The First Purge
The First Purge
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The First Purge

The First Purge

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 37m
To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the others, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation.

The First Purge

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 37m
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Avg Percentile 23.18% from 512 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 05 Jul 2018
Wait a minute ... ... this Purge is corrupt?! Another Purge movie another example of squandered potential.
Rated 04 Sep 2018
Initially I was interested what could be done with this 'first time around' concept, enough opportunities to do some very relevant social commentary, and... oh wait, they're just kinda doing the Purge 2 thing over again, aren't they? Including the 'we had a secret agenda' reveal that we all already knew about? Screw this first draft of this first purge.
Rated 15 Feb 2019
It's difficult to tell who these films are for--the gun-humping guardians of the 2nd Amendment with their fantasies about blasting their iron wads into the ass of some impoverished inner-city youth, or the ardent warriors of social injustice, ever quick to warn us of our nation's indifference towards the atrocities thrust upon its lesser citizens in the name of freedom. Or perhaps there's some Venn diagram where the 2 overlap. Or they could be for me, seeing as I keep watching them...
Rated 05 Jul 2018
The Purge franchise isn't exactly a cinematic masterpiece, but I've always have had a guilty pleasure for them. The First Purge finally seems to show some mileage on the tires. Being a prequel to this all, I expected more background and development on the ideology of it, but it didn't teach me anything the third one didn't, while also lacking any real thrilling moments or creepy atmosphere, and giving us disposable characters all converging in a predictable arch, this felt unnecessary.
Rated 23 Jun 2020
UQFR #135: Ham-fisted DNC politics party. Boring
Rated 30 Mar 2020
Hell yeah. The Spook Who Purged By the Door
Rated 04 Apr 2019
It's been a hell of a ride watching the series evolve from doofy satire to Communist agitprop. This shit rules.
Rated 22 Dec 2018
The Purge franchise has a solid premise that it manages to squander in every instalment. This prequel drops that ball more so, by abandoning any traces of subtlety warping the narrative to fit the revelation in Election Year at the expense of any sense of intrigue or common sense. The characters are too bland to be interesting. And while I admired its take on neighbourhood comradery, the clumsy plot and bravado action sequences make for an unsatisfying watch.
Rated 27 Nov 2018
Yet another mediocre entry into the brilliantly conceived and poorly executed Purge franchise. The messages are so brazen and thread-bare that I'm not convinced they have anything left to say at all.
Rated 03 Nov 2018
A potentially devastatingly real take on American politics gets muddied when things like the church-shooting KKK mercenaries and the support for the Purge are completely pinned on the government boogeyman instead of ingrained into the classist and racist foundations of society. The last shot with the credits music is breathtaking.
Rated 29 Oct 2018
Wish they focused on the set-up of the Purge versus the actual purging.
Rated 03 Oct 2018
bad movie
Rated 20 Aug 2018
i should have just been an actor. couldn't have hurt to try. sigh. guess i'm still able to pull a tobias fumke someday.
Rated 23 Jul 2018
I wish they had done more to set the context for the New Founding Fathers and the Purge itself rather than the lip service it got at the very beginning of the movie. But these are still a guilty pleasure of mine, and if you - like me - find the concept irresistible, you'll like the movie and will still want to see the next one.
Rated 17 Jul 2018
I am really sick and tired of lots of commercial (this does not exempt the arthouse ones, to be sure) movies making movies, often in a cheap, shallow and politically damaging ways, about popular political movements and identities. If feminism and blackness sell, they jump unto those themes. Which black gang on earth dresses like this, super clean and tidy? What happened to hundreds who died in the church? This was more about a black hero rather than the empowerment of the community. Bad movie.
Rated 16 Jul 2018
The revolutionary film we need in 2018. A film that isn't afraid to take on both Capitalism and Race (you can do both Black Panther). It's astonishing to me a film like this even got churned out in 2010s Hollywood. Where I think Election Year might be the strongest aesthetically it definitely faulters politically, but this one with it's amazing action scenes, the final tower shootout in particular, and it not shying away from actual revolutionary politics makes this the best of the series.
Rated 11 Jul 2018
It was kind of weird watching a horror movie specifically made for Democrats... That being said, this thing could definitely be worse. It's not like you're going for a great movie, so in what it wants to be it functions, but you can't help but see a lot of wasted potential in villains and the main characters. There are some pretty nice shots, though, often helped by the at first cheesy contacts.
Rated 09 Jul 2018
I've concluded that, unless these COMPLETELY shit the bed, they're going to be 70's from me, which is a good watch. Of the previous, I said, " have to gobble [these] up like cotton candy ... forget that it's not real food ... enjoy the sugary goodness." That's pretty much true here, too. The Purge movies always do a pretty alright job of sliding some commentary in there with the violence; once again, money is the enemy, and I'm down for that. Could have been more, but what it was is fine!
Rated 05 Jul 2018
It's no surprise this is a vile, repulsive film - with questionable style and sweeping, bargain bin moral platitudes (a baby-faced, sewer-dwelling pussy-grabber among the milder examples). But I find the film's halfway turn into a black experience action film intriguing. The Purge films have always been about twisted wish-fulfillment, but this appears to be taking real, raw anger at our current societal abnorms and releasing them almost as a protest against the genre itself.
Rated 25 Aug 2024
I don't know why they keep making these and I don't know why I keep watching them. This sounded like an interesting enough concept, but I think it was probably the most boring of the series. I admit I don't remember the others very well, but I feel like they usually had some sort of an semi-interesting twist. This one doesn't. I mean, it's the first Purge, but they don't really do anything with that.
Rated 01 Feb 2022
To make it a more realistic experience they should've made this film 12 hours. Other than the runtime being 97 minutes, watching this movie is a similar kind of nightmare.
Rated 20 Jul 2021
Rated 18 Nov 2020
Rated 01 Nov 2020
I probably hate this movie more than I should for no other reason than it starts with a brain-dead retelling of the worst aspects of The Wire. Wait, did I just mention The Wire, the greatest piece of visual media of the 21st century in my Purge-sequel review? Well, I'd rather think about that than this movie. Hey, I would want to hang out with Omar during the purge. He would get me through alive.
Rated 17 Mar 2020
So boring, so useless. I didn't care for any of the characters and so I didn't care about anything that happened. This franchise has been milked for all it is worth by now.
Rated 17 Nov 2019
this was so bad and boring, ugh.
Rated 29 Aug 2019
Serinin en zayıf filmi acayip kötü bir yapım.
Rated 12 Aug 2019
why are you doin dis
Rated 23 May 2019
Man this film goes so over the top that it actually kind of works and better yet it was entertaining.
Rated 08 Apr 2019
Stupid plot, incredibly predictable. The only good thing is that we get to watch black protagonists but they are once again characterized as evil, violent ones versus good ones who work for the society. With that attitude towards its black characters, The First Purge fails to combat racism.
Rated 01 Apr 2019
Wasn't impressed with the 50 Cent looking, Michael Jai White wannabe, poor man's Wesley Snipes who ended up being the "hero" of the film. The whole time I was hoping he'd say, "Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate up hill" before killing someone. What a let down.
Rated 03 Mar 2019
While it does attempt to provide audience's with a little bit of context it tends to get a way from that and rely on the civilian story of survival once again. It offers nothing really new and by back pedalling to the beginning I believe this film may have slowed the momentum of the franchise down. It offers the same masked weirdos doing weirdo type stuff on a night designed for weirdos to get their fix. Nothing really new came from this story wise unlike previous installments.
Rated 27 Feb 2019
I think these movies have run their course. It's just repetitive now. They made this one a prequel to change it up, but apart from some (somewhat interesting) stuff with the architects behind everything, it was all the same - a bunch of decent people getting caught out in the chaos, trying to survive various masked maniacs. Lots of bad acting and bad dialogue, too. But whatever, this movie made a bunch of money, so I'm sure it won't be the last movie in this franchise.
Rated 13 Feb 2019
someday, someone will give the social commentary of Purge movies the cleverness it deserves.
Rated 30 Jan 2019
The wheels have come off the franchise at this point; at its most interesting (and pointed) in the opening scenes, giving an interesting context to the formation of "The Experiment" but quickly turns to a slip-shod, suspenseless remake of ANARCHY with some once again ripe targets for satire going begging (though there is more pillaging this time rather than out-and-out murder). A largely inexperienced cast struggle with their thin characterisations; not even Tomei can bring much life to this.
Rated 06 Dec 2018
An okay purge before it runs out of ideas halfway through.
Rated 30 Oct 2018
So cartoonish that sometimes it's hard to engage with it. Action is not specially well-staged. The young character has a poster of the Blumhouse Halloween on the wall, the thugs seem cool and create an interesting opposition to the supremacist, mercenary groups sent to Staten Island to increase the killing spree of this first experimental purge. Kind of what will happen in Brazil after Bolsonaro's inauguration.
Rated 18 Oct 2018
Rated 11 Oct 2018
The transition from subtext to text is complete and everything is said out loud. These movies are best in the moments spent indulging in ridiculous violence while simultaneously shouting about things that are fucked in America and this is the one that delivers the most. There is a gunfight in smoke with some very stylized shooting that I just loved. And as great as Frank Grillo is, I'm so glad this movie went with a black director and dropped all the white hero stuff.
Rated 02 Oct 2018
Easily the worst in the series. Goes too serious for its own good and ruins it utterly. Too many political messages for its own good and bad acting and direction just makes a mess of a movie. Still watchable if you like the series.
Rated 26 Sep 2018
Enjoyable but a really weird and paranoid left-wing fever dream of some kind, too
Rated 20 Aug 2018
Pop escapism with revolutionary undertones. Nothing with this much bite has been released in quite some time multiplex or otherwise.
Rated 07 Aug 2018
?yi senaryo, kötü film. Serinin en kötü filmi.
Rated 20 Jul 2018
Hard to hate this when it climaxs with a DIE HARD-meets-THE PEOPLE UNDER THE STAIRS-meets-IN VANDA'S ROOM action sequence.
Rated 11 Jul 2018
Ever since The Purge changed from cool-premise-but-okay-first-film to a horror-tinged action series I have become a massive fan. I just love it: masks, ridiculous action, craziness, that feeling of creepiness without outright being a horror movie, the overt and militant political commentary (because that is okay sometimes, especially in regards to class war). Admittedly this is a bit of a step back from the previous two, but I still loved it. I'm all in on this series.


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