The A-Team
The A-Team
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The A-Team

The A-Team

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1h 57m
A group of Iraq War veterans looks to clear their name with the U.S. military, who suspect the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed.

The A-Team

Comedy, Suspense/Thriller
1h 57m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 37.64% from 3203 total ratings

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Rated 10 Jun 2010
Exactly what I expected. The cast is fun (except for Biel the Bore), the action so-so, the jokes bad. It goes with the intentionally dumb territory and all this said, I was more or less entertained throughout. It's by no means a good film, but a pretty good time all the same. I actually wouldn't mind a sequel. But enough with the intensified continuity; next time treat us to action scenes with enough seconds per shot to discern what's going on, please.
Rated 14 Jul 2010
As far as I'm concerned they get the A-Team charm alright, yet the script is three sizes big for our crooks. With a nonsensical conspiracy following low-int. twists and new age over the top action without blood, it felt like a generic agent movie whenever the team isn't on screen.
Rated 17 Jun 2010
Of course it's goofy and over the top, but it's also entertaining most of the time. Neeson is again badass and the whole cast is good, except Jessica Biel.
Rated 24 Nov 2013
Ah, man. They publicised the hell out of this one for like over a year before it even came out. And honestly, I can't blame them - this had so much going for it, that if you were involved in making it happen then you probably really did think that this was going to be the greatest new action franchse that would stun the world and run and run for years. But it stinks. Watching it on TV, it barely held my attention. They missed their shot - it's all superhero movies now.
Rated 09 Mar 2011
i can almost imagine the board meetings for this: "...ok, and then they jump out of the plane...but in A TANK!" -"whoa!" -"awesome!" -"right on, dude!" -"yeah, and in mid-air, we should totally have 'em shoot stuff, you know..."
Rated 18 Sep 2010
Enjoyable no-brainer.
Rated 13 Jul 2010
What can you expect from this film? I'll tell you - action. A fantastic action cast, a fantastic action story and some fantastic action sequences. If you're expecting more than that, you may be disappointed, but I don't see why you would be. As far as action romps go, this is at times marvelously entertaining.
Rated 09 Jul 2019
Loud, gratingly obnoxious "romp" should have taken a gossamer light tone instead of the thuddingly heavy-handed hijinks on display here; presumptuous attempts at "world building" for an imagined series stall momentum periodically, but even this could be forgiven if not for the embarrassingly shoddy film-making in the first half (the montage after the event after the prologue is literally cut like a bad movie trailer). There is a brief respite whenever Neeson is on screen.
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Like Cooper's lady-killing character, Face, The A-Team is utterly convinced of its own lovability even as it strains our credibility, abuses our patience, and punishes our eardrums.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
I swear, I could actually sense brain cells dying in my head while I was watching this piece of crap. Man, I thought the TV show was bad, but compared to this, it was a masterpiece.
Rated 08 Nov 2011
Just another name-recognition cash-in movie. No creativity or innovation. And for such a simplistic goal, they didn't even try that hard on it. I mean, I don't think I heard any of Mr. T's catchphrases the whole time.
Rated 12 Aug 2011
Silly to say I was "disappointed" in this, but I had been hoping for a fun (and marginally intelligible) flick. The backstabbing and plot twists, and double twists!, and sneaky plans and prison breaks... all just to recover some "plates"? I think that was the point, but not sure... the A-Team shouldn't be hard to follow. And Jessica Biel looks like an alien.
Rated 06 Jan 2011
The incredibly awesome and stupid firing-the-cannon-to-navigate-tank-in-air scene just doesn't make up for the rest. Mediocrity galore.
Rated 14 Sep 2010
It is just the same storyline of every other summer block buster. Group of "super intelligent godlike" heroes with some outrageous action scenes and a villain who is known to the audience but reveals himself in the climax to make way for a fight with a more "notoriously stupid" villain. Now, can you guess who'll win?
Rated 12 Jul 2010
I've been waiting for a movie like this since I've seen Shoot 'Em Up, and it delivers on precisely the same frequencies. Mass carnage, brainless plot and cheesy one-liners are what makes this movie another enjoyable slaughterhouse.
Rated 24 Jun 2010
It's stupid, but then again, so was the orginal show.
Rated 19 Jun 2010
Better than I expected. Some of the best casting in years, with great chemistry and performances from all. The plot was a little hap-dash, but hey, the A-Team always is.
Rated 15 Jun 2010
Some would call this mindless fun. But really it is more of mindless and less of fun. Granted, the movie gets a little better during the second half when some semblance of a plot takes form but it's just too little too late. The overdone climax also does not do it any favors. This is that kind of film that tries so hard to be cool that it actually becomes uncool in the process.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
Sure, it won't be winning any Oscars any time soon, but it was fun, funny, and entertaining.....exactly what I expected from a movie based on a campy 80s show. I mean, if I were a stuffy butthead, I could complain about how near impossible the opening action sequence was (I flew on Hueys in the Marine Corps and I can tell you that attempting barrel rolls and mid-air engine restarts result only in death) - BUT, to tell you the truth, the ridiculousness of it is what made it so fun.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
Wait. This was supposed to be incredibly stupid, and ... it wasn't. It's not going to win any Oscars (or be nominated), but this is actually a pretty solid action movie. Sure, Jessica Biel continues to be pretty useless, and it was difficult sometimes to take white-haired Liam Neeson seriously, but still... the fact that this WASN'T a completely horrible mess is amazing. All four main guys have good chemistry, and the bad guys are good enough to pass villain-y muster.
Rated 23 Apr 2018
Though the PSI is higher than I expected, the film itself falls short of my modest expectations. Its second half is about what I expected: standard popcorn fare with decent performances by the four make leads and the secondary villain. The first half, however, was atrocious. Like 10 bad trailers (for a bad movie) in a row. That + the unwatchability of the action scenes due to incompetent editing and filming and directing left a bigger impression than anything else. 28th film of 2018.
Rated 26 Jun 2013
Disappointed by the so-so action, but the cast is funny and the script has a certain charming ADD loopiness. Could have been worse.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
Superficial movie made for the smartphone generation with music video pacing and constant "hip banter". Barf.
Rated 31 Oct 2012
Gets a few points for reminding me how much I loved The A-Team. Loses a lot more points for making me hate The A-Team for 2 hours.
Rated 22 Oct 2012
Some of it was predictable, but the action sequences were awesome. Also, lots of laughs. Remember to watch all the way to the end of the credits!
Rated 22 Sep 2012
Just an all around fun and funny action film. The A-Team brought back some good old 80's nostalgia for me. I wished that Mr. T would have had a cameo in this but I thought the new actor playing B.A.'s part did a really good job. I really loved Bradley Cooper and Liam Neeson in their parts. There were both just really great. This is one of those films that would never win any awards and yet I find a film like this so much more fun and rewarding than a heavy dramatic film. Great laughs and guns!
Rated 16 Sep 2012
After watching the trailer, I planned to skip it in the theater and rent it. I love it when a plan comes together.
Rated 09 Jul 2012
If James Bond is sophisticated and Ethan Hunt does the impossible - The A-Team is a nuclear bomb in that equation. Stupid, ridiculous and over-the-top american - but quite entertaining. Sometimes you just need a film like this to figuratively blow out you mind. And hey, Liam Neeson is in it... I freakin' love Liam Neeson!
Rated 04 May 2012
Action, action, action. No story. Couldn't stay focused.
Rated 15 Dec 2011
This is a fun, entertaining action movie. It is faithful to the original TV series and the casting of the roles are well done. All 4 lead roles are entertaining. If you like action films or you are a fan of the original TV series then check this one out.
Rated 27 Nov 2011
You'll have no regrets if you don't watch this one. Out and out action flick. Not much meat in the story.
Rated 24 Oct 2011
If I could give this movie an extra-medium I would
Rated 21 Oct 2011
This was REALLY not what I expected out of this movie. Even with Brad Cooper!
Rated 30 Aug 2011
Not so exciting though entertaining action flick. Contains extremely unlikely action sequences, really, more unlikely than, well, I don't know really...
Rated 08 Apr 2011
For better and for worse, Joe Carnahan's big-screen version of The A-Team captures the superficial, noisy spirit of the TV series.
Rated 21 Mar 2011
This is a mediocre send-up of a mediocre franchise with mediocre action and mediocre "Gotchas!" You could probably discern some kind of deeper meaning to it... if you're 12. It tries too hard to be awesome, but really it's just another action movie with fireballs, explosions, and witty rhetoric that's been done before.
Rated 13 Jan 2011
A very poor film.
Rated 19 Dec 2010
A mediocre hole-filled plot, a half-baked romance, and (with the exception of the very well cast four leads) a bland and stereotypical casting selection. And all that's just fine, because sometimes a film is just there to satify a persons urge to see things blow up and tanks fly through the air. "The A-Team" does that very nicely indeed.
Rated 01 Dec 2010
The A-Team isn't "bad," it's just straightforward gimcrack and commercialism.
Rated 19 Nov 2010
Some good action scenes, some good jokes, but it's worth watching just to check Sharlto Copley, the crazy Murdock, that steals the whole thing.
Rated 08 Nov 2010
Rated 26 Oct 2010
at least they got the ''team'' spirit right.
Rated 24 Oct 2010
It's not even good in a bad action movie way, which is all I wanted out of this.
Rated 18 Sep 2010
I was surprised at how much I was enjoying parts of the A-team. It's just decent, silly entertainment with explosions and cars and airdropped tanks. The final climax is rather chaotic and unengaging, but up to that point the good definitely outweighed the bad.
Rated 30 Aug 2010
A lot of things could go very wrong with the A-Team. Simple script, heavy cgi and action that makes no sense at all but and this is a but that changes everything, it was fun. In fact i haven't this much fun in the theater for a long time. The casting, pacing and everything else is spot on. A perfect mix for a summer action spectacle with a priceless old school feel to it. The A-Team completely surpassed my expectations and i wonder if i can enjoy The Expendables this much.
Rated 26 Aug 2010
this movie baffles me, imagine you're the director and you've got a moderately good cast, a plot satisfactory enough to create some "oh-shit-they-did-not-just-do-that!" moments and a classic atmosphere to rely on, all you need to do is put the pieces together in a coherent script and voila, you've got a neat, brainless action flick. how do you fuck this up? well, apparently by over caricaturizing everything. the a-team could've been fun, but instead, it was just plain silly.
Rated 22 Aug 2010
Not as sacrilegious as I was expecting, being a fan of the original TV series. It was a nice balance of comedy, explosions and good wholesome fun. Lots of entirely unrealistic CGI enhanced action, but who cares. Also yeah, they do kill people now, something which the original A-Team never did but they actually worked into the story.
Rated 09 Aug 2010
Damn that was a long trailor. Surprisingly, it was NOT directed by McG.
Rated 04 Aug 2010
Mediocre flick with an average of 20 explosions per minute. I imagined the director shouting "NEEDS MORE ACTION", but still lacks substance. Copley is god, Neeson keeps looking like he's going to release the Kraken, and Mr-T is not there. The infinitely-spammed Orange adverts in the UK don't help to add the credibility. It's bad, but not bad/cheesy enough to be good.
Rated 31 Jul 2010
A very fun and action packed film to see with the guys.
Rated 29 Jul 2010
The characters were weak and the plot was very formulaic and reminiscent of the early 90s, if this movie hadnt been called A-Team, no amount of people would have gone to watch it.
Rated 20 Jul 2010
Pretty ridiculous at times, but it overall exceeded my expectations, which were low to begin with.
Rated 18 Jul 2010
The F-grade. Smug quartet of rogue commandos on a noisy, chaotic, impossible mission to -- besides recover some Ben Franklin engraving plates from Baghdad -- clear their records and start a film franchise.
Rated 17 Jul 2010
Some nice moments and a few inspired casting choices (the awesome Sharlto Copley) make it enjoyable but the second half is very lame and there's just too much CGI for my taste.
Rated 14 Jul 2010
It's an action film in the vein of action films from the 80s. It does solid justice to a gimmicky TV show. It's nothing that you'd necessarily want to watch on purpose, but it's not terrible for something that you're forced to watch. It can't live up to today's big action franchises, but the cast is really solid, and that's gotta count for something.
Rated 10 Jul 2010
Was into the movie through the first half; sitting through the second half was a real chore.
Rated 10 Jul 2010
Damn I really don't enjoy gaping plot holes, embarrassing dialogue and Bradley Cooper walking around with his shirt off for no reason in every scene. Jessica Biel strangely looked like shit/apeish
Rated 06 Jul 2010
The A Team is way better than I've come to expect from the old tv-series-to-movie trend and manages to play the four man team archetype as more than just a gimmick, with each character given plenty of screentime, though District 9's Copley steals most of the scenes he's in. I was reminded in a lot of ways to the old Brurckheimer action films like the Rock and Con Air, with the endless parade of military hardware, explosions and blunt humor.
Rated 29 Jun 2010
Great action, hilarious film. "You spin me right round baby, right round" - Murdock
Rated 27 Jun 2010
It ain't perfect but it has a lot going for it if you look at is as an action comedy (which is always was) instead of an action drama. The f/x are pretty spectacular (especially the shipyard scene), the characters are likable, the plot is interesting if unpolished around the edges, and there's even some decent dialogue (e.g. "Overkill is underrated", and the resolution of B.A.'s newly-adopted pacifism with dueling Gandhi quotes.) And I'm sorry, ya gotta love the tank thingy.
Rated 19 Jun 2010
Action adventure about a group of mercenaries and Iraq war veterans who are framed for a crime by the U.S. military and must clear their names. 'Overkill is underrated,' says a member of The A-Team... a gigantic pile of ear-deafening nonsense, but it is brisk and goofy and well shot.
Rated 18 Jun 2010
Pretty much exactly as loud, obnoxious and ridiculously over-the-top dumbfounding as you'd expect. Please Joe Carnahan. Won't you go back to making Narc-style awesome thrillers instead of middle-of-the-road crap?
Rated 17 Jun 2010
I pity the fool who hasn't got two hours to spend in campy action heaven
Rated 17 Jun 2010
If you don't take this seriously at all, it's a pretty fun popcorn action flick. Everything that happens is completely preposterous, but there's lots of big explosions and corny one-liners and enough nods to the original TV series to keep you entertained. If you liked Transporter 2, or Shoot Em Up, this is in the same kind of vein. There is a scene where they're in a tank that falls out of a plane, and they "fly" the tank by shooting its gun like a propulsion system. Awesome.
Rated 15 Jun 2010
I had more fun than I expected. The action is wacky, satisfyingly over-the-top. Liam Neeson and Sharlto Copley are great. Funny and watchable.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
Tremendously mediocre as far as action movies go. While it's got a few genuinely entertaining moments there's really nothing compelling about the film whatsoever except playing "spot the callback to the source material." The action is absurdly over-the-top and the plot is the average action "betrayed by the higher-ups" that's been beaten to hell and back dozens of times. Carnahan blew me away with his debut film NARC but since then I've yet it be impressed by one of his features.
Rated 12 Jun 2010
What an improbably entertaining action thrill-ride--at this point in the game, this is the 'explosiest' film of the summer, and one that will be hard to beat. Even though the average kiddie flick has more smarts than these screenwriters conjure up, the frenetic fun of "A-Team" never lets up. It is also brimming with humor, camaraderie among its stars, and an unbelievably rapid-fire pace. Seriously, there is not a dull moment to be found here. Turn off your brain and grab some popcorn.
Rated 12 Jun 2010
I loved the A-Team as a kid and while this is not exactly the same as the show, it was still a fun movie. My main problem is that it seems that they want you to think that there is always a plan. But their plans seem to require a ridiculous amount of luck. Hannibal saves Face on foot; walking through the desert? What the hell kind of plan was that? Anyway, acting was very good except for Jessica Biel who seems much uglier than usual. Also, Patrick Wilson and Bradley Cooper were awesome.
Rated 10 Jun 2010
A helluva ride, Carnahan does wisely not letting the train stop for one minute. It's the action that keeps the vehicle going, and it goes a surprisingly long way. Plus, the actors are quite tremendous, except Jessica Biel.
Rated 09 Nov 2023
It tries to be a little bit too cool for its own good, but I'll forgive that since it's The A-Team and they are supposed to be like that. There are some nice action parts and funny things in here, but it loses its drive somewhere a little past halfway, because it's just too damn long! The forced romance was a big blegh. Any part with Murdoch was a fun part, though, his crazy helicopter flying and being a bit deranged included.
Rated 30 Jul 2023
Acting - 13/25 Pace - 15/25 Direction - 12/25 Plot - 12/25
Rated 09 Jun 2020
This is actually a pretty good movie. Characters that resemble the show are done quite well actually.
Rated 23 Mar 2020
I probably would have liked it more if I had some familiarity with the original and/or the TV Series There seemed to be a bit of expectation that I knew the characters mannerisms beforehand
Rated 15 Feb 2020
Unlike many remakes of 80's properties, The A-Team seems to have a purpose and real energy behind it. Sure, that purpose is just an excuse for the cast to all have a few laughs but that isn't a bad thing. There are some genuine moments of joy to be had but the script is needlessly convoluted and the action is overdone and over-reliant on bad CG to make it all work.
Rated 30 Apr 2019
The A-Team is a big dumb action romp that wanted to be a series of movies but couldn't even get the first one right. Getting the team together was just long enough for this two-hour movie. Neeson and Cooper were great choices and they did a fantastic job. I don't know who owed who a favor to get Jackson in this movie but his performance was dull throughout, especially when they attempted to give him some pathos. Finally, Sharlto Copley was the true standout here. He did his part perfectly.
Rated 30 Mar 2018
Decent action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. Plus, firing a tank in midair to slow it's fall gave this movie a +5
Rated 03 Mar 2018
Kick-ass reboot
Rated 04 Feb 2018
Fun stuff. The cast is pretty good.
Rated 16 Dec 2017
Rated 05 Oct 2017
Action and jokes intertwine, fun, could be stronger.
Rated 20 Jun 2017
While the actors appear to be having a great time, The A-Team is never as fun as it should be.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
Not a good movie but I'd like to give bonus points for Quinton Rampage Jackson
Rated 30 Aug 2015
Honestly, this movie makes Transformers 2 look soignée. It invents a new past for the team - they met eight years ago in Mexico, not 'Nam - and sets them up for the botched recovery of a dollar printing press stolen by Saddam's henchmen. A rogue CIA man (Patrick Wilson, who has some snappy moments) gets them in this scrape - prison follows - and a US Army Captain (Jessica Biel, ever so dull in shades) hunts them when they've broken out.
Rated 18 Jun 2015
While it cannot be stressed enough how stupid 'The A-Team' is, there is admittedly some guilty pleasure to be derived from some of the cast and ridiculous scenes such as the one where the heroes effectively fly a tank.
Rated 22 May 2015
Curse me for bothering to watch such dross. Actually the first 2/3 of the movie were not that bad, some solid action scenes and good rapport between Neeson, Cooper and Copley. Quinton Jackson was the only casting mistake - acting as Mr little t. As with most second rate blockbusters it all fell apart before the end with multiple weak baddies and no sense of what was at stake. A kind of diet "Mission: Impossible" - comfortable in its own skin, but cringeworthy and lightweight to me at home.
Rated 08 May 2015
An awesome fun if unrealistic action movie with solid comedy as a backup. The ending left you hanging on the edge and no sequel will be made unfortunately or this would have got a 9.
Rated 20 Sep 2014
The first half had me geared-up and entertained - the second half lost out on both. If outrageously over-the-top action with plenty of corn mixed in is your bag, then this will tick your boxes.
Rated 15 Jun 2014
- 11/8/10
Rated 25 Apr 2014
Inconsistent but occasionally very entertaining.
Rated 16 Feb 2014
Couple decent action scenes and good job by Bradley Cooper but still that did not help too much.
Rated 04 Feb 2014
Most resurrections into a film are failures - this one did OK.
Rated 08 Jan 2014
The A-Team is an unrecognisable film adaption of the much more memorable TV series. I had some fun I suppose and for all out bombastic action it ticks the boxes. However it's generic, forgettable and dumb. I appreciate it's modernised but none of the cast share any resemblance to the much loved characters of the TV series. Neeson & Cooper are better than this, Jackson is no Mr. T, but Copley is surprisingly good fun. It's harmless fun but I don't wish to see this again or a sequel anytime soon.
Rated 22 Dec 2013
It's not smart in any sense of the term, and it strains at credulity for most of its running time but it's fun. Great for a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Rated 30 Oct 2013
Rated 11 Aug 2013
Montages ahoy
Rated 20 Jul 2013
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It's a very stereotypical action movie, but the cast works surprisingly well together and it retains the over-the-top charm of the source material.
Rated 06 Jun 2013
Somewhat confusing? Maybe. But I don't even care. Action was nice, and acting was decent.
Rated 24 May 2013
Call me a braindead Hollywood consumer, but was amusing enough to rank as one of my favorite action movies of the year. Even Rampage is good in small doses.
Rated 03 Mar 2013
Surprisingly bad considering Carnahan's other efforts - especially Narc. Bad cgi for no reason, overlong and the humor just doesn't work.
Rated 27 Jan 2013
A ridiculous ending completely ruins anything The A-Team has going for it


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