The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 26m
Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark become targets of the Capitol after their victory in the 74th Hunger Games sparks a rebellion in the Districts of Panem. (imdb)

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 26m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.27% from 5913 total ratings

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Rated 12 Dec 2013
She is not the greatest hunter in the world. She is just a tribute.
Rated 04 Dec 2013
I enjoyed it tremendously even though all the good stuff it had, I'd already seen in the first one. Also it really struggles to say anything - really just echoing themes we saw in the first one - and misses the third act that would make it all meaningful. But... I still ate it all up! The sombre palette and quiet scenes build up dread - so that when we're finally inside the games it's remarkably tense. A compelling blend of sci-fi and survivalist horror that hasn't outstayed its welcome yet.
Rated 21 Nov 2013
A genuinely exceptional mainstream blockbuster. Lawrence's performance is amazing (and considerably better than the one that got her an Oscar btw), but with Tucci, Banks & PSH also weighing in with great turns there is no shortage of class. I just found this to be a beautifully paced, meaningful, well written, exciting and fulfilling action drama. It's such a rare thing to have a movie of this kind; made to appeal to many, but of true distinction and quality. I thought it was great.
Rated 26 Nov 2013
Catching Fire is bigger and better than it's predecessor in almost every sense. The content may no longer be fresh but this sequel ticks the boxes. Jennifer Lawrence is great once again and both the returning and new members of the supporting cast are strong. The actual games arena sequences are much more enjoyable and eventful. Visually this is dramatically superior and the themes, politics and world are explored and explained further; making this a much more rounded and informative experience.
Rated 24 Nov 2013
Jennifer Lawrence remains a committed Katniss. The movie around her, however, is watchable but awkwardly constructed and unevenly paced, with a more heavy-handed approach to its dystopian themes and considerably less tension and atmosphere than its predecessor. Collins' world is just not vivid enough to stand on its own and it shows. The unconvincing love angle is also a particularly persistent weakness.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
I can't speak to the degree in which the movie does or does not follow the books, having not read them. What I can speak to is the significant step forward in quality that "Catching Fire" takes over the first film. This flick is shot much more competently, acted superbly, and on a personal level, satisfies that grittiness and harshness that I saw the potential for in the first. It's more emotional, more dystopian, and just MORE. It leaves you on a solid cliffhanger and leaves you wanting more.
Rated 01 Nov 2014
For a universe this rigid, and a story this clumsily handled, the question remains: Why so serious? Where's the satire, lads? But more importantly: For all of you that laughed at me before, this is yet another failed part of a franchise that features digital monkeys. I told you! The curse of the digital monkeys is true! Told you! When will you ever listen, eh?! I'm looking at you person who's face is blurry because I have yet again gotten myself drunk.
Rated 30 Nov 2013
How many other action-movie heroes suffer from PTSD? Other than Tony Stark who only acquired it in his FOURTH go-round, u'd be hard pressed 2 find another. But it's no surprise that the disorder plagues several of the protagonists here since this franchise's most distinguishing feature (other than Lawrence's always-compelling performance) remains its relentlessly grave tone. There r no attempts to follow formula & lighten the mood with wisecracks & so the stakes never feel less than enormous.
Rated 06 Jun 2021
Like Empire Strikes Back or The Dark Knight this should be included in the nerd canon of sequels that build on the previous picture. The worldbuilding is expanded to show how all parts of the country (and by extension the audience) would be impacted by these games. And it rewards audiences with so many conversations that could be extended over a cup of coffee after watching the picture. The montages are great, the Coldplay song trippy and Jena Malone is a fantastic addition to the cast.
Rated 01 Apr 2014
As the story progresses it distances itself from the comparisons to Battle Royale, etc., and establishes a unique dystopian sci-fi universe. While not delving deeply into the ideologies and motivations of the waring parties (the government is basically just an evil entity), there is enough political intrigue to fascinate mainstream audiences. The action is crisp, the camera work is less distracting than the first film, & the performances are stellar. A terrificly exciting blockbuster sequel.
Rated 09 Dec 2013
Not entirely bad - and definitely better than the first one - but not particularly good either. There's just something with this universe that bothers me. It seems fake, bland, and without any substance, though it tries really hard convincing you otherwise.
Rated 29 Nov 2013
Not since Stephenie Meyer caused a worldwide frenzy among angsty teens and pre-menopausal women has a franchise been so unworthy of our consideration. Completely redundant when you think about it, and the games, in which squirrel face and pocket-bread don't fight other contestants as much as recover from the lethal attacks that take place in the arena, are once again geared towards a teen-friendly audience. What a load of bull'.
Rated 26 Nov 2014
In a shocking turn, the franchise started to focus on the characters that are in the movie by holding the camera steady. Just by holding the camera steady. Gary Ross would be taking his coffin on a tilt-a-whirl if his career were still alive.
Rated 27 Jan 2014
I mean, it's better than the first, but that's not saying too much. Still, if nothing else, a slightly unhinged, super-violent, blood-soaked Jena Malone is frankly way too sexy for me to hate this. I hope that lame wuss Peeta dies and we get more of her in the third (and fourth lol Hollywood) installment.
Rated 20 Jan 2014
Completely baffled by the amount of positive reviews. This is not good, anywhere. The premise is still as completely ridiculous and idiotic as it was in the first one, plus it's bland, boring, uninteresting and dumb. And the fact that almost everything that happened in this movie was just a scheme to be explained in the end. I mean come on! Really?
Rated 09 Dec 2013
Jennifer is fantastic and committed as always, and I feel as though this film wouldn't have moved along as well if we weren't rooted in her strong performance the entire time. Otherwise, I was really underwhelmed by the entire experience this film provided for me. The script felt stale, the character interactions had little intensity, and I am super done with the love triangle (it lacks any remote bit of chemistry). Frankly, I'm pretty over this snooze-fest homage to the superior Battle Royale.
Rated 30 Nov 2013
Jennifer Lawrence is hot even when her neck is covered in horrific boils full of white puss. I think that statement constitutes true love.
Rated 29 Nov 2013
Even though I'm closing in on two decades older than the target audience, I still find this franchise pretty engaging, even if it spends an unhealthy amount of time on Lenny Kravitz designing dresses.
Rated 25 Nov 2013
I'll actually agree with anyone who says it's better than the first. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire may seem a little underdeveloped alike the first, but it's visually entertaining and well acted. Lawrence is one of the best young actresses out there working today. She pulled off the role pretty well. It's totally worth watching if you've seen the first movie and/or read the books.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
I caught fire once. It was a good lesson in showing some discretion in who you bring into your bed.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
The first book was too good to be a really good movie. This book was just bad enough where the movie could really step in and take the reigns.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
The second Hunger Games film is an improvement on the first one thanks to higher stakes, a better sense of emotional impact on characters and a wider view of the dystopian world. At the same time it feels a little like a retread as the plot structure is largely the same: put Katniss in a new predicament, introduce players for her to face in an arena and force them to fight to the death.
Rated 22 Nov 2013
A poor man's 'The Empire Strikes Back'. The one hour before the actual games is the best part of the series so far. The arena battle is however a huge disappointment.
Rated 22 Nov 2013
Better than the first. An almost unbearably intense film, life and death hangs over every moment. Maybe a little pacey and disjointed at times, but finishes up with a bang. Great performances, great film. This definitely isn't a teen movie.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Not utterly terrible, but very, very lame.
Rated 10 Jul 2018
The first act is superb as rebellion brews and Katniss and Peeta deal with the complex aftermath to the previous Games. I wish it lingered here longer instead of rushing to the next Games though; the plan to taint Katniss' image was dropped rather quickly, for example. Still, emotional scenes abound in the familiar plot structure of the next two acts (see Katniss and Peta's powerful presentations to the sponsors; Katniss' dress reveal), and the bounty of new supporting characters are memorable.
Rated 25 Jan 2015
I went to take a piss during the obvious boring piss break scene and when I came back the movie was over.
Rated 03 Dec 2014
Never quite sure whether or not I was watching the bad lip reading version of this film. Come to think of it: I'm not even sure if I was watching this one or the first one...
Rated 26 Oct 2014
Get's better around the end, but then the underwhelming voice of Chris Martin ruins everything in the credits. A really boring film.
Rated 18 Mar 2014
It was the same plot as the first one, no new real conflicts and the secondary characters where very undeveloped. Also this movie requires you to watch the first one and it doesn't really end, just leaves you hanging for the sequel. I really hate when movies do that, it's not a series' episode: it should end. Of course you can leave some open ending, but not leave everything open.
Rated 26 Jan 2014
The beginning of this movie is a marked improvement over the first, with more compelling drama and more talent behind the camera (which thankfully is not shaking all over the place). Unfortunately, the arena fight is less suspenseful with half the people on the same side, and the movie suffers from having to set up for the finale (a common issue with the second part of trilogies). Hopefully they maintain the higher quality into the conclusion.
Rated 23 Jan 2014
A vast improvement on the first, and about as subversive as a PG13 blockbuster could possibly be. It has a few weak moments (baboon fight!) but overall it just worked for me, helped by Lawrence proving again why she's one of the best new actors around. It might not have much new to say about the nature of totalitarianism and media compliance in keeping the masses down, but for a kids' film to deliver those ideas at all is impressive.
Rated 08 Dec 2013
Wow, this is tough to review. On one hand the movie didn't have much of a story to tell (it's pretty much The Two Towers of this franchise) and ends just as the things get really interesting. On the other hand, it transformed me into a 16-year old girl for 2.5 hours rooting childishly for the love triangle to work, and share all the pain with the heroine Katniss - all result of simply amazing performance by Jennifer Lawrence. Nr. 1 of the young Hollywood actors for sure...
Rated 04 Dec 2013
It's just the first one all over again. As time wore on I was getting antsy in that "get me out of this theatre" kind of way. I don't know if I can handle another two of these...
Rated 30 Nov 2013
Such a great movie one of the best I've seen all year. and there wasn't a drop-off as you might think for a second movie.
Rated 26 Nov 2013
I can't think of a movie whose subtext I appreciated so much but whose mechanics I found so undeniably goofy, tired, and dumb. I've sat through 4 hours of Katniss Everdean and it's still the stupidest name I've ever heard! KATNISS EVERDEAN. MATNESS NEEDLEPREEN. FLATNESS WEENERWEEN. RATNESS CLEANERFEEN. SNAPNESS MR. CLEAN. And don't get me started on Pita.
Rated 24 Nov 2013
I'm not sold on this franchise yet. I don't know what it is, but I just don't "buy it" enough to find myself fully immersed in the universe on display. It's better than the first in some areas, but worse in others; Catching Fire suffers in particular from Middle Child Syndrome, serving seemingly just as a transition between films 1 and 3. To me, it doesn't stand alone as a meaningful film, and while it's part of a larger story it has no story of its own.
Rated 24 Nov 2013
A huge improvement over the first one. This movie is darker, more suspenseful, more emotional, and better shot than the first (no shaky cam, yay!). I did have two problems with this movie though: one of them is the completely unnecessary love triangle, although it's less prominent than in the first movie. The second one, without spoiling anything, is the ending. A tip for the director: don't forget the third act next time. Props for making a 2.5 hour movie feel too short though.
Rated 22 Nov 2013
It's been awhile since I've had a hollywood blockbuster lay it on me all thick and syrupy like this. Sexy. I almost forgot what I was missing. There's a darker tone to the second installment but it doesn't make it better, it just makes it harder to take seriously. The battle-arena, which was designed as a clock separated into different sections of 1) killer monkeys, 2) raining blood, 3) birds that say scary things, 4) poison fog, was hilarious, and the twist could be seen a mile away. Dumb.
Rated 22 Nov 2013
Definitely tops the first one, and made a great middle movie.
Rated 26 Jul 2021
Gorgeous cinematography pairs with a tight screenplay to produce an immersive and affecting picture that flows smoothly from intimate moment to frenetic action. A new director dials in the qualities and corrects missteps of the previous instalment, giving purpose to the gamemaker asides, drawing better performances from the supporting cast, and crafting in general a really strong film.
Rated 29 Mar 2020
Dull and lumbering sequel is a film of two equally dispiriting halves - the first half a mopey, TWILIGHT-inspired love triangle, with Lawrence, Hemsworth and Hutcherson failing to elicit even minor sparks together, followed by a second half which broadly remakes the guts of the first film, in a more solemn and minor key. Needlessly padded to 2 1/2 hours, this becomes a stultifying struggle in its later stages, with its fine cast unable to bring any life or energy to the self-serious screenplay.
Rated 18 Nov 2018
The Hunger Games continues to be an interesting young-adult sci-fi dystopian world and is helped by solid characters and a more engaging story this time around. I just wanted a little bit more nuance out of the story which is still just a boilerplate government-bad, downtrodden citizens-good.
Rated 02 May 2018
Hungry for more Hunger Games? Because the table is set and...uh...the food is...ready to...uh...consume! Alright, so I have no more happy meal analogies. They've probably been done already. In Hunger Games 2, the Hungerer, Katniss rides a train, shoots some arrows, and wears that fiery dress that has fire on it. And when she's not competing to be the United States of Dystopia's next Top Model, she's inspiring poor people to learn how to whistle. Then die. I wonder what Episode 3 will bring!
Rated 09 Aug 2017
It's essentially the same movie again, but removing most of its flaws, resulting in a slicker, more fast-paced and exciting sci-fi thriller that balances drama and action smoothly.
Rated 05 Jan 2017
More political mumbo jumbo that makes no sense, an entire society that makes no sense, and some random poor girl who apparently is going to save the world because she got famous as a serial killer. Yeah, that makes sense. it appalls me that in the course of five movies, this sci-fi world didn't bother to try to give us more than a sixty second clip of explanation on exactly why this society is the way it is, and at that it's still retarded.
Rated 19 Sep 2016
Basically the same film again, but with less plot and even more focus on rather lame costumes. I thought the movie stopped for commercial intermission, so I went to get some snacks. When I came back I soon realised the movie had actually stopped. I did not appreciate that.
Rated 28 Nov 2015
I just don't get the interest in this series. The hype from the initial release has blown over and yet these big budget acts of cinema mediocrity are still bankable. The series must go down as a classic example of marketing over anything redeemable.
Rated 21 Jun 2015
I realize this is very derivative, but who cares. I found it very enjoyable and more interesting than the first part.
Rated 26 Dec 2014
Awful. The story/world is so ridiculously bad and nonsensical and the characters are so one-dimensional. This was a problem in the first film as well and is likely due to the source material. As a film this isn't much better, with meaningless events and scenes, bad acting from pretty much everyone (lots of bad overacting from J. Lawrence in particular), a forgettable soundtrack and no emotional impact. Terrible open ending. Painful to see something this trite and shallow getting so much praise.
Rated 08 Nov 2014
Much better than the first one. Can't wait to see her hopefully bring down the man in the third!
Rated 05 Nov 2014
Maybe better than the first movie. MAYBE. I'm still completely lost as to the background of what's going on, but I'd say the franchise has improved now that I know what Jennifer Lawrence looks like naked.
Rated 31 May 2014
With the groundwork laid, it opens up the franchise and allows it to become more complex and entertaining. Political maneuvering adds enough spice to overlook some silly character development.
Rated 19 May 2014
A particularly irritating wish-fulfillment soap-opera for tweens. None of the characters or plot elements are convincing. Very difficult to care about any of the characters when the acting is so bad and the 'story world' is this idiotic. During the first 85 minutes there is absolutely nothing happening. The last half isn't much better. Awful film.
Rated 22 Apr 2014
The Hunger Games story keeps building with each film, and although parts of Catching Fire felt like a rehash of its predecessor, it's entertaining and well acted
Rated 12 Apr 2014
This movie cost $130 million? Where did the money go? The cheesy costumes, the lame CGI? The pedestrian interiors and unmemorable sets? Or maybe the crowd scenes where you can see like thirty people?
Rated 26 Mar 2014
It's great to see a promising first-in-a-series movie like the first Hunger Games have a sequel that advances the storyline, deepens the themes, and is actually more entertaining. I'd say it's pretty much an improvement in every way from the original, including the way the politics are coming more to the forefront. I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Rated 23 Mar 2014
Directed with a bit more polish, but a little too long and a little too familiar, seeming too much like merely a bridge to bigger things in the next instalments. Not sure the plot made any sense. Question is whether the political allegory can develop in anything other than the most predictable directions (this viewer being unfamiliar with the source material).
Rated 22 Mar 2014
pfff, more of the same? No good new concepts? And a third and fourth to come, that will be a drag if it goes on like this. The film is solid and beautiful graphic entertainment, but that was with the first one to, so i'm a bit disappointed.
Rated 09 Mar 2014
This is million times better then the first one. Really looking forward to the third one now. Never read the books but the third movie makes for a great rebellion story.
Rated 25 Jan 2014
ripoff they got zones *wohaaa*
Rated 21 Jan 2014
In a lot of ways, it's better than the first one. The development they give to the world was much appreciated by me. The games, however, were underwhelming. I really didn't like how they had most of the threat to the characters in the form of the environment, rather than the other people. Humans are a much more interesting & dangerous threat & despite building a few of them up as tough adversaries, they were hardly used. Lawrence is great & so are Tucci, Malone & the rest of the cast.
Rated 05 Jan 2014
This is a huge step-up from the earlier installment. They changed the director and screenwriters (with no author's credits this time) so maybe it was to be expected. But still I was very impressed. The new cast fits the bill and the old one is much better handled. The pace and the flow are spot-on. The rest is a very good story, so no surprises, really.
Rated 31 Dec 2013
This movie is entertaining and there are a number of exciting scenes. Jennifer Lawrence is great in the lead role. There are plenty of fun supporting performances as well in the movie. It takes a little bit to long this time to get to the actual games. I will definitely watch the next one in the series when it comes out.
Rated 27 Dec 2013
crap above crap...I was talking the whole movie through about the weather :-) ... if you watched the first one this is the same just the actors are different and the end.
Rated 11 Dec 2013
Like the first movie all over again (which I liked!), the film strains to turn this into a trilogy, new ideas be damned. How about our two main characters talk about their favorite colors? The excitement actually lags within the supposedly exciting Arena. The only consequential events of this film happen in the last 15 minutes.
Rated 09 Dec 2013
A much better film than the first one since it doesn't abuse shakycam and doesn't miss the point of the series by trying to make the tributes a situation of heroes vs. villains. What I appreciated the most was the high quality of the performances, not just including Jennifer Lawrence. And I did note that the film was incredibly emotionally intense, even when I knew what was going to happen.
Rated 08 Dec 2013
I've never read the books, but god damn I love these movies. Since the series is "young adult," it's obviously not going to be as gritty as perhaps it could be, but I don't even care about that. What matters is that while the dystopia isn't the best ever, it is still good and interesting. But it's the characters and relationships that put it up to a 90. The actual games are still interesting, it has a great cliffhanger, Lawrence (and everyone) was great. This is YA done right.
Rated 02 Dec 2013
An extremely well made movie, but as with the book, the cliffhanger ending is too abrupt, tells rather than shows, and happens right when the story seems about to take off. The title is fitting for a movie where things are just starting to happen, but not quite on fire yet.
Rated 01 Dec 2013
Lawrence -- the Francis one -- is just the right man to operate a big budget, highly expected and extensively marketed product in the tight, silly and incomprehensive limits of the PG-13 rating, in which slaughter -- and not sparks of sexuality and passion -- is allowed. Catching Fire works where the previous one failed -- violence is more explicit, as the plot benefits from going pro, now that victors have been selected for a much more dangerous version of the games. Now that's an angry film.
Rated 01 Dec 2013
I'm surprised this film gets such great comments. However it looks great and the acting and directing are of great level, I can't help but feel that this film is nothing more than a prologue to the third movie. It fits in the gap between the first and the third movie, but it offers little more than that.
Rated 30 Nov 2013
Jennifer Lawrence is hot.
Rated 30 Nov 2013
When judging a movie, I usually judge heavily on the story, and this one had me by the heartstrings! So intense and emotional, I loved it!
Rated 30 Nov 2013
Good holiday fun, certainly better than the blockbusters of this summer and the superhero movies coming out lately.
Rated 29 Nov 2013
it got interesting just before it ends. then it ended.
Rated 27 Nov 2013
Thankfully this veers away from the "twilight" like teen movie formula that the first one was headed in and feels like a darker and more substantive film. The presence of Hoffman elevates it somewhat as well. Some of the political intrigue and romance is downright silly though. This entire franchise is like a conceptually weaker rehash of the "running man." It tends to get weighed down by its own emotional earnestness. This was also surprisingly light on any good action and dragged at times.
Rated 27 Nov 2013
Very faithful to the books but VERY intense unrelenting violence from beginning to end, no break in the action whatsoever. Verges on sci-fi horror. Very good but do NOT take your children to this film, they may get nightmares. Parents, listen to me: this film is for adults.
Rated 24 Nov 2013
The less predictable AND best acted action movie of the year is Hunger Games 2? Caught me by surprise...
Rated 24 Nov 2013
A marked improvement over the first film, but completely lacking a standalone story. Why was this made? Look to your wallets.
Rated 22 Nov 2013
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is a refined version of its predecessor. It's slightly stronger dramatically, touches slightly heavier on its main themes, has a bit better action, is far better shot, and is as wonderfully acted as ever. It's a step up and a better movie, even though it can't overcome the inherent problem of being the "middle film" -- a time-killer.
Rated 21 Nov 2013
Being a fan of the second book this adaptation was a turndown for me. Especially the scenes in the arena didn't match the original film.
Rated 23 Aug 2024
it is the most amazing movie i have ever watched
Rated 19 Feb 2024
In many ways, "Catching Fire" is pretty much a retread of the initial movie but it also does each beat way more competently. I feel the stakes seem lesser as Katniss now goes into the game with an alliance. I loved the reveal of who was in the resistance at the very end even though it takes an anticlimactic game ending to do so. Better acting, tighter script, way better production than the original.
Rated 18 Feb 2024
Okay sequel. Just catching-up now; amazed at the stellar cast they assembled
Rated 13 Feb 2024
#24#, rw2, pre-sequel, oldies(3) }*{ #14#, popcorn, hype, 'pt1', cast
Rated 30 Jan 2024
For mindless entertainment, you could do a lot worse. That is, if you like dystopian-future action thrillers, which I don't.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
As with its predecessor, the first hour is better than the last. I actually didn't realize this was a structural repeat of the original, and when that was revealed I felt my chest literally deflate. Luckily, the story does whatever it can to differentiate itself from the original arena battle.
Rated 03 Dec 2023
Catching Fire is a vast distinction from the original in almost every way. Between it’s visual & color design, to it’s heightened drama, to even it’s emotional elements. It’s kind of jarring in comparison to its original, but it captures its big lore feel on a higher scale. It doesn’t all land, especially with how dramatized its atmosphere can get, but Sutherland pulls out a hell of a performance and shows how dreary its nature can be. It sets up exciting potential, and served its purpose.
Rated 10 Nov 2023
audiovisual 75 acting 68 overall feeling 80 avg 74
Rated 09 Aug 2023
زیاد حال نکردم، یه مسابقست که بازیکنا همو میکشن ، یه نفر که زنده میمونه برنده میشه
Rated 17 Jul 2023
Rated 08 Mar 2023
johanna'ya aşırı aşığım
Rated 10 Aug 2022
I am still not over Mags and I think that means the movie is a great success
Rated 25 Jul 2022
It's iffy...
Rated 23 Nov 2021
Less shaky cam. It is crazy to see Francis Lawrence evolve as a director before our eyes.
Rated 01 Nov 2021
Most probably this is the station I get off the train... They had a nice momentum at the end of the first film, this one starts with 40-50 minutes of "rumination" by the characters which do not serve anything really; then it throws them off into the same setting with a different set of characters and a flimsy background conspiracy stuff, Granted with better effects coming off the proceedings of the first movie, but this is the standard in the second movies now and I cannot grade it anymore.
Rated 17 Sep 2021
Hungy 2 is about just as entertaining as Hungy 1, with less seizure inducing editing and more arena stuff. Gets a bit stupid every now and then but I was still excited to know what would happen. And then came the ending, which sucked.
Rated 24 Aug 2021
I would have simply befriended the monkeys
Rated 28 Apr 2021
Feels like step-down for the franchise - Francis Lawrence is not as talented a film-maker as Gary Ross was. While the first film had tight camerawork and pacing, Catching Fire is much more generic and unmemorable. However, this is still a solid film, and Hunger Games is quickly becoming my fave action franchise of the '10s. The all-star cast featuring four (4!) Oscar-winners is fantastic and for a mainstream action blockbuster there is a surprising political heft.
Rated 28 Mar 2021
This a dark but entertaining movie that focuses on poor girl forced to fight for the entertainment of her government. It is very entertaining but also gives you an idea of what could happen if the government is given too much power (Scary thought). I feel this is something everyone should watch at least once.


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