Strange World
Strange World
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Strange World

Strange World

Family/Kids, Adventure
1h 42m
The legendary Clades are a family of explorers whose differences threatened to topple their latest and most crucial mission (

Strange World

Family/Kids, Adventure
1h 42m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 31.98% from 243 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 09 Feb 2023
This movie's only saving grace is that no one watched it.
Rated 25 Nov 2022
You know that bland corporate art with the faceless figurines they bombard you with in soulless powerpoint presentations? It's that, but as a kids' movie.
Rated 25 Nov 2022
TOUCH BASE ON ALL WOKE QUADRANTS: A biracial family with an openly gay teen son and a handicapped pet (missing a limb) get on a ship (that runs on green veggies) with the Asian woman president and a black flaming gay crew member to fix their existential problems. That's what the title refers to in case your kid doesn't get the reference. (And the message is: [SPOILER] What you think may be the problem could actually be your savior. GTFO CHAPEK!) TL;DR:
Rated 30 Nov 2022
This movie is neither great, nor awful. Themes from movies like Osmosis Jones, Ferngully, Journey to the Center of the Earth, wraps it up in some multigenerational family drama. It has some creative ideas but they're not executed well. The characters have strengths- doesn't make them super appealing (Meridian, the mom, was most solid and she's kinda static). The dog serves no purpose but to be a liability. Just okay. Not a strong showing. But 'woke' don't ruin it, other things sap its strength.
Rated 24 Dec 2022
Formulaic in many respects and featuring a screenplay designed committee, but I liked it. Easy going, with punchy visuals, admirable design and perfectly sound overall message. Very likeable, but it will annoy some because gay and black people exist and they may struggle with such concepts! Like a few of Disney’s recent outputs I suspect a more daring, interesting version of the story sits on an original storyboard somewhere, but nonetheless this is solid family fare.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
Conceptually intersting, beautifully animated but completely uninspired and clichéd narrative, that comes across as a hot topic check list rather than a story someone actually wanted to tell.
Rated 27 Nov 2022
Lazy. Even the LGBT elements seem thrown in for good measure. Every member of the apparently legendary Clade family is more or less tiresome company.
Rated 15 Jun 2023
I tell you what, I fuck with any movie that not only demands divestment from fossil fuels, but also draws from ancient folklore about our perception of reality vis-á-vis the backs of turtles. I dig the twists waaaay more than the typical Disney animation plot surprise ('Good man is actually bad man!'). Never stop making environmental propaganda for children.
Rated 14 May 2023
I enjoyed the animation, especially of the creatures in the new world. The environmental theme was interesting but a bit forced. But ultimately, the story was somewhat bland and kept this from being great.
Rated 29 Apr 2023
I enjoyed this movie. It was sweet. A bit of tokenism. A bit silly. But I feel like its sadly underrated.
Rated 05 Mar 2023
The colour palette is fantastic, the characters and scenes are great, the story..meh.
Rated 23 Dec 2022
A lot more imagination has been put into the titular world than the by the numbers storyline about paternal expectations and acceptance but it's a relatively good time.
Rated 25 Nov 2022
Such is the basic competency of the studio that even their weakest film in nearly two decades is still no worse than blandly mediocre, but Strange World practically turns that competency into a liability. The most rote story and character building blocks are utilized, and while they basically serve their purpose, they’re so formulaic and inorganically employed that the film feels outright skeletal. Strange World is not a bad film per se, but it is aggressively functional.
Rated 23 Nov 2022
Ehhh pretty generic and meh. Didn’t feel much for the characters emotionally and the movie wasn’t that funny. The Strange World stuff wasn’t really anything I hadn’t already seen before. Where the plot goes at the end thinks it’s more clever than it actually is. It's an easy watch and the animation is decent in places, as well as the music. I had already seen these premises/concepts done in movies before. A Mediocre World is what it is.
Rated 22 Jan 2023
I get it, Disney can't actually comment on any of the hot button ideas that were blatantly presented, but what is the point then of shoehorning in all of the wokeness? It bothers me that the grandpa didn't even raise an eyebrow when he realized his grandson was gay. All it would take is three seconds of subtle animation, going from the grandpa showing confusion to complete acceptance, because he wants to be a part of his grandson's life. So much bothers me. Anyway, it's an okay adventure. Sure.
Rated 13 Apr 2024
Hey all I wanted was a really good time and that’s what I got. Loved the classic adventure/serial feel and look, the world was actually really pretty and interesting, the pacing was snug and the humor was right up my alley. The plot is unfortunately kind of formulaic at times, and quite predictable, but I thought the big reveal elevated it above the average, and I did legitimately like the cast and characters. Not one of Disney’s best, but it was good, and way better than I was lead to believe.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
Rated 30 Aug 2023
I think this is a bit better than it's reputation or what the box office results lead me to believe. Visually it looks great with cotton candy colors and jelly like creatures, but story-wise it's a unfocused and confusing; I didn't get what they were aiming at. And yes, it's very woke, so it's bound to annoy part of the audience. This continues Disney's trend of less than stellar sci-fi (adjacent) films which is a pity as they have the resources to create something spectacular.
Rated 09 Jul 2023
What's peculiar is how it seems ambitious on the fringes, trying to meld comic and adventure serial aesthetics with a very modernist eco-futurism based world, the concept artists, background artists did their work, the creatures and landscapes are properly textured to capture a vibe both alien and organic. The issue is the actual story and characters have absolutely nothing behind them beyond the surface level box check of representation, a movie that creates a world worth seeing and looks away
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Work watch. Mostly bad
Rated 08 Mar 2023
"Strange World" has much to appreciate, particularly the lively animation and important representation, but ultimately falls short of being a thrilling adventure due to sluggish pacing and a screenplay that tries to cram in too much for the film to sustain. While younger viewers may enjoy the movie's sci-fi-influenced world, it's a rare miss from Disney for adults seeking a classic epic adventure in the vein of "Indiana Jones."
Rated 24 Feb 2023
Good family movie with a meaningful message.
Rated 31 Jan 2023
It's bland but not offensive. I would not have chosen to watch this, and I don't recommend you do either.
Rated 24 Jan 2023
Not a strange choice by Disney, not at all.
Rated 15 Jan 2023
This is a fun CGI sci-fi adventure film from Disney animation studios (i.e. not Pixar but a CGI animated film none the less). The characters are nice enough and fun and the animation isn't too bad - I liked the floaty/squashy alien plant and animal type things (their a bit like neon jellyfish I suppose). It has a moral message or theme, as films of this type have but its not too preachy. Not great, not brilliant, this is ok.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
Superb design, great animation, nice message, decent enough plotting and characterizations. If the later had been a bit better this could have been an instant classic.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
Wasn’t funny, poor plot.
Rated 05 Jan 2023
Feels like the product of a pc-driven corporate think-tank rather than a magical animated family adventure. It’s a pity because that makes the themes from past films/stories come off as derivative in this.
Rated 30 Dec 2022
I don't outright hate this but there's really nothing I like about it either. And I might be in a minority here but I extremely disliked the "alien world" design. Intestinal pink color palette with flora and fauna that looked like limp dicks. Even the poster here on Criticker looks like a macro still image of a colonoscopy.
Rated 29 Dec 2022
nothing much really
Rated 28 Dec 2022
Great visuals, the story is kinda weak, some funny moments.
Rated 27 Dec 2022
Rated 26 Dec 2022
Strange World is a middling film attempting a character-driven story that isn't strong enough to present the progressive ideals the film is aiming for. I liked the animation; design, lighting, colouring which are pleasant & inviting, though not novel. The voice acting is okay, but Liu & Soni's voices seemed at odds with their characters' designs & mannerisms. The plot has a decent build-up, but the longer it goes on the less interesting it becomes as the family dynamics become more tiresome.
Rated 24 Dec 2022
Why is Disney making such generic, insipid and uninspired films lately.
Rated 24 Dec 2022
Strange World is just dull. A boring family drama that you've seen countless times. There's one interesting idea in this film, and they did it better in the magic school bus. It's just another bland adventure story where a long lost relative shows up randomly and blah blah blah generic adventure etc etc.
Rated 23 Dec 2022
A mildly entertaining movie that is way too heavy-handed for my taste. The movie and message all felt really shallow at the same time.
Rated 10 Dec 2022
Beautiful world design including airship city, but forgettable story. Even the reveal was a meme. Grandfather with no character development in 25 years of isolation? Is it not enough for minority characters to just be there, but they have to be in an interracial relationship (mom/dad) or be gay with another minority (son/other kid)? The whole package seemed more in line with Dreamworks/Sony than Disney. Fav scene: wow they killed the pilot, so this means the stakes are high, right?
Rated 27 Nov 2022
Watched this at the movie theater yesterday. Good movie but a little long. Really enjoyed that they made it modern and not like everything else you see that is cookie cutter. Strong characters that are unique.


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