The Boxtrolls
The Boxtrolls
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The Boxtrolls

The Boxtrolls

Comedy, Family/Kids
1h 36m
A young orphaned boy raised by underground cave-dwelling trash collectors tries to save his friends from an evil exterminator. (imdb)

The Boxtrolls

Comedy, Family/Kids
1h 36m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.15% from 719 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 08 Sep 2014
A beautiful animated urban fantasy. Fun, Roald Dahl-esque comedy-come-political allegory. It's aimed at kids, and that shows - largely in the occasional gross-out moments, the film's one major misstep - but this is still a gleefully dark film, one packed with solid jokes, great characters, and utterly captivating animation. Everything - the design, the dialogue, the story - is marvellously intricate, and you can feel the passion of the cast and crew in every moment.
Rated 30 Sep 2014
Laika's weakest film so far. I'm happy to have supported stop-motion in the theater, but the story is slight, and eventually, that causes problems. There's a really problematic subplot that feels kind of off in a film like this as well. Beautiful animation, great cast, but just not quite *there* for me. The characters played by Nick Frost and Richard Ayoade have a great running gag that's just meta enough to work, easily the best part of the film.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
An animated film that is brave enough to be ugly and grotesque and filled with stinky aged cheese. This lovingly crafted underdog tale blends warmhearted and delightfully fun set-pieces with a darker-edged and impassioned thematic cry against intolerance and elitism. In short, everything Frozen wasn't. Long live Laika!
Rated 03 Dec 2017
Sweet natured, painstaking crafted steampunk inflected stop motion. Evoked Burton & Dickens; fans of either will find grotesqueries 2 enjoy. Sheer graft of process = amazing + After much squeaky clean CGI Disney/Pixar, enjoyed V diff aesthetic. CAN feel bit bland & preachy but kids prob enthralled. Impresive Vce cast. Moments of drag, unlanded jokes wearied a bit. Quality & warm hearted but I felt VERY much an adult admiring an impressive kids' film rather than engaging directly with film 4 me
Rated 14 Apr 2016
I was eagerly anticipating this film and it didn't disappoint me. Wonderful stop motion animation, beautifully creative set and character design, and (most importantly) a sweet good-vs-evil story with a moral heart and tension and climaxes in most of the right places. If there's any criticism to make, it's that I didn't really like the voice acting from the two kids. I think this is one animation that will have great rewatchability, as the visuals are just so detailed and full of life and fun.
Rated 29 Jan 2016
Painstakingly detailed animation (see the existential after-credits scene) brings forth a fun steampunk-style setting and simple story saturated with sharp and silly Seuss-like commentary on social equality and fear-driven racism (see Eggs' summation in the tasting room). Brimming too with memorably quirky characters good, bad, and in between (the henchmen are refreshingly thoughtful) and pops of sly wit (see the happenstance rimshot after the Curds Way joke), the film has ne'er a dull moment.
Rated 19 Feb 2015
I kinda loved this. The animation is truly extraordinary. It's a really sweet, funny, entertaining adventure film for kids. The characters are well-designed, distinct, and adorable or disgusting, depending on their purpose. I really like how the world and characters they built revel in the ugly and repulsive. The voice acting is great too, except for perhaps Elle Fanning, who really needs to stop trying to do British accents. I really cannot praise this film enough.
Rated 30 Sep 2014
Slow and unimaginative. Probably good for young kids.
Rated 29 Sep 2014
Ranks alongside Laika's previous efforts but never surpasses them. Boxtrolls is cuddly, adorable, dramatic and builds a great world, but lacks the poignancy or breadth of Paranorman and Coraline.
Rated 06 May 2023
Looks pretty dang cool. Having everybody be obsessed with cheese is funny. The story is nothing worth writing home about.
Rated 01 May 2023
This would be easily my favorite Laika film if it didn't have a major transphobic element in the main plot.
Rated 29 May 2022
Kutu cücelerini suçu ne? Peynir şehrinde yaşayan kutu cüceleri, Archibald'ın şehre başa geçip beyaz şapkayı almak için, kutu cücelerini kötü gösterir. Şehrin kanalizasyonunda yaşayan kutu cücelerinin yanında 1 erkek çocuğu da var. Kutu cüceleri ile Archibald arasında 1 kaçış kovalamaca vardır. Masum canlıları ezme olayını 1 kötü adam üzerinden anlatan film, kültürün ne kadar yobaz yada olumlu olduğunu anlatıyor. Filmin sonunda, çarpışmadan olmaz. Kutu cücelerine özgürlük.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
???????????blue cheese???
Rated 20 Jun 2020
This movie took me a while to get into but once I did I had a blast. I think this is one of the odd films that has very little middle ground. The animation is gorgeous in a very ugly kind of way making me think of what a Aardman/Tim Burton collaboration would look like. The are a lot of themes and layers in this but can be enjoyed on any level because nothing it really heavy handed. My only complaint really is that I would've like to have spent more time with the Boxtrolls themselves.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Some people might get mad at me for this, but it really didn't do much for me.
Rated 27 Jun 2019
I really adore the world this movie creates in all it's dark Dickensian glory. There's a lot to love in this movie, especially the moral journey that Richard Ayoade and Nick Frost take over the course of the film.
Rated 29 Mar 2017
Impressive stop-motion and some good visual gags, but doesn't do enough to hide the fact that the story is banal, the moral heavyhanded and FFS, could we all just agree that a man in ladiesclothing is a completely overused joke and wasn't even that funny to begin with.
Rated 23 Jan 2017
Completely forgettable and hardly entertaining. "The Boxtrolls" is only to be recommended if you have children who have already seen the cornucopia of fantastic kids movies that have come out in the last twenty years. The closest thing this movie has to a secret weapon is decent animation and an underutilized aesthetic--something I doubt that adolescents will fully appreciate.
Rated 28 Oct 2016
A slightly unimaginative story is held together by loads of charm and beautiful design and animation.
Rated 21 Dec 2015
I found this a tad overhyped. The overall aesthetic is unpleasant - grimy and dirty with a lot of gross-out visuals and humor that relied on grotesque imagery being funny. On the other hand, it was very sweet and creative in just enough ways that I was able to overlook those shortcomings. For every gag that did work there was another one that rather annoyingly didn't, but when the jokes hit, they really hit. Good movie, but not one that I was a huge fan of.
Rated 22 Nov 2015
For anyone who has had their fill of pristine, picture-perfect landscapes generated on a Mac sitting in a poorly lighted cubicle somewhere in So-Cal, Boxtrolls offers a vibrant, organic world that will amaze and inspire. If slightly heavy-handed commentary on racism and socioeconomic equality tends to ruffle the pills on your angora sweater, I guess you could always watch Will Vinton's forgotten claymation classic, Atlas Shrugged: The Early Years, starting the California Raisins.
Rated 18 Jul 2015
One of those movies where the atmosphere/environment is the only interesting thing going on and the rest is boring. This is a major disappointment for Laika, because their previous work is pretty incredible. I feel like The Boxtrolls' obsession with the intricacies of the stop-motion process, and its strong emphasis on this facet as its most impressive feature, really devalued its weight as a movie. Sure, there is enough plot there to keep you somewhat invested, but that's about it.
Rated 07 Jul 2015
Snatcher would be a better title. While the protagonists lack charisma and personality the vividly realized, grotesquely animated Archibald Snatcher-a daft, social climbing, cross dressing cockney exterminator with a massive cheese allergy and still more massive inferiority complex-is (no joke) the funniest, saddest and finally most human villain ever to grace a kids cartoon. The entiree movie is really his ironic hero's journey.
Rated 01 Jul 2015
The kind of the kids movie that hipster couples expect their future offspring to love. Great looking stop-motion animation, and slightly dark story with steam-punk elements. Loved the 'three-stooges' bad guys, Tracy Morgan voiced little one made me laugh every time.
Rated 11 Jun 2015
I had fun watching this, I enjoy the boxtroll concept, they seem like harmless compulsion driven animals. I think as a full piece of animation its one of the best in a long time to not come out of Pixar of course. Its a fully realized microworld that could easily spawn spinoffs. The animation itself is just stunning to look at and surprisingly I wasn't annoyed by any character, each one was necessary for pushing the plot forward. if these became the new "minions" id be ok with it.
Rated 31 May 2015
Better than average stop motion with an interesting enough world to pass the time. It won't blow your socks off, but there are worse ways to spend time.
Rated 27 May 2015
This one went totally under my radar last year, but I watched it on Netflix and actually found it quite delightful, from its warm humanistic core to its beautifully grotesque visuals to its love of cheese. Laika has my attention from now on, that's for sure.
Rated 13 May 2015
Better than I expected... sweet story, great animation, fun...
Rated 12 Apr 2015
This disappeared so quickly I thought it would be horrible. Maybe not a great kids movie, but a great animation movie for adult who like animation. Go, underpants!
Rated 11 Mar 2015
Moving day + steampunk + cheese = a surprisingly enjoyable experience.
Rated 07 Mar 2015
Communist Manifesto: Animated
Rated 22 Feb 2015
Original premise. Enjoyed it.
Rated 20 Feb 2015
The animation makes it really stand out. I like parts of the story as well, but it certainly felt way less fun than it could have been.
Rated 11 Feb 2015
It starts to shine in the third act. Gorgeous animation and good characters. Oh, and stay for the end credits.
Rated 10 Feb 2015
The Trolls are all fun but not sure there was enough here for the length. The bit in the credits was fantastic.
Rated 26 Jan 2015
Awesome stopmotion animation and a rather well written script. Positive surprise.
Rated 25 Jan 2015
This movie was nominated for an Oscar. What is life.
Rated 13 Jan 2015
Easily Laika's worst. Still beautiful to look at and has a fantastic cast but it's just sort of dependent on forced premises and everyone being kind of dumb throughout.
Rated 05 Jan 2015
blegh to all of it. such an ugly film in every sense of the word. the aesthetics were so unappealing, the characters ranging from vile to vain and the story completely pedestrian. it's clearly meant for a very young audience, but that doesn't excuse its laziness with its characters and story. the world was left entirely undeveloped, so much so that the characters' actions within it made no sense. the acting was also close to awful, with elle fanning being the worst of the worst. overall gross.
Rated 30 Dec 2014
A wonderful world of ugly Boxtrolls and the bastards that want to kill them prestige and cheese! Unfortunately the human characters, apart from the main bad guy, were a bit on the dull side which takes away some of love of this otherwise imaginative and lovely grotesque film. Still among the highlights in animation of 2014.
Rated 27 Dec 2014
Reminiscent of Coraline with a hint of Despicable Me, just not as engrossing. The Boxtrolls is at times dark, occasionally humorous and filled with warm moments. The stylised animation and the voice acting (bar Elle Fanning) are entertaining. Thematically, the film deals with identity, family and the dark side of ambition; one could say it favours the established aristocracy though that would probably be reading too deeply into it. N.B. The 4th wall break mid-way through the credits.
Rated 24 Dec 2014
Some darker undertones in this animated underdog story kept me interested for the duration. The wee ones enjoyed it immensely...
Rated 22 Dec 2014
falls flat almost from the first second to the last, however incredibly masterful, mindblowing animation... I wish the script was better and it had 1-2 fun moments...
Rated 10 Dec 2014
Cute and terrific.
Rated 07 Dec 2014
Trolls.In boxes.
Rated 25 Nov 2014
More stop motion goodness from Laika, but it doesn't hit as hard as "Coraline" or "Paranorman". It has an attractive aesthetic (Victorian era grime, ugly villains, daring to be dark, etc.), and the animation is of course lovely. It just isn't very memorable. The moral is obvious, there's nothing special about the humour, and the trolls themselves aren't very interesting. There's nothing terribly wrong with this but it's not something I'll remember very vividly.
Rated 21 Oct 2014
Collected all cliches in one box erm movie.
Rated 20 Oct 2014
Grotesque and delightful.
Rated 12 Oct 2014
Family movies like this makes recent Pixar titles look like dinosaurs. Rabelais did not live in vain!
Rated 11 Oct 2014
Unlike ParaNorman - which I think is Laika's strongest effort so far - the jokes fall flat more often, the story isn't as engrossing, and the world (town) doesn't feel as immersive. It has some strongly suggestive liberal themes, which I applaud, but seem to overshadow the entertainment of it all.
Rated 05 Oct 2014
No complaints about the animation, which is incredible as always. Nor can I complain about the originality (and non-derivativeness) of the plot. That said, this really was a weak film, not just for Laika's standards, but for animation in general. There's too much gross-out humour, it's very dull in parts, and there seemed to be a lot of weirdness for the sake of being weird.
Rated 01 Oct 2014
so neat
Rated 29 Sep 2014
Masterfully crafted like both of Laika's previous feature films, but the story didn't grab me. Relies too heavily on sight gags. Still fun, with creative set-pieces and a pleasure to look at.
Rated 28 Sep 2014
But The Boxtrolls is much more than that. Courage and bravery and strong community connections all take a big bow here. And Fish, for one, couldn't be a better father in the midst of a movie that delivers an inspiring, tenderhearted picture of what fatherhood should in fact look like. Namely, that a father's job is to love, protect, nourish and nurture the children entrusted to him. (
Rated 28 Sep 2014
Incomprehensible from the first minutes. Two charmless, off-putting, shrill, mono-chromed hours of weird-looking little booger creatures nattering about cheese. Gawd.


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