Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
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Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 4m
Three years after the events of "Star Wars," Imperial forces continue to pursue the Rebels. After the Rebellion's defeat on the ice planet Hoth, Luke journeys to the planet Dagobah to train with Jedi Master Yoda, who has lived in hiding since the fall of the Republic. In an attempt to convert Luke to the dark side, Darth Vader lures young Skywalker into a trap in the Cloud City of Bespin. In the midst of a fierce lightsaber duel with the Sith Lord, Luke faces a startling revelation. (20th Century Fox)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 4m
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Avg Percentile 76.38% from 20333 total ratings

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Rated 12 Jun 2015
George Lucas watches Irvin Kershner's ~masterpiece~ "Oh hmm note to self ruin this in 17 years with farting robots"
Rated 14 Aug 2007
My favorite of the series. Compared to Star Wars it's more sophisticated, better gags, characters more fleshed out, more interesting locations. And compared to Jedi, there's no annoying Ewoks and it feels less like a repeat of the first movie. This movie also had the best toy associated with it.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A perfect sequel to a an already-perfect fantasy adventure movie. Darker, bigger, funnier, and scarier than A New Hope, with tons of new and awesome characters, starships, and storylines, better dialogue and acting, awesome plot twists and action scenes, even better effects than the already-incredible work in the original, and another brilliant soundtrack from John Williams. Basically, it's the shit.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The best Star Wars movie made. Excellent effects, new characters, and an ending to die for. It really set the bar (maybe too high) for Return of the Jedi.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the first ever major blockbuster sequels to surpass its predecessor, and when your predecessor is Star Wars...
Rated 14 Aug 2007
You loved Star Wars? This is even better. Dark and brooding, heavy heavy film compared to the first - and infinitly better. This is Luke's movie. Sure there's that Green Muppet, and Han gets to be an ice cube in Jabba's cocktail du jour, but those aren't bad things. Lucas's ego swelled justifiably after this film. Go watch now, I must...
Rated 23 Oct 2011
Again, one of the best sci/fi-fantasy films ever. Rarely is a sequel just as good, if not better than, the original, but this manages to one-up the original in terms of story-telling and character development, and has one of the best endings to a film ever. I imagine waiting three years for a finale back then mist have been nerve-wracking after seeing this. The darker tone and unfolding of events works amazingly well. What more could you ask for?
Rated 27 Dec 2007
George Lucas should call Irvin Kershner every day and thank him for tricking the world into thinking he's worth a shit. A big zero for the SPECIAL EDITIONS.
Rated 18 Dec 2020
Lucas & Leigh Brackett's understanding that old cinema serials also had the best cliffhangers helped them to produce arguably the greatest sequel ever. The picture continues the grounded theme of the momentous choices all young people make--as Luke decides to return to his friends in need instead of continuing his education. And kudos to the expansion of the universe, as we see not only some cool worlds & cities, but get to empathize with how everyday citizens live under the thumb of a madman.
Rated 06 Mar 2010
Just as you thought STAR WARS couldn't possibly get any better, it actually does. This darker, deeper expansion of the STAR WARS universe, introduces not only some amazingly conceived side-characters, but also one of the biggest revelations on this side of the galaxy! This is space opera at it's absolute finest, qualifying this as one of the greatest sequels in motion picture history.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
One of the most entertaining movies ever made and imo the best adventure story put to the screen. I'm not even that big of a Star Wars fan - the first is fun but dated, and the third has some parts as bad as the prequels. Yet the middle episode gets the formula right, with the heros constantly on the run and the villains actually landing some punches. I daresay most people's fond opinions of the OT comes from Empire, somewhat hilariously the one Lucas had the least to do with.
Rated 14 Aug 2008
One of the best sci-fi films of all-time and easily the best Star Wars movie. The script is tight, the characters are more developed than in the original and the action moves along at a surprising clip. Even as my love for Star Wars wanes a bit as I get older and experience more enlightened works of cinema, this one still stands out as a benchmark in action films. There are so many memorable scenes and the darker tone with real struggles on both sides of the battle set this apart from its genre.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
What makes this the best Star Wars movie? I can at least throw out some ideas: the beautiful, stark landscape of Hoth, "Pray that I don't alter it any further," my favorite twist ending of all time. I can't pinpoint it, but this movie is an absolute joy from beginning to end.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Great movie and my favourite Star Wars film. The somewhat clunky dialog of the first film is cleaned up and the story is still just as good, the special effects are a fantastic and this movie even breaks cliche's! Must see Sci-Fi for sure.
Rated 03 Feb 2007
The best of the original trilogy, and, although I at this point in time have still not seen Revenge of the Sith, I strongly suspect it's the best of the lot. It benefits greatly from the more serious mood and relative lack of cartoony silliness.
Rated 10 Dec 2006
Best of the Star Wars series. The ending is amazing.
Rated 05 Dec 2015
Perfect sequel! It delivers more of the same. It surpasses and elaborates. I love the score. I love the mythology. I love Brackett's dialogue and Ford & Fisher's chemistry. I love the locations (Hoth!) and their variety. I love the rapid pacing and the finely judged cross-cutting. I love Yoda and the audicity to make one of the meanest villains of all time a mere servant. I love the bleakness and the big reveal at the end. I love every second and every frame. All of it!
Rated 19 Jul 2008
A legendary sci-fi space opera. I really cannot explain how incredible and epic this movie is. Has some of the most memorable moments in cinema, Yoda, the popular twist ending and the freezing scene are all examples of that! Darker, bolder, funnier and wiser...this is a classic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The thing about George Lucas is he's a fantastic producer and a great visionary about story. He's not a great writer or director though. This is why Empire is probably my choice for the best of the Star Wars films. While he has a writing credit, it's just for the basics. Kershner also far surpasses him in directorial skills.
Rated 06 Aug 2007
Every bit as amazing as the original, if not better. The second film delves deeper into the Star Wars universe, becoming a darker, more sinister chapter. The action is bigger and the epic twist is historic. "Empire Strikes Back" stands as one of the best films ever made, and among the best sequels of all time.
Rated 26 Jan 2007
My all-time #1 favorite movie. This is the best film ever made. You cannot deny the imagination, the action, the story, the characters, and the amazing direction by Kershner. The best scene in cinematic history is the overly-famous "No, I am your father!" scene. One of the best villains ever is right here (sidenote: the best shot of Vader ever is after Han is put in carbon freeze and Vader looks upwards amidst the smoke)! Once again: the best film ever made.
Rated 22 Feb 2017
The darkest chapter in the original Star Wars trilogy serves as maybe the best example of a sequel improving on the great foundation set by the original, and arguably surpassing it in quality. The engrossing universe, characters, and mythology created by George Lucas are given more layers of depth in this middle act of the saga. Again masterfully scored by John Williams, the film also manages to improve on the original's revolutionary visual effects.
Rated 05 Apr 2016
Kudos to Henson and Oz for crafting a puppet that not only can be taken seriously but honest-to-god gave the best performance of the movie. "That, is why you fail." Chilling. Entrapment is the dominant motif that lends to the heavier tone - entrapment in ice, a space worm, a swamp, cloud city, in carbonite, in Vader's image, in open air. That this favored installment has the least focus on sword/gun/dog-fighting is probably a good indicator of where priorities went awry later in the saga.
Rated 29 Dec 2009
Revisiting this as an adult makes it clear that it is a movie for kids. Artlessly directed, with stupid lines and even more asinine plot-twists (an ice-planet with no vegetation but breathable oxygen? a gigantic "snake/worm" living inside a deserted asteroid and feeding on what?). It's a cultural reference you need - but that doesn't make it a great movie.
Rated 13 Oct 2009
Lucas' just4kids dialogue does rear its ugly head at times, but Kershner& the screenwriters keep things moving far too smoothly & efficiently2 really notice. Y is this the best entry in the series? B/c there's plenty of story, but it never drags in dull exposition. The action set pieces here thrill & bleed in2 each other in organic, yet unpredictable ways; & the characters' smarts r more on display than ever w/ each side (esp. Han and Vader) outwitting/outplotting the other till the credits roll
Rated 19 Jun 2008
Directed by Irvin Kershner. Written by Lawrence Kasdan. Is it any surprise that the greatest Star Wars, and in my opinion the best science fiction film of all time, went largely untouched by George Lucas? As the middle film of a trilogy, it's afforded the rare luxury of a down-note ending, which is one of its many great strengths (see also: Billy Dee Williams, and all three of the saga's best locations). It's too bad the series couldn't match these heights again, but this one's a legend.
Rated 06 Feb 2008
Though it's second best to the original, The Empire Strikes Back is nearly as good as a movie could be. Taking steps further in terms of storytelling, character development, and theatrics, it puts virtually every other sci-fi flick to shame. It's tragic but at the same time uplifting. Simply put, The Empire Strikes Back is the best example of how an action sequel should be, and is, without a doubt, one of the best movies of all time.
Rated 06 Mar 2007
Awesome movie, the best of the Star Wars saga and a total popcorn classic. I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll just leave it at that.
Rated 09 Feb 2007
Altogether more sophisticated than its predecessor, owing to a tripled budget, a seasoned director, and probably just a more discernible sense of purpose for its returning cast and crew. This is the best Star Wars film, a dark middle chapter where everything goes wrong for the good guys, and is host to some indelible set pieces, particularly the battle of Hoth and the duel between father and son.
Rated 08 Jan 2007
The perfect Star Wars film. Character-driven, adventurous fun topped with an electrifying cliffhanger. The climax continues to give me chills even after countless viewings.
Rated 02 Jan 2020
Deserves credit for taking some risks and functioning properly as a middle act. The deliberate pace allows room for characters to develop and breathe, creating greater emotional cohesion between the three acts, and the actors are more comfortable in their roles. The effects are generally superior to the original, the battle between Luke and Vader is charged with psychological undercurrents, and the cliffhanger ending is a real downer that creates a real sense of anticipation. A superior sequel.
Rated 28 Dec 2015
Does anyone even argue that this isn't the best film in the series? I guess no one can really answer this question, because no one can comment on this review. I guess I will just continue to live in ignorance.
Rated 28 Jun 2015
This is honestly not out of any bias for the franchise. To me, Empire Strikes Back is an incredibly good example of how to properly make a sequel: change absolutely everything up. It's a surprisingly funny film (scruffy-looking nerf herder, anyone?) while also being much, much darker and developing Vader from just another bad guy with a mask into a villain with a lot of depth. Add in the new characters of Yoda and Lando, and you've got a near-perfect film.
Rated 23 Apr 2015
Improvement on A New Hope in every way. Better script, action, music, no weak links in acting, more character development... the darker tone is nice. Darth Vader getting more time to shine is only ever a good thing, and they upped the ante quite a bit for Return, while still being a good movie on its own. There are times in SWs that the light sabre battles feel hollow but not the case here. Film makers today should keep in mind that THIS is how you do the "in-between" movie in a trilogy.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
Damn near perfect. I only wish I could have seen it having no knowledge of what was going to happen. This film contains some of the very best moments in cinematic history, and some of the best reveals/cliffhangers ever. EVER.
Rated 25 Dec 2012
It's no mystery why a lot of blockbuster sequels tried to ape the formula of this one, with varying degrees of succes. But in this case, this movie is the real deal. And to those few I have met who don't like this movie I have only this to ask: Whats it like being wrong all the time?
Rated 10 Oct 2012
With The Empire Strikes Back, George Lucas took a massive 180. He stepped down and let an experienced independent filmmaker direct, allowing the sequel to explore new waters. Unlike the joyful, adventurous tone of Star Wars, this sequel features character growth, darkness, tragedy, and loss. No location from the first movie is revisited. The Empire Strikes Back does not recycle. Instead, it pushes forward without looking back. It is the best Star Wars film, and the emotional peak of the trilogy.
Rated 19 Jan 2011
All of the right ingredients come together for this one: the best performances by the actors, the best director of the Star Wars films, and the arrival of the conflict of the series. This is the movie with all of the most memorable scenes, whether its Yoda speaking of the power of the Force or Darth Vader revealing the most famous plot twist of all time. I could go on in detail about why this is the best of the series, but I don't have the space. It is a masterpiece of American cinema.
Rated 07 Dec 2010
One of the greatest movies I've seen, no doubt. If only all the Star Wars movies were this well directed. Scene after scene of greatness, who hasn't quoted the "I am your father!" line once in their life? And, Han Solo steals the scene.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
I gave it lower points than the original, but in all truth it is superior in its storytelling. Much darker and bleaker than its predecessor, it reveals the ultimate dysfunctional family and leaves one truly wondering; "Will the good guys pull this one off in the end?"
Rated 05 Nov 2008
The best Star Wars film.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
Well, dude.. what else can be said about Empire? Definitely has the better ending of the three in the first Trilogy, this was the film that really put the franchise on the map to stay.
Rated 08 Feb 2008
Most great action movies would kill for a scene like the attack on Hoth. Empire has that AND at least two more all-time classic action sequences--the Millenium Falcon's esacape through the asteroid field and Luke vs. Vader I, which for my money, is still the best lightsabre duel in the entire series despite it's lack of kewl CGI dood. I don't think there's any debate about which movie is the best of this series. The "Empire vs. Jedi" debate from "Clerks" was absurd. There is no debate.
Rated 26 Sep 2007
I enjoyed this one slightly more than the previous, and only because of its darker tone and subject matter. That being said, it's still part of an overrated series.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is my favorite of the Star Wars series. It's well made, has a fantastic score, and obviously a fantastic story.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A near perfect movie - thrilling, funny, adventurous and unlike anything we've ever really seen. A modern classic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
without a doubt, the best of the star wars movies.
Rated 18 May 2020
"Wars not make one great." I forgot that Yoda was actually wise and respectable once, even when he was goofing around. He's a prime example of subverting expectations in a good way. "Empire" is generally considered to be the best one, but it has its flaws. Leia is too passive for my liking. The Empire gets outwitted too easily a few times. Lando gets treated poorly too, that chocking goes on for far too long. We're supposed to sympathise with the people who don't care about Bespin at all? Hmm.
Rated 18 Jan 2018
Rewatched with Kevin Smith commentary. Nonstop action. Iconic scenes. Dagobah drags. Heroes mostly split up. More subtle John Williams score. As an adult I'm less impressed with the lightsaber battles but more enamored with the drama and plot progression. Fav scene: just before Luke faces off against Vader, Vader's got the upper ground with smoke rising behind him.
Rated 18 Dec 2017
Starring: Mark Hamill as John-boy, Carrie Fisher as Wilma Flintstone, James Earl Jones as the black power ranger, and Harrison Ford as a younger Harrison Ford.
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back is even better than its predecessor and packs a more powerful punch, using its dark tone and narrative to its advantage.
Rated 09 Jun 2016
Though there are more and better action sequences this time around (and a complimentary slow-paced storyline with the odd couple of Yoda and Luke), most of the characters start to feel a little stale (Han and Leia's budding romance doesn't do much to spice things up), Luke and Vader aside, as their passionate natures emerge and converge in their surprisingly personal climactic clash. An early contrivance (see Ben's ethereal directive to Luke) is made up for by the intriguingly uncertain ending.
Rated 12 Mar 2016
The first Star Wars movie was alright but the sequel is great. Two wonderful things happen: the philosophy of light/dark side is explained more and the flaws of the good characters come to be. Personally, this enrichened the movie and also led me to the great feeling of meaning and desperation. Harrison Ford is still a good actor, other main participants are still not; predictability - maybe; enjoyableness - for sure; passion? - but then this here is the dark side. Be nice now.
Rated 04 Jan 2016
My favorite Star Wars movie. This movie is awesome!
Rated 11 May 2014
While the first one was purely an adventure spectacle, the next episode of Star Wars dug deeper into deep characterization and eventually perfected the mythical landscape that the first one had already established.the most impressive mark about "Star Wars" episode V lied in the heart of its masterful storytelling,yet it was technically sophisticated as well. the sequel was not only marked as the second best star wars movie,but also one the best sequel ever made.
Rated 15 Apr 2013
Its not that often that you see a sequel in trilogy beating its prequel, and plus when you take into account that prequel to this one one of the greatest SF movies of all time (New Hope), then you truly realize what kind of masterpiece this movie is...
Rated 24 Mar 2013
Quite possibly, what I believe to be one of the all time greatest films, The Empire Strikes Back is clearly superior in every aspect to the original, ranging from characters, acting, story, visuals, action, music and tone. This film contains truly many iconic sequences and gave the way for one of the most revolutionary films that truly changed all action movies that were to come
Rated 24 Jan 2013
EASILY the greatest Star Wars film and one of the best sci-fi films of all time.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
Great sci-fi. Excellent character and developments. Unpredictable plotting. Great pace and visuals. All is great.
Rated 25 Nov 2012
Probably the best sci-fi/fantasy movie you'll ever watch. All of the production design is mind-blowing and beautifully crafted, ever by today's standards. I have never watched another franchise that I wholeheartedly wanted to live in and experience. I'm not sure It gets much better than this folks.I give 9 tantans out of 10.
Rated 08 Mar 2012
Although I appreciate that this is more mature than the first and overall is better crafted, I still have the unfashionable opinion that A New Hope is superior. This doesn't work as well as a stand-alone movie. And the best thing about A New Hope is the introduction to the best movie universe ever created, which sadly can only be done once.
Rated 01 Feb 2012
definitely the most skillfully crafted star wars movie, but maybe not the most entertaining one. This is the movie that brought us the biggest twist in movie-history!
Rated 24 Jan 2012
Could it be more fun? My only hope is that Lucas incorporates jawas in future releases. Maybe reveal that Boba Fett is a cross-dresser or something fun like that.
Rated 06 Jun 2011
The best of the entire trilogy, easily. Solo and Skywalker made the important character developments that led to the events in the final film of the series. Of course, that's a credit to the writing/directing. But the actors make it all happen.
Rated 28 Apr 2011
The greatest Star Wars film ever made, The Empire Strikes Back is a classic that must be watched for fans of sci-fi
Rated 09 Jan 2011
Awesome film, well done everyone but George Lucas. This beats the shit out of the prequels. Fantastic characters, great story, learning more the force (before Lucas ruined it...midichlorians even?) - everything is just perfect if not bordering on perfect.
Rated 15 Aug 2010
I'll see you in hell before I give this movie a bad review.
Rated 10 Mar 2010
My favorite movie of all time!
Rated 08 Aug 2009
The best of the Star Wars movies. Kershner needs more credit - the direction is very good.
Rated 05 Aug 2009
The best of the original Star Wars trilogy. It holds some of the memorable scenes (battle on Hoth, Luke/Yoda, Luke/Vader to name a few) and the storyline is deeper. The characters continues to keep us entertained, from Luke to Han Solo to Chewie, Leia, the droids and the introduction of Lando Calrissian and Boba Fett and let's not forget about Darth Vader. Great film.
Rated 14 Jun 2009
Fun, epic, and awesome, this is the best of the Star Wars series. And it's the movie that gave us Yoda and that unforgettable ending.
Rated 28 Mar 2009
The best Star Wars movie of them all. The special effects are great. The story is great. The characters and actors are great. Need anymore?
Rated 11 Feb 2009
The best in the series. I've lost count of how many times I've seen it.
Rated 06 Feb 2009
The best "Star Wars" can offer. From the amazing Hoth sequence to Luke's discovery of his parentage. Again I would love to have discovered that for the first time in theatres.
Rated 21 Dec 2008
One of the factors that makes this movie the best of the series that largely goes unmentioned is just how funny it is. People always point out how dark it is, but every time I watch it I'm caught off guard by the humor. I got so used to Yoda in the prequels that I forgot he's introduced as a crazy little monster man.
Rated 13 May 2008
Classic! The best from first trilogy. Moreover, one of the best of all time. The phrase "I am your father" will be forever in the memory of fanatics of Star Wars.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Not a second is wasted in making this relentlessly entertaining work of genius. Every line of dialogue or action in the film is either badass, funny, tragic, or wise.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The darkest and best of the original Star Wars trilogy. Holy crap I want one of those TaunTaun sleeping bags.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
With the introduction of many great new characters and plot points, Empire is arguably the best of the Star Wars films. Luke is on his way to becoming a Jedi, Han and Leia confess their love for each-other, and the biggest surprise in movie history occurs. You know the one. It has good closure at the end also, which is surprising for it ends on such a downer, but the viewers have nothing but hope for the characters and their futures. Awesome!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the greatest films ever made. A New Hope and Return of the Jedi are great fantasy/sci-fi flicks, but Empire was a full, real movie that was also about space stuff. The key here was that George Lucas didn't direct, passing that duty off to a guy who, up until that point, had only ever really done romance films. And the result was tremendous.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
In my opinion, Empire is the least re-watchable of the old trilogy. It is a great film no doubt but the middle of the film drags on after you already know what happens.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Superior to the orginal...the score is just as good, Darth Vader is even more malicious, Yoda emerges as one of the most intriguing characters in film; overall, a much darker film and possesses one of the singular cliffhangers of all-time.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A classic science fiction adventure. I love the fact that it's difficult for all the characters in this installment -- they struggle, and that's engrossing. Also, I want an Imperial Walker.
Rated 22 May 2007
One of the greatest science fiction films of all time. A classic.
Rated 22 May 2007
Kevin Smith said it best in 'Clerks'. "It ends on such a down note. Just like in real life. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets" The best movies out there reflect our lives back to us, even when that movie takes place in a galaxy far far away.
Rated 22 Mar 2007
We all know the problems with this series, but somehow this one has an atmosphere of nonstop adventure and excitement not generally known to even the most hardcore movie fan (like me)
Rated 20 Mar 2007
Not just the best Star Wars film, but probably the best fantasy film of all time. Amazing sets and special effects, moving story, interesting characters, fantastic action sequences.
Rated 28 Feb 2007
The greatest in the series of the old trilogy, this one seems to combine the most interesting plot element with the most exciting action scenes.
Rated 19 Jan 2007
I'm not even gonna say anything, we all know how good it is and why.
Rated 13 Dec 2006
Best Star Wars movie, which by default makes it one of, if not the, best movie ever.
Rated 03 Oct 2020
It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth. The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space...
Rated 28 Jul 2020
Only movie I've seen in theatres for months. Enjoyed the theatre with no people
Rated 19 Jul 2020
Never got everyone's excitement for V. Still an important part of the consistency and energy of the SW universe
Rated 06 Jun 2020
Empire is the rare exception where the sequel is better than the original. It has a bigger scope and darker themes, but ultimately is the most entertaining Star Wars.
Rated 29 May 2020
Good movie. Best one out of the old trilogy as you discover in this movie that Darth Vader is Luke's father. Han Solo is frozen in the ice. That also was cool to see. Of course Luke's hand gets chopped off with the light Saber when he fights Darth Vader.
Rated 23 Apr 2020
The best of the entire series, although I may be a bit biased as this was one of the first films I ever saw on the big screen. It still holds up, unlike the original and Return of the Jedi, which have not aged well.
Rated 19 Apr 2020
The Empire Strikes back was arguably before its time, not only because it was a sequel that was arguably better than the original, but also because it featured one of the greatest plot twists in cinema history and was a rare case where the good guys didn't win outright. Add in the same exceptional visuals and characters from the first film and you have another instant classic.
Rated 19 Jan 2020
A major departure from the original Star Wars, but Episode V only adds to the series and builds up the world and characters. Even more than Episode IV, this is a seamless blend of adventure, drama, and fairy tale.
Rated 24 Dec 2019
Basically a perfect movie. Super memorable moments, practical effects that still hold up well, obviously an incredible score, and basically the first thing people think of when they think about what Star Wars is to them. Iconic movie.
Rated 22 May 2019
Trapped in the boundary between a self-contained adventure and a sprawling dozen-film universe, episode V lacks both the confidence of its predecessor and the catharsis that its buildup aims to provide for future installments.


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