Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 20m
After three years of fighting in the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker concludes his journey towards the Dark Side of the Force, putting his friendship with Obi Wan Kenobi and his marriage at risk.

Directed by:

George Lucas


George Lucas


Star Wars, Skywalker Saga


Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith





Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Sci-fi, Fantasy
2h 20m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 45.86% from 18929 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 14 Mar 2016
This is what happens when you let elderly autistic billionaires make movies, part III.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I'm so confused. Everyone says it's better than the other two, yet I see the exact same terrible writing, poor direction and bombastic special effects. Fuck George Lucas.
Rated 24 Apr 2010
The last, disgusting and orgasmic groan of that fat, has-been fuck Lucas, rolling off the battered, molested remains of your favourite childhood film memories.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A marked improvement over the previous two entries, with nice touches of darkness and foreshadowing to the original trilogy. McGregor and McDiarmid have a wonderful screen presence, and Christensen is certainly better than he was in AotC. Still, there are a number of awkward moments due to Lucas' shoddy and hackneyed writing, and this still isn't in the same league as any of the features in the original trilogy.
Rated 22 Oct 2014
I find myself in an interesting crossroads. I sense that people who hate this might have written it off based entirely on how terrible the first two movies were. Meanwhile, I think those that praise it may be giving it too much credit based entirely on how terrible the first two movies were. The crossroads I face is trying to find a way to bridge the gap between these two ideologies and explain in simple enough words for either party that this movie is uniquely terrible on its own.
Rated 19 Jul 2008
Easily the best of the new trilogy of this generation. The lightsaber duels, eye-popping effects and CGI are improved and upgraded. But, the dialog is mind-bendingly bad and everybody acting in this movie is pathetic, annoying, obnoxious and essentially obscene. Anakin's transition and switch into the dark side is poorly done also. However the final confrontation and conclusion between Kenobi and Skywalker is downright respledent and effulgent. A nice ending (or beginning) to the saga.
Rated 11 Sep 2021
If Lucas had made this the only film of the prequel story the franchise would've been stronger. It's his opus: quotable dialogue, great performances, the best lightsaber duels, and suspenseful dogfights. And his editing should be studied by film students for the thematic and technical crosscutting. The digital look slightly dates it and Anakin's only presented with a righteous counterargument at the end. Otherwise this is smart sci-fi/political commentary that lands with a majestic final shot.
Rated 22 Oct 2015
Just like "A New Hope" introduced a generation to laser guns and space battles, ROTS introduces a whole new generation to Republican national conventions and senatorial hearings. SciFi for folks who TiVo CNN.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
Just as abysmally, unwatchably bad as Attack of the Clones, but it gets a zero for forcing me to hear idiots talk about how great it is because it's so dark and epic. Fuck you.
Rated 28 May 2010
Okay, time to own up. I genuinely like this film. In fact I really do enjoy it. You've all seen it, you all knows it has faults, but I think this film is the only one of the new trilogy that Lucas put real effort into writing. It's also the only film of the new trilogy with half decent acting from people other than McGregor and Neeson (if his five minutes of screen time counted for anything). For all the faults it may have this film does the very best it can to redeem the new trilogy.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The closest George came to matching the awesomeness of the original trilogy. Of course, if he had had Vader (in suit) running around doing things, it would've been amazing, but he specifically said that wouldn't happen. Because who cares what the fans want, right?
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The best of the "newer" Star Wars films by leaps and bounds. Still not as good as any of the originals (IMO), but pretty damn good in it's own right.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
CGI is pretty nice but the dialog is mind-bendingly bad. George Lucas should never, ever write dialog. There is no way to make the dialog work. Honestly if Samuel L. Jackson and Ewan McGregor can't make it watchable then no one can. There are a few good scenes in the movies (about two or three) but most of it is just laughably bad. In the case of Hayden's becoming Darth Vader "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" it's tear inducing laughably bad. Another swing and a miss for George. Strike out.
Rated 21 Mar 2022
Oh wow I repressed the Noooooooooooo, it was like experiencing all over again for the first time. George Lucas pillow talk is most definitely a nightmare until he fans you with a giant stack of money held together with a star wars elastic band. Peak Emperor ham.
Rated 21 Dec 2015
There are things to like (McGregor owning his part, what Lucas tries to do with the tragedy of Anakin) and things to not like (that much of the film looks like a crude computer game, what Lucas fails to do with the tragedy of Anakin). In terms of overall narrative, a drawback for those who've watched parts IV and V first (as one should) is that that Episode III merely bridges the gap. Quality-wise, you might be in trouble once you've seen the in every way superior 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'.
Rated 23 Oct 2011
I think it makes up for the previous two episodes in some ways more than others. The clones look a little too cartoony for me, as do a few other effects. The final duels between Obi-Wan and Anakin and Yoda and Palpatine are entertaining, and the story itself is way more interested and well paced than I and II. Still has some cringe dialogue and questionable acting from Christensen, but it's interesting from beginning to end. I'm not sure how often I'll revisit this, but it's a good movie
Rated 03 Jan 2010
(after repeat viewings) Shares the same strengths and weaknesses as the 2nd one, it's just slightly better and less painful to sit through. It's still a far cry from the original classic trilogy. Lucas wouldn't know a proper dialogue if it crawled up his ass and died.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Entirely devoid of soul. A filmmaker simply going through the motions.
Rated 27 Feb 2017
The third and last chapter of the "Star Wars" prequels is arguably the best largely because of it being the last. The story of Anakin Skywalker's transition to Darth Vader is told in this dark tale of murder and betrayal. However, all the problems present in the first two movies are in this film as well, but only to lesser degrees. The main problem being all the emotional groundwork laid down in the first two movies is so weak the final pay-off left audiences screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Rated 21 Apr 2015
Still has flaws, like hokey dialogue, but the action feels fuller and more exciting (partially due to the great soundtrack), the story was on-point, and there are some memorable scenes like when everyone is turning on the Jedis. Hayden goes from being entertaining to being a tree a bunch of times throughout but I don't think he was terrible as a whole. Great sfx. I think people blow small problems out of proportion. For example, "noooo" is bad but that scene is still good.
Rated 28 Mar 2014
Up to this point I've at least managed to take some pleasure from the action sequences in this trilogy, but not here. Given the multitude of new vehicles& aliens on display it's very clear Lucas knew this would be the last grand venue for his merchandising. Otherwise why create those tiny space robots that take apart other ships? Why'd they drop that weapon? Grievous' wheel? WTF? Remember the grandeur of the relative handful of ships on display at the end of Jedi? It's a giant sales display here
Rated 29 Feb 2012
By far the best of the infamous pre-logy. This one actually has it's moments (especially in the beginning) of adventure and humor, echoing the original trilogy. But THEN Anakin kills himself a Jedi. And then the Emperor be all like 'Youn'un! You be Darkside fo real yo! I be schoolin' yo ass now, dawg' and Anakin be all like 'A'ight whatever my nigga.' And I be all like: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Rated 21 Sep 2011
Although they may lack a cast with anyone as likeable as Carrie Fisher or Harrison Ford, the notion that the prequel trilogy is vastly inferior to the original three films is due to misplaced nostalgia. This final entry is still rickety and clunky, but the fact that it is in a tragic rather than heroic key enables a tad more complexity and subtlety than previous episodes. Had the worst scenes been executed in a slightly less egregious manner, the whole may have built to an effective conclusion.
Rated 22 Jan 2011
I can't get over how bad most of the dialogue here is. The acting Is also a bit forced in places, although they obviously didn't have too good a script to work with. The only really good things are about it were the CGI and action sequences. Maybe the best of the prequels, but still not great.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
Embarrassing that myself and so many others initially thought that hey, this one wasn't that bad! It's because the last scene is the only one in the entire prequel trilogy that actually felt like Star Wars at its best, leaving you with an afterglow after the terrible videogamey fan servicing that preceded it. A handful of points for McDiarmid chewing scenery so hard he opened up a portal to the Evil Dead universe.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
Suffers from the same problems as the other two prequel trilogy films, in that the script is literally fucking retarded. Yes there are improvements in cinematography and performances (marginally!), but to be honest I'm surprised Lucas can even write his own name, let alone a movie script. There is a certain fascination in seeing how one of cinema's greatest villains came to be, but aside from that this is dire.
Rated 05 Nov 2008
Best of the prequels, but that isn't saying much.
Rated 14 Aug 2008
The meat and potatoes of the prequel trilogy and, thankfully, somewhat of a return to the quality that fans expected. Seems like Lucas should have focused more on the dark aspects of these films as the atmosphere here is similar to 'Empire.' Still, obvious room for improvement in dialogue and Hayden acts like a baby instead of the badass that Vader is supposed to be. Thankfully Ewan McGregor performs admirably and reaches out to the audience with the only honest emotional prequel performance.
Rated 08 Feb 2008
You have to overlook some pretty big leaps in logic (holy shit does Anakin "turn" fast!), but it was the only episode of the second trilogy that didn't bore me to tears or make me angry. Definite thumbs up for the ending and the brief appearance of that familiar hallway from "A New Hope".
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The best of the new trilogy BY FAR.
Rated 16 Apr 2019
Lucas may have missed with the first 2 episodes in the prequels, but I think he gets this pretty right. It has issues, especially with balancing so many subplots, a lot that weren't actually fully fleshed, a way too long runtime, and Christensen's acting actually may have gotten worse, but it nails down the important things it needed to to bridge it to the original trilogy, and that last battle...maybe a bit too overly choreograph, but satisfying nonetheless. Props to Lucas.
Rated 13 Sep 2018
This is, by far, the closest the prequels got to a legitimately good movie. There is some good stuff here in the way of plot, story, character, and tone. All of these elements are mostly inconsistent though. However, the biggest problem with this movie is that the one character it needs to get right it gets so wrong in so many ways. Anakin never feels like a hero and when he has his turn he never feels like a villain either. All-in-all this movie just sucks.
Rated 12 Jun 2016
It doesn't live up to its full potential, but there's no denying that Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is a powerful, fan-pleasing installment.
Rated 18 Aug 2014
Revenge of the Sith has a flawless opening. The visuals, the score, and the sheer scale are all epic and impressive. The dialogue between characters, especially at emotionally charged moments, is probably the weakest aspect of the film; but it's still a vast improvement on its prequel predecessors.
Rated 09 Mar 2012
I don't know why people hold this movie above the other two, but it was about the same. Mindless, boring action, and back story to a universe I don't care about. There isn't a single emotion or laugh in the entire movie. I don't understand how you can make Natalie Portman bad, but these movies do it. The chemistry between her and Anakin is pathetically non-existent. It feels like everyone is reading awkwardly from a script. Why when you cut off someones limb, there isn't a single drop of blood?
Rated 07 Dec 2010
If I have to say one thing, this is a vast improvement over the other two prequels. But, saying this is the best of the prequels isn't exactly a complement. Still, this movie is interesting to see just because of Anakin's "gradual" transformation into Darth Vader. The acting's improved, but not always, and the movie forces comedy as always. The movie is pretty good when it sheds it's "kiddy" nature. The worse thing, of course, is you have to watch Episode II to get to this.
Rated 20 Sep 2010
More dissapointment from the latter trilogy, but at least it ended. Some good special effects, outweighed by wooden souless perfomances. Noooooooooooo indeed. But it's Star Wars and its worth seeing at least once if for nothing else to show you how amazingly entertaining the first trilogy was some 30 years prior.
Rated 17 Jan 2010
When the Vader frankenstein "noooo" scene came around there were audible snickers in the theater I was in. Despite being pretty shitty the prequels had a certain charm about them because of the strength of the mythos had grown larger than the films had. I suppose it is possible to throw enough special effects and eye candy that you can ignore the terrible writing since I did watch it again on dvd. It's also undeniable that Lucas is incapable of interpreting his own creation.
Rated 02 Jan 2009
Outdoes the two films before it in pretty much all areas. What would have been a good film however is ruined by Lucas' ability to not write a single line of believable dialog and Christensen's still horrid acting (although he has a few fantastic moments on Mustafar, the scenes taking place there being the best in the film). At least R2-D2 gets to kick some ass, Yoda gets to kick even more ass, and McDiarmid and McGregor are excellent. Easily the best of the prequel trilogy.
Rated 27 Jul 2008
Best of the prequels. I just wish Hayden didn't look so goddamn petrified.
Rated 17 May 2008
Lucas has always known how to completely pervert what is one of the most acclaimed sci-fi series' in the world--this is just the cherry on top.
Rated 16 Mar 2008
Rated 29 Oct 2007
Someone has got to stop George Lucas from writing because nearly every ounceof dialogue in this movie is cringeworthy trash that I never want to hear again. Ever.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Hayden Christensen makes me sad.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The critics said it was much better than the previous 2. "Much" was an overstatement, it's only slightly better.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
My love for this film is shameful.
Rated 02 May 2007
Remember you, I will, Chewbacca. Haha, the "best" of the prequels is still a steaming load of Wookiee shit.
Rated 09 Feb 2007
George Lucas' writing - the biggest downfall of the prequels - here is the most grating, and even worse on top of Christensen and Portman's wretched acting. But in comparison to its predecessors, this one gets along pretty well. The downfall of Anakin Skywalker is intense. It's fun, and the best of the prequels.
Rated 14 Dec 2006
Best of the new trilogy. Still pretty bad.
Rated 01 Dec 2006
what a load of crap
Rated 04 Aug 2021
Pretty fun time, ends the trilogy on a high (although depressing) note for sure.
Rated 03 Jul 2021
I would definitely say my second favorite movie in the Star Wars franchise (not counting stuff like Rogue One, because that's number one), behind The Last Jedi and followed very very closely by Return of the Jedi. Great stuff by Hayden Christensen and everyone else involved.
Rated 11 Dec 2020
Obi-Wan: "You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the force... not leave it in darkness!"
Rated 16 Oct 2020
General Grievous is so fucking cool.
Rated 23 Jun 2020
Yo if you like Star Wars you like it, if you don't you don't. That's okay. Star Wars isn't a media franchise, it's pineapples on pizza. And let me just say? They're delicious.
Rated 19 Apr 2020
Dark, action packed, and emotionally charged, the finale of the Prequel Trilogy is unquestionably the best of the trio. George Lucas does a great job of tying everything together and showing character progression and the heroes and villains of this film really shine, making it all a fun ride to the finish line.
Rated 27 Jan 2020
Miles above the Disney sequel trilogy. The dialogue isn't great but this is still the most quotable Star Wars movie. "Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" ... "He could actually... save people from death?" "The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." "Is it possible to learn this power?" *slowly turns head, revealing sly smirk* "Not from a Jedi." Christensen and Portman are admittedly awful
Rated 25 Jan 2020
Whenever someone asks what my favorite Star Wars movie is, I always say Episode 3 and they think that I'm joking and get frustrated with me. However if i'm in a group, someone will always agree with me and then this OT loyalist will just get upset because someone dared to say something other than Empire. More happens in this movie than any other and we get to see General Grievous who is one of my favorite characters.
Rated 19 Jan 2020
The prequels hit a stride in this movie in many ways. The chemistry between McGregor and Christianson carries most of the dramatic weight, along with another stellar performance from Ian McDiarmid. Somewhat over-rated within the fan community for being Darker and Edgier.
Rated 11 Dec 2019
The best action in Star Wars, bar none, with incredibly memorable moments, from that opening space battle, to the fight with Grievous, to Yoda vs Emperor, and of course Mustafar. Just fantastic action, with quite possibly the best John Williams score ever. Of course, the transition from Anakin to Vader is unfortunately poorly handled. It does at least continue threads started in the previous movies, but just feels so fake, that it's too bad. Otherwise, a pretty solid film.
Rated 28 May 2019
This still has quite a few noticeable pacing issues and some laughable melodrama. At the same time, it's a good glimpse at to what the trilogy could have been. There are moments of brilliance. Anakin's character arc is more interesting than ever. Fantastic lighting helps this to be, perhaps, more tonally daring and risk-taking than some of the original trilogy. Calling this the most watchable of the prequel trilogy isn't a compliment, but it's definitely the most interesting of the three.
Rated 28 Feb 2019
Very cool.
Rated 26 Feb 2019
Best Prequel, great acting job by Hayden and EwanMcGregor, all the fight scenes were great (palaptine was merely good).
Rated 02 Jan 2019
The best of the prequel trilogy, but otherwise the worst of star wars. Hayden Christensen is terrible, the script is poor, and the CG looks outdated by now.
Rated 17 Sep 2018
Somehow simultaneously way too long and extremely rushed, possibly because the first half wastes a ton of time on stuff that winds up being kind of irrelevant. Yet I kind of liked the first half the best, since it wasn't making many silly leaps in order to rush through the rest of the plot that needed to happen.
Rated 25 Jun 2018
Lucas does not get enough credit as an actor's director. McGregor and Christansen in particular are fantastic in this; their last scene as friends, knowing what is to come, is absolutely heartbreaking. The subtle raising of eyebrows and the hint of a smile of Obi-wan's face are all you need to see to understand how much he cares for Anakin, and the inner anguish Anakin is feeling is evident in his slouch, his downward gaze, the way he turns away from Obi-wan as much as possible. Very emotional.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
I'm not a fan of Star Wars, so the fact that I wasn't humming 'baby elephant walk' the whole time means that, at least for me, its a step up from the bottom of a very long staircase.
Rated 09 Aug 2017
It's silly, goofy and too long, but it's also endlessly entertaining and choke-full of quotable lines.
Rated 20 Feb 2017
Better than the first two.
Rated 03 Jan 2017
Hands down the best prequel movie. Oh and of course the MEMES.
Rated 30 Dec 2016
for me the best movie of this trilogy. it mostly has to do with the fact that this movie has more action-packed moments than the first two parts. furthermore, there were actually moments that were kind of funny.
Rated 14 Jun 2016
If you need someone to review this movie for you, there's a problem. You should have seen this for yourself by now and know that it's great.
Rated 29 Feb 2016
not much bad acting/dialogue. cool looking space battle start. dooku quick cool. grievus pretty cool at times. the descent to madness and distrust cool, nightmares. plagueis. yoda fight cool master exile. order 66, ani+palp+obi+padme powerful. especially parallel operating tables. killing younglings just needed to be more believable. he didnt seem to really believe the empire ideals either, nor focused enough on saving padme. next time i'll probably put this over 1
Rated 14 Jan 2016
Sith suffers from the usual problems that plagued the other prequels, but it has an epic widescreen sweep that was lacking in Clones and the special effects were cutting edge on release. Most importantly, there is a real sense of meaning and development, a resonance that feels inextricably tied to the overall mythology. Lucas overcooks the pot, and Anakin's turn to the darkside feels more like a business decision than a moral one, but there are several powerful moments that make it worthwhile.
Rated 02 Jan 2016
This is my favorite Star Wars film. I loved the story of Anakin Skywalker, and while I understand it didn't work for many people, it worked perfectly for me.
Rated 22 Nov 2015
The only one of the prequels worth talking about. I had zero expectations at the time after the pain of the first two, but this was actually a pleasant surprise. It still has many of the same flaws - overuse of CGI and the need to make every scene look 'busy' with background animations, the terrible dialogue and wooden acting (McGregor and McDiarmid excluded). But it has fewer needless action scenes thrown in and the story gallops along towards a fairly epic conclusion. No classic, but good fun.
Rated 18 Aug 2015
Over-choreographed combat and rough direction bring down what is otherwise a strong movie about the downfall of one of the greatest heroes/villains of all time.
Rated 20 May 2014
Nah I'm just kidding the word is TONE
Rated 02 Sep 2013
Definitely the best of the prequels, though none of them come anywhere close to the original trilogy. These movies have always baffled me for the sole fact that It's the same dude as the first 3. How does that even happen? All of the acting is better than the first 2, and the romance was the most believable here. The cringe was quite as prevalent as before, but some of the lines were still hilariously bad. Not too bad, especially by the prequels standards. I give 6 crisp legs out of 10.
Rated 15 Apr 2013
This movie is surely the best out of the new trilogy and the closest as the new one comes to the original one.
Rated 02 Nov 2012
Suprisingly solid, but still not up to the level you'd hope for from Star Wars. Mcgregor continues to impress as Obi-Wan and Ian McDiarmid has a blast chewing the scenery, while the action scenes in this are genuinely great, especially the opening scenes on the ship. Unfortunately, Hayden Christensen continues to be terrible and the writing continues to drag these movies down.
Rated 02 Feb 2012
This is my favourite of the Star Wars prequels. The best moment is when we see Darth Vader with his mask on for the first time. This film is darker than the other prequel films. The battle between two former friends is excellent.
Rated 22 Nov 2011
I know I'm in the extreme minority but I consider RotS to be worthy of the original trilogy, and the second most entertaining of all six films. Sure, Anakin and Padme still have no chemistry thanks to Lucas's stilted dialogue, and General Grevious isn't an inspiring villain, but these issues are overwhelmed by the tragedy of the destruction of the Jedi and the phenomenal performance of Ian McDiarmid, who plays a Shakespearean tempter and B-movie cackling baddie with equal strength.
Rated 28 Apr 2011
While it's not really saying much, and it still has some cringe-inducing dialogue and a regrettably wooden performance from Hayden Christensen, Episode III is still easily the best of the prequel trilogy.
Rated 27 Apr 2011
Visually pleasing, Episode III is the strongest of the prequel series, but still doesn't reach the same level as the original trilogy
Rated 29 Mar 2011
Best of the prequels, which isn't saying much. If you want to know why the prequels are stupid visit redlettermedia. He much more thoroughly and eloquently explains the nature of their suckage more than I can. I just have to say that this one just barely made 60 due to the sheer number of hands cut off during the course of the film. Also Anakin murders children.
Rated 23 Mar 2011
George Lucas brings the emotional conclusion to his Star Wars saga with the dark portrayal of the fall of Anakin Skywalker. Despite largely rigid performances by the entire cast, Lucas' script, story and visuals lift this film to greatness. The first twenty minutes present a microcosm for the film as a whole, a nonstop roller coaster ride of action and emotion.
Rated 07 Jan 2011
even the fanboy within cringed a bit at the anakin/padme dialogue. nevertheless, this stands alongside the other two prequels as SW canon. not nearly as annoyed by jar-jar as everyone else seems to be, and these films do introduce the Jedi Council, Dooku, and Grievous and better-choreographed lightsaber fights. but i'll be damned if it couldn't've been better, with some great acting talents (Portman, McGregor, Lee) on board.
Rated 31 Dec 2010
Love it, bad script
Rated 26 Dec 2010
Certainly the best one of the Prequel Trilogy. It actually has some feeling of the Original Trilogy and some cool scenes. Coruscant was awesome. The worst thing about this movie is definetly how much of a pussy vader is, especially when he cries out for Padme...I almost barfed.
Rated 05 Nov 2010
"Execute Order 66!", "Unlimited power!", "In my point of view Jedi are evil!".. Instant classic and a smooth ending for the prequel.
Rated 07 Oct 2010
Hayden Christensen can't act. I like the movie, but when the plotline revolves around Anakin is is hard to make anything decent when HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN CAN'T ACT!
Rated 25 Sep 2010
Only looks good compared to the other two prequels.
Rated 26 Aug 2010
This movie is entertaining to watch but not only that. Star Wars 3 allows one to finally understand the Star Wars saga. Although the movie had crappy dialogue and not enough character background, it was the one film that will be spoken about for years because it closed the Star Wars circle.
Rated 25 Jul 2010
The film improves (and alot) from the previous two prequels, but it is still under the shadow of the original ones
Rated 14 Jun 2009
Technically it's just as bad as the other prequels, but there's a whole lot LESS of the bad, because 80% of the film is action.
Rated 03 Jun 2009
Hmmm we made all this stuff up here how do we make it fit into Episode IV. We'll just cram it into the last 5 minutes. Also "Nooooooooooooooooooo."
Rated 17 Apr 2009
Better than the other two but that is not saying much.
Rated 01 Apr 2009
The movies keep getting better in my opinion. Better than the first and second movie. Much more action, which is a good thing, much more psychological than the first two movies, but some things are done a bit too childish. I'm glad that Jar Jar is less in it, but the scenes with R2 are a bit childish at times. Just as in the other films, the specials are great, and the lightsaberfights are really awesome now at times, which is way better than in the first two movies.

Cast & Info

Directed by:

George Lucas


George Lucas


Star Wars, Skywalker Saga


Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith






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