The Forever Purge
The Forever Purge
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The Forever Purge

The Forever Purge

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 43m
All the rules are broken as a sect of lawless marauders decides that the annual Purge does not stop at daybreak and instead should never end. (imdb)

The Forever Purge

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 43m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 21.26% from 273 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 20 Jul 2021
White man bad? I have to go flagellate now, such is the burden of being white.
Rated 21 Jul 2021
The Purge franchise is the poster child for squandered potential. So ... what's the difference between the Forever Purge and just plain ol' USA today lmao Nothing is more uniting than killing Nazis
Rated 05 Jul 2021
An entire liberal hit piece of white man, border wall, rich people bad; brown man, red man & women good! We see in the first 5 minutes a horse hates a white man, enter Paco Chico the mexican horse-whisperer, and the untame horse lays down. And, surprisingly it gets worse from that point on! It could have been a fun bloodbath of horror, if they would have left the new ridiculous hatred voice of the intolerant political left out of it!
Rated 09 Apr 2022
Shitty production with terrible CGI blood and gun shot wounds. It's just a rehash of part 3 (escort mission from point A to point B) but this time with heavy handed messaging about racism. What if the US fell and Mexico had to take in all the American refugees? What about that, whitey? How do you feel about immigration now? Feeling the white guilt yet? This entire franchise needs to be purged
Rated 17 May 2022
Haha so James DeMonaco has some political opinions and BY GOD he wants to make sure you know ‘em. I’ve watched presidential debates with less in your face issue-pushing than what the Purge movies have become. In another universe where we had Hillary vs Jeb in 2016 Purge 3-5 probably have nothing in common with the ones we got. Anyway as an action-thriller-horror deal it’s not the worst but if every ten cringes notches the score down a point we end up about here.
Rated 09 May 2022
Some nice action, and the commentary was fitting for 2021. Cheesy tho
Rated 01 Oct 2021
Top 50% of Purge films. Still a squanders the premise, which the showrunners only use it as a hook to get people in the door. I want a thought-provoking film; I get bland gun-action. Writing is an afterthought. Worse, whoever's in charge turned the series' leftist class themes into a blunt race war this time around, yet it still has the hallmarks of white approval (white male lead and cartoony villains because racism can't be subtle). Fav scene: Nazi guy music in police van was ridiculous.
Rated 26 Aug 2021
A bit on the nose when it tries (maybe too hard) to frame the confusing, unnerving and complex politics about Trump era's legacy -- which "officially" ended, but not as an ideology for the common, christian, straight, white mid-west citizen -- but still engaging as a very spatially clean actioner, basically moving from siege to siege while these characters try to survive -- the rich and the poor, all together. Lovely irony to see Americans crossing the wall to Mexico, their new "dreamland".
Rated 21 Jul 2021
One of the things I find interesting about the Purge series is that although the basic premise stays the same all the time, the way the Purge event is covered can be quite different with each installment (unlike many horror series that rely on the same dynamics with a very minimal modification). This fifth installment became less of a horror movie and more of an action flick, which was a change I am not perfectly sure if I liked.
Rated 19 Jul 2021
There were a few weaker movies in the series, but this one at least manages to have an interesting plot even if it does veer away from the horror elements and becomes more of an action movie, instead. It was okay, but I'm watching Purge movies more out of habit now rather than actual interest.
Rated 17 Jul 2021
The franchise is declining now but I still liked this a fair bit. The Purge used to focus more on class warfare and it has turned into more of a race thing, which I think is less potent. Militant messaging is part of the gig so I don't hate that it's there, it just did it so much better in the past. Even The First Purge handled race better. Everything is fun but not AS fun as in the past. Remember girls rollin' up to Party in the USA or giant guns on the back of trucks? I do. This doesn't.
Rated 07 Jul 2021
Coming off the First Purge this feels like a massive disappointment. Instead of delivering on the succinct leftist message of the last one the forever purge decides to just go over the top with everything and loses any sort of messaging in the process. Which wouldn't be that bad if it had any of the exciting set pieces from last two. Kind of a thud dud to go out on.
Rated 08 Apr 2024
Damn immigants
Rated 09 Jan 2024
Once again it begins well (even rather great) but like all Purge movies the set-up is always much better than rest. This time the final third is especially bland.
Rated 25 Dec 2022
great movie
Rated 05 Oct 2022
Currently with a 50/78 rt split between critics and the audience. For a purge movie this was pretty solid actually, so I agree w the high audience score. 6.3 for me. Decent kills, a bit too much strobing effects in various parts gave me a bit of a headache though. Solid acting from most of the protagonists, the antagonists were caricatures and pretty lame. Worth a one time viewing for fans of the franchise.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
A solid entry to the series when it decides to flip the premise on its head and make as the title suggests about a purge that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. I started watching it not knowing it was and I will continue watching it forever just because.....
Rated 11 Mar 2022
Serideki film sayısı çoğaldıkça daha amatörleştiğini ve saçmaladığını gözlemleyebilirsiniz.
Rated 28 Dec 2021
Arınma Gecesi şiddeti. Kötüler ve iyiler arasındaki insan öldürme savaşı, bireysel ve toplumsal olarak anlatan film, bu sefer dozu kaçırıp, son kişi ölene kadar devam eder. Gerilim dozu yüksek olan film, insan öldürme içgüdüsünün normal hale gelmesi ibret verici. Amerika böyle bir hata yapmaz. Delirten soykırım. Şehir Mad Max. Video oyunu sahneler. Filmin sonunda Çare Meksika'da Eline silah aldın diye adam mı oldun sandın?
Rated 29 Oct 2021
This installment in the series is just as good as the others - aside from the original. This film really made an effort to have a deeper and more meaningful story, and I don't think that was really needed. It came close to turning it into a drama.
Rated 19 Sep 2021
bad movie
Rated 05 Aug 2021
* Very easily the worst of the series. Almost nothing to redeem itself.. Way too much in yout face, the worst of the worst of jump scares I have ever seen, and just plain bad..
Rated 29 Jul 2021
Opinión personal: 4 Actores: =5 Planos: 7 Guión: 3 BSO: 6 FX: (Vestuario=7 Doblaje=4)=6.5 Total: 49
Rated 25 Jul 2021
Election Year and First Purge are leftist action movies we never get in theatres any more. This one is definitely trying TOO hard to be Uber relevant. Cinematically not as interesting either but not without it merits.
Rated 24 Jul 2021
What I feared: A "forever purge" would remove the gimmick of a special time when crime is legal, and what we'd end up with is just a random movie with people doing bad things. What we got: Practically an origin story to Mad Max or something. I really dug what they did with this movie and it never lost the spirit of the purge, or thematically, what the purge represents. This is easily one my most favorite films in the series…if not best.
Rated 20 Jul 2021
The Forever Purge takes on more than it can chew while trying too hard to give a message, nullifying its impact. Some of the action is decent but, all of the characters are really bland and fail to keep the story absorbing.
Rated 19 Jul 2021
The only thing they haven't been able to purge is the franchise itself. Nevertheless, I love the 150-sec one-shot. That was unexpected!
Rated 18 Jul 2021
it makes me happy that they chose to show how disgusting white people can be but sadly the film is a piece of crap
Rated 17 Jul 2021
A movie like that needs a good, strong cast, one that you care for and root for. Unfortunately, this is not achieved here. It's astonishing though, how many movies they milked from that idea. Basically all of the purges are the same, so again, you really rely on the cast.
Rated 12 Jul 2021
Its crazy like the country. This should have been released a bit sooner though (during trump). Not as scary as the others but it has more action than all the previous films and a unique setting. Conservatives wont like it because it will make them feel funny.
Rated 03 Jul 2021
The 5th and the final installment (so they say) of the Purge franchise is hard to really review. It's a jumbled mess of a movie that purposely throws one political influence over another, leaving nothing that strong to make of it narratively. The slight twist on it's concept is cool, but kinda defeats the whole purpose of this franchise…as it just boils down to a movie about chaos. Somewhere, they lost what made some of these films work. It's not bad, just…disappointing.


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