Shutter Island
Shutter Island
Your probable score
Shutter Island

Shutter Island

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 18m
Two U.S. Marshalls are sent to a federal institution for the criminally insane to capture a violent female escapee.

Shutter Island

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 18m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 62.98% from 15464 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 05 Mar 2010
Shutter Island is a deep and complex picture. It is more than what is tossed to us. It is an examination of a man, his sanity, and the avocation of the populace. The film is too predictable. You know it, I know it, but I believe it is obvious for a reason. Scorsese made a film that is purely psychological; there is NO twist. What we the viewer are left with is an ending that is meant to be explored to the point of being able to find the answer only in between the lines, and in the shades of grey
Rated 27 Feb 2010
"Hey, I have an idea! Let's make a two-and-a-half hour movie centered around a twist but reveal it in the first five minutes. And let's get a great director who totally isn't suited to this type of picture. Oh, and we can't forget giving the movie absolutely no re-watch value. Yup. Oscar Gold." UPDATE FOUR YEARS LATER: I hate this review but with 12 stars, to re-do it would be pretty vain. So here.
Rated 28 Feb 2010
This film has a few flaws: a few elements are overdone, the reveal/flashback wasn't handled perfectly, and some of the events are harder to understand in retrospect. Still, the suspense is intense, it's brilliant insight into a character, the cinematography mirrors the line between reality and insanity, the ending is fantastic, and it has all the positive hallmarks of a Scorsese film.
Rated 26 Feb 2010
Maybe if I had never seen a Scorsese movie before I possibly could've given this a higher score. But I have, and in comparison to his best movies (Goodfellas, Raging Bull, etc.), this doesn't even compare. It was a decent movie, but for Scorsese's standards it's one of his worst, if not the worst. Too predictable, I felt like I've seen this same plot unfold a hundred times. The acting was fine but the script needed some major work. Very disappointing.
Rated 21 Feb 2010
Contrived, heavy-handed, and uninvolving. Whatever cinematic virtues it may possess, and whatever ideas may have animated the filmmakers (say about 1950s craziness), the conclusions are trite and the punches telegraphed. Even in terms of the more or less generic entertainment it is clearly intended to be, the result is less than satisfying. As with Lehane's MYSTIC RIVER an overwrought script was the major flaw. Scorsese's least successful feature (until SILENCE).
Rated 08 May 2020
It's been awhile since I've watched this but I remember enjoying it quite a bit Personally I think DiCaprio should've won a Oscar for this
Rated 03 May 2011
One of those guilty pleasures that - the talent and craftmanship behind it in mind - really shouldn't make you feel so guilty to begin with... But nevertheless an atmospheric pleasure.
Rated 02 Mar 2010
This film proves that Scorsese can handle any type of film with finese. Although Crime Dramas will always be his bread and butter, there is no let down in his attempt at a noir/thriller. Old school cliches are made fresh again, the music is foreboding and the cinematography is as drearily fantastic as the setting. Leo excells. His performance in the last act of the film reaches straight into your chest and rips out your heart. Don't expect a huge "twist," just try to decide what you believe.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
A movie that manages to be masterful and shitty and the same time. An cinematic enigma.
Rated 17 Feb 2010
Shutter Island is an amazingly ambitious journey through the mind. Starting from the very beginning, you are instilled with a sense of dread and eventually hopelessness that mirrors that of the main character. As he struggles to uncover all the mysteries of Ashecliffe, you begin to doubt whether or not he'll ever find what he's looking for and just how much of this is in the hero's mind. Never boring, Shutter Island is an unpredictable mystery with brilliant performances through out.
Rated 31 Dec 2010
The cast is so great that you could accuse Scorsese of showing off, argue that some stars were wasted, but none of them do bad work. I'm surprised that S.I. has quite a few haters and I suspect what they dislike so much is the transparency of the mystery. Hell, most viewers will have guessed the "twist" from the trailer. Who could the 67th patient possibly be? Hmmm... For me this wasn't significant. I enjoyed the style and the execution. The flashback at the end was terribly overwrought, though.
Rated 17 Nov 2010
While I like the editing and pacing at the very beginning of the movie, it turns into a surreal drama so quickly, that the very obvious twist becomes obscured by the viewers disbelief, that they'd really take the story in THAT direction. And so, all the great performances (look at the supporting cast! Haley! Levine! Koteas! Max von FUCKING Sydow!) and all the fine cinematography, cannot keep this boat afloat. Also, watching DiCaprio in this, one cannot help but thinking 'Inception: The Prequel.'
Rated 21 Aug 2010
"Shutter Island" is often criticised for being obvious, for revealing itself too early. Whilst I agree it is an obvious "twist", it doesn't matter. That isn't the point. The film isn't about the twist, it's about why the twist exists. What made it happen. How the character of the U.S. Marshall copes with it. Considering that, and combining it with the frankly flawless acting, editing, filming, and score, "Shutter Island" is a real triumph.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
An expertly crafted thriller, drawing on the influences of film noir and Hitchcock, but giving them a supernatural bent, to create something moody, intense and mysterious. Though it firmly plants its feet within the boundaries of a "genre" film, it's done with such style that it never bothered me. The score is fantastic. Could have been tightened up in spots, but an excellent film regardless - ranks with Scorsese's better works.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
Seems redundant to mention the quality of the acting, editing, pacing and camera work as this is a Scorsese picture and that is all that needs to be said. Knowing the twist from the start actually enhanced my viewing as I was more aware how the story hinted at the 'mystery'. "Shutter Island" will be a movie that gets more appreciation from a second viewing. Its also one of the gloomiest movies you will see. If I wanted to make someone upset, I would buy them the soundtrack to this film.
Rated 28 Jun 2010
Scorsese pulls off a psychological thriller quite well. Even when you think you know what's coming, you're waiting to see how it plays out, and looking for clues. There are surprises to be had, and some interesting performances, and a lot of great camerawork. I will say that it's disappointing to see Scorsese stoop so low as to do the "NOOOOOOOO!!" shot. And the explanation that goes along with the twist is a teensy bit hard to swallow. But for the vast majority of the film I really enjoyed it.
Rated 04 Mar 2010
It's pointless to go on about how good this film is due to it being a Scorcese film.
Rated 25 Feb 2010
Martin Scorsese makes an Alfred Hitchcock film.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
a tremendous thriller that is so tense i think you could use it as an aerobic workout. DiCaprio and Ruffalo are damn good, and the story is simply impossible to dislike.
Rated 15 Feb 2010
Disappointing in every aspect. The mystery is way too predictable, the aesthetics are way too generic and the characters are annoyingly clichéd. DiCaprio is simply not suited to play this role. Give us back Richard Widmark! "Shutter Island" is a decidedly mediocre Scorsese movie. The straitjackets worn by the patients of Shutter Island are nothing compared to the straitjacket that Scorsese forces his viewer to wear. Probably the antithesis to Joon-Ho Bongs awesome "Memories of Murder".
Rated 30 Apr 2023
(2nd viewing) Rewatching this film knowing how the story will unfold allows you to pick up every clue and piece of info hidden in plain sight all this time. Not that it wasn’t predictable to begin with, but I admire it when it’s executed efficiently. And how could it not, with Marty at the helm. It’s framed, directed and performed quite impressively, and another reminder of how much one can learn about filmmaking simply by watching and carefully dissecting his films. Up there with his best.
Rated 15 Dec 2017
When little girls in Italy start speaking in heavily accented impossible-to-place tongues, Catholic priests are called in from the Vatican to exorcise the Beast from the victims' frail vessels. When Leonardo DeCaprio does it, he wins himself a dinner date with Martin Scorsese.
Rated 06 Jul 2010
Loved the writing, direction and acting! I find it very suspenseful and intriguing. For me it was easy to accept the elements clearly seen before, as it is done with such craftsmanship. Though like Memento in a lot of ways, Memento is to me more a puzzle film, where as Shutter Island is truly a mystery thriller.
Rated 28 Jun 2010
More a pastiche than a good movie on its own merits. If you've seen the trailer (made with the usual talent for giving away waaay too much infomation) you won't be surprised by the "twists" of the story. A story that to a certain extend echoes the latest years horror-movie trends, but opts for slow build-up suspense rather than cheap shock-effects, and as a result creates a pleasing gothic tale.
Rated 27 May 2010
It's as if both Scorsese and Lehane watched old episodes of Twilight Zone to come up with this. Even if you don't like the premise after seeing it you would have to agree this still oozes fantastic atmosphere and works because of the good acting and suspenseful direction. But there are a few weak moments in the more "surreal" sequences and the unlikeliness of the whole scenario really tests suspension of disbelief. It's still an imaginative detour from Scorsese's comfort zone.
Rated 04 Apr 2010
Scorsese fez uma grande homenagem ao mestre do suspense Hitchcock com esse trillher psicológico. O diretor nos faz transitar entre a tênue linha da realidade/imaginação, sanidade/loucura, sem nos dar nenhuma certeza na qual nos apoiar.
Rated 02 Apr 2010
Nice Movie
Rated 16 Mar 2010
a huge disappointment for me. ridiculously beautiful shots, cool ambience, pure scorsese quality. but it just doesn't feel like it's ok. totally unsatisfying.
Rated 16 Mar 2010
Atuações, trilha incidental, fotografia (uma das melhores do Scorsese), edição e movimentos de câmera primorosos (dignas de um mestre em plena forma). O filme tem um ritimo lento, que com certeza irá afastar os preguiçosos que só querem ver mais um suspense comum. Shutter Island é tudo menos comum, se não pelo roteiro, pelas técnicas empregadas pelo melhor diretor em atividade. É muito recompensador para mim como fã, ver que o Scorsese não se acomodou nem um pouco após ganhar seu Oscar.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
Even if you probably can guess the end you still have to admire the way the movie got there.
Rated 07 Mar 2010
Perhaps not the most original but defenitely one of the most exciting films I've seen in a long while. Great acting, great camerawork, very special (but awesome) use of music and clever but most enjoyable ways of creating a tense, sometimes bit frightening atmosphere in this film. Just everything is top, which brings me to the film itself. You could say it's perhaps a bit classic in some ways, but it's refreshing in a way that it caught me off guard a few times. Unexpected and bewildering.
Rated 06 Mar 2010
Marvellous execution of what turned out to be a really bad story. Brilliant acting too. God dammit.
Rated 03 Mar 2010
Great movie. Each scene and shot had such texture; I could not only see and hear the movie, but feel it, taste it, and smell it. A sign of expert direction. The music was great throughout, creating a perfectly foreboding mood that really got me into the movie, especially in the first twenty minutes or so. The script was tight and richly layered; all sorts of clues were provided that will make a second viewing a whole different experience. A really fun and intelligent movie.
Rated 27 Feb 2010
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari for MY GENERATION.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
Insufferable. Scorsese spends a relentless 2 hours building on the same idea: perhaps our protagonist is a hero; perhaps he's insane &imagining every single (exponentially more convoluted &less feasible) thing we're seeing. If the latter: y should I pay attention? Since the film refuses 2allow us 2 trust any reality that's presented until the last half hour (&by then it's 2 late) there's nothing 2 latch onto here, no narrative or character through-line a viewer can allow themselves to invest in.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
Full of hyper-evocative imagery and a few great moments (a pair of monologues on wounds and violent men in particular). Undermining it all is a plot needlessly overstuffed with hints to the mystery, each hint laboriously explained during the interminable denouement. Rule of thumb: If your climax's explanation requires a blackboard, something's gone wrong. Still, the end, hauntingly suggesting a bit of conscious complicity with the endless cycle of deranged self-delusion, helps relieve the pain.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
It's interesting to see Scorsese tackle such a blatant genre film, and it is an impressive and vivid production. It's ultra stylish, but heavy handed and obvious. Despite being built upon cliches, it's fun to watch it all play out, but the final exposition dump is clumsy. It's just not the most elegantly scripted film, often failing to capitalize on the morbid curiosity it inspires.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
This is not my favorite Martin Scorsese movie, but I had a really good time while watching this movie. This movie starts as a mystery movie and changes to something different and that's what I liked about it. I was so entertained by performances of so many great actors and actresses. The story may be predictable but I don't think the story was the main focus of this movie. Ben Kingsley was fantastic in this movie. This movie is so well crafted I was so engaged into the movie from start to end.
Rated 20 Feb 2010
The film was predictable, but for the most part that didn't detract from the quality. The acting was excellent, the atmosphere was perfect, and the story, though heavily telegraphed, was still gripping. The actual reveal suffers from being overly long and spending too much time establishing facts that the audience has already guessed at, but the resolution feels earned and DiCaprio and Michelle Williams were great in their big scene. Doesn't break any new ground, but still worth a watch.
Rated 21 Jul 2020
It's worth a couple of watches. See it for the soundtrack.
Rated 16 Feb 2020
Well, what can I say. As with all the other "twist movies", this is a must see. The ending completely turns the whole rest of the movie on its head - á la The Sixth Sense or Fight Club. But if the twist was to be removed from the film. Ehh, I dunno doc. It's not _that_ good or an interesting of a film.
Rated 01 Feb 2018
Amazing from start to finish. I didn't guess the ending before it happened, which made me very happy. Hooray for Leonardo DiCaprio!
Rated 09 Nov 2017
My only regret regarding this movie is that it took me 7 years to watch it.
Rated 09 Jul 2015
What a stunning mindfuck! Thrills all the way from arriving at Shutter Island (2010) to the revealing end. Leave it to Leonardo DiCaprio & Martin Scorsese to deliver a superb class-A experience on all aspects of film making.
Rated 31 May 2015
Some brief tingles of dream-logic, would have been better with a bit more gothic romance and a lot less hand-holding. Seemingly came as close as hollywood dare to challenging the states narrative of ptsd as disease rather than natural reaction to guilt.
Rated 07 Jul 2014
Criminally underrated. As a fan of cinema, philosophy, and psychology, this movie has it all. It is utter genius in the form of a psychological horror. It is deep, crazy, and tonally perfect. Beautiful cinematography and Scorsese direction. One of my favorite films.
Rated 05 Oct 2012
This film seems well liked,Criticker predicted I'd give it a thumbs up and you know what? It stinks!
Rated 11 Mar 2012
It's not amazing, but I found it to be really good! It's probably not one of Scorseses finest films but it's really well-acted and sometimes unsettling. DiCaprio stands out as well. It's very entertaining and a good watch if you need something to do on an open weeknight. I'd recommend it.
Rated 08 Mar 2012
A fun puzzle movie that includes the beautiful movie-making flourishes you expect from Scorsese. I think it wouldn't work too well if you're better at figuring out movies than I am. But it's still good.
Rated 29 Jan 2012
Solid thriller. DiCaprio and Scorsese should always work together. I would have liked to have seen what Leo would have done in the Mick Jagger role of "Shine a Light."
Rated 16 Dec 2011
This is different than a lot of previous movies the director has made but it is still a very entertaining film. If you like psychological thrillers then you must check this film out. There is a nice ensemble cast and the music is great in this film.
Rated 10 Jul 2011
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I saw the twist coming within the opening five minutes. If you're going to pull that number, do it better. Or, if you're a good screenwriter, don't do it at all.
Rated 01 Jun 2011
An intriguing premise, confidently delivered. In particular, the setting is very effectively realised, and the performances are all of a very high standard. There's a lot going on here beneath the surface, so I'm keen to see it again to see what else I can get out from it.
Rated 06 Feb 2011
Scorsese and creepy are not a natural couple, but for this time it worked just fine. Especially the the middle of the film was exceptional for the feeling of paranoia and isolation it evoked. I would rather have it end up as the paranoia that was real than the real paranoia though.
Rated 01 Feb 2011
Lost me at the anagrams.
Rated 28 Dec 2010
Cute camera tricks, broken continuity, and meaningful discussions lead this to be a bit more than an atmospheric thriller leading to a cheap reveal. It has plenty of failings, but this may be more intelligent than it reveals. I don't think we should be so quick to accept all that's going on, no objective truth was given, so to speak. But even as a rigid genre film, it's stylish and moody enough.
Rated 08 Dec 2010
Knowing the twist beforehand didn't really hurt the experience, though it does tend to drag on a bit. Oozes tons of atmosphere, and has some surprisingly disturbing imagery. Ruffalo's wooden acting was a bit distracting until you realize how much it makes sense. Great ending.
Rated 03 Dec 2010
An atmospheric and clever film that keeps you questioning everything right until the end
Rated 23 Nov 2010
Shutter Island is a very good psychological thriller that also doubles as a mystery film. This mystery is more of the audience than the film's characters, and it keeps you guessing throughout. What will the ending bring us? That's a question that you will ask throughout the film. The main character is interesting, although you don't get enough of the supporting cast to make up for the quality of the talent used. It's still a great film, one that you'll want to re-watch sooner rather than later.
Rated 25 Oct 2010
About halfway through, I was caught between laughing at the continually ridiculous plot points and awaiting the expected twist. I wasn't much digging it beforehand either, despite DiCaprio owning this and some nifty dream sequences.
Rated 26 Sep 2010
Enjoyable mystery-flick with moments of genuine eerieness. The story is sort of slightly unbelievable though and in addition to this way too predictable because of the many, many hints throughout the entire movie. All in all it the whole thing seems a bit forced. One of those movies where you leave the theater thinking "Maybe should have read the book instead?".
Rated 26 Sep 2010
I really liked the parallel drawn between mental illness and communism (re: McCarthy) - after being accused of either, anything you say is suspect. For this and other reasons, Shutter Island gets compared favorably to Hitchcock's films, and rightfully so, though, for whatever reason, Marty doesn't really pull off his big twist nearly as well as the Master of Suspsense, and that damages the rewatchability a bit. Still, this is an effective thriller, and some of the casting is really inspired.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
A bit muddled and the trick isn't tricky at all, but the perfomances and direction are still top notch. Still entertaining despite a somewhat average script for a Scorsese film.
Rated 31 Aug 2010
No. Marty, you've finally lost your spot on my fave directors list (not that you should give a hoot, being famous and a millionaire and all that.) This is another example of a mindfuck movie that just doesn't work. It's too smart for its own good, I guess, and will probably leave many viewers (yours truly included) outside in the cold.
Rated 17 Aug 2010
Not a huge fan of DiCaprio but am a fan of Scorsese and the film is very good. Lots of twists and turns that are handled very well due to a polished script. Great ensemble cast and Mark Ruffalo is particularly good. Recommended!
Rated 10 Aug 2010
It would be easy to focus on this movies negatives and slight predictability, but there are far too many positives for the bad moments to really matter. Scorsese presents a straight forward psyhcological thriller with a reveal at the end. No twist, or shock plot turns, just good storytelling. Shutter Island's finest seconds are in its little details and throw away moments, miss them and you'll miss this movies point and motive. DiCaprio is excellent too and Kingsley improves most any castlist.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
Good movie. The climax is really well explained, you know something is coming but you're not quite sure what it is. The director goes for some cheap scares here and there but overall a good thinking movie that makes a broader point on psychotherapy as a whole.
Rated 16 Jul 2010
This is basically "Silent Hill 2: The Movie", which is not a bad thing at all (talking about the videogame, not the Silent Hill film). Stunning craftsmanship by everyone involved. Perhaps not a great film, but extremely well-made.
Rated 08 Jul 2010
The first 45 minutes or so are Scorsese being the brilliant filmmaker he is, but it falls off badly after that.
Rated 01 Jul 2010
Good movie, but the ending is too predictable.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
Scorsese's best film in years. He uses his most baroque style to create a hyper-emotional universe where the reality of every scene is suspect, and therefore the ending seems like an organic conclusion to the film's imagery, even if the plot presents us with a few (resolvable) difficulties. Also, this ending has thematic resonance. The post-Hiroshima American hero cannot face his crimes, retreats into conspiracy theories and welcomes a lobotomy: sounds like a history of the last 60 years.
Rated 12 Jun 2010
Scorsese has a knack for creepy imagery and the decrepit mental hospital provides more than enough opportunities for him to put most other horror directors to shame. The only real fault lies in the story, which as psychological thrillers go, has all the subtlety of an exploding car. We're given all manner of pointless backstory, ranging from the holocaust to a housefire, which at two hours plus is beyond taxing and lots of meaningless red herrings leading to a sucker punch cliche ending.
Rated 30 May 2010
The actual plot is no great shakes, but it's intense as hell and Scorsese does a great job behind the camera. It's more of a character study than a twist-filled thriller, and if you're okay with that you'll dig it.
Rated 15 Apr 2010
I can toss and turn over what I think about "Shutter Island," but at the end of the day--Mr. Scorsese and novelist Dennis Lehane succeed--their movie got me thinking, and very much so. That's a testament to movies these days. Technically, the movie is about perfect...absorbing, atmospheric, shocking, and alluring. Its only drawback is that many movies have done much the same thing. Still, Martin and Leo create a haunting experience hinging on a 'twist' where the intended surprise is up to us.
Rated 11 Apr 2010
It was well shot and had some solid acting, but i thought the story was just lame. I feel like stuff like this has been done a million times before and the so called twist that was apparently shocking america, i easily figured it out from the first preview i saw. This one was just not really up my alley
Rated 11 Apr 2010
Martin Scorsese and a cast including Max von Sydow, Ben Kingsley and an amazing Leonardo DiCaprio in one of his best performances ever, are way too good for this script. The story itself is an amalgamation of clichés: the loose-cannon cop and his docile partner, the flashbacks and daydreams, the gentlemanly but patronizing evil professors, the prophetic madmen, and of course: the smart-alecky twist, waiting to turn your whole world around. Yes, it's another "Nothing Is As It Seems" movie.
Rated 07 Apr 2010
read the book before i heard of it becoming a movie so i had that going for me...i still loved the film and the acting was great. I cant say much seeing as i already knew what was going to happen before i seen this flim, but it kept 98% accuracy which is pleasing. Only left out a few minor details. Good movie
Rated 07 Apr 2010
The boat scene, I don't remember my dreams as if they had studio light all around them.. Then they drive to the gate with background music stolen from a cheap B-movie.. Then the guard shows the wards, and you get some experimental fast panning with the camera, which totally doesn't match the overall style of the movie. Then the rest of the movie is unoriginal, predictable, and full of continuation errors(on purpose?). There are other ways to present a dream, horrible editing is a weird choice.
Rated 02 Apr 2010
Rated 25 Mar 2010
it was ok i guess
Rated 24 Mar 2010
masterpiece...Leo is one hell of an actor, heads down.
Rated 23 Mar 2010
Scorsese's excursion into the thriller/horror genre. Great!
Rated 22 Mar 2010
Scorsese, here, contributes to a long line of psychological horror (i.e. Caligari, Silent Hill 2, Jacob's Ladder), and follows all the narrative essentials of this subgenre perhaps to a fault: the "descent to hell", the "come to Jesus", the constantly subjective camera. The biggest issue is the moral resolution, where Leo is in a sense justified in his actions, lacking an almost necessary depravity - so his overall insanity is missing the emotional gutpunch it should have. Still riveting, though
Rated 19 Mar 2010
An idea not totally original, but stunningly executed. Scorsese does what is expected of a great director, and he does not disappoint. Scorsese draws the maximum of the story, creating an atmosphere distressing that confuses reality with fantasy.
Rated 19 Mar 2010
Not my cup of tea as far as category's concerned, but the movie was really great - a mysterious introduction, slowly uncovering plot that makes you believe you know everything, and an impressive twist later that strikes you hard (well, it stroke me); all this, paired with a very fitting sound score and fine acting, I actually believe it could be one of the best movies of the year. Enjoyable.
Rated 18 Mar 2010
This started off really great - the brilliant music, which kept the suspense up over the whole film, really made an impression at the very beginning. The story got a bit confused and it seemed like as if it was edited sloppy, but all that goes perfectly with the story and is, if not really necessary, a great help to putting everything together at the end. Also: is creepier than expected, but not in a bad way. I recommend
Rated 16 Mar 2010
It's a great movie even if it doesn't feel like it, maybe wrong pacing, bit predictable? Anyway, it is solid in every respect (that even includes DiCaprio's casting and his acting). Looking back it seems as if Freud directed the movie, so many references and allusions to Interpretations of Dreams and so on, therefore I can understand why someone won't like it - especially dream scenes can come of as corny etc. Great Kubrick-like soundtrack from the likes of Max Richter, John Cage etc.
Rated 13 Mar 2010
It's an excellent, at parts brilliant excercise on paranoia and suspense. Too bad for the third act, which reminded me of the very cheap tricks of trash like 'Identity.'
Rated 06 Mar 2010
Brilliant narrative craftsmanship, haunting cinematography and a feeling of Scorsese putting all of his skills as a director on display. Frowned upon by some critics and audiences, particularly in Europe, for being too fantastic and predictable, and not without reason. In my world though, 'Shutter Island' suceeds in creating doubt in the mind of the spectator, concerning the story events, making the experience between my first and second viewing, into two different movies.
Rated 02 Mar 2010
Probably one of the best movies of its kind, but it still feels a bit amateurish and even cliched. It stands taller than its compatriots like "Secret Window" in having a extremely well written script, elite acting ability, and beautifully imagined and executed "insanity" scenes. The twist isn't as mind-blowing as the trailers would have you believe, but this movie was worth the price of admission and worth at least a second viewing.
Rated 28 Feb 2010
A very solid movie built on a very weak foundation.
Rated 26 Feb 2010
Predictable, and the twist is handled weirdly, but the ending makes up for that. The rest of the film is brilliantly acted and directed, which is what makes it work. The score is really good and sets the mood perfectly, and in spite of the predictability, I haven't seen a film this tense and nerve-wracking in quite a while.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
It has finally sealed the truth: "DO NOT WATCH A LEONARDO DICAPRIO FILM" except "Catch Me if You Can."
Rated 24 Feb 2010
Whilst all in all, this style of movie is these days a bit run-of-the-mill and even tired, it's the way that Scorsese applies his craftmanship right down to the excellent score and the dark, moody cinematography that sends it into something a lot better. It's a maze of twisted memories & biting realities, coated with a deathly & sullen atmosphere. In the end it's not what is real and what isn't, it's the pattern of existence and the dark map of the mind found within & the idealism of thought.
Rated 24 Feb 2010
Featuring an ultimately tragic parable about the triumph of pharmacology in mental health, this extended Twilight Zone episode delightfully upends some tropes, but in the end is just a little too boring.
Rated 23 Feb 2010
Loved it, as i knew i would. Leo and Scorsese always deliver. Perfectly put together, and you have to love the climax when you really don't know who to trust. Movie of the year?
Rated 23 Feb 2010
Rated 22 Feb 2010
Not my favorite work from Scorsese, but still easily outmatching most contemporary thrillers. I feel Marty stepped a bit out of his element with the filming of 'Shutter Island'. Even so, "decent" from Scorsese is still better than the overachieving work of the average director. Mark Ruffalo did well, and I'm hoping to see him in any of MS's upcoming projects. A bit of a different look for DiCaprio, his characters usually carry more pep, and are not as morose and reserved. Impressive film.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
Looks like Scorcese can now ride alongside DeNiro and Pacino in the hearse.
Rated 22 Feb 2010
Top notch cinematography, notable performances, and solid pacing as expected from Scorsese. Very eerie with a brooding soundtrack setting the tone. Not his best, but still great.


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