Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
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Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Sci-fi, Action
2h 11m
When a destructive space entity is spotted approaching Earth, Admiral Kirk resumes command of the Starship Enterprise in order to intercept, examine, and hopefully stop it (imdb)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Sci-fi, Action
2h 11m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 41.47% from 2894 total ratings

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Rated 21 Jan 2008
The people who think that 2001 is boring have never seen the first Star Trek movie.
Rated 31 Aug 2020
The movie definitely has a bit of a ship fetish, but who amongst us hasn't spent minutes upon minutes ogling giant spacecrafts? I like the contrast of all the visuals you see in this to The Haunting where you see nothing. Robert Wise had a most interesting career. I'm pretty sure I dated a V-GER in high school.
Rated 10 May 2020
Get yourself a man who looks at you the way Kirk looks at the Enterprise. When it's all just a sea of beige and taupe onesies and wholesale scenes of characters staring at blown up miniatures it's painfully clear Wise doesn't have a true hold on the material. But then Spock thrusts himself into the Intruder's puckered opening and it sends a probe as a sexy naked woman and makes out with its Maker and it's Trek again, thank God.
Rated 01 Mar 2008
To be fair, I think it would be a different experience to see this on a big screen and at a time when the effects would have been more impressive (they're still not bad). But as it is, large portions of the movie are: effects shot, amazed reaction from character, effects shot, reaction shot of another character, effects shot, ad infinitum. The story is also pretty boring. Dull dull dull.
Rated 25 Jan 2021
Everything inside the ship is cold and sterile and it clashes with all the characters. The slowest and driest of all the Star Treks. That one guy wanted to bone that robot so bad. Seriously god awful costumes, tiny little sleeves and the deepest v necks. The theme song rules and the characters still manage to bring some colour to the god damn seriously the worst costumes. Spock flies through an anus, I was in just the right mood for this boring movie.
Rated 08 Oct 2011
Severely underrated. Jocularly refered to by some as Star Trek: The Slow Motion Picture. There's next to no action, that is true, but instead of supplying battles and ugly creatures, the first movie is more hard sci-fi than space adventure. Its storyline is by far the most intelligent and thought-provoking in the entire series. The actress playing a chillingly non-human probe performs brilliantly. In short: if you want entertainment, go with VI or XI. If you like your sci-fi serious, watch this.
Rated 12 Feb 2011
The beginning has some really bad pacing issues, and they don't really go away during the rest of the movie. They had enough material to make a pretty great episode, but not a full-length movie. At least the music is pretty good.
Rated 11 Jun 2009
Nothing happens during the majority of this film. Fast forward from the wormhole to the climax and you won't miss a thing.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Real think-y sci-fi, unlike the kind we got used to since Star Wars' happy-go-lucky atmosphere. Slow but interesting.
Rated 30 Nov 2018
The slow pace worked well for me. The build up and the gradual discovery of what the space entity actually is kept my interest throughout the film, with the ingenious and not outdated (for the most part) special effects assisting greatly. I miss hard sci-fi with mature dialogue, thought-provoking questions and the feeling of wonder and marvel instilled in the viewer. The soundtrack is gorgeous too. The film loses points simply from not aging perfectly well - some of the effects are indeed old.
Rated 11 Feb 2017
Very 70s engagement with some interesting ideas & no dumb action filler. Although the heavy-handed conclusion doesn't quite live up to the intriguing build-up, it benefits massively from relaxed pace, coherent structure & amazing modelwork from Doug Trumbull. It sure isn't 2001, which it kinda seems to think it is, but works well as an entertaining & thoughtful & slightly cheesy scifi adventure from the good ol days of the genre. The human angle is also quite unintrusively worked into the story.
Rated 15 Aug 2014
Y'know what I like to see in movies? Events. Y'know what this movie has? None of those. The plot seems to have crawled out of some Bantam paperback, which is appropriate what with Issac Asimov getting a consultant credit on this. I don't know what that means, and I bet he didn't either.
Rated 23 Aug 2013
I'll admit, this movie has some really slow-moving parts. I thought the Enterprise would never get boarded and leave the solar system, but they managed it eventually. But anything slow-moving beyond that, I really liked. It added a sense of mystique to this alien entity we were seeing. I'd recommend watching the blu-ray version if possible, because there are lots of intricate sights to see. And besides all this, it's still a very strong sci-fi story, going above and beyond the 60s TV show
Rated 18 Feb 2011
Must have been great for fans at the time to see their long-lost show returning to the big screen, but it plods a bit these days. Very much inspired by 2001 in places and tries to go down a route of harder sci-fi than normal for Trek. It almost works but we all secretly want more overacting Kirk and eyebrow-raising Spock. Add 10 to score for the director's cut.
Rated 01 Nov 2010
As eveelun said, 90% of the film was superfluous - alternating slow special effects shots (which were good, but rough), awed character reactions, and Kirk stroking his ego as usual. The story itself, which could have been told in a paragraph, is simplistic, albeit with a cool twist. I'd say the film's not worth watching unless you are a hardcore Star Trek fan and have seen everything else already. As far as Trek canon goes, there is nothing of importance here either.
Rated 14 Feb 2010
The Motion Picture may have Star Wars to thank for being made, but it has 2001 to thank for it's look and feel. This is probably the most cerebral Star Trek has ever been and while it may be a bit slow at times I liked that it wasn't just about killing the bad guy. However the film has a cold, sterile, feel that the series didn't have and the characters suffer as a result. The effects look great though, and I liked the sense of scale some of the sets had, unlike the later movies. Serious sci-fi.
Rated 25 Jan 2010
A baby could gestate to full term by the time the Enterprise travels through VGer.
Rated 24 Oct 2008
The first "Star Trek" film plods when it should pulse, and is filled with some tacky dated special effects, and some still quite impressive for its time. Overall, the story arc is uneven and slow - but it's goofy dated sci-fi material. The film does eventually pick up with its A.I. alien life-form that threatens earth, but this one could arguably undergo some serious editing and possibly lose a good half hour or more. The plot did hold my interest, and once it kicks in, "Star Trek" is worthy.
Rated 11 Jan 2008
The director's cut is a much more enjoyable version than the theatrical release. Even though no massive changes were made the pacing issues were completely resolved. The special effects are good, for the time, and it's got some very nice sci-fi cinematography. Star Trek matured phenomenally from the TV-series and instead of coming across as somewhat hokey you can seriously invest interest in the characters and story without feeling like any time was wasted.
Rated 03 Jan 2008
The first of the Star Trek films to be made after a 12 year break and it pains me to say it showed. Clearly finding its feet this has heavy influences from 2001 a Space Odessey, Close Encounters and is fighting to be different from Star Wars. Some great effects, good story and ending although its about 15 minutes too long. Still worth seeing though.
Rated 14 Oct 2007
This is the dullest movie I've ever seen. I saw it when I was like 12, and just remembered being bored and not much else. It turns out I was mistaken. I remembered it perfectly, it's just that nothing happens. NOTHING HAPPENS. That bald woman doesn't do anything. Spock doesn't do anything. McCoy doesn't do anything. That guy from Seventh Heaven doesn't do anything. Kirk talks sometimes, but never really says anything of any significance at all. Nothing happens. NOTHING.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The film in which Spock VERY SLOWLY penetrates a giant computer's asshole, and I wonder what the fuck I just watched.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Not the best entry in the series, but interesting and innovative nonetheless. Obvious influences from 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. Great ending.
Rated 24 Dec 2023
I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. Never have been a Trekkie, but I must admit that, there is a certain maturity to the setting, the maquette work is impeccable; the setting were brilliant and the music just meshes so well with everything; it was nearly a psychedelic experience. At one point it felt like they were just trying to penetrate the anus of a giant interstellar being; but all in all it was way ahead of its time visually and has a nice twist to it also.
Rated 23 Aug 2020
What would've been an acceptably mediocre 50-minute pilot episode, is somehow stretched into 130 long, tedious interminable minutes. It's not an exaggeration to say that almost every single shot and scene could be cut to half its length with nothing of substance being lost. On top of that, the characters are empty and hollow, the dialog wooden and the production design sterile and lifeless. Hey, at least that theme song is great, though! Only worth a watch for the most diehard of Trekkies.
Rated 21 Oct 2017
A meditative pace, psychedelic visuals that still hold up, and a clever plot with built-in intrigue. While the big reveal at the end is kinda half-baked, it's not without some thoughtfulness. I understand why people may find this boring, but the hate seems...unwarranted.
Rated 16 Oct 2016
I have a feeling this was originally planned to be an episode of the TV series before it was cancelled - in fact I think it actually was an episode at one point (The Changeling) - it's basically one interesting idea stretched over two hours, the result is full of long, tedious stretches where absolutely nothing happens. The incessant music certainly didn't help, either.
Rated 27 Jul 2016
Not bad, but tremendously bland. It's not just the lack of action, there are multiple minutes long sequences that are just the starship traveling and showing off special effects. The characters barely develop beyond Kirk and Spock and even then not much. The ending is kind of cool, but meh.
Rated 16 Dec 2015
I love the hubris of it: Star Trek made to look like 2001 A Space Odyssey. Helps to have no particular warm feelings for the tv series.
Rated 01 Apr 2014
The first Trek film is not one of the best; the thin story, stilted acting, and sluggish direction make for a heavy-going experience. The premise--an entity of pure logic trying to go beyond logic--has promise, but the film doesn't capitalize on it, spending too much time ogling its own lavish special effects. The crew of the Enterprise are left with fairly little to do, with much of the attention going to one-shots Decker (Stepehn Collins) and Ilia (Persis Khambatta). Great score and sets.
Rated 16 Feb 2014
A classic example of telling it instead of showing it. Feels like an endless stream of tights-wearing pod-people talking and watching monitors and spaceships floating.
Rated 08 Feb 2013
A bit long and slow at times, but the latter half of the film makes up for most of this. Has some memorable sci-fi scenes.
Rated 19 Jan 2013
The Star Trek movie that's actually smart and Star Trek-y. Great atmosphere and pacing, and some stunning visuals.
Rated 10 Jan 2011
There are a lot of flaws in this. Shatner really overacts, which without an antagonist as a foil gets tiresome. The opening 45 minutes is the usual reunite-the-crew deal that includes a 5 minute tour around the outside of the Enterprise while Kirk and Scotty look on from inside a shuttle. Completely unneccesary. But I can't avoid liking Star Trek I because the plot is essentially a presentation of existentialism. Good sci-fi should deal with interesting ideas, so it gets an A for effort.
Rated 12 Oct 2010
There are parts of this film I absolutely love, but for the most part is it an extremely slow moving exposition on the exterior of space ships. If you ever need footage of the original Enterprise, this is the film to queue up.
Rated 23 Sep 2010
I was never a big Star Trek fan and this was not the movie to change my mind. The story and writing are not good enough to pull off the severe lack of anything happening. I am surprised anyone greenlighted another film after this one.
Rated 05 Jan 2010
Rated 24 Sep 2009
Star Trek: the Motion Picture is ambitious first film made from Star Trek series after been cancelled for 10 years. Robert Wise created a vision that was quite different from the original series and later films were made with different style. The main problem is that the film is build around big special effects and sets rather that character oriented drama that was the style of original series. It looks brilliant (specially the Director's cut version), but does not feel enough Star Trek -like.
Rated 07 Aug 2009
For nonfans, the reunion aspect is not too bothersome, and even contributes a strong sense of character to a very suspenseful and, in a literally hair-raising resolution that points the way to a marriage of man and machine, ultimately very satisfying piece of science fiction. Besides a Star Trek movie, of course, this is a Robert Wise movie, which means that everything, from the talkiest talk to the spectacular special effects, is well under control.
Rated 30 Jul 2009
Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a flick that most people, even Star Trek fans, don't like. I think it's actually one of the better films in the series, and the one that's most like the original show. Robert Wise's direction is somber and more philosophical than the TV series, but that's part of what gives it its scope end epic feel. There would be better, more popular films to come, but Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a solid entry in a somewhat shaky franchise.
Rated 29 Jun 2009
Next to "Voyage Home" my favorite in the series. Slow in parts with an ending that just opens up more plot holes than it seals, this is still a fun ride. Great Jerry Goldsmith score BTW.
Rated 09 Mar 2009
There's some heady science fiction ideas at the movie's heart (despite its 1979 release, it smells more of 2001: A Space Odyssey than Star Wars), but it's profoundly dry and languidly paced. I feel like a judicious editor could slice forty minutes without sacrificing any plot.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I am a huge Star Trek fan, but I recognize that this film is insanely boring. The cast phones it in, the costumes are ridiculous, and the pacing is too slow for words. the score is good, but we're basically treated to two hours of fancy optical effects and people in pajamas staring goggle-eyes at a viewscreen.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is basically an episode of Star Trek stretched to an overwhelming cinematic scale. It's rooted so deeply with the main themes of the show, particularly exploration, that I don't seem to mind that it has the pace of a snail. But hell, I'm just a Trekkie. I inhale this stuff.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Rewatching this in 2013, 34 years after I saw it at the cinema at the age of 8, the central idea still seems moderately good, as do some (but not all) of the visual effects and the character played by Khambatta, but the ponderous, sometimes laughable execution means that the grandiosity never achieves the grandeur for which the filmmakers seemed to be striving. Even so, there is something admirable about the commitment, just a few years after STAR WARS, to avoiding what is called action.
Rated 05 Apr 2007
There's all kinds of time during this movie to get up, leave, make a sandwich, and sit back down without having missed anything. I enjoy Star Trek as much as the next guy, but this was a bit much.
Rated 20 Mar 2007
I rewatched it as a grown ass man, and I like it now. Not necessarily a good movie, It's slow as all get out, and they definitely underused the cast, but V'Ger was a neat idea. I also liked the design aesthetic. The pastels, bright whites and earth tones really sold the utopian aspect of Trek much better than the heavily militarized look of the later films. Not that the later look wasn't better, I just liked the way this one looks.
Rated 26 Feb 2007
Not bad.
Rated 15 Jul 2023
This movie is extremely slow and can be boring, but seeing the characters for the first time on a movie budget is special, and the plot is interesting, I really enjoyed the twist at the end.
Rated 27 Apr 2023
Extremely slow pacing, almost nothing interest happens. Attempted to rely entirely on visual thrill, which did not age well.
Rated 08 Jan 2023
Compared to the original series, this has all the flash and special effects they couldn't afford in the sixties. But none of the story.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
Ok it's fun to some degree, but in the end this film is quite pointless. Star Trek franchise is simply too silly to even attempt to explore topics that belong to 2001/Solaris etc. Considering how idiotic "The Day the Earth Stood Still" message was, Robert Wise seems like a right carbon unit for the job.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
It's a far better film than it's popular and critical reputation at the time would suggest, but it would almost be a better film if it had nothing to do with "Star Trek" at all.
Rated 09 Jun 2022
Given its glacial pacing, it's understandable why The Motion Picture wouldn't appeal to all fans. I'm not generally a Trekkie myself, but I am familiar with the franchise and enjoy the odd outing. Conceptually and visually it's solid. The script itself lacks substance, but if you like cerebral science fiction, there's enough atmosphere, intrigue and eye candy to carry you through all the faults. Just don't go in expecting typical Star Trek.
Rated 06 Apr 2022
This movie accomplishes a truly impressive feat; it uses the beloved Star Trek setting and characters to create a movie that has no entertainment value whatsoever. Even the worst episode of the original series at least has some fun; not so here.
Rated 13 Jan 2022
Works as a long episode of the original show, yet still lays the foundation for much better entries in the series.
Rated 03 Nov 2021
So many empty scenes with nothing happening (how long was that overview of the ship?). Might've worked as a 30-45 minute episode but as a movie (a 2h12m one at that), it's too slow.
Rated 03 Jan 2021
cılgın. crazy hatta
Rated 18 Oct 2020
Boring. Nothing happens for the first 45mns.
Rated 29 May 2020
This is the first one. Didn't like this one at all. I couldn't get into this as the other ones later on.
Rated 22 May 2020
did I see that one carbon unit f.cked (sorry, united with) the whole universe under red lights, literally?
Rated 03 May 2020
was never into star trek as much as star wars but it probably isn't fair to judge the movie rather than the show against the movie
Rated 16 Nov 2019
The first of the feature films is the weakest, but it is still star trek at its core and worth the viewing for true fans. Someone here mentioned it could have used much more editing and I hadn't thought of that till now, and that viewer is bang on.
Rated 03 Nov 2019
The first Trek movie is an awkward mix of the cult fare of the 70s TOS revival, and what would become the signature Trek feel of its sequels, or moreover TNG a decade later: much less 'going boldly', more 'going nowhere slowly'. A meagre plot gives way to the potent drama of Shatner's wearied egotistical cowboy and the mentalist Spock, forming the crux of later outings. Curious backdrops of fractal ship-scapes and abstract theatre are entrancing and worth the price of re-admission in high-def.
Rated 04 May 2019
Commander Willard Decker: "We all create God in our own image."
Rated 20 Apr 2019
The human adventure is extremely boring.
Rated 09 Apr 2018
The best thing about it is the poster art. But hey, it is really great poster art.
Rated 09 Mar 2018
It's so bad it's actually good :)
Rated 04 Jan 2018
The space effect are admittedly absorbing. At first at least... After the novelty of seeing the classic characters on screen again fades. Which happens very quickly. The film descends into slow, pretentious, uninteresting, cheesy, and especially SLOW. The film is so slow it really becomes uncomfortable. If a version every comes with about 45 minutes cut out it may become far more worth your time.
Rated 10 May 2017
This was the first time I saw anything regarding the original series of Star Trek. It's not a great starting point. The movie is slow and hasn't aged well with the rest of the Star Trek franchise as a whole. You'd be better off to start with the show or second movie. Both are way more fun.
Rated 08 May 2017
more like the motionless picture amirite
Rated 19 Mar 2017
Screw you, I really like it
Rated 08 Jan 2017
The premise is actually pretty cool, but the movie is sooo slow. This is from a guy who typically loves slow movies. Case in point, their entry into the alien ship-thing takes about 15 minutes (at least it felt like it), since it had a love affair with its own models and effects.
Rated 12 Nov 2016
Rated 21 Oct 2016
This is a half hour too long because the filmmakers couldn't stop fetishizing their model spaceship.
Rated 29 Jun 2016
Tries to be more cerebral than the average sci-fi and ends up more boring instead. The story feels superfluous since it barely even involves the main crew! Why do we care about these new characters when we can be watching the ones we already know have adventures?
Rated 02 Jun 2016
The film looked better than I expected, with cool-looking spacescapes and nice attention to detail on the ship models. The story, however, didn't grab me at all. A mysterious invisible entity as the main antagonist? Location - transported to some weird dimension? The crew all looking pretty old? Spock acting very un-Spock-like? It was not what I'd hoped for. I'd like my locations planetary, my bad guys tangible, my tension palpable, and my phasers set to 'stun', please.
Rated 07 Jan 2016
The wormhole scene was worst thing in Star Trek up to that point, worse than Gamesters of Triskelion, Lights of Zetar, the Gorn, Spock's Brain, Space Hippies, and the entire saturday morning cartoon.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
Not too bad. The slowing rhythm is nice - from threat and action to discovery. In evaluating this film - plot, originality of ideas, effects - the following films should be taken into account: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick, 1968; Solaris, Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972 / Stanisław Lem, 1961; Star Wars, George Lucas, 1977;
Rated 13 Nov 2015
There wasn't much motion in this picture. This is one of the hardest Star Trek's to get through, and I'm counting the TV series too along with the movies. I have a lot of problems with this film. I didn't love the costumes, it has a terrible bad guy (although admittedly a great twist) and the slowest meandering scenes you can think of. The worst of the worst is the almost half-hour sequence where the Enterprise goes through this blue-cloud of a force field while there is almost no dialogue...
Rated 18 Sep 2015
The Pacing is ridiculously slow but the opening and closing scenes make up for it.
Rated 12 Sep 2015
Muito longo, a sequência de apresentação da Enterprise resume o que há de errado com esse filme.
Rated 28 Jan 2015
Very flawed. With some very poor pacing issues and a boring script altogether, Star Trek: The Motion Picture doesn't provide the same fun that its reboot, the tv series, and Wrath of Kahn all did. That being said, I am looking forward to rewatching Wrath of Kahn in the near future.
Rated 26 Nov 2014
It has its fair share of eye and ear candy, but doesn't quite nourish the mind. I can only take interest in spaceflight for a finite amount of time and this film really pushes the bulk of the film seemingly consisting of going from one place to another. It builds momentum near the end, but by then I had already looked at this as kind of meh.
Rated 16 Aug 2014
Star Trek: The Motion Picture in my opinion was a big miss step for the series. I've watched both the theatrical and directors cut several times each in hope that I'll change my opinion. But this is a dull experience that is poorly paced throughout. I can imagine that everybody expected a huge Star Trek feature film to compete with Star Wars. And the big budget would suggest so. But the spectacle likens more to a poor mans 2001 as apposed to the original TV series. The score however is stunning.
Rated 01 Jun 2014
Pretentious critics who read worlds of meaning into lugubrious stretches of "hypnotic"& "meditative" visuals should consider this a masterpiece, and it's fair 2 say if Kubrick's name was on it, it'd now be considered a classic. There's plenty of 2001-style visual portentousness on display here & it takes at least a full hour before the central conflict actually starts, but once it shows up it's ripe with the kind of existential metaphors geeks who don't require action all the time should enjoy.
Rated 09 Mar 2014
Rated 26 Feb 2014
2001: A Star Trek Odyssey
Rated 07 Oct 2013
man my dork ass uncle made me watch this but wit was actually p. chill. gon check out sum more stewek stuff
Rated 21 May 2013
Into Darkness spurred me into doing something I never thought I'd do: watch the original Star Trek. With a few honest but failed tries, the original series remains unwatchably dated and slow, but this cinematic presentation is easier on the mind. Unfortunately, the film chugs for so long on special effects shots that I had time to reflect on how apropo it was that a Star Trek film would be so far up its own... Well, anyway, I didn't actually dislike it. The payoff at the end was very good.
Rated 03 May 2013
Cheesy visual effects shot-->reaction shot from crew member-->cheesy visual effects shot...rinse...repeat. That is how numerous scenes in the first of the Star Trek films plays out. At times it is broken up with exposition and goofy Trek humour. The monotony is eventually resolved slightly in the final act, when the film takes an obvious cue from 2001: A Space Odyssey with the crew facing off against a computer being that may or may not be smarter than man.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
I'm Sorry! Just plain bored right the way through. This movie could've been such an entertaining Star Trek movie like most of the sequels but turns into one of the dullest, most terribly paced movies which wanted the same reputation and success of 2001 A Space Odyssey... Truly a forgettable Sci Fi that adds barely anything to later films in the Star Trek franchise..Characters are horribly presented, the Enterprise is dull, the jokes are lame as is the movie....Not a neccessary viewing
Rated 06 Mar 2013
Top badass moment? WTF? It's the return of the Enterprise! Nothing could be more badass than that. No cats, decapitations or chainsaws; there're some photon torpedoes though, much cooler.
Rated 17 Jan 2013
Rated 25 Sep 2012
Okay, so compared to 'Star Wars' two years earlier it feels terribly outdated in terms of story progression and, sometimes, effects. But as science fiction it's definately more true to its genre.
Rated 17 Jul 2012
Some cool special effects, but the story wasn't great and it was way too slow.
Rated 15 Jun 2012
Rated 31 Jan 2012
4- might want to skip this one, not that hot
Rated 20 Jan 2012
It was a decent opener for the films, but it is fairly uneventful and slow as well. Obviously just for Trekkies. I am not really sure what more to say about this movie. I guess it isn't very memorable like it's sequel.
Rated 01 Dec 2011
i love this one. its surreal.


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