The Big Sleep
The Big Sleep
The Big Sleep
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The Big Sleep

1h 54m
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Avg Percentile 70.62% from 2720 total ratings

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Rated 07 Feb 2007
Really confusing, but it results in a fun, labyrinthian adventure. Lots of deaths and mystery. The fun thing is, that as complex as the plot is, when you try and piece it back together, if you think long and hard enough, you can actually make some sort of sense out of it. Not that you need to, of course. Generally, you can't go wrong with Bogart and noir.
Rated 27 Feb 2015
I wondered if the plot really was hard to follow or it was just more proof that my mind is rapidly deteriori-.. detreri-.. becoming more unsmart. Not that many scenes really stand out, but as a whole it's a fun ride with fantastic lines and a cool Bogart. Good enough for me! It works as a dialogue-driven noir, and since every female character for some inexplicable reason gets a huge ladybone when they see Bogart, it also works as wish-fulfillment for dorky movieguys. Jeej!
Rated 21 Dec 2009
Who cares if it doesn't make sense? The noir details--Geiger's decadent lair, Eddie Mars' posh night club, the rain dripping from Marlowe's fedora--are superb, and Bogart and Bacall are made for each other. But that's not all. Since this is a Hawks film, there is much here about professionalism: how Bogart does his job, how he assesses the conduct of other men--his admiration for Jonesey, for example--tells us much about what it means to act like a man in a complicated and confusing world.
Rated 17 Dec 2006
It is, indeed, far too complicated. It still manages to be pretty entertaining, though. And besides, who needs a plot when you've got Humphrey Bogart?
Rated 12 Jun 2017
In the gun-toting, booze sipping, ever-commuting and dangerously sexually repressed noir city of Backlot L.A. one privat dick will dick around harder than any dick has ever dicked around before.
Rated 11 Mar 2013
More a showcase for snappy dialogue than a traditional narrative, but with dialogue this good it's hard not to forget about such petty things as plot. And really, watching Bogart outsmart everyone else while romancing beautiful women is enough for me.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Bogart is always fun to watch, so it's entertaining -- but confusing as all get-out. Too many characters, too many secrets, too convoluted.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
The moment clearly implying Bogart has sex with the woman working in the bookshop - a woman he meets, implicitly has sex with, and then never encounters or refers to again - seems pretty unsubtle for the time. When did Hays Office start and end?
Rated 04 Oct 2007
Lauren Bacall is THE femme fatale, but Bogart is doing a lesser immitation of his Maltese Falcon performance and it's too convoluted (which worked in the book but not as much with less time to brood on it) - nonetheless, it is a key film in the development of noir. The book is better, because in that version Carmen is stark-ass naked when Marlowe finds her. Awesome!
Rated 09 May 2008
The story is fractured and doesn't end up really working, but with Bogart and Bacall on the screen, who's going to notice?
Rated 15 Feb 2021
Hearing everyone rave about Bogart and Bacall and then actually seeing them on screen, hearing them tell each other "I think I love you" with the emotiveness of an early-2000's robot, feels like being the only one who's left out on some kind of cosmic joke. Guys, their performance is not good. Their romance is not believable even for a second. Have you all been pretending this whole time? You cannot truly think that these performances deserve praise, still, 75 years later?
Rated 24 Jan 2015
Bogart IS Marlowe. And the dialogue is this freaking cool: "I don't mind if you don't like my manners, I don't like them myself. They are pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Rated 31 Jan 2012
Bogart is some kind of cool for a dude with a big head.
Rated 10 Jan 2021
This plot is not even half as complicated as Out of the Past. Here the labyrinthine nature only hampers the ending. The final slew of names and their respective deeds is incomprehensible and doesn't land, but I still knew enough to enjoy the ride throughout. During Out of the Past I was lost almost the entire time
Rated 12 Aug 2018
It seems that most reviewers are willing to forgive the confusing labyrinthine plot in favour of atmosphere, dialogue and the chemistry between the leads, but I don't agree: There are noirs with far more intoxicating atmospheres, noirs with far more stylistic dialogue and noirs with better chemistry. Heck, this isn't even the best Bogart-Bacall film. At the end of the day, I didn't know what was going on, and didn't experience anything that had alreayd been done better in the genre.
Rated 12 Oct 2013
So good that you won't even care how utterly confusing the plot is. Everything else (especially the dialogue) is too wonderful for it to matter. I know people from 3 different generations who rate this their favorite film.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
Rated 27 Mar 2007
I'm not sure what's better, the labyrinthine plot, or watching the real-life love and passion in the eyes of Bacall and Bogart.
Rated 23 Jun 2020
As with many, I don't really know what is happening in this film - legend has it that Chandler was consulted about the screenplay and he had no idea either about what was going on in his book - but that just makes the Bogart and Bacall dynamic all the more magical. This is the peak of what became known as film noir. It has everything and more.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Fun, if confusing, noir with another great Bogart performance. It has nice atmosphere and acting, but it's not really one of my favorite noirs.
Rated 26 Aug 2017
Considering the fact that there were no successful noir pictures in 1940s, The Big Sleep is an interesting work yet it's confusing and hard to follow the added characters and especially byplays..
Rated 17 May 2008
Cool, speedy and at times tiresome. Hawks' least interesting.
Rated 01 Sep 2015
If someone told me to describe the plot of this movie to them or else they would kill my family, I'd have to wish my loved ones goodbye. Despite the confusing plot, it's still good thanks to the performances of Bogart and Bacall.
Rated 03 Nov 2008
Even the great performances can't fix the last 30 minutes' convoluted pistol-pointing scenes.
Rated 22 Jan 2009
An apt title, as it's nothing more than two hours of yawn-inducing dialog. I hate to disrespect Howard Hawks, but show us something! Stop telling! Bogey is a pleasure to watch, but the story was sloppy and boring. Double Indemnity has a better story, The Big Combo has a better aesthetic, and you can find Bogey in much better films. Incredibly overrated.
Rated 04 Mar 2009
The Bogart-Bacall team's playful, pattycake exchanges are quite dated now, although at times still quite salacious, and the adaptation of the labyrinthine Chandler mystery novel is not as baffling as it is reputed to be. However, there is also a grand confidence in the allure of film noir atmospheric detail and narrative conventions -- night-time fogs, neon lights, trench coats, clandestine comings and goings and doings -- for which Hawks has a nonchalant knack.
Rated 02 May 2009
Certainly a great, well written, hilarious movie. Anyone with any interest at all in noir should enjoy it. It simply never reaches the heights of Double Indemnity or the depth of Laura.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Convoluted plot togethee with dialogues fast like they were spewed out of a machine gun and a loveless romance between main characters - is that one of the noir classics?
Rated 02 Nov 2009
Great dialogue and central performances keep this movie from feeling dated. It's a little confusing but I feel it resolved satisfactorily and it kept me engaged for the entirety of its 110 minute running time.
Rated 19 Feb 2010
You are gonna need a scorecard to keep up with all the people and everything going on in this movie. Really complicated but I didn't mind cause it is awesome. A lot of great lines to be found here and Bogart is always nice to watch. Love the ending.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
A classic film noir. Humphrey Bogart steals the show because he is probably the coolest man to ever walk the face of the earth. Every guy wants to be Bogart. Hawks is a master of the camera and the plot is so notoriously confusing, even Raymond Chandler couldn't understand it. The Big Sleep is a picture that is not to be missed.
Rated 25 Sep 2021
Well acted, gorgeously shot, and massively entertaining, but with a narrative that basically boils down to Marlowe walking into different rooms and explaining what's happening because the plot is a big convoluted jumble that the audience can't possibly hope to unravel on their own the way it's presented. Though the plot is undoubtedly messy, it's surprising how little that matters in the grand scheme of The Big Sleep; it's all about the crackling dialogue.
Rated 23 Jun 2017
Suffers from having too many characters and not doing the best job of explaining the plot. In the end, though, it wraps up nicer than I thought it would. The chemistry between Bogart and Bacall drips off the screen. There are some great bits of dialogue. As far as the Marlowe films I've seen, I preferred The Long Goodbye. Maybe a bit above average for noir. I've certainly seen better.
Rated 15 Aug 2010
It retains the theme of professionalism from Chandler's original novel, at least until the very end. Only then does Hawks blink and offer us a Hollywood ending, rather than the more complex ending in the novel (an ending which stays truer to Marlowe's character, btw). However, the film is great fun as a whole, with twists and turns and atmosphere that rival any of the old noirs of the 40s and 50s. Definitely an enjoyable ride.
Rated 10 Jan 2011
Loses points for being unnecessarily complicated, but it's still fantastic and funny with hilarious jokes, crackling dialogue and superb photography and direction. And Lauren Bacall is a babe.
Rated 23 Aug 2011
There are far better examples of film noir out there, but I'm not sure many of them match the pitch-perfect dialogue of The Big Sleep. It's so good, and it's delivered so well by the actors, that you're able to forget how convoluted the plotting is. The story is just a barrage of names and places... it barely makes sense, but I was enjoying it too much to care.
Rated 26 Aug 2011
"The Big Sleep" can live up to its title. In fact, you may be so busy trying to keep up with the ridiculously convoluted plot that you could actually miss the splendid performances of Bogart and Co., Hawks' suave, atmospheric direction and some pointed dialogue. If only it made any sense.
Rated 14 Oct 2011
Bogie, Noir, a complex and confusing as hell plot with lots of twists and turns. So basically: awesome.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
This is the classic hard-boiled detective go-to movie. forget "The Maltese Falcon", the stark difference between the two is unmistakable, no right minded person would call that the superior. Bogey is tip top here and I haven't really found any movie where I could complain about Bacall. Thank you, Ramond Chandler, thank you Howard Hawks, you've given us a keeper.
Rated 04 Dec 2011
Machine gun dialogues, Bogart, style, plot twist frenzy = film noir on steroids and speed.
Rated 19 Jan 2012
It was much more complex and convoluted than any other of its type that I've seen. There were so many characters' names to remember as well as their relationships to each other and what each one wanted - I honestly couldn't keep up. I'm not sure if this makes it brilliant or terrible. Nor which one it makes me. Forgetting the storyline, it was still a really great film. It was shot well and Humphrey Bogart was his usual super-cool private detective.
Rated 27 Feb 2012
Wow, that is a confusing plot! Do not remember noir being so difficult to follow. But it has a mesmerizing effect upon you, as you cannot stop watching it.
Rated 21 May 2017
I've never been crazy about Hawks. He is constantly praised for his invisible style, his precise direction and his versatility. Yet not one of his films has made a distict impression on this viewer, and he increasingly strikes me as a solid, if unremarkable, craftsman that was a jack of all trades, master of none. T.B.S doesn't change that impression. It is a competently directed noir featuring an overly complex plot and the much hyped chemistry of Bogart/Bacall, which I can take or leave.
Rated 21 Mar 2018
Like everybody else, I found this great in all respects, except for the wildly intricate plot. But that does detract from things quite a bit. Nonetheless, damn Bogey is great. Actually overtakes Treasure of the Sierra Madre as my favorite Bogey performance.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
Hawks must be as dirty as me, even a 5 second part is done by a beautiful woman.
Rated 19 Nov 2012
Witty dialogue and superb acting to a plot that's a bit too convoluted for it's own good.
Rated 08 Apr 2013
It's filled with everything that the great noirs need to have: a wicked lead character, a fatal blonde, an incomprehensible scheme of affairs, lies and deceits, but eventually the detective finds a way to solve the mystery, stay alive and get the girl. Here, the Hawksian sense of collectivity informs his most absorbing plot.
Rated 22 May 2013
Not quite as amazing as The Maltese Falcon, but Bogart is pretty ballin.
Rated 30 Jun 2013
Very entertaining and engaging. The leading duo of Bogart and Bacall showcases perfect chemistry of the two actors. It's also a great display of how a story had to be toned down due to the Hollywood moral code of the time.
Rated 15 Jan 2014
okay, it's fine and entertaining, but these noirs continue to baffle me in their reputation.
Rated 16 Jan 2014
Like most detective stories, it loses some of its spark in the third act (these things always work better in the books). They have so much fun with the setup and then they go, oh, uh, here's the end I guess. Not really a complaint, just an observation. The plot seems over-complicated and confusing for such a simple story, but that probably just improves its re-watchability. Every single female character is smoking hot and whip-smart. These are some disorganised random thoughts on The Big Sleep.
Rated 19 Feb 2007
Roteiro absurdamente perfeito com todo "wit" possível somado à sempre ágil e inteligentíssima direção do Hawks.
Rated 25 Feb 2007
I love it. Bogart is fantastic.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
The plot is convoluted but it's not a huge drawback since the movie is so dialogue driven. Bogart is great, as usual, Bacall is ok.
Rated 07 Jul 2007
Just don't try to figure out the plot.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
If you plot out the story once all the twists are revealed, it kinda doesn't make much sense...but Bogey and Bacall light up the screen with their sizzling chemistry.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A precise, uncompromising adaptation of Raymond Chadler's book by William Faulkner, Hawks' The Big Sleep perfects the Bogie/Bacall relationship that people thought could never be topped after To Have and Have Not. My quintessential Bogie film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Fucking awesome movie.
Rated 25 Feb 2016
Star Rating: ★★★★1/2
Rated 22 Oct 2007
The perfect pairing of Bogie and Bacall
Rated 01 Mar 2008
# 258
Rated 03 Mar 2008
Pretty complicated for me, but the actors are good.
Rated 24 Apr 2008
There are so many scenes in this film that resonate with me. Howard Hawks has wonderfully adapted this complex Raymond Chandler mystery novel. It first grabs you when Martha Vickers says, "You're not very tall," then tries to sit in Bogart's lap and he brushes her off with the sarcastic line, "You should wean her, she's old enough." Bacall tries repeatedly to steer the investigation but but Bogart, as always, does things his own way. I really love this Bogart film.
Rated 19 Dec 2008
Rated 24 Dec 2008
Entertaining though it does require repeated viewings.
Rated 24 Dec 2008
This is one of the all time great films, and I don't understand why people find it so confusing. Bogart is brilliant and he and Bacall sizzle, with great dialogue that's hot even today. (Be warned of the remake in the seventies... bad)
Rated 08 Jul 2024
Although I did not understand much of the movie, it was interesting to watch
Rated 10 Apr 2020
I was following right along until the photos were returned to Martha Vickers. Then I was hopelessly lost plot-wise, cursing inevitable betrayal after betrayal. Like Citizen Kane, I suspect the attraction of the film was outside the frame, in this case the Bogie-Bacall romance. Bacall's in 3rd place here after Vickers (who captivates from the first scene) and bookseller Dorothy Malone. Fav scene: prank call to the police.
Rated 02 Apr 2009
Bogie and Bacall, perfect together.....
Rated 08 May 2009
It was alright. Stylish visuals and charming performances plus a lot of clever and witty lines make up for what I thought was quite a complex story. It took a bit of an effort to follow everything that was going on.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
The story is so twisted, in a good way. Even confused the heck out of the writers.
Rated 26 Jun 2015
Very complicated but engaging film noir.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
I need to see this one again..
Rated 16 Feb 2010
The more I watch it, the more I love it. I think if there were any film I could live in, it would be The Big Sleep.
Rated 24 Feb 2019
Rated 17 Apr 2015
34. İstanbul Film Festivali - İstanbul Modern.
Rated 30 Jul 2010
Bit too much traffic in an otherwise fantastic film.
Rated 22 Aug 2010
Even by today's standards the film is far too complicated, but the look and feel of it is pitch perfect. How cool is Humphrey Bogart?
Rated 26 Sep 2010
Is he as cute as you are? No one is! This movie is oozing with so much manliness I can't help but get absorbed in Mr. Bogart's manly charms, being the smoooooooth pimp daddy that he is. If you have never seen a film like this before, he could feel a little overwhelming at times, maybe even laughable. Don't let that stop you, though. Beneath its thick exterior is a solid and enjoyable mystery that is really well assembled. B
Rated 23 Jun 2021
Rated 04 Jan 2019
Some sweet and sexy moments between Bogie and the ladies ("she tried to sit on my lap while I was standing up"), and nice texture, but all this plot and talk wears me out. Picks up at the end with some gunplay and luscious Lauren Bacall looks.
Rated 02 Feb 2011
Great film which only bad side is its stumble upon its own to many plot twist. One or two could have been cut out without any fuzz...
Rated 01 Mar 2011
Bogey and Bacall are cool as shit, and the movie LOOKS freaking intense, but the Hays Code really took the wind out of its sails. The movie tries to get as ugly as the plot demands, but it never quite succeeds, and the safety net is always visible. Still watch it anytime it's on. I mean, Bogey and Bacall doing Raymond Chandler as adapted by William Faulkner and directed by Howard Hawks? Damn you, count me in.
Rated 26 Jun 2011
To be honest, Humphrey Bogart starred in a much more interesting noir called Dead Reckoning (1947), and this film suffers from being far too convoluted to work. In its favour however are Bogat and Lauren Bacal, two perfect examples of actors with the ability to make any dialogue work and add their own charismas to the film. It is also a hell of a lot more successful than Michael Winner's hamfisted adaptation of the book in the 70s.
Rated 06 Apr 2021
I wanted to love this, but I think it was too much for my feeble mind to grasp. And I often find it hard to see past my confusion. I did, however, thoroughly enjoy the film's (surprisingly unsubtle) suggestiveness. That was fun.
Rated 10 Dec 2018
I was just setting myself to expand my noir watched movies and I came across this gem, it has all the classic elements of the genre and is very entertaining to watch. It is a delight to watch Bogie as a private eye going with the flow of a cluster of different circumstances to try to solve a mystery which doesn't really matter much and flirting with every woman along the way. There is just something very appealing in the noir genre.
Rated 27 Aug 2011
The notoriously incomprehensible "The Big Sleep" features a massive amount of names of people rarely seen on screen and an overblown plot Raymond Chandler himself could not fully explain. And although one could condemn it for that, it is a worthwhile experience due to some marvellous dialogue, wonderful acting and a story-line interesting enough to help you overcome the bafflement.
Rated 30 Oct 2011
I realized about two-thirds of the way through that I didn't really know what the hell was going on, but that didn't really bother me much. The great dialogue more than makes up for the poor overall story. Bogart shines as usual, but everyone else contributes as well.
Rated 04 Dec 2018
There's enough sleuthing and maneuvering here for an entire season of television, let alone a film under 2 hours. Nevertheless, no denying that it's a decently airtight mystery coated in a slick Hollywood noir style.
Rated 29 Jan 2012
Often times I'm turned off by convoluted plots, but here I felt half the fun of the movie was the challenge of keeping up with the story through the quick-churning dialog. And what fantastic dialog it is. I know nobody actually talks this way in real life, but damned if it isn't incredibly fun. Bogart was born to deliver lines like this and here he does it as well as ever. His is not an especially complex character, but he fits the noir style of this film to a T.
Rated 13 Feb 2012
I --- but .... didn't she? .... but ... was he the one who .... waaaa...
Rated 27 May 2012
Bogart is as cool as usual, but the plot is totally incomprehensible.
Rated 12 Jun 2012
I had no fucking idea what was going on in this film, but afterwards I read my way to the fact that this is apparently common. I ran into the argument that it's not about the plot, but Bogart's character. I don't disagree, but my first-time viewing was a rather poor one. I look forward to revisiting it at some point, but for now, I can't say I got too much out of it.
Rated 27 Sep 2020
I read the book not long ago. The plot is quite complex, with new characters popping up like mushrooms after the rain, even beyond the midpoint. But as a book, you can follow. All that packed in a movie is hard to grasp.
Rated 01 Mar 2018
Marlowe: "I don't mind if you don't like my manners, I don't like them myself. They are pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Rated 01 Jan 2013
Confusing and convoluted but everything gets explained in the end so I get it now...I think.
Rated 11 Mar 2013
Phillip Marlow (Humphrey Bogart) investigates a blackmail attempt on a prominent family and discovers murder and those responsible. Lauren Bacall, lovely at that age, has a beguiling low sultry voice. Bogart is smart, but luck plays a big part, in this detective mystery. The love story was not convincing.
Rated 12 Jul 2014
bogart çok güzel adam, orası kesin.
Rated 27 Aug 2014
Excellent noir, loaded with sexual inuendo and deadpan humour, delivered at its best by Bogart. Couldn't understand what was going on most of the time (even after wikipedia I was still confused) but it was fun all the way through, so that's forgiven.
Rated 18 Oct 2014
The thing about noirs - and The Big Sleep in particular - is they're all talk and no show. Snappy dialogue, clever until your head turns blue, but without any real pulse or sense of reality, let alone any kind of pull that might make you care. It's all tension with little to no release; shadowy mysteries, lots of suspicion and backroom talk, bluffing, circles and dead ends, and while this can be captivating, it seems too procedural and affected and censored for me to really find joy in it.


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