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The Inner Life of Martin Frost
The Inner Life of Martin Frost
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The Inner Life of Martin Frost

The Inner Life of Martin Frost

Comedy, Drama
1h 34m
After working for three years on a novel, writer Martin Frost borrows the empty country house of his friends for a long-needed rest. No sooner does he arrive, however, than an idea for a new story inspires him to get back to work. (New Yorker Films)

The Inner Life of Martin Frost

Comedy, Drama
1h 34m
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Avg Percentile 26.68% from 31 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Nov 2011
Auster has some talent when it comes to directing, with a slightly Lynchian sensibility even if he's much too fond of voiceovers. He's got a good cast in Thewlis, Jacob and Imperioli, and the story itself is rather subtly told and never crawls as far up its own solipsist ass as Travels In The Scriptorium did. But as enjoyable as it is, I still can't help but think that it would be nice if Auster ever gets back to telling stories that aren't just stories about a writer trying to tell a story.
Rated 24 Nov 2010
"The inner life of Martin Frost reeks of misogyny and the film that enshrines his egomania makes half-assed aspirations to Goethe." - Ed Gonzalez
Rated 14 Apr 2008
12 Nisan 08, 13:30, emek sira5 koltuk16, film. fest. & Paul Auster'in iyi bir yazar oldugunu biliyordum.Filmin konusunu gorunce kendini tekrarlayacagini dusundum, cunku bir yazardan, daha yaratici bir sey beklerdim.yinede filmden ciktiktan sonraki sonuc beklentilerimin ustundeydi.filmi gercekten begendim.konu basit gibi dursa da isleyis iyiydi.tabii david thewlis'in de buyuk bir payi var.senaryoyu tahmin edebilseniz de (ilham perisi gibi bisi oldugunu anlamistim mesela) film sikmiyor.


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