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Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 47m
The Sun is being destroyed from inside out by a type of highly stable form of matter that renders nuclear fusion impossible, by turning common matter on its own kind. The only hope is to send a team of astronauts to detonate a massive, highly energetic bomb, able to destroy this strange matter and restore Sun's natural state. (imdb)


Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
1h 47m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 54.38% from 6120 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 14 Aug 2007
The first 2/3rds of this film was fantastic. The last 1/3rd I'm still on the fence about, but it's still a great movie. Definitely worth seeing, especially if you're into sci fi movies. It certainly adds something new to the genre. [Second Viewing] The last third is totally great, and completely justified. There's enough going on in this movie to make a second viewing very rewarding. Where I was confused the first time around, I was completely on board this time. Bumping from 8 to 9.
Rated 10 Oct 2010
For the best viewing experience, I recommend watching the first 2/3 or so of the movie, and then taking an intermission to go outside and stare directly into the sun for an hour before continuing the movie. It will help you understand the sense of awe the characters in the movie feel, and most importantly, you'll be permanently unable to see the last 1/3 of the movie.
Rated 28 Aug 2009
Initially gripping, the movie starts to waver towards the end as the plot heads in a ridiculous direction. Visually the movie is engrossing throughout. The spaceship they live on is gritty enough to be believable but still keeps true to the science fiction we are used to. As the movie goes on the stunning images of space are not enough to make up for the plot. Sometimes it felt like Danny Boyle got too excited and rushed the ending, erasing much of the meaning from the film.
Rated 04 Aug 2007
I just rewatched this, and even though the third act is definitely flawed in a big big way (it's just kind of a stupid plot twist/transition/tonal shift), the first two acts are really absolutely phenomenal, so I'm gonna have to up it's rating a bit. The ending keeps it from being a great movie, but it's definitely really really good. Some people have called this slow, but I would disagree, and say that it starts out intense, and stays intense the entire way through. Very rewatchable.
Rated 22 Oct 2018
I liked the Solaris parts a lot more than the Alien parts.
Rated 10 Sep 2008
I'll go out on a limb here and defend the third act - Cliff Curtis' character foreshadows Burn Man (so it's not completely out of nowhere), and the film is less "man vs nature" than "man vs man" - we are our own worst enemy. I think this film asks all the right questions with its politics: if the sun is God, then religious fanaticism is represented; as is a humanist, a green thumb, a soldier, a leader, a coward, an engineer: truly a microcosm of contemporary society. Whose politics wins out?
Rated 25 Apr 2008
Visually arresting. Thematically the entire conflict of the film centers on "sticking with the mission" vs. giving yourself another chance, and if you follow this theme through to its implications on the plot, the third act is not out of place at all (it's also very much in line with Serl and Kaneda's character arcs). The cast is great and the special effects can't get enough praise. The camera tricks in the third act can be a bit much, but this is an otherwise excellent sci-fi film.
Rated 08 Oct 2007
9/10 each for the first two acts, 5/10 for the third act. Beautiful, but flawed movie with a very unnecessary plot device.
Rated 30 Jul 2007
This flick has a tonal shift in the third act that's kind of bizarre, like Boyle got bored with the film he was making and then decided to veer off into something else. But for an hour and ten minutes, this is a hell of a film, beautiful and riveting, despite the questionable science at play, and is still worth watching despite the third-act crazies.
Rated 09 Apr 2007
The weaknesses of this film include: abundant scientific and logical implausibilities; poor and unnecessary use of plot devices; overly derivative of numerous precursors; unconvincing astronautical personalities.
Rated 14 Jun 2011
I have no idea what compelled Danny Boyle to throw an Alien homage into his 2001/Solaris homage. It's not that it's completely unjustified plot-wise. But thematically it comes out of nowhere, and the execution and predictibility of the last third is so disappointing, especially in the context of the film's early brilliance.
Rated 04 Mar 2011
Disregarding the usual unbelievable premise, Sunshine manages to capture the audience through its great soundtrack, great imagery and excellent performances by the cast, most notably by Murphy. It did drag terribly at the start though to the point where I was actually switching off from time to time, but once you battle through that, it's pretty great.
Rated 19 Dec 2010
The most stunning Sci-Fi film ever made. Visually stunning and conceptually horrifying, solid cast and great directing, this film does not get the praise and glory it deserves.
Rated 20 Sep 2007
Brilliant look, a great cast and a good that order.
Rated 31 Jul 2007
It all looks very pretty and most of the time it is entertaining, but the story is formulaic and the last third or so of the film seems unbelievable and underdeveloped.
Rated 06 May 2007
A tense, thoughtful first half that doesn't strain itself going for epiphanies is eventually usurped by an utterly stupid second half that introduces a typical madman bogey. Worthwhile overall, but disappointing considering what could have been.
Rated 19 Jul 2014
I can't force myself to ignore the masterful first hour, even though the finale is trite. Sunshine is every bit a wonderful addition to the sci-fi genre as it is a beautifully shot and scored piece of art from Boyle. No one will ever fully forgive his lapse in its conclusion, but give the film praise where it deserves.
Rated 14 Jul 2014
Detractors of this movie: all I can say is boo to you. there are obvious plot holes, lets not forget what this is though. Looking for the trees and you're missing the forest. This movie is Epic. It plays off of so many psychological conundrums! I am honestly horrified that this movie doesn't get more acclaim! Its beautifully acted, the story is nothing but intense, I put myself in each characters shoes and often found myself agreeing with them all. Its a glorious trip about the Human condition.
Rated 04 Jan 2013
Psychologically-minded science fiction makes me happy when skies are gray.
Rated 24 Feb 2012
I watched this before and didn't particularly like it. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. The movie is like a mix between 2001 and Alien, except in my opinion, better then both. The score is incredible, maybe even the best I've ever heard. The cinematography is amazing. There are so many shots that are fucking beautiful. I didn't even mind the references to God, or some of the spirituality of it. The movie is intense and very epic, in scale and feeling. I love this movie so much!
Rated 11 Feb 2012
'Sunshine' is not without clichés or flaws. But it is very beautiful and stylish. I understand the general concerns with the third act, but can't say that I really share them. I thought it to be rather metaphysical. Either way one stands, it says something remarkable about the film, that it will never once dawn upon the viewer, that they basically stole the premise from 'The Core'.
Rated 15 Jun 2011
Starts out as a promising hard sci-fi thriller, but completely loses its mind in the third act. Event Horizon did it better a decade earlier.
Rated 15 Apr 2011
Very exciting, entertaining and interesting throughout. The acting was great and the direction was top notch. And then the third act - everything goes to shit! Needless villian is inserted and is lazily developed and frankly not exciting enough for a big finale. Quite beautiful too, some amazing scenery and special effects. As serious Sci-fi goes though, you could do a lot worse, especially so these days.
Rated 06 Feb 2011
This ethereal sci-fi starts as a space adventure and ends beautifully, with hypnotizing imagery and a great number of chills. I loved it.
Rated 26 Oct 2010
Perfect up until the ending. It's almost so disappointing that I want to give this movie a bad score... but the rest is so good that it's worth watching. Just don't get your hopes up.
Rated 15 Sep 2010
Well that certainly got retarded.
Rated 18 May 2010
Very pretty, and it's genuinely good most of the way through, but then someone decided a villain was necessary. There are a few good ideas and honest attempts at depth, but they are left half developed and not sufficiently explored.
Rated 16 Jun 2009
First 30 minutes were good . Then the movie happened
Rated 02 Jan 2008
I'm usually really bored while watching sci-fi movies, but this one kept me on the edge of my seat. The Visuals were absolute quality. The last part didn't bother me at all, it was nice to have something surprising and bizarre happening. A lot of the story was nothing special, but Danny Boyle and the actors really made it into a great piece to watch.
Rated 01 May 2007
Although its origin consists of so many sci-fi clichés, Danny Boyle managed to turn the structure into a massive brilliance.
Rated 02 Nov 2019
Top badass moment? This movie certainly puts into prospective the fact that my tablet’s Bluetooth has recently stopped working. So here we have Mother Nature providing her own cure for Climate Change, which we then feel obliged to try and bugger up again. And a spaceship with a computer that appears to've been programmed by Boeing. And a baddie that makes it clear that not packing any sun cream was a bit of an oversight. A great film until it gets religion. No cats, chainsaws or decapitations.
Rated 03 Aug 2018
Sunshine has a very interesting plot and is very effective in its execution for the first 2/3 of the film. The final act, however, throws a completely unnecessary corkscrew into the film and is in itself a ridiculous genre shift. Despite this flaw, there are some absolutely spectacular shots that create something truly beautiful when combined with the score.
Rated 25 Mar 2017
Looking at these reviews, i'm surprised i didn't find the same enjoyment that others did. Certainly, its an interesting script, but I think the execution is more flawed than most would say. It has some solid acting, and actually gets pretty tense for quite a while, but I think between the ending and some really rough visuals and editing, I can't give this the same pass others have.
Rated 29 Feb 2016
"I fucked up, OK??" "Well, actually, no, it's not OK, we send you 93m miles and you forget something that basic?" Boyle knows how to make a beautiful film, the cast (particularly Bryne) give good performances, and the tension is palpable, but ultimately, this is pretty daft and like Gravity and many others, completely fails the "Science" test in Sci- Fi. When are directors going to realise that the only time you can suspend "reality" is in a completely alien environment? Good for an hour.
Rated 13 Sep 2015
Very interesting theme, inspired by previous scifi films like 2001 Space Oddyssey and Alien franchise in terms of plot ideas and props (space suits, analogue interface and air-lock systems, AI etc). Inciting incident is slightly clichetic but the pacing and execution is down to Earth. A must watch for space movie lovers.
Rated 01 Apr 2015
Is there a movie more in line with Prometheus? Its faults are almost daring you to give up on it entirely. Every thought you have about it afterwards is focused on the reasoning behind things that seem to be purposely written poorly. And it takes about three weeks before you want to see that beautiful mess all over again.
Rated 26 Apr 2014
Captivating throughout the whole movie, only the end is rather disappointing with an unnecessary horror plot. Great visual style though.
Rated 09 Nov 2013
So, what's that about... a number of Big Brother contestants pretend they're astronauts on a spaceship on a last resort mission to save the world (how? but with a giant nuclear bomb -the cure to any problem). However they spend their time squabbling and fighting, making trivial mistakes (no computers aboard, apparently) and dealing with imaginary physics until they meet Freddy Krueger.
Rated 25 Apr 2013
I never laughed so hard at a film that I wasn't supposed to be laughing at. This is what constitutes Science Fiction in a post-MTV, overly gratuitous CGI world of film making.
Rated 16 Nov 2012
Sunshine is, without question, a great film. It's thoughtful, evocative, smart, thrilling, and will make you feel something. It's one of those rare science fiction films that's interested in both the characters and the science that makes its plot possible. It'll give you something to think about once it's done playing, and might make you tear up while it's playing. It looks great as well, despite a relatively low budget. It deserves multiple viewings, and if you get the chance, watch it.
Rated 16 Jul 2012
It seems, by 2057, the human race will have regressed so much intellectually, that even our scientists and astronauts will be complete fucktards. I expect so much more from Danny Boyle. Visually, stylistically and musically there are moments to savor here but It's impossible to redeem a film with such a ridiculous plot and idiotic characters. If this is our future, I vote we all become junkies and end it all having fun.
Rated 13 Mar 2012
A movie that's actually kind of better once you know what's coming. It is vaguely disappointing when the hard scifi film (an extremely rare genre) turns into a slasher flick (one of the least rare genres) but it doesn't become a bad movie either. If you can get past the disappointment, there's a good movie here.
Rated 19 Feb 2012
It starts strong, but then has a midlife crisis and decides that being a low-key space film isn't what it wanted to do with its life even if it's what it's good at, buys a motorcycle, and turns into a mediocre slasher for pretty much the rest of its runtime.
Rated 02 Jan 2012
An abrupt tonal shift really brings this down a few pegs, undermining what was an intense psychological thriller with an inappropriate and frankly unbelievable plot device. Still, its overall thematic weight is strong. Danny Boyle realizes the inherently ambitious setting of space with an effective mix of great sets and modest effects. It doesn't look so artificial like many big budget effects flicks generally do.
Rated 25 Aug 2011
Beautifully shot, amazing soundtrack and great acting. Everything is in place for an amazing piece of sci-fi cinema and for most of the movie that's what we get, a hauntingly beautiful journey of a small band of heroes on a possibly futile mission. Then someone flips a switch and it becomes a corridor chase with a serial killer. It's certainly a good corridor chase but it jars compared to the first half of the movie.
Rated 28 Jul 2011
sonlara dogru sicmasaydi guzel olacakti da sicti yani, onünü alamadik, öyle böyle degil.
Rated 17 Jul 2011
For the first two acts, Sunshine is pretty good. A tad clichéd and the acting isn't that hot but it's got an interesting premise, tense situations, stylish visuals, nice score... it's an engaging watch, it's fun. And then came the third act. Messy, confusing, stupid clusterfuck. Except for the fact it kind of became a slasher flick, most of the time I didn't know what the hell was going on. It sucked to have my enthusiasm dashed like that. Very good for about 75 minutes, pretty lame after that.
Rated 04 Jul 2011
"Sunshine" is a cracking piece of sci-fi, that touches on some fascinating concepts without ever going into any real depth. Not that that's a critisism, in fact it's a complement! Boyle is more than happy to let the viewer's imagination do much of the hard work in terms of the science, as along the way he produces a visually supurb & brilliantly scored thriller. Overall a tad predictable, with one odd, but not unwelcome twist, & starring a cast that do great with an average script. Underrated.
Rated 09 May 2011
A visually incredible sci-fi film with many cool ideas and moments and a great cast that leaves you disappointed when the third act becomes a generic horror film akin to Alien.
Rated 26 Jan 2011
Could've been excellent. Wasn't
Rated 27 Sep 2010
A great premise for a film turned into a bad slasher. I always wonder if Boyle knows what he is doing (save 28 Days Later which works very well)?
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Interesting if not flawed script. I still enjoyed it and some of the visuals are stunning.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
The first 45 minutes of this movie is perhaps the most beautiful out of any sci-fi film and rivals that of 2001. Even when the film takes an unusual left turn it still doesn't totally detract from the very powerful first half of the movie.
Rated 21 Aug 2009
One of the movies that struck a cord in me, I don't know what exactly it is but it seems that it has a calming effect, an eerie feeling and a comforting one. You must see this movie.
Rated 18 Aug 2009
Blockbuster sci-fi film leagues above the rest (which would explain why it didn't make any money). B-movie storyline is excellently handled through a clear understanding of not just scientific logics, but the logics of mission objectives and what/who is expendable. A top-notch sci-fi film in every department.
Rated 18 Aug 2009
Very good sci-fi. Cillian Murphy does a very good job in his second Boyle film but the real star in this movie is... well it's the Sun. But it's also the incredibly lonesome atmosphere that follows the film. You can never shake the feeling that everyone on that ship is millions and millions of miles from home.
Rated 19 Jul 2009
Had potential but then turned into a typical Hollywood movie
Rated 28 Apr 2009
Interesting and fun to watch but it devolves with the serial killer twist. It could very well have been the next great Sci-Fi movie but it went wrong somewhere.
Rated 28 Feb 2009
Not enough pretty to make up for the stupid.
Rated 23 Feb 2009
It looks very nice and the acting is decent, but this is why space movies have failed for many years. They all suffer from 2001: A Space Odyssey complex. Everything has to be grand, awe-inspiring, wide-eyed wonder, wow, larger than life, majestic, and also overblown, melodramatic, ridiculous. I'd rather just have a movie about people, human beings, characters, who happen to be in space. Instead we get "my god it's full of stars"
Rated 19 Nov 2008
The word "epic" is overused in criticism, but it's hard to describe Sunshine's best qualities in any other way. I'm definitely more into large objects floating in space than the average moviegoer, but it's that beautiful imagery coupled with the psychological weight of saving life on Earth that make it uniquely compelling.
Rated 01 Aug 2008
As with all disaster films, the premise is pretty ridiculous. However, it pulls it off better than any other. I really liked it. Great special effects, and it knows just what makes Sci-Fi good. Recommended if you can overlook the fact that the plot makes no sense. Yeah, let us travel straight into the sun and make another one within it. That makes sense. Cillian Murphy is excellent. Just ride with it and you'll be glad you did.
Rated 26 May 2008
A visual stunner reminiscent of (but inferior to) 2001. I really disliked the addition of "3rd degree burn man" and thought his presence sort of disrupted the "man-against-nature" plot which the film had already strongly developed.
Rated 17 May 2008
If this movie had some more meat to it, it could have been a great movie. The plot is fantastic, it's just that it isn't fleshed out and becomes somewhat bored.
Rated 09 May 2008
The scene with the planet passing in front of the sun is amazing. Watch it for that, if nothing else.
Rated 18 Apr 2008
I really wanted to like this, and I definitely have a soft spot for sci-fi. By the end, I felt like the screenwriter was just a sadist and this might as well be Final Destination 9: In Space. The story leaps out into the Land of No Logic at the end, and not even in a metaphorical 2001-type way, as far as I could tell. Maybe I didn't get it, or maybe it's that the advertising resembled the summary on this page, rather than "people die horribly for 90 minutes."
Rated 04 Sep 2007
No humour or chemistry between the cast. Horrible action elements. Strange pointless fascination with staring at the sun. Needs to look at the first 10 minutes of "Alien" to see how to develop characters and relationships between crew members. A lot of people say the first-half, or the first two-thirds were excellent, but unfortunately they were merely average.
Rated 03 Sep 2007
It starts awesome. A 'hard-scifi' film that can be compared to 2001 and last! Then, it falls apart one by one: Hard-science turns into pseudo-jumble, caharacters turn into cartoons, plot genre-ocides, cinematography fails... What a wasted promise; it was 'that' close :\ But I still think Boyle has it in him, maybe next time...
Rated 30 Aug 2007
my favorite movie of all time. The visuals are beautiful. And the acting is incredible. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I have not been affeceted by a film in such a way ever.
Rated 28 Aug 2007
As you can read in every other review - the last part was disappointing, but everything before is fantastic. Overally, this is definitely worth seeing.
Rated 04 Jun 2007
It's like I was watching Event Horizon stripped of any remotely interesting characters. The delusions element is very nice but doesn't hold up the 3rd act well enough.
Rated 25 Apr 2007
British director Danny Boyle creates a poetic journey to the celestial object that makes Earth the beautiful place full of life it is, and even though (or because) he doesn't fall back on pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo and techno-babble to try to make the ridiculously impossible mission believable, the combination of awesome production design, music and beautiful photography does just that.
Rated 11 Apr 2007
Nice to look at but not a lot else.
Rated 09 Oct 2024
Why is the initial premise so dumb this is good.
Rated 05 Jun 2024
Plot 10/20 Fiction 8/20 Casting/Acting 13/20 Worldbuilding 15/20 Entertainment 11/20
Rated 14 Apr 2024
Better than that other movie about Cillian Murphy delivering a giant bomb on a tight deadline
Rated 02 Mar 2024
Idk how to say it, this movie is great.
Rated 20 Feb 2024
Needs to believe in itself. It's a space movie. That's already great. The premise is solid. Why do they always have to bring in an unrealistic/silly element in the 3rd act?
Rated 29 Dec 2023
Overall, a really solid movie with a great concept and even better visuals. Based on some of the reviews, I expected the last act to be much worse, but it was fine.
Rated 14 Oct 2023
it’s a great concept executed really well, with some really cool moments. great setup, but i’m unsure about the final third of the film. too many plot twists and contrivances to build intensity at the end. it’s like the film took a tonal left turn from a 2001 homage to an alien homage
Rated 31 Jul 2023
Suffers from the same last act issues that seem to plague most of Boyle's movies. Great cast, some gorgeous visuals, wish the last act had been a tad different.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
The last act is a let down.
Rated 26 Feb 2023
Rewatch 16 years later: 75 rating confirmed. Visuals hold up well today. Ending is messy but acceptable. Most points are for the first two acts though. I forgot it was sooo tense. Maybe a bit derivative of Event Horizon, Alien and others.
Rated 31 Oct 2022
It turns into a completely different film in the last act. I don't object to the shift into being something-kind-of-like-a-horror-film, but I object to the terrible visual ideas that render the action incomprehensible. Given that Boyle robbed himself of the ability to convey things visually, he needed to slow down a bit and sign post where he was going. For the most part, I think it's a great film ... and one that you can turn off 20 minutes early if you feel like it.
Rated 24 Oct 2022
One of Danny Boyle and Cillian Murphy’s better films- the premise is excellent sci fi pulp, seriously underrated movie
Rated 23 Jun 2022
Boyle and Garland said "let there be light", and there was Sunshine. Aesthetically pleasing sci-fi, a good soundtrack and a freaky editing style that succeeds in creating an unsettling atmosphere and in conveying the power of the sun. Great cast as well. The tone shift at the end has grown on me and I think it's better written than I've previously given credit for; but having said that, I still think it would have been better and bolder to keep mankind's only hope their only enemy.
Rated 11 Jun 2022
The plot is great, but either the director or the editor made a decision to do fancy editing tricks with the scenes and just turns the movie into a horrible watching experience. Come on director bro, I just want to enjoy the kino. Also the third act was really unnecessary.
Rated 11 Jun 2022
It's a solid sci-fi flick, but it's mostly at the level of entertainment, without the level of thematic substance that you see in the classics like Solaris.
Rated 06 Jan 2022
Cool visuals and amazing sound design. Although I sat down and started watching 2001 only to finish with Event Horizon and I’m not sure what to make of that.
Rated 18 Oct 2021
Rated 14 Oct 2021
An unsavory blend of high concept science fiction and a half-baked third act that seriously undermines the movie. Everything comes off underdeveloped even though the visuals and acting is great.
Rated 28 Jul 2021
the score was perfect. john murphy slamming it out the park again. the story was great with a nonsensual moment making it less impresive, but the idea is a great original
Rated 05 Jan 2021
not the best ending but good movie
Rated 08 Oct 2020
better than expected
Rated 16 Mar 2020
Works amazing as a playground for moral conundrums. Like a sophisticated The Good Place episode. But if The Good Place was good. The last third Boyle wants to be an action filmmaker and doesn't really succeed. Someone like Brad Bird could've turned that Garland script into something special.
Rated 11 Mar 2020
Seen: 3. I have some problems with this movie, but the production is incredible and utterly engrossing, with strange, awe inspiring visuals. It is one of those perfectly balanced mysteries where I am constantly, gleefully wondering what is happening on screen, but the narrative breadcrumbs keep me grounded. And the stakes are humungous and always felt in every decision.
Rated 08 Mar 2020
I still mostly think Danny Boyle's hyperactive style hurts everything he touches, but there are some moments here where it actually complements Garland's high-concept madness quite well. And it really is madness from Garland, a far cry from the laser-focused commentary of his directorial efforts but still littered with cerebral moments between the more by-the-numbers (but still pretty tense!) space fare.
Rated 25 Feb 2019
pretty space movie. the ending is fine
Rated 31 Aug 2018
Good film overall, intense and enjoyable.
Rated 31 Aug 2018
Nice in that addresses psychological challenges of long space trips. Everything else in implausible, stupid.


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