Taken 2
Taken 2
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Taken 2

Taken 2

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 32m
In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his daughter. (imdb)

Taken 2

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 32m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 26.38% from 2486 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 20 Dec 2012
The Bourne Paternity!
Rated 19 Jun 2019
Frankly, I wasn't too taken with Taken 2. ZING! Five days since my last review and that's the best I've got.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
An unnecessary sequel made worse by a bad script and terrible direction. Skip it.
Rated 10 Oct 2012
What a shame, I really quite enjoyed the first one, but this is a complete shambles. Megaton is a total clown, he couldn't direct a dog to a bowl of meat.
Rated 10 Oct 2012
Just like in a porno when strange scenarios occur just to give people reasons to fuck, Liam's character makes a silly decision to take his ex-wife and daughter on a vacation so they can both get kidnapped. Taken 2 ha ha GET IT!? Now he gets to rampage in a foreign land full of brown people destroying random people's property and slaughter mustache twirling villains. The fight scenes were fast cut so much it was like a flip book. In the next Liam will take on the muslim world strapped to a nuke.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
Don't fuck with Albanians, cause they'll kidnap you and, you know, spare you a quick death (?!) and... sit... in... front... of... the... television... rather... than... keeping... an... eye on you as you easily unfasten your plastic strap from a steel rail. - Yeah, those idiots had it coming.
Rated 01 Nov 2015
Terrible writing. Liam Neeson was shockingly poor in this and seemed either tired or bored. His scenes were too repetitive and flat. The camera work and editing also ripped the heart out of this movie, by badly chopping up the fights & gun battles. Almost nothing felt real, and not much was convincing. A rather poor remake of a pretty decent movie.
Rated 16 Oct 2012
Well, Olivier Megaton ruined the Transporter franchise, and now he's ruined this one too. It's an interesting idea (families of the nameless goons from the first movie looking for revenge), but the execution is amateurish and awful. The bad guys are incredibly stupid, the dialog is insipid, and the music universally hideous. Much of this could have been forgiven, but the action is also crap. Neeson looks like he's barely exerting himself and the editing is a frantic mess. Avoid.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
It's no "Taken" but it's alright. Has some really stupid villains and Maggie Grace awkwardly throwing some grenades and driving in a high speed chase despite not being able to pass her drivers test. Liam is still a bad ass.
Rated 19 Nov 2012
First one is great but this is just a total mess.
Rated 17 Oct 2012
Definitely suffers from the Hangover Part II effect of how dumb and silly it is to watch these exact same people reenact the same extremely specific scenario, but nevertheless it's perhaps not as much an atrocity to cinema as some critics claimed. There's one scene where Liam Neeson is instructing Maggie Grace on how to help save everyone via phone that's pretty cool. Grace is apparently still playing a teenager, and she does NOT, in ANY way, look like a teenager.
Rated 10 Oct 2012
By the midway point, Taken 2 is a painful slog to watch. Keep in mind, this is only a 90-minute movie. The filmmakers simply have no idea what to do with the narrative. Rather than Mills having the singular forward momentum of the previous film, he runs around Instabul in a strained back-and-forth pursuit without a sense of urgency. The editing doesn't help matters either. Megaton can't direct, or his films can't be edited---because this looks as atrocious as Colombiana and Transporter 3.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
Lots of standing around if I recall correctly. It's an underwhelming sequel to a surprisingly good thriller. The performances are fine as is SOME of the action, but it's not nearly as exciting or as good as the first.
Rated 12 Nov 2020
Taken 2 reminds me of how little I cared for the 1st film. This one has a thinner plot, worse direction and stilted performances (barring Serbedzija who was the only convincing facet in the whole affair). At least it was mercifully short.
Rated 30 Jun 2019
I remember this being a bit better the last and only time I watched it. I was curious on this because I'm on a Liam binge, but this probably goes down as his most forgettable action movie of his career. There isn't anything inspired or new here, it's completely run of the mill and some sequences that don't make actual intellectual sense (that grenade scene) I figured with someone like Besson attached it would be better, but regardless, huge step down from the original.
Rated 09 Jan 2015
Yikes. Apparently Olivier Megaton can't direct his way out of a plastic bag. While the script in itself and the dialogue should have all been retired, they don't stand out as bad as the directing, which is worse than it was with the first Taken. The acting is still functional with Neeson still trying to act his way through this one. Overall, the change of director is what killed this movie, but hey, here's hoping for Tak3n.
Rated 11 Sep 2014
In many ways a more competent movie than the original, but ironically thus less enjoyable, even though Neeson's anal retentive and violently paranoid hero hasn't lost his funny streak.
Rated 12 Jul 2014
Nowhere near the level of the first one. Disappointing.
Rated 13 Oct 2013
Megatron takes a couple months off from bossing around Starscream to make a movie about how to navigate the alleyways of Istanbul in a stolen cab. Protip: Get the Turkish cops off your scent by throwing grenades into parking lots and onto the roofs of 12th generation kebab-mongers. Spoiler: Maggie Grace still fails her driver's test because she couldn't parallel park to save her mother's life.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
I was hoping that Taken 2 would focus more on relationships. NO I FUCKING WASN'T I WANTED PEOPLE DYING
Rated 07 Jan 2013
Only watchable due to the weight given to it by the previous film. Taking this film on its own then there is nothing special here. Watch if you liked the first one (and who didn't) otherwise leave it alone.
Rated 04 Jan 2013
We've been ... Taken! OK, so the dialogue was never going to be stellar, and the troublesome stereotypes would continue to be so, and absurd situations are a given, but even the saving grace of the film, it's action, is weak. The editing of the chase and fight sequences is absolutely awful, badly chopped up and distracting without showing anything or heightening tension. Between that and the streamlined story that's over before it begins it's a waste of time from any perspective.
Rated 23 Dec 2012
Never seen anyone disobey the evil overlord list more than these dirty Albanians ( Had too much Maggie Grace - who is a god awful actress. And when you have a chance to see her one redeeming quality, her body, the director shoots it in a way that you see nothing. wtf. Liam Neeson is still a badass but it feels like they cashed in on a semi successful franchise. Really weak script
Rated 04 Nov 2012
What are you going to do? I am going to f*ck dudes up
Rated 25 Oct 2012
15 minutes of the movie: "Faster! Come on, faster!" "Dad, I can't! Dad!" "FASTER!" "I CAN'T. DAD!" "FASTER! HURRY! COME ON!" "I CAN'T, DAD!"
Rated 24 Oct 2012
Olivier Megatron you're a retard. PG-13 violence - you an crack as many necks as you like but THERE MUST BE NO CRUNCHES.
Rated 19 Oct 2012
I can't fault this too much. It's a bit of a silly sequel, it's nowhere near as good as the first and to be fair it's forced as hell, but I was entertained for the entirety of the film, as were the people I saw it with, and even though we had a lot of fun ripping it apart afterwards there's no denying that Taken 2 provided perfectly adequate entertainment. Perhaps mostly thanks to its cast, with a lot of the wonderful Famke Jansssen who is criminally underused by the film industry.
Rated 04 Oct 2012
Here, the daughter saves her daddy making circles in a map and throwing granades, which is a great turn to this sequel, but then Megaton repeats the original plot, in a a film that looks like an action family movie -- ended, well, like a happy conventional family movie. Neeson should accept himself as a joke -- like NIc Cage did, embracing some great exploitation roles.
Rated 22 Jun 2015
Was not as entertaining as the first film. Don't really like Maggie Grace. Plus, they missed out on so many opportunities for a better sequel name (Taken Too?)
Rated 15 Feb 2015
I didn't enjoy this one as much as the one that came before or after it. Part of the fact is that it gets too cutesy for its own good, especially when Maggie Grace's character is lobbing grenades around Istanbul and prepping for her driver's test in a chase scene. Liam Neeson's character also took a grating, typical turn, going from a caring father in the first film to the kind of strangely protective father-type you see in bad sitcom writing. Ugh ugh. Ugh.
Rated 18 Sep 2014
I had very low expectations going in to watching this movie. Overall this film surprised me. The premise is better than expected and Liam Neeson of course is excellent in the lead role. I would recommend this one if you are a fan of the first one.
Rated 13 Jul 2014
I don't suppose anyone expects these sorts of flicks to actually, you know, good, but geez... Bad dialogue, bad acting, bad direction - the thing is so full of implausibilities and false notes that I more than half expected a song-and-dance number before the eagerly-awaited end. Neeson adds a badly-needed touch of class to the proceedings, but it's not nearly enough to make any significant difference.
Rated 23 Jun 2014
Taken 2 is the worst kind of a money spinning sequel. The first film was an 18 certificate, packed with brutal and graphic violence. And Liam Neeson became an overnight action hero. But this pathetic money grabbing sequel tones down everything that made the first film so good just to widen the target audience. And toning this franchise down is achieved by unwatchable capturing of action. Olivier Megaton's direction is truly woeful, and he simply doesn't know how to shoot an action sequence.
Rated 06 Mar 2014
The plot was interesting at it's heart, but too many quick cuts and jarring camera work don't make your movie more intense, they make it more contrived than the competition. It's the hallmark of inability that mars what could've been a solid movie, with respectable performances by the whole cast.
Rated 03 Dec 2013
I enjoyed the first part of this film but I think around the middle my attention was dwindling and this became worse as time went by. Plot and dialogue are bad, overall it feels like a pointless sequel. It could almost be a parody of these type of films.
Rated 03 Sep 2013
While the first part was really amazing, this part was just a spin-off. Dont get me wrong, the action is amazing and Neeson is still bad-ass... but the movie lacked depth and was just pure raw action, which is easy to watch :D
Rated 15 Jul 2013
Suspension of disbelief can only go so far. The sequence of unlikely events is just too much to take. Flinging multiple grenades in a crowded city to locate a person; beginner driver outmaneuvers pursuer in car chase, escaping unscathed, the list goes on. Seriously?
Rated 05 Jul 2013
As much as it was flawed (well, what were you going to expect?), it was still saved by its entertainment value. Even if it was completely ridiculous. Also, the terrorists themselves were transparently not convincing, so the only person who actually pulled this out of the water is Neeson (again) but Grace was fortunately less annoying.
Rated 01 Jul 2013
No real intensity, very poor action scenes where you can't see what is happening due to too many cuts and the camera shaking out of control. Without any decent action, there is really very little of worth here.
Rated 09 Mar 2013
Pretty drab film. It felt like Megaton was screaming at me the whole time "DON'T FORGET THIS IS THE SEQUEL TO THAT MOVIE THAT WAS GREAT CALLED TAKEN DON'T FORGET IT'S TAKEN 2" striving way too hard to mimic the feel of the first one. The unbelievable story could have been forgiving if the action wasn't completely boring.
Rated 31 Jan 2013
Crap story, but that's a given. But if the action was actually shot well, it might have been barely watch able. But no, it's a complete cash grab for a film that really, really didn't deserve a sequel. Makes the first one look like it can stand up to next to Die Hard, and myriad other action films that are just better.
Rated 30 Jan 2013
Utter garbage. Too bad L.Neeson does not break forth wall at some point and break bones of director along with others who made this shit. Seriously, waste of actors' time. And anyone else who's seen this.
Rated 29 Jan 2013
It's not a good film by any real measure, but I am so entertained by Liam Neeson saving his family from SO MANY bad guys. He killed so many dudes. And the way he killed the final guy. He just pushed his head into the wall. So badass! But really, your family shouldn't leave the country anymore. Oh, and there is no way Maggie Grace is just now getting her drivers license. How old is she supposed to be, here?
Rated 28 Jan 2013
This was more of a straight-forward action movie than the first one. It was better than the rankings seemed to suggest. Not as good as the original but still not bad by any stretch.
Rated 27 Jan 2013
Umm..not what I expected. The actions are decent but Liam Neeson goes beyond the human character that he portrayed in the first instalment and that is where this movie falls short. Set in exotic Turkish capital of Istanbul, this movie fades to the earlier one in Paris. The character of Janssen becoming the dope factor and Maggie Grace pulling off too great stunts for her, this movie, well, to put straight, is just bland to the earlier one. Still a somewhat decent one and half hours movie.
Rated 21 Jan 2013
The plot was weak. Every scene was shot like an action scene, including the expositions before the meat of the story. And all the characters outside of the family seemed pointless, especially Bryan's friends.
Rated 19 Jan 2013
I knew it would be disappointing going in as it how many times can this guys daughter be kidnapped but I still felt let down. The simplicity and honest ass kicking from the first movie is missing, replaced by boring dialogue and half-assed thrills. Was fun while it lasted.
Rated 13 Jan 2013
Rated 08 Jan 2013
What a mess. The original was mindless, gritty, non-stop badassery. All this needed to do was establish some dumb reason to have Neeson snapping limbs and looking moody for 90 minutes while upping the violence level of the original, and everyone would have been happy. Instead it goes in the opposite direction and tones down or removes everything that made the first film fun. The action scenes are forgettable, poorly directed and sparse. A huge disappointment.
Rated 04 Jan 2013
[Unrated Edition] - Fast-cutting crap action-scenes inbetween some painfully slow and/or shitty sequences; there are huge problems with both script and directorial choices here, and the usually likable lead-trio aren't close in making this even somewhat enjoyable. *Preview*: #13#, exp-2*, popcorn, hype, 'pt1', cast, R2.
Rated 28 Dec 2012
Aside from being faithful to continuity, this is one of the most cynical Hollywood sequels I've seen in a while.
Rated 27 Dec 2012
Not even a shadow of 'Taken'. Neeson is good, as ever, but the director [Megaton] miserably fails, as well as the script. The film itself will keep you entertained, as there is enough action and both Janssen and Neeson deliver. Overall, it felt as if they rushed out the script overnight and started filming the morning after. Shame, as it could have been great.
Rated 27 Dec 2012
Why would you ever want to vacation in Europe again, especially given the previous history, regardless of his very specific set of skills? With family no less. Also, is it just me, or is Liam Neeson a lot more boring and bossy in this sequel?
Rated 23 Dec 2012
"Always remember to keep a low profile, you have to blend in! See the grenades in my suitcase? Now take one and throw it somewhere!" Oh my fucking freaky jesus, this isn't even remotely trying...there's at least one thing wrong in every scene, how do you do that?? Did a platypus whip some keyboard with its tail and then they simply autocorrected the result and had a script? Guess not, because it would have been WAY better!
Rated 21 Dec 2012
First one was decent, this second episode is just terrible. Neeson is always at least somewhat good and Janssen usually is a pleasure to watch, but the rest of the film was just plain awful.
Rated 07 Nov 2012
There is only one improvement in this sequel, one, and that is that Maggie Grace is no longer completely helpless dead weight. I was pretty thankful for that, but all this movie tries to be is a superfluously tacked on cash cow. "Taken" did not beg for, nor did it need a sequel, and the manner in which it was contrived is a horrible let down.
Rated 25 Oct 2012
It is so predictable and laid-back to be no where near really exciting, instead it should have been a cynical and bloody action pic... like its predecessor... NOW that would have been a really entertaining flick to go see.
Rated 22 Oct 2012
Some exiting scenes, but Liam's character has so much luck that it's just unbelievable. Also the cinematography was a lot better in the first one
Rated 22 Oct 2012
Philosophical question: Bryan Mills and John McClane are on a plane. Which franchise wins? Answer: whoever punches Famke Janssen in the face first.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
How did Maggie Grace's character get away with blowing shit up all across Istanbul? Sure, no one got hurt, but you'd think people would investigate a car blowing up. And then a nearby water tank also blowing up. And then more grenades going off.
Rated 18 Oct 2012
Fucking weird film. I don't know whether they cut it heavily or it was just made that way but it felt like watching a porno with all the shots of genitals removed. It's a shame because this film has absolutely nothing else to redeem itself besides the so-bad-it's-funny behaviour of the characters such as when, despite the fact they'd ditched their pursuers, the main character gets his daughter to floor it through the entrance to the American embassy. Yes, they got shot at.
Rated 16 Oct 2012
They didn't even taken his daughter!
Rated 15 Oct 2012
Fun enough but really nothing on the original, which was fantastic and adrenaline filled (and badass). Taken 2 stretches the boundaries of what's okay with movie logic, to the point that is there really a struggle? Everything is pretty easy for him, and the villains are dipshits. This suffers from familiarity as well, a sequel that does very little different than the first but not as well either. But I do like the premise.
Rated 14 Oct 2012
Just absurd. I dig looking at Maggie Grace, but wish I'd skipped this junky whitewash of a sequel and just watched the unrated cut of the original again, instead.
Rated 14 Oct 2012
More of the same, but even more silly.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
One of the worst sequels I have seen in recent years. The plot makes absolutely no sense, the action has zero intensity, and the acting and writing is bad all around. Taken made sense as a stand-alone story but has no business being a franchise.
Rated 12 Oct 2012
About as good as you'd expect a tamer, watered-down, cash-in sequel to be, which is not very good at all. Also features some of the worst editing I've EVER seen, and the screenplay isn't much better.
Rated 09 Oct 2012
Taken 2's not ridiculous as the Hangover's remake/sequel but it's got nothing on the original. Olivier Megaton can't quite fill the shoes of Pierre Morel's sleeper hit. Knowing what it is this time around, Taken 2 tries to be too dramatic and over the top and grandiose to be the cutthroat knee-kicker it's predecessor was. Guys stay fighting way too long, the plot moves too quickly, and how the hell was Maggie Grace a pro stunt driver when she can't pass her driving test!?
Rated 09 Oct 2012
Half the fun of Taken was the ridiculous brutality, which is watered down to get the teenie crowd. Shame. The film is just OK without it, the three leads are OK and it fills time. Wait for the "Unrated Extreme to the Max" DVD. Also, wanna pass your driving test? Go to Istanbul and drive a stolen taxi away from a gun battle whilst Liam Neeson growls at you. It's the perfect preparation! Also, Albanians don't know guard duty, it seems.
Rated 08 Oct 2012
At least the first one kept my attention. This was dull.
Rated 07 Oct 2012
Definitely worse than the first. The fact that it was advertised as 12A was a warning. All of the fight scenes looked as though they had been re-edited to make it suitable for all. It was laughable in places. Very disappointing.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
This film didn't even have half the amount of neck snaps the first film had. Color me disappointed.
Rated 06 Oct 2012
I wasn't a real fan of the first one, and this barely made it up to that standard. Pretty shoddy production overall. Liam, sad to say, isn't up to action anymore, and they've replaced shaky cam with splicing half-second shots together forcing us to rely on our imagination instead of actually seeing anything discernible.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
Not-bad sequel is more of a sanitised imitation of the original, but on those terms it works quite well, aided immeasurably by Neeson's rock-solid return to the role that has garnered him a cult following. Implausibilities in the plotting, and some immense stupidity on the part of the villians, counterbalanced by generally fluid and exciting action scenes, though the film lacks the go-for-the-throat nastiness of the original, and feels oddly truncated at the climax.
Rated 10 Sep 2012
It more or less delivers but the impact is less striking (and less bloody) than the first movie. Good middle part.
Rated 22 Sep 2022
While not much worse than the first, it's essentially more of the same and thus rather redundant. The action is again moderately engaging (including more convincing fights and two extended car chases for a change) and Istanbul lends itself to nice setpieces. Still, a lot of it is preposterous and, well, ridiculous. The action is a cliche collage and whenever it pauses it's apparent how shallow and artificial the characters and the attempts at humour or emotion are. "Taken 2" has no personality.
Rated 28 Aug 2022
I liked how this sequel deals with the fact that the action of Liam Neeson in the first one sustains the cycle of violence. The action is far from the best and the cinematography is very ugly darkly hued. But it all moved in a good enough pace to keep me entertained all the way.
Rated 21 May 2022
I think this is underrated purely because it wasn’t a wanted or needed sequel. It has some pretty good action and not a terrible plot.
Rated 16 Nov 2021
Taken 2 was so bad that it retroactively made me like Taken about 50% as much.
Rated 12 Oct 2021
If the first Taken film was a decent action film with bad politics, then this is just a bad action film with bad politics. I was planning to watch the entire trilogy, but considering how much of a waste of time this film was, I'll just cut my losses and end it here.
Rated 21 Jun 2020
At this rate he'll have to kill all of Albania. Luckily it's not a very populous country, a little short of 3 million. He should be almost a quarter of the way through by my count.
Rated 04 May 2020
"I will kill you ! But first, I'll let you alone in a room with no surveillance and go away". Also, Maggie Grace is taking a driving lesson in Istambul.
Rated 31 Jan 2020
A bit better than the first one.
Rated 01 Apr 2019
The worst crime of an action film is to be boring. And this is really, really boring, Lumbers through insipid action set pieces until there is a bizarre sitcom style emotional wrap up at the end. Bad.
Rated 25 Feb 2019
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard your subpar action film script for the evening, as we climb slowly through the plot and dreary dialogue we hope you enjoy the 30-million-quick-cut action sequences our serving director has on offer for you today. Short answer: no.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
Don't want to piss off this guy.
Rated 25 Jan 2017
Olivier Megaton thinks that if he cuts fast enough he can disguise the fact that his fight sequences are quite dull. He is wrong.
Rated 12 Dec 2016
idk maybe just stop taking family vacations to dangerous places
Rated 16 Nov 2016
Hollow, bland, and uninspired, Taken 2 lacks the energy - and surprises - of its predecessor.
Rated 18 Aug 2016
Rated 10 Apr 2016
Not as great as its prequel Taken (2008); still better than most all others in the league. Waiting to see Taken 3
Rated 26 Jan 2016
Rated 30 Aug 2015
Two years ago, retired CIA agent Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) used his "particular set of skills" to rescue his daughter, Kim (Maggie Grace), from kidnappers. Since then, Kim has been learning self-defense from her father, and Bryan has been on a personal mission to reunite with his ex-wife (Famke Janssen). In Istanbul, Bryan and his family cross paths with Murad (Rade Serbedzija), whose son died at Bryan's hand during Kim's rescue. Murad wants revenge, and he'll stop at nothing to get it.
Rated 22 Apr 2015
Entertainment: 3.5/4. Spirit: 0.5/3. Sustainability: 0/0.
Rated 03 Apr 2015
Unnecessary, largely unexciting, and almost insulting at times.
Rated 23 Jan 2015
I loathe the political message of the Taken films: "Americans should have the right to steal, destroy property, torture, and kill, even in foreign countries, and we'll just kill anyone who doesn't like it until everyone left does." At least the first film mitigated the frustrating impact of the American exceptionalism, misogyny, and xenophobia by making the action exciting and the slavers ethnically diverse. Taken 2 just makes every bystander a Muslim murderer or a potential Muslim murderer.
Rated 19 Dec 2014
Somehow forgettable which is too bad since the first one was so good.
Rated 13 Dec 2014
Liam Neeson's cock is so big (how big is it?) that this sequel is still enjoyable, despite the lack of epic memeable speech.
Rated 11 Oct 2014
Rated 24 Sep 2014
Disappointment even though Liam...


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