Sin Nombre
Sin Nombre
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Sin Nombre

Sin Nombre

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 36m
Honduran teenager Sayra (Gaitan) reunites with her father, an opportunity for her to potentially realize her dream of a life in the U.S. Moving to Mexico is the first step in a feateful journey of unexpected events. (imdb)

Sin Nombre

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 36m
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Avg Percentile 64.04% from 765 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 26 Dec 2009
A harrowing look at the harsh realities of gang-related violence and illegal immigration. The story is perfectly paced and wonderfully crafted. It is mostly devastating but it also imparts a message of hope without melodrama or sensationalism. It is nothing short of outstanding.
Rated 10 Mar 2010
Hope accompanies despair; redemption accompanies corruption of innocence. The harsh realities of gang violence and illegal immigrant life are hurled at us a mile-a-minute, but the actors are fully convincing; Willy in particular expresses his silent grief with intensity. Sayra in contrast was a somewhat weakly motivated character, though we feel her burden by the time it's over. A beautifully shot film; it will stay with you.
Rated 19 Jan 2010
Raw portrayal of a (to me) very alien culture. The first half, introducing the gangs, was just okay, with a convincing turn from the guy playing El Casper. When he meets Sayra, however, the movie gets really good; they're both effortlessly naturalistic and believable. A sad - and by the end involving - tale of the destinies for suffering characters whose lives are constantly threatened, left up to chance, unless they can manage get away.
Rated 23 Apr 2009
Succeeds on two accounts, as a crime/chase film, and as a snapshot of immigration.
Rated 11 Mar 2012
Like City of God, but 1000x more depressing
Rated 01 Dec 2011
A lot of issues are being addressed here, and it's to the filmmakers credit that it still rolls along at a nice pace. The conclusion wasn't very surprising but the film as a whole is a gripping drama about heartbreaking subjects.
Rated 10 Apr 2011
Even if it bears a strong similarity to City of God, and its story provides few surprises, Sin Nombre is a film which succeeds on its simplicity, directness, and raw emotion. The demographics of the cast show this story is set in a world of life-or-death battles in which survival is reserved only for a lucky few. The need for constant motion drives the story forward effectively, and the cinematography is a nice bonus. Don't we all want to believe for a moment that we're not beyond salvation?
Rated 17 May 2010
Sin Nombre is a story about the hard fight for survival in mexico. Fukunaga avoids the cliches i expected, and made an awesome movie with some really beautiful shots (especially those on the sea) and deserves the compliments he got on the sundance festival.
Rated 03 Jul 2009
Beautifully filmed, but when a work aspires to work as a snapshot of immigrant life and an expose of the illicit activities of the Mexican underground, redeem one character, chart the destruction of another's innocence, and basically throw tragedy upon tragedy on yet another, I feel safe in saying that there's just too much crammed into a scant hour-and-a-half running time.
Rated 12 May 2009
Excellent. Good use of language, scenery. The plot doesn't drag. Emotionally binding as well.
Rated 26 Aug 2022
Raw portrayal of a caravan of immigrants, intermixing two major storylines. There were a few moments that felt not quite believable, but overall it showed a powerful (and beautiful-looking) story.
Rated 07 Sep 2021
This isn't really the most strikingly original story, but Cary Fukunaga crafts a really remarkable film out of it. He spent time riding these trains with people trying to cross into the United States, and he fills the film with incredible details shot in really glorious looking 35 mm, making it just as much about the journey and what it represents to people as it is about it's fairly formulaic plot.
Rated 10 Mar 2019
As usual The Wire has ruined me for any kind of depiction of gangs, and especially their hierarchies. Which would be fine, if the goofy plot didn't rely on a high-level gang-member doing something unconscionably stupid and far below his rank simply to move itself forward. Seems nitpicky, but it's indicative of a larger pattern within the plot, and by the clumsy, absurd denouement I was fully checked out. Which is a shame, because it started out well, and it looks gorgeous.
Rated 29 Aug 2018
Sin Nombre captures authentic gang life behind a well crafted story of migration that we have become all too acquainted with.
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Bra film med en rak och enkel historia. Skådespeleriet övertygar, fotot är delvis oerhört vackert och känslostämningen uppgiven, närmast nattsvart. Varför får den då inte en femma? Antagligen beror det på mig snarare än filmen, men jag betraktar den snarare än lever mig in i den. Här finns kärlek, men den antyds bara. Hatet, våldet och maktutövningen redovisas däremot in i detalj. Mörkret blir lite för kompakt. Jag menar inte att jag till exempel önskat mig ett lyckligt slut
Rated 09 May 2016
El Norte - das ist die Losung vieler Südamerikaner, die sich aufmachen nach Norden, in die USA. Sin Nombre, was soviel heisst wie "ohne Namen", hat eine verheerende Wirkung auf mich! Das ist die Geschichte einiger, die ihr Glück riskieren, auf dem Zug in die Vereinigten Staaten. Höchstes Risiko, Gewalt, eine Romanze, vor allem aber das Leid, die Heimat zurückzulassen - all das führt uns Sin Nombre vor Augen(...)
Rated 20 Feb 2016
Immersive and well-acted but a little too hollywood in how it handles tragedy.
Rated 19 Nov 2015
Very good for a debut. And look where Fukunaga is going now, to become one of the greats of his generation. And this is where it all started.
Rated 25 Oct 2014
Strong and well acted, fast paced yet without neglecting the emotional part. Too bad I had the feeling this film is rather superficial and doesn't dig too deep.
Rated 17 Sep 2013
Rated 29 Mar 2013
A harrowing look into the perils of illegal immigrants.
Rated 27 May 2012
cete, gangster, latin amerika, göc, göcmen, tren, kacak yolcu, meksika-amerika siniri,
Rated 16 Apr 2012
The acting in this is unbelievably good. The premise and story are incredibly engaging and devastating. It's shot beautifully, as well. All and all, this is one of the best movies I've ever seen and it's a shame that it hasn't gotten more recognition.
Rated 20 Jan 2012
I really liked this film. I thought the direction and writing were slick and the actors were great. One or two things seemed a bit unbelievable, but mostly it was an engaging, raw, well-told story that I can totally recommend.
Rated 09 Sep 2011
The third act drops in quality, but otherwise this is a nice debut, with some wonderfully agreeable direction. The short running time and naturalistic acting are also pluses.
Rated 08 Jul 2011
Dramatic story. Well paced; nothing dragged on and nothing felt rushed either. A very effective build up and climax. A sense of loss is constant throughout the movie and culminates at the very end. Good cinematography.
Rated 19 Nov 2010
"From beginning to end, the director understands that life for most immigrants is an expansive turf war." - Ed Gonzalez
Rated 12 Aug 2010
Interesting take on a serious subject.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
Depressing, but not without a sense of hope. The plight of the illegal immigrant is bound to be despairing, but Fukunaga also folds his tale of aspiring border-hoppers into what is essentially a chase film, as a young MS-13 member runs from his former gang, who are out to kill him. Even at only 90 minutes, the film doesn't feel rushed, and takes its time with its two main characters, Sayra and Willy, and even though the film's conclusion feels inevitable, it's never any less powerful for it.
Rated 16 Dec 2009
muchacho mata a niño, niña cumple chico, chico rescata a chica, la chica .....
Rated 16 May 2009
A gripping tale of the wretched circumstances that drive people from Central America into the "land of opportunity" in hopes of a better life despite the dangers and sacrifices that accompany such a harrowing journey. An excellent debut from writer/director Fukunaga.


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