The Avengers
The Avengers
Your probable score
The Avengers

The Avengers

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 23m
Nick Fury and the international agency S.H.I.E.L.D. bring together a team of super humans to form The Avengers to help save the Earth from Loki & his various membered army. (imdb)

The Avengers

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 23m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 53.75% from 11834 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 12 Aug 2019
Future generations will forget (or have they already forgotten? Probably!) what an enormous geek wish-fulfillment this movie was upon its release - we simply had never seen so many of our comic book heroes up on the screen together before. Of course, subsequent entries in the MCU have easily dwarfed this movie in scale, cast size, and narrative complexity, but it was here that the world finally knew for certain that Marvel would be a heavy-hitter for years (decades?) to come.
Rated 28 Apr 2012
Easily consumable and even more easily forgotten. Better than the movies leading up to it, it's an entertaining ride with all the trappings of an expensive blockbuster. It's a cheesy (but also funny), long (but reasonably well-paced) hodgepodge, but I actually don't see how the disparate material could be made to cohere much better. It helps that Whedon has a knack for giving room to multiple leads, my favorites being Ruffalo's Banner/Hulk and Hiddleston's Loki. Their "duel" is a cool highlight.
Rated 07 May 2012
This is not a creative movie. It isn't smart. It isn't challenging. But that's OK, because this movie is still fun. Incredibly, irresistibly fun. More fun than any of the Marvel movies thus far. Most of the characters shine more in supporting roles than they did in their own films, the dialogue is hilarious, the different personalities bounce off each other perfectly, the action set piece is spectacular, and this provides far more than enough laughs and entertainment to justify the ticket price.
Rated 02 May 2012
Considering the massive task it must have been, to create the mere structure for this behemoth, it only makes Whedon's handling of the material that more impressive. All characters (not just the main heroes) are given time and room to live, and throughout the entire film, there is an real sense of joy matched only by a handful of films these years.
Rated 29 Apr 2012
Holy flying fuck, have the fanboys spent the last decades in a prolonged state of mounting anticipation, they have since forgotten to judge a film on its own merits ?! So ignore the ponderous, CGI-laden action meant to camouflage its heedlessly written plot, characters who appear out of nowhere when favorable to its plot (Thor), or Loki's contrived scheme to conquer earth that IMHO fails to establish a sense of apocalyptic foreboding and marvel at Hulk's elating, roiling fury. Smashy, smashy...
Rated 04 May 2012
Is this what cinema has come to? No suspense, no story, just big cgi explosions and "cool" and advanced high tech technology? Really not my cup of tea.
Rated 16 Jun 2022
Superhero movies used to be actual films that told a cinematic story. However, Joss Whedon (of Buffy & Angel) turned this picture into the latest episode of a tv show--one that you had to go to the theatre with strangers to see. The sequel character plots aren't compelling. The Hulk has the only good fight scene. The jokes are corny. And the action is essentially wanton destruction with no cool style. Marginal recommendation so you can see the memes online and say, "I understand that reference."
Rated 12 May 2012
The new definition of a modern blockbuster. This isn't the kind of movie I usually like, and I could bash it, but come on; it was damn fine entertainment. The acting was great, the special effects mind-blowing, the scope and size of the whole thing was just epic, yet it still held onto the characters in the middle of it all. Funny/heroic one-liners abound, which, if you would just give up taking the film too seriously, were very enjoyable.
Rated 08 May 2012
Oh, go fuck yourselves.
Rated 05 May 2012
Big, loud movie with some really embarrassing dialogue and great action sequences. Every time they talk you wish they wouldn't (Whedon REALLY wants you to know how witty he is) and just get back to the fighting. Desperately needed more Hulk, easily the best part of the movie. The villain was terrible and uninteresting and the plot has so many holes in its logic that it just became frustrating. They could've killed that nigga Loki 10 minutes into the movie and didn't, so pathetic.
Rated 01 May 2012
This isn't reality changing cinema but by the Gods, this is premium blockbluster. The plot is simple - bad guy wants to take over the worlld (of course), good guys stop him/her/it/them. What elevates this is not just the CGI that shock horror, lets you see what's happening. Also, the humourous touches and the the high standard of performances. More please.
Rated 08 May 2020
I'm going to take a page out of Leonardis' book and say that this was the feel good movie of the century. That is, if you don't mind the total carnage that happens in NYC. But hey, that city was asking for it, acting all high and mighty, and as if its shit don't stink. Spoiler alert. it does. I live across the river in NJ and every time they say that NJ smells, it's really NY's shit. Also, i'm kind of drunk due to being cooped up by the COVID-19 pandemic. LET ME OUT PLEASE.
Rated 06 May 2012
It's the same save-the-world story, the same hero and villain archetypes, the same hollywood CGI, and the same cringe worthy one liners we've seen over and over again. However, it just somehow works. When it all finally comes together with so much energy and style, it almost actually lives up to the impossible amount of hype surrounding it. Whedon handles the Marvel universe and all its characters quite well, and Ruffalo played a great Bruce Banner. Good film to kick off the summer blockbusters.
Rated 29 Apr 2012
Thor (about bad Loki): "He's my brother". Natasha Romanoff: "He killed 80 people in 2 days". Thor: "...He's adopted". If you're into superhero movies, this is a must see on the big screen. Never mind the story, this is fun, fun, fun.
Rated 28 May 2012
Lifeless, generic, poorly written, with some tv soap opera-level acting albeit "so bad it's watchable" mainly due to its own ridiculousness and expensive action pieces. And no, it's not as tongue-in-cheek as it clearly tries so hard to be.
Rated 28 Apr 2012
A competently made film elevated by some above-average performances and good action sequences. Direction and cinematography are very bland - they aren't interesting and serve as a medium to show baddies being punched, above all else. A thematic mess - plot points are raised and dropped, exposition seems to go against the action on-screen and there's no real unifying theme, just a mishmash of ideologies with no particular purpose. The action is well made but it feels like a lot of lost potential.
Rated 27 Apr 2012
With irresistible on-screen chemistry, spiffy one-liners and over-the-top action-setups that must make Michael Bay envy for a Hulk, Joss Whedon balances Marvel's biggest and brightest beyond expectations. And with this many egos in play it's almost a given that there's no room for an engaging plot with much at stake or a truly menacing Joker-ish villain. But hey, who cares if the mess makes sense, as long as it's this fun to be around? ... Oh, and "SMASH!"
Rated 24 Jun 2013
This is a really boring and expensive Power Rangers episode.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
Peeling back all the hype and CGI, I mostly see the umpteenth movie about saving the world by averting the destruction of New York City. This one just has characters with such a compulsive need to lace their words with disaffected irony that the movie resists any kind of emotional attachment, thereby undermining any feeling of high stakes. It did have a very good action sequence, though, after the first 100 minutes.
Rated 31 May 2012
do they avenge anything
Rated 16 May 2012
hulk smash durr etc.
Rated 14 May 2012
Seriously don't see why this flick is so highly rated. Well, yeah there is lots of cool stuff which can impress everyone (I think the visuals are the best I have seen so far) but this is pretty much it. Apart from constant destruction and vanquishing I didn't see decent story telling. At least Iron Man and Captain America tried to make this movie less mawkish.
Rated 30 Apr 2012
This film convinced me that I'm done with superhero movies. I was bored to tears by the campy acting and childish, lowest common denominator humour. Meanwhile the action, which is supposed to hold it all together, was a boring mess of CGI and loud metallic bangs.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
That's it. I'm boycotting every upcoming Marvel abomination forthwith.
Rated 22 Oct 2012
Pros: talented and charismatic cast, fun climax, several enjoyable setpieces. Cons: lame enemies, bloated plot, and Joss Whedon, the reigning king of quips-as-characterization, helming the script. (Rock of Ages and Point Break references don't make you clever, they make you Bill Simmons with a Hollywood budget.) Verdict: a movie that veers wildly back and forth between entertaining and exhausting. Frankly, I wish talents like Renner, Downey Jr., Johannson, and Ruffalo would work on other stuff.
Rated 20 May 2012
Refrains from becoming overly serious, keeping things light and moving and just plain entertaining. Whedon successfully juggles the group's personalities and reigns in some of his tendency for forced dialogue. Ruffalo is the standout as Banner, and his Hulk gets the best moments, but everyone else holds their ground. A strong kickoff for summer 2012.
Rated 15 May 2012
Tremendously fun film. As a fan of (most) of Whedon's work it's great to finally hit some serious blockbuster money which will hopefully give him a bit more freedom in the industry to create more enjoyable works. As a film this is highly enjoyable. A superb ensemble cast, with Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr. being personal highlights for me, a clever, if predictable, script and superbly well done action scenes. If you want a superhero blockbuster, this is definitely what you want.
Rated 15 May 2012
A solid outcome after mostly lackluster introductory movies (save for 'Iron Man'). The script is decent, though it relies more on humorous dialogue than an enticing story. Whedon is smart to make RDJ's Tony Stark the centerpiece and while this reduces some others to stereotyped bit parts, Ruffalo breathes much-needed life into the Hulk character. Action in the final battle is a bit overwhelming, but the visual presentation is sharp and discernible. A frenzied, yet entertaining, theme park ride.
Rated 15 May 2012
Ugh go away every character trying to out quip each other
Rated 06 May 2012
I'm a huge Marvel geek, so everything I say here is pretty biased. But I had a fun time with this! The first 20 minutes were a bit messy and the film needs quite some time to gain momentum, but the second half is pure high-speed explodey entertainment. What makes Avengers stand out from most other explodey blockbusters is the fun collection of characters and how they play off of each other. Maybe a bit forgettable all in all, but that just means I should see it again soon.
Rated 04 May 2012
It's an allegory for an assigned group project in college. The Avengers doesn't necessarily reinvent the wheel, but it does put on some monster truck tires and spins it at 600,000 rpm.
Rated 04 May 2012
Understandably receiving mixed reviews from the criticker community. If I were to judge purely based on cinematic quality it'd probably be around a 55 or 60 and based on pure entertainment value it'd be 100. I found a happy medium plus a couple extra points for the humor which at times may have been cheep and cheesy, but I was in a good mood. There was the perfect amount of Hulk smashing at the end.
Rated 01 May 2012
While the script may not be top tier, everything else is. Very entertaining action with great acting, directing and effects.
Rated 01 May 2012
With its big budget, it is definitely a masterpiece of high quality 3D, visual effects and big long action sequences. Very impressive indeed. But the group idea is both good and bad. It is undoubtedly fun to watch them all fight together and each of them do get their individual screen time as well, but it struggles a bit to find the time to also tell a story. A few second rank characters should have been left out. The humour is great and you won't see it coming. All in all a good job by Whedon.
Rated 25 Apr 2012
The Avengers, somehow -- really, somehow, because this could've been a major flop --, sets a new kind of entertainment, one that stands out for its total lack of seriousness -- the Iron Man's self-conscious, ironic material is all over -- and its compromise with unstoppable action sequences. Whedon's clips of jokes and spanks worked out pretty good -- you know, even Thor looks funny here. This is the best Marvel film since Spider-Man 2.
Rated 21 Sep 2019
The movie is ambitious, but it has more flaws than I expected. I still really enjoyed it, but it was a bit rocky in spots. The conflict within the Avengers seemed forced a bit too much most of the time and didn't really feel that it added a whole lot except length to the movie. Even so, the movie is full of action, humor, and so many memorable one liners. It's a superhero blockbuster and as that it does very well, just don't expect it to be anything else.
Rated 23 Apr 2017
Just four years and five films later "The Avengers" have finally assembled, and to fairly loud applause from fans and critics alike. All our favorite superheroes fighting together side-by-side, eventually, in like the last 30 minutes. But seriously Joss Whedon managed to do a pretty fantastic job introducing the team to each other, hilariously interweaving characters and their universes into one grand popcorn comic book summer blockbuster.
Rated 09 Apr 2017
It's hard not to be cynical about what this did to the industry, but for it's own sake it's an entertaining ride that manages to feel...jaunty even while aliens are invading and Manhattan is about to be nuked.
Rated 19 Jan 2016
The Avengers is an incredibly enjoyable experience. I was incredibly surprised that Whedon was able to have all these characters meet, bond, and conflict with each other before the fight for Earth had even begun. The entire cast fit their roles perfectly and the special effects and action scenes are great. I figured because I saw it in a packed theatre, watching it at home would diminish the magic I felt; that could not be more wrong. Comic fans rejoice! The best addition to the MCU thus far.
Rated 01 Dec 2014
For supposedly greatest superhero movie that is a crossover of a few superhero franchises it's quite bland. Shit explodes while superheroes who you know won't die try to beat each other. It is hard to care about events on screen, because there is no emotional involvement. Effects look great, but the past few years of big-budget action fantasies makes it hard to be impressed by massive fireworks.
Rated 10 Nov 2013
Simple and predictable plot, but still this movie is well action packed, chemistry between characters is great and visually movie is awesome. Ending is nothing new for Marvel movies but still deserves to be mentioned as a great intro for the epic sequel.
Rated 13 Apr 2013
And all the shit began from here.
Rated 21 Jan 2013
A popcorn film and nothing more. Marvel crammed all their main characters into this film, with great actors in all of these roles, but then forgot to put any real characterization into the film. Sure, if you've invested at least 6 hours watching Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America, you'll have some feeling for these characters (you would have also watched 3 better films than this one), otherwise, they're paper-thin. It's fun, but it's dumb fun, and it's way more dumb than it is fun.
Rated 18 Dec 2012
Don't see the hype here. Bad script and no suspense at all. Villain was laughable.
Rated 26 Aug 2012
My nomination for the Most Overrated Movie of 2012. It's almost as if they rebooted "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", replaced Venice with Manhattan and added some snarky dialogue.
Rated 19 Aug 2012
It's good, it has explosions and fights and a half decent storyline. Nothing special.
Rated 28 Jun 2012
All points are for the Hulk.
Rated 14 Jun 2012
Ever seen a comic-book movie before? Well, this is nothing new.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
You know all those comic book movies that have been ambushing us at theaters in the past ten years? How about we just mash 'em all together and make another one? Sounds like a good idea, don't you think? Yeah, me too. P.S. they replaced the hulk yet again, and this time he doesn't suck.
Rated 24 May 2012
It was more entertaining than I was expecting. It was funnier than I would have thought possible. It handled a boatload of heroes that need screen time better than each and every one of the X-men movies. It probably doesn't warrant being the highest grossing movie ever, but it is worth seeing in the theater. Maybe twice.
Rated 22 May 2012
"There is only one God, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." (Captain America). The entertainment value of this movie can not be put into words. As of this writing it is already 5th all time Box Office and will without a doubt be at least number 2 before all is said and done. I would give this movie a 500 if they let me. This is why we go to the movies. Fun for the whole family.
Rated 22 May 2012
Yea ok, it was entertaining.Ill give ya that.Well crafted too.But it looked too colorful, too a pg13 Michael bay movie with better scripting and directing.A serious tone was really missing in the movie..I personally think TDK is still the best comic book flick,but maybe because i like dark gritty noir movies instead of loud colorful action flicks.Not that its bad, don't get me wrong, but it felt like the main target audience was around 16 yr olds..Or nerds.. or 16 yr old nerds
Rated 17 May 2012
When it's not trying to be serious -- "If we can't save Earth, you can be damn sure we'll avenge it" -- or to inject romance (Black Widow and Hawkeye, I'm looking at you) and focuses strictly on kinetic action and humor, The Avengers is plenty enjoyable. Let's be honest, though: while Whedon isn't a GREAT director, he's still much better than this material. And why does every comic book movie have a one-dimensional villain out to rule or destroy the world? Just once, give us something different.
Rated 14 May 2012
On a rewatch, all of the film's flaws boil to the surface. It's detached from itself, almost purposefully building a wall to prevent the viewer from ever becoming emotionally invested. The script reads like amateur fanfiction, where all the characters become suave, witty riff-machines who further distance the film from any sort of real meaning or impact by encasing everything in a shell of irony. To make it worse, the cinematography is horrendous, it looks like public broadcasting with bad CGI.
Rated 12 May 2012
I have heard every single word and seen every single frame of this movie in hundreds of older movies. Try to conceive of all of the most mind-numbingly stupid plot elements, visual ideas and pieces of dialogue you've ever run afoul of elsewhere. Surprise! They're all here. Yes, again.
Rated 09 May 2012
It's a true movie miracle that the whole thing doesn't collapse under the weight of its overall hokeyness. The threat that brings these characters together is underwhelming and goofy, and story beats one-up and contradict themselves. (Unless, of course, Thor's random appearances are self-consciously deus ex machinae. Humorous, but doubtful.) But the movie is infectiously fun in moments, when it's covered head-to-toe with fanboy jizz.
Rated 09 May 2012
As faithful of an adaptation of a comic as you are going to get. It has all the elements of fun, proper fan service, and just enough ham from the actors as to not send it down the path of Joel Schumacher. Nothing here is amazing but it is fun. You go to a movie like Avengers to see heroes fight cosmic/godlike villains and whole cities leveled. This is exactly what you get with no apologies. Whedon also didn't overload this film with his heavy handed sappy characterizations either.
Rated 09 May 2012
The only part where I cocked my eyebrow and had a "WTF" moment was during the fight between Iron Man, Thor and Captain, when Loki sat there, watching, instead of running away. I know WHY he did it, it just didn't sit right with me, it didn't feel explicit. But that's such a minor qualm. A comic book movie created by a guy who clearly loves comic books. It's action-packed and bleak but maintains its humor, and the execution does the mad hype justice, which was a tall order. 3D was worth it, too.
Rated 08 May 2012
It's hard to separate this film from those that built up to it, but I'm not sure one should. The dynamics here are great and the cast is all fun to see, whether arguing with one another or fighting baddies. The action is well-shot and it's just pure, clean fun from start to finish.
Rated 06 May 2012
Definitely a Joss Whedon script. If his wittiness and dialogue typically bothers you, then this may not change be for you. For me, this film, as long as it is, is well paced, with just the right about of humor and some fairly compelling drama and dialogue (the scene between Black Widow and Loki just to name one). The cast is charming and quite likable, and it feels very much like a comic book came to life. Marvel would up their game later narratively speaking, but this still holds up well.
Rated 05 May 2012
Joss Whedon needs to relax. He was given a myriad of interesting characters, a decent plot, and--I'm assuming--hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet, the final product was a pathetic attempt to show the audience he was witty. It was an absolutely terrible script. Performances were, well, what they could be. Action sequences were dynamic and enjoyable. It was just that goddamn dialogue. I was disgusted after the 3rd time someone made a "speak English, doc" joke.
Rated 04 May 2012
Eager to please with its onslaught of ridiculous action often taking place several hundred or thousand yards up in the air and its snappy one-liners, "The Avengers" is great fun - and instantly forgettable. It's no "Watchmen", but to its credit, it doesn't try to be.
Rated 04 May 2012
Given that there's about 7 leads & Whedon knows that mindless action will mean sh-t if we don't care about the characters, the first 2/3s can feel James Bond-ishly clunky w/ some convoluted exposition as he sometimes has 2 shoehorn in the set pieces fans crave & still give each character their due. But since the action scenes r so fantastic & Whedon caps them all off w/ either a genuinely funny laugh or an unpredictable spin, the last 1/3 is exhilaratingly cathartic; a colossus of thrills & fun.
Rated 04 May 2012
If this is supposed to be a great super hero movie, I feel bad for super hero movies. Sure, there's lots of ultra-bombastic action setpieces, mindblowing effects, witty banter and corny messages about the value of American freedom to keep the average fanboy content. But the action is repetitious and dull, the characters non-existant and even the 'fun factor' is low. There are some amusing moments but they're mostly buried under gigantic piles of debris and a lack of ideas just as majestic.
Rated 04 May 2012
After years of build up, of whole films to set up the huge cast and dense story, it's a relief that THE AVENGERS is as good as it is, for which Joss Whedon must take more than 12% of the credit. His script is well-structured and often quite funny; his direction keeps the action clear and engaging and the ensemble cast working together (even when they fight) swimmingly. The production values are beyond reproach. It may not be more than good entertainment--but it's never less than that, either.
Rated 04 May 2012
Rated 04 May 2012
It was just a decent super hero movie, plain and simple. It was nothing more and nothing less. The movie is full of corny one-liners that failed to make me laugh 80% of the time, the acting is nothing to ride home about, and the action is just decent. It really brought nothing new to your standard, blockbuster superhero flick. However, while it tried nothing new, it succeeded in entertaining and put all of its focus into doing so. I'd recommend it.
Rated 02 May 2012
If you hate this, you're a bitch. Or you're pretentious. I don't think I have ever said that about a movie before, but it applies to this one. If you're not enjoying yourself during this movie you literally have to be actively trying not to.
Rated 01 May 2012
The prequels allow Whedon to take some liberties with structure & plot to a degree. It certainly doesn't always work, but Whedon clearly understands the medium & Marvel much better than Joe Johnston or Kenny Branagh. It bumbles through its first half a little, with only Stark & Banner really worthy of attention. "The Avengers" does however lift the whole franchise back into the realms of the very enjoyable; as the last half is Whedon just showing off, & that was great fun. Entertainment!
Rated 01 May 2012
Not bad at all! Definately espected worse. Smoothly combines all the previous prologue avenger films together and gives as a small but fresh take on my personal favorit; The Hulk! No plot intended, and no plot needed. This is all about the mighty ego's and how they will come to work together. Didn't buy the reason why though. A tad to long, and why did they have to be on that flying boat for an hour or so. We don't wanna see IronDude and CA repair stuff, we wanna see them smash stuff!
Rated 27 Apr 2012
The best superhero film ever made that doesn't involve Batman, The Avengers manages to hold on to a fair amount of Whedon despite the 200+ million dollar budget trying to drown him at every turn. I haven't seen an action film this fun, or this funny, in a long time. I wish they had dropped the tedious character introductions that we've already had 5 or so films to do. I also wish (spoilers) Renner would stop reprising his role as the good guy who is a bad guy for about an hour. But I loved it.
Rated 27 Apr 2012
A bit too much talking in the first two acts, despite some funny moments, but in the end it's very enjoyable and THAT scene with Hulk and Loki...priceless and worth the price of admission.
Rated 27 Apr 2012
The best Marvel film of all time? Perhaps The best Superhero movie of all time? We'll see come July. Lack of story other than 'Avengers come together to save world' wasn't really a problem. Hulk was the best character. Robert Downey Jr. had some great lines, but at times it came close to just being Iron Man 3. After 4 years and 5 film, it WAS worth the wait.
Rated 31 Aug 2024
I really like Jeremy Renner, so I appreciated his parts a lot. The skeleton fish thing at the end looked cool. I found Tony a lot more likeable in this than in his own movies. Other than that it wasn't much for me; in particular I had been hoping for scenes of them meeting each other and oohing and ahhing over each other's powers, and being cute and silly in slice of life segments, but there was very little of that in this. I like explosions, but they don't do much without a story I care about.
Rated 05 Aug 2023
For a superhero movie played straight, this is about the best you could expect. Great performances from the ensemble cast (all of whom I like better here than in their previous standalone films, except for Thor who's just loveable).
Rated 04 Nov 2021
Seeing it again now, it's funny how quaint this movie seems only a decade later. The seeds of everything good and bad in the MCU are right here. The casting is really well-done and they do allow time to have their characters interact and have light moments. The movie is fun. It also all leads to a huge action sequence involving a blue light shot up into the sky. As overblown CGI-driven action sequences go, this one is alright and opens up enough to let some comedy happen.
Rated 27 May 2021
A film that was so ambitious that it had every right to fail, but is now still so endlessly entertaining. The humour in this one sticks out in particular, but the action and the chemistry between the characters are also spot on. Very rewatchable, but also gives you a great perspective as to how far the MCU has also come.
Rated 16 May 2021
Rated 29 Mar 2021
This is the best Marvel movie I have seen. Loki is the main guy in this movie who the avengers fight along with Loki's army. Loki comes to earth and steals the Tesseract a weapon that basically opens portals so that in can invade and destroys Worlds. The Avengers are there to stop this from happening. I liked how this movie was paced giving you brief explanations on characters like Thor and Hulk. A lot of scenes I liked. Tony saves the day by shutting down the portal.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
The Hulk: "Puny god."
Rated 06 Jan 2021
After a couple of duds and a single pass (Thor 1) they finally got it right. The bad guys are still uninteresting and it ends with the "laser into the sky" trope but it's fun. The action is solid, the interactions are entertaining and it's often quite funny ("puny god"). The characters work a lot better if they have someone to play off of who isn't an employee or a sidekick.
Rated 04 Jul 2020
This movie was so awesome when I first watched in 2012. It still is.
Rated 29 Apr 2020
Avengers works, but I think it works well only if you've seen all the other Marvel films. What Marvel did well for its fans is set up the characters in stand-alone films so that Avengers doesn't need to bother with back stories and character establishment. We're able to jump right into the action and the action here is bigger and more epic than any of the stand alone films. It's fast, fun, and also very funny at times and the chemistry between all the lead actors makes the film really work.
Rated 17 Apr 2020
Overrated for its witty quips and being the first real teamup movie for the MCU, Avengers features a main villain who was beat by Thor already. What's more, the heroes aren't ever in any real peril and the minions are easily beat up like ragdolls. It was good for the time and good for what it is, but the story is simply okay. The humor and the homages, however, do a good job for making up for some of that.
Rated 29 Feb 2020
"These guys are from legends, they're basically gods." "There's only one god, ma'am, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that." Nick fury finally gets the gang together, but some assembly is required. Loki comes into his own as a villain, and Thor uses the lessons he learned in his movie to bring the team together. Unbelievable visual effects and an over-the-top story give Phase One a long awaited crescendo. Beautiful. (First logged 5/6/2015)
Rated 11 Apr 2019
Undoubtedly the greatest achievement of the MCU, it perfected the super-hero action formula that Marvel tinkered with in the previous movies. There is enough of a character arc to feel satisfying at the end, and allied with a simple premise, there is enough of each character to let them shine. The cheeky dialogue and witty jokes achieve their highest degree yet, which feel out-of-place sometimes. Its length is definitely an issue, as some redundant sequences add to that length.
Rated 25 Sep 2018
PV. Unwatchable piece of crap. I had perfect conditions for watching this (stuck in an airplane for 12 hours with nothing else to do) and still couldn't make it even through the half of the movie.
Rated 04 Sep 2018
Loki is a good villain, but it's stupid when they fight amongst themselves for no reason. The action is good, Hawkeye is the worst superhero, and the plot is weak. The beginning is slow, but the ending battle in NYC is great.
Rated 17 Aug 2018
Having seen all of 2 Marvel movies, I admit it's fun watching this and having no context for anything that happens. Oh hey a viking dude just fell out of the sky and landed on our plane. But as that thrill wears off, what's left is a story with no stakes at all. There's no compelling conflict with any external force; the only arc here is the Avengers learning to work together, and that doesn't interest me because I don't care about any of them. Except Captain America. God bless Captain America.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
The culmination of phase one, this is what all the other movies have been leading up to. And it manages to gather all threads and spin them into one tight rope upon which the cast balance ... Sorry, that metaphor got away from me. Awesome movie! The big fight scene at the end is actually worth watching! And everybody is my future husband!
Rated 13 Jun 2016
After a scattered first act, the film picks up as the Avengers gather; clashing egos (along with the welcome addition of Ruffalo's mellow Banner) and growing feelings of distrust keep the dream-team motif grounded (though the Thor-Iron Man fight with Loki watching was dumb) while a jaw-dropping final action sequence (deftly managing to give each hero their shining moments) brings it to its apex of feel-good entertainment. A tantalizing epilogue and perfect after-credits scene end things well.
Rated 15 Apr 2016
An action flick if ever there was one. Held together by solid performances by Downey, Ruffalo, and Renner, and a decent one from Hemsworth.
Rated 28 Mar 2016
Not a superhero film fan myself, but this seems to be how they should be done. Easy to follow, back stories already accounted for. Top notch effects sequences and a constant level of excitement. Whedon seems to know exactly how ensemble casts work best, and finds the ideal balance between the characters, action and dialogue. The final showdown is a bit bland and textbook, though that's the only real flaw I can find. Also, after 3 Iron Man movies, I'm kind of sick of that guy.
Rated 12 Aug 2015
When I watched "Avengers" (on opening day!), it simply rocked my world. Even after several re-watches, the film holds up as one of the best Avengers films. There are flaws and nit-picks aplenty, but The Avengers does so much right that they are easy to ignore.
Rated 27 May 2015
Nothing but action drives this simple and empty plot.
Rated 26 May 2015
Holocaust survivor and lose-lose-lose-win structure again. Some of the dialogue when they're all together was fun but the -predictable- sexlessness and reliance on previous knowledge of the characters made clear these are just Soap (well, Licensed Toy) Opera for children now.
Rated 09 May 2015
Don't watch it if you have any respect to cinema.
Rated 26 Apr 2015
A surprising amount of simple entertaining fun delivered in a (even more surprising) coherent package. I was certain that having so many super heroes would muddy both the dialogue and action sequences, but it is amazingly well-balanced here. Not only does it manage to stay afloat, like some sort of action hero version of a behemoth sky borne aircraft carrier, but even propels itself forward through a fair amount of superhero/god kapow moments spruced up by witty dialogue on the side.
Rated 13 Aug 2014
To out myself right away: No, I didn't read the comics. Nevertheless or maybe because of this I really enjoyed The Avangers! It managed to introduce the characters and still follow a consistent story. And Downey Jr. and Johansson matched perfectly for me too. What a pitty the sequel isn't out there yet!
Rated 27 Feb 2014
I could give it a starting score of 100 and then just take a point off for every pained joke or flatly delivered bit of "personality" and I'd end up around here.


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