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Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 14m
NSA employee Edward Snowden leaks thousands of classified documents to the press. (imdb)


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 14m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 48.59% from 1166 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 16 Nov 2016
I can't stop doing JGL's Snowden voice, I don't even know how to talk anymore. Movie ends with a standing ovation. It is impossible to make any "hacker" / computer material interesting enough to carry an entire movie, They dazzle us with Shailene Wouldley.
Rated 14 Aug 2018
Better than I expected. Main flaw is that they didn't make his conversion from uber-patriot to defector very believable.
Rated 18 Jan 2017
This was Oliver Stone's attempt to sell the Snowden story to Middle America, and after 5 minutes it becomes painfully obvious his producers are very aware of the $40 million budget. Anything and everything that could possibly entertain the lowest common denominator is employed. It's condescending, it's corny, it's simplistic, and it does a disservice to the courageous thing Snowden did. Watch Snowden's interviews, watch CitizenFour, read about him elsewhere. This movie is unnecessary.
Rated 12 Sep 2016
[TIFF EXPERIENCE] Not even seeing the world premiere can overshadow Stone's trademark corniness that rots at the centre of this milquetoast, self-congratulatory, and simplistic biopic. I expect my score to decrease (although anyone who follows me would expect that in any event).
Rated 23 Jan 2021
Not bad. I would have enjoyed it more if I had not seen the documentary Citizenfour, which I preferred. Obviously given he is a whistleblower, some of the characters had to be made up. Since many people think Snowden is a traitor and/or lying, having fictional events in the true story might not be the best idea. Considering this, I don't think this is an effective vehicle to make people sympathetic to Snowden that aren't already. But it was entertaining + Gordon Levitt actually nails the voice.
Rated 20 Apr 2019
Seeing the real Snowden at the end it looks like Gordon-Levitt portrayed him pretty good - great performance. "Scary" story that made me think. Always enjoy when real footage is being incorporated. *Good
Rated 25 Oct 2018
good movie
Rated 29 Oct 2017
JGL nails Snowden. Maybe a bit soon for a biopic as this topic has been thoroughly covered in docs, but a decent movie none the less
Rated 12 Mar 2017
Apparently, this is biased toward Snowden's side of the story, but I guess we'll need to wait for the official government sanctioned version to get the full story... Gordon-Levitt was fantastic in the titular role.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Having the subject of the film being such a remarkable story and lightning rod for charged opinions does not absolve Oliver Stone from needing to present the material in a compelling way. Unfortunately he seems to disagree, as no real tension ever seems to mount during the proceedings, outside of relationship problems.
Rated 02 Jan 2017
Biased and a bit overly friendly to Snowden, but a terrific performance by JGL.
Rated 06 Dec 2016
The best thing here is actually the dramatization section of Poitras' documentary. Because we all know this from that (better) movie, the NSA's bulk data program that never had the mission to supress terrorism, but actually mantain US supremacy by hacking China, Russia, Brazil and keeping control of disturbed nations -- across Latin America and Mid East. So Stone adds the novelty of showing Ed's private life as a devoted but flawed LOVER? That's bullshit. And shot like a lazy TV cinebio.
Rated 21 Sep 2016
Biased but bold, Snowden features an Oscar-worthy performance from Joseph Gordon-Levitt and provides further proof that Stone hasn't lost his touch.
Rated 17 Sep 2016
Challenging. Stone started out his career by making Horror films, and he never quite stopped. His best work was never Suspenseful as much as it was horrifying in its implications. All of the suspense that Snowden needs is in its accusations: terrorism fears are stoked as a front for national control. The sphere of influence must never shrink. If you're not spending your every waking moment protecting your autonomy, then someone out there is taking it from you. Power is a zero sum game.
Rated 01 Dec 2022
This movie stressed me the hell out. But also good for him.
Rated 31 May 2021
As much as this movie tried to convince me that Snowden did the right thing, I wasn't completely convinced. But it spurred some interesting conversations with friends.
Rated 01 Feb 2021
Though many know the story of Edward Snowden, seeing it is an entirely different experience. Oliver Stone masterfully crafts a compelling and intense account of Snowden's life and revelations.
Rated 05 Aug 2020
Nice to watch and sad to know in what state of things we are living in.
Rated 26 May 2020
Enjoyable enough, but never felt super compelling as a movie. It rested on how interesting the subject is, but that just made me want to pursue the documentary for more information. Lots of good performances, though, in addiction to JGL, I particularly enjoyed Rhys Ifans and Zachary Quinto.
Rated 25 Oct 2019
its a fascinating story that is told somewhat straight-forward and comes out a bit bland.
Rated 23 Jun 2018
The cast do a good job in this movie. However the script has to many boring scenes. There are some interesting moments but they are outweighed by the slow scenes. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 07 Apr 2018
Very good.
Rated 11 Mar 2018
"Yo dawg, I heard you like behind the scenes footage. So I put scenes behind the scenes so you can watch the scenes behind the scenes" [Xzibit, Executive Producer]
Rated 11 Dec 2017
the movie has a lot to watch as it has both interesting and up-to-date topics, as well as acting performances.
Rated 03 Nov 2017
"Snowden" occupies a sadly degrading confluence of things that I don't like. I don't like annoying voices in movies. Not sure how accurate it is, but JGL's Snowden voice is obnoxious. I'm not a fan of Biopics. I am not a fan of Shailene Woodley and her punchable face, right down to her name. The best part is Lindsay Mills is about six times hotter in real life. Finally, I'm not a fan of sob stories for people who think their privacy is so important. People are watching, get over it, dude.
Rated 23 Oct 2017
Lowering score because I completely forgot I even watched this and can't remember anything about it
Rated 06 Aug 2017
Gordon-Levitt's restrained performance and a commitment to accuracy make this a passable biopic.
Rated 24 Jul 2017
Entertainment: 4.5/4. Spirituality: 1/3. Sustainability: 1.5/3. The DVD has excellent bonus features.
Rated 13 Jul 2017
While assuredly containing intriguing subject matter and fairly captivating character, and a very good performance by JGL, the film simply does not capture a genuine sense of danger or tension. There are a few moments, but they seem almost cartoony compared to the real world implications of what's going on here. It's biased but I will give credit to Stone for not going looney tunes on us.
Rated 27 Jun 2017
It's a good film, but not a great one. It's shot well, and there are good performances all around. Especially from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who does an excellent job at portraying the titular real life person. I thought I was seeing the real guy a few times. However, it was a little bit bland at times, and easily too long. I'd probably just recommend watching Citizenfour (2014) instead - the real thing is more electric.
Rated 20 Apr 2017
As usual Stone is pretty biased in his storytelling. The story is interesting of course, but never gets real intense. Gordon-Levitt delivers a really good performance! *Good
Rated 05 Feb 2017
Citizenfour was great documentary, this is a decent fiction and last scene was pretty much like a joke. Gordon-Levitt is pretty cool as a Snowden though.
Rated 14 Jan 2017
half of citizenfour
Rated 04 Jan 2017
The director tamps down his wild side to wave the flag for whistleblowing. Nothing wrong with that in theory. In practice, it sucks the life out of a movie that actually tells us less than the Poitras doc did. Stone strands us in biopic territory, which is no place for his rabid gifts as a filmmaker.
Rated 30 Dec 2016
"He did it. The kid did it!" Nicolas Cage says to no one in particular as he watches the news. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE OLIVER STONE
Rated 29 Dec 2016
Amazing job doing a great documentary movie on this man. The movie made me want to research his life a lot further and made me appreciate what he did. And yeah, his real life girlfriend is also hot :P
Rated 29 Dec 2016
This is a story that needed to be told, but really you'd be better off just watching Laura Poitras's Citizenfour - the documentary about Snowden - because any tension or drama surrounding the actual events is negated by Stone's weak script and bland presentation. A well-intentioned bore.
Rated 21 Dec 2016
"I always lie, even when I tell the truth."
Rated 20 Dec 2016
Rated 20 Dec 2016
All the President's Men (1976) of our generation, except this time it's crazy America in general that's the bad guys and the victims the entire world, not a just crazy president and the democratic process of one country. Therefore the importance of Snowden (2016) won't be as celebrated. That, and the lack of thriller moments, and too much focus on the happy private life of someone in love instead of the greater importance of this arrogance.
Rated 17 Dec 2016
Whilst biopics are not always my cup of tea, it is hard not to have some kind of reaction to this film. It is paranoia fuel, whilst still feeling grounded in the reality of the story.
Rated 17 Dec 2016
It has nothing on excellent documentary Citizenfour, but I am all for as much exposure and recognition for Snowden as possible. I am not sure how much dramatic liberty Stone took telling biographic details of Snowden's life, but I hope not too much. I have huge respect for the guy.
Rated 12 Dec 2016
Way too much stuff about Snowden's private life, which is neither important nor interesting and probably made up anyway.
Rated 09 Dec 2016
Gordon-Levitt's accomplished performance provides a solid anchor for a fairly dry account of the Snowden saga; Stone's controlled direction is an asset, even if the more outlandish Stone of the 90s is missed here, and may have made for a more galvanising experience. Still engrossing (and quite shocking) as is; terrific supporting cast helps a lot, with Woodley enlivening the 'girlfriend' role, and an unrecognisable Ifans brilliant as an early mentor.
Rated 08 Dec 2016
If you have watched the documentary depicted in the film not much şs new, but it is a good movie at showing us the character and the background. Not the most amazing film but it is a decent watch
Rated 06 Dec 2016
As interesting an autobiography can get....Joseph Gordon Levitt shows he's best in the business
Rated 28 Nov 2016
This story probably works better as a documentary and not drama. Yawned myself to sleep in the middle.
Rated 27 Nov 2016
stone'un yıllar sonra en iyi filmlerinden birisi. anlatım kurgusu güzel kurulmuş, yer yer anlatım teknikleriyle hikayenin etkisi güçlendirilmiş ve filmin ne tarafta olduğu net olsa da ilkesel olarak karşı tarafta duran insanların argümanı da inandırıcı biçimde verilmiş. belli yavaş çekim efektleriyle beraber yer yer kendini gösteren aşırı dramatizasyonu göz ardı edebilirsek, ve filmin istese de daha derine gidemeyeceği kabulüyle de beraber, çok değerli bir film.
Rated 17 Nov 2016
Not sure this movie can be separated from the history around it. It's a passable thriller.
Rated 16 Nov 2016
Although Stone has lost some of his aesthetic edge, the political one is still intact, even if the celebratory ending is inadequate to the material and the threat of future fascism it exposes. But it's a clearer and more entertaining primer to modern warfare than Citizenfour.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
Rated 25 Oct 2016
An unfortunate mixed bag here. I enjoyed JGL's performance more than the film itself. The story is fascinating as it is, but the film, whilst well made, feels like it's way too long and doesn't exactly engage you enough. You want to feel emotionally connected but it's just misses the mark on this. You want to know more about "why" not just the "what" and the "how".
Rated 13 Oct 2016
Very pleasant surprise as beforehand I felt that that the story is too fresh and possibly not cinematic enough. Stone has also been on a downward spiral for a while, but luckily this was his best in possibly a couple of decades. Levitt nailed the character and mannerisms, and they did a good job at simplifying the story without turning it into a complete fabrication. Some elements like the epilepsy could have been left out and the ending with footage of real Snowden felt rushed and unnecessary.
Rated 12 Oct 2016
And the Oscar for longest film of 2016 goes to... Jokes aside, this was good and if you trim 30 minutes of romance subplot and duplicate endings off it it might even be great. Anything that can put Nic Cage on the non-direct-to-video big screen is fine by me.
Rated 12 Oct 2016
Are there true heroes and villains here? Or are there merely shades of grey on both sides? Oliver Stone insists Edward Snowden's complicated, conscience-driven story is black and white, a clear cut case of David versus Goliath. I suspect the reality is murkier than the idealized portrait that Oliver Stone has given us in Snowden. (
Rated 04 Oct 2016
Benchmark performance from Gordon-Levitt, but there's some serious cutting room floor syndrome happening here. Probably thirty percent of this film doesn't need to be there, and there only real conflict comes from Snowden's straining romance and, more potently but less clearly, the internal compiling of injustices weighing him down. Like I say, benchmark performance, because if this didn't have Gordon-Levitt crushing the hell out of this tough material, this would be a pretty stagnate film.
Rated 28 Sep 2016
Give Oliver Stone a break. He is over 70 years, can entertain you for over 2 hrs and still makes movies that tell something about the world other than "look, my old stuff is awesome". While Snowden is not a masterpiece that - as usual with Stone - freaks me out with his weird editing decisions it is still a movie that gives us an interesting, not to say: important look at this usually so abstract subject. Gordon-Levitts performance and Woodleys not totally-stupid character help doing so.
Rated 28 Sep 2016
Weak sauce. Oliver Stone tries hard to create suspense in a movie that's dead in the water from the get-go. The result is a string of stupid scenes. Snowden arriving at work on his first day being terrified of security cameras and an Oh-no-I-dropped-my-espionage-files-on-the-floor-right-in-front-of-my-boss-scene. Just to name a few.
Rated 20 Sep 2016
If this is fundamentally superfluous given the existence of CitizenFour, it's surprising how good it still manages to be. Stone's direction, though not up to his best work, still makes for good cinema, and Anthony Dod Mantle's cinematography is consistently superb. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt provides a strong performance, bringing to life not only Snowden's droning voice but the subtle shift in his character. The appearance of the real man at the end gives it an unfortunate air of propaganda.
Rated 19 Sep 2016
I wonder how many government watch lists I'll wind up on for giving a positive review of Snowden on the internet? I'll set the over/under at 2.5. Anyways, I think JGL is kind of a genius so it's no shock that I loved his portrayal of Snowden. And while there are some elements of the story that are clearly melodramatized, it still does an effective job of telling it, and it's an intriguing and supremely relevant story on its own. Snowden is absolutely worth checking out this weekend, so do it!
Rated 17 Sep 2016
Back-to-back weekends with back-to-back movies about heroes. Although Sully's heroism is almost universally acknowledged, in Snowden's case, the jury is still out. And for Oliver Stone, this, with Savages, is a back-to-back winner after a very long dry spell. If there was an award for casting, this would get my vote. Even Clint Eastwood's son, Scott, who through bad casting, bad direction, inexperience or raw lack of talent had failed to produce a worthy performance till now, IMHO, scratches a c
Rated 16 Sep 2016
I feel like I'm going to be in the minority here, but I really kind of loved Snowden - although at this point I'm starting to feel like Oliver Stone movies are just a guilty pleasure of mine. In all seriousness, though, the story is naturally compelling because Snowden is an interesting (if not exactly likable) person, and the casting is brilliant across the board. Special shout-outs to Shailene Woodley and Nicolas Cage in memorable supporting roles.
Rated 16 Sep 2016
Snowden pales in comparison to Citizenfour. Instead of being informative, thrilling, or emotionally and intellectually engaging, it comes across as a flat book report. It'd be cheaper, faster, and revealing to just do a quick search on your own on the internet. Snowden has no reason to exist, and while there's nothing technically wrong with it, there's also little to keep you watching.


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