The Amazing Spider-Man
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The Amazing Spider-Man

2h 16m
Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner. (imdb)
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The Amazing Spider-Man

2h 16m
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Avg Percentile 38.98% from 6111 total ratings

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Rated 03 Jul 2012
I would shoot so much webbing on Emma Stone WAKKA WAKKA. The use of Anthony Perkins as Peter Parker was masterful.
Rated 20 Aug 2021
If this movie had tried a modernized play revival style slant on the origin, it would've been okay. Instead, it's odd to see a teenage Peter Parker use Bing more than social media. And the fun Donner/Raimi approach has Spider-Man naively (unlike other post-Dark Knight superheroes) forget to hide his secret identity. Garfield & Stone are a good couple, but lack a real villain or message. The sequel's The Night Gwen Stacy Died adaptation is a stronger flick. Marginal recommendation for comic fans.
Rated 21 Oct 2012
Despite a running time of 130 minutes, there's a ton o' plot holes and unanswered questions I'll try to explain here: Q:Peter Parker is so knowledgable about genetics, why? A:He wears glasses. Q:Whatever happened to his mom? A:Who cares. Q:Were his parents murdered? A:Not relevant, got a date. Q:Why are Parker and Flash buddies by the end? A:Uncle Ben was shot. Q:What happened to the middle Eastern guy after the bridge incident? A:No one cares. Not a bad reboot just not a classic either.
Rated 11 Apr 2016
A pretty good reboot with a great cast and believable characters. Better than Spider-Man 1 & 3, and almost as good as 2.
Rated 14 Aug 2012
Plot moves forward as if the writers don't give a fuck. They'd have been better off putting: "He got bit by a radioactive spider" in writing in the beginning and using the time saved to develop the antagonist. We all know the backstory anyway. Also: You don't hire directors for a project simply because you're amused at the prospect of some good jokes regarding their surname in future PR campaign. +1 for the "the jocks will like you if your uncle is killed" morale, though.
Rated 30 Jun 2012
Would have been a reasonably acceptable effort, had the script not been so damn similar to the film we all saw 10 years ago. Garfield is a good actor but I found his characters (PP & Spidey) annoying. Props to Ifans - but a talking lizard is inevitably going to turn out silly, won't it?
Rated 03 Jul 2012
Feels a bit too familiar for obvious reasons, but nevertheless superior to Raimi's original. Most importantly Garfield is ten times more intriguing in the lead than Maguire ever was, the Gwen Stacy character serves a real purpose for the story (Mary Jane was just in the way) and the villain is almost three-dimensional! Bring on the sequels.
Rated 16 Jul 2012
Ranks with Raimi's SM2 as the best film adaptation of Spider-Man. Obviously it feels like we've seen segments of this movie before (we have), but it's like a fine restoration. We see things a bit clearer and there's added back story. Also, Garfield is more interesting as Peter despite occasional moments (script issues) where awkwardness feels a little forced. Plot wise, Connors is a tragic villain. The complex humanity in supporting characters like him and Gwen makes this a successful reboot.
Rated 16 Jul 2012
Despite a strong feeling of deja-why and a rushed plot, the new spidey is a more pleasing encounter than its older brother. Perhaps because its high-school storyline and the actors involved aren't as downright annoying.
Rated 04 Mar 2013
They took the original Spider-Man (2002) and then turned it into a generic superhero film. Still, I've always liked the Lizard as villain and it's cool to see him on screen. The Stan Lee cameo was nice and so were the first-person camera shots. Acting wasn't bad, the script just didn't deliver. Seems to be more aimed at kids judging by how the new Spidey behaves, but then there's also a lot of scripted teen romance that doesn't really blend well. Film lacks identity & direction but is watchable.
Rated 10 Nov 2012
Personally I think this Spider-Man is better than any of the Raimi incarnations. Garfield effortlessly captures the baiting humor Spider-Man used as his number one weapon at times. I personally enjoyed a little more character development. The only real knock was the choice of bad guy, and the execution of his appearance. Still very entertaining if you are into the comic books.
Rated 29 Oct 2012
Despite the obvious flaw of a rehashed story, there's a lot to like about this movie. Great acting; Stone never ceases to amaze me. Smart slick humour which I always love and some pretty great action sequences. A few odd soundtrack choices among the flaws but overall, I liked it!
Rated 07 Jul 2012
Whilst it suffers from a fairly lacklustre villain, this is a strong retelling of a well known tale. Garfield and Stone both deliver, with excellent support from Sheen, Field and Leary. It breaks no boundaries, but it is a very promising start for this new Spiderman franchise.
Rated 07 Jul 2012
Exciting and fresh despite revisiting the origin story. Manages to separate itself wholeheartedly from the Raimi films, and Andrew Garfield is terrific as the new Peter Parker. Manages to be both darker and funnier, which is no small feat.
Rated 16 Jul 2012
I really like Garfield as an actor, so he managed to lessen my annoyance with some of the contents. Still, the end result feels like a retread that doesn't really add anything interesting. Just your run-of-the-mill superheroey stuff. On top of that, Lizard is a lame villain, there's too much drama and the whole thing feels forgettable. Seeing Spidey slinging through town was fun though.
Rated 22 Jul 2012
It's unfortunate that due to the circumstances of its production the new Spider-Man has to fight preconceived judgments, but it does its job admirably in making a well-worn origin story feel exciting all over again. The character development is handled much better than the previous films, helped by the strong acting. The requisite few cheesy moments all superhero films seem to have are quick and painless, and it is overall an unexpectedly satisfactory reboot.
Rated 14 Aug 2012
Genericsuperhero flick, and for a 2012 big budget movie, it didn't even have big visuals or action to prop it up. Andrew Garfield is a good actor but his cool sauve is not right for Peter Parker, who's supposed to be a geeky kid. It also doesn't feel like there's any connection to Spiderman - the man in the suit is completely different, and there's no indication to how the alter-egos affect each other. The film is devoid of any interesting supporting characters. Original trilogy was better.
Rated 03 Feb 2013
I have no idea how they managed to pull this off.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
The Lizard's transformation was literally into this:
Rated 02 Jul 2012
It's a surprisingly canon reboot of the franchise with a back story that's closer to the comic. This is definitely a darker film than Sam Raimi's spidey films but it doesn't lose the essential characterization of Peter Parker. I don't see anything Andrew Garfield brings to the character that Tobey didn't but he's still decent. The costume in this looks fantastic and the action scenes of spidey swinging over NY looks far better with today's CGI.
Rated 14 Jul 2014
A pleasant change from the last Spider-man film with Maguire. Even though I've only seen one other film of Andrew Garfield's, I can already say I feel he's a great actor.
Rated 04 Jul 2012
A mostly fun, exciting effort that suffers from some of the worst Hollywood trappings. Garfield and Stone were both far superior to their predecessors, with Sheen also making a great Uncle Ben. Peter Parker and his relationships were explored extremely well, but Ifans as Curt Connors wasn't given much to work with. The action was very, very well-made, but the pacing otherwise felt off and the CGI was absolutely horrendous. Got a little too formulaic as it went on, but overall a good addition.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
They dropped the ball on this one. Sure, Raimi's version was silly but it had a simple elegance and charming naivety that made it fun and entertaining. Those qualities are absent this go around and it chooses the dark and dramatic route and fails because of its sloppy screenwriting. The film also retreads too much of the original story while offering little of its own creativity. It's like listening to a cover of a familiar song--decent, but nowhere near as good.
Rated 04 Jul 2012
If you can look past the hit and miss humor, the awful soundtrack, a couple of jaw dropping moments of stupidty, a lackluster third quarter that descends into one too many Hollywood cliches and some of the worst CGI I've seen in a mainstream film in years (Lizard is the worst thing in the series, second only to the raping of Venom), this reboot is a welcome addition to the franchise. Sporting some superb action, acting and cinematography, "TASM" is superior to 3, unsurprisingly, but not to 1&2.
Rated 10 Jul 2017
Like half the fucking city knows who Spider-Man is
Rated 06 Jul 2012
Editing my review in 2021. This needs a revisit. These Amazing Spider-Mam movies weren't bad or anything, I just have a hard time remembering them scene-for-scene, which isn't a good thing.
Rated 06 Jul 2012
So unnecessary. They had no idea what movie they are making - Spider-Man 4 or a complete reboot. As a result the main character's arc is ridiculous and the villain is just predictable horrifyingly executed CG abomination. Why suddenly he wants to turn everybody in NY into lizards? I know why - because The Amazing Spider-Man is written by the accountants at Sony Pictures.
Rated 08 Jul 2012
Garfield is great in this reboot which gives us a Peter Parker who's wounded & haunted even before his Uncle Ben's offed. It's part of a larger Parker backstory that draws us in even more than Raimi's more lighthearted original, but only up 2 a point. Eventually the more shaded characterizations give way 2 slight, formulaic variations & despite unfinished attempts at "profound" monologues, the Lizard's no great villain. It never feels like the kind of fresh start Nolan gave us w/ Batman Begins
Rated 08 Jul 2012
Granted, the last installment dropped the ball, though I can't remember it being so frustratingly boring. Great action is derived not from ear-deafening roars or gratuitous fights but rather from the life-threatening situation characters find themselves in and our desire of watching them prevail over it. In this case, I couldn't care what happened to who, where or why because of the contrived drama and rather flimsy revisit of the comic's plot points. And get a haircut you big douche!
Rated 30 Oct 2012
I couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong with Peter Parker in this movie.
Rated 09 Jul 2012
It looks great, with much of the design excellent. Stone is good too, & the action is certainly entertaining, but that isn't enough & sadly there's little else to recommend. The whole movie is poorly stuctured, there is one piece of shockingly awful editing, & too many of the plot devices are eye-rollingly stupid. There's no real magic here! I'm very fond of Raimi's first two Spidey movies & this needless reboot brings nothing new to the table & fails to beat Raimi's Spider-Man in any way.
Rated 16 Aug 2018
Ultimately this Spidey universe is viewed as the black sheep on the franchise. Garfield was a solid Peter Parker, yet looking too old for the part. He also never fully captured the nerdy side within the character. Emma Stone is quite good too and there is a good band of chemistry. The Lizard however, was a subpar villain at best as he came off too goofy in a lot of interactions. Webb's turn in the franchise has its flaws, overall however this is a refreshing take on the web slinger.
Rated 29 Nov 2012
It's definetely pretty derivative of a movie that only came out 10 years ago, which doesn't help it, but there's things to like about it. Stone and Garfield are fantastic and have tons of chemistry, and Spider-Man works better as a character for me here than in the Raimi version. On the negative side, the villian is lame, the action scenes really aren't very exciting, and the POV shots are just awful. Still, I have hope for the future of these movies.
Rated 14 Jul 2012
one does not simply go from making quirky romantic comedies to action blockbusters. Even though Garfield and Stone outclass their predecessors, the new story simply doesn't. the script is meh, the action is *yawn*, and if it weren't for the chemistry between the leads, the "amazing" spider-man would be amazingly boring.
Rated 15 Jul 2012
While this is a total cash grab, the studio chose a solid director in Marc Webb to elevate the romance between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacey and make this new Spider-Man worth taking a second chance on. The 3D action is often tremendous, and the lead actors in Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone truly make the film feel fresh and exciting outside the expected origin story retread we saw only 10 years ago. The villain lacks some, so while 'Amazing' doesn't match Raimi's 'Part 2', it beats 1 and 3.
Rated 11 Oct 2013
It's a mixed bag of stuff we have here. At times the direction and script is downright cringeworthy and at times the action and cinematogaphy are fantasically well done. I'm sort of ambivalent about Garfield, but luckily he is backed by a great supporting cast. Stone, Leary, Davis and Sheen all do an amazing job here. I do miss some of the charm and tongue-in-cheekness of the Raimi movies, but overall it's a very solid reboot, flaws and all. Better than Spider-Man 3 in any case.
Rated 16 Nov 2012
What can I say...I enjoyed it!
Rated 07 Jun 2014
There were definitely parts of this movie that I liked, but as a whole, I just found it disappointing. This movie had a chance to break away from the Raimi trilogy and try something fresh and original, but instead opted to just re-tell the story we've heard dozens of times by now with considerably less charm.
Rated 31 Jul 2012
Yes, the film doesn't exactly justify its existence having covered much of the same ground as Raimi's original. But with more emphasis on intimate moments, a sizzling chemistry between the two leads, and some skillfully crafted action sequences, Webb makes it worth our while.
Rated 07 Sep 2013
The Amazing Spider-Man is an awful film. It's worse than Spider-Man 3, if that's the bar we're using to determine a Spider-Man film's (lack of) quality. Any good it does is ruined by the tedium and boredom, the lack of any originality, the terrible chemistry between the love interests who get far too much time attempting to get us to believe that they've got a budding relationship, the CGI lizard, or the script that drops potentially interesting or important plot points without any reason.
Rated 13 Aug 2014
I don't care if it's supposedly an objectively better movie than Raimi's in terms of special effects, and possibly even lead actors; the plot still spends way too much time on nonsensical coincidences, and worst of all, it's not nearly as FUN. Webb thinks you just have to drop a few one-liners in there to make Spider-Man Spider-Man; he's wrong.
Rated 17 Aug 2012
Y'know, for a movie about the jokingest superhero in town, this movie is GRIM. Not to mention the fact that there are at least two subplots that the movie abandons before the one-hour mark. I'll freely admit that Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone hit their respective characters' marks, and the other key actors did fairly well in their own rights, but great performances can't save this movie from an underwhelming script and an inexperienced director. All in all, a big letdown.
Rated 25 Aug 2012
Raimi might have made a gadzillion with his iterations of the Spider-Man movies, but that doesn't mean they were any good. This movie is simply the best thing to happen to Spider-Man since the cartoon series in the 90's. I had my reservations upon seeing Garfield in the title role, but he pulled it off pretty well and I congratulate Webb on a job well done. Also, this one has got a pretty good Stan Lee cameo--don't they all?
Rated 08 Sep 2012
Pro: solid acting (sadly, that's all). Cons: retreads too much ground too similarly to last trilogy. Many overly long or useless scenes (basketball, same-y battles & crime-fighting, etc.) could've been cut--a shorter film or reallocating the time toward a slower more organic build up to the final conflict instead of it beginning virtually out of nowhere would've been superior. An excess of close-up or POV shots of Spider-man swinging around--they're nauseating.
Rated 25 Apr 2013
Peter Parker is an immature child who has trouble finishing his sentences while seemingly suffering from a drug abstinence making him twitch and constantly move his head while avoiding eye contact with people. I have no idea why Gwen has the hots for him, as I don't think they've exchanged more than fifty words together. Must be because of his awesome skateboarding skills. Or because she "is on his computer".
Rated 01 Jul 2014
Andrew Garfield is spot on for the part and it features the best Stan Lee cameo so far BUT where are the quips?
Rated 25 Jul 2017
Unlike the X-Men relaunch; this one didn't work at all in my opinion. You can tell this story only so many times without adding much to it. Thye didn't put much detail in Connors character; so he made a very generic villain. The only shining part was Emma Stone.
Rated 13 Nov 2012
Excellent example of an origin story!
Rated 03 Jul 2012
Where Raimi's Spider-Mans went mostly traditional, The Amazing Spider-Man attempts to modernize the story a bit, and for the most part it succeeds. The action scenes are spot on and look much better than Raimi's ever did, and besides a few lines by Garfield, the acting is more than adequate for a Spider-Man movie. Sadly it's almost completely undone by a atrociously hokey Michael Bay style final act (mostly the crane scene) that had absolutely no business in the movie.
Rated 06 Jun 2022
It starts off rough because I don’t think Garfield is good as Peter pre-spider bite. He’s much better after the bite, but the plot of wanting to turn everyone into lizards is just so bad.
Rated 21 Apr 2014
I mean it's not bad. The performances are solid all round, it's dynamic enough, and for the most part the unbearably silly scenes are confined to the first act when it feels way too much like a shitty high school dramedy on the CW, replete with awful pop-music cues. But it's also a bit slow, a bit uninteresting, and it's Spiderman's origin story, which I'm just sick of by now even if it is one of the better ones. Yeah, it's not bad, but ultimately it feels like the license protection film it is.
Rated 26 Mar 2013
I quite like the naturalistic style most of this movie is done in - and was a bit disappointed when it dropped out near the climax. Nevertheless, it's a pretty solid superhero movie, and well covers the aspect of Spider-Man that the original trilogy often missed - the humor.
Rated 04 Jul 2012
The first Spider-Man movie I'd say I really enjoyed. It has its flaws and wank parts, but everyone did well and I like Andrew as Peter Parker much better than Tobey. A darker feel, but keeps the Spider-Man personality in tact. Also for those seeing it in 3D... it's mostly unnecessary but doesn't get in the way like The Avengers did.
Rated 24 Apr 2014
Definitely has some strong points (great CGI, a thinner line between Peter Parker and Spider-Man), but I couldn't ignore the fact that this movie is in many ways similar to Raimi's Spider-Man. Some other problems I had were Spider-Man being a complete dick, some terrible dialogue, and some failed attempts at lighthearted humor. Lastly, I bet Andrew Garfield is a fine actor, but I didn't buy his Peter Parker for one second. He, and the movie in general, both felt a bit fake and heartless to me.
Rated 05 Jul 2012
This reboot may have come too soon, but I find it a welcome and fresh adaptation with a lot of future potential. I like Garfield a lot (and not just as eye candy); I think he's an even better Spider-Man than Maguire. As Peter Parker, though, he's got some maturing to do. Marc Webb delivers again with his fun and fascinating visionary prowess. The Spidey sequences could rival the very best from Raimi's trilogy. I hope he sticks with the franchise and aims even higher.
Rated 01 Dec 2012
Beautifully crafted, flawlessly performed reboot suffers from a catastrophic case of bad timing; with memories of the Raimi series still too fresh, many of the plot points feel unfairly tired and predictable. A great shame; ultimately it succeeds to a greater degree than the earlier show, with exciting, well-developed action scenes and a greater 'reality' to Spidey's movements. Garfield is never quite credible as a nerd, but Sheen and Field are heartbreaking as his guardians. Bring on a sequel!
Rated 16 Oct 2020
Hey it's the guy from that Facebook movie!
Rated 27 Mar 2017
okay movie
Rated 06 Jul 2012
Don't care, don't care, don't care.
Rated 18 Feb 2013
peter parker gets bitten by the fangs of puberty, comic book genre gets officially rendered defunct as a vital cinematic artform, i get to watch a stupid remake of a film only a decade old. everyone's a loser. :(
Rated 13 Jun 2013
Inoffensive is not what a Spider-Man movie should aim for, but is about all this one manages to achieve. You'll stare at the screen, you won't be bored enough to turn it off, but when it's all over you'll forget it the next day and never want to see it again. Filmed in native 3D and it really does add to the experience to watch it in that format.
Rated 07 Jul 2012
There are some appealing ideas and performances in it (particularly the super-naturalistic Andrew Garfield as the titular character), but I found myself really missing that sublimely fun comic booky vibe of Raimi's universe. Ultimately, I still wish that Raimi had made his version of Spider-Man 4. By the way, how come new superhero movies (this and also Avengers and all its related films) seem to have given up trying to come up with iconic theme music for their heroes?
Rated 19 Jun 2014
45 mins to tell an origin story *We All Know*, tired pimps 'n' ho's guff from a bygone age and general lack of New York place-ness. The soundtrack: tame orchestral -because blockbuster?- from a city that gave us Gershwin, punk rock, rap etc. etc. pffft. An unconvincing romance, poorly drawn baddies with senseless motivations and a Parker who starts a friendless dick and becomes a bully. Makes 2002s look Amazing. [df]
Rated 11 May 2013
Rated 08 Nov 2012
Plenty of holes in the script but it's still better than Raimi's first Spidey. Some pretty cool action sequences.
Rated 09 Jul 2012
Although it appears like the same rehashed origin, it's the minor differences that make this version more fresh and appealing. Aside from remaining a nerd and being granted his jack-ass wit, Peter is portrayed as a rebellious punk. Rather than 100% happenstance, it's because of his actions against the rules that drive the story. Even the script rebels against prior versions by circumventing the most cliched line in Spidey's origin, and doing a reversal of Raimi's Spidey 1 funeral scene! Great!
Rated 06 Aug 2013
Unnecessary remake...
Rated 09 Jul 2012
Swing by this web site and you'll sense that this was a movie with a lot of heart, excellent action, but a few issues that poison the story line. A few plot strings are dropped out of no where, but it's enjoyable enough that I was forgiving.
Rated 10 May 2021
A different take on Spidey's origin, and the version of Parker that most resonates with me, personally. His journey of self discovery is handled beautifully, and Garfield's chemistry with Stone is unmatched in the franchise.
Rated 29 Nov 2012
This movie has a lot of flaws, like poor writing and a very lame version of The Lizard as a villain. One of the worst things is that Garfield is just a bad actor, making Peter Parker into a very annoying character. Overall, this is easily the worst Spider-Man movie.
Rated 03 Nov 2012
Quite a terrible script, contrived elements crop up towards the end. Suddenly buildings are not good enough for Spidey's webs? I want an antidote machine that counts down too. Spidey is also an annoying jerk in the suit. Some good dialogue early between garfield and stone is short lived. Emma stone is probably the star and sally fields is badly wasted. Aside from some great action and effects, it's grossly inferior to the 2002 version. Also nobody fixed that leak in the basement.
Rated 29 Oct 2012
This could have been good. It started off okay...assholes.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
i actually love andrew garfield as spiderman sadddddd
Rated 17 Jan 2021
Not only is The Amazing Spider-Man an extremely lazy retread of the 2002 iteration, it makes no effort to develop the motives of its one-dimensional characters; while Parker's role is easily inferred, the villain is poorly fleshed out and barely believable. Add in some really poor pacing and storytelling (where was the second act, exactly?), and you easily have one of the worst modern superhero movies.
Rated 12 Jul 2012
A great cast and overall fun movie, but the emotional beats feel wrong or unimportant.
Rated 12 Jul 2012
Garfield is no pre-Spiderbite Peter Parker, but both he and the movie really get their game on after the bite. The characters (Uncle Ben in particular) are stronger than the 00's iteration. The action is enjoyable, the girl likeable (and proactive) and the villain threatening enough, if a bit bland compared to the previous outings. Definetely worth a watch for doubters or people just looking for a good summer flick.
Rated 12 Jul 2012
Despite doing a lot of things I hated Spider-Man for doing the first time - the tedious origin story, the "we can't be together because Spidey-reasons" schtick, etc - I really liked this. Fresh script, good action, great on-screen chemistry. None of which can be said for the original trilogy, which was a horrible mistake best forgotten by all. The cast is good overall; Stone steals the show as usual. I would watch her in literally anything and this film wouldn't be nearly as good without her.
Rated 26 Oct 2012
Overlong, miserable and completely unnecessary. Sam Raimi's first two Spider-Man films are too good to ever displace.
Rated 17 Jun 2019
Rewatch. I liked the acting and the casting all-around, including Sheen and Field. The plot/writing was subpar though. A lot of uncharacteristically dumb decisions or unrealistic happenstances that are immersion-breaking, or were there to sell 3D. I don't like that Peter basically breaks his promise to George immediately. As with Homecoming, how creepy is it that you're hunting a superhuman nemesis and he shows up at your house dating your daughter? Fav scene: Flash trying to be nice.
Rated 15 Jul 2012
I think it would have benefited greatly from a shorter cut. There were some seriously slow moments, which have no place in a movie like this. The score had some issues, too. Also weird that the CGI seemed worse than the original. That being said, the casting was good and I was mostly entertained.
Rated 22 Oct 2012
a totally unnecessary and "amazingly" sloppy remake
Rated 16 Jul 2012
I miss Tobey
Rated 31 Dec 2021
The characterization in this film is horrendous, beginning with Garfield’s (earnest attempt at an) anarchist science nerd engineer skateboarding cool kid athlete programmer costumer 28 year-old teenager. Add in a lack of real development into Spider-Man and a villain with no convincing reason to want everyone to be a lizard and it’s just a mess.
Rated 29 Dec 2012
A virtual rehash of the same stuff we saw not too long ago. Garfield gives the emo version of Parker without the goofiness that made Toby so annoying, but little else is any sort of improvement. A very safe route in what could have been something pretty amazing. Stone, however, is amazing.
Rated 28 Oct 2012
Rated 09 Apr 2024
A young man is infected with DNA from a biotechnologically mutated spider (one wonders if now-popular unscientific ideas such as that promiscuous women become “contaminated” by male DNA might have received a boost from this kind of nonsensical blockbuster-movie setup) and finds himself at war with a man infected both with DNA from a biotechnologically mutated lizard and with transhumanist ideology and its notions of eliminating weakness and escaping human limitations. The second half drags.
Rated 21 Sep 2013
FUCK YOU, DougCollins! You blind, sexist old fart! Gwen Stacy doesn't show ANY skin on this film! What about Mary Jane's succulent, braless, soaking-wet-under-a-t-shirt breasts on your beloved Raimi Spider-Man? No objection to that? Also, accusing Peter of having sagging pants (or "britches" as i'm sure you refer to them in private) is bullshit enough, but I saw your review of Birth of a Nation, buddy. RACIST. And Spider-Man has mucho personality!
Rated 12 Feb 2013
Better than Spider-Man 3.
Rated 25 Jul 2012
...I'm tied between hating it (Emma Stone, the partially needless remakey-ness of it, and also that they're probably going to remake ALL of them.) and liking it (they might make a new-new avengers with him (spider-man) in it which could be cool, and also it made a little more sense than the Tobey Maguire one.).
Rated 13 May 2013
The pacing is all over the place, the fight scenes quite hard to follow and generally silly. Besides, there is no tension and that was really a show-killer.
Rated 21 Oct 2012
Way, way better than the 2002 version, and it's not even close. Tobey Maguire and his love interest were horrible casting choices. CGI web-swinging looks far better in this film than in the other spiderman films. The main weakness in this film is the writing--the motives of the villain aren't properly explained and don't really make sense. Still pretty good though. Martin Sheen and Sally Field are great in their supporting roles while Stone and Garfield do a decent job as well. Worth a watch.
Rated 31 Jul 2012
9 temmuz 12, kanyon, ozge ile. & The Amazing Spiderman, yer yer komedi ile aksiyonu iyi harmanlamis ama yine de bir marvel filmi olarak yetersiz bir is.
Rated 05 Aug 2012
What a wonderful film. It's obviously flawed -- a major subplot was excised in the edit -- but who cares? No other superhero movie this year did more to invest me in the characters, and actually caring about the outcomes for our vulnerable heroes keeps the inevitable finale from feeling like a listless afterthought. To take nothing away from Raimi's films, this feels more like the character I grew up with. Webb crafts a strong rom-com out of the Spider-lore. Garfield, Stone & Sheen are terrific.
Rated 13 Jul 2013
The Amazing Spider-Man isn't bad, especially for a reboot that really doesn't need to exist. Sam Raimi's trilogy ended a mere five years prior to this movie, so the need for this movie is rather questionable. But ultimately, it turns out okay despite feeling a little familiar.
Rated 16 Nov 2020
I mean, I actually found the scene with the cranes genuinely moving. But I was at the same time acutely aware, that a) Spidey should have been able to swing through the city, just using buildings and b) the cranes would have taken so long to get into place, that even the slowest version of Spider-man would still have gotten there faster than waiting for them. What I'm getting at is: there's heart in this movie, but not a lot of brains.
Rated 16 Sep 2012
Not a bad movie, pretty great depiction of Spiderman.
Rated 27 Dec 2022
Garfield and Stone may be the two strongest actors as leads in the Spider-Man films, but the results are underwhelming. Did we really need another Spider-Man origin film so soon after the Raimi films? Forgot that the crane operators of New York all rallied together to help Spidey Man. Also, find it amazing that no iteration of Peter Parker has any hesitation towards heights. Just willing to throw themselves off a building and hope the web works.
Rated 19 Aug 2018
The undeniably talented cast is short-changed by a formulaic, paint-by-numbers script, which is overly cynical and ultimately pointless.
Rated 09 Jan 2021
Haters will say it's a bad reboot, but it's much closer to the source material as the previous trilogy. Sadly, a superhero movie often tends to be capped in quality by how good its villain is, and the lizard dude didn't do much for the movie's quality. At least the whole origin story part was short, which is always a plus when starting a new franchise.
Rated 31 Oct 2012
Not really bad but completely unnecessary. The villain is really lame.


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