The Adventures of Maid Marian
The Adventures of Maid Marian
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The Adventures of Maid Marian

The Adventures of Maid Marian

After three years of hiding in a remote priory, news reaches Marian that King Richard the Lionheart is dead. Her lover Robin Hood is returning from the wars. Leaving her sanctuary she hurries to meet him but they discover all is not as it seems. William De Wendenal, the disgraced Sheriff of Nottingham, has returned from exile and is out for revenge. Ambushed, Marian and Robin fight for their lives and escape, but Robin is badly injured. Deep in the forest and miles from help and hounded by ruthl

The Adventures of Maid Marian

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Avg Percentile 16.71% from 1 total ratings

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Rated 26 Feb 2023
Görsel efektsiz Robin Hood. Robin Hood'un manitası Maid Marian'ın hikayesi. Savaştan gelen Robin Hood, kilisede yaşayan Maid Marian'ın yanına gelir. Fakat intikam almak isteyen eski asker şefiyle uğraşacaktır. Hiç görsel efekt kullanılmamış. Doğal 1 film. Ormanlar, ordan buraya koşmalar, ağaçlar, ovalar, kırlar, bayırlar öyle 1 film. Kostümler ve müzikler güzel. Filmin sonunda, Robin Hood'un intikamı alınıyor. Kocama el kaldırırsan seni affetmem. Anladın mı?


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