The Big Sick
The Big Sick
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The Big Sick

The Big Sick

Romance, Comedy
2h 0m
A couple deals with their cultural differences as their relationship grows. (imdb)

The Big Sick

Romance, Comedy
2h 0m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 59.68% from 1968 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 04 Dec 2017
I found a lot to love about this movie on a personal level. I totally get the relationship between Kumail and his parents. I totally get what's going on between him and his true love, and I totally get everything going on with her parents, and the relationship they share with Kumail and their daughter as well. The acting is great all around and the story delivers good insights on sickness, culture, family, and of course, love in general. I even found myself laughing quite a bit.
Rated 11 Sep 2017
I really liked the fresh quirky humor of these characters. Enjoyable to watch. A plot with lots of subtext and nuance. The writing was smart and the direction was decent. Anupam Kher and Zoe Kazan made a believable couple, as did Ray Romano & Holly Hunter. They handled difficult subjects with finesse. Frequently hilarious and thoroughly entertaining.
Rated 07 Sep 2017
Strongest parts are when Kumail and Emily interact with one another, but watching him bond with her parents was nice too. Great chemistry between the leads, Kumail by himself is decent but hardly noteworthy. Kazan was lovely. As a comedy I don't think it necessarily succeeds though there are some giggles, but as a romance/drama flick it does. It's sad and heart-warming, authentic for obvious reasons. A little too long, slight pacing issues. I don't love it, but I enjoy it a fair bit.
Rated 01 Oct 2020
The two main stars were good, but Romano and Hunter were great as Emily's parents. The writing is at times hilarious, but also works great in its serious moments.
Rated 02 Mar 2018
What a beautiful film, far surpassed my decently high expectations. I was on board from the scene where Kumail tested her taste with The Abominable Dr. Phibes, and teary eyed at the goodbye from his parents
Rated 26 Feb 2018
Why is everyone gushing over this like they've just discovered cinema? Billed as a romantic-comedy, only, the comedy is painfully unfunny and the romance feels incredibly forced, especially once you realise Kumail's real life story has been tweaked and embellished for dramatic effect. Also, I don't have kids, but I can't imagine ever attending a stand up comedy act the night before my unconscious child goes into surgery. "Yo, barkeep, I'll have the chili wings and a beer, and easy on the chili"
Rated 15 Feb 2018
As someone currently in a long-term inter-racial relationship, I can confirm it is 100x more complex and difficult than this film makes it out to be, but at the same time, this is still one of the best films I've seen to deal with intersectional oppression in a relationship, Kumail's sexism towards her, Emily's racism and colonialism towards him, and I'll be damned is this isn't one of the funniest, most honest and emotionally mature rom-coms I've ever seen, even if it is tad formulaic.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
Despite a couple of directorial genre clichés now and then (e.g. typical time-goes-by montage right before the resolution) here's a rom-com that doesn't try to engage you via presenting an overly dramatic, polished story, instead remaining sweet, heart-warming, moving, funny, down-to-earth and caringly made throughout, right up to the great finale - which you're still anxious about even if you know the real-life story. Kazan and Nanjiani himself shine next to the tremendous Hunter and Romano.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Definitely up there as one of my favorite rom-coms of all time. It's honestly special in that it really had me smiling throughout its entirety. The cast is fantastic. Nanjiani is a fun character to follow, while Hunter and Romano kill it as the parents. A super fun time, which also delivers the kicks it needs to elevate it to a special place.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
Gotta love Zoe Kazan.
Rated 16 Sep 2017
I'll see pretty much anything that either Kumail or Showalter are involved in, and this did not disappoint. It is just perfectly executed. Funny when it wanted to be, sad when it wanted to be, and sweet when it wanted to be.
Rated 15 Sep 2017
It was a beautiful movie, that felt real with a lot of heart put into it. On another note, I know that Ray Romano hasn't been in tons of stuff recently, but he's a comedy giant, so I just want to put this out here - if anyone is reading this and do not know who "the father of Emily is", please get yourself familiar with Ray Romano.
Rated 12 Sep 2017
It's better than most romantic comedies. But it's still a romantic comedy.
Rated 29 Jul 2017
Kumail has been honing his acting abilities over the years, and effortlessly steps into the leading man role. He has great chemistry with Kazan, maybe even better chemistry with Hunter & Romano, and the whole thing is sweet, funny, charming, and a buncha other adjectives that amount to me saying "I love this film". Oddly, this is the film that made me realize how much I love Holly Hunter. Now I want to watch her whole filmography.
Rated 29 Jun 2017
The Big Sick is a sweet, genuine, hilarious, thematically rich, wonderfully acted, and emotionally engaging romantic comedy. It might be the best one since at least the turn of the century, and it might even be my favorite one ever--recency bias duly noted. It's made all the cooler because it's based on real life--and the real-world participants wrote (and one of them starred in) it. That authenticity is a lot of the reason why it works, too. What a great movie.
Rated 28 Jun 2017
Kumail can really fucking act. It's a finely written comedy-drama that balances the two with finesse. It's like if 'Funny People' cut off all the fat that was weighing it down. Seriously happy with how this turned out.
Rated 26 Apr 2020
Nanjiani inserts his jokes at the ready, but not like a typical comedy. Humor is his coping mechanism and the jokes spill out of him when he can't find "normal" words to express himself. He's awkward and hilarious, and this inappropriate sputtering of jokes lets the humor flow without tearing out the emotional heart of the drama. The Big Sick took me by surprise...funny, touching, exciting, moving, and very honest.
Rated 01 Mar 2018
As a rom-com with a twist, it's okay. But it's Hunter and Romano who are the MVPs.
Rated 01 Jan 2018
Ray Romano can be funny! Who knew! ;) Both he and Hunter lead a very strong support ensemble performance and Nanjiani is consistently charming funny and believable (as he should be playing himself) in a really effective Rom Com. The 'sick' did tend to drag on too long for me, but that may be just how it happened, even if it derails the momentum of the movie.
Rated 01 Jan 2018
Obviously, a personal connection to the film for Nanjiani and it works well. It occasionally slows down a bit but is often rescued by great performances from Hunter and Romano.
Rated 30 Dec 2017
A fantastic entry in the Birbiglia genre.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
The guy from Silicon Valley playing the guy who plays the guy from Silicon Valley, who happens to be, in real life, exactly like the guy from Silicon Valley. A quaint, adorable story about how everyone is racist in their own quaint, adorable ways...except this one stars the guy from Silicon Valley. In the words of a reviewer greater than I, it "passes the time."
Rated 05 Dec 2017
I watched this movie on a flight and the people in front of me were watching Ice Age. Ray Romano is everywhere in 2017
Rated 27 Oct 2017
Feeling more "real" & less contrived than others in the genre makes this the best rom-com in some time. At the same time it's overrated (possibly bc critics tend to overpraise any diversity) wasting time on a sub-plot involving Romano & Hunter that seems to only exist to flesh out supporting characters we only care about in relation to the main character & a conclusion that's 30 minutes too long just to underline the fact that the female lead also doesn't exist solely in relation to the lead.
Rated 05 Oct 2017
This may be a small film but it has a lot of heart, humour and honesty that a lot of bigger films lack. The performances are all terrific, especially from the likes of Ray Romano, and they manage to deliver the right balance of comedy and emotion in each scene. Sure, the film does drag in parts but that happens in almost every film. Most of the jokes hit the mark and they do come thick and fast, you'll just have a great time.
Rated 27 Sep 2017
All the good jokes were lost because we're supposed to find insane controlling women amusing and charming. I suspect a lot of the pakistani jokes are people just pretending to laugh along as to seem him.
Rated 24 Sep 2017
It's a fresh,hilarious and sweet comedy that we rarely see today.It does a great job avoiding rom-com movie cliches having a lot of great refreshing twists to scenarios that you thought were going to escalate to generic romantic movie moments.It doesn't always succeed but it's a hell of an effort.
Rated 14 Sep 2017
Charming, thoughtful, endearing, sweet, open and honest...all the things Kumail Nanjiani isn't in real life! Maybe it's just me, but every interview I've seen him in, he comes off as a holier than though, condescending asshole. It's interesting how you can change your entire personality when it's written down for you. Still a great movie though.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
A tad tonally inconsistent and its story which, while thematically rich and thoroughly interesting, was also told rather erratically at times. I enjoyed it overall though I suppose, but I feel this might have been more effective as a series, à la Master Of None.
Rated 09 Aug 2017
A better version of Amira & Sam right down to the standup comedy. Miraculously uses lack of insight insightfully. The other stand ups quips were occasionally unfunny which actually made it seem more authentic. Other times it was hilarious. As someone whose zingers work at what we'll graciously refer to as slightly more miss than hit, I liked everybody in it and most of what they were doing. Apatow seems dead set on relaying the image that a life of comedy isn't all laughs. Or is that Sandler?
Rated 08 Aug 2017
I found a friend.
Rated 19 Jul 2017
I can only imagine what a head trip it must be to literally be standing on set of the movie of your own life, written by yourself and your wife, about how you came to be together. Everyone in this movie is wonderful; Holly Hunter and Ray Romano are endearing and multi-layered, Zoe Kazan is tremendously magnetic, and even Kumail - admittedly not an actor - did very well. I was so invested in this, and I ran the emotional gamut. Great dramedy is about balance and subtlety; this has both in spades.
Rated 18 Jul 2017
Good, but only if you're expecting less "laugh riot" and more "giggle throughout" humour. A lot more drama than comedy really.
Rated 12 Jul 2017
Normally I stay arms reach from Rom Com's, but this is a refreshing departure from the genre that is (at the risk of being obvious for a movie based on the actual relationship of the lead actor) more honest than any romance story in the past few years.
Rated 06 Jul 2017
This one absolutely trucked me. A romantic comedy with a story that is seriously worth telling. Its hard to nitpick something with this much heart put in. Go see it.
Rated 28 Feb 2021
This film has a great script, it is very realistic and believable, unsurprisingly it is based on real events. The actors all do an outstanding job with their roles. Overall I would highly recommend this film.
Rated 04 Mar 2019
I really loved this movie. It's funny, cute and heartwarming. Some of Kumails behavior seemed out of place sometimes, but I think that lightened up the movie a bit. I'd like more movies like this, please.
Rated 25 May 2018
Second time around and it still leaves a silly, romantic impression on me that I quite enjoy. Such a wonderful story that's refreshing and reassures the hopeless romantic scene.
Rated 05 May 2018
much better than expected
Rated 18 Apr 2018
That was a very lovely comedy drama. Didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did.
Rated 06 Mar 2018
A very good film, you should see it if you're just checking ratings to decide.
Rated 05 Mar 2018
Warm and endearing dramedy harks back to the best of James L. Brooks, anchoring recognisably quirky character types in a slice-of-life (with tragedy looming in the wings); Nanjiani makes for a great leading man, but film is stolen by Hunter and Romano; while Hunter's performance is the most incendiary, it is Romano's handling of the more sensitive beats which work best (and are the most surprising).
Rated 14 Feb 2018
Generic but also gentle and funny. Ray Romano is a riot.
Rated 30 Jan 2018
Authentic and touching. Had a big stupid grin on my face during all of Kumail and Emilie's exchanges. Had the complications equal the laughs, bit of a surprise. Zoe Kazan deserves a lot more credit, she was wonderful.
Rated 19 Jan 2018
Nice, solid story. Zoe Kazan was a fresh new face. Holly Hunter brought some edge for the plot.
Rated 15 Jan 2018
Fulfills that cathartic need of needs - making me laugh while I still have tears on my face from crying. It's sweet, tender, funny, and so very human.
Rated 04 Jan 2018
It thankfully doesn't elevate any characters above fault as both Gordon and Nanjiani do well to write themselves with emotional honesty at least (don't know what they may or may not have dramatized for the movie and I don't care). Also an interesting view of an interracial relationship that we don't see much about in regards to arranged marriages. A bit inconsistent tonally and the moments of stand-up/backstage talk feels more unnatural than the rest of the film. Very watchable overall.
Rated 19 Dec 2017
Normal Indie ameliorated by Holly Hunter.
Rated 12 Dec 2017
This was really nice. I like Kumail Nanjiani a lot, and it's cool to see something clearly so personal on screen like this. He was really good, as were Zoe Kazan, Holly Hunter and Ray Romano. It was funny, smart, and emotional without being saccharine. I don't know what else to say about it, except that I enjoyed it, and it felt nice and relatable.
Rated 11 Nov 2017
Cute film, I especially liked the parents.
Rated 10 Nov 2017
Quite good and witty
Rated 10 Nov 2017
THE BIG SICK is a winning romantic comedy that perfectly distills the deferential charm of its star, Kumail Nanjiani, in a low-key comedy of manners. With free reign to be his sincere, sarcastic self, he and his co-stars confront the double-edged sword of social decorum that more often acts as a complication than a catalyst for romance. It carries the typical padding of an Apatow-related project, but this also provides a more nuanced view of the Nanjiani character's traditional Pakistani family.
Rated 22 Oct 2017
Charming and warm, The Big Sick is one of few actually decent romantic comedies out there
Rated 20 Oct 2017
So poignantly awkward and cute.
Rated 20 Oct 2017
A funny, surprising, and touching look at a real-life romance.
Rated 14 Oct 2017
Extremely funny and touching. Handles the changes of tone with ease. Superb.
Rated 08 Oct 2017
An amazing funny love story. U can watch it at least 2 or 3 time .
Rated 03 Oct 2017
A great film that shows a very raw, and unnatural progression of a relationship, in just the very same way as it is in real life. Kumail Nanjiani of course stands out, but in the very same way does Holly Hunter and Ray Romano.
Rated 30 Sep 2017
Kumail Nanjiani brings his autobiographical tale to the big screen with a heavy injection of awkward humour which feels more like a genuine extension of his personality than a forced attempt to sitcomify scenes. There's enough tragedy imbued in many scenes to offset this humour nicely. The characters are well-rounded and sympathetic, and the result feels both authentic and touching. The worst parts for me were the comedy club performers - were those comedians deliberately that bad?
Rated 30 Sep 2017
500 Days of Summer > The Big Sick
Rated 28 Sep 2017
The Big Sick is a reprieve in the decade-long scarcity of quality romantic comedies. The blend of actual funny jokes and hopeful romance is perfect. Beyond the great performances from Najiani, Hunter, Romano, and friends, there is a real sense of honesty. Sure, there are a few rom-com tropes, but the majority of the film feels as if real people are going through some real stuff. As simple as that sounds, the vast majority of films in this genre can't seem to get that right.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
A moderately fun Apatow ride with some good acting especially from Ray Romano and Holly Hunter
Rated 23 Sep 2017
I like my beer cold, my tv loud and comedies laugh out loud funny. This understated style of comedy isn't for me
Rated 22 Sep 2017
It's smart, funny, charming, original, meaningful, pleasant, touching, very well acted, so so right to the point. I had a blast watching this.
Rated 18 Sep 2017
Rated 16 Sep 2017
2.20: Always a treat, good watch with all the feels.. This was a heart felt, quite good romcom. It did have some technical issues but the rest was a nice breeze and decent watch. The relationships felt real and comforting.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
An enjoyable, but too breezy perspective on intercultural romance. Everyone does a great job, but it leaves its threads dangling like a Judd Apatow movie. So, what does this do that's unique?
Rated 12 Sep 2017
good movie
Rated 10 Sep 2017
The Big Sick is refreshing in that it offers a little novelty, especially for a RomCom. This novelty comes not only from the jokes, the pacing, and the honesty, but also from the fact that the RomCom is more significant between Nanjiani and his in-laws, played perfectly by Hunter and Romano. The direction however is a little uninspired, just about capturing the emotions of the scene but never anything more. Also, Nanjiani's attempt to overcome one stereotype is to crutch it against another one.
Rated 07 Sep 2017
It's weird. The movie suffers a bit from Emily being downgraded to a less memorable character than her parents or Kumail by having her be in a coma for half of the movie, yet that same part of the movie is undoubtedly its most interesting and strongest part.
Rated 06 Sep 2017
no clue why this has been so hyped
Rated 09 Aug 2017
Very much in line with other autobiographical efforts from comedians such as Sleepwalk With Me (Mike Birbiglia), or HBO's Crashing (Pete Holmes). The movie does a great job of balancing the emotional tone with some genuinely funny comedic touches. My only complaint is some minor plot structuring issues towards the end. I counted what felt like 4 individual climaxes. At a 2 hour run time it's understandable why it was done the way it was. Though, as a whole it actually felt shorter than 2 hours.
Rated 06 Aug 2017
It's basically Master of None: The Movie (and that's a good thing)
Rated 06 Aug 2017
I'm very divided about this movie. It was a great watch, but it has some undeniable problems. It's kind of a textbook case of how far charm can carry flawed storytelling. In this case, quite far. It certainly doesn't hurt that the story is 90% true. I'll probably watch it again when it inevitably ends up on Netflix.
Rated 03 Aug 2017
A fantastic leading man and heartwarmingly funny rom-com. Everyone has amazing chemistry. The movie just feels real and in touch with the audience (to be fair this is based on a true story). Hard to pick who my favorite character is. Should be up for awards down the line for the side roles
Rated 01 Aug 2017
A pleasant-enough romcom with its fair share of genuinely funny moments but it can't really land the weightier emotional beats and possibly doesn't have the cast to do so, the ever-watchable Kazan aside. Perhaps over-long too, presumably due to what would be an understanble reluctance on Nanjiani's part to cut any events or people from his true story.
Rated 20 Jul 2017
Rom-com done right
Rated 10 Jul 2017
I laughed and I almost cried. Great written debut by Nanjiani and Gordon (I hope they can put together something this great again that isn't based on their lives). Showalter directs in a very understated, great way. Surprised how well Kumail can act and it's nice to see Hunter and Romano in this.
Rated 26 Jun 2017
Viewed June 25, 2017. Draws as much on real life as any other Apatow production, but it also has the strongest heart of them all, leading to some beautiful lived-in moments, some very real and heartwarming interactions between two people who have a story worth telling. It perhaps would have benefitted from being a bit tighter - you could excise a lot of the "comedians ribbing each other in the green room" stuff without losing too much of value - but otherwise pretty great.
Rated 14 Jun 2017
Laughs, tears, and everything in between. A beautiful film
Rated 06 Mar 2024
A really well put together romantic comedy that doesn't pander to contrivance and fantasy.
Rated 22 Feb 2023
#23#, rw4, loved, oldies(2) }*{ #17#, exp4, rw4, story, ratings
Rated 03 Nov 2022
a rom-com without toxic men or unrealistic female fantasy men.
Rated 15 Sep 2022
Very funny and also a little sad. I loved the continuity between the first meet at the beginning of the film and the last meet at the end.
Rated 13 May 2022
So ... this appealing romantic comedy based on Nanjiani's courtship with his wife, the film's co-author Emily Gordon, is kind of "The Jazz Singer" meets "While You Were Sleeping". That it manages to transcend this formula (Aren't you tired of all the Al Jolson/Sandra Bullock rom-com clones?) is partly due to Hunter and Romano who are really superb, and partly due to Nanjiani's amiability letting you forgive him for being a liar and a coward.
Rated 29 Aug 2021
I saw in theaters. I liked it a lot
Rated 19 Jun 2021
Smarter and braver than most other romcoms, but suffers badly from its super bland tv-aesthetics and quite a few attempts at humor that miss the mark.
Rated 10 Mar 2021
pretty cute
Rated 24 Feb 2021
I realise that this is a true story, but it still ends up feeling like a rather generic romcom
Rated 03 Jun 2020
I really liked this movie, I found it sweet and emotional and sometimes even funny.
Rated 21 Apr 2020
The Big Sick manages to hit all the right notes emotionally, while at the same time still being pretty funny. It's a film that finds its heart amidst personal tragedy and features some powerful performances, not the least by Kumail himself in a role that is clearly deeply personal. I especially liked how the film doesn't fall for a typical Hollywood happy ending, but instead allows its characters to experience the true ups and downs of the whirlwind of life.
Rated 22 Mar 2020
woofff do not make endings like that
Rated 29 Feb 2020
The only thing stopping me from rating higher are the too-cliched-for-real-life bits scattered throughout, though the whole thing is more than earnest enough to give those cliches a cover of plausibility. Tons of quotable lines every time a lame standup set is immediately followed by a standup scenario playing out in real time. The two sets of parents kept on stealing scenes from Nanjiani, whose entry into acting was long overdue.
Rated 15 Jan 2020
Started a little slowly, but man when this gets going it packs several big emotional punches. When Ray Romano and Holly Hunter turn up, the film really starts to shine. I appreciate how real the relationships between all the characters feel and the ending feels earned as a result. Recommended.
Rated 11 Jan 2020
Going in I expected a typical rom-com, not knowing much about the true story this is based on. Instead, this movie is heartfelt and gentle, exploring love in two clashing cultures with subtlety and humour, that doesn't hit you like a sledgehammer. The cast is great and though you may not agree with all their character's viewpoints, every character has heart. Highly recommended.
Rated 08 Nov 2019
A good story told well is a special thing. If Kumail Nanjiani and Emily Gordon were to tell the story of how they met, I'm sure it would be a great story to hear. But the fact that they were able to turn their love story into an engaging, funny, heartfelt, and authentic film is super impressive.
Rated 17 Aug 2019
Romance. Drama. Some of Kumail Nanjiani's jokes. Shrug emoji
Rated 13 Aug 2019
Good movie for multiple reasons.
Rated 19 Mar 2019
Would be a classic romantic comedy, except for the language
Rated 28 Dec 2018
Heartfelt, sweet and charming movie about a guy who was an asshole but then got better when he sees the one he loves in trouble. The ending is a bit weird and abrupt but it's a very nice story overall.


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