Take Shelter
Take Shelter
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Take Shelter

Take Shelter

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 0m
Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself. (imdb)

Take Shelter

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 0m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 64.9% from 2779 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 16 Feb 2012
It's not about the storm. This is one of the most touching films about family, trust and understanding that I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. The relationship between Curtis and Sam takes us through the emotional wringer, powered by impeccable performances from Shannon and Chastain. Curtis's unraveling and obsession with the shelter is riveting, to be sure, but more poignant is the honesty and commitment of this 21st century American family in the face of medical and economic hardships.
Rated 03 Apr 2012
Well-done, interesting film, that both creates great tension and handles its themes with subtlety and nuance. It is more than either a psychological and sociological account of mental illness, or a generic apocalyptic tale. Rather, it is an investigation of contemporary collective feelings of anxiety and foreboding, and it takes these feelings as genuine questions, rather than as either evidence of insanity or signs of prophetic truth. (Feeling of tension had abated somewhat on 2021 re-watch.)
Rated 02 May 2012
Entranced me. Part of its ability to mesmerize comes from the amazing Shannon and Chastain but everything about the film is superb, really. The nightmare sequences are haunting. One can believe that they take such a strong hold on Curtis, and his (possible) descent into madness is adeptly depicted. 'Take Shelter' joins the ranks of two other transcendental domestic dramas, 'A Separation' and 'The Tree of Life', completing a trifecta of 2011-masterpieces.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
The film is often overpowering in its emotional impact, thanks in large part to Shannon's role as a truly tormented, heartwrenchingly fragile family man (and his wife, tormented by association, but sympathetic all the same, played wonderfully by Chastain), and to Nichols's pace which begins as a slow-burn, and continues to a finale which is nearly suffocating in its anxiety and subsequent catharsis. Phenomenal stuff.
Rated 04 Feb 2012
(2nd viewing) Shannon plays his heart out as Curtis; I was shaken by my willingness to identify with his paranoia and growing torment which speaks volumes about both his performance and the film's veracity. Just a knockout of a film that had me glued to my seat, a film that unfolds like a waking nightmare while subtly yet brilliantly building up to one of the most intense climaxes of recent years. A great film from an exciting filmmaker, despite the climax not holding up well after a rewatch.
Rated 13 Nov 2012
An absolutely phenomenal film. Michael Shannon gives an incredible performance as a man who might be losing his mind, and is terrified by the thought of that. He's backed up wonderfully by Chastain as his almost unbelievably supportive wife. The movie builds the tension continuously throughout, leading to an extremely appropriate finale. A true masterpiece.
Rated 08 Feb 2012
There's genius use of tension and claustrophobia despite the comfortable staid middle class American life with wide open plains that it portrays. This contrast highlights the enclosed impenetrable mental state of a madman amongst a society that values openness and close relations as a community. It's difficult to interpret the somewhat ambiguous ending but I prefer a more mundane explanation of coming to terms that fits in with the character and his past as we see it.
Rated 14 Apr 2023
It's not so much what you believe but how much you're willing to believe it in the face of adversary. The joke about New York Jets fans practically writes itself.
Rated 17 Feb 2012
An amazing performance from Michael Shannon centers this intense drama. The film is very grounded and never gives much either way to show if he's insane or actually getting signs from above and the way Shannon handles the internal struggles of the character is amazing. The films also benefits from a solid supporting cast and directing as well as surprisingly beautiful shots and special effects. One of the best of the year.
Rated 03 Feb 2012
One of my favourite movies of 2011 now and hell, with a rating like I gave it... it ranks highly up there in my fave movies ever. An amazing performance by everyone, especially Shannon who I really like anyway. It's got some surrealism, beautiful visuals, an interesting sci-fi premise-meets-psychological drama going on. It's terrifying when it tries, deeply emotional as well. Great ending, a lot to think about, masterfully crafted. Just wow.
Rated 27 Nov 2011
It's a wonderful mediation on the onset of mental illness, to start, but it's more than that - it's a comment on our society, and the anxiety and worry that can grip us all with the world in its current state. Shannon is a goddamn acting powerhouse, and Chastain is great as usual. Beautiful Malickian visuals, a fantastically unsettling tone, and a breathtaking final message. The best American film of the year. ps if you think the final scene means "he was right all along" you're mad dumb
Rated 19 Aug 2013
Okay, since nobody else seems to be willing to adress this, I guess I'll have to: This feels like a M. Night. Shyamalan film gone absolutely right.
Rated 13 Feb 2012
A rich and complex portrait of both madness and the uncertainty of these times. Nichols captures feelings of creeping dread and growing panic with precision. And Shannon, of course, gives a marvelous and surprisingly restrained performance.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
Michael Shannon is simply one of the best actors working today. That he wasn't nominated for an Oscar for this role is, as the trite expression goes, absolutely criminal. The film maintains a well-balanced, well-paced sense of increasing tension for its entire running time. Some of his visions were quite frightening. And boy, that ending. I'll just say this: the more I think about the ending, the less certain I am that I "got" everything about this movie. Deceptively complex. Great stuff.
Rated 25 Feb 2013
Utterly compelling. It tiptoes beautifully between being a spine-chilling psychological horror film, an emotionally intense look in to mental illness and how it can isolate you from those around you, and a look at the effort and love it can take for a family to keep together when there are so many needs to balance and keep met. The ending is ambiguous and stunning.
Rated 30 Sep 2012
I can't remember the last time I saw a film wherein the escalating dread was so palpable, so unbearable. It's a slow movie, yet almost inconceivably gripping; it's intense, eerie, and directed and scored perfectly.
Rated 30 May 2012
"Now dont get me started on this economy!" Great lil slow burn. (This made a REALLY DARK double feature with the Muppets)
Rated 06 May 2012
Possibly the most overlooked film of 2011. Jeff Nichols proves that his first film was no fluke, guy is legit and he has a great muse in Michael Shannon who is once again fantastic. Jessica Chastain was perfectly cast as well. The pacing was great and the ending was solid.
Rated 16 Apr 2012
An undoubted work of genius. Tense, frightening, beautiful & touching, "Take Shelter" is indeed a rare concoction; mixing family drama, psychological exploration & possibly even a whisper of sci-fi!? The characters are brilliantly written, their relationships honest & real, with Shannon's performance absolutely staggering. The score is great too & there are several monumental scenes in this masterpiece from Nichols, but it was the epic final moments gave me goosebumps! Must see it again soon.
Rated 27 Feb 2012
Normally, I dislike the overuse of dream sequences (I think they're mostly a cop-out), this is the first time in many years that I've looked forward to every single one. This definitely seems to be Chastain's year (why she was Nomed for the Help and not for this, I'll never understand), but Shannon's certainly no slouch. High points, besides performances, go to a solid cinematography and score.
Rated 21 Feb 2012
Rated 20 Feb 2012
A character drama that hits all the right notes, never becomes sappy and has some genuine tension to boot. Shannon is amazing, his pain and doubt ooze off the screen.
Rated 17 Feb 2012
Michael Shannon was robbed of a Best Actor nomination. Adding to that, Jessica Chastain WAS nominated, but for the wrong movie this year! Both Shannon & Chastain were fantastic here. This is a movie that builds slowly but very tense throughout until that controversial ending. I love the well-rounded character built for Shannon in that he does everything he can to deal with his visions and dreams. Seeing the Q&A and meeting Chastain after the film at TIFF was a lovely cherry on top. Amazing film!
Rated 17 Feb 2012
Chocolate Rain: The Movie
Rated 27 Nov 2011
The best American film of the year. "Take Shelter" is a lot deeper than it initially appears although the feeling of anxiety and unease is constant throughout, helped along by Shannon's incredible and subtle performance. It becomes so engaging and emotional at times, even to the point where it becomes hard to watch (in a good way) that I became too enveloped in what was going on and didn't read into the actual message, which will stick with you long after the end credits.
Rated 20 Nov 2011
A slow methodically paced movie that does the best job of representing the onset of what a potential mental illness that I have seen. Like the main character the audience constantly feels like something horrible is destined to happen even though no one else believes it. The acting is top notch and the setting fits the mood perfectly. It was slightly overlong (which is accentuated by how slow the film is) and there are a few plot points I didn't care for, but it's definitely worth a watch.
Rated 12 Nov 2011
Please make more movies Jeff Nichols.
Rated 16 Aug 2019
good movie
Rated 26 Nov 2017
| BACKFILLING LOAD OF FILMS NOT SEEN FOR LONG TIME -> Scores poss 20-30% out. Grateful if U drop me a cordial msg if U think memory dulled a gem or gave rosy tint 2 clunker. IE. Tell me WHY Im wrong & what U think I should score "
Rated 08 Oct 2017
I liked the part about the storm.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
A slow pace hurts an otherwise thought provoking drama anchored by strong performances.
Rated 31 May 2016
This guy Nichols is going places. Very scary story, is hard to watch how mental illness progresses in a good guy, how it affects everyone around him and is shown in a way where even you doubt yourself, yeah inner monsters are scarier than fantasy ones.
Rated 21 Dec 2014
It's decently crafted, and Shannon makes a good performance, but the tension falls apart after the first half, and the final scene that should give meaning to the entire film it's more a "WTF" moment than something interesting.
Rated 04 Oct 2014
Mesmerizing performances from a stellar cast keeps the boat floating for as long as it can, until the weight of the script finally sinks it into the clichéd formula of "is he or isn't he?".
Rated 02 Oct 2013
While the main character does seem to redeem himself by the end, it was a long and tedious path to watch him get there. The director took too many opportunities to just let the camera sit there and stretched out inconsequential moments to become boring. It was somewhat interesting to watch this man question his sanity, and take steps to addressing it. Otherwise, this is not a very remarkable story. I really liked the role of he wife though.
Rated 29 May 2013
It's a pretty slow-moving movie, but it's very good at building tension. It's pretty rare to see a movie where the ending was approaching, and I legitimately didn't know what was about to happen.
Rated 15 May 2013
One of the better portrayals of mental illness. Masterful performance from Michael Shannon. Didn't care for the ending.
Rated 29 Dec 2012
After hearing so much praise and seeing this on so many top 10 lists of 2011, I was worried that my expectations would betray me. But it completely lived up to the hype. What a well-crafted and intriguing film. I'm already excited for a second viewing
Rated 28 Dec 2012
the real irony is that, in its hysteria, 'take shelter' fails to heed its own lesson.....
Rated 18 Dec 2012
The kind of film that leaves me feeling like things aren't gonna be okay, in the best way. Shannon and Chastain are acting forces to be reckoned with.
Rated 14 Dec 2012
Rated 01 Dec 2012
One of the most unsettling films I've ever seen, Shannon's performance here was fantastic.
Rated 24 Nov 2012
Worst possible ending.
Rated 25 Sep 2012
One of the best disaster movie in recent years.filmmakers Jeff Nichols unique approach on disaster movie is unique and delivers powerful emotion about paranoia and desperation thanks to Michael Shannon brilliant acting. the atmosphere of the catastrophic storm is thick and haunting through the brings the realistic aspect of the movie. "Take Shelter" is unlike any other disaster movie you will ever is purely one of the most dramatic and realistic disaster movie.
Rated 18 Sep 2012
Framing the struggles of mental illness as an ominous thriller turns out to be an intensely creative idea. It's an important film as it attempts to visualize the hardships of a mentally ill person - effectively portrayed by Shannon - as well as commenting on the modern perception from family and community, and the importance of healthcare for treatment. I don't believe the ending distracts from the rest of the film, and is open to wide interpretation.
Rated 09 Sep 2012
One of the best films of 2011. A brilliant film in every way. Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain give Oscar caliber performances in this emotional drama. The last 30-40 minutes are the most intense I've ever seen. I absolutely loved it!
Rated 08 Aug 2012
Shannon seems to have a remarkable talent for playing mentally deranged characters.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Nichols kicks it up a notch from Shotgun Stories' perfected simplicity and makes a film both captivating and relevant in this age of apocalyptic obsessions. With two films, Nichols is already on my list of favorite contemporary filmmakers.
Rated 20 Jul 2012
A atmosfera de mistério que vai acompanhando o desenrolar da história não funciona muito bem, e o filme vai evoluindo num ritmo entediante, situação reforçada pelos seus personagens desinteressantes. Existem algumas sequências que sobressaem, especialmente os sonhos e a sequência final, visualmente e simbolicamente belíssima. No todo, não foi um filme que me cativou, apesar de lhe conseguir reconhecer algumas características interessantes.
Rated 14 Jun 2012
Great performances, even though the plot lends itself to general predictability.
Rated 01 Jun 2012
As Take Shelter deliberately drags on, it becomes a deeply unsettling psychological thriller. As the ending drew near, I was convinced there wasn't any route this film would shy away from, and that slowly pulled me closer to the edge of my seat. Shannon does a great, criminally overlooked job. The ending seals the deal as something worth thought and debate.
Rated 29 May 2012
Something is coming... take shelter! Shannon does a brilliant job portraying a man suffering from paranoia. He is driven by the sudden strong feeling that danger is looming and that he must protect his beloved family. Chastain delivers a strong performance as well, as his wife, who is affected greatly by his strange behavioural changes caused the psychological strain of his condition. So far one of the strongest drama productions of 2012 (Denmark), though perhaps slightly slow paced for 120 min.
Rated 28 May 2012
One of the most harrowing portrayals of schizophrenia I've ever seen, and at once an unsettling yet beautiful portrayal of how unconditional love can hold a family together through the most horrifying of challenges. A fine film with a masterpiece of a performance by Michael Shannon.
Rated 24 May 2012
2 mart 2012 & Take Shelter, basit bir paranoya filmi degil. Kapital sistem, toplum, id ile ilgili bir film. gerilim janrini art-house sinema ile birlestirme cabasinda olan bir is. yonetmenin ilk filmi olmasi heyecan verici.
Rated 14 May 2012
A very slow paced film that does keep you on the edge of your seat until the credits roll. Great acting, excellent mood development and a story that makes you think through out. But what really made this movie was the ending. Very well done, highly recommended!
Rated 24 Mar 2012
Wonderfully gripping until its last five minutes. The cheapness of the ending undermines such effective emotions that have been established up to that point. From the dream sequences to simple conversations, there is some incredible effort in image, sound, and performance on display here, especially regarding Shannon and Chastain. Once again, the conclusion resembles a radical tonal shift that manages to say two things: "Fuck this guy's caring family" and "Fuck you, viewer."
Rated 23 Mar 2012
Chastain is a beautiful fairy.
Rated 19 Mar 2012
Very good drama. The characters are well-developed and intriguing. It's quite beautifully shot.
Rated 03 Mar 2012
"Foreboding" is how I'd describe this in a single word. Jeff Nichols' proficient cinematography was already evident in Shotgun Stories, but his storytelling lagged behind. It takes a step forward in Take Shelter. Though it still doesn't have much depth, and is still a tad too slow-burning, the characterizations are just naturalistic enough to prop up the fatalistic "brewing storm" mood that makes this gripping.
Rated 27 Feb 2012
Definitely one of the best films of the year. Everything is just done so well - the acting, the directing, the fear, the feeling of dread. Michael Shannon is amazing and so is Jessica Chastain. The final scenes are gripping and powerful - the film as a whole is powerful and will prove to be more relevant as we near the end of 2012.
Rated 26 Feb 2012
A tough film to review. The struggle that plays out in Curtis' life between the need for security and the desire for normalcy is dramatized very well. Shannon is great in the lead, while Chastain plays a believably confused yet supportive wife. However, the film suffers from a bit too glacial pacing, as well as a final sequence of shots which destroys the fundamental ambiguity that Nichols has so carefully constructed over the course of the film.
Rated 26 Feb 2012
A brilliant chronicle of a man going mad and how that effects his family and work. Top notch performances.
Rated 18 Feb 2012
My natural instinct is to put this down as merely a dose of heartland paranoia and "just-add-water"-spirituality, but my non-Redneck leanings aside, this film has the austere appeal of a late Johnny Cash song and needs to be appreciated as such. And any movie that concludes with a song by Nichols is fine by me. (Dickish review, I know, but I trust my fellow critickers are gonna cover all the important allegory-territory and the fact that Shannon is the fucking man, so forgive me my lazyness.)
Rated 11 Feb 2012
Emotionally intense. Shannon and Chastain are absolutely fantastic in their performances. There's a little bit of on-the-nose symbolism, but it's easy to forgive. Also a lot of food for thought here about the state of the American mindset, both collectively and personally, and it means so much more because you get deeply invested in the characters.
Rated 08 Feb 2012
I'm not quite sure what to make of this one. Some of the scenes were awesome. They were dark, scary, unnerving, intense... But a lot of it was rather slow-moving and with little happening in it. I'm not necessarily saying that's a bad thing, but I don't know how well they worked together. It was well-shot and looked beautiful and it did captivate me. Good performances all around, especially from Michael Shannon.
Rated 07 Feb 2012
It came to a certain point that I got really confused. I just didn't know if I were watching a dreadful diary of another mad man, a frightening tale about the end of the world or a very smart horror film inspired by the financial crisis and the consequent breakdown of happy families. Take Shelter immerses itself in a long suburban journey of anxiety, fear and total lack of security. And it only reveals more and more disturbance.
Rated 07 Feb 2012
Can we all just agree that Jessica Chastain is a paragon of virtue? I'd let that woman ruin my life, I don't give a shit.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
Orginal rating was 90, unfortunately it didn't fare as well on a rewatch.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
Gripping psychological drama with great atmosphere and top-notch acting all round. The tension subtly builds up until it is almost unbearable but is not released in the way you might expect.
Rated 30 Jan 2012
Unsettling, and another accomplishment by Nichols, who most likely has a brilliant career ahead of him!
Rated 23 Dec 2011
It would make many film critics physically attack me to hear me say so, but over the years the tropes and cliches of indie arthouse character studies have become almost as codified as those of slick summer blockbusters. Chilly dinner table scenes? Check. Protagonist having a third act freakout scene? Check. Abrupt, ambiguous ending? Check. Dream sequences galore too. Loved Michael Shannon's performance (it's a shame he's almost forced to underact on Boardwalk Empire) and the score though.
Rated 27 Jul 2024
On the fence about this – full of chilly and aloof characters (Shannon and Chastain are brilliant at embodying them), and has interesting echoes of THE SHINING (and BUG). About *that* final scene; having watched the film twice in a row, Nichols doesn’t seem to provide enough data to be able to speculate meaningfully; real or imagined either interpretation seem to rely too much on “filling in the blanks” than dealing with what we’ve actually seen, which leaves the film on a jokey bum note.
Rated 07 Jun 2024
Good, not great. Good music, acting, atmosphere.
Rated 25 May 2024
Did it really need a twist? Er, I guess now this is a tale of how paranoid, prophetic visions shouldn't be ignored, so a bunch of people think it's great because they can relate it back to some deeper issue they have with society. To me, it seems to undermine 95% of the film where we see someone struggling with mental health, accepting help, and learning to be open with the ones who care about them. Kind of like saying, "just kidding, that's not actually the point!" Meh.
Rated 05 Apr 2023
It's a little too slow for my liking, but Shannon and Chastain's performances almost make up for it. Nichols is great at creating atmosphere, but I think I prefer his more eventful work like Midnight Special. Not perfect, but worth watching if you're in the mood for a well acted psychological character study with elements of family drama.
Rated 19 Mar 2023
Michael Shannon could star in a movie where he narrates paint drying and it'd still be a great performance. I could do without the ending twist, though.
Rated 03 Nov 2021
O Abrigo tinha sua premiere há 10 anos em New York. Acho um efetivo tratado cinematográfico da esquizofrenia paranóide, mesmo a narrativa trabalhando muito mais no campo do simbólico do que do literal nesse sentido. O final só coroa isso, a tempestade no é o que está acontecendo afinal e sim a estruturação de sua própria mente. BlurayRip no MakingOff.
Rated 01 Aug 2021
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself they say. Like that's supposed to be comforting.
Rated 24 Jun 2021
Michael Shannon was Oscar snubbed on this.
Rated 14 Apr 2021
Ultimately not a hugely deep psychological study, but it manages enough to be a compelling cinematic experience. It's held back in some departments of storytelling, but builds up to a hugely memorable climax, appropriately showing the right amount of restraint and the right amount of cinematic adventurousness. Man, where can I find a supportive Jessica Chastain-looking wife?
Rated 14 Sep 2020
Troubled is the acceptance of one's anxieties, be it clinical or self-driven. The shelter one builds to dismay weakness that life's storm may bring upon them, is incomplete without the shelter needed from loved ones. Daunting are the turmoil images Nichols narrates us through, depicting the instincts of a man driven by a foreboding insanity.
Rated 11 Aug 2020
Wow. Where to start. Shannon is great, of course, but that's where I'll diverge from the consensus. The environmentalist theme ("allegory") is patronizing and overbearing. It's neither creative, subtle or compelling. And it drags! Oh my fuck, does it drag, with absolutely no end in sight. It's one similar boring, absurd scene after another. I don't know why this is stimulating for people. The cinematography is ok, but also maybe a bit cheap. The writing is unforgivably pretentious and dreadful.
Rated 07 Aug 2020
A well done film all around: acting, visuals, music. I just couldn't get emotionally invested.
Rated 11 Mar 2020
Seen: 2.
Rated 29 Feb 2020
Pretty great.
Rated 11 Oct 2019
Slow, quiet, a bit creepy. Not for everybody but I liked it.
Rated 07 Jan 2019
Economic anxiety, toxic masculinity and mental illness coalesce into a storm of apocalyptic proportion, as one man struggles with his inability to assert control over the forces that threaten the ground beneath his feet.
Rated 01 Jun 2018
Rated 27 Jun 2017
A Shannon tour de force.
Rated 08 Apr 2017
درام دیدنی از مردی در استانه فروپاشی روانی جف نیکولاس هنرمندانه انسان دوران جدید را در شکست نمایش می دهد و مسبب بودن در او در رخ دادن این وقایع را تصویرسازی میکند
Rated 05 Apr 2017
12/25/2023 -> Watched again. Would rate a 90. 04/05/2017 -> 94 rating.
Rated 10 Mar 2017
Adoro uns filme de surto e doença mental. Especialmente quando eu to losing it myself.
Rated 02 Feb 2017
Good and frightening, with a great protagonist.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
If for some reason you don't think Michael Shannon is a great actor, this movie should convince you.
Rated 16 Aug 2016
This is masterful, quietly confident storytelling. Jeff Nichols and Michael Shannon clearly have a very functional working relationship. Shannon really shines here and the ending is just spectacular.
Rated 24 Apr 2016
Take Shelter is far from the disaster film that I expected but what this film surprisingly turned out to be is much, much more impressive and satisfying. Jeff Nicholls tells and paces this story masterfully and the search for answers simmers all the way up until what I found to be an incredibly rewarding finale. Michael Shannon is incredible and whether his character suffers from schizophrenia, if he's some sort of prophet with premonitions or if he's instead metaphorical, I just loved guessing.
Rated 27 Mar 2016
An 'is he/isn't he?' that's more of a study of schizophrenia than a genuine mystery (despite what the suspicious-looking final scene wants you to think). It's quite a minimal film - in the best way - as Shannon is allowed to shine as one of the handful of speaking characters, while the direction and methodical pace create a great atmosphere that keeps you transfixed throughout. At two hours I'm not in a hurry to see it again anytime soon but I'd definitely say it's worth a look.
Rated 10 Jan 2016
Are you watching a man's sorry descent into mental illness or are you witnessing a man who is in fact a genuine prophet of doom. Will you care enough by the end of the film or be satisfied with how it all ties up? Can't say I did. However I hung on in there because it's unarguable that Shannon and Chastain are fine actors and both, especially Shannon, deliver good performances. As for the ending....I guess you can read into it what you will.
Rated 06 Nov 2015
I expected a disaster movie but the storm turned out to be ancillary to the unfolding family drama. Shannon and Chastain played their parts perfectly.
Rated 02 Jul 2015
After reading the reviews I have to say: I guess I didn't get this one.


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