

2h 38m
Set in the international world of classical music, the film centers on Lydia Tár. widely considered one of the greatest living composer/conductors and first-ever female chief conductor of a major German orchestra.
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2h 38m
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Avg Percentile 65.93% from 1106 total ratings

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Rated 29 Oct 2022
Todd Field is doing some really daring stuff here and I was thrilled by all of it. It's a fabulously nuanced meditation on cancel culture (both as it pertains currently and how we approach it retrospectively for figures of the past); it asks the right questions, raises intriguing points, and gives absolutely no answers. And Cate Blanchett is fantastic in a very tricky lead role that brilliantly captures the essence of the difficult, problematic, but engrossing genius.
Rated 19 Oct 2022
hire this guy to make the Kanye movie
Rated 12 Jan 2023
Some pretty masterful cinema in my opinion. I’m still a bit perplexed about some of the imagery, but that’ll make rewatches all the better. Blanchett is reliably stellar and the script, for me anyway, dug just deep enough in to everything it wanted to say and present. It’s so beautifully made and acted that I can’t not recommend it. Also, Hildur Guðnadóttir‘s score was legitimately amazing. Don’t listen to the reception. Approach it as blindly as possible. Excellent character piece.
Rated 14 Jan 2023
TÁR is many things: a towering star vehicle, an operatic tragedy, a thought-provoking examination of power dynamics, a Rorschach test on cultural toxicity. But damn if it doesn't hit like a Hitchcockian thriller set in the rarefied world of European music snobs.
Rated 25 Oct 2022
I watched the trailer before I saw this, and immediately googled Tar to see who the real person was like and how close Blanchett came to her. Was legit shocked to see she wasn't real. Then I watched the movie knowing she wasn't real -- and I'm not easily susceptible -- and I still ended that movie thinking she was a real person. This was a towering performance from Blanchett. Will be studied and referenced for decades. And if you pay attention to the credits, she actually conducted!
Rated 26 Oct 2022
Lydia bb go on Red Scare!
Rated 15 Nov 2022
Field’s style is of the art-house maestro, dissecting the world’s arrogance through a virtually plotless coldness. Only the second layer reveals a character that is both overdetermined and vague, held together by Blanchett’s histrionic act that would be more at home in a psycho-horror film. She can’t even do an interview like a human - each gesture is an exclamation mark of self-conscious haughtiness. Is the film then an extended joke on her? A satire on modernity trying to achieve meaning?
Rated 28 Jan 2023
Both Blanchett's titular role and her performance are powerful in this phenomenal character piece. Despite remarkable economy and precision Field's movie is as slippery as a well-oiled eel, turning from satire to nuanced examination of #metoo cancel culture until it crescendos in a nightmarish final act that makes subsequent viewings even more rewarding. I love that Field, like Bach (at least according to Tár), knows that it's the questions that engage us. We want to come to our own conclusions.
Rated 21 Nov 2022
A wickedly funny examination of power, unchecked behaviour, and the insane level of pretentious nonsense in the classical music world. Blanchett gives one of her best performances ever, which is really saying something, and the examination of our current social climate is fair and thoughtful. It’s all backed up by an excellent score and perfect framing. Immediately on the short list for best of the decade.
Rated 26 Nov 2022
This is a slow burn, but so masterfully done and incredibly acted by Cate Blanchett. The film is a fascinating investigation of the power that comes with fame, but done in such a slowly building way that by the final act, you wouldn't believe Lydia Tar isn't a real person. Presented bluntly and raising some often frustrating questions about fame and assumption, Tar is a powerful and unflinching portrait that should be well in the Oscar mix this year.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
Chiming in with the towering superlatives, but some people are missing just how funny this is. Apartment for Sale and the ending had me howling. First film in a while that's made me want to immediately rewatch it.
Rated 31 Jul 2023
Some (e.g., R. Brody) think it’s a celebration of its protagonist amounting to a “regressive” attack on “cancel culture”; others (e.g., A. White) take it as a “histrionic wingding” from a diametrically opposed perspective: evidence that the filmmakers are doing something right? My prevailing attitude towards Blanchett is that her mannered style is an unconvincing form of showing off, but this is precisely what the director takes advantage of here, and the results are singularly impressive.
Rated 05 Feb 2023
You see the awful unfold as it moves along. A thoroughly unpleasant situation. Great performances by all.
Rated 05 Jan 2023
A quiet stunner in many respects, especially thanks to a galvanising, possibly career-best performance by Blanchett, completely embodying the prickly but brilliant Tár, and acting as perfect focus point for a pensive, deliberately paced examination of “cancel culture” and various abuses of power, especially in the arts. Makes its points with a daring grace and subtlety, while refusing to vilify its central character. Probably needs a second viewing to properly bed in.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Upon rewatch, so much of Tár comes into sharp focus. It transforms from good to truly great, adding layer upon layer upon layer to it’s already rich subtext. Todd Field has crafted a masterpiece that allows the viewer to sink their teeth deep into the psyche of powerful people who do not care one bit who they must cast aside like garbage to maintain status. Cate Blanchett gives the performance of the year as Lydia, able to progressively show us cracks in her façade as the film moves along.
Rated 13 Jan 2023
Cate Blanchett is on fire in this biography of a disagreeable orchestra conductor who bullies her pupils, lies to her partner and betrays her colleagues in her single minded pursuit of her artistic goals. It's compellingly directed, with Blanchett in every scene, the camera relentlessly following her every move, so we become complicit in her actions, and as difficult as she can be it's hard not to root for her. The acutely observed commentary on gender and political correctness is also spot on
Rated 28 Oct 2022
Unfortunately the script doesn’t live up to the quality of Blanchett’s performance and the strikingly beautiful cinematography. Disappointing overall. Haneke has done this type of film better several times, and even a Jonathan Glazer would have given it more punch. Ironically, I think its biggest flaw is not achieving its own creative intentions.
Rated 03 Jan 2023
Blanchett's performance definitely deserves the awards buzz and this film does make for a compelling character study. Still, I don't know that there's anything much here beyond the study of the fictional Lydia Tár. Is there anything novel here being said about cancel culture, about exploitative power dynamics, about queer identity, about music, or about the artistic process?
Rated 26 Jan 2023
I'm clearly in the minority here but as a fan of Little Children, Field may have his taken his deliberate, rigid style too far beyond the point of naturalness and spontaneity. Blanchett's acting is a direct result of said approach, a clearly rehearsed, overly methodical performance that pales in comparison to her past roles. It also telegraphs its obvious point too early on only to verbalise it explicitly an hour later. Watch The Assistant instead.
Rated 01 Feb 2023
A very good film, but takes a bit too long to get going. Very timely subject matter with regards to cancel culture and the Me Too movement; I liked that the gender of the performers highlights that it is often power imbalances rather than gender itself that is the culprit in these situations. Blanchett is good, but I think she's been better. It comments on many things, but I'm not entirely sure it has much new to say. Still, it's very well done and mostly enjoyable, especially toward the end.
Rated 06 Feb 2023
Love Blanchett, but this move has even more going for it than her wonderful performance. And then even when we put aside the great cinematography, it opens a dialogue about what it means to be, at the same time, a brilliant artist and an erroneous human living under the omnipresent public eye in times of cancel culture, woke righteousness, and hand-washing.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
Of all the films I expected of Tár, the last was a giallo hiding in sheep’s clothing. Lydia is a piece of shit but there’s something even beyond Blanchett’s performance that moves us to compassion. There’s a continual violation, and retribution, propelling the film - soft aggressions and flashes of kharmic resolution: “It was at all unclear whether this private and personal failing is relevant to his work.” The film’s a high-wire act asking to separate art from artist, with no easy answer.
Rated 11 Mar 2023
Video Games Killed the Podium Star: if you liked Whiplash's bitter take on music academia and Portrait of a Lady on Fire's gloomy lesbian drama, then boy are you gonna love this.
Rated 19 Jan 2024
The score may be subject to change; I've yet to make up my mind about 'Tár'. It is a movie of two halves, of which the first is a fascinating, almost anecdotal introduction to the world of conducting. When the plot is introduced in the second half the movie starts feeling slightly uneven, though the themes that are revealed are relevant and important. For those interested in acting Cate Blanchett’s performance is a must see. 'Tár' has my cautious recommendation - for now.
Rated 31 Oct 2022
An interesting character study, with an excellent lead performance by Cate Blanchett that pretty much carries the entire movie. The beginning can be a little slow, and I can see some finding it dry. The dialogue is rather heady in places with all of the music terminology. But just stick with it. Blanchett's performance really is worth it, and things do pick up once they start adding in more conflict. It's certainly not for everyone, but fans of Blanchett should definitely check this out.
Rated 27 Oct 2022
Kind of unfair just how good Blanchett is, and how Field is able to come back from a 15 year hiatus and knock it out of the park.
Rated 13 Mar 2023
beautifully maintained tension like that of a violin string, until the lady next to you at the theater starts stage whispering "oh my gosh. oh my gosh, she's homeless!"
Rated 26 Jan 2023
Tar is an intriguing character driven film-Cate Blanchett is mesmerising as the unpleasant female abuser of her position as maestro. What it all means needs some unpacking.
Rated 02 Jan 2023
Blanchett gives a taught and angular performance exploring power dynamics on both sides of a generational free-speech-me-too-cancel-culture divide. Is it any good? not is certain to annoy professional musicians (Marin Alsop) in the same way "Whiplash" did (Adam Neeley). *spoiler* The final payoff describing the worst possible punishment (conducting game soundtrack performances) is legitimately hilarious!
Rated 22 Oct 2022
Delightfully nasty and messy. Amidst all the dreck on the screen these days, it’s a pleasure to see Field taking some risks, even if so many fail that they tilt the movie into bathos at the end. The biggest problem is Blanchett, who strains for effect. She can’t hold a candle against Julian Glover, or even Adam Gopnick. Still, worth watching, even just for the pantsuits.
Rated 03 Nov 2022
Blanchett is really superb in this ... mostly character study, which has a few intriguing themes bubbling around. It reminded me a bit of "Whiplash", only in the sense that it considers to what extent greatness requires being driven, self-absorbed and totally inconsiderate. It's also a healthy reminder that the only thing one really needs to be an abuser of power is power. It's a complex film that I didn't fall in love with, but can't stop thinking about.
Rated 20 Nov 2022
No, I will never spell this film with the accent over the "a". I refuse to learn how to do that on my laptop. If Cate Blanchett doesn't win Best Actress, what are we even doing?
Rated 02 Dec 2022
Not exactly what I was expecting, and even the maddening aspects of the film still intrigue me. Working both as a condensed story for music's rather long history, and as an entertaining modern spectacle, this shows a most intriguing characterisation that took me by surprise at many levels, all pretty damn well performed by Blanchett and co. A rewatch would probably make the funnier levels of the movie stand out more.
Rated 03 Dec 2022
This makes me wish Lydia Tár was not a real person
Rated 05 Jan 2023
Watched this with my partner who is currently doing a PhD in Composition. We both agreed that Blanchett's performance was towering and the sound design was subtly good, but that the film lacked concision. It runs about 30 minutes too long, with many scenes that felt unnecessary and could have been easily excised without taking away from the central story or themes.
Rated 17 Jan 2023
Wasn’t really my cup of tea. Not really the film’s fault. Cate Blanchett’s performance was very good, and it doesn’t really do anything wrong. It just seemed to meander a lot, despite picking up a bit near the end. Perhaps a tad too long.
Rated 20 Jan 2023
Excellent performance from Blanchett, and I enjoyed Todd Fields’ direction. The score is pretty much perfect (though the choice for the credits was pretty odd). The deliberate pacing and long runtime will make this unwatchable for a lot of people, but surprisingly didn’t bother me. Probably not a common criticism, but I found the student Max to be a really on the nose stereotype that would fit better in a show like Family Guy than he did in a film like this. Recommended, but not for casuals.
Rated 30 Jan 2023
I hoped that Tár's music and music-making would be a more central part of the movie, since it was what drove Tár to greatness and might have been her single virtuous character trait. However, I felt music was treated at a superficial level and discarded as a plot vehicle. All we got to see was the one-sided view of a flawed person. Disappointing.
Rated 10 Feb 2023
As somebody who gets insanely frustrated by beeps and clicks and other annoying sounds, I have to give a lot of credit to the sound design in this. It was a great character study and certainly forces one to think about power dynamics.
Rated 17 Feb 2023
It's a very formally rigid, European, festival-esque drama, hitting all the notes you'd expect to hit, despite the second half feeling a lot better than the first. That said, Blanchett shines in every shot, and that's all that matters.
Rated 20 Feb 2023
Can't help but think that this movie would have failed miserably with anyone else than Blanchett in the lead. Absolute tour-de-force. Loved the multiple layers of story and character that is revealed at an appropriate pace. That being said, it is kinda telling that a movie on such a relevant subject doesn't feel like will have staying power for long. Something is missing.
Rated 24 Feb 2023
Insufferable dialogue, overacted, pompous, disconnected. An ordeal from start to finish.
Rated 05 Mar 2023
It's very good both as a murky, unflattering character study and a picture of our time's social and political trends and how they intersect. Still, something about it didn't fully persuade me, seeming a bit overboard. Maybe even Blanchett herself.
Rated 06 Mar 2023
Strong contender for the best directed film of the year. Blanchett, who is always visionary, commands this overlong yet perfectly paced fictional biopic. And it's so loaded with detail that no wonder the internet has jumped at the in-joke of perpetuating Lydia Tar as a real person. I found this varied and confident in every scene and an expert case of letting the plot dance in our periphery -- just enough to keep us enticed while allowing us the space to breathe everything else going on.
Rated 09 Mar 2023
An excellent account of both individual and institutionalised power that feed on each other. The chaotic and imbalanced nature of artistic mastery is aptly juxtaposed with the cold politics of status/reputation management, showing how time and has caught up with the immunity of the unfaltering genius. The fall of a maestro is also depicted through symbolic touches that provide enjoyment for multiple viewings. Oscars for directing and leading actress would be well deserved.
Rated 12 May 2023
My introduction to Todd Field and one of my earlier experiences in the broader Todd cinematic universe. I wasn't a fan of Todd Philips' work, but I still have Todd Haynes and Todd Solondz to look forward to, not to mention Tód
Rated 29 Dec 2023
Turns out the real patriarchy was lesbians all along. Who knew? There's no denying that Tár is a masterful film, from the acting to the orchestral form and plotting full of glimpses of both horror and dark humour... And yet, why THIS character to comment on these issues, why THESE strawmen and jealous alsorans up against our Genius? Field makes some choices here that seem to provoke. And he calls attention to them. He's either protesting too much or having us on. That's part of the story.
Rated 07 Jan 2024
Cate Blanchett devoured the film, which is masterfully written and directed.
Rated 25 Feb 2023
Blanchett and the technicals are great, the understated journey works, and the themes will resonate anytime, anywhere. But the movie is frustratingly cold and it left me wanting some sort of hook to get me into the vapid world that the movie is set in. I see little reason to ever revisit Tar.
Rated 27 Oct 2022
Reviews would lead you to believe this film is stolen by Blanchett, and while not entirely inaccurate I'd argue the real star here is Florian Hoffmeister's cinematography. Parts Black Swan, The Tenant, Vertigo, The Master, and Monster Hunter.
Rated 14 Feb 2023
Rated 31 Dec 2022
Anti-cinéma. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Cate Blanchett talking. for 30 minutes. Non. Stop. Schnofel (fellow criticker) nailed it.0
Rated 01 Mar 2023
I actually dont know if I think Tar is a great movie, but I enjoyed the atmosphere, cinematography, acting every minute. Was disturbed at times by not knowing what this or that meant, e.g. something drawn in a book that obviously must have some kind of meaning. Would have liked some more Mahler than those very small clips.
Rated 23 Apr 2023
I can't rate this film higher. I couldn't watch it. It's boring and upsetting and full of itself and meaningless. It's a pretentious meditation on important issues that doesn't actually say anything. It reminds me a bit of Aaron Sorkin's ability to use a lot of words that sound good to avoid actually saying anything.
Rated 04 Nov 2022
Old lady behind me wasn’t sure if this was about being a conductor or about being a lesbian.
Rated 24 Oct 2022
The most interesting part was when they put all those credits before the movie, and I could hear some woman a few rows behind me mutter something like "seriously?" as it kept going on.
Rated 13 Oct 2022
Blanchett masters all the technical, actorly things you might expect from a role like Lydia—the graceful transitions from German to English, the sweeping movements of her arms and body as she conducts, the real tickling of the ivories in her apartment. But there’s so much more to this performance, which seems specifically tailored to Blanchett’s aristocratic air yet swings from moments of sinister passive-aggression to raw bursts of emotion.
Rated 04 Nov 2022
jordan's "last dance" but as a great fiction film about a conductor. come on, it's a decent joke! while *cancel culture* comments seem really strange to me, the film presents a great character study for our times: the void world where ambition and desire-without-pleasure thrives.
Rated 06 Nov 2022
Corrosive effect of power on the individual. Or is it the inevitable chasms in moral character that naturally arise from people who are so assured in their aesthetic beliefs that it leaks into the personal and the political, so called "single-minded geniuses"? I don't know, but it was engrossing to watch.
Rated 16 Nov 2022
I'm still not entirely convinced Lydia Tár is not a real person. Cate Blanchett is not a human!
Rated 19 Nov 2022
Rated 16 Dec 2022
A little dry but A+ ending. A conductor's job is to be in charge, and as any teacher or parent will tell you, part of being in charge is trying to stay in charge.
Rated 04 Jan 2023
great exposition but gets a bit snooze
Rated 10 Jan 2023
Worst movie of 2022,
Rated 14 Jan 2023
+acting +cinematography +production design
Rated 22 Jan 2023
2.5 saat değil 2.5 sene sürdü filmin sonuna ulaşmak
Rated 03 Feb 2023
Half the points are for Blanchett. Especially the first 30 minutes are a tour de force. Although Blanchett keeps you hooked, the directing of the movie, sound, editing, everything keeps you mesmerized. But again, that beginning, it kicked off just at the right moment since I wouldn't've been able to keep up if it kept on like the beginning 35 minutes.
Rated 09 Mar 2023
Cate Blanchett is a great actrice, that that is not reason enough to make a great film. There is a great deal of talk about art and music in the film, but their power is never felt. ("Elvis" in spite of its' shortcomings does that better). And then the character Tar has a dark side, but it is unclear to me what the film wants to say about that. The film touches upon themes such as metoo, art/artist and power but that is not enough to make it into the intelligent film it wants to be.
Rated 09 Feb 2023
Rated 20 Mar 2023
um filme estranho, mas bom de assistir no cinema. a cate não existe, é um sonho que temos juntos
Rated 26 Feb 2023
audiovisual 85 acting 95 overall feeling 85 avg 88
Rated 01 Mar 2023
A hard movie to rate, it held my attention fairly well and had good suspense. The score and plot created good tension, you could feel Tar's unhinged persona and abusive toxicity through the screen. It was a bit all over the place and I did think the run time was a half hour too long. Blanchett's acting was strong.
Rated 02 Mar 2023
Cate Blanchett is a master of her craft; making her the reason I've liked this one the most out of the 2022 nominees I've watched because they were nominees. Well, there were other reasons too, but it was mostly her.
Rated 04 Mar 2023
I don't get the hype. "Tár" is stiff beyond saving with its fetishized long takes and the seriousness of the performances. Only Nina Hoss brings a bit of life with her pill-induced grumpiness. The movie gives you some bites of topics to think about, but I think it fails to connect the dots. Therefore every scratched on topic seems pointless and completely forced with their connections to reality. The jokes were completely calculated too and Blanchett seemed to run against a wall with her acting.
Rated 09 Mar 2023
Despite its flaws, “TÁR” is a masterful film that offers a captivating exploration of a complex character brought to life by a remarkable performance from Cate Blanchett. Todd Field's direction and screenplay are both excellent, creating a cinematic experience that is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. It is a must-see for fans of Blanchett and those who appreciate challenging and thought-provoking cinema.
Rated 10 Mar 2023
I found it very refreshing how Blanchett’s character makes an intellectually compelling and poignant argument for the separation of music from identity politics. Obviously it turns out that she was the villain of her own movie, as per the times. The script really reads as an anti-movie. We are told of or alluded to pivotal scenes that never actually are shown. The movie focuses on the mundane scenes and feels heavy and sluggish thereafter.
Rated 11 Mar 2023
Starts off slow but really grows on you during the 150 minutes spent with it. Asks many good questions, without giving any answers.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
Yeah I don’t really think Todd Field is the one for me dawg
Rated 12 Mar 2023
Cate Blanchett carrega o filme. Seria esquecível se não fosse a atuação dela.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
An American vs Russian in Berlin and how that interacts with art. Lydia’s ethos of I’m a conductor everyone else is a robot/only one person can conduct ignoring Soviet symphonies with many conductors vs Olga ambivalence to any “history” of the form other than the actual ART paired with the way non “western” cultures are talked about in the movie ie Tar being lauded with praise for discovering Asian/African music in her Gopnik sit down leads to a bitter twist in Tar reduced to gaming conduction
Rated 13 Mar 2023
Pretentious, yet excellent. A character study exploring identity and the corrupting influence of fame, talent and power. An absorbing, intricate, multi-layered, multi-genre, psycho-drama, social commentary, mystery, puzzle-solver and (possible) supernatural horror story. All anchored by Blanchett's amazing performance. Polarizing, slow-to-start and intentionally opaque, it demands the viewer's attention (or re-watch). I can respect why some may find it overly long, obscured or simply confusing.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
The fall of a talented monster.
Rated 18 Mar 2023
Blanchett delivers an exceptional performance, but while Tar does become intriguing at the midpoint, its incredibly slow start weakened the experience from great to just good
Rated 01 Apr 2023
The orchestra was nice.
Rated 02 Apr 2023
Big no. Field has done a very pretentious job while trying to look intellectual. There were so many unnecessary, extended, dull dialogues(especially in the first half). The build-up was terrible. Then in the second half, the movie touches on a lot of things but the story doesn't develop on any of them. It was a difficult 2.5 hours.
Rated 11 Apr 2023
Not exactly an environment that excites me and length becomes an issue, but fucking hell, how amazing was Cate Blanchett?!!
Rated 18 Apr 2023
Almost as good as its trailer.
Rated 19 Apr 2023
blanchett totally owned this role and film. of all the oscar nominated performances i saw her's was my favorite.
Rated 01 May 2023
Le film est fichtrement bien foutu dans le sens où il arrive à trouver un équilibre sérieux. Le pur produit d'auteur consciencieux de son message, mais en le poudrant bien avec une intrigue superflue, Tàr est perverse ou maniaque ? Il y a même un monologue extraordinaire contre le wokisme. Et pour mon plus grand regret, c'est juste un effet d'annonce parce que Field, au lieu de nous satisfaire d'une morale complexe, fait de Lydia Tàr une Donald Trump à déboulonner. Et c'est trop long aussi.
Rated 13 Jun 2023
yet another example of a mary sue femalewashing a traditionally male role. how about some original characters for once?
Rated 06 Jul 2023
Senenin en iyi filmi. Cate Blanchett'in harika oynadığı film, Maestro Lydia Tar'ın hikayesini izliyoruz. Berlin Filarmoni Orkestra, maestro'su, çok zor olan Mahler senfonisi için çalışmaya başlamıştır. Eseri etkileyici olması için elinden geleni yapar. Fakat önüne çıkan engelleri aşması gerekmektedir. Lydia ise tek başına savaşmak zorunda kalacak. Konu çok karmaşık. Film, 2.5 saatlik süresine rağmen, olayları kaçırıyoruz. Filmin sonunda, tekrar başa dönüş. Demokrasinin işlemediği yerler vardır.
Rated 15 Aug 2023
Well, although this is considered one of the top films of 2022, I didn't land there. It took me about 5 sessions to get through it. It's long and tedious. The story picks up midway through, but the ending was unsatisfying for me. Outstanding performance by Blanchett (as expected), but that wasn't enough to save it for me. Even the music, which I would love to have heard more of, wasn't there enough to fulfill. I suppose I missed something. If you know, explain it to me.
Rated 07 Sep 2023
This film is dialogue heavy and there isn't music in every scene or even most of them, surprisingly enough. It focuses a fair bit on more mundane aspects of (Lydia) Tar's life, which is interesting in a way, how such a well regarded professional of her type lives her life & an insight into her thoughts/vulnerabilities. Its not a thrillingly tense and overly engrossing film at first but its worth sticking with and really taking in the musical atmosphere during the instrumental/classical recitals.
Rated 14 Oct 2023
Boring. Almost 3 hours with no pay off
Rated 02 Nov 2023
One of the best performances ever
Rated 26 Dec 2023
Watching a terrible character destroy itself for almost three hours has rarely been this much fun.
Rated 06 Jan 2024
good movie
Rated 28 Jul 2024
What if Harvey Weinstein was a snobby lesbian conductor? Blanchett is good, and usually she brings movies down for me. It's an actor movie.
Rated 10 Apr 2024
Overly talky, lost me at the start and tho there may be something there it had already lost me. Found it mainly just plain boring - The music should have been front and centre, but it wasn't.
Rated 12 May 2024
Tár is an incredible slow-burn character study anchored by a phenomenal lead performance from Cate Blanchett. The writing, cinematography, and direction ooze authenticity as the intriguing story unfolds over 2 hours 38 minutes. A unique film that subtly changes genres and invites repeat viewings to uncover its layered details. rating: 10/10


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