Stage Fright
Stage Fright
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Stage Fright

Stage Fright

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 50m
Jonathan Cooper is wanted by the police who suspect him of killing his lover's husband. (imdb)

Stage Fright

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 50m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 52.83% from 452 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 10 May 2007
It is still a good film but is one of Hitchcock's weaker titles overall, but there is one great plot twist at the end and a great performance from Jonathan Cooper and Alastair Sim. It's worthy of a viewing, but it might let down those expecting another Hitchcock masterpiece.
Rated 20 Apr 2016
Jane Wyman (Eve Gill), Marlene Dietrich (Charlotte Inwood), and Alastair Sim (Commodore Gill) captivated me from start to finish. I thought Hitchcock's direction was again damn well done in this movie, albeit at times slow moving - a issue I'm noticing time and time again. The plot doesn't necessarily move slow, but Hitchcock's construction of each individual scene does. Nonetheless, in this movie, it most definitely did not take away from how much I enjoyed it and how riveted I was by it.
Rated 11 Sep 2008
Flawed logic (showing a lie on screen), but succeeds in audience manipulation (Hitchcock's pleasure) - and in that case it is a success. In Hitchcock's grand oeuvre, this is a dud, but for any other director, it's a watchable, entertaining film.
Rated 08 Dec 2006
Certainly not on a par with Hitchcock's classics, but quite watchable and entertaining. Hearing Marlene Dietrich sing "The Laziest Gal in Town" makes Madeline Kahn's performance in Blazing Saddles even funnier.
Rated 16 Apr 2024
White the plot here isn't quite a riddle wrapped in an enigma like Hitchcock's others, it's the characters that make this one so memorable. Dietrich is amazing as a recently-widowed diva (she intentionally mixes up her maid's name because she can), and Sim steals almost every scene he's in. (If I'm AH's daughter, I'd hate him forever for casting me as "Chubby," though.) Without those characterizations, the plodding police work and the improbability of it all would be just too much.
Rated 21 Jun 2023
Why didn’t he just go out and buy her a new dress? The whole catastrophe could be avoided. Makes me think that the entire movie was a fuss over nothing.
Rated 21 Jul 2022
Though Dietrich gets all the best lines, it's Alastair Sim who struts off with every scene he's in. I was wondering how I was going to sit through this until he showed up. Actually not as bad as many say it is--just not one of Hitchcock's best. It's a bit unfocused in the plot advancement department, leaving one too much time to ponder such questions as "why does Jane Wyman, with two VERY British parents, speak with an American accent?" (the "educated in America" explanation doesn't cut it)
Rated 11 Jul 2022
Capitalizes quite well on its theater motif, each of these characters playing the part, and then another part. Everyone tied together in a knot of duplicitous scheming and deceptive identity games, which make not only for precarious suspense, but also an ironic sense of humor. It's often as funny as it is melodramatic, gathering a strong head of steam until a particularly well-shot finale in an empty theater.
Rated 26 Aug 2021
Alastair Sim is great, Marlene Dietrich is good, but the rest of the cast is just meh...
Rated 27 Jan 2020
Senaryosu biraz sorunlu olsa da, üstadın yine yönetmenlik şovu yaptığı filmlerden birisi. hitchcock bu filmde oyunculara çok sık yakın plan yapmayı tercih etmiş.bu tercih filmin bazı anlarda gerilim altyapısını çok iyi güçlendirmiş.özellikle sonlara doğru jane wyman ve richard todd'un tiyatrodaki karşılıklı sahnesi gerçekten muazzam.seyirciyi inanılmaz geren bir sahne ve orada wyman'ın yaptığı soğukkanlı hareket gerçekten müthişti.
Rated 19 Jun 2018
Watchable, light-hearted and fun at least until the finale. There's a twist at the end that I didn't see coming and while I didn't like it I still found it some what enjoyable. I'd have rated this a bit higher if it had a different ending.
Rated 19 Oct 2017
Not bad at all.
Rated 28 Oct 2016
Not one of my favourite Hitchcocks, but Alistair Sim and Marlene Dietrich are a lot of fun & the plot twist was great.
Rated 30 Jan 2016
Meh. Just meh.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Without a doubt, one is keenly wary, after watching this haphazard film, that Hitchcock was much less concerned with his overall narrative than in separate scenes. One has the unnerving feeling that he so much enjoyed the parts that he lost, or didn't even bother about, compelling and coherent development. Certainly his audience follows in their gratification of the parts, but whether they will be quite as indifferent to the lack of shape or substance is something else.
Rated 10 Oct 2013
Rated 02 Sep 2013
Can we all just talk about how good Jane Wyman was?
Rated 21 Feb 2013
Biggest landmark for me - I have now seen every Hitchcock from the 50's, 60's, & 70's. As for the movie, it's gorgeously filmed but not his best script, and I don't know what Jane Wyman is doing here (I smell studio involvement).
Rated 07 Aug 2012
As far as fuck-ups go, you could do much worse than Stage Fright's unreliable narrator. I'm half-inclined to like that sort of thing, and I like it here, but yikes was it obviously an accident. Dietrich felt especially dangerous in this one, and the future Mr. Liz Taylor was also good and complex. The fixed camera on the stairs was pretty cool too, inventing the surveillance footage visual cliché before surveillance cameras even existed in real life. Neat!
Rated 12 Jul 2012
dietrich and sim's performance's stood out for me. the flashback didn't bother me like it did for so many others who have seen this. overall, stage fright is certainly good but certainly not amongst my favorite hitch films. i would recommend it tho', especially to fans of his....
Rated 09 Feb 2012
The film succeeds despite its manipulative, third act plot twist. Stage Fright bares the Hitchcock stamp with its dry wit and clever cinematography, raising it above the average murder yarn.
Rated 02 Dec 2011
I found this rather dull, and lacked pretty much any semblance to Hitchcock's "trademark" touch.
Rated 17 Jun 2011
Not top tier Hitchcock, but as a film about performing both on stage and in real life, it's definitely quite underrated. Could have used a stronger central plot, but it's far from bad.
Rated 13 May 2011
It's a good movie with good plot and splendid performance by Alastair Sim but it's, probably, all I can say about it. Just a relaxing project for Hitchcock I guess.
Rated 25 Dec 2010
Rated 24 Feb 2009
This movie is infamous as the case where Hitchcock "cheated". (You'll know it when you see it.) I think it's worth seeing anyway
Rated 29 Dec 2008
I think I like it more than most Hitchcock fans, but I put this amongst his best because I think Marlene Dietrich is so good and the ending was so unexpected.


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