fiennes & Chau were scary good.
Rated 03 Jan 2023
Can't say I care for satire aspect which is pretty mild despite all the theatrics. But those theatrics and ace cast made it a delightful watch.
Rated 15 Feb 2023
This isn't for everybody, but I really enjoyed it. In my top 5 for 2022. Excellent performances by a stellar ensemble cast, edge of your seat viewing and overall unpredictable.
Rated 04 Jan 2023
Rated 04 Jan 2023
I didn't care for it as a satire, but it excelled as a light horror with trapped people. The first half quite differs from the second and is great on its own. Ralph Fiennes is resplendent as usual. My two grievances with the movie are, why are so many people following him like a cult leader and why didn't the "takers" try any plan to defend themselves when it was painfully obvious this would have a fatal end.
Rated 05 Jan 2023
A drawing room drama and a lesson in class warfare. Nothing new with these bourgeoisie, but Fiennes and the rest of the cast are excellent and it's really funny in the darkest ways.
Rated 30 Oct 2023
don't remember Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory being so dark. Is it okay to like food?
Rated 07 Sep 2024
Acting - 16/25 Pace - 14/25 Direction - 13/25 Plot - 17/25
Rated 06 Jan 2023
The satire is a little too on the nose at times, and in a year in which skewering the rich seems to be in fashion, there were other films that touched those themes better. However, the unique visual style of The Menu creates some captivating moments and the film's dark and tragic final act cuts pretty deep. It's a fun ride, even though it's sometimes a little too over the top for its own good.
Rated 15 Apr 2024
İntikam soğuk yenen 1 yemek. Issız 1 adada, ünlü şefimizin restoranındaki yemeklerini yemeğe giden ünlülerin vay başına gelenler. Gurmeden, oyuncuya, paralı züppelerden ünlü iş adamına kadar olan müşteriler, unutamayacağı 1 yemek performansı yaşıyorlar. Kurunun yanında yaş da yanan film, üstü açık 1 teen slasher'a dönüyor. Abartılı sahneler şok edici. Ralph Fiennes enfes. Tuzak filmlerini ben pek sevmiyorum. Filmin sonunda cheeseburger. Benim gözlemem, o gözlemeden daha iyi. Çık dışarı.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Absolute garbage of a film.
Rated 14 Feb 2023
Rated 08 Jan 2023
I went to see it only with the knowledge that it is a horror comedy movie with culinary themes. It basically denied all my expectations, and I loved it. The only minor downside was that it being too overt with mockery.
Rated 09 Jan 2023
Triple fun, Ralph Fiennes kills it with every line
Rated 27 Mar 2023
Very fun film, nice slow build-up which makes the second and third act payoff very worthwhile. I came in blind and was not disappointed, the presentation hooked me and I thoroughly enjoyed the Chef's character and motivations throughout.
Rated 12 Feb 2023
The plot is absurd, but not seen a dark comedy this good in a while.
Rated 11 Jan 2023
Had to take two glasses of wine with it
Rated 12 Jan 2023
Eat the rich, they probably taste better than their cooking.
Rated 26 Jul 2023
Loved this movie - masterful performances by Ralph Fiennes and Anya Taylor-Joy, sets up the suspense of a weird/wild horror movie without actually being scary so that hit a sweet spot. One of those movies where you just sit in, accept the wonky premise and characters and just enjoy the ride of how weird it gets.
Rated 14 Jan 2023
Didn't care for the satire aspect but still enjoyable. Gripping story although it's quite predictable. An alright directing. Some dialogues had a bit too much cliche Hollywood vibe. Overall, worth a watch. Wasn't expecting much anyway.
Rated 26 Aug 2023
Some of its satire (star-status of chefs, cult-like following of the brigade) works better than the rest (eat the rich), but it's an incredibly tense movie, well-acted and maybe even more beautifully shot than what it mocks (chef's table). Not perfect, but unsettling and worth watching.
Rated 21 Jan 2023
When I was a kid I feared for the actors in the movies I watched on video, like anytime I played them, Little Orphan Annie lived through that shit over and over again. This fear has been exhumed in The Menu, this intimate and delightfully devilish little satire that plays with this notion of revisiting customers in - to rehash an old Eddie Izzard bit - a house of cake & death.
Rated 26 Aug 2023
I can’t get a grasp of my true feelings towards it. There is something to it but most of its causalities don’t work and the characters are too shallow to generate anything worthwhile. Quite weird that it came out just around the time “Triangle of Sadness” did.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Well paced, well acted and deliberately demands that you pay attention to the details. Much like the social satire, the film layers itself through the courses and becomes increasingly more horrific while doing so. What starts as a slight uneasy feeling about the status and wealth of these people eventually gives way to an understanding they have all lost their touch with reality. A series of horror themes help you learn just what the elite can cost everyone when they begin to feel entitled.


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