The Last Voyage of the Demeter
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A crew sailing from Carpathia to England find that they are carrying very dangerous cargo. (imdb)
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The Last Voyage of the Demeter

1h 58m
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Avg Percentile 34.26% from 212 total ratings

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Rated 15 Aug 2023
The production design is much better than the movie itself. Mainly because of a boring/not scary Dracula and the overall feeling of a wasted opportunity.
Rated 31 Aug 2023
The writing..."Why London?" -"Because in my country, there is no one left to feed on." Well how about trying the neighborhood first? You know...all of fucking eastern Europe?? It's comparatively close. He can fly, too. Just sayin'. How does he get in AND out of his supersealed box by himself, anyway? And they know he sleeps in there, and that he's not keen on sunlight. How could they possibly use that to their advantage??? Ugh, fuck it, this makes ouch in my head.
Rated 17 Sep 2023
That's one slow and stretched-out Dracula at sea story!
Rated 14 Sep 2023
The Captain's Log as a feature film. Not necessarily a bad idea, even when factoring in the inevitability of the outcome, but after being stuck in development hell for years, with multiple directors and writers attached, all genuine inspiration went out the window. In its place, we have a rather plodding and uneventful Alien style horror that is slow rather than genuinely atmospheric. The characters are dumb, and the performances vary wildly in quality along with the CGI.
Rated 03 Sep 2023
There's a good idea behind this, essentially Alien on a 19th century sailship. But apart from being 20 minutes overweight, it also can't get out from under Dracula's shadow. By all means, make him a monster, but what's the point of having freakin' Dracula be JUST a monster? And with us knowing what's going to happen, and that you have to actually show Dracula, there's never really any real tension; just redshirts waiting to be killed off in order.
Rated 05 Sep 2023
Rated 20 May 2024
They had the concept, cast and budget to make a really potent Dracula by way of Alien tale, but the execution isn't there, failing to utilize neither setting nor monster to anything particularly memorable or frightening. Just watchable. The second episode of the BBC Dracula series made better use of this chapter of the book and Midnight Mass had a much more terrifying similar Nosferatu.
Rated 20 Mar 2024
Concept is actually promising -- an Alien-esque Dracula film, with the action confined aboard the Demeter --, but execution is nearly dire. Cast does what it can to elevate the material, but the boring build-up and the lazy climax kind of kill any chance of this being any good. I like the dumb fun and desperate for a sequel finale, though.
Rated 01 Jan 2024
It's a fun enough movie with a nice mood to it, even if there are a lot of questions here to be asked. Like how did the Romanian village girl speak 'a few words of English' and then continue to speak in English flawlessly all the time, or why they didn't ditch the crates when they learned about them, or how they could not find the vampire on board at all, but I guess these things come with the territory with this kind of movie. Dracula could have been just... scarier, too?
Rated 23 Oct 2023
A competent enough but thoroughly mediocre horror film that is a disappointing attempt to tackle an interesting premise. It's watchable, but just doesn't really have much going for it. It's not very scary, the atmosphere seems a bit underbaked (it feels really close to being good, but doesn't get there), and it probably features the monster itself more than it should have. The characters are dumb, and it doesn't overcome the downside of you knowing what's going to happen. Missed opportunity.
Rated 13 Oct 2023
Some decent atmospheric moments here and there, but overall it felt like a monumental slog to get through. That and I don't know if it was a bad hdr transfer but the picture was impossibly black for large portions which made it difficult to see nevermind enjoy. 4.5
Rated 20 Sep 2023
An entertaining movie that does everything pretty well but just comes and goes, ultimately. I can't think of anything I outright hate because the performances, atmosphere, music and plot are all competent. Only real criticism is that I think sometimes they're a little dumb in order to progress the plot, but it wasn't egregious.
Rated 18 Nov 2023
Nothing notably bad, but it has almost nothing going for it either. There’s some good actors featured, and the concept is decent, but it really fails as a horror film. Most of the characters are cannon fodder, the horror is sparse and always followed up with a long breather, resulting in almost zero tension. The two hour runtime with thin characters and plot makes it drag, and it could really use a massive trim. I did like the chase scene with the kid, but otherwise it was dull start to finish.
Rated 04 Sep 2023
The Last Voyage of the Demeter is adapted from a short chapter of Stoker's Dracula and does a decent job of sustaining its enclosed horror atmosphere during its near 2 hour runtime, but ultimately the film is limited by its connection to the infamous Dracula. Hawkins performance is good, but the screenplay is littered with clichés and questionable character decisions that break immersion or go nowhere. The film offers a little bit of light gore but not much else.
Rated 02 Sep 2023
There's no real tension in characters acting like idiots and repeatedly strolling into ridiculously gory deaths (this Dracula likes doing utterly pointless stuff like smashing someone's head into the deck 6 or 7 times before killing him) over and over again.
Rated 02 Sep 2023
With the dumbest, most incompetent crew on a boat, you can't help but root for the vampire.
Rated 29 Aug 2023
When you’re trapped on a boat there’s only so many ways you can get stalked and killed at night. So it feels repetitive. Great build up though and I liked the Salem’s Lot style vampire design.
Rated 23 Aug 2023
I was extremely surprised that they made such a good adaptation of only a short chapter of the book. The most impressive aspect of The Last Voyage of the Demeter is its atmosphere. It captures the audience in a claustrophobic and psychological way. For the first time in my life I was scared of Dracula. It was a predator in pursuit of its prey. I hope there will be a sequel in the future, but it seems unlikely. (Cineverse Kanyon - 08/23/2023)
Rated 02 Sep 2023
Mostly underwhelming, but still a decent watch.
Rated 01 Oct 2023
Dracula is shown pretty badass.
Rated 24 Aug 2023
Film d'horreur qui échoue dans ses séquences où Dracula fait le show. Souvent mal filmées, et mal éclairées. Les acteurs ne relèvent pas le niveau, et font un job moyen. Comme le héros est noir, il faut évidemment qu'il nous rappelle à quel point les blancs l'ont empêché de vivre sa vie, et c'est tellement long en plein milieu qu'on se demande si Dracula est toujours à bord. Reste quelques traitements infligés imprévisibles, et esthétiquement réussis (le gosse).
Rated 12 Jan 2024
First of All I thought its just a nother horrible Vampire Movie but actually this was very good .. Enjoyed every second of the Movie .. Well done !!!
Rated 17 Jan 2024
Other than good creature design for Dracula this is mediocre. The first 30 minutes are spent introducing us to characters we don't care about who don't even have the kind of interpersonal conflicts that might draw us in. The worst thing here though are the Woke DEI mandates on display serving up a black lead who has somehow wound up in Romania. Predictably, he's the smartest & most heroic - along w/ a woman. The ending has the temerity to change the source novel in the hopes for a franchise!
Rated 26 Feb 2024
I enjoyed this movie for what it was but I still feel like there is so much wasted potential here. When I first head about the film, I immediately knew it would be right up my alley. The first half remined me a lot of one of my all time favourites, The Mummy (1999). Unfortunately, these feelings of horror adventure nostalgia were short lived. The poor writing and some of the acting severely hurt what had potential to be a great movie.
Rated 13 Aug 2023
Does this movie have any right to be this good? Probably not, but damn, does Andre Ovredal ever nail this slow, psychological, claustrophobic monster story, with scares that pay off and are earned by the movie's tone. Impeccably cast and believably performed, this was almost stone-perfect in its overall presentation, including great practical effects as well as the evolving design of Dracula as a monster. I worry that they're gonna sequel this out, but, in a vacuum, this movie is tremendous.
Rated 03 May 2024
okay movie
Rated 12 Aug 2023
audiovisual 74 acting 68 overall feeling 70 avg 71


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