Spring Breakers
Spring Breakers
Your probable score
Spring Breakers

Spring Breakers

Comedy, Drama
1h 34m
Four college girls who land in jail after robbing a restaurant in order to fund their spring break vacation find themselves bailed out by a drug and arms dealer who wants them to do some dirty work. (imdb)

Spring Breakers

Comedy, Drama
1h 34m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 46.02% from 2776 total ratings

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Rated 27 Mar 2013
Harmony Korine is like the bizarro Terrence Malick. Dayglo hedonism and hallucinatory editing. It's Girls Gone Wild for the arthouse crowd.
Rated 22 Mar 2013
With Harmony Korine's Spring Breakers, cinema as you know it will be turned upside down by the innovative Pan Down to Titty technology. Any time you think a scene couldn't get more gratuitous or dull, Pan Down to Titty ensures that it remains gratuitous and dull - now synchronized with Skrillex drops and well-timed nudity. Pan Down to Titty is proud to be a partner with Slo-Mo Ass Clap and Bright Ass Lights © movie magic.
Rated 30 Jun 2013
Korine takes the concept 'partying' and warps it into a hypnotic, existentialist nightmare that will definitely lure me back into its sweaty, sexy, beer-and-blood-covered arms more than once.
Rated 16 May 2013
Look at my sheeyit! I got... I got SHORTS! Every fuckin' color. I got designer T-shirts! I got gold bullets. Motherfuckin' VAM-pires. I got Scarface. On repeat. SCARFACE ON REPEAT. Constant, y'all! I got Escape! Calvin Klein Escape! Mix it up with Calvin Klein Be. Smell nice? I SMELL NICE! That ain't a fuckin' bed; that's a fuckin' art piece. My fuckin' spaceship! U.S.S. Enterprise on this shit. I go to different planets on this motherfucker!
Rated 30 Jun 2013
Terrence Malick on bath salts. I'm speechless.
Rated 22 Nov 2019
Was it saying something about the commodification of urban black culture, watering it down and packaging it up with this cornball white dude (courtesy of Franco as a less colorful Riff Raff) so it can be sold to beachbound college girls for stupid amounts of money? Or do I just feel guilty because I got drunk at Floatopia once and accidentally enjoyed Macklemore? Either way this movie was really aesthetically pleasing.
Rated 30 Jun 2013
CRINGE. I have this suspicion that all these great reviews are from 20 yr olds or less. Everyone else sees it for what it is. Crap. This movie has 50 minutes of original footage. The rest is repetitive and annoying flash-forwards and flashbacks all the fucking time, the same boobies keep coming up. Changing it to black and white or neon colors doesn't make it different boobies. If you have an attention span of 30 seconds or less you might actually enjoy this. Otherwise, stay clear.
Rated 01 Apr 2013
Eccentric pop art cinema, full of fun and hilarity but with a surprising sense of pathos. An ironic and subversive satire about young America's materialistic dreams of being anything but midwestern mundane. It's ultimately something disturbing and melancholic, but all the same a total blast, largely edited into beautiful montage with blood-pumping soundtrack.
Rated 22 Mar 2013
A paean to youthful hedonism that revels in debauchery, criminality and excess while never losing sight of the bittersweet transience of adolescence. It might feel like it's never gonna end, but one way or another, it has to; all you can do is fight, fuck and party the best you can before it fades away. Franco is hilarious and endearing, the girls are badass despite their vulnerability, and the "Everytime" montage is the best pop music montage in decades. Spring break forever.
Rated 01 Oct 2019
What an odd film. Much of the action is seen through quite a lecherous eye. Wasn't sure I fully grasped whatever ideas or satire it had at its core, and the characters and their motivations weren't particularly well defined. That said, it looked great, with some fine use of colour in the photography and it held my attention. Franco was good value for money. I didn't care for the ending. A garish and often intriguing effort. Tempted to check out Korine's other films.
Rated 17 Apr 2014
The sexuality in this film is displayed in the form of garish neon and crude hedonism. It's all about the usual things such as disaffected youth and cultural nihilism. The topic itself tends to be overdone in film but Korine injects lots of odd surrealist qualities to it. It's almost hypnotic at times and Franco as a white trash gangster is an amusing representation of the sort of bitches and money thug culture idolized. Korine really gets the underbelly of America, especially Florida.
Rated 02 Nov 2013
Everytime montage. The longer this weird thing went on the more I liked it. TILL I LOVED IT
Rated 02 Jun 2013
Two hours of tits does not a movie make. Also, if you write a character that exists only as a black jester, and then have James Franco play the part, it does not make it funny, nor does it make it cease to be racist. I understand that this movie is supposed to be reproducing tropes for the sake of making them ridiculous. But the thing is, you've still reproduced the tropes. In the end, this movie is two hours of objectifying shots of women, and black people getting murdered by white people.
Rated 13 Apr 2013
This was absolutely amazing. Korine takes his usual style of direction and translates into a more mainstream context; the result is the most exhilarating film I've ever seen. Spring Breakers (which does include a plot, thanks Harmony!) hooked me in from the first frame. The film is so beautiful, I can still remember dozens of shots, embroidered with neon and accompanied by an equally incredible score. Acting can be a little weak, but it's not an issue. This is a film, man, engaging and gorgeous.
Rated 20 May 2021
This continues in the Badlands/Natural Born Killers tradition of commenting on American media and violence; this time using this generation and social media. Korine has strong views on race, violence, and sex--often illustrated at the expense of placing himself between the screen and the audience. Still, he gets great performances from Disney princesses, and uses an amazing Skrillex soundtrack. A good conversation starter, although the ending is uncomfortable in a post-Aurora/Newtown world.
Rated 07 May 2015
An innovative, visually stunning neo-noir, as impressive as Lewis' "Gun Crazy" or Ferrara's "King of New York." Not only its outrageous colors but also its musical structure--the use of repetition and variation to highlight the "melody" of its set pieces--give the film a hyper-real quality that is never far away from our darkest dreams. And Franco is superb as "Alien," in a performance that, though as mannered as "Jack Sparrow," unlike "Jack Sparrow" rings true and hits close to the bone.
Rated 27 Jul 2013
An hour and a half episode of some bad MTV show that relies on canned spring break footage to fill out what seemed to me to be a pointless film.
Rated 08 Apr 2013
A sexy, hypnotic, pulsating and utterly bizarre descent into the empty hedonism at the heart of our modern society. The electro-pop soundtrack, use of repetition, and neon color palette combine to emphasize the dreamlike (or, nightmarish) nature of the film.
Rated 01 Apr 2013
Werner Herzog once said something about how we as a civilization need new images. Korine tries to provide more than almost any contemporary filmmaker and this is what this is. This film is unapologetic yet sincere, savage yet weirdly nostalgic, poetic yet grotesque, satiric yet bracingly realistic and immediate. This is a film that I greatly admire but can totally empathize with others hating it. Whether you appreciate it or not, I strongly believe that films like this need to be made and seen.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
Feel free to ignore anyone who tells you otherwise: Spring Breakers is the first unequivocal sign of life from cinema in 2013. God, it feels good to watch a movie with a VOICE for the first time since... Zero Dark Thirty, I guess? The plot is nothing spectacular, nor are the characters aside from Alien, but the mix of its use of color and editing and its incredible soundtrack yields several scenes of pure, intoxicating cinematic poetry.
Rated 22 Mar 2013
I've gotten high at approximately 3-4 of the set-locations of this film. Florida-raised, bitches. In a 2010 Q and A, Harmony Korine said: "I knew a guy who got aids in Sarasota and then went back the next year, fucked the same dude, and the aids disappeared".
Rated 21 Mar 2013
It won't win the oscar for best script, but I loved Spring Breakers anyway for 4 different reasons: James Franco perfomance, the soundtrack&music editing, the great visual style it has (!), and last but not least: seeing the childstars in a different role. Korine uses flashbacks and repetitive sounds alot, which doesn't always work but overall it does. 2 of my favorite scene's in the movie: the first robbery with the circling car and Franco performing Everytime by Britney Spears.
Rated 24 Dec 2014
In which "spring break forever" is transformed from a wish to a threat to a DayGlo nightmare from which there is no escape.
Rated 08 Nov 2013
MAJOR points for the most random Jeff Jarrett appearance ever. That's J-E-double-F, J-A-double-R-E-double-T. I love the juxtaposition of Catholicism against drug use, and the unadulterated passion of the "stereotypical" party. I love how this movie looks and feels. It's beautifully shot and arranged. James Franco OWNS this movie. I can see why people could find some dialogue or segments annoying or weird, or dare I say, "bad". But to me, it's deliciously over-the-top and just plain amazing.
Rated 11 Jul 2013
Harmony Korine looks for his own ways of conveying feelings and vibes, and if an abnormal narrative style and disjointed editing are what it takes - so be it. Spring Breakers will probably shatter some viewers' expectations, but this viewer found it to be an edgy and erotic piece of art with a pretty awesome soundtrack.
Rated 22 Jun 2013
Worth seeing for a bravura performance from James Franco as a gold-toothed gangsta. Otherwise it amounts to watching four young girls prance around in bikinis and getting into trouble with the law - all intercut with slow-mo shots of spring break mayhem.
Rated 10 Jun 2013
Trashy art or artful trash? It's stylish, original and a fuck you to convention. Personally, I would have preferred a tighter film and that Korine had gone for gritty believability instead of satire.
Rated 15 Apr 2013
You know, if you've ever followed my reviews I am a massive Korine nuthugger, but this is his first movie that actually made me feel sad. I always love his movies, I love what he does, but the Britney Spears scene is fantastic and made me laugh and feel sad... Also, that James Franco monologue, man... so many great things about this. Gunshot scene changes, tits, funky colours, passion, humour, amazing cinematography and some social commentary to boot (I think). I need more characters.
Rated 29 Mar 2013
An exhilarating, ambient live wire of a movie that's unlike anything else you'll see all year. Stunningly beautiful and disorienting--as well as scathing and benign--in equal measure. It's about shallow, self-obsessed people in a shallow, self-obsessed society, and its fantastically baroque visual style matches its tone perfectly--definitely one to see, hear, and experience in a theater, as close to the screen as possible. It's awesome and dizzying. Drink it in.
Rated 23 Apr 2017
A hallucinatory dive into party culture and a descent into crime, reflecting the american ideal through its own twisted, ironic way. Perhaps a bit too loose with its emotional arc, especially towards the end, but the thick application of tone more than makes up for it. Also, Franco is amazing. LOOK AT MY SHEYIT!
Rated 26 Aug 2016
Imagine if Terrence Malick took a bunch of drugs and listened to old Britney tunes.
Rated 27 Dec 2015
What a good and fresh film, it is very bold in a lot of ways but the thing that really surprised me was the edition with his takes that go from present to the past and to the future adding to the eclectic story, also showed the fantasy of spring break very well. The story is very simple, but it flowed nicely and had me at all times, I really enjoyed it.
Rated 13 Apr 2015
I think the appeal of Harmony Korine's movies is that they appear to be made by a (pardon my French) retard-savant. He manages to pull it off stylishly here, and it is hard to not appreciate how thickly this movie is dripping with irony. A cheeky and bizarre romp, worth a look when you want to numb your brain.
Rated 26 Jul 2014
Spring Breakers is a stark satire of the American millennial which juxtaposes the narcissistic, indulgent party bubble that is Spring Break with the crushing (and often) brutal and uncomfortable reality that exists outside that bubble. It's a dark and disturbing satire that's not afraid to shock the viewer with gratuitous nudity that takes on an exploitative and voyeuristic bend via the camera. With that said, James Franco is great in the film. It's like a crazy fevered dream.
Rated 16 Jul 2014
Like Bling Ring, Spring Breakers is a hazy, impressionistic, morally ambiguous take on the nihilistic-youth-gone-wild theme, but unlike Coppola, Korine at least has the balls to take the picture where it needed to go, even if the end result is not completely satisfying. While it's appropriately dreamy, the prosaic subject matter seems tame for Korine who, like his mentor Herzog, is far more interesting when venturing out into the wilderness of human experience.
Rated 18 Apr 2014
Abominable. Having an atmospheric soundtrack, artistic cinematography and repeating lines of dialogue over and over don't equate a profound film. For that there needs to be some quality and this film is lacking it in all departments, aside from the visual style, I did enjoy the neon colours. Most notably the writing was terrible, as was the acting. The plot and character development are absent and the characters are annoying and uninteresting. It fails as social commentary and as film.
Rated 23 Feb 2014
Silly story with an atrocious script and bad acting. Visually interesting, but it's not enough to make up for it being uninteresting in every other way. Franco's pretty good considering the material he has to work with.
Rated 02 Feb 2014
There are moments of true discomfort and achingly wonderful satire. They are however few and far between and mostly what you watch is a hyper glossed music video with the shittiest of music and the most awful repeating voice over. Truly almost unwatchable at points. Korine is obsessed with showing us things we already know.
Rated 18 Jan 2014
Sometimes stupid, often brilliant and always hypnotic: I can't say I've seen anything like it. Haters I've noticed are either the very people the film depicts (who I guess saw this movie expecting a pure guilty pleasure) or people who desperately wish those other people never existed. I could listen to James Franco talk about his shit all day.
Rated 17 Nov 2013
spring breaaaaaak. "Terrence Malick on bath salts" nailed it.
Rated 18 Oct 2013
Spring Break looks fucking exhausting.
Rated 18 Sep 2013
Just you try and count the boobs.
Rated 15 Sep 2013
Harmony Korine paints this kind of surrealistic portraiture of something I'd otherwise treat shallowly. His scripts won't be smart, he'll never be flattering towards his characters, for they serve somewhat satyrico-allegorical purposes. Here, I love the emphasis on the "teen lifelustsexpower drive" as naiive college girls' means in their struggles to be un-ordinary, to make for themselves a life as in a movie or a videogame. Eros&thanatos in neon and cottoncandy, in Britney Spears and dubstep.
Rated 14 Sep 2013
One can see well enough what the filmmaker is aiming for: to concoct a fever dream as a way of exploring, but not quite condemning, the nihilism of contemporary youth, but the characters, narrative and dialogue are not sufficiently interesting to really draw the audience into the dream state. No doubt the notion of being “interesting” is somewhat antithetical to the intention here, but nevertheless something about it does not quite work.
Rated 18 Jul 2013
One of the most annoying movies ever made. The whole movie feels like a trailer (the voice overs for no reason (with bonus 'let's repeat this line one more time', again and again and again).
Rated 15 Jul 2013
at night here we can see way beyond the stars, we can see into the light. i never want it to end... *click*
Rated 15 Jul 2013
Inherently trashy, but, somehow, oddly intriguing with a style that is Malick if he were possessed by Lindsey Lohan. Franco deserves all the praise in one of the most entertaining, albeit over-the-top, performances of 2013. Korine never disappoints.
Rated 01 Jul 2013
A movie made for (or at least marketed towards) an audience that hates it, probably because it functions as a mirror for them. While that may not exactly be high praise, I will say that this movie has the greatest intelligence/awareness of youth culture since The Social Network. "Just fuckin pretend it's a video game.."
Rated 30 Jun 2013
Bold, honest, technically impressive, and completely entertaining. Korine's use of color creates a vibrant world of kinetic selfish hedonism. It's a strange decent into sin that somehow is able to not take itself too seriously. All the girls do a fabulous job, but it's Franco who shines. This is the best performance of his career. Harmony Korine makes movies that superficially appear simple, but really are biting indictments of our culture. Spring Breakers is no exception.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Freedom's just another word for everything left to steal. "We really found ourselves, it was a spiritual experience", means the world turns into a hedonistic video game where you'll never have to answer to anyone ever again. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Who knew Britney Spears was the voice of a generation all along? Just have James Franco shut up once in a while, OK?
Rated 04 Jun 2013
Spring break as a hedonistic hellscape. Spring break as true, unbridled freedom. Korine manages to make both equally valid in this, which balances a ton of different moods at once and never lets a single plate fall. From the strange exhilaration of the more upbeat scenes to the affectionate sadness that permeates the in-between, culminating with the Everytime scene, which straight-up smashes both halves together to create one of the best scenes in recent cinema history. Franco is hilarious.
Rated 11 May 2013
its like a dream
Rated 15 Apr 2013
A lot can be said but I'm going to focus on the duality of tone Korine creates - almost everything in the movie is at once bright, colorful, and indulgent in a fun hedonistic atmosphere - a break from reality, but also nightmarish and dark - the dreamy structure, the repetition of lines and sounds, the fantastic Britney Spears montage, it can make you laugh or cry. While you can dissect the themes, I find it more important that Korine throws you into this world in total earnest. Brilliant.
Rated 15 Apr 2013
A surreal portrait of American youth, candy-colored but steeped in darkness. As the title suggests, Korine contemplates both the magic and the horror of 'Spring Break' - of this strange, massive, sex-fueled, drug-crazed ritual that occurs once a year down in Florida - and, in the end, has plenty to say about its social implications. Even if you don't attempt to read into it, it's a wild, brilliantly photographed, ride.
Rated 02 Apr 2013
Spring Breakers is a filthy hyper-stimulating trash of a film with uncensored music videos spliced throughout it. The conflict between morality and immorality, and the resulting loss of teen innocence is a theme that you think would present itself quite naturally in a film about four girls making a trip to Florida for Spring Break. However, none of the plot devices function in a fluid fashion and everything about them and their enactors seems forced including a hackneyed use of foreshadowing.
Rated 26 Mar 2013
It starts as a over-the-top party movie and then has a wicked swerve to bring in some violence; it ends up being a great satire of what our society has created as a "dream" that young girls feel they have to experience. The color palette is great, and the soundtrack is perfect for the film. It was good - but then when the scene with Britney Spears' "Everytime" came on I realized I was watching something special.
Rated 19 Feb 2013
Appearently it made me feel like I'm a moron who doesn't understand a good piece of art, just because I couldn't stand to see a 94 minutes long MTV video which shows many many boobies, drugs, naked girls, boozes and guns over and over again. What Korine does here is to show us the lost generation turned into, that's for sure. What he doesn't realize is that he also turns his very own movie to an emotionless and meaningless piece of garbage. Sorry I'm not buying it. If this is art, not for me.
Rated 16 May 2022
GTA: The Movie. The music, the colors, the attitudes, the cars, the boobies, the violence. It's like a Barbie Scarface with neon colors and girls who only wear a bikini most of the time. It's a very aesthetical movie, built on mood, on how when you are young that moment of madness might make the most sense but then later on you realize that we're not stuck in time, but we always need to move on, and that's when the consequences follow. It's an acquired taste, but I liked it.
Rated 14 Jan 2021
Bikinis and big booties, y'all.
Rated 20 Nov 2019
Not only the worst Harmony Korine movie I've seen but one of the worst movies I've ever seen, period. The soundtrack sucks and so does James Franco's performance. How this became Harmony's commercial breakthrough success is way beyond me, but I guess it does feel like he's selling out as hard as he can through this entire stinkpile, which is also grossly racist when you get right down to it. What a douchefest.
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Very atmospheric. Seems like a long music video though. Franco was very good; everyone else not so much. I enjoyed the phone calls to mom/grandmom. Fav scene: Franco talking about all his stuff.
Rated 31 Aug 2018
A well made film that is clearly not going to be for everyone. It has violence, nudity and is by no means a happy movie, concentrating on degradation and seediness of the whole spring break phenomena. The use of vibrant and bright colours contrasting with the dark and dank of night is very well done. The main characters are basically acted out fine, especially Franco in his over the top and wacky role.
Rated 06 Mar 2017
Simpsons did it.
Rated 17 Mar 2016
This is not a film, this is an experience.
Rated 05 Jul 2015
After a rewatch, Spring Breakers has me more polarized than I first was. I more fully appreciate the aesthetic qualities Korine brings to the film, but its message and thematics seem more muddled than I originally thought, making the end product feel unfocused even with its short length. There are some good performances to be had as well, but because of the simple delivery of what seem to be complex ideas the film as a whole feels flat and underdeveloped.
Rated 15 May 2015
Shite. The only watchable bit is Franco going over the top with the "look at my shit" scene
Rated 02 May 2015
Rated 07 Jan 2015
A wonderful subversion of hundreds of "teenage girls in trouble" picture, criticizing some aspects of the packaging of SPRING BREAK! in our culture while at the same time suggesting the kids may have a better handle on it than we realize.
Rated 08 Sep 2014
This title is misleading. A lot of spring break excess, but is a story is about a party lifestyle and the seduction of violent crime. Two beautiful young girls think they are invincible and drag two friends along for a wild ride. Ashley Benson and Vanessa Hudgens were very hot and Selena Gomez was cute. James Franco was scary good. Repetition was annoying. The characters are gritty, selfish, dark and outlandish. The plot is full of surprises. Always engaging but not particularly convincing.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
The first third of this movie is like an outrageous spring break party fantasy. The script is bad and over the top. The actors try their best but the material is ludicrous. The final of the film is over the top and unbelievable. Clearly you should avoid watching this movie.
Rated 21 Jun 2014
I get it, but I do not like it.
Rated 27 May 2014
One of the worst movies ever. Even Harmony Korine doesn't know what this movie's genre is. A drama, teen movie, comedy, crime? None. Just full of bullshit. Shows extreme things like so easy and doable. Far away from the real world. Sorry but this movie doesn't deserve a point.
Rated 17 May 2014
Ambitious trash-art halfway to succes. I guess your reactions to this movie is like eating marmite the first time. You'll hate it or love it or some feelings between them, any opinion is reasonable in this case.
Rated 12 Mar 2014
After having seen this I wonder if it even is a real movie. Seems more like a music video that got out of hand.
Rated 21 Feb 2014
I don't know what to do with this movie, but I will give it this...felt kind of slight, but I was never, not for a second, bored. At times I was confused, often disgusted...the cut party scenes (presumably unstaged) were absolutely terrifying. These are most likely real people and that this is actually their idea of a good time. Looks more like hell to me. And then there is Franco. Glorious, weird Franco. "SLook at my sheeet. Shorts! I got 'em. Every color..." I really hope he was ad-libbing.
Rated 15 Feb 2014
Spring Breakers is possibly the most overrated film of 2013. It seems to have completely divided opinion and personally I thought it was a horrible experience. James Franco arguably gives his strongest and most dynamic performance to date. The four girls however are truly awful. And other than some attractive cinematography the wrest of the film can only be described as ugly. The constant sex, drugs and exploitation of excessive partying appallingly amounts to absolutely nothing.
Rated 07 Jan 2014
More positives and interesting elements than the negatives. A seemingly empty movie that's a spectacle but manages to create memorable moments.
Rated 15 Dec 2013
better than I expected and the ending voiceovers are fucking hilarious, but it's a bit tedious to sit through and while that's intentional it doesn't mean I have to like it. I feel like the film is criticizing and satirizing from a place of sympathetic understanding and I'd much rather it was criticizing from a place of vicious hate.
Rated 28 Nov 2013
Horrible. Utter shit. Skip if you care about quality.
Rated 27 Nov 2013
hypnotizing... there are pacing issues from time to time but it's clearly one of the most original movies of the year.
Rated 25 Nov 2013
Oh, for the love of Britney.
Rated 23 Nov 2013
Vomit worthy
Rated 10 Nov 2013
The wild, hazy editing and pure ridiculousness of Spring Breakers really makes it feel like the Showgirls of the oughts. And I mean that as a high compliment. Aesthetically it apes more than creates, but that may be satirical. James Franco may not win any awards for this. He deserves 'em, but I think he had enough fun that it doesn't matter.
Rated 27 Oct 2013
Harmony Korine's best film by far. Impressionistic, hallucinogenic, and brave. Will confuse and disappoint the hell out of anyone picking this up hoping for some standard teen spring break flick.
Rated 03 Oct 2013
I really love what Korine did here. It was engaging on every level, and I liked how the echos of dialogue acted more like a distorted memory than of literal repeats of things that had happened. And how we kepy flashing forward, seeing glimpses of the doom that was impending, like when you tell someone a story and you keep jumping forward in your mind, but then you go back because your audience hasn't caught up yet.
Rated 07 Sep 2013
After watching this all the way through, I have come to the conclusion that this film is shit.
Rated 05 Sep 2013
So so bad.
Rated 02 Sep 2013
- Bad
Rated 30 Aug 2013
The ending was extremely weak.
Rated 03 Aug 2013
Being overrated by many people but it's still better than I expected. I like the satirical elements, and was happy that they let the more capable actors get the most screen time even if they weren't the biggest names. Unfortunately, there are many repetitive moments or weird storytelling decisions like bizarre flash forwards. Also I just hated Franco in this.
Rated 03 Aug 2013
I really wanted to hate this, but it's stylish as all hell and very engaging despite its repetitiveness. It also features the best use of a Britney Spears song.
Rated 30 Jul 2013
Not sure what to think. Loads of booze, babes, partying, etc... Not sure what else. Exploitation at its finest.
Rated 26 Jul 2013
Wholly unimpressed. I get the whole pomo response is "that's the point maaannnn." Get over yourselves, hipster idiots.The movie was boring, lame and franco, while I admire his charming persona in real life and other movies, was just silly in this.There was hardly a point in the movie when I didn't think: man james franco is really out of place here, and its clear he realizes it as well. Cute, but not effective or compelling film making imho.Watch it in ten years and see if it holds up. Doubtful.
Rated 24 Jul 2013
The Bling Ring's bad cousin.
Rated 22 Jul 2013
A very rushed but stylish story about confused teenagers spiraling into a crimespree. Best James Franco performance so far though.
Rated 13 Jul 2013
had style, but too much bad acting and bullshit
Rated 09 Jul 2013
I've got "Everytime" playing on loop because it's now officially an anthem of a kind of bizarre, exuberant, youthful elation that I now feel I'm just barely on the cusp of understanding for the last time before I turn into a square. What better metaphor for seduction and sin, what greater modern impression of Gomorrah is there than a hyper-charged, fantastical expression of this weird American dream we call Spring Break? It gets youth on the nose: doing the wrong thing is the right thing.
Rated 09 Jul 2013
Rated 07 Jul 2013
disgusting and brainless.
Rated 01 Jul 2013
I will not look at your shit, Alien. (Not in boxes, not with foxes.)


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