Your probable score


Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 30m
Armed with only one word -- Tenet -- and fighting for the survival of the entire world, the Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. (imdb)


Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 30m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 47.22% from 3500 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Compact view
Rated 07 Sep 2020
You know there's some people in this movie offscreen that were taking shits and when time gets inverted it goes back up their ass.
Rated 30 Aug 2020
No way to judge this movie properly before a 17th viewing, which - while undeniably jam-packed with entertainment value - will undoubtedly leave me equally perplexed and frustrated. Maybe instead of wasting $250M on a single movie, Warner should allow 25 singular voices to make a $10M movie that has something interesting to say, but Nolan fanboys out there aren't ready for that conversation.
Rated 20 Sep 2021
[A half-naked, unkempt man falls out of a turnstile wearing a breathing mask] "You.. you guys! I spent 11 months traveling back in time to tell you not to get too hyped up about Tenet; the premise is definitely cool but only the middle third really does fun stuff with it, the rest is either exposition or character stuff you won't care abo- ...what do you mean, it's 2021? What do you mean, gone from Criticker since october last year? Wait, this turnstile wasn't even turned on?!? GODDAMNMOTHERF-"
Rated 01 May 2022
Way better than all the miserable bastards on this site are saying. But then, I watched it with subtitles.
Rated 27 Oct 2020
I don't get it. My head hurts. Not from the time travel stuff, that's all pretty neat (if superficial popcorn) and I think it all shakes out. But how can you pour this much money, this much hype and this much left-brain thought into a movie, and yet have your characters constantly deliver lines that would have sounded stiff and clichéd in a 1989 Dolph Lundgren movie? ...I don't get it.
Rated 03 Sep 2020
One of these rare occasions, when everybody in the room just sits there, shifting uncomfortably, until nolan finally breaks the dead silence by muttering apologetically: "well, it made sense in my head."
Rated 29 Aug 2020
An uttely schizofrenic experience. Too fast and too slowly paced at the same time. Boring and exciting at the same time. Confusing yet shallow. Some things were consequent throughout - it was utterly mechanical and devoid of any emotion. Nolan really needs to hire someone to fix his dialogue - he's kinda turning into the new George Lucas in this area.
Rated 26 Aug 2020
The most Nolan of Nolan’s movies to date - there’s basically nothing in the way of genuine emotion, the concepts are more heady than ever, and the one major female character is a waste of her performer’s talent. But the spectacle and ideas behind the action scenes are still fantastic and the cinematography, score, and performances are top-notch. Editing is either amazing (when it’s on some backwards shit) or comically rushed (every dialogue scene). Among his worst, but still a good time.
Rated 27 Sep 2021
I have a lot to say about this movie, and almost all of it is, "What?"
Rated 15 Feb 2021
The biggest issue here is some of the sound editing. There are moments in here I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying because the music and sound effects were so loud. I caught everything much more easily the second time and ended up liking the move quite a bit anyway. I'm not sure why so many are confused. I found it to be complex but fairly easy to follow. The effects and action are stellar and the acting, directed, and music are all solid. Not perfect, but very entertaining.
Rated 26 Dec 2020
Before starting I closed my eyes & imagined the future Nolan had in store. I guessed we'd see a Bond heist opening, a woman who exists only as a hero's motivation, the super rich in suits, oddly mixed technical exposition, and an ending action set piece crosscut around 3 locations. And while Nolan did his greatest hits, his usual fusion of high concepts with grounded human drama is missing. Branagh makes no sense as he should be more mad at his future handlers than the world. Avoid at all costs.
Rated 12 Oct 2020
A slightly-above-average blockbuster that thinks it's God's gift to cinema. There are a few individual shots that give away everything the movie's trying to keep secret, which is kinda damning. John David Washington is good but miscast, and the rest of the cast is doing lukewarm Bond archetypes. Robert Pattinson's the only one who manages to shine. Of Nolan's "time" films, this is one of the weakest.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
Sports the boldest action since 'Fury Road' and one the most mind-bending sci-fi concepts since 'Primer', both of which its plot structure shares huge similarities with. The ambitious filmmaking and a cool and very charismatic turn by Pattinson rock, but I found JDW annoying and Branagh's performance too caricatured, even for a Bond villain. My future self might very well extrapolate something brilliant about the seemingly underdeveloped "back"story, but I don't see this cracking my Nolan top 3.
Rated 10 Oct 2020
The fact that the main character is named "The Protagonist" says everything you need to know about Christopher Nolan's view of the role of human beings in his stories. Nolan wants to direct Bond movies so freaking bad.
Rated 08 Sep 2020
Nolan hasn’t written a definable character/performance since Heath Ledger’s Joker. What awful dialogue here. I bought the ticket for the images, and those did not disappoint. For a movie whose every line of dialogue is a bland effort to explain to us what’s going on, I had no idea what was going on by the end. Inception made sense and was over-explained; I honestly prefer not understanding
Rated 06 Sep 2020
In essence a fairly ordinary spy action film, with several great set-pieces (one car chase in particular) spread out through a familiar tale. As for the time traveling: the word "Entropy" does a lot of the heavy lifting explaining it (which I'm fine with) and as a novel gimmick it works wonderfully, but the "Schrödinger's cat" logic of it, creates a deterministic undercurrent to the story, which kind of goes against the whole premise of actively trying to change the past... right?
Rated 26 Aug 2020
I appreciated some of the action sequences and stunt work that was done in Tenet. However, the story didn't really grab me as much as I had initially hoped and I didn't feel I got an emotional connection with any of the characters. I was scratching my head on how the reverse/inverse gimmick worked. The acting is pretty solid, but no one blew me away. There were many scenes where you couldn't hear what the characters were saying because the music was so loud. One of Nolan's weakest movies.
Rated 14 Feb 2022
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Rated 09 Sep 2020
Less big loud Robbe-Grillet than big loud dour DUCK AMUCK: what if I do _this_ to a fight scene? how about _this_ to a car chase? a full-scale firefight? Still exciting in the same ways? New ones? Are you, our "fresh-faced protagonist", able to absorb, or forget, or disregard, the compound exposition, "not to think about it, but feel it"? Problem is, Kenneth Branagh as a Russian mobster are six of the most boring words in existence. A Russian mobster as Kenneth Branagh, though...
Rated 14 Dec 2020
The most authentic Nolan movie is The Prestige, about magician showmen distracting the audience and that completely describes his filmmaking. Such is Tenet too, a demonstration of distracting (yet dazzling) spectacle and intriguing concepts that don't really hold up, because they are not grounded in any interesting character stakes - other than an abstract saving of the world. Loved Rob Pattinson's performance, he is that charming. The best moment of this was a woman jumping out of a boat.
Rated 28 Nov 2020
How to make a taught thriller? Write a paradoxical script, then toss it into a food processor. I imagine this is how this movie got so chopped up and convoluted. I really wanted to love it, but the bad decisions were never-ending. The awful overblown music makes you want to burn your speakers. I call bullshit on this Hollywood paint-by-the-numbers production that used only black paint. Expensive slick excrement. Overall, I was moderately entertained but ultimately disappointed.
Rated 18 Apr 2021
A decent action movie, but a puzzlingly and ineptly convoluted sci-fi movie. At this point it seems like Nolan is trying to to copy his own successes with "Inception" and "Interstellar", but has run out of good ideas. Yet still, with the sizable budgets he commands, it was bound to look good anyway.
Rated 22 Jan 2021
Christopher Nolan is slowly turning into a pseudo-intellectual Michael Bay. Tenet isn't half as smart as it thinks it is; being obtuse is not the same thing as being clever. Some of the worst audio mixing I've heard in a while. You'll be riding that volume control like an unruly mule. And the constantly changing aspect ratio really chaps my ass. This is like if Annihilation was dropped on its head as a child. If you want Christopher Nolan filming things in reverse, stick to Memento.
Rated 08 Jan 2021
I'll like this film in the long run, the same way I enjoy reading obscure PhD theses. This film is just as imaginative and preoccupied with proving itself, with what I call Thesis Masturbation. Here, an idea as simple as, "Your mission, if you choose to accept it," becomes, "The physical projection understood as yourself as it anticipates to comprehend the multifarious commission presented forthwith, insomuch understood by the illusion of the personal selection of all probabilities..."
Rated 13 Sep 2020
you can tell Christopher Nolan had a week of non-stop Bond movies and Modern Warfare on the Xbox with his boys and he was just like 'yooo!!!!!! I fuckin' got something!'
Rated 04 Sep 2020
One of the things that made Inception and Interstellar engage despite the aspects that could confuse the audience was that you cared about the characters and their goals. In this case you really don't care too much about anyone (flat and dull characters), you don't really get their intentions and nothing really makes much sense. Quite boring also. Will still rewatch once for the good old times with Nolan, but my expectations are really low about a second viewing changing anything.
Rated 23 Feb 2021
Remake of DÉMOLITION D'UN MUR, which shows that reversing the arrow of time has been a cinematic potential from the outset. That Nolan has little interest in psychology and conceives his films as puzzles doesn't bother this viewer: he clearly loves trying to dazzle the audience with new ideas and new kinds of images. The problem is his Bond fetish: running and shooting are hardly new and the endless parade of it here eventually wears down the viewer's willingness to pay the necessary attention.
Rated 01 Jan 2021
at the core a simple bond-esque story with a cheesy villain and a completely uncharismastic main character that Nolan tries to hide under incredibly over-wrought time travel nonesense.
Rated 06 Sep 2020
It's very much like a spiritual successor to Inception. You'll love it if you can deal with even more convoluted plot devices. Nolan definitely has a found a niche relying on confusion to create mystery. He acknowledges his plot holes and tries to subvert them by posing them as philosophical conundrums. None of the central characters in Tenet are given much background or context. Their motivations come to fruition at the denouement and thus seem rather tacked on and emotionally disingenuous.
Rated 01 Sep 2020
Doctor Strange's time reversal end sequence but over an entire film. The main cast have screen presence but lack characterisation and seemly act due to needs of the often hard to fully understand plot. The sound mixing is frequently poor with story critical dialogue missed due to muffled voices or overly loud ambient noise. However the concepts shown are thought provoking and the multiple set piece action scenes are very well executed. Often entertaining but flawed Tenet is a lesser Nolan movie.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
The greatest trick Nolan ever pulled was convincing everyone they could understand his movies in one viewing. Nolan: hacking the box office system since 2001.
Rated 22 Aug 2020
Beard Envy: The Movie
Rated 16 May 2021
"OK, lets introduce the protagonist by getting him to blow up a theatre full of people, that should get people interested, then we can introduce the idea of a palindromic word and hand gesture ... and never refer to either again!" "Oh, that will make people think we are really smart, Chris, wont it?".."Oh sure, then we will use the same set pieces we had for Inception, but just reverse them; no one will know, then lets get everyone to mumble so no-one will be completely sure the story is bonkers
Rated 06 May 2021
Nolan does a good job keeping the reversed fights comprehensible, and with a little mental effort the plot, too. But that effort also lays bare the film's deep problem, which is that there's nothing really there. No human element, no grand reveal, no feelings of awe or inspiration. The final action sequence is a big blur of gunfire not worth ending on. The sound mix is also a big negative. Nolan claims that he's being impressionistic, but he is no impressionist. Play to your strengths, dude.
Rated 05 May 2021
The film equivalent of running a marathon to get to the gym to use the treadmill. At least I got my cardio in.
Rated 14 Feb 2021
I have to say I'm a little surprised at the hate this is getting. Like many (most?) of Nolan's movies, the big sci fi ideas and action set pieces are the stars, and it doesn't do anything especially interesting in examining the human condition. But I thought the actual sci-fi elements were just as good as any of his other movies, and hardly the huge flaming mess that most people seem to believe it is. Sure there are paradoxes and plot holes, but that is baked into any time manipulation story.
Rated 09 Dec 2020
You can only understand this film properly if you watch it both forwards and backwards simultaneously.
Rated 01 Nov 2020
An attempt at thought provoking sci-fi through exposition dumps and a poorly structured story. It has underdeveloped characters and motivations and an embarrassing example of "men writing women." For a movie that relies on exposition, you would think they would properly mix the audio for the dialogue to be audible. By the time all is revealed after the story has been told twice, you don't really care.
Rated 25 Oct 2020
I wanted to write this review both forward and backward and forward both review this write to wanted I. Another of those Nolan movies where I'm sure a second viewing will elucidate it, but I'm getting tired of having to have a PhD in 5 different disciplines to "get" a movie. Also the audio mix seems to be purposefully bad which takes away from a lot of the exposition and leaves the audience even more confused. it was gorgeously shot though.
Rated 09 Sep 2020
Couldn't hear half the dialogue and only understood half of the rest, but it's a testament to Nolan's ambitious and undeniably exciting brand of filmmaking that I was on the edge of my seat throughout regardless: the espionage plot and sci-fi concept are both confusing but compelling, the action is brilliant, the technical aspects top notch. It's a shame the only emotion is found in yet another Russian villain and a simply modernized damsel-in-distress (Debicki's turn remains excellent though).
Rated 06 Sep 2020
Certainly ambitious and admirable, but on a first watch comes across jarring, convoluted, and filled with exposition. But a one of a kind movie that you'll never see anything quite like, from an expert auteur.
Rated 04 Sep 2020
More ambitious than Interstellar and Inception. Not necessarily a bad thing, however it's also less ingestible than the other two. Either Nolan expects more of his viewers nowadays or the script simply lacks a final touch. I think it's the latter, although a second viewing might clear A LOT of question marks. Not impressed by Washington. Pattinson however, was a clear highlight! This hasn't changed the fact that Nolan is still the director I am looking most forward to releasing new movies. *Good
Rated 01 Sep 2020
Dialogue and acting was subpar throughout. Subject matter is too dense for just one viewing, but lack of character depth will keep you from seeking a second watch. Great, over the top gimmicks are what you'd expect from Nolan at this point in his career. Feels more like The Matrix and Batman as imagined by Michael Bay than the cerebral Bond film it wants to be.
Rated 30 Aug 2020
As a person who constantly over-analyzes the movies I watch, this was such a great experience. My brain started to melt trying to wrap my head around the plot and I was left to just enjoy the awe-inspiring spectacle that was presented to me. I was giddy at every second of action. The "human" part of the story fell a little flat, especially Debicki and Branagh. Fortunately, Pattinson brings his A-game and has the absolute best character to play with.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
Decent, but the script needs more work. The premise is interesting, but it's mostly wasted on silly clichés. The one dimensional caricature villain with Russian accent, the only major female protagonist only caring about her son 'because she is a mother', the main protagonist going to immense trouble and neglecting the fate of the world and many others by choosing to try and save a woman he hardly knows. I just didn't buy it and I think sci-fi should be a lot better thought out than this.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
A bold concept for a high-budget non-franchise blockbuster is nothing new for Nolan, and the arithmetic of his plotting is as impressive as ever, but oddly enough makes the story more exciting than the action (the final action scene looks like a multiplayer shooting game). He fills out the film with intricate plot details, fitting no room for psychological musings or an uncliched villain, but this is a ride of a film that pushes at the boundaries of the medium's possibilities.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
My main "Tenet" thought is that I understood about 20% of the film's dialogue, as much of it is Kenneth Branaugh talking in an indecipherable Russian accent and multiple people mumbling through oxygen/gas masks while a droning thumping score drowns out even quiet dinner and hotel room scenes. I strongly suggest waiting to see it with subtitles at home.
Rated 22 Aug 2020
The first half is boring and the second half is too complex. Being complex might not be a huge problem in itself, but its too fast pace makes it unable for viewers to swallow what they've just seen. This frustration keeps piling up, and by the time the movie reaches the last battle, we all just give up.
Rated 15 May 2021
This is just a so-so movie. I liked the ingenuity and cleverness in places but even connecting the dots, it has shit dialogue and lightweight characters… C-
Rated 03 May 2021
At this point I'm inclined to believe the increasingly poor sound mixing in Nolan's films is some kind of elaborate troll attempt.
Rated 03 Mar 2021
I’ve always pretty firmly rejected the Christopher Nolan backlash bandwagon but even I do have to admit that some accusations against him ring true here - a fascination with gimmicks over character; trickery over storytelling, with a heap of rough audio mixing on top. But all that said, man... some of those gimmicks are pretty neat. Final military assault act I think shows Nolan as a good left field pick if they ever do a Call of Duty Modern Warfare film adaptation.
Rated 26 Dec 2020
Original and interesting idea, as expected from Nolan, but not a smart movie this time! It's not plausible, not even in it's own sci-fi standarts.. Tenet fails to sell it's main plot to convince the audience! It can't explain well enough what at stake and how! But it makes also a great watch at the parts when and where it can deliver, at the parts we get it and somehow attached to it.. :) p.s.: Some cuts from one scene to scene/scences trasition were odd. So rapidly changes distracted me!
Rated 25 Dec 2020
If you watch this film and try not to keep up with the mechanics of what is actually happening, then this is enjoyable. It's a beautiful looking action film that I had to watch with subtitles because the dialogue was so muffled. I also like that Nolan had to add emotional stakes to this film, so he just had a woman continually adding, "but my son!!", every 15 minutes.
Rated 24 Dec 2020
I enjoy it quite a lot, it's not as intelligible as Inception though. Grasping what they're trying to do on a technical level is hard plot wise. I'm sure it all tracks, but god damn can Nolan get a decent sound mix for once, especially on a movie with as much exposition as this that's hard to hear because of music and ambient noise. It's basically a sci-fi James Bond.Technically brilliant, but the usual Nolan criticism of lack of character development and too much exposition(FWIW I like that)
Rated 11 Dec 2020
is this supposed to be a parody? because it's funny, but not that funny. also, i'm beginning to think the only reason for nolan's advocacy for theatre experience is the deafening bass. without it, "the magic" doesn't work. a script that works like a video game lore (not a jab at games), critical plot holes, boring direction, and a second half spelling out everything to fix the messiness of the first one...
Rated 07 Dec 2020
A few years ago, if Tenet had been made as a video game, it would have been a masterpiece. that's all I can say.
Rated 29 Nov 2020
The action sequences on the second half of the movie where past and present are more identifiable are very interesting; the idea about the reason to end the world in certain moments sound convincing, in other moments artificial. A very rigid storytelling style (specially on dialogue scenes), the scenes that try explain and make the narrative go on with a constant didactic tone, plain characters with equally uniteresting acting - a huge production with great ambition but with little soul.
Rated 29 Nov 2020
Opening is great. Cool mystery, unraveling it is fun. Time travel is used well sometimes to create some great action set pieces. Hard to understand what's going on, difficult to care too; poorly written dialogue ("I'm the protagonist") that is hurt by the sound mixing; no real characters; story sometimes too convoluted and dry/cold, attempting to be smart. Not boring, maybe a little too long, but ultimately good enough. Music/ambience sounds great, even though it muffles dialogue.
Rated 07 Oct 2020
Like many Nolan films, Tenet is a concept-heavy film often at the expense of meaningful character development; nevertheless it remains an engaging film throughout. Between exposition and action set pieces, Nolan raises several questions through the visuals only to answer them 5 minutes later. The plot is fairly easy to understand, though the mechanics do make you think; and after a single watch I'm unsure if it's logistically brilliant or masking several plot-holes.
Rated 25 Sep 2020
A bit conflicted on this: it takes courage to do a big budget film with a concept that will go way over head head for many. Technically this is quality work and there are multiple great action scenes. Script is more like a carefully planned technical plan with little room for emotions. Characters are merely instruments; we don't really know why Debicki's character was so important for the protagonist. For a Finn, it was also a bit weird to see big action scenes set in Estonia.
Rated 14 Sep 2020
Mess of a 1000 cuts and poor character development. There are so many movies that use time travel way, way better. Action scenes are nice to see but this is only redeeming thing. And Nolan can make movies more than just a set of action clips.
Rated 10 Sep 2020
I care so little about this, I'm not even angry. Also, was the opera opening the worst setpiece in Nolan's body of work?
Rated 08 Sep 2020
There is spectacle and there is reward, but the frenetic pace (forced by a completely unnecessary first act) is not helped by incomprehensible writing; there is never time for a satisfying "Aha!" moment before the next enigma crashes onto screen. Throw in a trademark lack of character and a woman without agency (Debicki almost makes it work) and the spectacle is really all that's left to enjoy during the experience itself, and I don't think it was enough. Messy.
Rated 06 Sep 2020
i think the less nolan tries to make sense, the better he actually is
Rated 04 Sep 2020
I've been a big fan of Christopher Nolan, especially with his superb efforts like The Dark Knight, Inception and Interstellar. And I've been looking forward to this for almost a year. But my first theater experience since Covid was something of a disappointment due to both conceptual and technical problems that interfered with presenting a coherent story. From the opening sequence in the concert hall (which they never really explain), to problems with understanding the dialogue due t
Rated 30 Aug 2020
Even with all its flaws it's just so darn entertaining and just smart enough to pull it off.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
With how many bespoke suits do Washington and Patterson travel? I want to see them packing and ironing this stuff, so they can look immaculate when confronted with seething "Russian" Branagh who has the fate of time in his hands. What I'm saying is that it is quite preposterous, so what if buildings are exploding and de-exploding in the background? It looks dizzying, it moves, I'm thrilled by the technology. It's an agent film with all the proper beats, and sometimes it turns into art collage.
Rated 27 Aug 2020
Congratulations to Christopher Nolan for making me feel like a complete fucking idiot because I had no idea what was going at least half of the time. Visually it's quite impressive but confusing overall.
Rated 26 Aug 2020
Nolan's strength is definitely not exposition. But he is the king of the modern high-concept blockbuster. There are some struggles but it comes together and in the end it just works, every time. The action set pieces and to be honest entire final act are a completely engaging joy. Leave your disbelief suspended at the door and you're in for a ride.
Rated 24 Aug 2020
Many bruh moments throughout this movie. It's like a crossover between Inception and Primer, but sadly lacks the best of both. Still, a decently enjoyable watch, you can tell a lot of effort went into writing the script and assembling all the little chekov's guns littered everywhere. Of note: the most surprising in all these twists and turns is that Pattinson is a legit actor now. The curse is broken. Good surprise.
Rated 02 Oct 2023
Systematically nonsensical, I'm almost sad I missed out on the collective confusion of the theater experience. Dude, what if Benjamin Button did a Tenet? That shit would be crazy
Rated 16 Aug 2021
I liked the first half where it was clear Nolan just burned money on whatever setpieces he thought looked cool. Exploding 747! Floating sailboats! Four trucks boxing in a car! Second half is a little too "rulebook cinema" to me. Feels like it's not made to be enjoyed in the moment but for drawing diagrams and spotting tiny details later.
Rated 28 Jun 2021
Oh my fucking god just make a Bond movie already and get all of this out of your system. p.s. get a hearing check too because this has, without exaggeration, the worst sound mixing I've ever come across.
Rated 27 May 2021
Imagine having so much power over a studio that you have final say in budget, script, casting and cut. You fine tune your movies so they look and sound best in IMAX. You have some of the best actors in your amazing (at least to you) scripts. You brought several (!) billions profit to your studio for a solid 20 years. You prepare an exquisite plot for the undeserving peasants, and what do you get? They stream your movie like it's some Cuaron B&W drama on Netflix! Who are you? You're Nolan, bitch!
Rated 09 Jan 2021
Innovative and visually arresting but not interesting, Tenet is what happens when a filmmaker who wants to provide insight on the human experience in the form of spectacle tries and fails to fully do so.
Rated 05 Jan 2021
Standard car chase/shoot-em-up but some of the bullets go backwards and the plot doesn't even attempt to make sense.
Rated 25 Dec 2020
Bitzer's New Whistle.. (Really.. just find and watch it)
Rated 16 Dec 2020
Great effects and sound. I just lost track of the plot about 1/3 of the way through and never really bothered to catch up. Good acting by all. Fav scenes: hallway fight with the inverted the first time; battlefield with mines going off and buildings exploding backwards.
Rated 15 Dec 2020
I like the reversal idea but it falls apart quickly when you start paying attention to it. The reversal even doesn't obey the rules the movie tells the viewer about (like newton law), because midway you can see two groups of helicopters both flying straight while one should be in reversal. I think this is laziness from the director or maybe he does not care or take it all too serious and just wants to prove amusement to the masses. It is amusing, but not immersive.
Rated 13 Dec 2020
Enjoyable as a spectacle, and the time "travel" mechanics interesting to try to wrap your head around. Messy as a movie though, and the characters are pretty dull. They're not dull enough to make it a deal-breaker for me, but it's still impossible to care about them.
Rated 10 Dec 2020
I dislike Nolan more and more with each movie. And I think at this stage I know exactly why: a. he's terrible at directing action. b. he has zero interest in good characters or dramatic arcs.
Rated 08 Dec 2020
Christopher Nolan finally pushes past his limits and stumbles. There was clearly far too much story to fit into one movie, and / or the editing needed to be clearer, and it wouldn't have hurt to give the audience a reason to care about the protagonist and understand his motivations. The soundtrack was good, and I liked the Russian armsdealer.
Rated 07 Dec 2020
Nolan's latest movie is one of his worst. An exaggerated film whose only purpose is to complicate the viewer, but I wish he could do it with cinema. These ambiguities are created only by the chaotic and crowded montage and a series of theoretical dialogues, and no cinema is seen in it. Also, we do not see any coherent story during the film and the events of the film do not form a script at all. There is no characterization in the film, the protagonist character is not made at all and is not beli
Rated 07 Dec 2020
I wanted to love this movie so bad, but it was so self-indulgent and didn't take care to guide the audience through the ground rules for this universe.
Rated 06 Dec 2020
An excellent movie. Remarkable, balletic stunt and action scenes reminiscent of Claire Denis's Beau Travail. An interesting, puppet-like performance by Washington. Best of all is the cryptic, rhythmic dialogue paired with the industrial soundtrack, creating a unique musical-poetic-cinematic atmosphere. The plot is hard to follow and probably bloated but it's a forgivable indulgence.
Rated 04 Dec 2020
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Rated 04 Dec 2020
I was so bored with the beginning of Tenet that I started watching it like a documentary about spaces being temporarily occupied by actors. Then I stopped watching after the protagonist started collecting quests and advice from the woman he had just home-invaded. Yes, that makes perfect sense Nolan, thank you for sharing.
Rated 11 Nov 2020
Maybe I'll like this better when I see it again with the added experience of having seen it before. Maybe I'll like it less. I was entertained and all the timey-wimey-wibbly-wobbly stuff was confusing in the fun way. But damn, did the rest of the movie feel tropey and underdeveloped. Especially Kat, who seemed like a placeholder character who the writers just totally forgot to develop until it was too late.
Rated 19 Oct 2020
A few clever action scenes but it's no Inception. Did anyone care about the arm dealer's wife?
Rated 27 Sep 2020
I think where Interstellar and Inception used their time-bent-ness as a side point in favor of an emotional pull, Tenet switched the two. A lot of crazy visuals but it kind of feels like seeing a magic trick: you're amazed at first but once you figure it out it's kind of like... "oh, duh, okay" without being left with a strong connection to the film. I don't fault Nolan for wanting to try something extreme but certainly the accessibility here is at an all-time low for his movies.
Rated 27 Sep 2020
amazing as a parody
Rated 19 Sep 2020
First theater experience since Covid and it was kind of disappointment for Nolan, yet it is not a bad movie.
Rated 18 Sep 2020
Lots of fun, the plot's main direction is pretty straightforward and always comprehesible so the movie is still engaging even if you don't follow some local "time tricks" – action sequences are still great
Rated 13 Sep 2020
very mind-fuck kind of movie, i had to concentrate to really understand what was going which is what made this movie so good. It kept my attention at all times. Sometimes the pacing was a little too quick (felt rushed) for me to understand but definitely a good watch. The characters are underdeveloped but not really important in the long run. overall not as bad as people made it seem like as long as you pay attention and stick with it, it will make sense in the end.
Rated 12 Sep 2020
Nolan still has not figured out how to shoot an action sequence it's insane. I do quite enjoy Pattinson tho and definitely not a movie that's all that confusing as they tell you exactly what happened 50 times over during the course of the flick
Rated 11 Sep 2020
Christopher Nolan is really good at making heavy vehicles driving next to each other look great.
Rated 11 Sep 2020
good movie
Rated 11 Sep 2020
* Yeah, Nolan does not break his trend of style over matter. Sadly, not much is happening in his cinema after Inception, lots of mechanic perfection but not much else. Rises, Dunkirk, Interstellar are all technically amazing, but extremely mediocre films.. One misses The Prestige a lot. This one felt like it was made for the middle and ending action scenes alone, which were technically amazing. But just that.
Rated 07 Sep 2020
I agree with Adam Kempenaar of Filmspotting: "Tenet is what happens when Nolan forgets Borden's wisdom [from The Prestige]. He's so obsessed with how impressive his 'secret' is that the trick he uses it for is nothing. " I was streaming it, so I rewatched the 2nd half, then the 1st half, and still missed the point. Saw a lot of guns on mantlepieces in the first act, but not enough maguffins to care about. Should not be seen on a phone, but in A Film School.
Rated 06 Sep 2020
Amazing action and soundtrack. Beautifully choreographed, mind-boggling fight scenes accompanied by an intense soundtrack. Too much exposition and explanation is annoying and often unintentionally funny. Keep supernatural events mysterious next time. The whole subplot with the arm's dealer's wife was lost on me. Why would we care about this kind of person?


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