The Comedy
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The Comedy

1h 35m
Indifferent even to the prospects of inheriting his father's estate, Swanson has been insulated his whole life by the bubble of privilege. He and his hipster friends live in a tepid social paradise, a.k.a. Williamsburg, where their good fortune breeds indifference and recreational cruelty. They pacify their discontent with games of mock sincerity and irreverence, as though humor itself were dying and had nothing left to do but turn on itself. (
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The Comedy

1h 35m
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Avg Percentile 52.15% from 382 total ratings

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Rated 14 Jun 2017
Heidecker's detached demeanor is so perfect for the role it's almost scary. More uncomfortable the more you can recognize in it; a saddening slice of life about man-children age 35 and up that have replaced empathy with cynicism, being stuck in lives empty of meaning, numb to the world and unable to grow as a person and hey you know what I'm just going to lie down for a little while.
Rated 21 Jan 2013
As someone who has grown up with the internet, has seen the rise of 4chan, and the rise of a culture where tragedies are greeted with people trying to outdo each other offense-wise, it was amazing to see a film that tackles the lack of empathy in some areas of modern society so succinctly. Heidecker's performance is brave and the movie does right by it, giving you enough glimpses of humanity and a deeper yearning to stop Swanson from just being insufferable. A new favourite.
Rated 03 Dec 2012
This is one that has grown on me more and more in the days since watching it. A sickening portrait of hipster nihilism. It's like a Jim Jarmusch film starring Billy Madison, except without any of the charm or character arc.
Rated 09 Apr 2013
My rating system of "which movie would I rather watch at any given time" does not apply to my highish rating of this movie. I can not sit through this movie but I really love what I've seen of this movie... Yeah I had to stop watching it... It is painfully real and depressing...I will be consuming bits of this movie from time to time but I can not recommend watching it as a whole unless you love to make yourself depressed. That being said, this is one of the smartest things I've ever seen. Ever.
Rated 29 Nov 2012
The movie didn't really make me feel uncomfortable, but I get it. It does a good job of showing us a guy who's detached from everything. Ultimately I just didn't really care about what was going on. I guess it was kinda boring, it didn't strike a fun balance of pointlessness like a Korine movie does. Sometimes it just feels like a bad indie movie... yeah perhaps it was satirizing some of that, but other times it just messed with whatever flow the movie had. I give it props for being challenging.
Rated 17 Jun 2014
"Their boredom becomes more and more terrible. They realize that they've been tricked and burn with resentment. Every day of their lives they read the newspapers and went to the movies. Both fed them on lynchings, murder, sex crimes, explosions, wrecks, love nests, fires, miracles, revolutions, war. This daily diet made sophisticates of them. The sun is a joke. Oranges can't titillate their jaded palates. Nothing can ever be violent enough to make taut their slack minds and bodies."-N. West;1939
Rated 06 Apr 2013
Heidecker is perfect as that type of chronically disinterested man most of us either know or are. It hits close to home and is monumentally, incapacitatingly uncomfortable to watch.
Rated 06 Apr 2013
I first watched this on lots of benzos and didn't have any real memory of it aside from how much I enjoyed it, but now that I've seen it sober, I can confidently declare it the equal of the movie that started this whole mumblecore thing, Funny Ha Ha (that's the most hyperbolic kind of praise, by the way, for those who don't know my extremely high opinion of that film).
Rated 12 Feb 2015
Heidecker turns in a brilliant performance as the sad product of the current age of hipster detachment in desperate need of a reset. Watching him test the limits of his own indifference is infuriating, heartbreaking, and fascinating all at the same time.
Rated 19 Nov 2012
I'm not sure if it's a hipster Husbands or a hipster Naked, probably a little of both, but in any case it's a masterclass in cinematic awkwardness on par with what Leigh and Cassavetes did at their best. It certainly blows pretty much anything tagged as "mumblecore" completely out of the water.
Rated 16 Mar 2013
a very challenging watch. the film is hit and miss, the story was strung together poorly. i appreciate the post-ironic themes and photography, but often felt that the film gets too far up its own ass.
Rated 10 Nov 2012
It's a movie I was destined not to enjoy unfortunately. I think Heidecker gives a good performance but the whole mood of the film is unpleasant, often cruel, and detached. Even though I have many feelings of detachment in my own life it's no where near this level.
Rated 06 Apr 2013
may be the most frightening apocalypse film of the decade so far...
Rated 07 Jun 2017
While its cynical philosophy offers up a few laughs, and Tim Heidecker's performance is undoubtedly captivating, The Comedy, unfortunately, doesn't amount to much, trading its disturbingly thought-provoking and bleak message for a frustratingly incapable hackneyed delivery system of anti-comedy and existentialism that misses the mark.
Rated 16 Feb 2015
I saw somebody on here ask why its called The Comedy. Life is a comedy, a tragic pointless comedy. The thing I think this movie did great was showing that these guys do have fun, they enjoy some of what they do, it also shows the low moments which not many films do well. I loved the bleakness and pure disgusted anger that heidecker put into this. I think this movie is brilliant.
Rated 27 Apr 2013
The Comedy is nihilism. The main character believes that he's beyond ideas like racism, feminism, politics, religion, etc. Tim Heidecker stars, he portrays someone that thinks they know exactly how the world works while being very damaged themselves. I thought it was an interesting movie, but its definitely not for everyone. Most people will feel pretty uncomfortable at times. You may even laugh at something and then feel uncomfortable about laughing.
Rated 22 Apr 2018
More an anti-comedy. It shows how out of complete lethargy and apathy some people just joke and mess around, because they have nothing better do and most of are afraid to show their real feelings and to really connect.
Rated 28 Nov 2012
Don't know what to think really...I ended up feeling detached about a movie about detachment, then started thinking of my own life. I don't know if I can give the film enough credit for creating that thought process.
Rated 05 Dec 2013
I did not enjoy The Comedy, but I feel like that's kind of the point. It makes you feel like absolute shit and forces you to evaluate your actions and identity, and it's begun to instill a fear in me of ever becoming like Swanson. In a cinematic landscape where pure emotional reactions are scarce, I feel like I have to give The Comedy a lot of credit for the lessons it gave me, even if they were hard to watch.
Rated 15 Jan 2013
a real struggle to watch... touchingly pathetic, outrageously "IRONIC", don't know what was the claim ... just boring
Rated 23 Jan 2013
It's really great at recreating the horrible qualities of this generation which gets off on the embarrassment of others, but I'm not sure what the point really is beyond that these people are assholes. (two times)
Rated 05 Jul 2017
AICHE, your taste in movies is scum between my toes.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
An outstanding depiction of the over privileged and the ruling white class, with all the flaws.
Rated 26 Oct 2015
The Comedy could have been a disaster and, in some aspects, it still is. Surprisingly grim and altogether thought-provoking, Tim Heidecker delivers one of the finest performances of all time in this little-known, yet highly recommended, drama. It just might provide you with a new outlook on life.
Rated 31 Jul 2022
okay movie
Rated 11 Aug 2019
enteresan bir film olduğuna şüphe yok ama izlemek için dayanmak gerekiyor. ben dayanamıyorum böyle işlere.
Rated 04 Oct 2019
Tim Heidecker is extremely believable and magnetic as a lead.
Rated 06 Nov 2012
Not your traditional film and it was for this reason that I stuck it out through some trembling early moments. Heidecker gives a good performance that shines brighter as the movie goes on.
Rated 25 May 2013
'Shame' for pranksters. It saddens me to admit I identified more with this movie.
Rated 28 May 2021
Absolutely awful shit!
Rated 22 May 2013
It's not an easy movie to watch, but it's one of the most interesting ones I've seen in a while.
Rated 03 Jun 2014
really funny . REALLY REALLY funny.
Rated 03 Nov 2013
Takes the awkward, often abrasive comedy of Tim (and Eric) and places it in something of a real-world setting where their antics are attacked, or supported, by others. Later on in this film are some incredibly weird moments, and although the ending is kinda simplistic, this is a film to show to your buddies so they can get pissed off at you for showing them a film that didn't go anywhere. I liked it.
Rated 30 Dec 2012
Sort of like 'Somewhere' but funny, and thus, better. The final scene could've been a bit more original. Anyway, this is a movie I wish everyone would watch.
Rated 31 May 2013
I looked back on this film, and what I had figured out and learned from the last 10-15 minutes moved me just about to tears. This film is even bleaker than Satantango, and a new favorite with the presence of 4chan-esque mock sincerity and irreverence presented in 21st century cinema. This film is proof of James Murphy & Tim and Eric's often overlooked versatility.
Rated 29 Mar 2013
Yeah that seems about right
Rated 21 Jul 2013
Really fantastic film about white privilege, annihilation, and transcendence.
Rated 10 Apr 2013
I think the point was lost on me, if there even was one to begin with...
Rated 22 Feb 2016
I guess this is what they call anti-comedy. Thankfully I torrented this so there's no way the film-makers made even a penny from me
Rated 11 Feb 2013
why is it called "the comedy"?
Rated 19 Jan 2013
is maybe not the most subtle exploration of white privilege ever made but heidecker is so fucking good in it (as is his cast of supporting shitheads) that it doesnt really matter. also think the film is much funnier (albeit tragically so) than people give it credit for
Rated 04 Jan 2016
"Instead of getting to something, he's trying to get away from something."
Rated 23 May 2013
I guess this is what you would call a kind of "slice of life" movie. But normally you'd think of a movie like that as being sort of heartwarming and sweet, whereas this one just sorta makes everything seem like shit.
Rated 01 Mar 2013
Difficult to watch these dicks be dicks, but that's the whole point after all. The ambiguity of the main character's actions are revealing. He obviously views his actions as ironic, post-criticism, post-political, etc., but in actuality he's racist, bigoted, and an asshole. It's hipsterism on display and it is ugly.
Rated 17 Aug 2015
I get what the film was going for, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it all too much. Swanson comes off as incredibly unlikeable and unrelatable, making the film a somewhat frustrating watch. With that being said, I would still suggest that people give it a watch as it definitely seems like the type of film that some could find a lot of meaning in.
Rated 30 Dec 2012
Post satyrical, what can i say. Scored big time for getting James Murphy, father of all hipsters, to feature in it.


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