The Hurt Locker
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The Hurt Locker

2h 11m
Iraq. Forced to play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse in the chaos of war, an elite Army bomb squad unit must come together in a city where everyone is a potential enemy and every object could be a deadly bomb. (imdb)
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The Hurt Locker

2h 11m
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Avg Percentile 58.24% from 8003 total ratings

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Rated 01 Sep 2009
So was there a real narrative here or did I just miss it? Because all I watched was a series of suspenseful operations strung together. The dialogue was average, the characterization was weak and all of the emotional moments ended up being completely unconvincing, leaving the entire experience next to pointless. It says so little. But the performances are good, the suspense is effective and I had a pretty good time watching it. It's just nowhere near worthy of the critical reception it's had.
Rated 14 Aug 2009
A tense, visceral experience, The Hurt Locker is a portrait of a man who tries to hide his self-destructive tendencies under the guises of duty, then revenge, then altruism -- attaining self-wisdom only with the maiming of a friend and knowledge of his distance from the rest of society with the teary confessions of another. The end, a la The Wrestler, is both tragic and uplifting.
Rated 12 Aug 2009
There have been a slew of Gulf War films that I have skipped, but I'm glad I caught this one. It doesn't waste time with slick studio cynicism or empty sentimental patriotism, but uses the war as a setting for interesting characters and ideas rather than as platform for bombastic political commentary. The soldiers in the movie are dedicated yet conflicted about their duties, and the film captures all the anxieties and adrenaline that they experience.
Rated 28 Jun 2010
Dull and conventional war movie. Numerous scenes are absurd and contrived. Lacks the courage to attempt any kind of statement or significance, let alone critique (in fact it is, if anything, and despite its pretensions, an advertisement for the U.S. role in Iraq). The entire enterprise is pervaded by third-rate "psychological" "insights" and, more than anything else, an off-putting and overwhelming sense of false wisdom.
Rated 05 Dec 2009
Finally, a thinking man's action film. Unlike action blockbuster movies, this film does not insult the viewer's intelligence. Instead, it portrays a fresh and politically unbiased perspective on the war in Iraq in a visceral and tension-filled manner; a compelling and unconventional narrative with emotionally-charged performances and exciting sequences that gets your adrenaline pumping.
Rated 20 Dec 2009
(2nd viewing) A nerve-wracking, gripping, psychological thriller. My appreciation for the meticulous craftsmanship behind this film has grown considerably since my last viewing. Bigelow deserves all the credit she's received for this and Renner is one reckless SOB. It could've used some coherence instead of presenting a series of set pieces but it's still great and one of the best recent war movies I've seen.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
Derives tension from killing the two stars in this as a shock tactic and repeating the same defusing scene over and over again. The Hurt Locker is devoid of anything beyond banal characterization, instead presenting us with an invincible adrenaline-junkie who breaks more rules than Maverick. The attempted emotional engagement feels like a parody at work, and while Bigelow carefully avoided overt politicking it's pretty easy to read the implicit pro-occupation stance.
Rated 31 Dec 2009
Just fantastic. Essentially a character piece war movie. Not that that's a new thing. In equal parts funny, moving and tense. If you liked Jeremy Renner in The Unusuals he's the army dude version of that character here, and everyone is great. The "Full Metal Jacket" vibe is strong with this one
Rated 20 Jul 2009
The shaky handycam madness must stop. It is so amateur. The movie was too long - I got sick of the repetition. Diffuse a bomb, get drunk, go to another (pointless) dangerous life threatening situation. That's all that happens. But then they threw in a badass sniper scene, which is what most of the points are going towards. Guy Pearce was wasted, what a shame. PS, the opening disclaimer is terrible.
Rated 13 Feb 2010
Bigelow nearly does the impossible by crafting a white knuckle action flick that doubles as a a first-class character study of a bomb defuser with an almost pathological need to put himself in harm's way, in order to feel...something. The various bomb defusals are unbelievably intense and rife with paranoia. What are those guys on the minaret up to? What's with the dude with the camera? Harmless onlookers? Would-be insurgents? At times, I actually forgot to breathe.
Rated 17 Feb 2009
Unbelievably tense thriller with fantastic acting and I have to say the special appearances are incredibly well used to keep movie veterans guessing as to what's happening next. While it's not a flawless film the documentary style really lends to the gritty reality and tension of being a bomb disposal unit in Iraq. The Hurt Locker has the best depiction of why it is so hard to adjust to a "normal" life after being deployed in such a hostile environment. Must see in my opinion.
Rated 16 Jun 2009
Bigelow's in total control in this extremely tense war thriller... Very well crafted...
Rated 15 Aug 2009
In a word: INTENSE. The camera work shifts perfectly between steady and shakycam, putting you into the action. Renner gives a fantastic performance, and after a slew of films like Stop-Loss it was fascinating to see a soldier with no interest in resuming normal life. The film succeeds in making every civilian feel like a potential threat. Any onlooker could be holding the detonator. As fun as it is to shame the military over mistakes made in this war, can you blame them? Great filmmaking.
Rated 13 Apr 2013
Did you know before the US invaded Iraq in 2003, there had never been a suicide bombing in Iraq history. Since the US invaded there have been 1,892.
Rated 19 Nov 2009
One of the great anti-war movies. Modern warfare is not about the enemy (unidentifiable, unknown, unstoppable). It's about the kick. So many good moments to choose from, but here's my favourite: The borderline sergeant, just back from Iraq, owerwhelmed by indifference, as he has to choose a brand of cereal, from a wall of colorful products in the supermarket. Incapable of making normal life matter to him, this is the kinda person that's shipped off to war. Chilling prospect.
Rated 07 Dec 2009
Renner is a revelation. Too bad about the constant rinse and repeat attitude. Weak after further viewing.
Rated 01 Mar 2010
I have no idea why so many people like this movie. It is extremely boring, there is no plot whatsoever, the characters are unbelievably flat and the filming technique is just mediocre. I cannot imagine why this movie is nominated for several Oscars. I feel too manipulated when watching this movie, it's too obvious.
Rated 03 Jul 2009
The first great film about the 2000s Iraq War. Taking an apolitical stance allows the film to dive straight into the day-to-day tension of a squad tasks with defusing IEDs. The acting is strong throughout, especially Jeremy Renner as a man addicted to war. Small scenes with Ralph Fiennes and Guy Pearce are some of the best in the film.
Rated 25 Jul 2009
A tense and largely fascinating Iraq War thriller, hovering somewhere between action movie and character study. Despite being about a bomb squad, the sniper duel was definitely my favorite part. It can get a hair repetitive but on the whole it's easily my second favorite movie about a war in Iraq (#1 being Three Kings).
Rated 28 Jan 2010
Repetative, too long and lacking any narrative or depth, both in terms of plot & character development. Feinnes & Pearce are completely wasted, but the three central performances are solid. It is a shame that this film falls apart in the last 30 minutes or so, as when it is good, it is very good & the tension & atmosphere is palpable. Some of the non-shaky scenes are supurbly shot, in what is undoubtedly Bigelows best work by a mile. But it's hardly the war classic some are holding it up to be.
Rated 15 Feb 2010
Neither sensationalized heroism nor anti-war propaganda, there's a relatively complex psychology to this film. The tension within the ranks is nerve-racking. Really effective use of the hand held camera.
Rated 24 Dec 2009
The action was intense, but the cast failed to grip me emotionally. I was hoping for explosive action along with characters who also felt it emotionally. There were two scenes that really drove emotions home, one was the final scene. For a film that sits at 131 minutes it is driven purely on action and I guess I just didnt want to see that again. With all the hype surrounding this film it had me hoping for something different, and all it did was go back to the same old same old of war films.
Rated 14 Jan 2010
I've warmed up to it since my initial viewing and kind of want to watch it again with a different perspective in place. I disagree with the praises of it being realistic and apolitical, and in fact can only fully appreciate it as an on-the-nose metaphor for the way the Iraq War has unfolded. William James IS America: ignorantly tackling situations head-on (with a complete disregard for rules or privacy) with no clear end goal and up against faceless enemies.
Rated 03 Jul 2010
Mistakes - 1) In one scene they are playing on an Xbox 360, but the Xbox 360 did not come out until 2005, and the game being played, Gears of War, wasn't released until 2006. The movie takes place in 2004. 2) James is described on the cast list as a Staff Sergeant, but he wears the rank insignia of a Sergeant First Class.
Rated 14 Jul 2009
A hostile, inimically rancorous and pragmatic film about an elite bomb squad unit trapped in Iraq. Bigelow gives a handful of attributes and tests them with traits of trust, fate and survival. Ralph Fiennes and Guy Pearce, while having ephemeral roles, are stellar. My only complaint would have to be the last 20 minutes, which is when the film kind of falls apart. A redeeming property in film for 2009.
Rated 21 Jul 2009
I can see why the critics are so impressed, since this is a film of unusual virtues -- it's a movie directed by a woman in which hardly any women show up, it's a Gulf War II movie that's neither a rah-rah nor a hand-wring, and it has some nice tragic elements woven in yet it's not the kind of tragedy you might think it is
Rated 23 Jul 2009
Focused, sharp like a razor and tense like, well, the disarming of a bomb. At least for the first 80-90 min. with the sniper scene being particular exceptional. It does, however, become a bit to clicheed and predictable in the final third. The way in which it zooms in, all the way in, and follows a team of three, instead of outlining broader lines of the Iraq War did remind me of "Full Metal Jacket", and worked really well even though the movie as a whole did not reach the level of Kubrick's.
Rated 26 Jul 2009
After years of admiring her work and giving brilliant efforts with Near Dark and Strange Days, Bigelow finally hits one straight out of the park. A tense, taut, nail biter, The Hurt Locker can take a place alongside some of the best war films ever made. The cinematography, in particular, is top notch and makes you feel as though you are in the line of combat. It is also a highly sympathetic portrait for those in the line of duty with a spectacular performance by Renner. Best film of 2009.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Tense and exciting. This film starts strong and never let's up. Great performances all around especially Jeremy Renner. He truly presents a 'cool' character that you as the audience hope is bulletproof knowing full well he could be killed at any minute.
Rated 07 Aug 2009
Another war movie that tries to explore the psyche and experiences of a soldier rather then the politics of the situation. While other kinds of these movies usually try to go balls to wall with action, The Hurt Locker keeps your heart pounding with silence and great pacing. (an outstanding sniper scene comes to mind) Of course thats not saying there isn't action in the movie but Hurt Locker does a great job of building a scene up. Great movie.
Rated 24 Oct 2011
I held out for over 100 minutes. I think we all know who the real trooper is.
Rated 03 May 2010
Good cinematography. Interesting topic. And stunningly repetitive with flat characters. The unfamiliar actors who play the main guys don't impress, as they have one character trait each, like Smurfs. Hiring in real acting talent to do introductory scenes where they get fragged is simultaneously moronic. I didn't care about anyone in this. Some of the action was alright, but its effect was blunted by the fact that it only endangered weak characters.
Rated 19 Aug 2009
After 4 decades of war-is-absolute-hell films, who r these young men who r still eager 2 join the military? U'll get no answer here & although the film is well made (Bigelow maintains a palpable u-r-there tension throughout) the main protagonist does not seem representative of most soldiers. Surely there is more 2 the average soldier-or explosives expert - than a near-sociopathic need 4 adrenaline. New insights would b nice given that the horror of war is a cinematic experience we've had b4.
Rated 01 Sep 2009
I can't verify the complaints about military realism that some have made, but even if I could I wouldn't care, because a movie's obligation is to emotional truth, not factual truth. And though there are a couple of cheesy scenes (namely, the main character stepping into the shower in full gear after one of his squadmates is shot), it hits pretty hard for the most part, and is a very gripping look at the fractured mentality and obsessions of somebody sucked into war. Rock-solid.
Rated 20 Oct 2010
I am not sure but seems like I missed everything that people are/were raving about this movie. I believe this is one of the overrated movie of last year. It definitely doesnt deserve an Oscar. I just felt this movie was a whole bunch of scenes just thrown into a melting pot. The picturization and some of the performance is good but apart from that the movie is extremely weak. The movie is just plain repetitive there is not depth in the story. Overall a disappointing movie.
Rated 07 Oct 2009
Feels like a documentary half the time; this is a really engrossing look at probably one of the most dangerous and mentally draining jobs one can have, and a man who does it to make him feel alive. It doesn't point fingers or want to force a statement, which made this a very rewarding viewing.
Rated 09 Oct 2009
Is it possible to make an Iraq war movie that doesn't reflect some kind of political bias? Kathryn Bigelow seems to have come as close as possible. A US Army bomb squad unit is tasked to going through Iraq one IED at a time, counting down the days until they can go home. While some of the events in the film are somewhat predictable, particularly camera work that gives away what's going to happen (I really hate that), the tension is constant, and the unknown leads are awesome. Nearly excellent.
Rated 15 Feb 2010
A suspenseful action movie that doesn't rely on stupid special effects or an in-your-face soundtrack. This had enough intensity on its own between the shaky camera-work and paranoia. I felt like I was there, especially in the most tense of moments. Kept my interest from start to finish, no question about that.
Rated 02 Apr 2015
a scene from my new film-The Pain Cupboard:5 US special forces types are stranded in the desert,a passing British Army catering unit stops.A super sniper kills 3 of the Americans,the other 2 give up.The Brits take charge.Head Chef acts as the spotter and the guy who does the washing up delivers 4 fantastic headshots from 1000+ yards,the sous chef cleans pansy Yank blood off the bullets for him.They go back to base,nothing is mentioned,just a regular day.What do you think folks?Oscar potential?
Rated 30 Dec 2009
One of the most realistic, compelling and thrilling war movies I've ever seen.
Rated 31 Dec 2009
Oh, those big, life saver American soldiers and bad Arabs. Good movie though.
Rated 04 Jan 2010
This movie is visually stunning. The pace of the movie is slow at times, but to the movie's credit. My problem with this movie is its longevity value. This movie comes under the category of 'Oscar Winners'. They try and tug at the viewer's heart through sorrow, compassion, or shock. But all in all, at the end of the day, they turn out to be rather pointless. They tell a poignant tale, but rather forgettable. Similar flicks like Crash or Traffic reminds me of this style of storytelling.
Rated 03 Feb 2010
Features a completely unlikable, unrealistic, dumb-as-shit main character that only proves by the end of the film, and this is the entire point of the film, how much of a dumb redneck shithead he is. It's not necessarily a bad thing to have an unlikable lead (Clockwork Orange) but none of the other characters are developed beyond a single character trait. The rest is a bunch of loosely tied together "tense" scenes with no real pace or point, coupled with lazy shaky cam bullshit.
Rated 30 Jul 2011
The film tries to present itself as a more realistic depiction of war, but then realizes that hey, realistic war is pretty freakin' boring for a movie (it is, if you're trying to direct an action film), so it tries to compensate by featuring a cowboy main character who runs around and creates dramatic situations with recklessness. Example, oh here's a typical bomb defusal situation... let me take off my protective gear, so it will be more exciting. Also extremely nauseating camera shake and zoom
Rated 14 Feb 2010
I m sorry but this is not the movie of the year!!!!! it is a good movie though but i dont even think it should be in the top 5... it made 15M in box office!!!!!
Rated 27 Jul 2010
A mostly dull and messy film consisting of a series of bomb deactivations that aren't really suspenseful, since the involvement of the protagonist instantly confirms their successful outcome (he can't die in the middle of the film). The shaky camera, even during dialogues, is so overused that it ends up being ridiculous and annoying. However, there are some scenes of genuine resonance and intensity towards the end that nevertheless don't suffice in order to redeem this undeserving Oscar winner.
Rated 16 Jan 2010
Magnificent film. I had to consider its message for a while though, starting off as it did with this quote, "The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug." Yes, the main character is an Adrenalin junkie, which even takes precedence over his family. But we need people like him, who are the best at what they do, driven as they are to derive such lofty fulfillment from it. Don't know if that's what was intended, but it's the way it looked and the way I took it.
Rated 17 Jan 2010
I'm not generally a fan of a lot of war movies as they often don't feel very realistic to me outside the action. This movie is one of the few exceptions. It's a gritty look at a nerve-racking job and how the stress of war effects people in different ways. This is one of those movies that sucked me in and the 2 hour run time flew by. I was very pleased that the film seems to be neither pro or anti-Iraqi War. It's nice to not have ideologies shoved down my throat every time I watch a war movie.
Rated 09 Apr 2010
I like to think of this as a miniature Revisionist Western. It has its share of flaws and it can't sustain a clear peak-and-crest pacing flow to save its life, but this overturns all the psychological bullshit, empty patriotism, and empty anti-bureaucratic cynicism that Iraq movies have used as a crutch since 2004.
Rated 18 Mar 2010
It seems that no matter how bad a movie you make, it's enough to set it in Iraq and you get all the praise in the world. How this c*ap is more acclaimed than Berg's "The Kingdom" is beyond my comprehension. It goes from boring to ridiculous, from ridiculous to stupid, from stupid to meh. Waste of time, waste of Oscars. Political propaganda if I've ever seen one.
Rated 05 Nov 2010
I always wondered what it would be like if Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was real.
Rated 01 Jun 2010
On paper both a fairly formalistic war movie and yet another Katrhyn Bigalow macho-analysis. But it's made with such panache and craftsmanship that you forget all about it.
Rated 06 Aug 2011
Bigelow's energetic direction almost makes up for the plethora of clichés and total lack of realism.
Rated 07 Feb 2011
This is a real "chinese meal" of a film ... extremely well made, good acting, very tense, but afterwards you think to yourself "well, that was just ridiculous!" Its a crying shame that something so well MADE could be completely laughable when analysed. 3 bomb disposal officers "capture" 5 Special forces ? Camp Doctor gets blown up? Bomb disposal officers "go it alone" in enemy territory. PLEASE!. The whole premise of this film was that this was 'gritty reality'. It wasnt, it was just ridiculous
Rated 26 May 2010
The director seemed to take advantage of the protagonist's "addiction" to war in order to turn it into a cheesy action film.
Rated 20 Jul 2009
What a taut, well made, no bullshit action thrill ride. The characters don't pontificate on why they're in Iraq, the commentary isn't in your face. Even though the squad spends most of the movie disarming bombs, my favorite action sequence is the sniper shootout in the middle of the film (probably one of the best sniper on sniper shootouts committed to film).
Rated 12 Feb 2010
This movie started really good, but declined steadily after the halfway mark. The three main characters were interesting to watch, but that's all it really was. Just three dudes in tense situations. There wasn't really a solid plot for them to be wrapped up in.
Rated 24 May 2010
There really isn't a plot as such but does this hurt the film. In my opinion it doesn't. The series of incredibly tense operations are meticulously crafted where every civilian feels like a threat, which seems completely realistic in such a testing environment. Each and every soldier is completely dedicated but with a range of conflicting mindsets from self destructive to all encompassing fear. The Hurt Locker makes it more clear than ever how soldiers struggle to re-adjust to civilian life.
Rated 26 Feb 2010
A damn solid and complex war movie. It's no Apocalypse Now but I wasn't expecting it to be.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
No need for any coffee before this one. It'll keep you on edge on it's own... And, check your politics at the door, 'cause there is none... It's about humanity. And addictions...
Rated 09 Jul 2012
The Hurt Locker is a very exciting movie about the Iraq war. It contains a solid lead performance from Jeremy Renner, has nerve-racking action scenes, and works well telling this one man's story, even if that means the supporting cast is ultimately inconsequential. It feels real, it looks real, and it's a fine journey to experience. I was never bored while watching it, and while it has a few flaws, they're easy to look past both while watching and afterward. Definitely give this film a watch.
Rated 05 Aug 2009
Excellent directing and acting. The tension and suspense in several scenes are thick as hell. Does really well to show how this type of combat situation wears on soldiers' minds. Best Iraq War film hands down, and probably the best war film, period, I've seen in quite a while. Yes it's unrealistic. It's a hyperbolized character study, and a great one at that.
Rated 08 Aug 2009
A tense and almost episodic story of a bomb disposal unit in Iraq. There's a lot we've seen here before: terrorism, the Middle East, and a shaky camera. And yet, it's an entirely refreshing experience. The suspense is fantastic and the film's best asset. At times characters are a mystery, with motives that are seemingly out of place, but generally it's a well-paced, amazingly-edited and excellently-filmed thriller.
Rated 08 Aug 2009
I'll never ever understand why people loved this movie so much. It's a good movie but pretty overrated. It couldn't decide to be whether drama, thriller or action; and tries to be all of them at the same time, so it couldn't make any achievement at even one of these elements. Still they can't do a movie about "war" itself after Full Metal Jacket.
Rated 10 Aug 2009
Enter another chapter in the textbook "Suspense 101." Seriously, this film gets it perfectly. Scenes are crafted flawlessly to achieve a level of suspense that I find hard to compare to any other in this genre. Yes, the film is a bit repetitive and the evil Hollywood head peaks in from time to time to throw in some cliches, but I did not find myself complaining too much. To add, the cast was top notch even though the Renner's character was a bit over the top.
Rated 11 Feb 2015
There are a couple of really good scenes here, including a particular nail-biter featuring Ralph Fiennes. But it really does get repetitive after awhile, and I don't see where the Oscar came from. Movies like this have been done so much less redundantly, albeit this was the first one specifically about Iraq.
Rated 31 Mar 2010
Every bit as intense as you've heard. Nice bit parts from Guy Pierce and Ralph Fiennes. The scene with the bomb vest is one of the saddest I've ever seen, and is incredibly powerful. Not a perfect movie by any means, but it's a great film.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
Really damn riveting and intense. It blew my mind that it was over 2 hours long because it all went by so fast and I was so enthralled by it all.
Rated 13 Aug 2009
Bigelow builds tension simply but effectively. There's a bracing dynamism to most of the scenes, anything can happen, anyone is vulnerable. She cues the audience early on that the usual algebra of determining which characters will survive doesn't apply here. This is war. Anyone can be in the wrong place when the explosive detonates or the bullet is fired. She replicates the staggering uncertainty of the environment with rumbling camerawork and rapid editing while also maintaining clarity.
Rated 01 Mar 2010
There might be no real plot...probably just as in war. There might be a lack of personal relationship...probably just as in war. The movie might not have a message but what message does it need except for showing the brutality of war. It does that pretty good and builds quite some tension. And btw. Jeremy Renner's performance was very convincing. 01/03/10
Rated 30 Jan 2010
It's good because it's really unique. It's great because Jeremy Renner runs away with the whole thing.
Rated 24 Jan 2010
I hope that this is the first wave of a set of great Iraq war movies about to come out. The movie`s not perfect, but it`s certainly the best Iraq war movie I've seen so far.
Rated 27 Oct 2010
what a dissappointment, even when you don't have an expectation...
Rated 27 Aug 2009
Pretty boring movie with horrendous cinematography.
Rated 15 Feb 2010
Technically the film is extremely proficient, and I get a certain pleasure out of watching filmmakers utilize modern tools to their advantage. However, as a film The Hurt Locker is pretty limited, beginning with telling us what the film is about with the quote, before an image even arrives on screen. Also, while I think the filmmakers would like for us to critique the practices portrayed, they make everything look so cool that it blunts the overall message. Bleh.
Rated 06 Feb 2010
Even if the situations were exaggerated, it's a dangerous job no matter how you look at it. The film is superb at building tension and putting you in the middle of sketchy situations. I found the characters to be more than just "oo-rah" stereotypes, while not going too far in trying to make them well-rounded. While it may not be a hallmark of documentary realism, I was thoroughly engaged by these men and their uniquely difficult jobs.
Rated 08 Apr 2023
The handheld camerawork, lack of music, deft editing, and dialed-in acting make all the missions supremely suspenseful and engaging. It's the writing that falls short; there are characters but no real thematic or narrative arc and the attempts to tag on dives into James' pysche miss the mark (the first long drive convo doesn't say much; the trip home quickly followed by a rock-n-roll return was contrived and uncomfortable). "I'm looking for the people responsible" was a poignant moment though.
Rated 25 Apr 2010
Director Bigelow and screenwriter Boal are action film-makers who understand that character is action, and skillfully use a series of challenges faced by a bomb-defusing team in Iraq in order to reveal the motivations and characters of three very different men. The situations are suspenseful and varied, and the reactions of the soldiers--all well-acted--are revelatory.
Rated 01 Jun 2012
One of my new favorite war movies.
Rated 08 Sep 2009
Bigelow has great visual flair and she knows how to construct seriously intense scenes. Gripping stuff!
Rated 27 Mar 2010
Lethal Weapon style bom squad unit. U can see Sergeant William James as Sergeant Martin Riggs. He likes duty on non-work...
Rated 30 Nov 2012
After The Hurt Locker (which is without question the most exciting and least ideological movie yet made about the war in Iraq), everyone will remember Renner's name.
Rated 29 Nov 2013
Good, but oscar-bait
Rated 12 Oct 2010
Did not expect to like this movie, and instead it blew me away. Hey PoppaDoc you've come a long way Mr. Mackie. Mackie's and Renner's chemistry is great. The 2nd car bomb scene is a just great with the middle man offering no help. The creative camera work was a plus too. Too many powerful scenes to list continually having me think of what our troops go through today, especially Renner's storyline. When a movie goes over 2hrs and I wish it hasn't ended just yet then that's a good sign.
Rated 12 Apr 2010
It is not impressive enough, nothing memorable, simply worst best picture ever.
Rated 04 Oct 2009
3/10/9 - The disposal' scenes are incredibly tense and effective - even the shaky cam isn't too irritating for once. The other action scenes are merely ok - not bad by any means, but hardly great, and the character development outside of the war zones feels slightly tacked on. What it does well, it does very well, but the rest is merely ok. The opening scene is excellent. Well worth watching if you don't expect Full Metal Jacket.
Rated 18 Jul 2010
The first movie about the Iraq war that isn't just a hackneyed op-ed. A character study on the types of men who flourish in war, as well as the psychological consequences of survival. Hurt Locker isn't an arc driven story, there's no major conflict, just the day to day survival and the emotional toll of being the guys who brush up against mortality for a living. If there's any weakness, it can feel episodic at times like you're watching series rather than a single film.
Rated 12 Feb 2011
Very intense, awesome movie! Anyone who thinks this is American propaganda is either an idiot, or they somehow missed the part where just about every American in the movie is an asshole. Next you'll be telling me that Schindler's List is Nazi propaganda because Schindler isn't an asshole.
Rated 29 Nov 2009
This was a real war film with real characters showing deep, complex emotions. It's not as grandiose or large-scale as some war pics but I feel that in years to come I will classify this alongside some of the greats like Platoon, Full Metal Jacket or Come and See.
Rated 16 Dec 2009
Director Kathryn Bigelow gets most of it right in this compelling film portraying the Iraq war from the perspective of a bomb squad unit in a way that seems more realistic than most films like it. I really enjoy these kind of 'intelligent' action films. Cinematographically it's a great film, and the sound design is awesome, making it even more suspenseful than it already is. It's quite disturbing to see how bomb detonations are part of daily life for the Iraqi people...
Rated 03 Dec 2016
This shit hurted.
Rated 17 Dec 2009
Very intense and captivating movie. Not much of a narrative, but it's got plenty of emotional development. Cinematography is very solid, one of those rare occurrences when shaky camera actually fits the film. High point in Bigelow's career.
Rated 25 Jun 2010
great acting. i was alternately thrilled and tense.
Rated 27 Mar 2010
Well made from a technical standpoint, but then again, so is American Idol. We've seen this setting, we've seen these stock characters and the tension was as derivative as any director's first slasher flick. Trying to make a tense scene with a live bomb is like trying to make a peanut butter sandwich with peanut butter. The melancholy home/supermarket scenes were perhaps the only interesting bits this film had going for it and those totaled up to perhaps five minutes?
Rated 20 Nov 2016
Kathryn Bigelow's The Hurt Locker is a fascinating, nail-biting experience that looks at the Iraq War from a different - and, arguably, more effective - angle.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
boring but excellent !
Rated 05 Jan 2010
Thrilling, realistic and sympathetic with those that risk their lives. Renner is again very good. Too bad the last 20 min are not as good as the rest of the movie but the final shot is back on track.
Rated 09 Jul 2013
A movie I would actually own, and that is saying a lot for a war time movie... I typically don't really like these sort of movies, but the cast did well in this one and it held my attention when others usually loose me. I do think it is not perfect though, but it was entertaining and I enjoyed it.
Rated 07 Nov 2011
One of the finest war movies I've seen. The Hurt Locker starts out strong with an IED-disarming scene, and the cinematography (featuring contrasting zoom-in/wide-shots and an ultra-shaky camera...I almost felt nauseous!) works with the story to give you a good sense of the tension and isolation the soldiers face on a daily basis. Another highlight is the sniper scene about halfway through the film. It sees the shaky cam replaced by longer shots, giving the scene a sense of ordinariness.
Rated 27 Nov 2012
I just didn't get that much out of this. The performances are very good, and there's nothing wrong with Bigelow's direction (some scenes are incredibly tense!) but I just don't think its very substantive... it won't linger with me.


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