The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1
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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 3m
Katniss Everdeen is in District 13 after she shatters the games forever. Under the leadership of President Coin and the advice of her trusted friends, Katniss spreads her wings as she fights to save Peeta and a nation moved by her courage. (imdb)

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 3m
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Avg Percentile 36.1% from 4084 total ratings

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Rated 21 Nov 2014
I predict that during Hunger Games marathons, this movie will be known as The Hunger Games: Shall We Just Skip This One?
Rated 22 Nov 2014
Remarkably, this maintains the above average quality of the previous installments, despite the lack of any real plot advancement. It does so by going even darker; a palpable specter of death hangs over the proceedings, from Katniss' losses, to the sacrificial acts of rebellion, to explicit threats of human extinction in this post-apocalyptic universe. If Hollywood insists on more of these unnecessary multi-part adaptations with not enough story, they can at least aim for this standard. RIP PSH.
Rated 25 Nov 2014
This is as high as I can rank it. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I, like others, just fails to reach its high expectations. This two-parter could have used (some) more emotional grasp. Slow and not a lot of action, and that's what people are complaining about, but you have to remember: This is merely the intro to the greater part of the book, which is a decent sequel if I do say so myself. Not as good as the first two, but still a good movie.
Rated 27 Nov 2014
I didn't understand what was going on half the time and frankly, my dear, I couldn't give a damn. Despite being the third entry in an already tired franchise, THG remains so frustratingly underwhelming, so instantly forgettable, it not only ruins any enjoyment that might be found but also complicates straightforward empathy for any of its characters. Except Peeta of course, whom I can't help but root for to finally get to second base. Don't give up buddy, you're almost there!
Rated 21 Nov 2014
It's like a 2 hour long trailer for part 2. Is it a bad movie ? No, but lacks any action.
Rated 21 Nov 2014
Two watches, one opinion. Mockingjay 1 in still in the middle of the HG movies -- it doesn't have the production or pacing issues of the first (despite claims that "nothing happens", which I think are dumb, and makes me question what movie those people were watching), but it lacks the quality of performance and impact of the second. Truth be told, this one felt a little hammy in spots. But those are minor qualms; it's a good movie. Interesting commentary on the propaganda process. I dug it!
Rated 21 Nov 2014
Mockingjay: Part 1 is the first instalment of the split in two series finale. Many deem the split unnecessary and as a standalone film this doesn't cover that much content. This is a very different film from it's predecessors and the action is substituted for politics and unnecessary plot development that builds towards Part 2. But the narrative suffers from the absence of the actual games and this film relies heavily on the performances of Jennifer Lawrence and the serviceable supporting cast.
Rated 21 Nov 2014
On my scale it succeeds just as well as the first two, but this is a completely different experience - and that is actually a good thing in my book. I liked that it wasn't another gear-up-and-fight installment, although I'm pretty sure that we'll see our fair share of bows and arrows, tridents and crossbows in what's coming next fall. I'm looking forward to the last chapter, because of this darker and more immersive installment.
Rated 18 Nov 2014
Kudos for absolutely no comic reliefs and no unnecessary action scenes. The problem is you get 'Der Untergang' for teens. Which is certainly strange but mostly rather boring.
Rated 26 Dec 2014
With no arena to drive the narrative forward, and no sci-fi society to explore, I found this interminably boring. There's some great political satire, but the two previous films managed to give us satire and oh so much more. Lawrence is undoubtedly great at her job - just about plain enough to pass for one of us, and able to genuinely lose herself in the moment, but the camera ignores the supporting cast and their world to shadow an actress whose celebrity has far outgrown the role and the film.
Rated 14 Dec 2014
There is no irrational reason to pad "Mockingjay" to two movies (the rational reason being cash). As a story about propaganda and pragmatism, that feels a little on the nose. Not bad, but half-assed; too substantial to be just a YA action movie, but too eager to please to be labeled "dark" in any other meaning but the cinematographical one. A story about selling rebellion as a fashion accessory that does exactly that; I want to think there's more to that, but I doubt Part 2 wants to tell it.
Rated 02 Dec 2014
I understand that these "part 1" movies are always going to feel lacking in this area but I'm not sure I've seen such a big movie that felt so incomplete story wise. This one didn't even seem to try to make this movie at least have it's own mini story while serving the bigger picture. It's hard for me to carry any enthusiasm over from this half of a movie for about 11 months.
Rated 27 Nov 2014
Like its predecessors, Mockingjay is not bad, not good, but just manages to exist in his own little world of adolescent naivité and puberal desires. The more political approach is a welcome change to an otherwise action-oriented series, but the shallowness and simplicity of the conflict is severely hurting. Only to make matters worse, Katniss' self-pity is extremely annoying considering the flat characteristics.
Rated 25 Nov 2014
It's strange how secondary characters carry out the major action (the dam, pita's rescue) but Katniss gets the hero storyline for...creating motivating commercials?
Rated 22 Nov 2014
Well made and acted like the previous films in the series, but it is held back by being the first half of a book that tells a single story. There really isn't enough substance here to justify splitting the book into two movies, and we are left with a lot of exposition and monologues building up to what will be an action-packed conclusion in the next film. Yet it is still a decent movie thanks to the cast, led by a predictably strong lead performance from Jennifer Lawrence.
Rated 21 Nov 2014
They pulled a Hobbit 2, taking a normal story arc and stretching it 2x, which puts all the climax and great action in the latter movie, and leaves the 1st as mostly filler and buildup. There's a lot of stalling in Mockingjay 1, and at the end of the day no exciting climax, no satisfying resolution, not much plot movement at all, really. It's also quite barren on the action front compared to the earlier Hunger Games. Maybe worth it as Part 1+2 next year, but worthless on its own.
Rated 21 Nov 2014
If you like the Hunger Games series, or have read the books, maybe it's OK? Honestly this franchise is getting more and more boring with each installment. If you want to watch J Law in barely believable character shooting pro-rebel propaganda in various settings of interchangeable rubble while pretty much nothing happens for 2 hours, this is the movie for you. I really wish I could care about these films, but they're just not engaging.
Rated 20 Nov 2014
Mockingjay -- Part 1 is the weakest of the Hunger Games movies so far, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's got about 45 minutes of plot stretched out to two hours, which means it's slow-paced and not a whole lot of consequence happens. It's all building up to the next installment, which means that it's a must-watch for anyone planning to see how this series ends. It's full of politically fueled speeches and people looking somber, all while stuck underground waiting for the real action to start.
Rated 09 Aug 2015
Overall, I like the series. This was not one of the best installments. It's nice to see Julianne Moore join the crew. Jennifer Lawrence is a delight to watch, even when it doesn't prove to be a stellar movie. This one is a big lead in to the next, so feels half done by the time it's over. The series has a lot of heavy handed themes, and some of the dramatics, especially parts about Peeta, were rather transparent and ill conceived. Still it was entertaining, though not entirely satisfying.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
Really solid while watching, but it's still very dependent on how the final part shapes up to determine its value. The criticism is more about marketing strategies infiltrating filmmaking than anything else. But the score could rise or fall. If I had my druthers, this trend of splitting books into two or three (Hobbit!) or eventually more (The Stand) would end. know...MONEY!
Rated 21 Dec 2014
Definitely much more grown up then the first two films in the series, Mockingjay Part 1 takes on darker themes and commands fine performance from the a-list cast. It proves that emotion is the key to winning over audiences and allowing actors of this caliber to play on such themes as love, devotion and sacrifice pays dividends when the tone sets the mood for a grand finale.
Rated 09 Dec 2014
I'm not sure why they had to split it into two parts. It felt unnecessary. It felt stretched, slow and almost boring. The effects and site sets were well done, but I wanted to to see the story progress more.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
Until the end of the last film, the series smartly hid the fact that there was any group strong enough 2 overthrow its fascist regime, which meant no 1 had any idea how it'd end. Now that the rebels have been revealed however, & b/c none of them are 1/2 as compelling as Katniss & so much of the film has them biding their time in a shelter, 2 much of this plays as prolonging the inevitable. The series' normally welcome focus on the ugliness of violence also now feels a bit The Passion of Katniss
Rated 28 Nov 2014
A slow lead in to what better damn well be a mind-blowing final Hunger Games movie!
Rated 25 Nov 2014
I don't really have a lot to add to the conversation on this film; it just didn't work that well for me. I'm not exactly an action junkie, but I think it's fair to say that, objectively, the more kinetic sequences of the Hunger Games films have always been the strongest, and Catching Fire in particular benefit from some truly exciting scenes and spectacles. This time around, sans Games and largely sans action of any kind, I was a tad bored; things never really gained momentum.
Rated 23 Nov 2014
Katniss's wings have been clipped here, and one of the great modern YA fiction heroines spends the brunt of this movie wandering around in a watery-eyed, wobbly-chinned stupor. It's a pretty big downer, and if you thought the 2nd one suffered from a sense of incompleteness, you ain't seen frigging nothing yet. Technically well-made, and essential if you're a fan of the franchise, but discouraging, I must admit. The 4th one's got a lot of work to do...
Rated 22 Nov 2014
The first half, with it's emphasis on the cynical necessity of selling the revolution via photo ops and propaganda was the best from the franchise. "You could be killed." "Then make sure to get it on camera." But the second half dragged.
Rated 21 Nov 2014
I'm apparently a massive HG apologist despite never reading the books. I just dig these movies. I think this was awesome. Was it slow? Kinda, but it was a good slow. It was building and building, watching the little acts of rebellion was intense. This was darker and more gritty, with less comic relief and a general sense of urgency. Sure, it doesn't have a ton of action but it doesn't need it because the action that does take place has huge consequences. Part 1 tried something a little diff.
Rated 28 Jun 2016
Provocative, horrifying, and brilliant. A staggering achievement full of the contradictory morals, flawed characters, and nuanced emotions that Katniss (and the reader) experienced in the novels. A film that needs to steep to be fully appreciated, and one that will hopefully be fulfilled in the next chapter. It makes one wish Francis Lawrence could go back in time to make the first installment of the series worth watching.
Rated 04 Feb 2016
Bread and circuses, except the former is Wonderbread and the latter is just sad clowns.
Rated 02 Jan 2016
Of all the books the third is best to read and least translatable for the cinema IMHO, but they pull it off (apart maybe from the shooting the military plane down WITH A BOW scene). The script isn't as good as in Catching Fire, but the cast and direction remain strong.
Rated 30 Dec 2015
As the series grow more mature, the films become more enjoyable. Still largely the same top-notch cast, but I feel that the change in style (away from the 'Battle royale' and more into Panem itself) fits a lot better with these acting greats.
Rated 09 Nov 2015
Skype Calls: The Movie
Rated 22 Jun 2015
This is a well-made piece of entertainment that asks the audience to slow down and examine the themes that have been hanging in the background of the series.
Rated 14 Apr 2015
Somewhat surprisingly, the series Mockingjay Part 1 most closely resembles is Star Wars - specifically Empire. I wonder if fans of the source material will take that as a compliment but I mean it as one. We should all be happy if J.J. Abrams' new film is as good a Star Wars movie as this Hunger Games installment.
Rated 13 Mar 2015
Without "the games" this is just sex and the city in new clothing. Incredibly weak analogies and worse acting/script.
Rated 25 Feb 2015
Am I crazy if I think this is actually slightly better than the first two films? It's certainly on the same level. This is adapted from the first half of the weakest book of the series, and actually improves quite a bit on its source material by fleshing it out and adding some additional character moments and plot developments that the book was either lacking or allowed to happen off-screen. I really love how this movie series is coming together - hopefully the last one's just as good.
Rated 23 Feb 2015
I have to say it's heartbreaking watching Hoffman here; he was probably in a bad shape personally while delivering the goods as usual on set. I actually like the political part of the movies, as they are easy relating to.
Rated 21 Feb 2015
It doesn't feel like a whole film. You know that point in the 3-act structure where the protagonist reaches a low, before finding themselves and overcoming whatever obstacle? This ends on the low point, making it an intensely unsatisfying movie. It's a shame, because there's a lot to like about it, and the series is still far and away the best of the Young Adult movie franchises. I've not read the book, so no idea what the 2nd half will be like, but it feels they could have done it in one film.
Rated 20 Feb 2015
Like the others, I enjoyed this. It's got me waiting for the next installment and seeing how it all plays out.
Rated 18 Feb 2015
So they go into one of the districts with a camera crew. JL and LH get separated from the camera crew, go up on a roof where Jennifer shoots down two planes. The shot that shows the two planes being destroyed are not from the camera crew, yet in the propaganda video, it is the exact same shot of the planes being shot down except without JL and LH in it. The camera crew didn't film that. Also what is the point of shooting a deer when they have plenty of food where they are staying. Dumb film.
Rated 08 Jan 2015
IF you liked the first two films in this series you should also watch this one. Jennifer Lawrence is good again here and the rest of the cast does well. Elizabeth Banks was excellent in a small role in this film. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 02 Jan 2015
The quality of the film making is on par with the rest of the series, but it felt a bit lacking as the first part of the book is the build up and the resolution we're all waiting for is in the second half. If they had simply made one movie I think this film would have been more satisfying.
Rated 28 Dec 2014
I loved the "hanging tree" song, the music was fabulous and fitting, but that's about everything I loved. Mockingjay Part I is slow, is quite storyless and, to be honest, is just "empty". It doesn't offer anything, this is nothing more than a view, a glampse at what will come. No, it's more actually, because visually this film is great, as he first two, and Lawrence and Hoffman are great, but that doesn't make up for the emptiness of this film. Let's say: A red carpet walk to the final.
Rated 22 Dec 2014
More of the same from the Hunger Games series, which isn't a bad thing. I enjoy these movies. They're well-made, dark but fun, and filled with great actors.
Rated 22 Dec 2014
This is not necessarily a condemnation. These concepts deepen the story beyond who Katniss wants to smooch and whether Prim will be able to keep her cat. And they can inspire us to keep fighting our own necessary fights. But they do serve notice of a bleaker journey. A journey Katniss could never have imagined while in the middle of the Hunger Games. (
Rated 19 Dec 2014
Tedious, too long, no plot advancement. Clearly there wasn't enough material for two movies.
Rated 18 Dec 2014
At least one major step back from the first two movies.
Rated 09 Dec 2014
2 hours of nothing happening read a review and just wait another year for the real movie
Rated 08 Dec 2014
This franchise requires the audience to buy into Katniss's love for Peeta, and this movie in particular. The problem is that Peeta is portrayed in such a way that it makes it almost impossible to imagine Katniss loving him. Anyway, this whole part 1 of 2 was annoying because it's hard to judge a movie with only half a story. I do think that the series is becoming more and more interesting as we get more into the politics of this world, so I'm still exited for the final installment.
Rated 06 Dec 2014
The most mature, the most (melo)dramatic, but also most tedious of all the installments, so far. A bit underrated I have to say, as well. Part 1 is mostly all introduction and a bit of the middle, so it's safe to say part 1 and 2 should be viewed as one long four hour film. Cool to see PSH one last time, as he was excellent as always. Looking forward to part 2.
Rated 05 Dec 2014
Two hours of film to tide you over until the proper climax in the next one. Fills the time, nothing more. Feels like a drawn out Previously section. A shame as I liked the other two.
Rated 01 Dec 2014
Its a good set up for the next movie. The previous films gave you a clue as to why rebellion might be desired but this film really makes it palpable. I enjoyed the entire narrative. The parts sound lame if examined too much, but you have to take in the context of the world presented you. The decadence of the last few movies is over as this is now open warfare between the nation. I am excited to see how they wrap the series up.
Rated 01 Dec 2014
The acting is exceptional in the slowest movie of the series. The slowness though is not a negative, as the film explores darker themes and has just enough action scenes to keep things lively. The movie also doesn't drag (a common problem for slower paced movies) and the characters all have interesting parts in the story. Shaky cam sucks though
Rated 01 Dec 2014
Two hours of Katniss pouting. The strength of these underwhelming films is Jennifer Lawrence, and she is completely neutered here.
Rated 30 Nov 2014
The moment where Katniss and the rebels sing the haunting song while fighting back was very well done. A lot of other stuff wasn't, particularly the District 13 bombing scene which was an uncomfortably long sequence of nothing but flashing lights. Ultimately, the movie is unsatisfying because it's been split in two. Having read the book, there were many parts that easily could have been sacrificed to fill a single feature-length narrative.
Rated 29 Nov 2014
I found the acting weaker here, and with a more interesting storyline the weakness showed more than before. Solid as a 3.1 installment. Clever dive into political maneuvers. Some weak camera choices. Themes remain adolescent but more moving than in the previous films. Good set up for the finale.
Rated 28 Nov 2014
Watch Cattiness shoot propaganda videos. That's honestly what happens.
Rated 28 Nov 2014
Just another revolution movie with good effort.
Rated 27 Nov 2014
I haven't seen a love triangle this painful since Twilight: New Moon.
Rated 26 Nov 2014
Marred by its transitional (money-channeling) character, "Mockingjay - Part 1" treads water respectably and unspectacularly. It's still a tad more intelligent and well-acted than your average blockbuster but it feels inessential not only in the larger scheme of things but, more importantly, within its own franchise.
Rated 25 Nov 2014
Stylish and very well acted, Mockingjay is smart, intense on drama, and has some great sequences, but gets caught in the in-between phase a bit and comes out a bit grim and dry.
Rated 23 Nov 2014
As expected it was far from as good as the previous Hunger games movies. Hunger games isn't the same without the hunger games. nevertheless, it was a good movie but it was really a very long buildup to the next and final part. It didn't really happen that much! I'm confident the final movie will be spectacular!
Rated 22 Nov 2014
I went in expecting to be annoyed that I was only getting half a story. And yeah, it's a problem. There really isn't much actual material, but they stretch it over 2 hours anyway. But I still very much enjoyed this film. I actually liked the slower pace, with its extra breathing room. However, it can't be denied that the first two films are much more entertaining and exciting. Lawrence is still great, elevating the character beyond what's on the page.
Rated 09 Aug 2022
Two part movies are stupid but this one didn’t have a horrible ending
Rated 17 Sep 2021
Hungy becomes Hangy. Going from fun and exciting arena shit to"oh damn we're rebels and we're so cool". It's lame. Fuck off.
Rated 10 Jul 2018
Grim, ghastly, great. Could've capitalized on the momentum of the simple and effective good rebels vs. bad Capitol set-up of the first two flicks, but instead chose to sit in the darkness underground for a while and meditate on media manipulation and the horrors of war that exist even when you're fighting evil: a remarkable pre-climax storytelling maneuver that sits better the more you stew on it. Well-shot, scored (Lawrence's "The Hanging Tree" is truly haunting), and acted, as always.
Rated 02 May 2018
The Resistance is real, and are conveniently Marines who have been conveniently hoarding ammo & jets & tanks & HOO-RAHs. It's a good thing Obama didn't take America's guns 'cause Sector 13's finally found something they are good for: learnin' pansexual fashionistas in their Washington DC towers a lesson 'bout freedom not being free. And where is Katniss during all this? Trying really hard to decide if she likes Kirk, Picard, or that guy from Quantum Leap who flew the Enterprise into a hole.
Rated 05 Aug 2017
Trying to tell half a story of a story that wasn't good in the first place proves to be too much. A whole lot of nothing happens.
Rated 07 Jun 2017
I saw this just a few months ago and barely remember anything about it. I think that says a lot. I do recall it being at least okay, but most of ran right out of my head.
Rated 29 Mar 2016
No idea why I liked this movie as much as I did. There's nothing special or thought provoking about this move, but I stayed entertained throughout, and that's important.
Rated 22 Mar 2016
I want to give this more marks because it had a lot of really solid scenes... but they wasted that potential by dragging out the first half of a movie into a whole movie on it's own. Even playing Part 1 and Part 2 back to back doesn't save it, because they kept a lot of fluff scenes to pad out the running time.
Rated 29 Feb 2016
I spent the whole movie waiting for something interesting to happen.
Rated 30 Jan 2016
5- worth experiencing, alright
Rated 19 Jan 2016
It kept me entertained.
Rated 07 Dec 2015
Kinda Empire Strikes Back-ish.
Rated 06 Dec 2015
Rewatched this as a series. My rating of 56 still stands. Some of the scenes were quite powerful, here I am referring to the scene in district 12. However, the romance parts were again quite obnoxious. The best role here is played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, who does a great job (I have a hard-on for him). I really disliked the filming during the bombings in district 13, which were really dark; you could not really see what was happening.
Rated 29 Nov 2015
Its commentary on propaganda bring the trilogy back to the inventive and exciting highs of the first film. What, it's not a 3-movie series?
Rated 21 Nov 2015
Suffering tales of Mockingjay love triangle, part 'almost over'.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
I am sure part 2 will be more exciting, but this felt a bit wandering, and frankly boring.
Rated 30 Jul 2015
Oh cool, V for Vendetta 2.
Rated 20 Jul 2015
A dark and drab movie that lost its character from the previous ones in the series.
Rated 20 Jun 2015
Everything and -one in this movie is lazy and bored. The actors, the directing, the script (wow, what a bad script! ... full of weak dialogs and a non existing idea of structure!), the DOP and in the end: the audience. And my god, the company that provides those one-tear-eye-drops for Jennifer "they destoyed my reputation by letting me whine for 2 hours and were is this bad actor/musician who used to design my dresses?" Lawrence... I need to buy their stock before the release of part 2.
Rated 28 May 2015
Entertainment: 3/4. Spirit: 1/3. Sustainability: 1/3.
Rated 16 May 2015
I'm just mad that Mr. Hoffman's career ended like this.
Rated 30 Apr 2015
How awkward, I almost forgot I had already watched this one... Maybe this third installment of The Hunger Games was a little too much. Entertaining: yes. Special: not really. 56/100 (for the effort).
Rated 08 Apr 2015
Well, despite the annoying continuation of the trend of splitting one story into two parts, this one ironically has more of an ending than the second movie. Another solid entry.
Rated 18 Mar 2015
A remarkable lack of plot, particularly when considering the regularity of eye-rolling storyline conveniences! It's obvious the divvying up of Mockingjay into two parts is as cynical as it is highly unnecessary. As a huge defender of the first two films it's perfectly clear I'm going to have a much harder time defending this ponderous effort. Nonetheless I will & found Jennifer's endless sobbing and whinging entertaining. A step back from the first two, but I enjoyed it massively, so fuck y'all.
Rated 18 Mar 2015
It has its moments, some of them very good, but it doesn't really stand on its own very well and Katniss feels like a less well developed character than in the previous films, somehow.
Rated 17 Mar 2015
Not as irritating and bland as the first, not as angry and surprising as the second. I get the sense that Katniss is supposed to be on the verge of a serious breakdown through this entire episode, but it doesn't come across at all. It is like this movie doesn't trust itself. Everybody marching down stairs to underground bunkers is tense. Having a character dart out to save her sister in the nick of time is not.
Rated 15 Mar 2015
Are you mocking us Francis Lawrence? This whole splitting a single book into multiple movies needs to stop. This whole film felt unfinished... it really served as a nice music video with it's pretty scenes and nice music. Katniss seemed even less likable in this half film. I also got really tired of hearing about her friend named after a Greek tortilla. Peeta, Peeta, Peeta...
Rated 05 Mar 2015
The thematising of the relationship between politics and celebrity, and between dissent and marketing, continues in this instalment, though how much progress is made is debatable, and the narrative, which could have been entitled HUNGER GAMES III: THE SEARCH FOR PEETA, rather flounders. The characters seem increasingly to be empty vessels, and visually, too, it is a case of bland design.
Rated 04 Mar 2015
While this is relatively low on action, it still works and is necessary set up for the war to come. Good character work and progresses the universe well. Looking forward to part 2
Rated 28 Feb 2015
Everything you'd expect from such a film is here; a high production value, good actors, a slick score etc etc... There's a key ingredient missing though - a reason for it to exist.
Rated 22 Feb 2015
The Good: An interesting look at war propaganda. A great supporting cast. And a tone that is almost completely devoid of joy and humour, that complements the narrative. The Bad: The dullest first half-hour put on screen. Another film that is almost completely devoid of joy and humour. Katniss - she's now more enraging than endearing (and we've seen enough J-Law lately). The Ugly: This film is teen bait, rife with hypocrisy, and solely exists to lead into the next instalment.
Rated 22 Feb 2015
Jumping straight to this one without having seen the other Hunger Games. I had seen Divergent (2014), which is basically the same story, different wrapping, so I was quickly able to grasp the different sectors storyline. Never truly captivating film making, but at least they didn't kill it was explosions and instead tried to humanize the main characters. Mixed effort, but not as lame as it could have been and leads up nicely for Part 2.
Rated 22 Feb 2015
It was OK, not as good as the first.. Don't even remember the second but it's a good setup for the final installment, we shall see. Second viewing: This might be the best film in the series. It is good at showing Katniss' statenof mind well, and the rise of the rebellion just feels good.
Rated 21 Feb 2015
Feels really long. I get how you'd wanna see Jennifer Lawrence act a lot and stuff but do you really have to make Katniss t h i s emotionally instable? It's not like she has to be some hard-ass stone cold bitch or something but this way she just seems weaker and weaker with every installment. And way to hit us over the head with all the Katniss-loves-her-little-sister-so-so-much stuff every now and then, Sir. :D
Rated 15 Feb 2015
The whole movie could be 10 minutes long and you still wouldn't miss a thing.
Rated 14 Feb 2015
These Hunger Games movies are starting to get to me. I know we're in a dystopian setting, but there's no color in the film (we at least had the capital and Effie's wardrobe in the old ones). I get that life in the districts sucks, but I don't need to see a two-hour movie punching me in the face with that fact. Jennifer Lawrence is good as the suffering, reluctant savior, but there wasn't much in this film to get excited about. I heard things get bleaker.


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