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1h 37m
A comedy which follows a 15-year-old boy with two objectives: To lose his virginity before his next birthday, and to stop his mother from leaving his father for her dance teacher. (imdb)
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1h 37m
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Avg Percentile 59.89% from 2111 total ratings

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Rated 10 Aug 2011
Decent, but it progressively gets more and more boring as it goes, as well as being familiarly indie-quirky in a progressively more annoying way. Not a bad debut, though, some good visuals and lines.
Rated 14 Feb 2011
Spectacularly written and directed coming of age-comedy. Stylish and very funny. This is definitely one I'll be returning to.
Rated 25 Jul 2011
Stylistically and thematically positioning itself somewhere between Rian Johnson's "Brick" and Hal Ashby's "Harold and Maude" (!), "Submarine" deals with growing pains, the family unit and, well, relationships in general with - as thaklos noted in his mini-review - a clever discrepancy between Tate's disaffected outward appearance and his inner emotional turmoil reflected in the narration. It's awkward, weird and charming. Not unlike adolescence, I guess.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
I really enjoyed this. It does a great job of capturing elements of the confusion, delusion, uncertainty, awkwardness and honesty of teen life, and does it with a very natural sense of humour. I'm sure Ayoade has his influences - this feels Wes Anderson-esque to a degree - but despite the style there is also an admirable measure of restraint. The casting is terrific, as are the performances (Considine nails it). An impressive, assured debut. Also, "My mum gave a handjob to a mystic" - great.
Rated 02 Aug 2011
Just completely sublime and beautifully performed by each and every cast member, but particuarly the brilliant Roberts. I loved the way it was shot, stylised and edited. The soundtrack is a gem too. I'm surprised and delighted that Ayoade's directorial debut is such a brilliantly judged and touching movie.
Rated 07 Jan 2012
Bloody well shot, cut and scored. If only the quirkiness had been equally striking story wise as visually instead of this pretty pretentious mess...
Rated 07 Jul 2012
Oliver Tate's inner monologue is deliciously delusional, which leads to a lot of humor at his expense. It has the feel of a self-aware, quirky indie movie, but it never feels off-putting because of it. The style doesn't lend itself to emotional attachment, but the characters are too endearing for the audience not to like them. Plus the cinematography and soundtrack are really pleasant, which makes this into a really enjoyable experience.
Rated 14 Sep 2015
"Every night I come to the same place and wait 'til the sky catches up with my mood."
Rated 28 Aug 2011
Style over substance. It's good to see a british director taking this route and the results are excellent. I'm not saying the plot is lacking - it's actually very interesting - but the direction and the cinematography are what make this film, as well as fantastic performances across the board. The music also added to the atmosphere immensely and the humour is always spot on. Loses a few points for lacking a strong emotional core but still very entertaining and very original.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
A darkly comic and refreshingly honest coming of age film that fully embraces its quirky/eccentric style. It's not fully realized but it succeeds in channeling the chaos that is adolescence.
Rated 09 Nov 2011
Absolutely beautiful, blending a number of different stylistic techniques together seamlessly. The kind of flick where those who don't know how to read very well into things would be like "IT IS A HIPSTER FILM IT IS WELL SHIT" and turn off, but it's very clever and witty and knows its protagonist as well as any movie could.
Rated 24 Nov 2011
Hardly original (to the degree of being borderline self-conscious of the lineage it belongs to), but pretty much perfectly done for what it is. If this had come out when i was 17 this would have probably been one of my favorite movies.
Rated 19 Sep 2012
I really like the cast, especially Paddy Considine as an eccentric psychic with a mullet (hell yes), though it's really Craig Roberts who carries this movie. The script is a touch too quirky and contrived, though, and sometimes feels plagiarized from Wes Anderson (which is bad enough). Still, it's an impressive debut with some wonderful cinematography.
Rated 24 Jun 2011
This is a dazzling, visually astounding director debut for Richard Ayoade. It generates moods and feeling as effectively as any recent film I've seen, striking a great balance between that and telling a story. Terrific, flawless ensemble; hopefully Craig Roberts and Yasmin Paige's careers take off because of this. Ends ambiguously, with the promise, but not certainty of reconciliation, and really captures the pain of attaining a little bit of maturity.
Rated 19 Jul 2011
The main thing I enjoyed about this movie was the cinematography, editing, music, and some parts of the dialogue. Other than that, I did not feel like I could connect with any of the characters too much. Oliver a little but nothing very deep. It is hard to enjoy watching a love story when you have a broken heart.
Rated 19 Jul 2011
was amazed how this kind of film-making and style can be so appealing and beautiful. Everything starting plot to soundtrack was superb. (i give a credit for mr.Turner for it)
Rated 23 Jul 2011
Great narration and style backed with good story. Maybe a bit too shaky camera in some shots. Definitely one of best (non-mainstream) movies about adolescence I've seen so far.
Rated 25 Jul 2011
Didn't catch me as much as it did everyone else. Don't know what else to say. Craig Roberts is great but I don't really think I bought the romance.
Rated 25 Jul 2011
Not really my cup of tea. Plot wasn't especially interesting, the jokes were all pretty much awkward humour based, the choice of music for dramatic effect was rather uninspired. Although, I did like a few of the Welsh quirks uttered from time to time. Overall, a bit wishy-washy, really don't see how people are scoring it so high.
Rated 03 Aug 2011
Submarine shares its protagonists over-interpretation of life with The Truth About Men and (500) Days of Summer, but does it in its own confused teenager kind of way. That, combined with a truly amazing written script, an unique style and a charming Craig Roberts as Oliver Tate makes it an instant gem and one of those films that make you remember how fucked up you were when you were 15...
Rated 08 Aug 2011
Despite my love for everything Richard Ayoade has made/was involved in, this failed to click. Perhaps it's because I'm not that into quirky movies. It does get of to a good and interesting start, but gets tedious towards the end. However it is still a very good debut, nice cinematography, music, etc. and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more from R.A..
Rated 10 Aug 2011
we were all 15 at some point... brilliant storytelling and acting to make you remember those days...
Rated 02 Sep 2011
I like this image of Wales as some kind of refuge of twee angst.
Rated 10 Oct 2011
I always liked this IT crowd guy. In this funny, sometimes dark and macabre, not a proper comedy, Ayoade definitely showed himself as a talent to watch. Great debut. Looking forward to seeing your new movies Mr. Richard.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
Yeah, we've seen the "socially awkward teenager tries to get laid in boring smalltown" plot before, but it's really done well here. Craig Roberts basically plays David Brent of The Office as an insufferably pretentious teenager, there's just enough cringe comedy to not head off into full-on embarrassment or Diablo Codyesque smugness, the supporting characters are well-developed, and it knows what to take seriously.
Rated 08 Dec 2011
Fun, quirky, Welsh. What more are you looking for?
Rated 04 Jan 2012
A whimsical, stylish and tidy adaptation of the book, Ayoade's debut takes some imaginative liberties with the source material, and finds some real funny results. Still, it's a coming-of-age film that, despite its sincerity and a bright shifting tone, is more a design achievement in cinematography and soundtrack than a great feature on the whole.
Rated 11 Jan 2012
A pleasant surprise in a year filled with overhyped disappointments. While the film's influences are pretty much immediately apparent, it is so well-constructed and entertaining that it never feels like a second-rate Wes Anderson movie or anything tike that. Really great first film from Ayoade.
Rated 10 Feb 2012
Charming film which plays on the oddness of youth while not exagerrating it so much to be a caricature.
Rated 03 Apr 2012
In a lot of ways this feels like a newer Harold and Maude. The protagonist is a morbid but hopeful misfit in his journey of self-discovery. The film is funny and adorable, and it works because it portrays youth for what it is: fucked up, confusing, and at times brutally primitive. The direction is constantly eccentric in, for lack of a better word, a sort of cutesy way in its delivery, but thankfully for the most part it never gets obnoxious. Looking forward to Richard Ayoade's next effort.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
I would describe Submarine as Wes Anderson-lite; Richard Ayoade was certainly inspired by Anderson but tones down the quirkiness a bit. The two saving graces for this film: the always amazing Paddy Considine as a ridiculous self help guru with a kick-ass mullet and the soundtrack which is introduced as a mix-tape the father makes for his son.
Rated 21 Apr 2019
The story wasn't that great, though the narrative style was endearing. Box lied about "laugh out loud funny." Would have made a great TV series. Fav scene: last Christmas dinner.
Rated 24 Jul 2012
The quirky characters, the indie soundtrack, the forced intellectualism from a young protagonist... Sometimes it was a bit much. That being said, I liked it. I thought all the performances were great. I felt the emotion in the film even though the characters themselves rarely showed any. It had a very stylised look to it, with nice use of colour, which I liked. I thought some of the things the film had to say were really interesting and relatable too.
Rated 01 Aug 2012
A truly sweet film that not only pokes fun at the teenage mindset of omniscience, but refreshingly locates the act of 'growing up' as something that adults must similarly stumble through. This parallel is what sets the typical Bildungsroman narrative apart from many, and as we watch the young boy learn from his parents, we smile as he reciprocates the teaching to his own parents. Stylistically idiosyncratic, which encapsulates the worldview of Oliver. Funny, honest, sad, nostalgic. Great film.
Rated 06 Aug 2012
I rewatched this to understand my disappointment. I mean, the aesthetics and camerawork are wonderful to watch; the majority of the performances were impressive; and there is a certain charm to it. However, the plot was incredibly dull. I actually fell asleep during my first viewing. In a movie with so much dialogue and narration, it is imperative that it be interesting or, at the least, funny. Comparatively, Drive succeeded with style over substance because there was minimal dialogue.
Rated 08 Aug 2012
It's refreshing to watch a coming-of-age film that manages to balance a sense of style with realism without seeming too self-conscious or pretentious. Submarine does precisely that, while managing to arrange a series of plausible conflicts that advance the story. It's interesting how the theme of conquest ties in with the conflicts while yielding productive results in the end. Oliver's relationship with Jordana is a perfect example how two social outcasts can reinforce their individuality.
Rated 03 Nov 2012
Ayoade's directorial debut has a style like Wes Anderson and Hal Ashby by way of Godard. Visually, it is inventive and exciting throughout. Furthermore, it's a really sweet coming-of-age film, with some great performances and genuinely hysterical scenes. That karate blowjob, damn.
Rated 22 Dec 2012
I thought this movie reminded me of Moonrise Kingdom but it was a lot better. Submarine is about young love and the pitfalls that love entails. I thought that young Oliver had a wonderful inner monologue. His thoughts were so deep and witty which really says a lot about the movies writing. There was also a lot of really great and beautiful shots in this film. All the characters had a strange personality but it made me like them. I especially like the conversation post affair with the mother.
Rated 28 Jun 2013
Well observed, funny and honest coming of age movie. Exceptional ,quirky performances from all central characters and interesting and varied camera work and direction.
Rated 10 Nov 2017
not very funny, but still okay
Rated 08 Sep 2014
Solid film that didn't blow me away. Thankfully it isn't as quirky as I had expected going in and the acting is all decent. I got a kick out of Paddy Considine as a mystic. Roberts is good. The film is shot well also. I won't rant and rave about it, but it's a solid enough debut for Ayoade to pique my interest.
Rated 03 Nov 2014
The main character is quirky, and not in a totally satisfying way. He finds a girlfriend who is also quite odd. Together they explore a sweet but strange relationship.
Rated 15 Nov 2014
My British friend who, according to himself, is a member of the BAFTA League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, told me I should watch this because BAFTA. And, while I didn't dislike the movie, it did help me remember that I enjoy watching barbarians slicing the heads off rubber serpents. The next day, my friend bought me a delicious slice of pizza and all was forgiven.
Rated 09 Dec 2014
A slightly more realistic coming-of-age tale - embarrassing, awkward, sometimes vicious and cruel - told perfectly from the perspective of the protagonist while also allowing the audience enough space to see things for what they really are. The highlight here is the style - Richard Ayoade cribs from Wes Anderson, Godard, etc to create something fairly self-aware, but not aloof so that we still sympathise with the characters.
Rated 08 Jul 2015
Quirky coming of age flick about a vaguely sociopathic Welsh teenager simultaneously trying to salvage his parents marriage while navigating a romantic relationship with a prickly female arsonist. There's some great cinematography, good acting, and it manages to make all those things that feel important when you're 15 feel important (even though they aren't)...but despite all that it's still kinda underwhelming. Maybe more familiarity with the source material might've helped.
Rated 29 Mar 2011
Soundtrack is fantastic, very funny too, i'm really glad i saw it.
Rated 29 Mar 2011
A notable debut, packed with delightful quirkyness, originality and wit, but director Ayoade seems to be stronger as an aesthete than a storyteller. There were some wonderful directorial touches and strong visuals which helped build up memorable characters. But narratively and emotionally the film lost its way fairly badly through the middle and end. Life got too complex for the protagonist to handle and the narration became incohesive. Shame because the setup was really strong. Well acted also.
Rated 17 Jul 2011
Startling debut feature from Richard Ayoade. Will be amazed if I see a better film this year
Rated 31 Jul 2011
Top-notch coming of age tale with a distinctive filmmaking style and a droll script, with lots of hilarious little asides that you could easily miss. Reminded me of Rushmore and Harold and Maude. It's a great debut, let down only slightly by a third act that doesn't live up to the first.
Rated 02 Aug 2011
The movie has a very nice plot with good helping of originality. The presentation of the story is unique. The acting by both Craig Roberts (Oliver Tate) and Yasmin Page (Jordana Bevan) is really good. The way director presents the emotional turmoil in Tate's life really well. Over all an amazing movie with very good story, script, cinematography and music.
Rated 28 May 2020
I love the story and musical track
Rated 05 Aug 2011
Coming of age film about a quirky boy who experiences all too familiar situations with his girlfriend and family. Very funny film despite the very serious topic it explores.
Rated 11 Aug 2011
Coisa linda :)
Rated 18 Aug 2011
A very charming story of growing up. The narrator's quirky detachment from reality has the double-edged sword of providing great entertainment, but making it a little difficult to empathise with him and feel his pain as his life begins its deterioration during the second act. Nevertheless, it's great viewing and, as with all coming-of-age type films, everyone will find at least some part of themselves splashed all over the screen.
Rated 10 Sep 2011
Rated 28 Sep 2011
29 eylul 2011
Rated 01 Oct 2011
Reminded me of a (male) British version of Juno.
Rated 13 Oct 2011
"Succeeds by perfectly recapturing the way teenagers behave, the forced pretense of their actions, their deadly seriousness in dramatizing what amounts to minor emotional damage." - Jesse Cataldo
Rated 16 Oct 2011
PSI was completely right this time. Well-paced not-so-normal normal story. And I cried. A bit.
Rated 09 Mar 2020
Seen: 2. Why did I dislike this movie ten years ago? Am I a different person? Or was I just in a different frame of mind on that day? This is a smart, charming, relatable, detailed indie that I can fully recommend.
Rated 24 Oct 2011
Ayoade is a pretty dang talented director with a sense of humor and a dramatic score, but Submarine really shine with it's excellent acting and an awesome screenplay. Everyone does their part very well and I Thoroughly enjoyed this little, under-appreciated film.
Rated 24 Nov 2011
Hilarious in a sober fashion, and yet romantic enough to satisfy a sappy drunk like myself.
Rated 08 Dec 2011
It's pretty entertaining in spite of not really having anything to say.
Rated 24 Sep 2019
Watch art of getting by, this is shit.
Rated 28 Dec 2011
A cliche story treated in a very unique way. We can perceive a remarkable audacity in both directing and editing this picture. The satisfactory acting performances provide an empathy and even a self-recognition with the film. Entertaining and realistic (in some way) are the words that i would use to describe this movie.
Rated 29 Dec 2011
A little too precocious and self-aware at times, but it kind of works when viewed as the self-serious and pretentious nature of a 15 year old teenager, bumbling like a moron but still filled with romance and promise. Which perfectly expresses how I feel about Ayoade as a director: it's too twee and makes missteps, and it's a little too self-important, but there's an eye for photography and a real heart, and I look forward to seeing more from him. Score is not a grade.
Rated 01 Jan 2012
As a writing and directorial debut, this is outstanding. It walks the line between believable, heartfelt teenage concerns and silly comedy very well, as you feel it may be going too far in one direction it comes back again. Who knew that Richard Ayoade had depth!?
Rated 07 Feb 2012
The back of the box describes "Submarine" as "Best comedy in years, laugh out loud funny". To describe it simply as a comedy is just wrong. It's a bittersweet dramedy at best, which isn't a bad thing. I despise hipster-as-shit films (e.g. "The Future") and "Submarine" does suffer a little from pretentious and hipstery dialogue, narration, etc. but thankfully it's equally balanced with genuine humor, good performances and a story which I found emotionally engaging at times. Paige was a bitch.
Rated 10 May 2019
Keşke izlerken daha çok üzülüp derinden bir şeyler hissederek helak olabilseydim ama ben Submarine'i sevdim ve film mutlu bir son ile bitmeseydi belki de aşık olacaktım.
Rated 13 Mar 2012
How adorable the clothing, setting and scenery is. Really sweet, above-average teenage romance, set in 60's or 70's. And that exact time of happening is what attracts me to this movie and the characters' behavior, oh, splendid. After couple of views could give it 90, will see. [89]
Rated 16 Mar 2012
Maybe a bit over the top at times, but full of great ideas, fresh writing - espacially in the first half - and the unbeatable charme of self-irony. And Sally Hawkins is always a good idea.
Rated 10 Apr 2012
I think I set my expectations too high for this movie. The production quality is top notch, but I had a really difficult time getting into this film and caring for the lead in all honesty. I guess one could say this just wasn't my type of film, which I found surprising myself.
Rated 18 May 2012
Manages to capture the confusion and awkwardness of adolescence through purposeful quirk. While everyone's seen these types of movies before, Submarine does a solid job on the emotional connection, and is quite funny too. Craig Roberts and Yasmin Paige are great.
Rated 27 Jun 2012
This film moved beyond what I expected it to be - a cutesy depiction of a maladjusted intellectual youth. And though it was just that, it shined with poignant moments of heartbreak and moves through relationships of every growing phase. Tate's stoic and unaffected outward appearance is interestingly complimented by his roaring "affectations". Witty, seething and charming.
Rated 20 Sep 2023
As much as I like Richard Ayoade, this just comes across as a pale imitation of 'The 400 Blows' as filtered through a sort of Wes Andersonian lens.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
It's a little too quirky and derivative, but it manages to wring out some uniqueness in the way it mixes those elements. It's funny, and has enough poignant moments to be successful
Rated 30 Nov 2012
Submarine isn't a perfect film, but it's a terrific first one.
Rated 13 Jan 2013
What a touching love story and funny too.
Rated 21 Jan 2013
Fast paced and witty. Could have benefitted from a better communication of the protagonist's feelings outside of him simply stating them in his internal monologues.
Rated 13 Feb 2023
#23#, exp3, rw2, story, ratings
Rated 13 Sep 2020
Submarino estreava há 10 anos no Festival de Toronto. Ouvi gente falando bem desse filme por dez anos e que preguiça. Compara com outro coming-of-age da mesma época como Fish Tank e veja como esse filme é bobo. BlurayRip RARBG.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
On paper it is a traditional coming-of-age story, but british filmmaker Richard Ayoade's style and characters are a breath of fresh air compared to the american coming-of-age films.
Rated 09 Dec 2013
Slow. Maybe enjoyed the soundtrack more than the film.
Rated 02 Jan 2014
Dramatic, cute, sweet, adorable... makes one remember the old french films of the Nouvelle Vague. Amazing.
Rated 23 Jan 2014
I think it started off well. The shots of course were very well done. Reminded me of Amelie. But as one reviewer said it did become a little stale by the end. The direction was very good, the acting's just that the premise was a little weak.
Rated 16 Feb 2014
yeah it's not the most original or realist story, but the details lift it up. Ayoade is a schmalzer but i don't mind being on his side for this one. some exceptionally good acting from the young'uns.
Rated 17 Sep 2020
☆ Another film people don't understand why I rate so highly, but I can't deny how much I love this movie. The British humour, the way it's all from Oliver's ego-centric teenage perspective, the INCREDIBLE soundtrack (not to mention how Craig Roberts is literally a mini Alex Turner...) and the themes relatable to most people that were every a 15 year old falling in love, dealing with insecurities, and realising their parents are people too. So good. ☆
Rated 09 May 2014
When it comes to overplayed pretentious quirkiness, one can hardly do any better than "Submarine", which comes off way more charming than annoying. Yup, there are a lot of well-worn hipsterisms here, but it's a testament to Ayoade's sharp writing and visual wit and Roberts' memorable turn that the film packs both an emotional punch and a great deal of humorous highlights.
Rated 11 Jul 2014
the promising start turns into an average film x2. Second view: I don't know. I was certainly not in the mood at first view. This is rather good.
Rated 16 Aug 2014
I really didn't get this movie.
Rated 29 Aug 2014
I liked it more than I expected. A charming, smart movie, but nothing that particularly captured me.
Rated 24 Nov 2014
"My mother is worried I have mental problems. I found a book about teenage paranoid delusions during a routine search of my parents' bedroom."
Rated 28 Dec 2014
2nd viewing: +25 points
Rated 18 Mar 2015
Subs? wat r they eatin a buncha sandwitchs or sumptin?
Rated 21 Mar 2015
nice, different approach to the usual coming of age film. Hilarious and thought provoking
Rated 01 May 2015
A charming and often very funny film full of wit and Wes Andersen style visual conceits. I would have have liked to see the movie do a little more with the dramatic aspects of the story. The whole point of a coming of age story is to feel that protagonist has reached some more mature understanding of himself and his world, and I just don't get that here.
Rated 25 Oct 2015
Sobering piece on love and Ayoade knows how to direct. The acting is solid, the soundtrack is well-fitted, the influences may be obvious but who cares.
Rated 25 Mar 2016
Submarine wirkt frisch und echt, als wärs von echten Teenies gemacht! Nicht durch die abgestumpfte Perspektive eines Erwachsenen, der sich versucht, zu erinnern - Submarine ist im besten Sinne adoleszent!(...) die ganze Rezension sowie die für unseren Geschmack besten Offbeat Comedies gibts auf der Seite unserer Videothek
Rated 23 Oct 2016
Really adorable, but aimed at a younger audience.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
There's a Wes Anderson sensibility to some of the visuals which is fine since the script is never twee or silly. The coming-of-age story is quite grounded and darkly comic in ways that touch on the despair a teen might feel after they've had their heart broken. There's also a few big laughs to be had in the characters' off-kilter Harold & Maude-like sensibilities.


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