The Hitch-Hiker
The Hitch-Hiker
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The Hitch-Hiker

The Hitch-Hiker

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 11m
Two carefree young travellers make the mistake of their lives when they pick up a mysterious, and slightly psychotic, hitch-hiker who never closes his right eye -- even when he sleeps! (imdb)

The Hitch-Hiker

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 11m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 54.26% from 388 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 02 Dec 2019
Lean-and-mean little fucker of a film. The entire thing cuts sharp as a knife, wasting no time in establishing its premise and zipping through a hard-edge 70 minutes of sweaty, simmering tension that at all times threatens to explode into definitive violence. I do wish it carried that grimness through to the end, but alas.
Rated 04 May 2021
Tight, airless little thriller that gets a lot done in its very short running time (see, you don't need 30 minutes of backstory for every character!) While it never quite escapes its 50s studio trappings, Lupino gets a rawness out of this that really works.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
Director & co-writer Ida Lupino elevates the bare bones elements of the plot into that resembles Collateral 1953. She's skilled at making this a suspenseful thriller--especially via usage of her creepy villain. At its heights the movie is exceptional at putting the audience in the driver's seat, as you wonder what you'd do with a gun at your back. However, I wish some character plots were expanded and that it could keep the suspense for the entire running time. Still, recommended for the fun.
Rated 26 Mar 2010
Lupino does a fantastic job. A lean and mean thriller about a murderous hitch-hiker who makes a couple of regular guys drive him across the deserts of Mexico. The technical aspects are impressive, great lighting and editing and staging. The mood and the story are tense, and Talman's vicious streak cuts like a knife. The one weak point is that it's one of those movies where you keep thinking "well, what *I* would do is...." But it's fine if you just go along with it.
Rated 24 Mar 2008
Nothing much to speak of. Banal and unrealistic.
Rated 09 Dec 2009
One murderous hitch-hiker. Two hostages. And that's it. Sort of weak.
Rated 18 Apr 2015
Taut, tense and claustrophobic, Lupino's thriller clocks in a little over 70 minutes, so frills are at a minimum. The simple story moves at a satisfying pace and the performances of the three leads, notably William Talman as the murderous hitcher, are all strong. It's impressively shot on location as well.
Rated 13 Jul 2019
It takes a profound understanding of noir to capture suffocation against the backdrop of the wild west but Lupino easily makes the setting her own personal playground.
Rated 23 Apr 2019
Straight-forward, gritty and intense. Directed by film star Ida Lupino (I never knew she directed). I liked her direction, the cinematography and music as well.
Rated 17 Nov 2019
An early crime-drama inspired by true events; much in the same vein as Zodiac and Mind Hunter. The Hitch-Hiker is a fascinating early look at criminal and captive psychology. It has a few noir moments in the beginning and end, and for much of the middle it felt like variations of the same scene over and over. There are many good human moments sprinkled throughout that kept me engaged and connected. It's a well made film, but not the most exciting or interesting.
Rated 15 Oct 2019
Good. Story is nothing special ofc but it's well-directed and acted.
Rated 21 Dec 2021
A bottle episode type movie in the middle of the desert. Sure the car went all over Mexico but the people were trapped inside, held up by a psycho. This is literally just a PSA against picking up hitchers.
Rated 15 Jun 2022
Ida Lupino does a lot with very little here. Most of the film is a car, three actors and desert roads, but she makes it all feel a little bigger than it is. Talman is the real standout. He's magnificently loathsome.
Rated 01 Jan 2008
Not great, as far as noir goes.
Rated 26 Dec 2011
This is a well done film with good performances. In real life this is definitely not a situation anyone would want to be in.
Rated 11 Mar 2014
A completely solid film noir. It didn't blow me away, but Lupino's film is short and to the point with the usual noir stylings. Although the story isn't amazing, I thought this was better than other noirs just on the basis of execution.
Rated 24 Jun 2017
I'm always amazed by the brutality of classic film. They understood the horror of powerlessness like few others.
Rated 14 Jul 2015
Very important. Raw, beautiful and claustrophobic. My bro sleeps with his eyes open so I can relate
Rated 30 Oct 2016
Brisk, well-paced film. The villain is interesting, with hints that a lot of his toughness is a bluff.
Rated 01 Nov 2022
Intense and rugged.
Rated 20 Jan 2023
Fun little psychological drama that, while short, prolongs the tension through a long ride through the desert. The ending is a little abrupt and the soundtrack a little too monotonous; otherwise, it's generally satisfying.
Rated 11 Feb 2023
audiovisual 75 acting 74 overall feeling 55 avg 68
Rated 04 Jun 2023
Notable for being the only significant noir directed by a woman, The Hitch-Hiker is a lean, decent film that suffers from some almost fatal flaws. Lupino gets the absolute most out of this, but it's mostly a failure at the conceptual/screenplay level. While Talman is unsettlingly good, the nominal heroes (O'Brien and Lovejoy) are uninteresting because they have not much to do other than look mildly scared or angry. They are also very passive, having next to nothing to do with the ending.
Rated 26 Jan 2012
A gem, a hardened one which is personified by William Talman's grotesque yet entrancing serial murderer, a narrative which feels like a story from Flannery O'Connor, shot like noir and directed greatly by the same person who would make the vastly different The Bigamist and The Trouble with Angels.
Rated 30 Jul 2024
They should have tried for the gun.
Rated 19 Oct 2016
This is a good black and white film, doesnt let up and doesnt get bogged down or boring, which can be the case for a lot of black and white film, but this thoroughly kept up the pace and tension. Basically a hitch hiker is picked up by two best buds heading to their fishing trip, and the hitch hiker turns out to be a wanted murderer. Not an original concept but its done well, and im not all that bothered by unoriginal if it thoroughly entertains, and this kept me entertained.
Rated 05 Apr 2010
Nice little thriller with William Talman--better known as the Perry Mason prosecutor--excellent as the hitch-hiking psycho.
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Fairly decent trhiller from the luminous actress turned director Lupino. It's entertaining enough but quickly forgotten.
Rated 14 Mar 2012
An interesting exercise in noir style, transposing the trademark genre visuals (shadows, harsh lighting, claustrophobic close-ups etc) from the dark city streets to the bright open expanses of the Mexican desert. Surprisingly, it works well, with the interior car shots being particularly tense. As a whole, though, the film didn't really cut it for me. The story feels half-baked, characters are under-developed and the ending is very anti-climactic.
Rated 23 Apr 2015
The brooding black-and-white look here works well with the refreshingly simple hijack-thriller plot (with well-crafted tension between the two travelers and the hitch-hiker) that's tastefully spiced by brief glimpses into the secondary perspective of the police. The story does start to feel quite repetitive as it progresses, however, making their ongoing situation feel more unrealistic after every scene, but good acting and a taut screenplay help counter this to make a decent film overall.
Rated 14 Jan 2013
A small scale film which could be easily forgotten except that it is directed (well) by a women and creates a tense atmosphere, even if you know its probably going to end on the side of good.
Rated 24 Apr 2012
(muito bom)
Rated 04 Jul 2013
Sure, the technical aspects are note worthy, but this felt like a long 70 minutes.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
Star Rating: ★★★1/2
Rated 22 Oct 2007
O mundo odeia-me tinha sua première há 70 anos em Boston. Bem diferente da Lupino que estamos acostumados com seus dramas sociais sobre mulheres, curiosamente esse foi o primeiro filme que vi dela há uns 20 anos, não é o seu melhor, mas talvez seja o mais famoso, mas um Lupino menor ainda é um diabo de jornada. Coleção Folha Grandes Diretores no Cinema.
Rated 14 Jul 2011
There's a certain low budget rawness in the atmosphere and performances that makes it incredibly effective as a true crime film. At barely 70 minutes it wastes no time in getting right to the meat of things, two guys pick up a hitch-hiker who happens to be a murderer on the run, and the rest of the film is a very tense interplay between them. William Talman is unforgettable in his role, and his introduction is one of the film's greatest sequences, along with the finale.


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