Silent Running
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Silent Running

1h 29m
Lowell Freeman looks after plants in giant space greenhouses. Back on earth, all the trees have long vanished... (imdb)
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Silent Running

1h 29m
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Avg Percentile 45.84% from 753 total ratings

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Rated 18 Aug 2011
This will not stand. This goddamn, tree hugging piece of hippie shit taking a piss in the face of my beloved sci fi genre. My beloved and versatile genre that has scared me to death with fierce creatures from the beyond, let me dream of galaxies far, far away and let me travel through time and dimensions. And the this: A Joan Baez scored movie with a 'must kill people to save forests'-message. It did introduce me to concept of circular pool though. Also: nice use of multiple-amputee actors.
Rated 29 Aug 2007
Dern is fantastic in this '70s eco-friendly SF thriller. Bleak and ultimately defeatist, it's still a fascinating product of its time, and one of Freder's guilty pleasures. Certainly much different from and superior to most anything being done in the genre today.
Rated 29 Nov 2018
It's decent, thoughtful, but maybe a bit slight. And I don't really want to see it again soon because it made my throat go a bit sore and my eyes verge on watering. Damn robots...
Rated 05 Jun 2010
Every time I heard Joan Baez' voice I cringed.
Rated 18 Nov 2009
Very strange film. You wonder if it's supposed to be a film for tree-hugging hippies, or quite the opposite, a film exposing Greenpeace lovers for the murderous crazy loons they really are. For sheer attempt at doing something different this movie deserves an audience, but at the end of the day, the premise and story is plain silly: A highly trained astronaut cannot figure that trees need sunlight? If you think about it, almost a kinda precursor to the Alien 3 that never was. Acquired taste.
Rated 20 Aug 2017
If you watched that movie about Matt Damon growing potatoes on Mars and thought "I need more of that shit!", Bruce Dern growing melons in a spaceship might be your best call.
Rated 23 May 2015
Soylent Green's awkward, rarely-seen cousin with dreadlocks.
Rated 02 Feb 2010
The nadir of post-Easy Rider new HW cinema, this heavy handed and glacial exercise in eco-wankery also stands as one of the worst sci-fis I have ever seen. This, mainly, is because it is the wrong kind og bad. Not that the film isn't ridiculous enough, but it's much too self-indulgent to fly as good camp and way too slow to pull off duty on a double bill with other pretentious, but funnier, sci-fiers like Zardoz. And while I am an advocate of shit cinema, this load just doesn't sit right with me
Rated 14 Oct 2020
I don't really like this film. In fact, I think Bruce Dern is the secret villain. His co-workers certainly don't take their jobs seriously, but Dern is a royal asshole to them. Plus ... he murders them when things don't go his way. He then exploits the poor little robots, giving them the privilege of continuing to do all their own work AND helping him in his precious garden, and this is after they're down 1 robot (who Dern berates for dying).
Rated 23 Apr 2009
it's easy to tell this is a product of the disillusion popular in the end of the 60's with the views of lowell, and the whole plot in the first place, not to mention a soundtrack provided by joan baez. still, as a movie it lacks, saving forests in space is great and everything, but show me a little more entertainment man, and robots playing poker doesnt count.
Rated 01 May 2011
Could have been an interesting film with a good setup and effects, but it never gets out of first gear. Not only is there little explanation of what's going on, the more things are revealed the less sense the whole film makes, right up to a finale that's surprising because it's so obvious that it makes no sense as a climax. Still, the mood is well done enough that it's not a total waste, and short enough that it's over by the time you decide to bail.
Rated 22 Jan 2011
Highly disappointed.
Rated 07 Jan 2011
Preachiness (e.g. Joan Baez on the sdtrk!) becomes almost a non-issue as the focus turns 2 the mystery of what will become of Dern's isolated protagonist & 2 its credit, the film never excuses Dern's actions. It's also suprisingly prescient given that the utter indifference towards nature expressed by most of the characters seems profoundly less far-fetched than it used 2. It's a fair bet that plenty of today's Ayn Randian conservatives would find Dern's activist arguments completely w/out merit
Rated 12 Aug 2010
If you think this movie is great you should try watching it because it's honestly not, it's really awful
Rated 03 May 2010
Great Scott Billy! Plants need sunlight!
Rated 04 Oct 2021
What's engaging about this film is less the environmentalism but how the theme of isolation ties into that. The film shows how motivation falters in the face of extreme loneliness where even the most ardent of advocates can lose desire for a cause when placed in a situation of excessive loneliness and boredom. On the other hand, the film doesn't explore the intriguing environmental ideas it conceives and it ends up becoming more of a means to reach other plot beats than be something substantial.
Rated 15 Feb 2016
Bruce Dern plays "that guy", the environmentalist conspiracy theorist so well i was angry the whole movie. Not much happens so my score is mostly devoted to my love for 70s scifi asthetic and how cool everything looks here. The drones were great.
Rated 21 Jan 2009
Well-intentioned, perhaps, and a reasonable premise, but very poorly executed in nearly all departments.
Rated 13 Feb 2012
Watchable and very influential. Huey's attempt at planting a tree had me in stitches! Fucken soundtrack is TERRIBLE though.
Rated 05 Jan 2009
A very iconic film that, while great for the stuff it inspired (Wall E, MST3k) doesn't really stand on its own, but feels like a short story stretched to a full length movie.
Rated 05 Oct 2008
The whole movie could have ended in minute 18, but instead it was extended more and more to no end. Douglas trumbull has other talents, definitely not directing.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
It's not as simplistic as many people think. Yes it's hippies in space but there's a dark psychological side to that which plays out beautifully. The music by none other than Peter Schickele equals the special effects in its grandeur (although the Baez songs are possibly too much) & Dern is convincing as the dedicated & slightly psychotic ecologist. Also the robots are just brilliantly used & the story is painfully tragic & uncompromising. I can't believe they made a family film as bold as this.
Rated 06 Aug 2012
After the slaughter to save the beloved forest, the movie drags us along, forcing us to watch this space hippie try to coexist with his robot friends. The rather simplistic message on humanity and nature is fully told and then abandoned after the first 15 min, leaving viewers in disbelief as to what the whole point of the movie is. Why didn't it build on that message? What an aimless mess.
Rated 19 Feb 2008
Hippies in space! Less a great sci-fi movie than it is a different one, this is worth catching for the adorable robots
Rated 04 Jan 2020
Pretty dumb sci-fi space movie made in an era where 2001 had put grandiose ideas in some producers' heads but true accomplishments like Alien were still light years away from happening. The action sequences in this stand the test of time about as well as Doctor Who or Star Trek episodes from the 60s.
Rated 14 Oct 2016
The model ships look great and the interiors are convincing, but every flyby looks totally unconvincing to me. This was surprising considering the film's reputation as technically ahead of its time. The less said about the plot, the better.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Bruce Dern isn't bad, but the story is kind of ridiculous (I'm no environmental scientist, but I have a suspicion that if no plants existed on Earth, there would be no oxygen-breathing life left). The parts with Joan Baez' soundtrack are unintentionally hilarious. It's short enough that you aren't super pissed about watching it, but it isn't good.
Rated 27 Jul 2014
Interesting hippie vibe, which I haven't often seen in sci-fi (normally a wasteland of post apocalyptic, or bright shiny utopias). Dern is capable, but really could use a sharper script with a little bit of intelligence in it.
Rated 28 Jan 2014
A slightly dull and dated oddity but it may need to be seen in the context of the time it was made.
Rated 19 Dec 2018
There I was thinking why this movie didn't show up in any pop culture reference or Sci-Fi list, when you watch it you realize: "It's terrible". Be aware.
Rated 28 Jan 2024
The Sci in this Sci-Fi is borderline farcical. The Fi in this Sci-Fi resembles a runner up submission in a 6th grade short story competition. Luckily it's short.
Rated 16 Dec 2021
There is enough here to recommend it, but it's not a great film. Plants need sun? Joan Baez's voice is irritating.
Rated 04 Feb 2022
The set design is fantastic. Good story.
Rated 06 Feb 2022
I completely understand why this painfully sincere film about a man who has made a brutally uncomfortable (and perhaps ultimately fruitless) bit of ethical calculus might be divisive, but I loved it. Not surprisingly from Trumbull, the look of the production is beautiful; more unexpected is the script's strength of moral conviction both in favour of and against its tortured protagonist. That it ends on such a bittersweet note is enough proof that its idealism isn't unreflexive.
Rated 19 Aug 2022
Interesting enough premise, but too slow.
Rated 23 May 2023
I had to look up who was behind a couple of those awful songs that absolutely don't fit the movie in any way. It's Joan Baez if anyone is curious. Dern's performance doesn't work unfortunately, but neither does the paper thin script. It's too odd and campy to be taken seriously.
Rated 22 Oct 2023
Like his other work, great production design, bad dialogue
Rated 18 Dec 2023
Weltraumgärtner rettet den letzten Rest des irdischen Ökosystems und geht dabei über Leichen. Quasi ein Film, um unbedarfte Hippies zu radikalisieren. Rund 20 Jahre später begann der Bau von Biosphäre 2 in Arizona.
Rated 22 Feb 2007
Rated 11 Apr 2010
It's enjoyable in the way that you don't want anyone to know you liked it. Simple, could've been done better, but not terrible.
Rated 28 May 2007
Unique sf story about a biologist who kills his shipmates to save the last trees
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Bruce Dern is outstanding in this ecology tale of robots, the last plant life and space truckers. Well thought out, as well as visually impressive
Rated 29 Sep 2007
Goofy '60's stuff.
Rated 08 Apr 2008
Has some really interesting ideas and the robots are great, but it's just not quite enough.
Rated 19 Apr 2008
I've always had a soft spot for this movie, but Doug Trumbull should have just stuck to visual FX instead of trying his hand at directing. Silent Running has an interesting premise that reveals the time it was made in and some of the visuals are outstanding, the robots are cute and all, but Dern just can't carry the entire movie on his own, not least due to the lack of a powerful script. And so this movie plods on and gets unintentionally hilarious at times.
Rated 07 Oct 2008
Tough to score this one...Took a somewhat good premise and butchered it to hell. Psychodude kills everybody to save plants and even takes out a handicapped robot for absolutely no reason. That and the CRAPPIEST soundtrack to a movie EVAR.
Rated 09 Jan 2009
Uninspiring hippie sci-fi with a confused environmentalist message. The main character is supposed to be this incredibly dedicated botanist, but his revelation at the end suggests that he's tremendously bad at his job. Dern has an interesting presence, but he's really not a very good actor. And Joan Baez is hard to stomach under any circumstances. The only thing about this movie that rises above average are the special effects. Everything else is pretty hokey, clichéd, or mediocre.
Rated 28 Jan 2009
worth seeing if you have a sense of humor. if you are a sci fi purist, stay away. "In the sun......."
Rated 25 Jun 2009
Quiet, gentle, and thought provoking, even if it's a little bit weird in places.
Rated 11 Sep 2009
Sci-fi with soul, even if the guy is a bit violent for a hippy
Rated 22 Nov 2013
Much, much better than studying for my Environmental Science test - that's for sure.
Rated 12 May 2010
Typical 70s Science Fiction ideals are put on display in this film. It's filled with lovable droids, and a plot that makes your head spin. However, whats lacking is a sense of humanity. The conflicted protagonist doesn't leave you cheering for him, and his derangement only serves to alienate the audience. Overall though, an incredible character study on what happens when one man's life is destroyed at the push of a button.
Rated 07 Sep 2010
Eric Cartman's least favourite film, that is for sure.
Rated 19 Oct 2010
"Silent Running definitely shows its age." - Ed Gonzalez
Rated 29 Jul 2011
The production design is very clearly influential to future science fiction works; the subject matter is not. Bruce Dern the Space Hippie (in a good performance) fights to protect the space bunnies and the space trees from the space rednecks to the sound of the two worst Joan Baez songs ever composed. The stuff related to environmentalism falls flat; the more inspired moments stem from Dern's lonely interactions with his robot friends. The ending is bad and accentuates the film's aimlessness.
Rated 12 Dec 2011
Saygı duyulması gereken bir konu ama basit bir anlatım.
Rated 20 Mar 2012
Hippie steals interstellar wildlife preserve and takes it for a spin around Saturn. Modifies some cartridges for his mobile Atari 2600s because he's a little lonely.
Rated 03 Jun 2012
Sheesh, what an unlikable protagonist. I think nature is awesome, but I would never want to have something in common with such a butt-hurt douchbag. Moral values displayed are questionable, to put it mildly. One thing this film has going for it is originality. I would recommend it because of that even when the movie is mostly Dern making dramatic chipmunk expressions and Dern playing cards with some weird robots. File it under 'odd'.
Rated 23 Aug 2012
its great to see the great great grandfathers of Wall E in this weird, eco-friendly sci-fi with music by Joan Baez (WTF?)
Rated 20 Nov 2012
Utterly depressing and bleak.
Rated 15 Apr 2013
This is a great looking film, and the soundtrack (excepting cringe-worthy songs sung by Joan Baez) is pretty good too, but the plot is not well executed enough for me to care enough about Freeman. It's a shame because so much love has obviously gone into this film, it's a pity they couldn't pull it off.


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