The Fly
The Fly
The Fly
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The Fly

1h 36m
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Avg Percentile 60.46% from 7362 total ratings

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Rated 14 Mar 2018
Classic werewolf tale rendered as a laboratory opera. It's the 80's so there's shades of AIDS and cocaine running through Brundlefly's transformation, where Goldblum turns in his finest performance under pounds of makeup to sell the tragedy. Certain peripheral effects are dated but the final mutation sequence is one for the ages, you cannot get that kind of visceral power from CGI.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Classic story brilliantly transferred to the gory 80s. Perfectly manages to identify the two most interesting elements of the original: tragic family drama & surreal body horror, and update them. It's Cronenberg at his most mainstream and popular but also most thematically coherent and subtly poetic. Concepts of teleportation and metamorphosis fantastically sync with his favourite theme of fluid identities. The rubbery effects are glorious and the cast holds up well despite the pulpy material.
Rated 14 Jul 2014
Oh my god. I was so not expecting this. I had no idea. There is no restraint, there is no inhibition: Cronenberg goes all-out tragedy, simultaneously laying on the SF silliness, camp, gore, etc., totally fucking -thick,- like he's fucking daring you not to succumb to the manipulation. Oh my god, this is hideous. Hideous and gorgeous.
Rated 03 Sep 2017
You're telling me something that fucks on shit and eats garbage and is a sexed crazed maniac and when spliced with a fly turns into a monster. Colour me shocked , colour my flesh shocked.
Rated 13 Aug 2019
Cronenberg is an evil genius Interesting storyline and grossly cool effects
Rated 09 Dec 2007
I think this is where Cronenberg truly finds his form. It's got some downright terrifying and disgusting special effects. Even now they make your skin crawl. Goldblum is amazing as a scientist so infatuated with his work that even as it transforms him into a mutant his work is all he can care about. Must see for any horror or Cronenberg fan.
Rated 03 Apr 2010
Accomplishes everything it set out to do. It's also a really simple story but Cronenberg succeeds in giving it a great human element and he utilizes the gore and guts maybe better than anyone has before. Goldblum's performance has quickly become one of my favorites and I love this line: "My teeth have begun to fall out. The medicine cabinet is now the Brundle Museum of Natural History. You wanna see what else is in it?" Well deserved Best makeup Oscar.
Rated 25 Aug 2008
setting aside the "eww" factor, this is a solid thriller. Goldblum oozes charisma in the beginning of the movie (and then just oozes). "I want to be the first insect politician" is an excellent line. Had the philosophy about the flesh and the subtle sexual undertones been explored better, the movie would have become quite the classic.
Rated 23 Dec 2008
David Cronenberg is a sick, sick man. At first, The Fly is horrifying because of the fact that Seth Brundle is a nice, ambitious guy who made a major fuck-up that is going to cost him a lot. And then it's horrifying because, well...Brundlefly is fucking creepy. Insect politics!
Rated 16 Jan 2010
About a guy who gets into a cool ass machine teleporter thingy, but a stupid ass fly gets in there with him and fucks him over badly. Turns the guy into a big giant fly man thing. In the end we learn it's not cool to be a mutant fly man, and you will die if you are. I always thought if I was eating a biscuit and a fly landed on it and I ate it by accident I too could be a mutant fly guy. Just never got around to it though
Rated 19 May 2008
One of the best remakes in history, truly takes the plot into a new generation, and it's a great sci-fi/horror story at that.
Rated 03 Oct 2020
I can't believe I put this off for so long. I thought this was fantastic. I like that it's small scale and not overly complicated. Goldblum is excellent in practically two roles and the practical effects are very well done and quite creepy. I was not expecting such a tragic ending either. That really earned this movie a place in my all-time favorite horror movies. I don't really have much of anything to complain about here. It's just really well done from all corners.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
It may be a larvae, but it's her larvae, and that makes it beautiful.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
The science is soft, but my goodness was I hard.
Rated 08 Jul 2010
A B-movie premise heightened to A-level status. Both tragic and sad when you think about it, a unique sci-fi story to which Cronenberg adds a psychological element to great effect. Loved the script, Goldblum's performance and make-up effects; A noteworthy classic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The greatest sci-fi/horror film of the 1980s (in second place is THE THING). Or rather, sci-fi/horror/romance. So much is great about this movie: the themes (love triangle, romantic tragedy, memory and reality, the dark side of genius or success, transformation, disease, abortion), the cast (all three principals are great - not to mention the fourth, the baboon), the characters, the dialogue, the music. See also my reviews of ALTERED STATES and SOMEWHERE IN TIME, both from 1980.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
Everyone might not agree, but Cronenberg's take on The Fly may be one of the best horror movies ever. He keeps the good parts of all three previous films - the gradual loss of sanity of the first, the tighter plot of the second, the dark conclusion of the third - while ditching the luddite moral of the originals and focusing on the personal psychodrama (heavily externalised, of course; it's Cronenberg). Brundlefly is both one of the yuckiest on-screen monsters and one of the most affecting.
Rated 28 Jul 2018
Well...Cronenberg certainly has a twisted mind...thing is I do too. The Fly is most known for its interesting visuals, that are even considerably better than every horror film today. However, at its core, Jeff Goldblum and his character are much more disturbing. Goldblum easily steals this and while it's fair to point out that the plot is lacking in many areas, so many other elements to this make it one of my favorites. There is more than just a man turning into a fly here.
Rated 16 Sep 2011
Rated 17 Aug 2011
This film messes with me in several ways. I love Cronenberg's style and the tightness of his films. The scenes with simple body horrors such as nails being pulled, an arm being broken and vomit are the strokes of a master at work. The film is often quite brilliant, that much I will admit, and the first act hooks me right in. But once Goldblum starts wriggling his head and wearing that fly suit, it loses me completely, unfortunately.
Rated 31 Jul 2010
'The Fly's stroke of genius is, that it takes a young couple in love and makes you sympathize with them only to transform one part into both the classic mad scientist and his own horrible creation at the same time. Cronenberg focuses on Brundle's mental as well as his physical transformation and doesn't loose any of the sympathy for him along the way. On the contrary. The result is an absolutely heartbreaking bodyhorror/tragic love story.
Rated 11 Jul 2007
Tragic tale about scientific hubris and giant bugs. Some of Cronenberg's best.
Rated 17 Dec 2017
Cronenberg takes a creepy, cheesy, and fun 1950s B-movie and turns it into a completely disgusting and thought provoking work of art. Takes a slow but steady pace as it plays out a central metaphor that could stand for any disease or slowly progressing syndrome, really driving it home by highlighting the darkly comedic tragedy of it all. A depressing and haunting experience. Goldblum plays a nerdy, awkward dude to perfection, but who would doubt that he couldn't?
Rated 13 Aug 2008
Wow, this was always one of my favourite Cronenberg films but I never recognised it as one of his all time masterpieces until recently (perhaps I initially dismissed it as too 'commercial' or some bullshit). This is one of the most emotional horror films ever, such a beautiful, tragic love story. I sobbed through my last rewatch of this lol. That ending kills me.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
The Kafka influence is unmistakable, and while Cronenberg maintains the darkly comic tone present in The Metamorphosis, he infuses it with his own unique brand of body horror, making this existential tale of an ambitious young scientist who finds himself turning into an insect as horrific as it is incredibly poignant. A great horror film that doubles as an even better drama. Terrific cast, too.
Rated 09 May 2014
captures both the visceral repulsiveness of body-horror and the harrowing, destabilising nature of psychological horror, not as separate essences but spliced together into a disgusting, heartbreaking fusion. or, to look at it another way, it demonstrates how the two were always one and the same. fundamentally i think every horror movie is trying and failing to be as elemental, invasive and fucked up as this.
Rated 27 Sep 2017
Cronenberg and Goldblum actually seem to unearth a masterpiece between them. Masterfully acted and unnervingly shot, The Fly is the type of film that you won't soon forget, for its entertainment value, shock, and some charm.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Cronenburg, with help from Goldblum, makes what is a ridiculous concept, and turn it into a creepy atmospheric creep show.
Rated 05 Aug 2008
You'd think that its status as a horror classic would ensure that it'd be a great film, but there's one problem: the cast. They seem straight out of 80s romantic comedies and seem ludicrously artificial in this film.
Rated 15 Nov 2009
A rare case of great original, great remake. Whilst completely recapturing the essence of it's main character's slide into desperate madness, Cronenberg opts for body-horror, and manages to conceptualise the most unsettling monster, I've ever seen on film. A side character is poorly written, but where the original Fly seems slightly dated, this one has lost non of it's potency. And you know it's a bad day, when your penis has fallen off, and you have put it in a jar for future studies.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
The transformation could serve as a metaphor of aging or drug abuse, and the alienation it can lead to. The ending is just devastating.
Rated 28 Nov 2006
Aptly made by an expert in gorey visuals, and starring the amiable Geena Davis and Jeff Goldblum, the 1986 remake of The Fly is a solid film in terms of both horror and drama.
Rated 13 Dec 2006
Jeff Goldblum is incredible in this role. Cronenberg creates a disturbing yet fun film with a creepy vibe.
Rated 24 Feb 2020
A clever spin on the old consequences-of-messing-with-nature plot, only this time Goldblum's character is not a mad genius but rather a victim of his own experiment gone awry. He is excellent, and his horrific transformation generates much sympathy. It's to his credit, as well as Cronenberg's, that it plays effectively as tragedy rather than camp or farce, because it's a fine line with this kind of material. Davis is also noteworthy in an early breakout role.
Rated 30 Dec 2011
Cronenberg updates the classic novella into a brilliant but heartbreaking modern day horror story. The film is every bit as gross as you can expect from him, but the grossness isn't there just for the shock value. It makes the viewer really experience the horrible metamorphosis Brundle is going through. Truly, an entertaining movie.
Rated 21 May 2007
A brilliant film that utilizes a genetic mutation as a parable for AIDS or any other disease. Horrific, but also incredibly touching.
Rated 10 Jul 2010
Transformations of body and mind always has been a fascinating subject for me. When I first saw Cronenberg's Fly I was 10 or so years old. As you can imagine a movie like that is bound to leave a mark on kids mind. Now I revisited the movie again, only to find the greater philosophical depth of metamorphosis of human and technology. Make up effects are astonishing. Not as free from Hollywood conventions as Tetsuo, but a masterpiece in its own right.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
Cronenberg doesn't shy away from any "taboo" themes and he never puts out gratuitous violence just for the sake of shock value. His movies usually contain themes on how we perceive our human anatomy and our reactions to deformities and physical aberrations. The cycle of birth, life, and death is all symbolically interpreted in the Fly through how technology corrupts and replaces some of who we are.
Rated 01 Aug 2007
This reimagining of the original '50s film is certainly a great one. This adaptation retains most of the intrigue seen in the original, but adds much more horror and updates the original idea to a more intense outcome. The gradual mutation and dip into insanity of Brundle makes for gripping viewing as he fights to contain his inner self as the film nears its climax in the full development of the self-proclaimed Brundle-Fly. Gross, but great.
Rated 01 Nov 2019
A testament to the power of practical effects. Goldbum is perfect casting
Rated 12 Nov 2017
BACK-FILLING WHOLE LOT OF FILMS NOT SEEN FOR A LONG, LONG TIME -> Recall/Scores may be 20-30% off. Not at all offended, grateful actually, if anyone wants 2 drop me a cordial msg if think memory dulled a gem or gave a rosy tint to a clunker. IE. Tell me WHY I am wrong & what U think I should've scored. Love film chat/debate
Rated 08 Oct 2018
Fucking brilliant Cronenberg. A nice consolidation of themes he'd worked over for awhile. I still feel physically ill thinking about Brundlefly.
Rated 03 Jan 2015
I watched "The Fly" for the first time in 2015 and must admit that I was still engrossed by the effects. Despite the logical flaws (the ape would be expected to merge with the DNA of all his ticks and flees, bacteria etc. as well), I really enjoyed this movie. Partly because Davis and Goldblum are pretty sexy, but mostly because Davis' character is just so outstandingly well written. And because the story is fascinatingly gross.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Thanks to David Cronenberg's direction and affinity for gruesomely detailed special effects and props, The Fly is a completely unforgettable sci-fi thriller. Jeff Goldblum is terrific as a scientist who is too involved with his work to care about anything else while he transforms into a monster, endangering the only woman he loves and himself. Really good!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the best remakes I've seen. It's no wonder this is Cronenberg's most successful film. Goldblum kicks ass.
Rated 19 May 2013
Any film that gives the "No...I can't!" line in the end automatically gets docked some points
Rated 01 Oct 2020
Goldblum is fantastic, and Davis is great as well! They worked really well on screen together, and their chemistry really showed. The effects in this great, and I'm amazed I haven't heard much about them. The pacing in the beginning was a bit fast, but It eventually found it's groove and worked really well. Would definitely recommend if you're a sci-fi fan!
Rated 07 Aug 2015
The possibility of the metaphor. That's what fantasy should be all about.
Rated 12 Jun 2014
This is DISGUSTING!!!!!
Rated 27 Nov 2020
heartbreaking to see Mr. Eccentric Hottie Genius let himself go like this, I would never take my fingernails off if I was expecting company
Rated 21 Jul 2024
Struggle to compose a future in an existence that has been altered to its genetic soil, and the doomed tragic failure of this struggle. See Daniel Ross's review of Siesta (1987):
Rated 27 Feb 2008
ger; [Die Fliege]; ein wissenschaftler macht einen selbstversuch mit teleportation, doch eine fliege ist mit von der partie
Rated 10 Aug 2019
Loved it. Brundlefly is crazy. Loved everything else about the story too
Rated 17 Feb 2010
Nobody does mutation better than Cronenburg.
Rated 13 Jun 2008
Very Nice
Rated 15 Mar 2013
The Fly perfectly illustrates that "horrific" doesnt necessarily equate to "scary". In much the same way as 'The Thing' (82) is horrific because of the sense of helplessness and inevitability, the Fly is horrific in that the changes to Brundle are completely remorseless in their gross, gory detail. I marvel at films prior to CGI when FX were created by real invention, artistry and creativity. the Fly is a great story, Goldblum and Davis are simply perfect and the effects terrific. A True classic
Rated 15 Feb 2010
Disgusting. Utterly brilliant however.
Rated 11 Jan 2017
A thoroughly effective, gruesome and affecting take on the 1958 film. Very good indeed.
Rated 09 Mar 2013
This is a really well made horror film. David Cronenberg does an excellent job with this creepy story of a man slowly turning into a human fly. Jeff Goldblum is excellent in the lead role and Genna Davis is also very good here. I recommend this horror movie.
Rated 02 Mar 2023
Worth a watch for the practical effects and Jeff Goldblum. Because the plot is so basic, I like that it’s concise and to the point.
Rated 01 Sep 2010
An excellent, excellent remake. Cronenberg seems to be a master in exploring facets of the human body, which will leave pretty much everyone squirming. What better medium to use than the story of The Fly? The make-up effects are brilliant. Goldblum's performance is absolutely on the money, both sympathetic yet hard-driven to succeed. You can't help but exhale deeply as the credits role, what a ride!
Rated 14 Dec 2008
Indescribably entertaining and engrossing in every aspect. Goldblum is a different kind of mad scientist: no longer cackling and deliberately hostile, just a guy who loves what he does a little too much. The effects are believable, effective, and totally disgusting.
Rated 23 May 2015
Oh my god. What I expected was a The Thing-esque over-the-top gory horror/suspense movie. What I got was a twisted romance/drama about a guy who happens to transform into a man-fly hybrid. And let's just say it affected me more than a movie with that description has any right to. Jeff Goldblum absolutely kills it, the special effects are beautiful and occasionally worth an "oh god!" or "what the fuck!", and the pacing is spot-on, slow but relentless and inevitable. A disturbing piece of art.
Rated 21 Jan 2010
Cronenberg's trademark body horror as an absolutely heartbreaking, horrifying metaphor for drug addiction and other matters of alienation, deformity, pregnancy, anatomical perception, etc.
Rated 25 Oct 2009
2nd viewing [previous rank 50/100]: I saw it as a child and the only thing I remembered were those disgusting scenes with limbs breaking and being melted by acid, and all that stuff. Actually, this is also a very well acted romantic drama with a truly sad ending. The cast really makes this entertaining. Also, I have a weak spot for Geena.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
One of Cronenberg's best films.
Rated 11 May 2009
Cronenberg doing mainstream horror is creepy as hell.
Rated 19 Jul 2009
This was really unsettling and uncomfortable. I think I found the fingernail scene to be the worst, but all of Brundlefly was really pretty unsettling.
Rated 12 Aug 2010
I pretty much got what I was expecting from this insectoid thriller, except that I didn't find it that horrifying. The 'eww' factor was definitely present in this Cronenberg film featuring a driven scientist (Goldblum) falling in love with a reporter (Davis) as he experiments with teleportation. The make-up that transforms Goldblum into a humongous fly is impressive, but the acting and general atmosphere falls short in giving me the engagement and sense of fear that I was hoping for.
Rated 02 Dec 2006
Scary then, not now
Rated 25 Jun 2011
Maybe this was good when it was released. I saw it in 2011 & I found the dialogues insipid & movie dull.
Rated 14 Mar 2007
Poor fly man
Rated 19 Mar 2007
David Cronenberg directs this haunting 1986 remake starring Jeff Goldblum as the unforunate (you guessed it) scientist who tries to invent a system used for teleporting, and transforms himself into a fly. Sounds lame, yes, but it's so good. Goldblum is one of the best underrated actors.
Rated 21 Apr 2019
Top badass moment? Eew! Seth’s ‘hilarious’ mouthfull of semen trick. There's no way he’d actually have forgotten he had to throw up on food to eat it. He was just trying to gross lovely Geena out. When he killed the monkey he didn’t seem to care either; probably made her clean up the mess too. He’s clearly a narcissistic sociopath, with the sense of humour of a 12-year-old boy. We all know he could've just fixed everything with a computer virus. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 10 Jul 2007
Right up there with "Requiem For a Dream." F-ed up film.
Rated 07 Oct 2013
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Once you get past the fact that the main stars are jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis, you have a pretty interesting little sci-fi horror piece.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rated 17 Jul 2014
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Not so much a remake of the 1959 original as a rethink, with Goldblum fantastic as the man fighting to save his diminshing humanity. On the Big screen this really takes it out of you, and one the few films I've seen over 30 times
Rated 02 Jan 2015
David Cronenberg #4
Rated 23 Oct 2007
Groundbreaking concept, brilliant actors, very enthralling story.
Rated 24 Oct 2007
a classic, very atomsphere creeper/thriller that you can watch over and over again.
Rated 25 Nov 2010
Saddest ending ever.
Rated 01 Feb 2008
I was never much interested of this Fly phenomenon.
Rated 20 Jun 2008
Creepy and gory Cronenberg retelling of the Vincent Price classic. Scared the poop out of me in High School
Rated 26 Aug 2023
The Fly proves that with the right director (Cronenberg's finest film) and right pieces (masterful turn from Goldblum) even a cheesy B-movie can not only attain mainstream appeal but also become a critical darling. The mental and physical turn from Brundle into Brundlefly is both disturbing and tragic.
Rated 27 Aug 2017
It's gross (that fingernail scene-*shudder*), it's gloomy (Brundle's pad is a perfect set), and unquestionably glorious in its gory sci-fi camp. Goldblum shines all the way through, from awkwardly charming and secretly hunkalicious-in-the-80s scientist to wild-eyed eccentric ("Drink deep, or taste not, the plasma spring!") to morbidly witty Brundlefly ("The medicine cabinet is now the Brundle Museum of Natural History") to tragic monster ("I'm an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it").
Rated 23 May 2020
This remake of the 1950's film is much darker and disturbing than the original. As with most Cronenberg films, there is an emphasis on body horror and the practical effects achieve a new level of twisted. I really feel, though, that Goldblum carries the film with his calculated performance of a descent into madness that makes the film's more outlandish moments hit harder because of the character behind them.
Rated 10 Aug 2008
Rated 10 Nov 2011
Definitely a solid remake, possibly even better than the original. The special effects in particular are fantastic, and we've got the late 80s pre-CGI era to thank for that.
Rated 26 Jan 2010
Another great film by David Cronenberg. Not to mention Jeff Goldblum playing the role he seems to have built his entire carer off of, excentric and slightly nerdy scientist. This really is a great job by Goldblum though. You can't help but feel sorry for him as his humanity slips away. Cronenberg is so good at directing science fiction. His directing style compliments the story perfectly, and the effect look great for 1986! Definitely a sci-fi classic.
Rated 20 Nov 2009
Esse me causava dor no estomago na minha infancia
Rated 27 Oct 2008
Drags on at parts, but Jesus what a moving ending.
Rated 22 Dec 2021
This movie is everything that makes 80's movies great. The special effects were gory and gross. The story has a deeper meaning that is laced throughout the movie that rewards the audience who is looking for more than just a classic horror movie. Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis are awesome in this movie - Goldblum especially does a great job of portraying an unassuming scientist who turns into a manic freak. I was constantly surprised by how human and intelligent the dialog was in this movie.
Rated 18 Jan 2016
I love Cronenberg's usual themes about flesh, body and the question of essence emanating from them and this one is quiet successful in throwing the disgusting obsession of science about manipulating the genes and etc back to their faces by saying that it causes only catastophes and becomes inhuman to push the authenticity of the humanbeings that much. However it is a one-dimensional and visually dull film looking like a B-movie.
Rated 22 Apr 2009
It is marked by its terrifying plot and requires a strong stomach. A science fiction that edge the horror.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
* Casting, Acting : 8 * Script : 10 * Directing, Aura : 10 * Ease of Viewing : 9 * Naked Eye : 8
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Loved this movie.
Rated 12 Mar 2021
Great mix of black comedy and body horror!


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