The Fighter
The Fighter
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The Fighter

The Fighter

Drama, Biography
1h 56m
A look at the early years of boxer "Irish" Micky Ward and his brother who helped train him before going pro in the mid 1980s.

The Fighter

Drama, Biography
1h 56m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 60.83% from 5310 total ratings

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Rated 22 Dec 2010
It's about as original and interesting as its title suggests, not to mention possessing about as much personality as its lead character. The boxing scenes are uninspired and the family drama is even less involving. Not even Batman can save this bland sports movie.
Rated 18 Dec 2010
Full disclosure: I dislike boxing. In fact, I don't care for sports pictures in general. Apparently, O'Russell doesn't either because the training and the matches get short shrift. Instead, focus is on two things: Bale's fight with crack addiction and Wahlberg standing up to his fucked-up family. Although Bale is mostly very good (albeit, the diet thing is getting creepy) and the idea of a quiet younger brother yearning for attention had potential, all it amounts to is a ham-and-cheese sandwich.
Rated 09 Feb 2011
This is a fantastic film that draws you in to a pretty "dislikeable" bunch of individuals, and MAKES you care. Whilst Bales performance is getting all the plaudits, it is Whalberg who is the solid anchor to the film, that everything else revolves around. Without his stoic, sensible, intelligent "heart" we wouldnt care about this bunch of losers. There is not a moment where this film loses credibility, realism, character, or indeed humour ... and the boxing scenes are great
Rated 18 Jan 2011
Christian Bale's performance and the examination of an unbelievably dysfunctional family lift a traditional underdog sports-story to the emotional level of a dramatic biopic. Wahlberg plays to an appropriately quiet strength and Amy Adams is refreshingly bold. The messed up Ward/Ecklund family is at times difficult to fathom (the sisters frighten me), but prove to be a potentailly all-absorbing obstacle for Micky to overcome.
Rated 16 Jan 2011
Great companion piece for High on Crack Street, another film I enjoyed except this time we get to see things from Micky's perspective instead of Dicky's. It's very well made and it looks really good and the performances are excellent, especially Bale who really does steal every scene he's in. And yes, this movie is a huge cliche but it works so well that it's pretty hard to care unless you suck
Rated 02 Jan 2011
By far David O. Russell's weakest film to date. Bale and Leo are convincing, larger than life characters, but the rest of the film is simply bland and forgettable.
Rated 29 Dec 2010
Somehow manages not to fall into typical cliche oscar boxing romp and actually be a great movie. All the drama clicks into place perfectly and is performed admirably by the cast. Bale gives a monstrous effort.
Rated 19 Dec 2010
Definitely a triumph of style over substance: the script is the exact same underdog boxing story we've seen a million times (except for giving the protagonist a rabble of meddling sisters), but the filmmaking and atmosphere and Christian Bale and Melissa Leo's outstanding performances lift it to something rather entertaining.
Rated 17 Feb 2011
I expected much worse. It's Hollywood, it's boxing, it's Mark Wahlberg - horrible cocktail - but what pulls it through I guess, is that the film uses all these ingredients, which by normal standards are tasteless, in way that made that made the film a vibrant dish. The meta-fictional aspect worked, the boxing sequence (which I normally despise more than my own father) worked, the social realism aspect on the other hand didn't - part of it due to the fact that Leo is quite unconvincing.
Rated 28 Jan 2011
Few movies would I actually buy to keep rewatching, and this makes that list. I love how they intertwine the actual broadcasts of Wards real fights into his fight scenes. I am also a C. Bale fan for life now. The interactions between him, M. Leo (the mom), and Amy Adams (the gf) are great. Wahlberg does a solid job, but the other three really steal the show here. The scene on Adams front porch where she speaks with Leo and Wards sisters is great. Oh man I can't wait to watch this again.
Rated 22 Dec 2010
Boxing films. Boy, those can fall into Generic Land so easily. O. Russell does some interesting things to keep it from totally settling there, but in the end I've had plain pieces of bread less predictable than The Fighter. Bale's performance is a little much at first, but once you warm up to him he quickly becomes the show-stealer. See it for him or skip it.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
Pretty formulaic sport/underdog film saved by two strong acting performances. Bale will get all the press as the washed up older brother, but Wahlberg's portrayal of the meek and humble Ward is also compelling. The boxing scenes were OK, but still nothing approaching real life boxing.
Rated 21 Dec 2010
Its not about boxing its about life. Boxing is just a back drop in the movie while the real heart of the movie is the all the interaction going on in Micky's Wards family, the cast was great and Christian Bale just put on an all time great performance, congrats on the Oscar. Amazing life drama everyone should see even if you dont like boxing.
Rated 29 Apr 2011
Nothing to great about this movie but otherwise not to bad.
Rated 26 Apr 2011
There's enough good acting and good scenes to make this eye-rolling melodrama somewhat worth watching.
Rated 20 Mar 2011
David O. Russell may be an asshole but I'll be damned if he can't make a good movie. Though the boxing scenes feel very hollywoodish (aka. one guy getting beat up until he overcomes some internal struggle then suddenly turns everything around) the dramatic elements of the film work very well. Wahlberg gives a tremendous performance as a capable but vulnerable individual. Amy Adams really shows her diversity going from super sweet in Enchanted to a foul-mouthed confident woman.
Rated 16 Mar 2011
Completely average, non-descript Hollywood drama.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
"Say 'hi' to your mother for me."
Rated 26 Feb 2011
Refreshing in its unsentimental portrayal of an underdog/against-all-odds story with some of the best performances of the year (yes, Leo and Bale are both good despite the overacting due to the one-sidedness of their characters so it's not their fault. But Adams was the best). It manages to escape the sports film genre trappings by first and foremost, fully establishing the conflict and the characters' stark background and avoiding over-reliance on emotionally manipulative inspirational scenes.
Rated 18 Feb 2011
i can't see what is special in this film. okay, i'll give it's credit, boxing scenes were well done and eyecandy as the scenes in cinderella man. overall it's not good as an HBO movie either.
Rated 01 Feb 2011
Early in the movie Mickey tries to chat up a girl. Suddenly Bale arrives and steals the scene. This is typical for 'The Fighter', who's main character is without just that. Bale is so desperately Oscar baiting, that he sets the entire movie off balance against Wahlberg's deadpan acting. It IS a poor man's Rocky, more interested in drama than sports, with fighting sequences so lousily executed, that I'd rather recommend 'Over the Top' - and that one is about armwrestling.
Rated 26 Jan 2011
This has some good moments here and there, Bale and Leo are great, Wahlberg is awful as usual, but in the end the film isn't all that memorable.
Rated 18 Jan 2011
I kind of decided I hated this within the first 10 minutes of Bale's extremely overdone (and even more overrated) one-man-show psychosis. As I grew to know the characters (especially the mother greatly played by Melissa Leo and the hotter than hell Amy Adams) I softened up, but just a tad. Mediocre moviemaking somehow hailed as one of the highpoints of the year.
Rated 02 Jan 2011
Well as a fan of boxing let me tell you that the scenes in the ring were absolutely pitiful. Not a single blow looked like it was landed and the actors playing the boxers, including Bale and Wahlberg, need more training on what boxing actually looks like. As for the movie... it was alright. Whoopdy doo, Bale knows how to loose some weight. Who cares. Neither of the two stepped out of their zone. I don't see any Oscars coming out of this, although I'm not as retarded as the Academy so...
Rated 02 Jan 2011
I like a good sportsfilm, but this is not one of them. First of all it is not much about boxing (not untill the end though), but about family and a twisted one that is. Bale is great as Mickey's crackaddicted brother Dickie and Wahlberg does allright with what he has to work with. I liked the aesthetics of the matches, the way they were shown as were they beeing watched on the telly, but in the end you sit back and wonder what all the fuzz is about... Only Oscar material is Bale, nothing else...
Rated 30 Dec 2010
Critics have been saying that the acting saves this film from being a generic boxing drama, but I think David O. Russell deserves more credit than that. This is not a boxing movie, but a study of a dysfunctional low class family who for better or worse are extremely important to each other. Christian Bale is fantastic in this. Although, again, every actor is good in this. Wahlberg and Adams are good, Jack McGee is great, & Melissa Leo is good but is the only one that goes a little over the top
Rated 30 Dec 2010
And enter another boxing movie...yet The Fighter brings a little more to the table. Wahlberg is solid, but the performances that surround him are fantastic. Not only are Bale, Adams, and Leo amazing, but the whole dysfunctional side of Lowell that is shown is wildly entertaining. Maybe predictable, but a very entertaining and emotional film.
Rated 29 Dec 2010
Bale should win an Oscar for most acting.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
Real life is far more thrilling than any title bout when it's depicted as vividly & rawly as it is here. Wahlberg does a fine job as the second-favorite brother who's hit harder by his family than any1 else, but he's appropriately overshadowed by a livewire Bale who steals every scene given his character's crack-fueled intensity. This smartly focuses on all the fights outside the ring b/c that's where the real stakes r & where this distinguishes itself from other underdog-makes-good melodramas.
Rated 21 Dec 2010
The boxing takes a backseat to dysfunctional family drama, and David O'Russell handles it perfectly. "The Fighter" packs an emotional punch to gut, brims with humor, and shakes of sadness. Wahlberg is perfectly overshadowed by his fierce co-stars, particularly Bale and Melissa Leo delivering career-defining roles. You won't find a larger grab-bag of talent and power this season.
Rated 20 Dec 2010
Good movie. Not even close to Raging Bull but definitely better than Rocky. Also, congrats to Christian Bale on the Oscar.
Rated 24 Jun 2020
This is a tale of two films and a diametric change in David O. Russell as a director. I absolutely hate Bale, and in this he's actually decent but matches against Wahlberg like Bugs Bunny across Frank Sinatra. There's a story here, but it's told through too many different filters to make anything feel specifically impactful. Also based on a true story the same way Pearl Harbor is based on a true story.
Rated 06 Nov 2017
Reasonably entertaining boxing melodrama. I utterly fail to understand Christian Bale's appeal as an actor...subtlety does not seem to be in his repertoire. Melissa Leo is just fantastic, and dominates every scene she's in. Amy Adams is also good. But in a way, the Boston-underbelly atmosphere is the dominating force.
Rated 27 Aug 2012
The whole cast was great, but I have to distinguish a role - Charlene, played by the magnificent Amy Adams. Great Ass, great set of tits, but most importanly [you probably already stopped reading this review:P] her incredibly strong acting skills, which connects with just every other character in the film, making their performances even better. I have to say, I had a blast watching this movie. As entertainment it's right next to Fincher's "Girl with a Dragon Tatoo".
Rated 22 May 2012
Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale are phenomenal in this tense, emotionally fraught character study. The boxing scenes are engaging and powerful, the stakes are ever-high and ever-present. I did marginally prefer The Wrestler, as comparable films go (it's in my top 50), but The Fighter is almost as strong.
Rated 05 Dec 2011
It doesn't bring anything new to the table, but it's a solid melodrama.
Rated 05 Sep 2011
It's hard not to compare The Fighter to Rocky or The Wrestler, but the deeper focus on family helps it stand on its own. The cast is decent, Bale was simply great but at times dominating the movie. A shame the big emotional moments don't really pack a punch. And man, how horrific must living with that family of six shrewish, low-class 90's women be?
Rated 30 Aug 2011
People mistakenly take a hard-movie-to-watch as a good movie. I really do understand it, I used to make the same mistake when I was.. let's see.. 12? 13? All you get in this awful movie is a bunch of south ignorance, a Boo-Hoo tragic hero, some poor boxing montage , and when you think you've had enough - you get Christian Bale. Well, maybe after his rolles as a wannabe-crossdresser in "Velvet Goldmine" and fudging batman, he should consider sticking with the crystal meth >
Rated 16 Aug 2011
This was not my interpretation of a good sports movie. In fact I was absolutely disappointed and can not comprehend how "The Fighter" could win so many Oscars.If you wanna see a good boxing movie watch "Raging Bull" for God sake.
Rated 21 Jun 2011
"Go back to Amirweeka" "The Fighter" is superbly written, with great performances and interesting characters, although Russell is not a director to get excited about. Thought Melissa Leo's performance was very overrated personally, but Bale, Marky Mark and Adams are all outstanding.
Rated 23 May 2011
The first scene alone secured Bale's globe, beyond terrific.
Rated 21 Apr 2011
Nice Movie
Rated 20 Apr 2011
good movie
Rated 16 Apr 2011
An overrated film, The Fighter's only strength is the Oscar-winning performance by Christian Bale (and even that should never have won the Award). I will not go as far as saying that this is a bad film, but it can't score any higher than "mediocre"... The acting is decent, the story is ok (but the setting is boring); only Amy Adams caught my eye in a positive way. In short: disappointing.
Rated 23 Mar 2011
Clichéd boxing tale with some very strange acting choices. Bale and Leo are completely cartoonish and ridiculous, but they're still infinitely preferable to Wahlberg, a proud graduate from the Just Standing There school of dramatic arts. The plot is the same old melodramatic routine, complete with the same manipulative slant that made Million Dollar Baby such a chore to sit through.
Rated 19 Mar 2011
Fairly bland, beyond some cartoonish moments. Oftentimes fails to transcend the trash (the Greek chorus of white trash spinsters was pretty funny.)
Rated 09 Mar 2011
Despite being more a movie involving boxing, is only the wallpaper for a good drama and great performances.
Rated 05 Mar 2011
there's not really that much happening in terms of story. still, the expertly chosen cast (even wahlberg does a decent job) makes watching worthwile. the way nearly every other character projects his personal dream on mickey ward and almost suffocates him with it is acted out very well. you get a slight feeling of being strangled yourself while watching the way his family and friends claw away at him. apart from the rare and predictable boxing matches it is an entertaining experience.
Rated 02 Mar 2011
While the plot is simplistic and not all that engaging, the characters are riveting. Great performances and excellent casting throughout, helps to make a lot from a little.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
I - Couldn't - Care - LESS about Wahlberg's boxing careerer, and it seems like O'Russell feels the same... Still there's some good acting in here, even if Bale steals the show every chance he gets.
Rated 28 Feb 2011
It was good as a movie on overall, the drama was well presented, but sportswise the movie lacked the intensity I expected. I couldn't help but compare these fights to those of Rocky's. And Rocky fights are superior in all aspects imo. Preperation, tension building, movements, punches, face damage representation etc.
Rated 27 Feb 2011
"And though I can fight I'd much rather recite That's entertainment. That's entertainment."
Rated 26 Feb 2011
Mistakes - In the scene where Micky is introducing Charlene to the family and telling Alice & Dicky that he doesn't want to be managed or trained by them anymore in one shot there is a Rock 'em Sock 'em game on the end table, and in the next shot it's not there.
Rated 14 Feb 2011
Well made and entertaining throughout, although it doesn't really leave me feeling much of anything. The fight scenes are weak, and not as exciting as they should be. The acting saves it from total mediocrity.
Rated 07 Feb 2011
An amazing performance from Bale as older brother Dickey who outshines a movie that looks like it's supposed to be about Mickey/Wahlberg. Bale steals all the limelight and turns an already good movie into a great movie. Not amazing or outstanding, but great nonetheless. It's funny at times which helps move this drama along at a reasonable pace. Well worth a watch if just to see Bale in an oscar-winning performance, but the surrounding film is great behind him.
Rated 06 Feb 2011
Better than I expected, but I had very low expectations. I'm not sure which is worse: Wahlberg's sleepwalking through his role, or Bale's scenery-chewing. And the film is formulaic and clichéd to the extreme, right down to the training montages. And yet, it's an effective formula. What really works is the dynamic between the characters, the conflict between Micky's family life and his professional life. Again, it's nothing special... but it works. Surprisingly watchable, yet unremarkable.
Rated 01 Feb 2011
A solid very well made boxing movie. Between the acting and the camerawork it's very easy to get drawn in and connect to the material as it feels almost like watching a documentary at times. It lacked that something special as the general arc has been done to death, but the execution lifts it above the fray.
Rated 29 Jan 2011
Bale is again phenomenal and has great chemistry with Wahlberg. Quite simple story but superb execution.
Rated 26 Jan 2011
Christian Bale performance will win him an oscar for sure, definitely one of the top 3 movies of the year
Rated 23 Jan 2011
Christian Bale, you're the man!
Rated 23 Jan 2011
Old-fashioned and predictable, "The Fighter" is nevertheless a solid, compelling entry in the genre and overcomes most of its deficiencies, thanks to O. Russell's superb direction and a set of very fine performances (Whalberg, Leo and especially Bale are very strong, although I didn't care about Adams). However, the script is very flawed: the family issues storyline is left unexploited and the resolution is lame, while the ending is anticlimatic and not quite as uplifting as it should be.
Rated 22 Jan 2011
A somewhat weak movie with a weak leading male. The supporting cast are awesome. Mellisa Leo is scene stealing as the white trash mother, I'm smelling a possible Oscar, Amy Adams shows us that she can da more than play a princess or a wax model in a bad sequel. Bale once again steals the picture. His portrayel of Dickie is honest and brutal. Bale is a certain shoe-in for the Oscars, sorry John Hawkes from Winter's Bone. Wahlberg is bland and way out of his league with actors like Leo and Bale.
Rated 19 Jan 2011
Bale is extremely into character, with a wonderful performance like nothing he's done before. Walhberg is regular milquetoast Marky Mark. He's lifeless throughout the movie. Even his "incredible" liver punch looks so half-hearted I almost burst out laughing (and then they showed the replay of it twice!). The rest of the cast is good in a "I hate them, but I guess that's the point" kind of way. Unfortunately, it's a fairly predictable sports story, and the soundtrack was irritating.
Rated 16 Jan 2011
Boxing movies are such a (successful) formula that I think this one still gets pegged as a part of that. But the interesting slant here is that it's not the main character's flaws that hold him back, it's the people he holds dear. It's a great twist and executed superbly. One thing: if you have a mute button handy, make sure to use it for the soundtrack, dear god
Rated 15 Jan 2011
A great character study on Ecklund and Ward, two boxers and half-brothers from the working-class town of Lowell, MA who each seek their own redemption. Ecklund must overcome his drug addiction and cope with a career whose peak is behind him, and Ward must overcome his family and make a name for himself in the boxing world. Though the story isn't the most original, the performances and direction lift the film above the fray. An extra kudos to Bale who literally disappears into the role of Ecklund
Rated 03 Jan 2011
Maybe not the best boxing scenes ever depicted, but, after all, it's not really about that. Leo and Bale are sure fire Oscar-winners after this, and probably rightly so.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
When Christian Bale jumped out the window the second time was pretty funny. The boxing parts looked bad.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
If only the entire film had been devoted to Dickey's crack habits, his illegal attempts to make a buck which ultimately lead him back to prison, and his inclination to jump out of windows; meanwhile, Micky and his girlfriend are unable to ever leave Lowell because they're harassed by his mother and cadre of seven sisters who pack into tiny cars like clowns. This story would have worked better as a sitcom or cartoon; as it is, it lacks raw emotion like "Rocky" and style like "Raging Bull".
Rated 18 Dec 2010
I'm not a huge boxing fan, but there is a soft spot in my heart for boxing movies. This is one of the better ones. The boxing situations are old hat (poor guy who has a defining moment in his career where he can either quit or keep going, keeps going and works his way up to a championship bout). Where this movies shines is with the relationships surrounding the boxing. It's more about Wahlberg's fight with finding his place within his family and Bale's fight with cocaine addiction. Entertaining.
Rated 18 Dec 2010
How the hell can this be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar? Must be the guy-against-the-odds-story. Forgettable, clichéed plot, more caricatures than you want to count as well as some boring, ugly shot boxing scenes. Only the stellar acting (especially from Melissa Leo, Amy Adams and Bale) saves it from being a complete disaster.
Rated 18 Dec 2010
Based on the true story of Micky Ward, The Fighter isn't so much about boxing as it is about the relationships between different members in a specific family. It uses boxing as a backdrop, a catalyst to bring forward the drama that the film deals with. The drama is intense, the fights are entertaining, and the characters are interesting. All of the performances were great with the supporting cast overshadowing, yet not totally negating Wahlberg's performance as the lead.
Rated 12 Oct 2024
The Fighter does a great job of showing the workings of toxic family, expectations, and being overshadowed and under-appreciated. Christian Bale and Melissa Leo are the highlights, but I continue to not buy Marky Mark in serious roles. Like many boxing movies the actual boxing scenes don't necessarily look great but I'm not an expert so wouldn't know. The film more than makes up for it imo.
Rated 25 Jan 2024
apart from bale's performance, this felt too "by the numbers" for my taste. the cast is good but their approach in handling the tone of their characters clash, a somewhat jarring experience. not sure what this movie was trying to be, a dramedy or a boxing flick, or something in between. meh all around.
Rated 23 Oct 2023
I like it when films show unlikable characters, but feels indifferently to them. But I don't like when films show unlikable characters and seems to like them anyway. As I got to know these two men (and their various family, friends, foes, and fellow townsfolk), I became increasingly less fond of them, despite the film's intentions. Some good acting doesn't make up for a thoroughly icky film, particularly when the climactic fight scene the whole film's been leading up to is so bland.
Rated 26 May 2022
I'm not as wowed by this film as others, as the story itself is somewhat forgettable and riddled with sports film cliches. It's the powerful supporting performances from Melissa Leo and Amy Adams that really help elevate the material and make this a well-made film.
Rated 08 Jan 2021
The Fighter tells the story of "Irish" Mickey Ward (Mark Wahlberg), a fighter from Lowell, Massachusetts who is about to throw in his gloves, as well as his half-brother, former boxer Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale), comes back into his life after a prison sentence. To come to terms with himself, he helps his half-brother by training him for the championships in the lightweight category.
Rated 30 Jul 2020
Great acting all around, and it's the kind of movie I like, with just actors and no cgi.
Rated 10 Jun 2020
When it adapted from real life, you should have good story and remerkable actings. I think this movie has both. Christian Bale one word, greatness.
Rated 31 Dec 2018
Bale is simply phenomenal as his pure dedication to the role is shown once again. This is not a sport biopic, this is not a simple underdog story, this is so so much more than that. Great flick that talks about fighting, but those fights do not happen in a ring, they are happening outside the ring, just like for every one of us in our own way.
Rated 05 Aug 2018
Rated 30 May 2018
84.00+.75+5 = 89.75.
Rated 22 Nov 2017
|BACKFILLING LOAD OF FILMS NOT SEEN FOR LONG TIME -> Scores poss 20-30% out. Grateful if U drop me a cordial msg if U think memory dulled a gem or gave rosy tint 2 clunker. IE. Tell me WHY Im wrong & what U think I should score
Rated 20 Sep 2017
A standard boxing biopic that makes it difficult to form any level of an emotional connection with its characters.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
Christian Bale definitely steals the show. Between him and Marky, there's a lot of weight being dropped and gained. Good movie overall. Tough to watch that family.
Rated 07 Aug 2017
The only good thing about this film is the Oscar-winning performance from Christian Bale
Rated 07 Aug 2017
Featuring drama, romance, excellent acting, apt direction and an uncompromising faithfulness to the real souls of the brothers at the center, it's an excellent biopic.
Rated 08 Apr 2017
Bale was incredible, but Whalberg was alful, he ruined the film foe me. I also did not get the scene where the cop broke his fingers, no drama, no emotion to that scene. The story was not good in particular and the music for the film was not selected in the best manner, the film could have been much more than what came out.
Rated 10 Jan 2017
Rated 28 Dec 2016
set in old time, and not much of shifts in story
Rated 21 Nov 2016
great boxing movie
Rated 12 Sep 2016
who knew ward gatti I had such a lame ass undercard?
Rated 10 Jul 2016
very repeatative story.
Rated 15 Mar 2016
The story of semi-famous boxer mickey ward. It was very grounded. Like this could be your fucked up family.
Rated 19 Dec 2015
Decent. Good performances. Bale especially gives it a great run.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
Pretty good, though weaker than Russell's subsequent outings (you can tell this is him in recovery, going for the safe story beats while flexing his muscles with the camera). The first half or so is great fun, but as the family melodrama piles up it starts to drag, until I was a bit tired of it by the end. And Wahlberg is too bland to carry a movie where everybody's motivation stems from his character (though I suppose I just described Boogie Nights!) Still, it's never boring, and Bale is good.
Rated 20 Aug 2015
Seen 2x
Rated 05 May 2015
Bale is quite good.
Rated 21 Aug 2014
This somewhat tired story wears its heart on its sleeve, but eschews being syrupy. Its ultimate messiness feels more like a surplus of seratonin than shoddy writing. Therefore, it's an especially uncomplicated movie, and it's trouble-free to write off as merely another sports flick about conquering odds, especially when the conclusion of the film leaves much unresolved, but it's also an especially intimate movie, which is much more valuable.
Rated 20 Jul 2014
Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams give convincing performances in this boxing drama that includes some gritty personal history, drug addiction and family drama. I also liked Jack McGee and Melissa Leo in this. The fighting in the ring was well done and felt authentic. Overall the movie is fairly well made, but they glossed over the personal story between Mickey and Charlene.
Rated 18 Jun 2014
Felt like a Marky Mark pet project. Took a while to move through the washed out grey back story and get to some unannounced boxing scenes. Bale cracks out pretty well, but fuck that scene where he sings in the car with his mother.


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