The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Reloaded
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The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix Reloaded

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 18m
Neo and the rebel leaders estimate that they have 72 hours until 250,000 probes discover Zion and destroy it and its inhabitants. During this, Neo must decide how he can save Trinity from a dark fate in his dreams.

The Matrix Reloaded

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 18m
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Avg Percentile 43.53% from 19900 total ratings

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Rated 28 Mar 2020
It’s so far up it’s ass in thinking it’s cool and deep. There are way too many stupid new characters (lol how dare a sequel expand its world but this is retard overkill) Trinity fingers all of Neo’s ports. Everything with Zion is embarrassing. I saw this in theaters and all I remembered was the highway scene. We went from “woah” to “ Oh nooooooooo”.
Rated 02 Mar 2016
Neither as good as you'd hope or as bad as you've heard. Has some interesting ideas and fantastic action sequences (the freeway chase being the obvious standout), but the philosophical yak-yak is taken to ridiculous levels, and the characters are even flatter than in the first movie.
Rated 19 Dec 2021
Cinematically, it features three of the greatest fights ever filmed, a fun car chase, and sweet romance. But it's elevated as the Wachowskis show humanity as a multiracial/gender inclusive cast fighting to survive--and not just a bunch of White dudes. The philosophy is great: with talks on destiny, new mythology, and a Cornel West cameo. And the villainous Architect's argument has a righteous Shakespearean viewpoint. Even with an annoying Guy in Chair character this is astonishingly well-made.
Rated 16 Dec 2013
This sequel is incredible! I'm happy to overlook that a few of the action scenes look like they never made it past the CG pre-visualization stage when the Wachowskis are clearly having a lot of fun with pushing the envelope. The most gloriously entertaining sequence (THAT bravura highway chase) is matched in audaciousness by the plot twist that The One is little more than a useful systemic anomaly, rendering The Prophecy a traitorous ruse. Geekily cerebral, gleefully goofy and an absolute blast.
Rated 30 Dec 2006
All the mystery is explained, which takes away from the mystique, in this sequel to The Matrix. The plot does have sequel written all over it and it becomes clear that neither Reloaded nor Revolutions were planned when The Matrix was written. I must admit that upon repeated viewings the film is not as bad as I initially thought. After all, the fighting is good, except when CGI is used in excess.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's nowhere near the first, but a few of the action set pieces are pretty spectacular, most notably the entire highway sequence. The biggest problem is the rambling, protracted Zion scenes.
Rated 11 Mar 2022
Rewatch w/Rifftrax 60/100. I was let down when this came out and again today. This sequel just makes the first one not make sense, like why does everyone dress like crap in the real world but in leather/latex in the Matrix? The acting is flat and I felt no chemistry b/w Reeves and Moss, so Bellucci's claims are lame. We established that Neo is The One, so why do the fights take forever? I can't imagine how much time Reeves and Weaving spent with multiple takes. Fav scene: highway chase.
Rated 25 Sep 2021
Is this the one with the techno, the twins and the... wait why am I asking questions I don't want the answer to. It's the one with the nonsense. I remember the nonsense.
Rated 01 May 2013
I can't deny that the action sequences are pretty exquisite. But I can't deny that the movie is terrible either. The one thing that bumps it over the worthwhile mark is the debris gathering behind him as he flies. It's all of five seconds, but it's pretty awesome.
Rated 09 Jul 2009
This falls someway short of the incredibly high standards set by its predecessor leaving it ravaged by critics with some cause. The now famous matrix fight scenes are dragged out appearing more like epic choreographed dances and there seems to be another all important speech every few minutes. Having said that its still a decent watch in its own right and the highway sequence still gets the adrenaline pumping.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I bought a pair of pince-nez sunglasses in anticipation of this movie. Oh, how the Wachowskis made me look the fool.
Rated 21 Feb 2007
Think of the Matrix. Pretty enjoyable film right? Now imagine it with 50 times as much slow motion which kicks in at all the wrong times in a fight. And add about 45 minutes of pointless, self important, inane philosophy lessons that would take me 5 minutes to explain to my 7 year old nephew. Yet somehow people manage to write entire essays (with, I imagine, a smug look on their face) on the philosophy in this film? GET A LIFE.
Rated 14 Jan 2022
The horny one - romantic sacrifice, Fremen cave orgy, that part where Merovingian is narrating the girl getting turned on and you see her crotch in green number vision. But it's all about the rule of cool fight sequences where they switch it up with swords and maces. We all got talk-blocked by the Architect in the end, but once you've seen it half-a-dozen times his bullshit almost starts to make sense.
Rated 23 Sep 2021
"This movie has werewolves in it. They are mentioned in passing, then a random lady shoots a random dude, quips about silver bullets, and nothing ever comes of there being FUCKING WEREWOLVES IN THIS MOVIE. This movie is bad, but it is bad action schlock which is fun and laughable and an alright time, but please lean into your schlock. HAVE THE WEREWOLVES DO WEREWOLF SHIT INSTEAD OF BEING REGULAR ASS DUDES WITH 30 SECONDS OF SCREENTIME, GOD DAMNIT!" he said 18 years late.
Rated 16 Jun 2019
Both MATRIX sequels represent a monotonous rehash of ideas more skillfully (and subtly) explored in the first film, with dull, lethargic action scenes awkwardly interspersed from time to time (even the much ballyhooed freeway chase and multiple Smith confrontations are pretty tired). For a stoic, ineffectual hero, Reeves' participation here still seems dead on arrival; there are long periods of time where you have to remind yourself that Keanu is the nominal star of these things!
Rated 25 Jul 2010
Sure, it is not the bit of fresh air the first one was, but Reloaded is still one worthy action packed sci fi flick
Rated 14 Jun 2009
Damn the haters, this was an awesome film. From the melee weapon battle to the highway chase to the ridiculous Mr. Smith fight, this is an adrenaline rush all the way through. The choreography and cinematography are even better than the first. The pseudo-philosophy grows tiresome, true, but the plot is engaging regardless.
Rated 19 May 2008
Anything within The Matrix is pretty damn sweet, but what goes on in the real world isn't very satisfying, dug the references to vampires and ghosts and what not.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Some cool Smith scenes can't cover up the incomprehensible philoso-babble each and every character spouts. At least the Merovingian and the Architect are hilarious (although, of course, the latter unintentionally so).
Rated 29 Jan 2007
Man, I love when people try to explain to me how the Matrix films have a brilliant philosophical storyline. It instantly lets me know whose opinion I can safely ignore from then on.
Rated 14 Sep 2024
I don’t hate it, but it is pretty weird. Hilariously self-indulgent at times to a point that’s kind of obnoxious, and Mr. Smith got the worst one-liners for some reason. Still, after a slow first act, this is a pretty good time. The action and choreography is tons of fun, the acting is actually quite good, and I personally like how they expanded the universe in and out of the matrix as well as the themes. Way too much CGI, and it’s not as smart as it thinks it is, but it’s not bad.
Rated 22 Dec 2021
The biggest case of blue balls in the history of cinema: I saw this in theatres with my conservative pastor parents so you can imagine how much the rave orgy was a big letdown. If you’re not plugged into the Matrix you’re sweaty all the time. I’m struck now by how earnest all of it is. It believes its Alan Parsons psychobabble to the fucking death of it. I play the Architect moment in my dreams as if I can recall what it’s trying to say.
Rated 15 Dec 2021
A bigger, shallower, more linear, and less surprising outing than the first, with more ambitious effects that are ultimately the worst of its efforts. Its central drive fails to connect, leaving the attack on Zion feeling unthreatening and the quest for the Source weirdly unnecessary - but the residue of its philosophical coding and a few stylish moments of action keep it watchable.
Rated 13 Dec 2021
Out of the original trilogy, this movie has the weakest story of them all, and probably the best action, so it's really difficult to judge this. Ultimately, while the action is entertaining, a lot of it leaves me wondering why exactly this stuff is happening. Overall there seem to be only a few small scenes that have any significant importance to the story. Some of the CGI (especially the Burly Brawl) doesn't hold up like it does with the other movies, as well. Still entertaining.
Rated 02 Nov 2021
The horny Matrix. It still has awesome fight choreography, a great setting, an engaging story, but everything about this movie is driven by way too much horniness, between the weird zion orgy and Neo choosing to let humanity die so that he can save Trinity. Dude, get a grip. Actually a decent movie if you don't think about the plot too much.
Rated 16 Oct 2021
What I admire about the Wachowskis is that they were willing (after the success of 'The Matrix') to make quite a stylistically and thematically different film with this sequel. Admittedly, why they were willing, they were not able to pull it off. In many ways, this is a philosophically superior film to the first instalment; it thoughtfully and provocatively explores destiny (i.e. casualty), desire (in particular sexual desire) and man's fusion with machines (i.e. exosomatization).
Rated 29 Jun 2021
It's slow to load, with its first half marred by lifeless fight scenes (see the Chinatown fight which Neo just leaves after a while) and too much talking about who knows what (see the convos with the Oracle, Hamann), not to mention that over-indulgent dance/sex scene. On the freeway things pick up speed; the chase sequence is incredible and the final talk actually lands some philosophical punches (see Morpheus' wind knocked out: "I have dreamed a dream, but now that dream has gone from me").
Rated 21 Dec 2020
It's hard to live up to the original movie. That movie is a classic in every facet. I feel the same way about the Dune books. The first book is a classic and everything that came after is just alright. I like that they fleshed out the world in this movie. I was happy to hear more about all of the interesting characters in and around Zion. I'm glad we got more of the Oracle. Pinkett Smith was a cool addition. Some parts were flat and others were too much - cave orgy I'm looking at you.
Rated 12 Mar 2016
rvw. its biggest problem might be the lil problem at the end of the 1st one: their romance wasnt earned and doesnt feel right, especially cuz they're usually so emotionless lool. so many characters talked a lil too extra philosophically. i love the architect though. most of the action was meh but still dope moments, but too long/much of it. i like the metaphors it makes you think of. they didnt really build the rivalry with smith right
Rated 13 Feb 2010
It's stunning, makes you think and on top of everything else it's entertaining. What more do you want from a movie?
Rated 01 Mar 2009
Rated 07 Oct 2008
Sure there's more than a few scenes of ploddingly paced philosophical discussions (which insure it will never be as re-watchable as the 1st), but the action scenes here are absolutely stunning. In addition to some of the most amazingly choreographed fight scenes ever, including the Burly Brawl (thumbs down to the obvious CGI in the later half) & the 1 in the Merovingian's palace, there's a chase scene that arguably rivals the one in Raiders. The stunt cyclist's riding is jaw-dropping.
Rated 06 Sep 2008
Amazing movie that most people had issues with. Of course, getting a degree in philosophy, religion, psychology, etc... may help most of them in 'getting' it. There are so many levels to this movie, it's a bit crazy. Of course, you could just sit back and enjoy the insane action sequences, as there are plenty.
Rated 10 May 2008
I didn't know that action scenes could be so dreadfully boring before this movie.
Rated 29 Mar 2008
great movie overall
Rated 27 Jan 2008
Rated 08 Nov 2007
I liked it, so sue me. The movie is the second of a trilogy and should be watched as that.
Rated 28 Aug 2007
+ highly recommended
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Utter dissapointment
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Don't listen to the nay-sayers! This film had more original ideas than the original did! Not to mention better effects and action sequences. Sure, it asked more questions than it answered, but it challenged us more than most movies do and it looked great doing it. Highly recommended!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Apart from its genius highway scene the rest is only mildly interesting.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Loved this freakin movie and the scene where trinity rides on the motorcycle in the in coming traffic makes me pee a little
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The story gets better and the action is just as kick ass as the first. In my top 10
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A worthy sequel to the Matrix, but all it really does is build us up for a tremendous fall. The worst threequel in cinema history.
Rated 11 Apr 2007
Tremendous film. The wider story and setting (introduction of Morpheus' superiors, Zion, etc.) worked well for me, and the action scenes were excellent.
Rated 17 Dec 2006
A stupifying lack of focus and far too many pointless action sequences totally killed this movie. It's a real pity, too, because parts of the movie are actually pretty good, especially the sequence with the Merovingian.
Rated 19 Jan 2022
The second Matrix was a lot more polished and grander affair. Continues that brilliant playful action that made the first such excellent fun. Doesn't quite come together in that insane way, but was the spamming of Hugo Weaving was truly something else!
Rated 12 Dec 2021
This era was terrible for eyeglass fashion. The highway scene alone bumps this film up a star, but damn, the rave sex scene bumps it back down. So many scenes look like video game cutscenes.
Rated 10 Oct 2021
A man pretty sure of his importance struggles to figure out what he's supposed to do, without really succeeding. Watching this in 2021, I was expecting to dislike it more than the first, but, if anything, this is a little better: some of the worst wrinkles are at least partially ironed out, and it's in general a bit more convincing as a movie. Effort was expended in the action sequences, obviously, but perhaps the most enjoyable part is the interlude with Lambert Wilson and Monica Bellucci.
Rated 26 Aug 2021
genius and cringe at the same time.
Rated 19 Aug 2021
Unpopular opinion, but this is the weakest of the trilogy. The beginning sets up the setting & characters of the sequels and the finale explains the philosophical themes of the entire trilogy, but between the two is 1 hour plus of CGI action filler. It's still more ambitious than 99% of blockbuster films, but the script really could've used more massaging and drafts to streamline and de-clutter all the different idea the Wachowskis wanted to explore. +2 points for the sewer orgy.
Rated 05 Nov 2020
Reloaded is actually middle part of very long movie. So, you need to see first movie and then Reloaded. Most certainly you need to watch third movie, because Reloaded doesn't have an end. Reloaded is maybe too philosophical and doesn't offer much new.
Rated 25 Mar 2020
The rise of Neo!
Rated 13 Sep 2018
I'll admit it: I'm a Reloaded apologist. Yes, the Zion stuff is bizarrely bad, the dialogue is boringly bad, and the CGI is shockingly bad. Once you get past that, you actually get a decent Matrix sequel that has some interesting ways of challenging the first film and its surface-level philosophies. The action is inconsistent this time around but the major set-piece, the highway chase, is still one of the best action sequences I have ever seen and the high point for this series.
Rated 06 May 2018
The first of the Matrix sequels is actually a fairly competent film on its own. The sex scene was unnecessary and the Neo vs Agent Smiths fight was poorly handled, but otherwise this movie is surprisingly good. Outside of the matrix there were some not great scenes, but this has 2 of the best action scenes I have seen. The biggest issue is that this relies so much on the third film which is very bad, but on its own its still rather good.
Rated 03 Jan 2018
Creating a sequel to a film as talked about as The Matrix was going to go wrong no matter how big our expectations were. The Wachowskis must have known this. So they put out a film with the action factor dialed up to 50. The character level dialed down to 5 or 6. The result is a series of amazing set pieces and fascinating expositional dialogue. Just don't expect much depth in the character base. The car chase was unreal!
Rated 08 Sep 2016
Agustos 2016, Ev
Rated 04 Jan 2016
A solid sequel to the first Matrix.
Rated 20 Aug 2015
Freedom fighters Neo (Keanu Reeves), Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) and Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) continue to lead the revolt against the Machine Army, unleashing their arsenal of extraordinary skills and weaponry against the systematic forces of repression and exploitation. In their quest to save the human race from extinction, they gain greater insight into the construct of The Matrix and Neo's pivotal role in the fate of mankind.
Rated 18 May 2015
some people say Keanu Reeves can't act. Those people aren't even aware that the poor guy isn't even acting. He genuinely believes that each film he is in, is in actual fact reality and all the stuff happening around him the real deal. It takes them months to pull him together again after shooting finishes and then they go do it to him all over again with the next film. If anybody has an ounce of humanity in them we must help Keanu and stop this barbarity.
Rated 30 Nov 2014
Second of my favourite movie series. The movie zooms into action wiht Neo taking over officially. Great action seqeunces!
Rated 29 Jun 2014
This movie has the best fight scene in the history of movies: the burly brawl.
Rated 28 Feb 2014
Also notable is that this movie has a great soundtrack
Rated 13 Jun 2013
Suffers slightly from being the middle part in a trilogy of connected stories. I loved the worldbuilding and some of the deeper themes, but I feel the abundance of (long) action sequences caused the pacing to be a bit off and the film longer than it needed to be. If parts of those action scenes were replaced by more worldbuilding and philosophical discussions, it also would have worked. As it stands it's still good sci-fi, and I love seeing Neo as a sort of Superman, but could have been better.
Rated 08 Jan 2013
daha iyisi cekilene kadar 100 puana en yakin film bu 99/100
Rated 23 Oct 2012
It's unfortunate that this movie is buried under mounds of pretentious, philosophical garbage, because there's an exciting action movie in here somewhere. Hugo Weaving is great, as are several of the longer fight scenes (that highway chase will blow your mind every time).
Rated 29 Aug 2012
disappointing after the first part
Rated 12 Aug 2012
The Matrix Reloaded is a terrific follow-up to one of the most influential movies ever. The Wachowski brothers have provided a movie where the action is terrific, the characters are memorable, and the narrative is complex and interesting. Lawrence Fishbourne as Morpheus in particular shines here, which is great, in that is role is significantly diminished in Revolutions.
Rated 13 Feb 2012
I think is a better film than it gets credit for because it certainly doesn't live up to its incredible predecessor. There are some amazing action scenes and the overall story is still intriguing, even if it is a little in love with itself.
Rated 23 Dec 2011
The Matrix Reloaded is a fun science fiction action film, although it's not as good as its predecessor. Some of the action goes on for too long, and having a better editor to cut out around 30 minutes of total footage would have been incredibly beneficial. It still has a lot of fun action and special effects though, and if that's all you want, you won't be disappointed.
Rated 13 Dec 2011
I'm no fan of the first Matrix anyway, but watching this is like looking over the shoulder of someone playing a PS2 game based on the Matrix. I also couldn't shake the feeling that I was watching one of the Star Wars prequels. Well, there are a few scattered moments that aren't stupid, and the car chase is good enough for a few points.
Rated 29 Nov 2011
great action, but not as good as the first.
Rated 14 Nov 2011
little bet of a letdown in some areas, kinda awesome nonetheless.
Rated 31 Oct 2011
While it may not have the immense cultural impact of its predecessor, its own influence continues to be understated. Honestly, it ages better than the original film in many respects: the special effects are more advanced, the fight sequences more dynamic, and the philosophizing is far less on-the-nose (for the most part). A handful of notoriously goofy scenes have ruined its reputation, but it's still an over-the-top, fun action romp that helped extend the franchise's cultural importance.
Rated 26 Oct 2011
Half of Reloaded is amazing as long as we are in The Matrix. Once we're in the annoying dancing-city of Zion you just feel like vomitting on your popcorns, and eat them again just to take away the bad smell of ruining the aftermath of the first film...
Rated 04 Sep 2011
Some of the stupidest shit you'll ever see.
Rated 18 Aug 2011
Cool action scenes...painfully heavy handed subtlety
Rated 06 Mar 2011
Rated 02 Feb 2011
The first film had surprise on its side; no-one had seen anything quite like it. The sequel has some great action sequences (the whole freeway chase is superb). However, they're really just more of the stuff that wowed us in the first, which only leaves us with the terrible plot and cod-philosophy that the entire trilogy suffers from.
Rated 16 Jan 2011
Meh... on the way down
Rated 26 Nov 2010
A decent sequel with an awesome title. The most awaited movie of 2003. Probably because of the hype most folks thought it wasn't as good as they expected, but naturally, the first matrix is the best. Excellent action with some original ideas, in the third one they really go all out.
Rated 26 Nov 2010
Three great action sequences (Neo vs. 100 Mr. Smiths/Stairway fight/Freeway battle), but too many long info dump scenes (Colonel Sanders in the TV room the most hilariously famous). Also points for the sex incarnate Monica Bellucci
Rated 19 Oct 2010
That fucking slow motion dance scene ruined the whole movie for me. I remember being in the theater and pulling a Picard meme before it was a thing. I stood up, extended my arm to the screen and exclaimed "What the fuck is this shit??" Everyone laughed and I felt like a hero. My score is solely for the highway scene and Monica Bellucci's cleavage.
Rated 11 Sep 2010
This flick had big shoes to fill and it almost got there. The action and effects were fantastic. The story was inventive and interesting. It was a shame they had to use a new Oracle, but it didn't detract from the film too much. If only the 3rd one was as good.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
The best in the series.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
Cool action scenes, but this really ruins the mythology of the Matrix
Rated 17 Jan 2010
This isn't that atrocious but it is so far below in quality from the first Matrix that it's a huge letdown. The main draw here seems to be CGI with the Wachowskis splashing effects over everything with more CGI slo-mo, more excessive bullet time, and more explosions. The new characters we see are just a rehash of what we know already. The "twist" we learn at the end is just silly. Completely dull acting by everyone involved and the dumbest looking white dreadlocked villains ever.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
All the action scenes feel pointless, all of the dialogue is convoluted exposition or the direst form of "I love you!" "No I love you!" The CGI rendering looks like rubber. Neo is no longer a sympathetic dude in way over his head, he's a blank-faced Superman. Smith is a self-parody. All the rest of the characters are as interesting as beige paint drying. There's bowling pin sound effects in the clone fight for fuck's sake. Ten points or so for the car chase, at least something was entertaining.
Rated 18 Dec 2009
To me the power of Reloaded was not in the movie itself, but in the questions it raised concerning the matrix, Zion, etc. Too bad Revolutions proved that most of our questing for answers was in vein, but it was great fun nonetheless. Reloaded isn't an amazing movie: it's got some really akward dialogue, bad acting and unnecessary scenes, which I notice much more today than 6 years ago, but it still has wonderful action, SFX and music and to me it was a source of very enjoyable contemplation.
Rated 10 Nov 2009
a lot of people didn't like the 2nd and 3rd installments of the matrix. i did. i thought that even though some of the fighting was ludicrous, the overall story was pretty cool. you can't not love the idea, anyways.
Rated 05 Aug 2009
Some of the best action out there, really not that bad in plot. Kind of bridges the great first movie and awful 3rd.
Rated 24 Jul 2009
The pride of the Matrix series. 1st one was good in the sense of setting, atmosphere introductions and etc. But this, is just heavenly packed with everything an awesome movie should have but just in the right dose.
Rated 09 Jun 2009
A new revolution for Sci-Fi, I loved all the Matrix films.....
Rated 20 May 2009
Will Zion fall to the Sentinels? Is the Oracle to be believed? Can the Keymaker be found? And how many times will the Architect contrive to use the word "ergo" in a single scene? And, when faced with the Lady-or-Tiger dilemma of saving Carrie-Anne Moss or the entire human race, whom will Neo choose? And finally, can anybody make heads or tails of any of this?
Rated 25 Feb 2009
Better than the SW prequels so there's that.
Rated 19 Feb 2009
Not nearly as bad as I remember. Some truly great action scenes are the saving grace, but the film's ambition is praiseworthy, too. The third movie is still awful, sadly.
Rated 29 Jan 2009
Rated 26 Jan 2009
There shouldnt have come a part 2 and 3 :(. Monica Bellucci was worth the watch :)
Rated 11 Jan 2009
still good, lived up to my expectations
Rated 03 Jan 2009
Coolest visuals of the series, and IIRC, it didn't touch on many of the things which sucked about the other two movies.


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