Silver Linings Playbook
Silver Linings Playbook
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Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook

Romance, Comedy
2h 2m
Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Julia Stiles and Jennifer Lawrence star in this acerbic comedy-drama from David O. Russell (Three Kings, The Fighter), about a former high-school teacher who returns to his family home after four years in a mental institution and begins to slowly rebuild his life. (

Silver Linings Playbook

Romance, Comedy
2h 2m
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Avg Percentile 56.14% from 7227 total ratings

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Rated 22 Nov 2012
Unlike everyone else on the planet I disliked this movie. I thought the writing was pretty lazy, featuring numerous moments of ridiculous dialogue ("Hey [guy I just met] I heard you just got out of the looney bin!"), some absurd character motivations, and an ending that is wrapped up in an eyerollingly perfect way. I actually thought the actors did well with what they were given, but the script took what could have been an interesting movie and made it as safe and by the numbers as possible.
Rated 25 Feb 2013
Holy tonal inconsistency Batman! Reminded me of A Beautiful Mind in what little insight it offers into the psychological condition when living with a serious disease, as Russell's shallow script subjects his characters' distress to banal examination. A bit of a shame because the cast shares some fantastic chemistry together. Overrated as fuck, redeemed by some solid acting.
Rated 14 Apr 2013
Samuel L. Jackson made a comment in an interview once that some movies are acting exercises with ensemble casts showing off their acting chops without any sort of real substance in terms of plot or writing. It's like a rap battle where one MC spouts some witty cypher and the other responds with a comeback. Lawrence and Cooper are the two MCs battling to out act each other and the DJ spinning is David O. Russell. Every scene feels artificial and empty in the end.
Rated 03 Feb 2013
A cynical piece of work. "Mental illnesses" are used as a wacky backdrop for the most cliched and calculated movie of the year. Everything is agonazingly predictable, except for the nauseating, out-of-place camerawork. Who'd have thought that all women are sluts in a movie by a director who calls his actresses "fucking cunts"?
Rated 19 Jan 2013
Russell puts an original and darker spin on the romantic comedy, painting a picture of middle America where everyone who isn't insane just isn't diagnosed yet. The acting (especially by Cooper - and De Niro is back in top form!) and the quirky chemistry between Cooper and Lawrence makes it pleasant company throughout, though it wraps up unsatisfyingly generic.
Rated 19 Jan 2013
Obnoxious, one-dimensional characters. Predictable, boring plot. iPods.
Rated 06 Jan 2013
The idea that "we're all a little crazy sometimes" is not only sophomoric but invites a false equivalency when dealing w/ mental illness. If the kind of idiotic males who get in2 a violent headspace at sports events & who SHOULD b barred from attending the games r not so different, then isn't that an argument FOR institutionalization? It's also highly irresponsible that the only time we c some1 taking necessary medication is in a downbeat moment of "failure" scored by the saddest music possible.
Rated 10 Feb 2013
One of my all-time favorite movies, and one of my favorites from the 2010s. Cooper and Lawrence are both at their finest here, in my opinion. I also really liked Weaver and De Niro of course. This movie is really well-written and I found the characters to be very relateble in some ways. Probs to David O. Russell. The overall feel of this movie is just really good. The leads definitely steal the show and so does the screenplay. I highly recommend this one.
Rated 26 Dec 2012
Simply put, a very well made romantic comedy that charms despite sticking to conventions, mostly thanks to great writing and superb acting. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence win the audience over by conclusion and DeNiro gives his best performance in over 20 years.
Rated 06 Oct 2022
I like seeing David O. Russell do a throwback to what he does best: something that feels like a 1990's era indie with screwball characters. It isn't the deepest movie, but unlike most romantic comedies I like that the characters have discussions about things other than how sad they are that they are single. And Jennifer Lawrence's character is right: Lord of the Flies is a bad book to teach kids. It holds up & has great things to say about mental health, even if the ending is slow. Recommended.
Rated 02 Dec 2013
The most believable thing in the entire movie was Eagles fans beating up an Indian guy.
Rated 24 Jun 2013
Formula schmaltz that must be understood as a fantasy fable, possibly as the fantasy of someone not quite thinking straight, if it is not to be thought of as irksome. Even so, the protagonist comes across more as a Hollywood concoction of quirky traits, spouter of "unfiltered truths", than as a human being that would ever be encountered on planet Earth, and this to some extent undermines the ability of the audience to accept the tale even on conditional terms. Although apparently audiences did.
Rated 18 Jan 2013
If I wanted to watch dirty dancing I'd just watch dirty dancing. Lazy plot, lots of cliches, I really don't see how so many people were duped into thinking this was good.
Rated 15 Jan 2013
I'm not sure why, but this film touched me. It's not your 'typical' romantic comedy. It has depth and it deals with real life issues, such as mental illness. There is little to none of your standard Hollywood sauce poured onto it, either. Cooper and Lawrence have intense chemistry, a joy to watch. De Niro is great as (almost) always. All in all an original film within the genre.
Rated 04 Feb 2014
Despite the fact that it's basically a standard rom-com apparently written by someone, who don't subscribe to the basics of dramaturgy, and despite the free range ACTING gets monotonously "intense" as one dialogue-heavy scene randomly slides into another (Chris Tucker of all people showing the most restrain), it's ultimately too inoffensive to be characterized as anything other than a somewhat offbeat romantic comedy.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Did anyone else notice a slightly overweight, washed up stand up artist in this? No? But I swear one kept popping up at the most random of times to tell awkward jokes, serve as the mustard on a mayonnaise-on-white sandwich, and help push along a mediocre script about...I don't know, some guy who likes to wear a garbage bag. Did I just imagine all this?
Rated 30 Mar 2013
When I heard Jennifer Lawrence had won the Best Actress Oscar for this film, I had to see it was deserved, and to an extent it surprisingly was! As for the film itself, it has sharp and slick humour but after a rather intense start, it starts to fizzle out into more of a usual rom-com which is rather frustrating. The shift in tone is probably meant to represent them bettering their lives etc. but it does feel a tad forced. Ultimately a forgettable film, but it's still pretty good.
Rated 21 Feb 2013
This started out really annoying and ADHD-like. But after the first 45 minutes or so everything got better as I downed a couple glasses of wine and some beers and felt less clear and a bit more foggy; and happy. And then it actually turned to a very likeable mediocre romantic love stoOH MY GOD is that Julia Stiles?!?...I feel old...
Rated 28 Jan 2013
A nice film that reminds us all why we don't see Julia Styles more often these days..
Rated 22 Jan 2013
totally forgettable romantic comedy... one of the most unsuccessful depictions of bipolar disorder on screen... cartoon characters, superficial script..
Rated 19 Jan 2013
Why do such great performances and such a great premise have to be wasted on such a cliche story? "It's about two people who have been mentally shaken by personal trauma who come together and help each other rebuild their lives." You got me so far. "DeNiro turns in his best performance in years as he plays an OCD gambler, filled with regret over his failings as a father." Wow, totally sold! "Spoilers, the finale is a dance contest to cover dad's bet." Ugh... Good, but could be so much better
Rated 19 Jan 2013
Not funny, poor writing, shallow, incredibly predictable. Really can't believe anyone liked this, it was insufferable. It uses mental illness as a mask to hide how bad and overdone the movie actually is. What? He chooses the new girl over the old one in the end? Never seen that before! The difference between this movie and most romantic comedies is that all the characters here are unlikable. One of those movies that people will look back on and think "wtf, 8 Oscar nominations? jesus" so terrible
Rated 30 Nov 2012
It's a movie you're glad to inhabit for a full two hours, because it never stops surprising you - it's lopsided and spotty, but it's alive in a way that suddenly makes you remember to what degree most Hollywood movies aren't.
Rated 31 Mar 2018
The acting is fantastic, but the film is frustrating in many ways. I suppose that's on purpose, trying to convey a sense of chaos that the main characters experience. Many who do not suffer from mental illness may not understand decisions characters make - I personally found some behaviors overwhelming - but from what I've heard, it accurately captures some aspects of bipolar disorder with mood swings. The final act is a bit more conventional than the set up, but overall it's a good movie.
Rated 11 Apr 2015
disgusting, vile, nauseating trash.
Rated 22 Feb 2015
A schmlatzy pastiche of a movie - but perfectly executed. It works because everyone involved in it is frankly much better than the material. Lawrence won an Oscar, but in truth the script sidelines her. A better rewrite would have given us a proper romantic comedy, and her a full starring role, rather than just being "the girl" in Cooper's dramedy. The many genre tropes are captured so expertly, so easily, and with a hint of knowing irony, that it shames many actual romcoms and sports movies.
Rated 24 Jul 2014
A completely dishonest, unbelievable portrayal of the mentally ill. O. Russell has absolutely no idea how those with bipolar, depression, or OCD actually function and, more importantly, communicate with one another. Contrived, predictable, superficial. I'm giving it a 40 because Lawrence did very well with what she had, and it was technically produced well.
Rated 23 Jun 2014
Silver Linings Playbook is one of my favourite films of 2012 and it's one of the most pleasing and feel good vibed films in years. David O'Russell's overall direction is solid, it's superbly written and the cast is stellar. Cooper and Lawrence both give the performances of their careers to date. De Niro gives his best performance in years and Weaver is as equally brilliant alongside him. Silver Linings Playbook remarkably manages to approach the subject of mental illness with humour and heart.
Rated 01 Mar 2014
You see my husband died on the way back from victoria's secret, that's why I'm a nymphomaniac now
Rated 04 Feb 2014
Didn't care for any of the characters. Wasn't interested in the plot contrivances, and didn't find any of it funny. The overriding emotion I felt through the majority of this movie was one of annoyance.
Rated 02 Aug 2013
Exactly what Cinema_Asia says. On a superficial level the acting is great, but it's still a formulaic falling-for-a-MPDG story that uses mental illness as a plot mechanic which is then dropped in the last third of the film. Nothing feels real apart from the dramatic ambitions of the two leads. The fact that the De Niro character's ridiculous gamble (literally all of his assets) is encouraged by everyone else is symptomatic of this.
Rated 15 Jun 2013
Disgusting, poorly-written, manipulative claptrap. It's like a network sit-com...about (extremely photogenic) mental illness.
Rated 14 Jun 2013
Unrealistic dialogue, contrived drama, strange character motivation, characters who show up out of nowhere for no good reason. Artificial all around.
Rated 28 May 2013
Entirely conventional love story featuring characters who are manipulative and downright mean. Like, all of them are. But the film expects us to love them in the end. The film itself is sick in the head, and not in an adorable eccentric way, but in a dangerously unhinged way. It will do you damage.
Rated 21 May 2013
I was absolutely amazed by this film. I read this was a romantic comedy-drama, but I must say that this film transcends all of those genres. It's much more than that. We get in fact a very simple story that's all about love and struggling, but the characters lift it up to a whole new level. Not only Pat and Tiffany are suffering and struggling with themselves, but every character seems to have some sort of mental condition, which makes it tragic, but hilareous and even recognizable.
Rated 18 May 2013
Very original, fresh and different story with some memorable, idiosyncratic characters and first-rate acting. Like the characters in the film, the plot took me on a emotional roller coaster, ranging from sadness and grief, grueling conflict and anguish, humor, and finally a profoundly moving and satisfying joy. I really wish Hollywood would come up with more films of such high quality as "Silver Linings Playbook," but I guess one must suffer watching all the dreck to find the true gems.
Rated 11 May 2013
O. Russell's excentric style of direction fits the material, I guess, but it went on my nerves, along with his proneness to deriving humor from pitching scenes unnaturally highly. However, he gets much credit back for drawing ace performances which, despite some frustrations, made this memorable and enjoyable. But was the manufactured boosting of stakes in the final act really necessary when the film up until then had succeeded in mostly avoiding romantic comedy conventionality?
Rated 31 Mar 2013
This movie is funny and Jennifer Lawrence is adorable as always, but the take on mental illness is very basic and not real. In the end is a forgettable movie and probably won't stand the test of time
Rated 23 Feb 2013
Annoyingly filmed Rom Com. What is it with David O. Russell? He's not half bad at directing crazy, quirky character comedies. So why is he so obsessed with sports movies? Lesser titles like 'Over the Top' may be clueless about overall story, but have vastly superior training montages, buildup of tension and execution of final competition. See what you did there, David? You made me praise the director of 'Over the Top'. One of us will be going to hell for that... and Julia Stiles will be joining.
Rated 09 Feb 2013
Cooper's bipolar disorder and his symptoms don't match. Cooper's acting is subpar as usual. Halfway through the film, all signs of mental illness have DISAPPEARED! And at the end, everyone's problems are solved. No more mental illness! Complete crap and borderline award fodder.
Rated 08 Feb 2013
There's nothing original in the film, except maybe the exploitation of a somewhat more serious subject. As much as I enjoy watching Jennifer Lawrence dance, there's just not much more to see in the film. The camerawork was annoying and the story line mostly just a big cliche. Why people seem to love it, is beyond me.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
it's charming but the characters are a bit shallow and at the end its a much repeated cliche
Rated 20 Jan 2013
The trailer for this movie made me go wide-eyed in horror. It looked like a bad parody of Oscar-bait. I watched it intending to hate it, for the purpose of being able to trash it properly as the Oscars approach. But then I accidentally really, really enjoyed it. God damn it.
Rated 14 Jan 2013
resolves all things jagged and messy about its setup in the most amiable way possible, terrified of committing to any kind of instability; cooper takes his pills, we all take our pills, everyone lives happily ever after. this film HATES the mentally ill; anything that doesn't conform to formula, heartwarming uplift, conventional physical beauty. lawrence's rant about liking and accepting parts of herself that convention deems ugly, if read as the film's mission statement, is wildly disingenuous.
Rated 13 Jan 2013
Well-acted, well-balanced and, well, likeable for a long time, before sadly falling back on a few too many standard plot wrap-ups from Screenwriting For Dummies in the final act. But Lawrence proves "Winter's Bone" was no fluke, and good to see De Niro actually sink his teeth into a role for a change.
Rated 03 Jan 2013
It's a serious trick to fool an audience into believing that two bipolar people are an ideal couple.
Rated 26 Dec 2012
I hate myself for liking this so much. There's a bunch of terribly unnecessary plot contrivances, but it actually is sort of right about mental illness, where it could have been safer/easier to make something cute (especially considering the Hollywood talent involved)
Rated 22 Dec 2012
Yeah, you know I didn't see this on my own or by choice.
Rated 10 Dec 2012
The script was a bit contrived (why does every character show up at every event in Philly?), but it's well-directed and acted. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. The ending lost some of the interesting aspects of the film and characters and could have been the end to any rom-com. But still worth the watch. Plus it's good to see De Niro acting again.
Rated 23 Sep 2022
It is intense, but in a good way.
Rated 30 Jun 2022
Really sweet. No criticisms. Both characters were a mess, and Pat wasn't very likeable at all throughout most of the film. But it's unexpectedly hilarious & also quite touching.
Rated 02 Mar 2022
It's a good move to see for anger management genre
Rated 05 Apr 2020
Oh, what the heck. If you're starving for a romcom, and I know you are, this is a decent one.
Rated 09 Nov 2019
Would you want these two to procreate?
Rated 17 Apr 2018
I really dig the concept and the amazing lead performances that thankfully do not resort to usual stereotypes about mental illnesses. Unfortunately the ending is, in my opinion, utter horseshit and ruins a lot of the movie for me.
Rated 04 Apr 2018
good movie
Rated 14 Nov 2017
It's a little surprising to see such success in a romance movie between two people whom the writer made no efforts to make likable, but hey, I guess weirdos, liars, and cutthroats fall in love too. Definitely doesn't deserve the splash it made in 2012, but it was a fairly decent movie.
Rated 30 Sep 2017
People too manipulative and competition-oriented to my taste. But still happy mood in the end.
Rated 14 Aug 2017
For a film that has two people who suffer from mental illness, this film knows nothing about it. Both Cooper and Lawrence suffer from a "quirky mental illness" in which people act like what they think people with real mental disorders would act. While I didn't find the film totally offensive, I do think that films like this should stop being made because it gives the people with the real illnesses the wrong appearance.
Rated 07 Aug 2017
A movie made of excellent performances and a great portrayal of different mental illnesses, it's also a funny black comedy.
Rated 17 Dec 2015
Fails to address its characters' illnesses in a substantive manner, instead dressing the windows of an average rom-com by equating mental disorder with comedic relief, unconventional quirk, and schmaltzy transcendentalism.
Rated 17 Feb 2015
Non-traditional romance with sharp humor and witty characters.
Rated 15 Jan 2015
Cooper, Stiles, and Lawrence were great. Gaylord Fokker's father-in-law? Not so much. I don't know if he's typecast now or what, but damn it De Niro, don't become Adam "one note" Sandler.
Rated 04 Jan 2015
I thought that Jennifer Lawrence was just amazing. I think Bradley Cooper was my favorite. The casting choices were perfect, and the comedy was pretty funny. Russel did a great job with this movie, and i hope to see more like this.
Rated 20 Oct 2014
Usually I'm not a sucker for a happy ending, and maybe I'm fraying at the edges of my sanity, but the ending joined Schindler's List, Dear Zachary, and Gladiator in the films that made me cry. FUCK YOU DONT JUDGE ME
Rated 26 Sep 2014
My favorite Russell film, however hokey it might be (and it is), mostly because of it's genuine affection for it's almost-characters despite their basic one-dimensionality (unlike the nearly inherent condescension of American Hustle). Sure it shamelessly advertises it's intent to be 'The Graduate for a Medicated Generation' or some such shit from the opening seconds, but keep in mind Zach Braff tried to do the same thing a decade ago and we all know how that turned out...
Rated 20 Sep 2014
First act = 33/33. Second act = 30/33. Third act = 2/34. Somehow I feel I was tricked into watching a rom-com chick flick. By the end I needed a case of wine just to help digest that much cheesiness. It even had the 360 pano around the kiss at the end. Blahhh. And things were going so well too.
Rated 08 Feb 2014
I thought the first half was painfully boring, the second half was a bit more watchable but it also became more ridiculous and more clichéd. Most of the characters were highly irrational, unbelievable and annoying, the writing both unrealistic and nothing special even though it seemed to think it was. The performances weren't bad but not amazing. The message is laughable and the morality horrendous. I strongly disliked J.Lawrence in this but then again I don't think I've liked her in anything.
Rated 24 Dec 2013
after all the hype it got, i was a bit underwhelmed. the film's strongest point was its ability to showcase mental illness in such a real, relatable way. my biggest problem came with the story elements and consequent character development - i couldn't rationalize a lot of the story elements that happened, which in turn made me feel like the characters broke motivation time and time again. the ending was also severely underwhelming.
Rated 30 Sep 2013
seriously, is that it? script needed a serious re-working. its a cute story and all, but way to linear to make any bit of impression in the end.
Rated 31 Aug 2013
Jennifer Lawrence was awesome as the quirky but damaged widow, and Bradley Cooper character, more than just a little nutty, was a pleasure to watch, despite his little episodes. The plot played out somewhat predictably, but even though you knew what was coming, it was still enjoyable to watch it unfold. Interesting to the end, a few comical moments and sometimes heartwarming. A must see for Jennifer Lawrence fans.
Rated 04 Aug 2013
Started well but didn't live up to the hype. David O. R. is the master of conflict and chaos, as we saw in The Fighter and the beginning of this film. But I was not expecting so much schmaltz and uninspired will-they-won't-they repressed romance garbage. Especially since the two bipolar-ish characters were fascinating initially and had some great dialogue together. The whole football/betting/competition endgame felt like some kind of feelgood indie rom-com penned by a Disney-wannabe hack writer.
Rated 03 Aug 2013
Silver Linings Playbook is GOOD, but not the GREAT movie I'd heard everyone say it is. The acting and writing are good, but nothing amazing, and I found the story to be predictable. Worth watching but did not live up to my expectations.
Rated 29 Jul 2013
Great film.
Rated 17 Jul 2013
An extremely well-acted, well-written dramedy that held my attention from beginning to end. The performances all around are top notch.
Rated 16 Jul 2013
A nice, pleasant rom-com with strong acting, but nowhere near deserving of all the praise it gets. O. Russell's direction is energetic and snappy and the actors all do well (in fact, De Niro delivers his finest dramatic performance in years) but the -strictly middlebrow- script oversimplifies issues that are complex by definition, overuses formulaic dialogue and offers a disappointing, syrupy conclusion.
Rated 14 Jun 2013
Тhe screenplay is just missing. The plot is naïve, it disregards the own rules that it sets, it was cheesy, predictable, and was nothing else but a standard rom-com, contrary to what we were made to believe prior to the release of the film. Тhe sudden change of direction in the last 30 minutes of the film descended it into uninteresting and predictable rom-com clichés. Having said that, it was still enjoyable.
Rated 10 Jun 2013
Pleasant enough, but overrated.
Rated 08 Jun 2013
this is the definitive chick flick. a bipolar football fan with anger issues entering a dance competition? i've seen third rate sci-fi movies make more sense than this. but hey, ms lawrence is cute, and yeah that's the silver lining in this one.
Rated 02 Jun 2013
Making a good film about mental illness is hard enough. Making a comedy about it is an even tougher act to pull off. Russell tries and only occasionally succeeds in this regard. It's enjoyable enough but the mental illness aspect of the story is mostly reduced to simplistic renderings, usually playing second fiddle to the film's romantic and redemption themes. Thank the heavens then for Jennifer Lawrence. She elevates the whole thing.
Rated 15 May 2013
Silver Linings Playbook is close to a generic, predictable rom-com. Some good scenes and a good performance by Jennifer Lawrence save this from being and a twist with mental illness just save this from falling into generic rom-com territory. Overall I expected more.
Rated 07 May 2013
The reason I liked this movie is that you have two people who are down at their lowest getting together and making improvement in their life for the better. The movie is a below average romantic comedy. De Niro is back to doing what he does best, acting well. There is a bit of chemistry between Copper and Lawrence. I personally dont think Lawrence deserved an Oscar for this performance. However, in my opionion this year awards were pretty political.
Rated 07 May 2013
Never warmed up to Bradley Cooper's bipolar personality, but Jennifer Lawrence is as always a charmer.
Rated 06 May 2013
The first two thirds are refreshingly authentic, emotionally honest, and genuine - a true look at what mental illness is like, with naturalistic dialog and some really funny moments. Unfortunately, the last act seems to forget how good the first 2 acts are and devolves into romantic comedy formula. Characters seem to abandon their authentic traits and begin saying and doing all the things required to wrap up the plot. What the hell happened?
Rated 23 Apr 2013
Unexpected gem of a film. Nice and easy going all the way through but kept me interested. Cooper and Lawrence were fantastic as were all the others. Witty and charming.
Rated 22 Apr 2013
A lovely romantic comedy. Deniro is the best he has been in years with a charmingly understated support role. The film builds a sense of unwarranted paranoia throughout that helps you relate even more with Bradley Coopers character.
Rated 22 Apr 2013
I couldn't stand it longer than 20 minutes. terrible beginning, so I can really tell if it gets better later. Just .. I don't want to try
Rated 16 Apr 2013
This movie is just begging for oscars
Rated 15 Apr 2013
Jennifer Lawrence = PERFECTION!
Rated 13 Apr 2013
A solid rom com carried mainly by its great acting. I thought the characters were very interesting and fun to watch because of the great performances from everyone. While being fun to watch, they didn't seem very realistic. I dont know a ton about mental health but some of the surrounding characters seemed at times ignorant. It was sort of shallow and offered no real insight into the theme. The ending furthers this and manages to disappoint by being very cliche and feeling rushed.
Rated 02 Apr 2013
an unconventional romance...sadly, with an all too conventional ending.
Rated 20 Mar 2013
The tone of this film changed on a dime, multiple times. In a very good way.
Rated 26 Feb 2013
Not bad romcom due to good story and performances. Still I'd have preferred more 'cloudy' ending to emphasize 'silver lining' outcome.
Rated 26 Feb 2013
My main takeaway from SLP was being surprised at how good Bradley Cooper was. The cast was great, but the story isn't overly complex or deep (even though it's dealing with a serious issue), which is a big knock against it. The ending feels like a big cop out, and it wraps up *way* too easily. I don't mean this to sound like the movie is a piece of shit (because it definitely isn't), but it's more firmly on the side of "cute" than "great".
Rated 24 Feb 2013
I'm shocked that this movie received so many acting nominations. It clearly tries to mask overacting with the veil of mental illness. Don't be fooled this is a slightly above average Rom Com (and that's only because it doesn't treat the audience like morons). Here however, I use the term Rom Com to describe its plot structure more so than to say its actually being romantic or funny. Instead of making a statement on mental illness it just uses it as a crutch to help further an unoriginal plot.
Rated 17 Feb 2013
Good film. Cooper and Lawrence do a fantastic job.
Rated 12 Feb 2013
It's weird to see critics uniformly praising David O. Russell for his first bad film. The idea of making a honest rom-com starring a complete mental case was done before in "Punch-Drunk Love", except that was good. This is just phoney and cliché-ridden. The actors are all very good, it's the material itself that's rotten in my opinion.
Rated 10 Feb 2013
Who the fuck are these people?!
Rated 10 Feb 2013
very boring stuff....please stop doing movies like these
Rated 04 Feb 2013
Surprisingly solid all around. Great writing, good acting and decent directing.


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