The Foreigner
The Foreigner
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The Foreigner

The Foreigner

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 53m
Quan Ngoc Minh is a humble London businessman whose long-buried past erupts in a revenge-fuelled vendetta when his teenage daughter dies in a senseless act of politically motivated terrorism. His relentless search to find the terrorists leads to a cat-and-mouse conflict with a British government official Hennessy, whose own past may hold the clues to the identities of the elusive killers. (

The Foreigner

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
1h 53m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 44.05% from 671 total ratings

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Rated 27 Feb 2019
When the daughter of a Chinese ex-special ops agent is killed in a terrorist IRA bombing, he goes on the offensive to punish those responsible. It's a fun, suspenseful action thriller with some clever cat and mouse games, as well as some appropriately gritty fights. Jackie Chan pulls off his dramatic scenes admirably, and shows he can still believably do action and's probably the best thing he's done in almost 20 years, even if he looks like the old guy who runs my local laundromat.
Rated 09 Mar 2018
Chan ditches the comedic flare present in most of his English language films for straight up serious action with an emphasis on drama. While he'll probably never be an actor's actor, he shouldn't be underestimated. Right from the start, this movie is gripping and the fighting sequences were awesome, not that I expected anything less from Chan, even at his age. The only problem here, is that anyone who isn't Chan is underwhelming and the story is a touch on the bland side. Still a good movie.
Rated 06 Dec 2017
Some great martial arts action. However the story is wrapped in a typical revenge vigilante plot. How did he know were to go, who to target, when they would be there? As usual, those answers are never given and it's all too convenient. Jackie Chan portrays an old man, but still fights like a pro. I enjoyed this movie despite its flaws, of which there are many.
Rated 04 Dec 2017
Chan is getting up their in age so they have to find appropriate oppenents for him to tear though like tissue paper and middle aged paunchy Irishmen is a bullseye. Brosnan just about drowns in his thick brogue.
Rated 10 Nov 2017
Jackie Chan is solid as a dramatic actor and some scenes at the start were extremely effective, but the movie plays out in the most predictable manner imaginable. The protag's justification for his actions come off as insane and moronic, which makes it feel dumb and contrived when we find out that he was actually right. It has some decent fight scenes, but otherwise the drama is stale and boring. Jackie Chan could have been far better utilized in a less lackluster and bland script.
Rated 21 Oct 2017
This is pretty much a success across the board! Chan is tremendously sympathetic throughout. Brosnan's "laying-it-on-a-bit-too-thick" Irish accent was at least a little distracting to me, and the way it portrays the IRA isn't exactly flattering - not that it has to be. Not an award-winner by any stretch, but proof that Chan can still get it done between the cuts. This is worth checking out, even if it may not stick with you for too long afterwards. You could definitely do worse this weekend.
Rated 21 Oct 2017
For what it is, it's a fun romp. It has emotional resonance at the beginning, which does a great job of setting up the rest of it, Chan and Brosnan both put in solid work, the action is fun when it happens, it looks good, it tackles difficult subject matter with grittiness while being unafraid to go to some dark places and show the effects of this kind of thing. I seem to have enjoyed this more than the lot of ya.
Rated 13 Oct 2017
The Foreigner is a decent but unremarkable action-thriller, exactly the type of movie you'd expect if you heard it was from the director of the American Edge of Darkness. It has a couple of noteworthy performances, some okay action, and a complex, although not terribly engaging, plot. It lacks in emotional resonance, and its two characters' stories don't quite mesh together to create a cohesive whole. There are worse things to watch than The Foreigner, but there are tons of better things, too.
Rated 16 Jun 2020
This is actually a pretty good thriller. Brosnan and Chan gave great performances and the few action scenes were done really well.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
It's a pretty high quality production for Chan, with some pretty good supporting cast. It would have been nice to see something like this 20 years ago. As it is, its an aging Chan fighting inferior talent, with a slightly better story than most martial arts flicks.
Rated 24 Mar 2018
Thriller plot is straightforward and hinges on Brosnan giving a performance to reel you in and keep you on the hook. And he does. Unlike other fallen heroes, Brosnan comes out of his direct-to-video(or so damn near dtv it might as well be) cave as if he hasn't been hiding away slumming it. This isn't a bored actor paying for a new Aston Martin. This is a man sinking his teeth in so we can too.chan is searing as the singleminded vengeful ex-sapper. He seethes.He persists. He is dogged&dangerous
Rated 18 Mar 2018
Definitely above average action movie, the plot is layered, fun and engaging. Jacky Chan is awesome and very believable as a senior Ninja. I liked how he still really kicks ass.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
Surprisingly subtle for a Jackie Chan. Good to see him try a more dramatic touch after a series of fun-style action films. Still has some of that Chan madness, but everything is sort of played down for a more thriller feel. Which is where Pierce Brosnan comes in doing his greatest Gerry Adams impression. Kept me fascinated.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
It's good but that's all. Jackie does what he does best and Pierce Brosnan plays his best Gerry Adams. Worth a peek.
Rated 21 Dec 2017
A lot of this is so so but Jackie can still kick major ass.
Rated 19 Dec 2017
Very much a mixed bag. TF suffers from a so so script and should 've been around the 90 minute mark instead. Chan's character is quite flat, robotic almost, not fleshed out. All in all a decent amount of entertainment but in the end sub par.
Rated 09 Dec 2017
I was not expecting the Irish angle...
Rated 08 Nov 2017
A solid film that is more a Pierce Brosnan political drama than a Jackie Chan movie. In fact Jackie Chan's character could be removed completely from the story and not much would change. The fight scenes are still great and the tension is nice
Rated 18 Oct 2017
Quite a taut political thriller, melodrama-free and focused on the layered story. The introduction setting up the plot is slightly uneventful but necessary and is followed by some exquisite action: mind-blowing explosions, a realistic, unsettling portrayal of terrorist attacks and fascinating, creative, fun Jackie Chan fight scenes. Chan showed he can carry the film's dramatic aspects on his shoulders, while Brosnan, even with an ironically far-from-perfect Irish accent, was suitably intense.
Rated 13 Oct 2017
Jackie Chan has spent his entire life spreading a message of peace and love via repeatedly kicking people and the face. Inspirational. Jackie Chan continues spreading this message of peace and love in "The Foreigner", but the story itself is a throwaway IRA bomb plot that unravels as you would expect it to. It tries to be grim and serious, and Chan's dramatic acting is actually quite good, but at its core it's just a B-movie action/thriller with some cool martial arts scenes.
Rated 25 Sep 2023
Jackie Chan is The Man
Rated 12 Apr 2023
Very distracted because I have the same sweater Jackie Chan wears in this.
Rated 12 Nov 2022
If you completely ignore the main character from the whole movie, exactly NOTHING would change the ending of this movie. That's why I really don't 'get' the movie and I would also not say that the main character helped the English in any way. I also really don't understand why 'bad guy Pierce Brosnan' had to be punished so much... a bit cruel right.
Rated 14 Aug 2022
I've forgotten most of this film, despite having seen it only a few years ago. I do remember that I enjoyed Jackie Chan in a more serious role, and that his character was really kinda awesome. Would rewatch it just for him.
Rated 27 Oct 2021
ger; [the foreigner]; ein londoner restaurantbesitzer sucht die terroristen nachdem seine tochter ermordet wird - ein katz und mausspiel zwischen IRA und England beginnt.;
Rated 27 Sep 2020
I liked the realism of the action in the movie, the moral greyness going all around, and how heroic acts are split up between different characters in a refreshingly more believable way that in most action movies. A Jacky Chan with fighting flaws and showing his age, with drama instead of camp is surprisingly fun. Obviously not perfect in the plot, and the politic angle is quite touchy, but enjoyable still.
Rated 13 Jul 2020
Chan still has it! Decent action/thriller. Worth a late night Saturday watch.
Rated 26 Apr 2020
Rated 13 Apr 2020
A solid mess.
Rated 23 Mar 2020
A fine late effort from Jackie Chan - perhaps because it's more of an independent story on it's own than a 'jackie-film'. I love it how commited to his role Chan is, and Brosnan is great in this, too. The vengance story is grim, sad, and character driven - and has the balls to be that consistently until the end: each of the key action set pieces are more about the characters than about spectacle.
Rated 17 Feb 2020
Little deeper Jackie. Old, tired. It is still action, but there is more of deep.
Rated 27 Dec 2019
Chan obviously handles the action scenes extremely well and he's great at playing a grief-stricken man, but I don't necessarily buy him as a ruthless revenge-driven vigilante; he plays it almost too sad and not enough angry. The corrupt politics and societal prejudice make the story feel compelling enough, but it's not much more than what we've gotten in the past.
Rated 28 Nov 2019
Solid Thriller and surprisingly good.
Rated 03 Mar 2019
Good story. Kinda interesting, but one dimensional, plotline. Good acting (except Jackie Chan who is needed for his extreme acrobatic skills). It sort of satisfies the audience.
Rated 07 Feb 2019
Rated 03 Feb 2019
Pierce Brosnan plays Gerry Adams and fights Jackie Chan. Just for that line alone, is it hilarius. Otherwise it's a standard action flick, with some clever 'special ops' stuff from chan's character.
Rated 19 Jan 2019
Above par for an action thriller - generic, sure, but not stupid. Most of the action scenes look like struggles, as it should be. The performances are reliable and confident. There's something especially endearing about aging Jackie Chan getting into all that rough and tumble.
Rated 27 Oct 2018
Was expecting another clumsy Jackie Chan movie. Boy was I surprised. Good Saturday night entertainment.
Rated 18 Jul 2018
I wasn't particularly drawn to Jackie Chan's acting against type, and I didn't really miss him when he was gone for half of the movie. But maybe it was Campbell's veteran directing, maybe I was just in the right mood, maybe I just find the Irish amusing; in any case, I found the movie rather entertaining and enjoyed how the different sets of characters, however one-dimensional they may be, ended up crossing paths.
Rated 17 Jul 2018
This one was an oddball for me. There was not enough backstory with Jackie Chan's character to neither be invested in nor sympathetic with him. We also see none of Jackie's usual zest and charm, and whilst the film doesn't call for it, leads to the feeling of him being miscast. Pierce Brosnan is fine but felt a little by the numbers to me. In the end, the story is not engaging enough and results in a lacklustre film that you can probably avoid.
Rated 27 May 2018
Jackie Chan is really good here in the lead role. The script is good for the most part. There are some interesting scenes and moments. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 24 May 2018
Excellent. Taut, nuanced, beautifully filmed, and powerfully performed. A brilliant merging of political thriller and revenge tale.
Rated 01 May 2018
Jackie Chan makes this watchable.
Rated 21 Apr 2018
Entertainment: 3/4. Spirit: 0.5/3. Sustainability: 0.5/3
Rated 11 Mar 2018
Best Chan vehicle in years. Campbell clean, neat direction provides the perfect slate for a insidious political thriller filtered by a man's personal vengeance against the terrorists that killed his daughter. When the plot thickens in conspiracy realms, story loses some of its pure charm and gets sort of confusing. But this is either way old Chan being the best at his game -- with Special Forces skills, with spycraft stuff -- along with some good dramatic situations.
Rated 17 Feb 2018
It's amazing how quickly a Jackie Chan movie without attempts at comedy turns into violence/torture porn. Crimes committed by an absurd IRA strawman offer a poor excuse for a plot.
Rated 30 Jan 2018
Jackie Chan in a sort of Taken-ish story is out for revenge on his daughters killers. For me it worked!
Rated 26 Jan 2018
It has that "somewhat longer and bigger budget BBC episode" feel that so much British cinema in the last few years can't seem to escape from, though Martin Campbell as usual is able to capture pretty nice visuals and performances. The action film/political thriller blend is often uneasy, tense and entertaining in some stretches, dull in others. Worth watching but probably only once.
Rated 26 Jan 2018
That was very solid and rich "old man back in action" type movie. But this one kinda different from its own genre. Cuz this one also was very political and Jackie not under the spotlight during all movie. Pierce Brosnan's ırish/scottish mix accent was great ı loved it. And Side characters do their jobs simply. It has thriller materials, historical materials, politicial materials, martial art materials, crime drama materials and it was R rated. I think it has very rich context ..
Rated 20 Jan 2018
#18#, exp3, rw2, popcorn, story, J.Chan!/4B4
Rated 15 Jan 2018
Rated 14 Jan 2018
Best movie with an incest subplot of 2017 that I saw.
Rated 01 Jan 2018
Jackie Chan still kicks ass!
Rated 01 Jan 2018
Slightly odd film in that it's primarily a reasonable political thriller set against the background of a splinter IRA faction restarting a bombing campaign which we see mostly from the perspective of Gerry Adams-alike Pierce Brosnan. However thrown in almost randomly is Jackie Chan who channels Taken and First Blood in a quest for personal vengeance against the bombers who killed his daughter. The cast is strong, the action scenes impressive, but this doesn't quite detonate as top quality fare.
Rated 30 Dec 2017
Jackie beating the shit out of Irishmen for some names.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
okay movie
Rated 29 Dec 2017
Why are so many mainstream movies B-movies now? Feels like every thriller or action movie I watch, that isn't one of those ultra-expensive blockbusters, has really dumb, one-dimensional charaters, really bad dialogue, resulting in cheesy, silly acting and generally doesn't offer much more than bland, redundant storytelling and boring cliches. Jackie Chan is pretty much the only thing worth watching in this.
Rated 28 Dec 2017
The Foreigner is an odd miss-match of a revenge spree and a political drama that never manages to blend its tangential storylines. Chan and Brosnan deliver believable performances, but a cast populated by unlikble, unrelatable characters coupled with slow pacing doesn't make for an enjoyable film. The plot isn't bad, but lacks the tension necessary for a good thriller. The Irish terrorists are unsympathetic, leaving the movie thematically empty. Overall, it's just pretty lacklustre.
Rated 28 Dec 2017
"telefonda son sözü sarf etmeden yeni girdiği odasının kapısını kapatmak için -kamera orada diye- sahnenin sonunu bekleyen karakter" mizansenli bir başka film. ama sıkıntıları sadece burada bitse yine eğlencelik olarak tahammül edilebilecekken filmin etrafında döndüğü mevzuyu hiç ama hiç anlamaya çabalamadan üzerinden aksiyon devşirmeye kalkması ve bunu da bayağı kötü bir senaryoyla yapması bitirici hamle olmuş.
Rated 28 Dec 2017
My mom was delighted because she says it's been a while since white guys were the terrorists in a movie. I had to tell her that the IRA are decent white people. Which of course is rare.
Rated 14 Nov 2017
A good Jackie Chan action flick spliced with a convoluted and ugly political conspiracy plot.
Rated 24 Oct 2017
Well this was a god damned mess. It feels like Jackie Chan wanted to go dark as long as he didn't kill anyone that didn't deserve it and it proven right. Like when you have a movie where a guy bombs a government official he suspects with no evidence but go to pains to somehow make sure the audience knows that his bombs kill no one somehow and also he's right that the guy is bad, you're movie is dumb. It's also weird that the way the plot works out, Chan serves no purpose. Punching was ok tho
Rated 18 Oct 2017
Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan are great in this movie. A lot of people seem to be amazed that Jackie Chan can be dramatic but the reality is that Jackie Chan has made dramatic films throughout his career, they've just never been as popular as his Action/Comedy films. The movie itself is nothing special and has some plotting issues. The biggest problem with this movie is not the acting which is pretty damn great all around or even the story which is generic but not bad, the problem lies...
Rated 14 Oct 2017
Jackie Chan carries the film as a humble lead but the fire comes from Pierce Brosnan in the best role in the film. A run of the mill thriller that tries to layer itself with enough to be great but the script keeps it from excelling to that level that very few films of this nature actually end up reaching. The short comings are not the fault of the actors it is just a tad too predictable and that does not make for an original or unique ending.
Rated 13 Oct 2017
Pierce Brosnan is on fire, and though you can't always say that about the plot (Jackie Chan is a strange character taking some weird decisions), this is good old action entertainment.
Rated 11 Oct 2017
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