The Fall of the Roman Empire
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Action-packed look at the beginnings of the fall of the Roman Empire. Here is the glory, the greed and grandeur that was Rome. Here is the story of personal lust for power, and the shattering effects of that power's loss. Here is the tale of the plight of a people living on the brink of a political abyss.
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The Fall of the Roman Empire

3h 8m
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Avg Percentile 45.19% from 174 total ratings

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Rated 22 Jul 2010
It is a movie of grand proportions. At the runtime of over 3 hours it consists of a few big scenes, and a very little real emotions between them. What I liked about this movie, that it keeps fair share of focus on politics, not only on love storyline and action scenes. Plummer was very good in this. Due to the lack of heart film gets boring, and I wouldn't recommend it to someone who has no interest in roman history.
Rated 22 Mar 2007
Excellent epic for those who love the history of Rome. "Gladiator" was undoubtelly inspired on this as it follows the same story line (minus the gladiator thing, that is). This one is more historically credible.
Rated 12 Dec 2009
Intelligent scripting, good direction, and fine acting place this far above the usual empty-headed spectacle. Mason and Guinness are superb; several action sequences are outstanding. A winner all the way.
Rated 28 Feb 2010
If you're the type of person whose pulse races when he hears the phrase, "shot in Ultra Panavision by Robert Krasker," then maybe this film's for you. Otherwise, it's rough going. A stiff, bloated epic, typical of the era. Anthony Mann is unable to make it move, though there are highlights (a chariot race, Aurelius' funeral), and the sheer scope of the thing is occasionally breathtaking. Too often I found myself clinging to Christopher Plummer's hammy Commodus as the only sign of life onscreen.
Rated 11 Jun 2011
Filled with grand scenes and massive set pieces, "The Fall..." is laced with much of the polish and sheen expected from these type of Golden Age epics. That said, although the scale is admirable, this is a largly souless affair. The three hours drag awfully at times. A movie to watch once and enjoy, but no more than that.
Rated 01 Jan 2009
Candidate for the weakest of the Golden Age of Epics for Hollywood. The casting was passable with Alec Guinness the best of show. The script seemed rough and the budget lower thanks to the spectacular meltdown of Cleopatra a year earlier. The spiritual successor, Gladiator, had a much more succinct story
Rated 20 Dec 2009
A lot of wonderful spectacle here, and it is certainly better than Gladiator--a film that stole much from it--but it never really comes together. It is worth a look, though, for the memorable homoerotic scene of Boyd and Plummer each drinking from the other's wineskin!
Rated 11 Dec 2011
"Put bluntly, the difference between El Cid and Fall is the difference between faith in a concept of heroism that can transcend even death." - Fernando F. Croce
Rated 30 Dec 2011
Excellent, robust epic with a fine cast; unfortunately Loren and Boyd make for bland leads but are more than compensated for by Guinness and Mason (superb as always) and an especially wonderful early performance from Plummer. Occassional slugishness (especially in the first half) is outweighed by an intelligent screenplay, and the sheer muscularity of the production, with some scenes still unequalled in the epic genre for pure spectacle. Rivals BEN HUR for most exciting chariot race sequence!
Rated 04 Aug 2012
ok but too long
Rated 05 Aug 2012
Also, the fall of the classic Hollywood epic...
Rated 22 Dec 2012
Lavish sets and grand action pieces, but ultimately hollow. The political intrigue isn't intriguing enough to survive 3 hours. Good while Guinness is doing his thing, but once he's gone the final 2 hours tend to drag as all the other characters are bland and forgettable.
Rated 13 May 2019
Plummer and Mason are very good, and Guinness is awesome, but the love story between Loren and Boyd is completely disposable. I found the stunts in the chase sequence impressive.
Rated 24 Nov 2020
A moralistic tale filled with epic scenes and a cast of thousands. The Chariot race is fun to watch, but the love story central to the plot is unimpressive.
Rated 26 Aug 2023
Trotsky’s nephew (Samuel Bronston, obviously anglicised) outlays big on cast, extras, horses and sets – the latter are incredibly elaborate – but unfortunately couldn’t manage to hook a suitable leading man. Mann (anglicised from Emil Anton Bundsmann) works extremely hard, but the writing (by Ben Barzman and Philip Yordan, two more Jews, and Basilio Franchina) never really transcends the “epic” style. Still, if anything, the Ridley Scott remake thirty-six years later is even more Hollywoodian.


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