The Imitation Game
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The Imitation Game

1h 54m
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Avg Percentile 57.55% from 6295 total ratings

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Rated 09 Sep 2014
there was not a sliver of innovation or authenticity anywhere in this film. yes, the actors were good, yes the cinematographer was skilled at making shots, yes the dialogue was punchy and witty at times, but there was nothing being said or felt. it went the most banal, "hollywood" route, right down to the overbearing music that beats you over the head with the "emotionality" of the scene. the imitation game is, alas, an imitation of tropes played out too often in the past. in a word, stale.
Rated 14 Apr 2017
I spent the two hour runtime imitating someone interested. The scenes of bombers and tanks randomly thrown in are jarring in comparison to what could've for all intents and purposes been a chamber drama. There isn't much visual stimulation at play aside from trying desperately to decipher what exactly is wrong with Benedict Cumberbatch's face, and then once you've given up on that, why it doesn't really matter anyways. He's like a handsome Willem Dafoe or an ugly Tilda Swinton. I think.
Rated 19 Jan 2015
The true story of Alan Turing is naturally moving, and that transfers to this film, but it makes the Hollywood approach pale in comparison. An undeniably well-made film with a bravura performance by Cumberbatch that sadly felt the need to add overdramatic, ahistoric interpolations and to set an outstanding example of what it means to be Oscar bait.
Rated 08 Jan 2015
A fine (if somewhat conservative, old-fashioned & restrained) biopic on someone of great historic & cultural importance. The film has "Oscar bait" written all over it. Cumberbatch's performance is worth recognition--it is sort of a greatest hits of the introverted, genius, & repressed characters he's played in the last 5 years or so. He alone makes the movie more human and less phony. The story could be seen as empowering & timely for many identity politics issues of today.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
Cumberbatch's homosexuality is very, academy-award-conveniently, vaguely implied within a sitcom warmovie christian environment. Knightley is only there for the emotional twist and seems in no way a capable scientist (ironic, since this movie is said to be about deviants in their time rising above the crowd), nor does ANYONE else seem to have a reason to be in this movie. Awful script. I was left giggling when those 6 scientists were actually strategizing oceanic WW2 warfare. Really????
Rated 28 Dec 2014
That was okay, then suddenly we get some lame Hollywood Important message ending and a lil icing on the cake "Alan Turing killed himself so dead at 41" and I snort laughed like an asshole.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
Cumberbatch is unsurprisingly brilliant, playing (yet another) socially awkward genius, with flashes of softness, compassion, and heartbreak not allowed for in Sherlock. Knightley also shines, bringing some much-needed charm, even a bit of camp, to the role. Disappointingly, this crowd-pleaser gives short-shrift to Turing's tragic postwar existence. It also strangely shies away from the very thing that that made Turing a social pariah under Britain's punishing and unforgivable anti-gay laws.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
A relatively enjoyable historical movie, but the drama here concerns itself with a gay genius living in 40's England, basically making it so no one in any audience can relate to him--especially when he turns down Keira Knightley, I have to imagine that even if I was gay, I wouldn't do that. It's nice to see a wartime movie dealing with homefront innovations, but I'd have been much more satisfied if it leaned toward the technical side of things, rather than the dramatic, weird, I know.
Rated 12 Oct 2015
It's unfortunate that it's so difficult to make legitimate mental brilliance cinematically interesting, particularly when it's contained in the body of a man who was most likely an unassuming by-the-book type. Turin - whose unequivocal genius saved countless lives - deserves to have scores of films made in tribute, but in order to make things engrossing enough, there r scenes here -true or not - that often FEEL contrived or implausible. It's a great effort but u feel he deserves better
Rated 24 Mar 2016
I thought this movie was for sure one of the greatest films of 2014. The role of Alan Turning had Benedict Cumberbatch written all over it so of course he pulled it off like a boss. The Imitation Game perfectly nails it's time setting with it's directing and pretty cinema, and it's well acted from pretty much everybody and the story is just so solid! I loved this movie and almost everything about it. Definitely worth watching.
Rated 15 Jan 2015
It's well acted and all but it's just so comfortably stale and unexamined. A movie like this is like a beanbag chair, it's comfortable and familiar but it destroys your spine. This was a man's LIFE, it shouldn't feel so familiar.
Rated 12 Jan 2015
One of those films where you know the performances are strong, the set design and visual aesthetic seem right, and the subject is interesting without having been overexposed. But ultimately, it feels less than the sum of its parts. Although there are plenty of hints at the turn the story takes in the final 1/3, its transition to bio pic was still jarring. The thrill was in cracking the code for me, and ultimately it's treated almost like an afterthought. Still, it's a story that needs telling.
Rated 04 Feb 2015
WHY CAN'T WOMEN DO MATHS I HAVE GAY ASPERGERS AND IT DOESN'T MAKE SENNNSSSSSE WE NEED HER BECAUSE EVERY TIME WE FAIL TO BREAK THE CODE ONE BEAUTIFUL BRITISH BABY WILL BE PERSONALLY MURDERED BY HITLERERRRR. i'm sick to fucking death of these academy award nominated safe-as-houses biopics that simultaneously downplay the protagonist's personal struggles - turing with homosexuality - and patriotically relay their greatest achievements. hooray for the british military state! *gag*
Rated 16 Mar 2016
I would have rated this higher had it ended when it should have ended. But then it didn't! Then it didn't end again. Then it didn't end AGAIN! Good thing Keira Knightley showed up to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING though!
Rated 17 Jan 2015
Try saying benedict cum-ber-batch and not feel awesome. Impossible.
Rated 20 Feb 2015
I have no idea what Alan Turing acted or sounded like, but I do know I was completely invested in Cumberbatch's performance throughout. You feel like you're watching a real person, not an actor playing a character, and the story of his life is one that needs to be told. There's no denying the important details of the achievement do get passed over somewhat, but I suppose that's the sacrifice for concentrating on the man himself. Certainly better than Enigma.
Rated 23 Jan 2015
1)They should still be called Turing Machines. 2) The government should have provided a long line of blow jobs for Turing rather than a prosecution.
Rated 08 Jan 2015
boy that Turing guy sure has a beautiful mind...
Rated 11 Jun 2016
The Imitation Game is a remarkable film, highlighted by both Benedict Cumberbatch's performance as Alan Turing as well as Morten Tyldum's deft direction.
Rated 18 Jan 2015
A conventional biopic of an important story/man. The film dulls the edges, turns Turing into Sheldon Cooper, and presents the story simplistically. There are some good performances, but it all feels bland, which is disappointing.
Rated 08 Feb 2019
Can't really add to what others have already said, this is an example of Oscar-Bait done right and tells the tale of one of the most important figures of the twentieth century whose story remained hidden from the public for 50 years. Cumberbatch is brilliant here.
Rated 17 Jan 2015
Well-acted Oscar-bait snooze-fest hyphen-hyphen-hyphen-Kiera-Knightley-hyphen
Rated 27 Feb 2018
It's been done before
Rated 06 Jan 2018
An interesting and well-made film that perhaps doesn't really tackle either of its two central stories (Alan vs Enigma and Alan: A Boy's Life) with enough thoroughness or verve to make it a real classic. It's all nicely put together, with a very good cast, and Cumberbatch does some truly excellent work, but it comes across as merely worthy rather than the exceptional film it perhaps could have been. Engaging and nicely-crafted, definitely worth a look..
Rated 10 Feb 2015
The most important part of the movie is how a genius and hero was treated just because of his sexual preferences. The decrypting of Enigma part was really not that unseen before. We saw many impossible missions overcome by heros of Hollywood before. But maybe none of them were screwed like Turing. Also I really appreciated how they dealt with this part without trying to make a tearjerker.
Rated 30 Jan 2015
Short for 'The Needlessly Conventional Biopic Imitation Game (Or, How Christopher Broke the Oscars)'? As solid as it is numbingly mechanical, this doesn't get the most out of its truly amazing real life story.
Rated 26 Dec 2014
My biggest problem with this is how easily digestible it is; it's clearly been modulated to be as Oscar-friendly as possible, which is sad because I think this could be a smarter and much more nuanced piece of work. That being said, it's a cracking thriller and a moving biopic about a very interesting man. Cumberbatch finally gets his breakthrough leading man role and he makes the best of the opportunity with some precise and charismatic work.
Rated 27 Dec 2014
Very good screenplay, pretty uninspired direction. Good lead performance, throwaway supporting ones. The story of a massively important man told by a blatantly unimportant one. The attention to detail is pretty impressive. I liked it, but it was incredibly stupid that the final scene was this hokey inspirational life affirming speech, and immediately cuts to the post-script which says "Alan Turing killed himself the next year." Oh, and Mark Strong apparently only had one suit.
Rated 25 Nov 2014
An unexpectedly captivating film. I'd headed in expecting dry Oscar bait, but this is a warm, witty and often thrilling pleasure. The cast are magnificent, but what really impresses is the compelling screenplay, the way it gets everything right when it all could have gone so very, mind-numbingly wrong. Completely deserving of awards attention.
Rated 10 Jan 2017
This has absolutely zero connection to historical and biographical fact. Among other fanciful fibs, we're supposed to believe it took the UK's greatest decryption experts years and years to accidentally come by the first solution anyone with half a brain would think of. And that's not the least of how bad this preachy, tacky Oscar bait really is.
Rated 03 Mar 2015
I loved this. Yes, it is very conventional and follows every biopic rule. But the story is absolutely amazing and Cumberbatch is once again great.
Rated 17 Jan 2015
It's not a bad movie, it's just meh... This movie literally has a gay scientist inventing a computer to fight Nazis, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and based on a real story... This movie shouldn't be meh. It ought to be awesome. So it's not a bad movie, but with the actors and the screenplay it should have been so much more.
Rated 08 Feb 2015
Happy to see Turing get some much deserved (albeit *late*) attention in the mainstream. Good performances all around. A good, if overly Hollywoodized, script. Had the makings of 'fantastic', but stayed in the realm of 'pretty good.'
Rated 24 Jan 2015
Pfff, the Weinsteins might as well just buy an Oscar while they're at it.
Rated 23 Jun 2015
The trend when making a biopic is normally to glamorize it. In this case there is not such attempt to glamorize it. The acting by Benedict Cumberbatch is brilliant as usual. The movie is pretty much a one man show. The script however feels lacking. Considering how important Turing has been to modern day computer I feel the movie didnt do justice.
Rated 09 Jan 2015
Turing's story is definitely one that deserves a respectable, big-screen telling, and this film is admirable, I guess...but it's also a drab, tweedy-brown snooze. Stuffy, stiff, TV-movie-ish and, at its worst, kind of heavy-handed. The kind of biopic that piques just enough interest to send you in search of the actual bio.
Rated 20 Jan 2015
This was good but so... unspectacular. Even though it's a biopic I feel like I've seen this character before in nearly everything Benedict Cumberbatch stars in.
Rated 18 Jan 2015
A perfectly serviceable biopic that's full of Cumberbatch's finest Acting (as opposed to just normal acting). Perfectly fine and well-done, didn't exactly reinvent the wheel.
Rated 01 Jun 2015
I can't stand when movies feel like they have to tell you why you should feel what just happened was significant in little text blurbs at the end. If its necessary, they they did a poor job of film making
Rated 11 Jan 2015
Origin film for 'Her', except with a gay differentiator.
Rated 13 Oct 2015
Cumberbatch's style of acting is perfect for Hollywood and he's admittedly a joy to watch in a role that unfortunately sorely misrepresents Turing as an autistic ubermensch and dramatizes the historical record to such a shameless degree there's scarcely a scrap of meaningful truth left.
Rated 08 Jul 2017
A moving story that's surprisingly effective for having little action. A good cast moves everything along nicely.
Rated 19 Mar 2015
It's good, 7 to 7.5/10. The problem is it's EXACTLY what you're expecting; every note,every joke,every turn. There is no surprise in it,it's a well made dramatised historical retelling. I think I just prefer documentaries.
Rated 25 Feb 2015
Decent, but nothing to write home about. A few small chuckles, a few mild laughs. Cinema-wise very ordinary. Cumberbatch is really good though. The dramatization of true events feels a bit TV-movieish, and the attempt at inventing theme-establishing metaphors based on computer science and on the personal histories of the characters a bit too formulaic. Any decent screenwriter could have written this film, which in the end it is: decent, but nothing to write home about.
Rated 10 Feb 2015
A fine watch but arm's length to a fault. The structure of its time periods is superfluous. The only truly engaging elements are during World War 2. Could the other parts have worked? Probably, but here they feel tacked on. I find Knightley better than she's normally given credit for, too. And while I can't begrudge the idea of how repugnant the treatment of homosexuals was by Britain, that part of Turing didn't seem like it was appropriately developed. It probably needed to be longer.
Rated 13 Oct 2016
Boring biopic. Interesting source material and acting was fine but the movie has no style or substance.
Rated 03 Jan 2015
Alright is a good word. Good performance from Benedict, presence and fun to watch, the film is very predictable and has some trite scenes. Oversimplification in some scenes made characters seem dim for supposed geniuses. Editing and pacing was great. Some performances and conflicts were ineffective and lacked intensity. Fairly inaccurate portrayal, but it is a dramatization and does an adequate job of revealing one of history's greatest men. Worth seeing on a lazy afternoon.
Rated 07 Jan 2015
Movie by numbers. Ticks all the boxes it should for the targeted demographic. Knightley and Strong are very good. Cumberbatch is excellent. It should go without saying though that if you're genuinely interested in Turing's life and achievements this is not the place to be.
Rated 10 Mar 2015
which historical figure haven't we made a movie about? alan turing? great! let's take our biographical movie template with its cliche solitary-genius-facing-terrible-problems-but-overcomes-them-with-the-help-of-a-female structure and apply it to turing. although i must admit that it must have been quite difficult to portray such a complex character in this level of superficiality. congratulations.
Rated 03 Apr 2015
Bit off more than it could chew. Too many messages only lightly (and clumsily) delivered. Focus spread too thin. Not enough weight given to characters. Hm, but still impressive in some respects. Just not nearly as impressive as it insisted it was at every opportunity.
Rated 27 Jan 2015
27 Ocak 2015 & klasik bir hollywood non-linear kurgusu ile anlatilan bir biyografik hikaye. orneklerinden ote bir sey sunmuyor. hikaye anlatmak gercekten bu kadar guc mu ki hollywood senaristleri bir karakteri anlatmak icin linear bir olay orgusune ayrintilar eklemek yerine bir gecmise, bir gelecege atlayarak filmi fast-foodlastiriyor?
Rated 18 Jan 2015
These Oscar-angling British films feel formulaic; preferably set around the world wars, tortured soul proves everyone wrong, and goodness weren't social norms back then super regressive even though it's our idealized golden age? I'm surprised neither Judi Dench or Maggie Smith showed up to make some sick burns. Anyway the story of Turing needs to be told and Cumberbatch does give a good performance (though leaning heavily on the Asperger's tropes), but it's just so predictable and uninspired.
Rated 29 Jan 2015
"Oscar mı alacaksan ne yapacaksan git biraz ötede yap." demek için 15 dakika filmi izlemek yetiyor. 2 sene sonra esamesi okunmayacak, tamamen oscar formülasyonu üzerine kurulu bir çıtır çerez. Cumberbatch'ın fiziksel "ilginç"liği hariç, ciddi bir oyunculuk performansı sergilediğini de düşünmüyorum.
Rated 04 May 2015
Not as bad as The Theory of Everything, but these oscar-bait biopics are getting seriously boring.
Rated 19 Jan 2015
I really liked that they did a movie based on Alan Turing life and Benedict is doing some really great performances, but this movie felt like paint by numbers for the Oscars, I think it lacked soul on the story telling and on the filmmaking. It is a correct execution, but I didn't got drawn to it.
Rated 03 Jan 2015
I had a high expectation, and I think it was a good movie, but it didn't surprise or grab me enough to feel strong about this movie. Cumberbatch did an amazing performance, and other actors were great, too. It tell you what 'secret' does it to one's life.
Rated 12 Jul 2015
Never fully engaging and dragging for way too long, it's not without its moments but at the end of the day it's just way too middle-of-the-road.
Rated 28 Dec 2014
Smart, funny, suspenseful, well-intentioned, beautifully shot and scored, and well-acted, The Imitation Game is definitely worth your time. It doesn't misstep at all, is a delightful watch from start to finish, has a terrific lead performance from Benedict Cumberbatch, and will fill you in on a story that was classified for 50 years. I don't have anything bad to say about The Imitation Game. It works for its entire running time and will leave you thinking about it well after it concludes.
Rated 25 Feb 2016
This is an interesting film that is based on true events. The script is good and the film is well cast. Benedict Cumberbatch is great in the lead role. This movie would not work without the performance by Cumberbatch. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 21 Apr 2020
Gerilimden, heyecandan uzak, vasat bir biyografi filmi olmuş. Hayal kırıklığı.
Rated 08 Mar 2015
Smooths the curves and omits important details to force the story into the simple Hollywood drama mold. No mention of the Poles having already cracked an earlier version of Enigma or other people at Blechley having built the first digital computer to crack a harder German code. Of course, the movie also subscribes to the confused, black-and-white view of WW2 as noble heroes fighting against orcs or whatever wanting to destroy humanity.
Rated 17 Feb 2015
Disappointingly formulaic amidst some great writing and a superb performance by Cumberbatch.
Rated 07 Mar 2015
This story deserved the very best script and director. Someone like Spielberg could have paid a fitting tribute to the late and great Alan Turing. This story needed to be 150 minutes or so long and a stronger focus on either the thriller or portrait side. At times TIG doesn't really know what it wants to do, so it sort of gets stuck in the middle, leaving me underwhelmed. Cumberbatch nails the part, that is for sure. There is little soul in this film, like a TV film almost. Missed chance...
Rated 15 Sep 2017
Story is fairly true but there is a lot of artistic license. Characters, emotional scenes and even Turing's personality have been changed to fit an agenda. Doesn't make it bad, just disappointing. Movie was decent enough.
Rated 06 Apr 2016
#16#, exp3, rw2, story, ratings, cast!
Rated 02 Jan 2015
Rated 16 Mar 2015
A long buildup and the ending was a bit "too little". Expected more hype after they cracked the code. The acting was brilliant!
Rated 24 Jan 2016
Although I'm aware that this is based on a true story, the story seems more than vaguely familiar. Reminded me of the movie 'A Beautiful Mind' a bunch but this one is definitely better. Some good performances and good pacing, easy to follow and pretty decent visually. Not bad, but not amazing.
Rated 15 Oct 2016
Fascinating story and superb acting.
Rated 17 Dec 2014
Great performances don't do much to mask the heavy-handed script and convoluted structure that frame this otherwise compelling story.
Rated 24 Apr 2015
Cumberbatch is brilliant as the unique Alan Turing. And such a fascinating piece of historic cinema.
Rated 08 Mar 2015
I'm tired of seeing these stereotypical portrayals of socially impared geniuses. It's not as bad as A Beautiful Mind, but that fact that I even need to bring that movie up, is saddening. The actors do their best with the mediocre script, and the story keeps you interested. While it definitely isn't the most insightful or realistic film, it's not a waste of time either.
Rated 12 Dec 2018
Recycled chaff from A Beautiful Mind, done with less charm or any semblance of intrigue. The dialogue and relationships are network-TV bad (hackneyed, predictable, unmoving) and the "moral" is hamfisted. A thoroughly bland film that makes the least of an extremely interesting figure and topic. A movie for people who are new-to or don't care about film; the rest of us have seen it before and seen it done better.
Rated 14 Mar 2015
The Imitation Game was enigmatic story of secrets and lies. The story was deep and multi levelled, and extremely strong lead by Benedict Cumberbatch. Unfortunately the structure of the film did not support the fine story as it should.
Rated 12 Apr 2018
The Imitation Game can be boring at times. Otherwise it stands as a wonderful showcase for Benedict Cumberbatch's incredible presence. It also highlights the achievements of a genius and a hero who was not celebrated properly in his time.
Rated 02 Feb 2016
A great story, with wonderful acting as always by Cumberbatch, something about this didn't quite strike me as 'great'. Despite being thoroughly and consistently entertained and into the story, it just seemed to be lacking.
Rated 30 Nov 2014
A strong all-rounder, well-acted and with a lovely recreation of the period and setting. In this version of events there is a little more focus on the characters (Turing in particular, though it is after all a biopic!) at the expense of the mathematics, cryptography, and historical accuracy of the bombe invention and cracking process. Aside from a few liberties taken and risible scenes, it's a moving and powerful film about prejudice, character, genius and war. A good mix. BC may get Oscared.
Rated 22 Mar 2021
A touching movie but spoiled by manipulative predictability.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
En bra och välspelad film som dock fyller hela orkesterdiket med stråkar lite för ofta. Den är helt enkelt lite för inriktad på att säga att 1) Turing räddade världen nästan helt på egen hand, nästan som en smart Bruce Willis och 2) också närmast autistiska och helt homosexuella människor är jättefina människor. Det är synd att vi inte får komma Turing lite närmare bakom dessa plattityder. Men brittiska skådespelare är alltid bra och historien om Enigma förtjänar att ber
Rated 22 Sep 2023
I didn’t expect it to weather Keira Knightly as well as it did. I thought she was too pretty for the role & it would be distracting & annoying, but she did well. Everyone else was excellent as expected. It was better than the tediously formulaic Oscar bait everyone anticipated & the pathos didn’t feel contrived or hyperbolic. Not sure why people are giving it so much flack. It was *mostly* accurate based on history I’ve read, and truly evocative at times. Sometimes the script even sparkled.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
Rated 22 Dec 2014
The Imitation Game is a well-made, well-acted, thought-provoking film. Certainly its subject matter makes it a difficult one, and its snide dismissals of God don't help. But there's value here, especially in the urgent reminders that we don't have to choose solely between hero and criminal. (
Rated 15 Oct 2017
This was great packaging for the masses to introduce Alan Turing and his role in WWII codebreaking. It's a bit overdramatic, but it may have not worked well as a big-screen movie if it wasn't. The true power of this film is the actors and their portrayal of the various characters (real or not). We felt joy for Turing when he achieved his goal and felt sorry for him when he was losing what he cared for.
Rated 18 Jan 2015
Standard Hollywood oscar-bait. A serviceable film that takes no risks and adds nothing new to the genre. Most of the scenes seem contrived, from the blocking to the lighting. There's nothing particularly wrong with the acting, or the story, or the dialog... but everything seems calculated and forced, designed by the Weinsteins to appeal to the requisite demographics. Ultimately a bland film; watchable, but bland.
Rated 08 Mar 2015
This is a extremely dumbed down version of a true and fascinating story. All the cliches about geniuses are here: in some scenes Turing could have been replaced by Sheldon Cooper. Despite his brilliance, it's only after months of work that Turing-Cooper has the idea of searching for common expressions in the German messages. If that's the smart guy, you can imagine how stupid are the generals...
Rated 11 Jul 2016
it's very well acted, adeptly paced and directed, yet the whole movie feels weirdly hollywood, considering the fact that everyone involved was british. the attemps to create sympathy were somewhat transparent and it did detract from the experience. this could have been much better than run-off-the-mill oscar contender.
Rated 02 Jan 2015
Cuts a bit too many corners, particularly in the second half. Almost fantastic, but very good.
Rated 10 May 2015
Oscar bait. Not particularly interesting story about an extremely interesting person. Focused too much on fake drama.
Rated 11 Jun 2015
The Imitation Game is a good movie that occasionally becomes something great, but never for more than a few minutes or so. Cumberbatch turns in a fantastic performance, as does Kiera Knightley, but it almost feels like the film is deliberately avoiding being the kind of eureka moment that is ironically its subject. All the potential was there, but the film just feels... muted. Still a good watch.
Rated 22 Jan 2015
I want to punch the shit-eating grin off of Matthew Goode's punchable-ass face. I don't even have a girlfriend, and yet I feel like he's fucked her behind my back.
Rated 16 Sep 2015
Entertainment: 4/4. Spirit: 1/3. Sustainability: 1.5/3
Rated 05 Feb 2015
I enjoyed this movie and did not get bored. The performances were really good forming a good atmosphere, but some parts just felt out of place and not used to full effect. Like his homo-sexuality, the engagement etc. I still quite enjoyed it and Cumberbatch was just amazing.
Rated 01 Apr 2015
The Imitation Game lacks any reason for me to recommend it. It's not boring but it's not riveting, it's not trying anything new, it's not that well written but it's watchable. 'Competent' is the perfect word for it, good but not great. Like a Turing machine, it gives us answers to questions we may have but it lacks soul.
Rated 15 Jan 2015
The story is good and intriguing, but the storytelling simply doesn't work for me. The whole question about who Alan Turing really is and what he is hiding, takes unnecessary attention away from the exciting part - breaking the Enigma code. I was still entertained and pleasantly acquainted with young Alex Lawther. - Good
Rated 10 Oct 2016
I'm always slightly disappointed when a biopic changes things in an attempt to make it more "movie-esqu" but doesn't really make the story more interesting (i.e. Turing's personality, characters added or omitted, the fact that Turing's machine was not purely his but based on a Polish machine). Regardless, still a good movie.
Rated 11 Jan 2015
A great story, brilliant acting, really convincing and very moving.
Rated 25 Feb 2015
1314: big historical mistake of film, don't let me involve in drama! it seems a cheep propaganda for UK that wants push all the success in the WWII under shadow of something like this! shame!
Rated 10 Nov 2015
Another quality UK production which I enjoyed slightly more than this year's other film about a genius (Theory of Everything). The cast is filled with the usual suspects - including Knightley and a bunch of actors you've seen on e.g Downton Abbey. Cumberbatch seems to be in his Sherlock mode at first, but admittedly does a solid job. My biggest gripe is that the film pushes the real tragedy of Turing mainly into a couple of sentences in the epilogue, and simplifies his character quite a lot.
Rated 26 Feb 2015
26.02.2015 Büyülü Fener
Rated 31 Mar 2015
The story is interesting, even though the script is weak.


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