The Brothers Bloom
The Brothers Bloom
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The Brothers Bloom

The Brothers Bloom

Comedy, Drama
1h 54m
The Brothers Bloom are the best con men in the world, swindling millionaires with complex scenarios of lust and intrigue. Now they've decided to take on one last job - showing a beautiful and eccentric heiress the time of her life with a romantic adventure that takes them around the world. (imdb)

The Brothers Bloom

Comedy, Drama
1h 54m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 53.54% from 1555 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 25 Jul 2013
At first you think it's interesting,then you realise it's not & finally comes the realisation that you're bored
Rated 01 Jan 2010
A perfect example of a story that had premise, but absolutely no idea how the whole thing should end. While the first half does its job very well (though the quirkiness feels somewhat forced and pacing is often all wrong), eventually the plot crumbles to pieces and after several violent shifts of mood and a series of cons within cons within cons ends, somehow. A lot of sadly wasted potential.
Rated 07 Sep 2012
Starts off fresh, funny and exciting and turns boring, derivative and messy by the end. Still, the visuals make up for plenty of the flaws.
Rated 09 Jan 2010
Since I'm not very much into Brick I didn't have my hopes up with Bloom. Johnson proved me he has a through knowledge of cinema and a good taste for storytelling. This is a mixed bag with usual mellow boy-girl story in the center with noir sauce of various periods. Weisz is breathtaking, characters are not deep but very entertaining. Don't take it seriously , you'll have a good time.
Rated 04 Nov 2009
Charming with all-around likeable performances, a story that's intricate yet easy to follow, and some impressive editing and pacing. The last act is fairly weak and brings the film down a notch, still this film is enjoyable enough to recommend seeing.
Rated 31 Oct 2009
Great performance by Rachel Weisz and Adrien Brody. The one, they hold their hands, is one of the most dramatic scenes ever.
Rated 24 Jul 2009
A wonderfully crafted movie that keeps you guessing from beginning to end and leaves you satisfied. The settings were charming, the acting was great and the writing exposed just enough to keep you involved but not enough to ruin what was coming next. You watch a movie like this and it's hard to believe it's only the writer/director's second movie. Reliance on twists and surprises that come from movies like these might make it lose a little on extra viewings, but not too much.
Rated 09 Jul 2009
Really fun and enjoyable. Rachel Weisz steals the show.
Rated 26 Apr 2024
To borrow from William Goldman, there have been five "I love you's" that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. Is it fair to steal from The Princess Bride for what is in reality an acknowledgement of friendship rather than passion. No, I wouldn't go that far but this does have what I consider to be a Top 5 spoken "I love you." If that isn't something to celebrate than I don't know what is.
Rated 30 Apr 2013
Really funny, witty and partly bittersweet. Its style reminded me of Wes Anderson's movies. Worth a watch!
Rated 12 Jan 2013
A pretty entertaining flick as long as you don't start thinking about it. A lot of style, not so much substance.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
What Rian Johnson does best is character dialog and genuine interaction between the actors he directs. What he doesn't do so well is hashing out the bigger picture. Bloom seems to fall victim to that. We see plenty of interesting development but with an ending that is as anti-climactic as much as it is totally hokey. Still, there's some fantastic acting in here. Although I really don't get the point of Bang Bang except to insert a Yoko Ono reference and stereotypical asian mute sidekick.
Rated 23 Mar 2012
Sort of a mix between Wes Anderson's quirkiness and Ocean's Eleven. Fairly entertaining, but never really takes off either.
Rated 24 Apr 2011
Well, it's an engaging story. Weisz is at her most adorable, and Kikuchi is endearing. And some of it is funny. But Johnson tries way too hard to be clever. A heap of Jeunet with a dash of Anderson makes a whole lot of quirk, but you need some charm to help that go down. Like the brothers' own drawings, they are mere sketches of characters, not fully-formed human beings. Which might be okay if you're just going to play out a con story, but not when you try to earn my emotional investment.
Rated 20 Apr 2011
Despite a winning charm driven by Rachel Weisz, the Brothers Bloom attempts to be stylish and witty caper flick and becomes a confusing and nonsensical character film. The only thing more confusing than the script is the inane editing.
Rated 17 Apr 2011
Despite the fact, that it has numerous small mistakes and a story that evolves way to loose, for me that is, The Brothers Bloom was a charming new friendship. The first two acts beeing clearly better than the somewhat loose and annoying finale... I would have loved it to be more about the con's than the hard internal struggles of Bloom, but hey, you can't win everytime!
Rated 26 Mar 2011
Begins quirky and charming, but as with most con movies, ends up hollow. The movie felt front-heavy, with most of the creativity crammed into the first half. Still, it was a fantastic first half. Rian Johnson proves he is no fluke, showing exceptional fluency in the cinematic language and both a sense of fun and the vision to pull it off. The casting was ok but Rachel Weisz was the real standout with Rinko Kikuchi close behind in the scene-stealing stakes. I'll watch Johnson's next movie.
Rated 04 Dec 2010
"Combining the comic caper film with a calculatedly offbeat, Wes Anderson-inflected brand of drollery, the movie gets both modes wrong." - Andrew Schenker
Rated 15 Oct 2010
Rian Johnson follows up a tremendous gritty neo-noir with a lighthearted crime/comedy. Which, possibly not by happenstance, is also a pretty fine movie. Good acting, great writing, and a fantastic story pop this one up there to be a must watch. I definitely have high hopes to see what Johnson comes up with in the future.
Rated 31 May 2010
I really wanted to love this. It has all the elements - great cast (especially Weisz), interesting characters, unusual locations, fun cameos, a plot that keeps you guessing and some thought-provoking ideas on "living a story". But somehow Rian Johnson fails to make us care enough for the characters, and each subsequent denouement (and there are many) suffers from diminishing returns.
Rated 23 Mar 2010
It's got a rhythm and pace of it's own. Once you get used to it, it's quite entertaining. The director has a lot of potential, I'm curious about his future films.
Rated 05 Mar 2010
Loves this movie! Great acting, awesome directing, nice story. Funny parts in it as well. This movie made me a very happy little girl indeed
Rated 08 Jan 2010
From the director of "Brick"...well those cameos make sense now. It lacks a tinge of genuineness at times, but it's also lightheartedly funny and filled with amusing characters. Really good.
Rated 20 Dec 2009
Such a confident piece of work. If Wes Anderson had any talent, this is the movie he would have made six times. If you'll allow me one more--pour cement onto the idea of Rian Johnson being the best american in the business.
Rated 19 Dec 2009
Rian Johnson delivers it again. Great script with wonderful and extraordinary characters, great cast with top performances and a story which is more than meets the eye. The movie suffered a little from pacing issues but despite to many who watched it, i liked the finale a lot.
Rated 16 Nov 2009
The film's worth viewing just for Rachel Weiz's wonderful performance; she portrays a lonely, brilliantly eccentric heiress who may or may not be taken for a 'ride' by two con-artist brothers played by Adrien Brody and Mark Ruffalo. The film aims to maintain this mystery of 'is this sincere, or another con?' It is predictability at times, but Rian Johnson serves up bold & charismatic comedy usually saved for the stage, with fantastical-scenery, adventure and heart felt moments, alla Wes Anderson
Rated 04 Nov 2009
Casi mala
Rated 09 Oct 2009
Sort of meandered about, trying to be edgy and surprising, but by the end, I was bored. Sure there was a twist ending, however, it was an expected, and not incredibly creative one. This cast should work together again on a meatier project.
Rated 28 Sep 2009
I do admit, the movie maybe feels like just another con movie. But it was much more to me. Maybe it's chemistry between the actors, solid directing or just the romantic feeling Bloom and other tiny things add, it works for me. It's a con fairy-tale, really.
Rated 25 Sep 2009
Solid - if not all-engrossing - follow-up up to "Brick" with the grit, gusto and rawness of that movie replaced with a quirky lightness. Impressive performances all around, decent script, great pacing. Johnson once again proves that he's one to watch.
Rated 28 Jun 2009
I like it when nothing about a con movie is explicitly spelled out, sometimes the narration tips the hand like with the Ocean films or The Italian Job or maybe the mark is always clearly identified as a villain so there's no shift in allegiances. This movie has fun with the idea of who is conning who and shifts sympathies as it progresses, I like that the mark sees it as an adventure even when the truth is out. Truthfully, I flat out love it and hope Wes Anderson is jealous of this movie.
Rated 13 Jun 2009
The Sting with a touch of The Fall all tied up in kinky ribbon. Not sure if I missed something in one of the cons or not, and I think Adrian Brody was miscast, but very enjoyable trip thanks mostly to the women.
Rated 07 Jun 2009
Though technically great, the movie was too cool. That's not necessarily a good thing. The whole thing was too cool to understand, too cool to relate to, too cool to feel involved, too stylized to convey any sort of idea or truth.
Rated 05 Jun 2009
An enjoyable, funny con movie with a great collection of amusingly off-kilter actors. Rachel Weisz is quite charming.
Rated 17 May 2009
Ambitious, often subtly hilarious homage that contains influences ranging from Casablanca to Mission Impossible, held together by dialogue which is witty and frightening in equal measure. At my showing, the director and a film critic did a Q&A, and I'm definitely glad I went. Although only a couple people mentioned Brick, the director was very easy-going and often quite sarcastic. Devin Faraci from CHUD, the panel moderator, added an extra healthy dose of sarcasm to the mix.
Rated 01 May 2009
The framing in this movie is astounding. You don't see many filmmakers taking advantage of composition like that these days. The stand-out performances combined with a truly unique screenplay make for a one of a kind film.
Rated 01 May 2009
Action, adventure, romance, drama, comedy, mystery, fantasy, everything a movie should be, strung together by an excellent original script, beautifully stylized cinematography, and memorable performances. Rachel Weisz and Rinko Kikuchi, yes! I look forward to the future of Rian Johnson's career...even though I don't like Brick.
Rated 07 Aug 2023
I really enjoyed this film. Its primarily an action/thriller type film with some decent effects and more memorably some pretty dazzling landscapes/settings. Its quite a gripping watch really. I thought it was quite amusing while also being a somewhat gripping watch. Not too many action comedy type films work too well but I thought this did a very decent job of it
Rated 08 Dec 2022
This felt like a weak, redundant Wes Anderson film. Among con movies the slow laborious plot certainly does not hold up to superior genre films. Watch if you want to see a charlie Chaplin type con movie
Rated 31 Jan 2022
super fun!
Rated 24 Nov 2021
I always want to like Rachael Weisz but the roles she plays often make it impossible. Maybe she just gets typecast. Anyway, no one in this is really likeable.
Rated 01 Nov 2020
It moves along agreeably with enough going on to hold your interest, Although extremely jokey, it's ultimately rather touching...though it does incur the situational risk of when everything's a con, it feels like nothing is at stake. Rinko Kikuchi steals a bunch of scenes without uttering a single word.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
I took me this long to see this although I've enjoyed Johnson's earlier ones and con artist films in general. In retrospect, it's a difficult 2nd film after promising "Brick". Scale is bigger but focus & tone are all over the map; too many unnecessary locations, silly comedy that confuses in a film which gets darker as it progresses. I expect a clever script from a film about con men and it didn't deliver apart from perhaps the ending. Actors are fine but the characters remain distant.
Rated 29 Mar 2020
The characters are always charming and the hijinks are boisterous and clever in the first two acts, but mire and drag a bit in the last; the film feels long by its end. Gems of humour and wit abound early, while the final act sees those qualities largely give way to the single conceit of "Is this a con?", which doesn't feel sufficient in the face of the film's energetic earlier layers.
Rated 22 Mar 2020
Seen: 2.
Rated 25 Feb 2020
Having watched The Brothers Bloom after seeing Johnson's more recent work, I spent most of the film waiting for some form of subversion that never came. Expectations aside, the film is well-acted with a Wes-Anderson-esque quirkiness that I found a little alienating. The smaller moments are when the film's at it's best. Entertaining, but still underwhelming.
Rated 08 Feb 2020
I dunno, early Rian Johnson is just too terminally meta to have any earnest weight to it. At least the dialogue isn't a pain, I guess
Rated 15 Jun 2019
A comedy that is not funny with a boring adventure and a mystery that is predictable is not something I wanted to watch.
Rated 18 Jan 2017
Wanted to like this but found it smug and increasingly annoying
Rated 30 Jan 2016
8+ excellent
Rated 05 Apr 2015
I enjoyed the twists and the world and the slight ambiguity left at the end in this movie... I found the characters a bit underdeveloped, but it was pretty and... there were ideas explored.
Rated 06 Mar 2015
Well done through and through. Creative, and the twists stayed just ahead of me. I enjoyed the quirkiness, a quality that the soundtrack definitely helped contribute to. Believable acting and well handled cinematography.
Rated 16 Feb 2015
The plot gets a bit messy but that is not unusual in this genre; visually, it's slick and stylish, very Anderson-esque. But I just couldn't get into it. Mark Ruffalo and Adrien Brody must be one of the least convincing con artist I've seen on screen. I think it speaks volumes that my favorite character was Rinko Kikuchi who only utters three words throughout the entire movie.
Rated 19 Sep 2014
I feel sort of bad for bringing down my Criticker score for Rinko Kikuchi with this, because she's easily the best thing here (although a mute Asian woman named Bang Bang? Seriously bad idea, Rian). Brody appears to have wandered in from a Wes Anderson film without realizing it (understandably, as this tries it's best to ape the most superficial aspects of Anderson's "quirky" style). I still liked this a little more than Brick though, if only for imitating films i'd actually want to watch?
Rated 18 Sep 2014
Johnson's direction is really good, and the plot is compelling if a little predictable (hey guess what a movie about con men has a bunch of cons in it), but, while the acting is also really good (especially Kikuchi, who is easily the best part of the whole movie), the characters are simply walking bundles of mannerisms and affectations, and their behaviour often makes the tone almost unbearably precious and whimsical. The strong direction and acting overcomes this, but it can be painful at times
Rated 25 Jun 2014
Clever, yeah, but I didn't care.
Rated 09 Jun 2014
Just a good old-fashioned adventure comedy. It has some likeable quirky characters, but not in the shitty indie movie, bearded, flip-flop-wearing, free-spirited, thick-glasses-wearing, attitude-havin' way that quirky is usually done.
Rated 23 Mar 2014
It was fun, but I need a bit more realism.
Rated 21 Jan 2014
nicely done entertainment flick. exactly the optimum joy that you would expect from a movie of this kind. read Spunkie's mini-review.
Rated 19 Dec 2013
The Brothers Bloom is a successful movie on many levels. It's funny, exciting, and keeps its audience guessing at every turn. At times, it tries to be too smart, but for the most part it ties everything together perfectly if you pay attention and stick with it. It has a strong script, good performances, and an interesting premise. I recommend giving it a watch.
Rated 24 Jul 2013
I was annoyed from minute one by the soundtrack, then enraged by the sing-song rhyming voice-over (if there's one thing I hate more than voice-overs it's rhyming voice-overs). Yet another quirky comedy about loveable crooks. I only gave this a go because I liked Brick
Rated 18 Jul 2013
I enjoyed this film a lot, very entertaining. I liked the cast a lot, pacing is good and there are some funny moments. Overall very enjoyable.
Rated 02 Jun 2013
I loved the concept of the movie, but I think they lost me about halfway through and I had trouble keeping up since then.
Rated 02 Apr 2013
In a film with as many crazy jumps as this there were bound to be a few surprises but there really weren't any major reveals. That's more because of the way it's constructed than any particular predictability, so the con part was fun but not all that special, what pushes this up a notch above your average con film is the very enjoyable style and characters. They're characters I'd like to spend time with even in a standard comedic drama so there's always something to have fun with in the film.
Rated 08 Jan 2013
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Like Anderson, Johnson has a fine eye for color, great taste in music, and a knack for painterly compositions, but the world he creates is airless and ultimately empty.
Rated 04 Nov 2012
Frustrating to watch, constantly waiting for the moment when it was revealed that what you thought was real was actually a con. A bit like at the end of horror movies when the bad guys comes back to life, except lasting for the whole movie.
Rated 11 Oct 2012
I may have to go back and watch this, but I thought it was at least decent. It's well-acted to say the least. I didn't really think it was that funny, and I think everything else form Johnson is better story-wise. I wasn't impressed but it passes the time.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
I was really intrigued by the first 30 mins of the film. Later on it was getting slower and more boring, even amazing characters could not add plot where it was lacked.
Rated 30 Sep 2012
I love Rachel Weisz.
Rated 28 Sep 2012
Its ambitions are as big as the stories these brothers pull all the time -- Ruffalo as the director, Brody as the actor --, but, despite the nice performances delivered by the stellar cast, Johnson can't quite connect the narrative of con moves and fake deaths with the irony that lies within this Wes-Anderson-esque farce.
Rated 13 Aug 2012
A clever con film with wonderful characters we can care about.
Rated 22 Feb 2012
Underrated movie about professional con men! Seriously very cool story with great actors!!! Rachel Weisz plays such a funny role :P . Watch it!!! Amazingly original + like the japanese girl too :D very funny. Makes a great drama comedy!
Rated 17 Dec 2011
This movie is a lot of fun. RInko Kikuchi steals this movie with a mostly silent but funny performance! Brody, Weisz and Ruffalo are also good in this film. I enjoyed the story as well.
Rated 20 Nov 2011
Rian Johnson story of brotherly Con Men is wonderfully staged and directed. Its style is dark and vaudevillian, almost to the point of being a Series of Unfortunate Events-style story. But, as with all his films, the Brothers Bloom is just too contented with itself to actually make for good viewing. A movie that is just too much style, without enough substance. Especially not in the last 45 minutes.
Rated 22 Jan 2011
So, does this take place in the same Universe that Brick does?
Rated 14 Jan 2011
I have the impression that it was supposed to be funny and I didn't get the joke. There are nice moments thanks to the actors. Maybe it was because I was sleepy.
Rated 24 Dec 2010
i think you might have a really big load of grumpy petrified poop up your soul's ass.
Rated 18 Nov 2010
A lot of fun to be had. Not something to write home about nothing to regret at the same time.
Rated 26 Oct 2010
A light entertaining film. I was a fan of the acting and quick witty dialogue. I didn't care for the post-modern vaudeville wardrobe, it led to the story being overly pretentious without delivering a grand performance that it promised. Rachel Weisz was fantastic; reminded me of a few of my friends minus the obscene amount of wealth. Although the plot is pretty predictable by trying to be unpredictable, I went along for the ride and was left satisfied, if nothing to write home about.
Rated 02 Sep 2010
very cool. It isn't very comedy-oriented... certainly gives some laughs though!
Rated 12 Aug 2010
Overall Enjoyment: 35/40, Plot/Pacing/Theme: 15/20, Cinematography/Direction: 20/20, Acting/Writing: 15/20 Overall, this was a good movie. It was funny, had amusing characters, and the camera work was amazing. The way Johnson made every shot not only beautiful but filled with stuff going on in the foreground and background was impressive. The bad part is the movie loses a lot of steam in the last hour which leads to a bit of a let down in the end.
Rated 02 Aug 2010
A clever plot, quirky characters, fantastic directing, and fashionably sensational. A great film to watch on a boring summer day.
Rated 09 Jun 2010
If Wes Anderson made a con film...enjoyable, occasionally laugh out loud spin on the classic formula. The four leads are all great, Weisz especially. Sometimes a bit silly, and loses its way quite a bit in the third act, but good overall. The Melville joke is superb.
Rated 01 Jun 2010
The twisting, turning, dipping plot is a lot of fun, but like any good roller-coaster leaves you a little sick. In both cases that drawback can be accepted as part of the experience.
Rated 31 May 2010
The flashback scene in the beginning is hilarious, and there are may little subtle quirks that make this film pretty fun. Not as good as Johnson's other feature, Brick, but still very solid and worth your time.
Rated 27 May 2010
First Coen Brothers, now Wes Anderson. Rian Johnson is a first-rate ventriloquist; he makes the best knock-offs around. Would make for an interesting companion piece to Big Fish, though: one a film about a man who constructs his life as a story, the other about a man whose life is constrained by another's penchant for ordering life into narratives.
Rated 11 May 2010
A good-old-fashioned crime flick with quirky characters and a multi-layered storyline. I preferred Johnsons previous film, Brick, but Brothers Bloom is still worth a look if you fancy these type of films.
Rated 27 Apr 2010
your constipated, in your fucking soul
Rated 22 Mar 2010
I loved it, but I am still mystified as to why Ruffalo's character chose what he chose. I thought that Bang Bang was magnificent...there were two flourishes I loved that came straight from comicdom. The ending one, which I won't spoil, and the aid of Bang Bang, which I can't spoil.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
will be realized how good it is as time goes by.
Rated 27 Feb 2010
A cute film that didn't really live up to my expectations. Still, though it disappointed me for not giving me the quirky script (or a quirkier script) I had hoped for, the movie still entertains and shouldn't disappoint those who intend to see it.
Rated 17 Jan 2010
Enjoyable confidence film that distracts a bit as it apes a few too many Wes Anderson stylistic conventions. That aside, it's a good follow-up to the fantastic Brick for Rian Johnson.
Rated 11 Jan 2010
has it's charms and is certainly an interesting effort, however it loses it's "bloom" with it's dissapointing final caper sequence......
Rated 07 Jan 2010
Somewhat predictable plot - but expecting a twist or two, I was surprised with the direction they took. Certainly a good movie to watch.
Rated 02 Jan 2010
Didn't care one bit about the characters. A stereotypical Hollywood conmen movie.
Rated 14 Dec 2009
Brothers "took it from the Ocean" Bloom are a laughauble experience which shouldn't be discussed later on.
Rated 03 Dec 2009
Cons are stories. A film is a story. A film about cons and story-telling is a story about stories, or maybe it's a con about story-telling. Regardless, this is an impressive film. Johnson's crafting of narrative and character, on multiple levels, is very skilled. The acting is at least adequate, but the characters are definitely lots of fun. Production design is great, and pushes the film's themes even further. Ask yourself, every scene, whose narrative you're watching, and who's being conned.
Rated 23 Nov 2009
schell was cool and rachel weisz' talents rocked, poor lambo though
Rated 16 Nov 2009
Proves to be a very conventional con-man story hiding behind eccentric characters and editing. Shallow Nouvelle Vague mimicry. Not offensively bad, just not really up my alley.


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