The Last of the Unjust
The Last of the Unjust
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The Last of the Unjust

The Last of the Unjust

3h 40m
A place: Theresienstadt. A unique place of propaganda which Eichmann called the "model ghetto", designed to mislead the world and Jewish people regarding its real nature, to be the last step before the gas chamber. A man: Benjamin Murmelstein, last president of the Theresienstadt Jewish Council, forced to negotiate day after day until the end of the war with Eichmann. Lanzmann's new film reveals a little-known aspect of the Holocaust, and sheds light on the origins of the "Final Solution". (imdb)

The Last of the Unjust

3h 40m
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Avg Percentile 66.57% from 37 total ratings

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Rated 26 Feb 2024
Seems like there could be more questions to ask than what have been conducted here.
Rated 20 Sep 2015
Fascinating, but some decisions are surprising. The interview at the heart of the film was one of the first conducted for SHOAH, and perhaps Lanzmann was still feeling his way. But forty years later he still begins what is essentially a forum for the testimony of a single, highly controversial figure by declaring, strangely, "he does not lie". Lanzmann seems a little too willing to state the moral failings of the other elders, and just as keen to favourably shape our response to his "Freund".
Rated 12 Mar 2016
Claude Lanzmanns Shoah Projekt umfasst mittlerweile 200 Stunden Filmmaterial - ein Lebenswerk! Seit den 70ern trägt er Dokumente über das grösste Verbrechen der Menschheit, Ausschwitz, zusammen... die ganze Rezension sowie unsere Film List der grössten klassischen Dokus gibts auf
Rated 30 Mar 2015
This is a better film today than it would have been in 1975 when the initial Murmelstein interviews were filmed, because the film benefits from the distance between those older shots and Lanzmann's more recent, contemporary shots of himself and of the locations in Murmelstein's story. With the two disparate times, esp. the two Lanzmann's, we get a concrete vision of history and the way that time shapes memories. This fits nicely with the disputed history that Murmelstein presents.
Rated 31 Dec 2014
It is unbelievable that Lanzmann kept this from us for 40 years. These (almost) four hours contain rivetting, groundbreaking historical insight into Theresienstadt and Adolf Eichmann, from the last surviving insider. This was shot when Shoah was shot, and in the same dry non-style, often with full shots of Lanzmann reading stuff to the camera and such - but this helps to make the form transparent, allowing the viewer to focus on the harrowing content.

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