The Guest
The Guest
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The Guest

The Guest

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 40m
A soldier introduces himself to the Peterson family, claiming to be a friend of their son who died in action. After the young man is welcomed into their home, a series of accidental deaths seem to be connected to his presence. (imdb)

The Guest

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 40m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 53.51% from 1370 total ratings

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Rated 30 Sep 2014
Prom Night meets The Bourne Identity by way of a classless Drive? I wasn't prepared for a movie that is very, very clearly geared towards an audience that is younger than I am. Hey, you know what I like about people that are younger than me? Nothing.
Rated 02 Sep 2015
Start out strong but becomes increasingly ridiculous after the halfway point, with the climax taking place in the slashermovie equivalent of a fireworks factory. I'm not sure if I should excuse the cliches like 'bullied high school kid' and 'alcoholic loser dad' just because it wants to be an 80's throwback. ..Ahhh screw it, I was engaged throughout, enjoyed the editing and music, plus it features Lance Reddick being amusingly badass. Stevens carries the movie like a champ. A scary, scary champ.
Rated 10 Dec 2014
Now THIS is a Captain America movie.
Rated 28 May 2016
I'm a sucker for government-engineered supersoldiers, and the Guest delivers. Grows exponentially ridiculous as it moves from act 1 to 2 to 3, but that and the crunchberry-flavored black humor are what make it so much fun. Kind of reminded me of that documentary "The Imposter" about a guy who pretended to be a family's long lost son...but this movie was more believable.
Rated 24 Sep 2020
Felt like an undercooked and underdeveloped suspense movie that certainly knew how to deliver the suspense, but never figured out how to resolve it. That's half right on the equation, but I felt like it was too left in the dark in the end. If you like it that way, then there's not much else to dislike here, but if you like tidy resolutions, this will leave you wanting.
Rated 20 Jan 2015
The Guest will definitely prove to be one of my favourite films of 2014. I really enjoyed Adam Wingard's slasher 'You're Next' so I had high hopes for this. Dan Stevens gives one hell of a cool but incredibly creepy and sinister performance. And the humour and script intentionally pokes fun at the 80s. There's so much fun to be had with this film. From nods to films like The Terminator, to the B-Movie production values and the John Carpenter styled 80's score, The Guest satisfyingly delivers.
Rated 28 Feb 2022
It was amusing for this viewer (who knew nothing about the film going in) that the first 40 minutes are filmed exactly like a midday telemovie, before the big shift into craziness. To be sure, it evokes 1980s horror movies, but the premise and narrative are more like a cross between CAPE FEAR and UNIVERSAL SOLDIER, with a touch of BOUDU SAVED FROM DROWNING.
Rated 22 Feb 2015
An amazing wink at 80's horror slashers, "coming home" war movies, and the comic book genre all slyly interwoven. There are moments with Dan Stevens that you feel like you're watching Chris Sarandon in Fright Night. He's got that unnerving handsome/creepy look down pat. The synth soundtrack and the ending set up in the weird halloween maze in this is definitely evocative of the 80's. It's not the most original film but it is extremely fun.
Rated 09 Jan 2015
It's rogueish and brutal, fun, funny, and disturbing. The filmmakers have delivered "Drive" as a dark cartoon that feels lifted from 1995. Despite some objections to the actions of certain characters, this is a fresh thriller with a twinkle in its eye.
Rated 05 Jan 2015
Genre fans rejoice! I like that the movie (tonally) doesn't try to mask that these situations are fucking weird. I like that it's obviously so self-aware -- in all of its cliches and moments of silliness, it carries purpose. Maybe that's me WANTING to like this more than it being objectively GOOD, but whatever. I'll take how a movie FEELS over so-called objectivity any day, and this movie FEELS awesome. "The Guest" is among the most gloriously-indulgent movies I've seen this year. Awesome stuff!
Rated 26 Dec 2014
A very strong start but with a cliched and lackluster ending that doesn't resolve the only thing I cared about: the motive! What the heck happened to motivate the protagonist? The dumb explanation offered doesn't solve the problem of motive. With better writing, this could have been 100/100.
Rated 10 Dec 2014
Whereas You're Next subverted the tropes of the home invasion horror movie as much as possible, The Guest kind of sticks to its cliches. The action is high-adrenaline but not nearly prominent or distinctive enough to heighten the material, and the '80s stylization adds no nuance to the rote plot, and in the end it only exacerbates the feeling of numb pastiche. It has its charms, most of which were more present in You're Next (black comedy, over-the-top action), but in the end it's fairly hollow.
Rated 16 Nov 2014
The story of Captain America as a violent psychopath, scored to some absolutely sweet synths. What's not to like?
Rated 31 Aug 2015
Adam Wingard & Ti West are the closest thing to Tarantino in horror. Their films are master classes in of themselves, bursting with signifiers. They are post-modern smart alecks, highly attuned to the texture of the films they like and able to reflexively and critically analyze the genre in the same vernacular, producing works that function as commentary on film history while remaining true to their precursors' original spirit. Just a matter of time before they produce their Pulp Fiction.
Rated 05 Jun 2015
When I wasn't hating it, I kinda loved it. I imagine it's the same way for a lot of people, judging by the reviews. Not a lot of Tiers 4-6 here. I didn't know Dan Stevens before but whoever this guy is, he brings it here, nailing the "aw shucks, ma'am" stuff brilliantly. As in "It Follows", Monroe shines, and you can tell, she's gonna be something and soon. And there you have it -- a review of "The Guest" that doesn't include the word "synth" or the numerals "8" or "0". Wait...oh, goddamnit!
Rated 30 Mar 2015
As of late there's been a resurgence of campy genre movies that long for that vintage 80s look yet remain very much a part of the 21st century...and The Guest is another example of this phenomenon. More of a comedy than a thriller, this movie is colorful, violent, tongue-in-cheek, and filled to the brim with implausibilities and idiots doing dumb things...all while Killer Mystery Soldier goes on a rampage for reasons completely unknown to the viewer. Yeaaaahhh, elipses...
Rated 18 Jan 2015
Is pretending that this movie is actually good some kind of meme?
Rated 07 Jan 2015
Ok, I willing to admit that this film has some serious flaws, especially the last act, but I just loved it, warts and all. The main character is just so fucking cool, and then the synth, oh my god, the synths... Figuratively speaking, this film gave me a boner, which is probably an awkward thing to say, but fuck it, I love the 80's. I feel like already re-watching it, and I rarely re-watch movies at all.
Rated 07 Jan 2015
A 80s synth-infused guilty pleasure. Little substance but a whole lot of fun. Loved it.
Rated 13 Dec 2014
I wish I could describe the visceral thrill I had while watching this film in a way that conveys the film's greatness.
Rated 25 Nov 2014
If you like synths you might get a boner.
Rated 25 Nov 2014
Stevens was awesome in the lead; so charming. The movie itself is 80s like Drive (but campier), with its style (especially later on) and badass synth soundtrack, but it's also compelling because it goes from a tense thriller, to a minor Sci-Fi government conspiracy movie, to a campy, slasher flick. It's sure to not please everybody, especially as it goes straight 80s later on, but the mixture of tone, influences and genres worked hard for me.
Rated 17 Nov 2014
Shouted, Shalit-style: "This is certainly one GUEST that outwears its welcome!"
Rated 19 Apr 2014
I didn't think Wingard could top You're Next, but holy shit this movie is amazing. It's like Hobo with a Shotgun and Universal Soldier had a baby that also slightly took after Killer Joe. Also this baby was born in the 80s and can only speak in synth music. Just amazing.
Rated 21 Jul 2023
The tongue-in-cheek VHS style is only fun for a while and Dan Stevens isn’t convincing at all.
Rated 19 Aug 2022
Weird ass movie with a god tier soundtrack
Rated 22 Jan 2022
A small movie, with no real ambitions to attempt to be bigger than it is. It's a serviceable thriller, with a hunky and fun bad-ass antagonist. The cliche of the everyman turning out to be the most lethal man in America is done in a fun way here. The climax is sort of well-done, and a bit different for this genre, but it also comes across as ridiculously predictable.
Rated 12 Aug 2021
Enjoyable thriller-horror Jason Bourne (but probably closer to reality since Bourne would likely go psycho). The bulidup was decent and I immediately noticed the sound cues and gorgeous women in a small town. The quick production led to some weaknesses in the plot. It's mindless action, but sort of wasted potential since the second half was all cliche and telegraphed tropes. Dumbest brother ever when he gave away the sister's plan to David. Fav scene: poor tactical takedown at the house.
Rated 25 May 2021
This is pretty damn good. Dan Stevens turns in a magnetic, awesome performance & while the rest of the cast isn't quite as good they're still enjoyable. The Leland Orser sighting was neat. Sharp, unrelenting, & stylish with enough substance to balance things out. Once things start to get explained it gets a little silly, but not necessarily in a bad way. All said, a very tight & very enjoyable horror/thriller that's well worth checking out if it looks interesting. Not huge on the ending, though.
Rated 17 Feb 2021
Some good ideas, but for me it wasn't quite enough.
Rated 21 Jan 2018
Top badass moment? I thought this was a documentary about Airbnb. Then a new Halloween film. Then a Terminator movie. Then a Universal Soldier flick. All of which means I probably ought to read the sleeve before watching something, and not drink too much. Anyway, instead it was about a junkie soldier with great body, who dislikes bullies but likes guns. And the government want to kill him, or something, for some reason. It kept me entertained anyway. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 20 Aug 2017
Quite entertaining and slick - it could almost be a prequel or sequel to Drive, such is the thematic and stylistic similarity. Stevens is an arresting screen presence, and imbues many scenes with tension. The supporting cast act realistically, and provide moments of levity too. Ultimately the script is unsatisfying because it leaves so many loose ends unexplained. The final third becomes a little too imaginative and spoils the psychological buildup. But genre is really all Wingard knows...
Rated 05 Jan 2016
the tone varies simply to much for my tastes. so, when push finally comes to shove there's no terror or anything, it's more or less slapstick, even if it probably wasn't meant that way.
Rated 22 Nov 2015
A hugely enjoyable and immersive home-invasion thriller, that eventually gives way to some glaring plot holes and preposterous character motivations: 1. Attracting attention to oneself by picking bar fights while trying to keep a low profile (in fact, make that: attracting attention EVERYWHERE) 2. Not visiting that plastic surgeon immediately when he clearly had the money for it,... I was enjoying this film, but it just got sillier and stupider as it went along.
Rated 19 Sep 2015
One of the most entertaining pieces of schlock in forever, with a truly star making performance from Dan Stevens (who seriously is in need of a more memorable name). Somewhere in the back row you can hear John Carpenter laughing his ass off.
Rated 01 Aug 2015
What the fuck?
Rated 15 Jun 2015
Really cool movie with an exciting and bizarre plot, tied together with an awesome soundtrack.
Rated 07 Jun 2015
Fun and entertaining, the movie doesn't take itself too seriously while still delivering quality acting and storyline throughout. Still, I couldn't quite get myself to care for the Petersons which took away a lot of suspension and thrill in the end, sadly.
Rated 11 May 2015
Wingard wears his trashy sensibilities on his blood-smeared sleeve, but he only semi-successfully manages to navigate the muddy waters of inspired pastiche and cliché-ridden derivativeness. Maika Monroe's got acting chops.
Rated 01 Apr 2015
Like a Ryan Gosling/Winding Refn cover band and an 80's psycho flick were thrown in a blender. In a good way. Right down to a B movie ending. I wasn't too sure of what I thought of this half way through, but by the end I loved it.
Rated 21 Mar 2015
If you choose to watch this film.. you did the right thing. Don't feel bad. Great looming undertones of dread, smash cuts, sense of humour & soundtrack. Looks like the industry found its Paul Walker archetype surrogate in Dan Stevens. Wingard builds on the 1/2 way tempo change concept he explored in You're Next with a greater outcome. Will keep an eye out for his/ Barrett's next project.
Rated 16 Feb 2015
Tpupkin from imdb said it best: If you're not laughing, you're watching it wrong.
Rated 31 Jan 2015
A wild ride.
Rated 26 Jan 2015
A soldier appears at the door, but hidden under his charming exterior there is a cold psychotic killer. The story made some kind of twisted sense until he turned on the family he was protecting. I really liked about 3/4 of it, then the writers ruined the theme and turned it into an absolute absurdity.
Rated 21 Jan 2015
Viewed January 20, 2015. An homage to 80s horror that seems not to realize what it is that was so great about guys like John Carpenter, David Cronenberg and Brian De Palma. The movie has a number of lame, overly violent and poorly shot sequences set to (an admittedly enjoyable) soundtrack of 80s and 80s-inspired music. It feels like the music and the neon colors are supposed to make up for the lack of anything interesting happening. It's a dud.
Rated 20 Jan 2015
It's like I've seen this film many times over, in straight to video VHS format throughout the 80's and 90's. Jan Michael Vincent and Michael Dudikoff better look out...there's a new sheriff in town and his name is Dan Stevens! Great 80's-esque soundtrack by the way.
Rated 18 Jan 2015
Highly recommend watching without reading anything about it,just for the extra bit of "WTF" as the scenario gets weirder.
Rated 07 Jan 2015
An action horror drama hybrid sporting a fantastic 80s style soundtrack. This is a relentless and suspenseful movie that is destined to become a cult classic. Has shades of Halloween, The Terminator and other action and horror classics.
Rated 06 Jan 2015
A bit kooky, but I liked the soundtrack. Also the ending is great.
Rated 30 Dec 2014
The Guest, an ever evolving movie ringing its rosie around various cinematic tropes, extremely predictable twists and turns and a laughable amount of cheesiness changing itself constantly from mystery, thriller, action, government conspiracy to a tint of horror near the end. Reminds me of Drive, even though I hate Drive. The first half of this was actually really great, the second half fell short but its still pretty fun.
Rated 20 Dec 2014
Well, I'm totally ok with having this Guest at my home. Dan Stevens, you're always welcome at my place. Jokes aside, this movie has great humour of 80s. It's so intentionally 80s, it automatically repels all the cliches. So much fun, hell of a soundtrack!
Rated 15 Dec 2014
This movie is split into two halves. The first half is great and exciting even tough some of the actors falls short. The last half however is so bad that I actually couldn't believe i was watching the same movie. The story goes from interesting to complete rubbish and the acting (especially from the kids) is terrible. It's rare too see movies go from great to awful so fast.. I give it 50 just because the beginning was so good!
Rated 20 Nov 2014
This is rad and dope with a killer soundtrack. Great performances and a ton of style.
Rated 17 Nov 2014
Mostly cliche with poor writing and directing. Seems like a B movie at times but is still somewhat entertaining.
Rated 17 Nov 2014
Thrives in the excess.
Rated 15 Sep 2014
Fun thriller with nods to Terminator and Halloween. Some nice 80s elements and well edited action scenes. Directing/writing team Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett have crafted a strong followup to their decent 2011 horror film You're Next.
Rated 29 Sep 2024
Dan Stevens is perfect playing a perfect man... Until the "too good to be true" kicks in and this turns into a PSA about stranger danger. Stevens is still great tho.
Rated 10 Jun 2024
Dan Stevens seems to get a lot of praise here and I'm not quite sure why. Otherwise the movie is alright, kind of like a throwback to an old B-slasher, mainly in a good way. But to me it felt like Stevens is trying to do something he can't at all pull off throughout the movie.
Rated 25 May 2024
Plot 7/20 Fiction 5/20 Casting/Acting 7/20 Worldbuilding 7/20 Entertainment 6/20
Rated 22 Apr 2024
Decent fun in the first half; it doesn’t fall apart completely, to its credit, but the characters act like aliens sometimes just to advance the plot, and the big action conflagration is a bit of an anti-climax. I’m sitting here scratching my head wondering why any of this even happened
Rated 05 May 2023
Que vous soyez un homme ou une femme, le charme de l'acteur au regard perçant, ne vous laissera pas indifférent. Et c'est la plus grande qualité du film. La fin est très redondante et mille fois improbable.
Rated 15 Mar 2023
For those who have a soft spot for the “stalker” sub-genre of tacky TVMs, it’s fun to see one polished off and given the A-grade treatment – the screenplay never goes quite where you might expect, but it’s the spit and polish (and incredible soundtrack) that elevates and makes this memorable. Special mention has to go to Stevens’ award calibre, wolfishly charming, ultimately chilling Terminator impression; good work by the supporting cast as well. Great fun, if you can read between the lines.
Rated 26 Jun 2022
It is so Fun
Rated 24 Oct 2021
This is a very by the numbers thriller that you can tell how the movie will go within the first couple of minutes. That being said, this was still a well-made and decently acted movie that kept me entertained. A couple of okay they went there moments added a nice touch to the proceedings.
Rated 09 Sep 2021
Нарратив - 3 Сценарий - 3 Сюжет - 3 Постановка - 4 Целостность - 3 Выполнение своей цели - 4 Реватчбл - 4 Атмосфера - 4 Эмоции - 3 Актерская игра - 3 Саундтрек - 5 Синематографи - 3 Визуал - 4 Флоу - 4 Монтаж - 4 Звук - 3 Продакшн дизайн - 3 Костюмы - 3 Оценка - 72 Общая - 70
Rated 30 Aug 2020
Rated 01 Aug 2020
I don't know that this would hold up on a rewatch, but damn if it wasn't a wild ride the first time. The final showdown at the Halloween dance is one of the most magnificently ridiculous setpieces I've seen in a long time.
Rated 15 Jun 2020
Even though I like Stevens, his performance is extremely boring and one note. It's fun, but the plot has quite a few holes in it and it is so similar to things made before it. The action never quite did it for me and the ending is really dumb and cliche.
Rated 12 Feb 2020
Really enjoyed it until the last act did away with all nuance.
Rated 01 Jul 2019
Parece una joda.
Rated 28 Apr 2019
By the end of The Guest I wasn’t sure if I had unintentionally watched a comedy. The first half is a standard thriller, accompanied by tension building music, uncomfortable silences and unsubtle close-ups. At the 45 minute mark, the main character goes off the rails and so does the movie. Heightened action and an unhinged plot make for a silly yet compelling end to the film. Stevens delivers a good degree of smarmy charm and everyone, the audience included, is just along for the ride.
Rated 17 Apr 2018
Wellmade little action-horror thriller in the style of an 80s stalker/slasher flick.
Rated 21 Mar 2018
Boasting enough intelligence to bolster its darkly violent thrills, The Guest offers another treat for genre fans from director Adam Wingard.
Rated 14 Jan 2018
A very stylish action thriller, that is not as straight forward as one might think. The movie has some plot issues that you better not think about too much. Good performances and Dan Stevens is very good looking.
Rated 02 Dec 2017
good movie
Rated 22 Nov 2017
Começa legal, termina supercine
Rated 24 Mar 2017
Really dumb but really enjoyable. I was entertained.
Rated 16 Dec 2016
well well well.... :) 80's VHS taste. or maybe wingard just went a little refn?
Rated 06 Nov 2016
Surprisingly suspenseful 'till the switch, had fun from there. Dark/retro-wave and synth soundtrack really worked. Whfg jvfu gur frpbaq, 'fynfure Enzob' cneg unq orra cynlrq n yvggyr fgenvtugre, jbhyq'ir znqr vg shaavre. Frg-hc frdhryf pbhyq or tbbq fngvevpny fghss.
Rated 11 Oct 2016
What a fun movie. Great performances all around too.
Rated 23 Aug 2016
In an absolute surprise for me, I loved this movie. I cannot say enough about the acting of Dan Stevens (David) and Maika Monroe (Anna Peterson). The Guest was steeped in 80's nostalgia, a self awareness that sometimes took its horror story premise to dark humor, and even ventured into the territory of campiness at times. The kicker: I loved every minute of it.
Rated 06 Aug 2016
The Guest is a great thriller that feels modern but has old school sensibilities. Dan Stevens is great as 'David' & Maika Monroe puts in a good performance as 'anna'. The soundtrack for the film is great and makes the film that much more fun to watch. Definitely worth checking out.
Rated 17 Apr 2016
Reminiscent of Cabin In The Woods in that it's a self-aware attempt at a humorous mashup of the many influences it wears on its sleeve, but suffers from too much infodump-exposition in the end (comparisons to Drive are mostly spurious -- this is similar only on a superficial level); has more of a B-movie feel due to the (lack of) budget, especially near the conclusion (which I wish had been even more ambiguous). If you liked "Cabin", or so-bad-it's-good cinema, considering giving this a shot.
Rated 22 Nov 2015
This movie is delightfully bonkers. The first two acts would have you believe it's a straight-faced thriller. But the third act pulls away the curtain to reveal what kind of movie it really is - an homage to less self-aware movies like it. The lead actor is mesmerizing, the soundtrack is killer, and the finale is a thing of beauty. It's rare that a movie makes me say "what the fuck" out loud while laughing nervously.
Rated 18 Nov 2015
Rated 10 Nov 2015
Some cheese, but it was delicious.
Rated 15 Oct 2015
The Guest marries a disturbing central performance, a classic old premise and an 80s soundtrack to make a thriller like no other. It's an experience; a hard sell on paper but a definite success on screen.
Rated 09 Oct 2015
Intentionally trashy cinema, dipped in candy, thrown into nuclear waste, and set to 80's synth pop.
Rated 14 Sep 2015
I'll leave a light on for this guest. I really enjoyed this movie. Yes, it does have some TERRIBLE moments in acting and a few redeeming moments of acting as well... but man, this movie was a lot of fun. I love how Dan Stevens balanced the line of being a really good and caring guy and a cold blooded killer. Maika Monroe once again gets on my radar and I think that she needs to be in more films...
Rated 12 Sep 2015
There's a lot going for this movie. With some really cool cinematography, a nice cast, and stellar soundtrack, The Guest is everything you loved about the 80's. However, it feels dull and boring most of the way through. It plays out pretty much like standard, minus a few sequences. The tension building is good but never over the top amazing like some other movies I've seen recently. It's quite good, but I feel like I was over-hyped for this.
Rated 09 Sep 2015
The tension is diffused early. Many inconsistencies undeservedly pull down the movie.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
Really, all you need to know about this movie is that the soundtrack uses fucking Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft during the final confrontation. A fine follow-up to "A Horrible Way To Die", building a very effective retro-thriller feel in the first hour. After that it gets a bit... well, More Of Everything, and not necessarily in a bad way. Carpenter fans, look closer.
Rated 29 Aug 2015
A little bit Jason Bourne, a little bit Norman Bates. Really liked it!
Rated 15 Aug 2015
This one's fun as hell.
Rated 15 Aug 2015
Have you all gone mad? This is the most ludicrously ham-handed piece of writing and acting I've seen in a while. This is what a Lifetime For Men Movie of the Week would look like.
Rated 29 Jul 2015
Was really enjoying this. . . then the last half hour suddenly went ridiculously, unbelievably stupid. It seemed like even the acting took a downturn. What the fuck happened? The soundtrack however remained excellent, and Dan Stevens' last line and thumbs up was so dumb I cracked up.
Rated 21 Jul 2015
D grade content with A grade presentation. This confused concoction is like a bad 80s thriller but with impeccable production values. It loses its way in the second half but is never once dull.
Rated 13 Jul 2015
It's decent for a while, but the main character's motivation seems to get really muddled and confused over time. It's like the plot dictates his goals as it needs to advance. And it seemed to be trying really hard to channel Drive, pretty much throughout.
Rated 26 Jun 2015
Ultimately too lean, but still plenty of fun.
Rated 30 May 2015
A fantastic build-up to one of the most thrilling and entertaining third acts I've seen in a long time. Just lovely.


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